Updating WordPress theme in manual mode. How to update WordPress theme? We make backup before updating - WordPress Database Backup

Greetings, today we have a small lesson for beginners about how to correctly update the topic of WordPress on your hosting. There is nothing difficult here, it is enough to be neat, but questions come and come with enviable constancy. Therefore, I decided to write in detail.

So, sooner or later you found that your topic requires updating. You can of course, until the pores, it is to ignore this, but still, it will be updated in the end. Moreover, as my practice shows, the longer you ignored, the more problems may arise.

In any case, before updating, make a full backup! It will never be superfluous. You can manually manually save only a folder with your old topic to the local computer for subsequent recovery in case of problems.

Update WordPress theme through the admin

Free topic from WordPress repository - everything is elementary. We see a notification and click - update the topics. After a couple of seconds you already have a new version.

Some premium themes can also be updated directly through the admin. True, almost always, you must have the purchase code in the specific theme settings. In some cases, for example, for those purchased on themeforest, you can install the Envato Wordpress Toolkit plugin. After installing this plug-in in its settings, you will need to enter the API key. You can find it in your ENVATO account. The field of this you can automatically update the topic.

Another option - stupidly deactivate and then remove your old topic from the admin. Immediately after that, download the new and activate it. Yes, everything is so simple! All settings are saved. However, I would still advise you to use this method only when it is approved by the author in the manual for your topic.

We update the topic via FTP

I wrote about how to work with FTP. This will be useful not only for updates of themes and plug-ins, but also in the whole weight of cases. In short, you must be able to work with FTP to be able to all users WP! So, you downloaded an archive with a new version of the theme. Unpacked folder with the theme for example, on your desktop and went to your server via FTP to the directory / WP-Content / Themes

Recommended method. Rename directly on the server folder with an old topic. For example, "Avada" in "_avada". After that, fill the folder with a new topic nearby. Check in the work site. If everything works fine, then just remove the old one, renamed theme. If something went wrong - delete just sprinkled, and the old one is renamed back.

Not recommended, but also quite worker. Remove the folder with the old theme and then fill in its place a new one (in fact, the same as I described above - removal from the administrator). Another option is to simply copy and rewrite with the replacement of files a new folder on the old one.

Chef, everything is gone ..!

Oh, yes, now about sore. If you are applied, during a long time picking code your topic and made in functions.php and styles' tables numerous improvements in the advice of various "Guru" - wait for problems. Most likely, all "progressive work" after the update will disappear. What to do in order not happened?

  • Do not try to replace the plugins inserting pieces of code right in the topic. There is nothing good and never will be. .
  • Use Custom Functions Plugin and Simple Custom CSS plugins and Simple Custom CSS, they will not only conveniently edit, but also save all changes in the code.
  • Use subsidiaries. For many high-quality premium, the authors have already taken care of it and deliver them along with the originals. Make all changes in functions.php a child theme and update the original then can without any problems.
  • Use special types of type Castomine CSS Code, JS Code And the like in the settings of your topic. Now not only premium themes, but even some free contain similar "cut-off wands". Changes made to these fields will not disappear.

PS. Almost all of the above will be relevant not only for those, but also to update WordPress plugins. Although, there is also their own features, but about that another time. Good luck to you and trouble-free updates, friends!

WordPress. Constantly develops, and over time the fresh versions come out. Updates allow you to eliminate the identified bugs and vulnerabilities that allow you to increase reliability WordPress. generally. It is easier and more convenient to update the WordPress automatically, but unfortunately everything is not always going smoothly.

Of course WordPressand each plugin can be updated and in manualhaving done the steps described below.

1. Before upgrading to make a backup copy of the database and files. WordPress and all plugins.

2. Deactivate the plugins used.

3. Download and unzip the new version WordPress..

4. Connect to K. FTP.where your blog is located using fTP. manager.

5. Upload files and folders of the new version. WordPress to the server with the replacement of originals with the exception of:

  • folders / WP-Content and its contents.

Files wP-config.php., robots.txt and folders with files created for plugins will not be overwritten, because they are not in the standard version WordPress..

6. Going to the following address http: //vash_sayt.ru/wp-admin/upgrade.php. and update the database.

7. Sequentially update each plugin by activating and checking its performance.

Well, it's all done in manual and do not really want to take for this business. Faster and more convenient to click on the pair of buttons and WordPress Updated automatically as well as plugins.

Depending on the configuration of the servers, the update of the WordPress / theme / plugins may require the user address of the server, login and password for FTP. This usually happens when the web server is running on behalf of another user. To solve this problem, try to add to the file. wP-config.php. Line:


After that, the update will take place directly.

But unfortunately, it does not always work. Indicing data from fTP. Server in WordPress The system does not even try to upgrade, but simply updates the page and notifies that allegedly login and password are entered incorrectly, the plugins behave exactly as well. You may enter them incorrectly, make sure that the login and password from the FTP connection are correct.

To solve this problem, create a folder Temp. in my directories wP-CONTENT, Assign rights to it 777 and then in the settings file wP-CONFIG Add a string:


Also, if you want that auto updates of plugins and WordPress worked, run " File File Ownership."In the control panel and try updating WordPress again. (This option is not available to all providers, but for some).

And one more important note! Updates can be spent straight from the admin. On some hostings, you need to increase the script running time so that the update has time to finish, unpacked and install.

To do this, increasing the time limit must be prescribed in the file.htaccess such lines:

pHP_VALUE Memory_Limit 128m.

That's all. Now you can update Wordpress and plugins Automatically without any effort.

Welcome to you dear readers Website. In this article, I will tell you about updating WordPress, more precisely we will talk about:

All this you will learn in this post.

Why update WordPress?

I think that with such a question there was not one blogger. Especially when it was written in the administrative panel: update is required, etc. etc. Type, you can update automatic mode or manually.

If you had a similar one and you did not know how to steer all times, then the article will very help. It will also be an indispensable tool for beginners in a blogosphere that have not reached when WordPress will require updates.

So why hold such work?

Probably, in order to update all the contents of your site, to be more accurate, the admin interface will be changed and you will know which plug-ins are outdated and require replacement.

I think that they figured out. If this is true, then you must understand that the update should be updated.

What threatens if not updating WordPress?

As already mentioned above, the update must be necessary, but why? And I also gave the answer. All because the plugins are outdated and require updates. If this does not happen, it is possible to get a virus to your site, because old plugins are therefore updated that hackers for some time a period of time are able to fully explore and find options for hacking blog.

Moreover, the interface is better every time. You will be more convenient and more pleasant to work with the admin. In general, you need to do what you need.

How to update the WordPress automatically?

Update is such a serious process that can affect your WordPress database. In order to leave everything in integrity, you need to backup, also take care of the backup of all folders and files of your site. Do not disdate from it, as it is very important to keep everything before performing non-comic work with a blog.

How can I make a backup or differently, how can you copy the database and folders with files? Use the FTP client. For example, Total Commander or FileZilla.

You can also use the WordPress Database Backup plugin. It allows you to create a database copy literally with one click. After copying, you can deactivate the plugin.

Therefore, do not be afraid for the fact that an extra bag will be thrown on the blog.
We made the second instance, now go directly to the automatic update. But I will immediately say that the minuses of updates are to be loaded, that is, the more often the update is, the slower is loaded. However, it is possible And then you will not think, is it worth updating the version at all or not?

When you enter the administrative panel and see the "available WordPress 4.0" from above, then it's time to act.

First of all deactivate all plugins. Go to the plugins and select the action deactivate and apply to all. All, disconnected.

Secondly, clean the browser cache. Not all do it, but I advise you to do it all.

Thirdly, we go into the console and click "updates". Next, click "Update Automatically".

Now Jam and after a short time alert will say that WordPress updated successfully. But maybe not happen to this, that is, a raise report will come to you. In this case, you should use the manual update, which now will be discussed.

But now we will finish the automatic update, of course, if everything went successfully.

We turn on all the plugins and boldly work on a new engine. I hope that everything is clear here.

How to update the WordPress in manual mode?

Manual mode also implies backup database and files with folders. Turn off the plugins and clean the cache if necessary.

Now download a new engine, we see the archive and connect to the FTP server. On official site. WordPress has a detailed explanation, how to make a manual update of the engine can read all the information there. There is one thing, everything is there in English. However, you can make the transfer of the page, and how we know this function is not supported by all browsers.

If you are using Mozil Firefox, then be sure to go to the official website and do a manual update according to their description, because there really is explained in detail.

Well, what! Connected to the server, it's time to delete two WP-INCLUDES and WP-Admin folders, why are these? Because the contents of the directory will be replaced by other folders from the new version of the engine. In addition to them, do not delete anything, nor wp-config.php, nor WP-content, nor htaccess, nor robots.txt, etc. In short, we get rid of only two folders and everything.

Now the unpacked archive is transferred to the root of your site into the public folder. HTML or address of your domain. They are all clicking in different ways.

Transferred, now appeal to WP-config.php. Now we will compare the old file WP-config.php and the new file from the updated WP-config-sample.php engine. They will differ in several lines. You are required from the old file (WP-config.php) to register your data in a new (WP-config-sample.php), as you did when the WordPress is pouring to hosting.

We registered in WP-config sample.php your data and rename it to WP-config.php. Then we throw on the FTP connection to the file manager, that is, where the WP-Admin, WP-Content is lying.

If you independently created your blog and poured the engine on hosting itself, it will be enough to remember everything and again. I think you will handle this. Otherwise, that is, if you can not well, just nothing, then contact your help who provides similar services.

Well, we did it, is it all? That's right, it's not all! You should update the WordPress database.

You can go to the admin panel of the blog and click "update the database". Everything will be successful, then the message will come. You can also register in the browser address bar: Domen.ru/wp-admin/upgrade.php.

What if the Wordpress updated crookedly?

If the automatic update has not passed successfully, we will use the manual update. But if there are shoals when manually updated? What to do then?

If you really do not in line, what happened, contact a specialist, let him go for a fee for a fee. After all, jokes are bad with this, especially if your site is not empty.

It is possible to use a backup that you are mandatory made before carrying out an update. In short, you need to solve the problem yourself, if possible, if not, then

I have everything on this. To new meetings. In conclusion, an interesting video:

Yours faithfully, Zhka Yuri.

Overview of the update process

This is a brief overview of the update process. Detailed instructions can be found below.

In case of problems, re-read the instructions below to make sure that all actions are correct, and refer to the section.

Update from version 2.7.x to 5.1.1

Perform steps 1-4, then visit \u003e\u003e and click the "Update Automatically" button.

Detailed instructions for updating from version 1.5.x, and versions 2.0 - 2.6.5, to 5.1.1

The following instructions are step-by-step and explain the update process. Please read all instructions carefully before starting upgrading!

Step 1: Backup databases

Create a backup database. All your WordPress data, such as AS users, posts, pages, links and categories, are stored in. Please read: for a more detailed description of the database backup.

It is imperative to create a backup of databases before starting the update! If for some reason you consider it necessary to return to the former version of WordPress, you will be able to restore databases from this backup.

STEP 2: Back Up All Your Wordpress Files

Back Up All of Your Files in Your Wordpress Directory and Your File. TYPICALLY, THIS PROCESS INVOLVES USING AN TOWNLOAD ALL YUR WORDPRESS FILES FROM Your HOST TO Your Local Computer. Please Read for Further Explanation.

If You Have Made Changes to Any Core Wordpress Files, Or If You "Ve Got Customized Plugins Or Themes, You Will Want to Have a Good Backup of Those Files. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TO BACK UP Your Files Before Beginning The Upgrade. If for Some Reason You Find IT Necessary to Revert Back to the "Old" Version of Wordpress You Will Need to Upload These Files.

Step 3: Verify The Backups

Verify That The Backups You Created Are There and USABLE. This Is The Most Important Step In The Upgrade Process! The Verification Process Involves Making Sure You Can See The Backup Files on Your Local Computer (Or Where You Can Navigate Into Any Sub-Folders. If the Files Are in a Zip File, make sure you can Open The Zip File. Also Consider Opening A .sql File in An To See If The Tables and Data Are repretened.

Step 4: Deactivate All Your Plugins

  • If You Will Be Uploading Wordpress to a Remote Web Server, Download The Wordpress Package to Your Computer With Your Favorite Web Browser and Unzip The Package.
  • If You Have Access To Your Web Server, And Are Comfortable using Console-Based Tools, You may Wish to download Wordpress Directly to Your. You can do So using Wget, Lynx or Another Console-based Web Browser, Which Are Valuable If You Want to Avoid. Place The Package In A Directory Parallel to Your Current Wordpress Directory (Like "Uploads," for example). Then, Unzip IT using: Gunzip -C WordPress-5.1.1.tar.gz | tar -xf - Or by using: tar -xzvf Latest.tar.gz

The Wordpress Package Will Be Extracted Into A Folder Called Wordpress.

STEP 7: Delete The Old Wordpress Files

Why Delete? Generally, it's a good idea to Delete Whatever Is Possible Because The Uploading (Or upgrading Through CPanel) Process May Not Correctly Overwrite An Existing File and That May Cause Problems Later.

Do Not Delete These Folders and Files:

  • wP-config.php file;
  • wP-Images Folder - Only Older Installations from 1.5.x Days Will Have This Folder;
  • wP-includes / Languages \u200b\u200b/ Folder - IF You are using A Language File, and It is here Folder (You Might Want to Move Your Language Files to WP-CONTENT / Languages \u200b\u200b/ For Easier Upgrading in the Future);.
  • .htaccess File - If You Have Added Custom Rules to Your .htaccess, Do Not Delete It;
  • Custom Content and / Or Plugins - If You Have Any Images or Other Custom Content or Pugins Inside The WP-CONTENT FOLDER, DO NOT Delete Them.


  • wP- * (Except for Those Above), readme.html, wp.php, xmlrpc.php, and license.txt; Files; TYPICALLY FILES IN YOUR ROOT OR WORDPRESS FOLDER. Again, Don "T Delete The WP-Config.php File. Note.: Some Files SUCH AS WP.PHP MAY NOT EXIST IN LATER VERSIONS SUCH AS 2.7.
  • wP-Admin Folder;
  • wP-includes Folder; If You Have A Language File Here, Remember Not to Delete The WP-Includes / Languages \u200b\u200b/ Folder
  • wP-CONTENT / CACHE FOLDER; You Only See This Folder If You Are Upgrading from Wordpress 2.0.
  • wP-CONTENT / PLUGINS / WIDGETS FOLDER; You Only See This Folder If You Previously Installed The Sidebar Widgets Plugin. The Sidebar Widgets Code Conflicts with the Built-in Widget ability.

How to Delete? There Are Several Ways to Delete The Files from Your Wordpress Site. You can use your ftp client, or if you have access to telenet or ssh you can use that. Some Host Providers Also Provide The Ability to Delete Files and Folders.

Using FTP to Delete Files and Folders The Same You Use for Can Be Used to Delete Files and Folders. If Your Does Not Appear to Permit You to Delete Non-Empty Folders, Check The Available Options for Your. You "LL USUALY FIND AN OPTION THAT PERMITS DELETING NON \u200b\u200bEMPTY FOLDERS. DELETING NON \u200b\u200bEMPTY FOLDERS IS A QUICK AND THOROUGH METHOD CLEANING OUT AN OLD INSTALLATION OF WORDPRESS. IT IS RECOMMENED THAT ONCE THE DELETING IS DONE, YOU SWITCH Back to the original Setting for Safety ReaSons. Using Telnet OR SSH to Delete File IF You Have A Command-Line Login (Telnet or SSH), You Can Entter The Following Commands to make Backup Copies of the Files You Need to Keep and to Delete Only the Wordpress Files In Your Directory (Plus .htaccess). If you "Ve Customized Other Files (Like Index.php) Not included by the CP Commands Below, Copy Them As Well:

  • mkdir Backup.
  • cP WP-CONFIG.PHP .htaccess Backup
  • cP -R WP-CONTENT Backup
  • rM WP * .PHP .htaccess License.txt readme.html xmlrpc.php
  • rM -RF WP-Admin WP-Includes
  • cP Backup / WP-config.php.
  • After You Can Restore Any Customizations To Your Templates or Pugins from Your Backup Directory. For example, USE CP Backup / index.php. to Restore index.php.
Alternatively, Using SSH, You Could Copy WP-config.php, .htaccess, and Any Content Files You "Ve Added or Alterated Into new WordPress Directory. Then, Rename The Old One (to Archive IT), and Move The New One Into Its Place.

Step 8: Upload The New Files

With the New Upgrade On Your Local Computer, and using, The New Files to Your Site Server Just As You Did When You First Installed Wordpress. See and for detailed guidelines in using an ftp client to upload.

Note: If You Did Not Delete The WP-CONTENT FOLDER, You Will Need to Overwrite Some Files During The Upload.

The WP-CONTENT FOLDER HOLDS Your Wordpress Themes and Pugins. These Should Remain. Upload Everything Else First, Then Upload Only Those Wordpress Files That Are New Or Changed to Your New WP-CONTENT FOLDER. Overwrite Any Old Versions of Default Plugins with the New Ones.

The Wordpress Default Theme Has Changed So You Will Want to Upload The WP-Content / Themes / Default Folder. If You Have Custom Changes to the Default Theme, Those Changes Will Need to Be Review and Installed After The Upgrade.

Step 9: Run The Wordpress Upgrade Program

Using a Web Browser, Go to the Wordpress Admin Pages AT The Normal / WP-Admin Location. WORDPRESS WILL CHECK TO SEE If a Database Upgrade Is undesery, and if it is a new link to foot.

This Link Will Lead You to Run The Wordpress Upgrade Script by Accessing WP-Admin / Upgrade.php. Follow The Instructions Presented on Your Screen.

Note: Make Sure the Database User Name Registered to Wordpress Has Permission to Create, Modify, and Delete Database Tables Before You do this step. If You Installed Wordpress In The Standard Way, and Nothing Has Changed Since Ten, You are Fine.

If You Want to Run The Upgrade Script MANUALLY:

  • If Wordpress Is Installed In The Root Directory, Point Your Brown To: http://example.com/wp-admin/upgrade.php
  • If Wordpress Is Installed In Its Own Subdirectory Called Blog, For Example, Point Your Browser To: http://example.com/blog/wp-admin/upgrade.php

If You Experience DiffiCulties with Login After Your Upgrade, IT IS Worth Clearing Your Browser "S Cookies.

STEP 10: Update Permalinks and .htaccess

STEP 11: Install Updated Plugins and Themes

Other Languages.

Language (English, Native) Version (New to OLD) REMARK.
Chinese, 简体 中文 2.2.1 to 2.2.2, 2.1 to 2.2, 2.1.2 to 2.1.3, 2.1 to 2.1.1, 2.0.7 to 2.0.9, 2.0.6 to 2.0.7, 2.0.5 to 2.0.6, 2.0.4 to 2.0.5
Hungarian, Magyar Nyelv

I ask you to tune in and read this article carefully, without being distracted. What is such a hurry? The fact is that today we will talk about how to update WordPress. And this is not the lungs! The update is divided into two types: and manual WordPress update . Now we will analyze both ways. Be careful!

Someone can now exclaim that updating WordPress is very easy and simple, there is nothing to scare. I do not scare, I warn! I am sure that everyone before some important step is, the case was afraid, there were goosebumps. So here also, in the soul "moving" fear. This is true? If yes, I advise calm down and tell yourself: "Yes. I can!". In this article, I will try to describe in detail both types on your understandable language, so there shouldn't have any difficulties and all fear should "go away."

First, let's understand why update WordPress ? Most often, the reason for the update is some problems with the old version, in connection with which you are forced to update. But not always! Also, the reason may be a friend's advice, incompatibility with some plugins, themes, etc. After all, not for nothing, the developers work every time over new versions, it means that it makes sense! From each version, minor shortcomings are removed and new features appear.

Before updating Wordpress, think and answer yourself to the question: why do you need to do it? Maybe you can do without it ... Of course, it is possible to do, but it is still very recommended to produce updates. Let him not every version, but two, a maximum of three releases!

Now I have version 3.4.2 - the latest today. Before that was 3.2.x, I did not want to update every time, and there was no need for this. And now I updated (two weeks ago) due to the fact that I installed one interesting plugin (it will still be an article, I advise you to subscribe) and he did not want to work with my version of WordPress.

When I performed automatic WordPress update The system issued me a mistake. After several re-action, after several repeated, I decided to try manual WordPress update . Before that, I never came across such a kind of update, but fate decided to introduce us closer.

Fortunately, on the Internet you can find anything. After an hour of studying this, I still decided and set about the business. Having spent 15 minutes I updated, and of course received new knowledge! The most important thing is the process itself ...

At the very beginning, I would like to disassemble the easy way to update is automatic. Just a few mouse clicks, you can update the WordPress engine. It is very easy and die for everyone who knows how to click the mouse! But this method is not so "right" as manual. And the reason for this can be some kind of failure during the update ... can be closed access to the update server ... some hidden protection, etc.

But after all, for especially lazy and "flock" (people who are afraid), I propose instructions for automatic updates.

1. At the very beginning, before updating, you need to make a backup (copy) of the entire site. Including databases! To do this, go to any FTP manager (for example, FileZilla, I wrote about him), connect with the root folder of the site and copy everything from there!

And to copy the database you can use plugin WordPress Database Backup. . To use it easy, I think we will cope! Writing the instructions on it in this article I see no point. I will write in one of the following, I advise you to subscribe to updates!

Backups of the site and database must be done. Without it, do not go further !!!

2. Next, go to the administrative panel and turn off all the plugins. This is done in order for any of the plug-ins. Include them after updating the site! In addition to turning off plugins, it is necessary to clean the cache. This is done in the settings of the caching plugin.

3. After that, go to the address of the administration panel - the console - updates and see the inscription as follows:

A fresh version of WordPress is available for updating.

And under this inscription there are special buttons, we need to click on update.

5. Now it remains to go back to the plugins and include them, as they were!

6. Hooray, congratulations - automatic WordPress update Made successfully!

Automatic WordPress update, it is very easy. Is not it? But, unfortunately, it does not always work. But still there is a way out - do everything manually ...

Tuned to manual work? Then forward! In fact, it is easy, but at first glance it may seem otherwise. The following scheme works here: to do once, the following will be much easier. Let's not be distracted and proceed directly to work!

1. As in the automatic update version, you need to make a backup (copy) of all site files, as well as a copy of the database. How to do this, I wrote in step number 1 in an automatic version!

2. Go to the site where there is a new version of the WordPress engine. I prefer to use the official Russian site - go to it and download the CMS distribution, by clicking on the button " Download WordPress X.x.x.x.»

3. Now, as in the first version, turn off all plugins. To do this, go to the admin panel - plugins and turn off all plugins. In addition, we clean the cache in the caching plugin.

4. Next, go to the FileZilla program, connect with the site, go to the root folder of the site and delete two folders: it is WP-Admin and WP-includes. !!! Copies of these folders should be on your computer !!!

5. The next case must copy the entire contents of the archive with WordPress downloaded earlier (# 2) in the root folder of the site, where you removed two folders at the previous stage. If you ask: replace files or not, click Replace!

6. Open two files: WP-config.php (it is on our computer in copies of the old site) and the WP-config-sample.php file (it is in the root folder of the site). After you have opened two of these files, you need to transfer data to the new one from the old file. That is from WP-config.php in WP-config sample.php but not all! But only the following data: username, Database Name and Database Password .

ATTENTION: If you are still in addition to this data, something complemented the configuration file - you also need to transfer these parameters!

7. Now we go to the site administrative panel (site.Net/wp-admin) and a page with a database update agreement opens. Your task to agree! After that, the admin panel page opens.