MTS does not work the Internet abroad. Free roaming

A modern man is difficult to do without the Internet. Cell phone operators are perfectly understood and provide the attention of their subscribers a lot of different tariffs and services that allow you to use the Internet for a small fee. However, when the subscriber turns out to be outside the home network, the Internet fee increases significantly. Especially when it comes to international roaming.

Within the framework of this article, we will consider in detail MTS Internet in roaming, and also find out how to go to the worldwide network being at any point in Russia and the world, without overpaying with huge money.

How to set up mts internet in roaming

First of all, it should be said that the ability to use cellular communications and the Internet outside the home network is provided by special services for roaming. Check if the service "International and National Roaming" and "International Access" service is connected on your room. You can use the * 152 * 1 # command Or through the personal account in the "Service Management" section. If they are not in the list of connected services, you need to connect them. These services are free. We have already told in a separate article.

As for the configuration directly the Internet itself, it is not necessary to do anything here, of course, if you have already exit to the global network from your phone in the home network. If the phone has not yet been used to access the Internet and the necessary settings did not automatically come, then you need to configure everything yourself. How to make it described in detail.

The cost of the Internet MTS in roaming

MTS Internet in roaming will cost much more expensive than when in the home network. If we talk about national roaming, then in Russia the cost of 1 MB is 9.90 rubles. Name the exact figures regarding the Internet fee in international roaming will not work, because the billing directly depends on the country of stay. One thing can be said exactly, the Internet in MTS roaming abroad will cost much more expensive than in Russia. For example, for China, England, USA, France, Spain and many other countries, the cost of Internet access for MTS subscribers is 30 rubles for 40 KB transmitted / received traffic. Find out the exact roaming rates on travel around the world can be on the official website of the operator by turning on this link and indicating the necessary country.

Of course, 30 rubles for 40 KB are very much and use the Internet abroad on such conditions may not afford not many. Fortunately, the MTS operator has provided the ability to use the Internet in roaming for a smaller board by connecting special options.

How to make the Internet in roaming cheaper?

In previous reviews, we talked about the features of the services "and" ", the purpose of which is to reduce the costs of communication. In this case of Internet traffic packages, these services do not provide. But for these purposes there are other options. It is possible to significantly reduce the cost of MTS Internet in roaming using the "Bit abroad" lineup options. The attention of MTS subscribers are provided by three types of bits line options - "Bit abroad", "Maxi bits abroad" and "Super bits abroad". A detailed description of these options can be found in the article "".

If you are interested in Internet MTS in national roaming, then a good decision can be the connection of the tariff from the SMART line.

  • Attention
  • The "Smart" line tariffs include not only Internet traffic packages, as well as SMS and moments.

If you do not want to connect to the above tariff, while staying in national roaming is just a few days, you can simply use the Internet for the day. For 50 rubles a day you can get 500 MB of traffic for 24 hours. Connecting the service is done using the * 111 * 67 # command . Connect the service can only users of the tariffs "MTS Connect-4" and "MTS Connect-Netbook".

Prohibition of Internet access in roaming

If you are the opposite, you want to disable MTS Internet in roaming, then you should use the GPRS roaming ban service. Connecting and disable service Free, the subscription fee is absent. After activating the service, the phone will not be able to connect to the Internet in international roaming. To connect the service Dial the command * 111 * 496 # . You can also completely with the * 111 * 2150 command. But then you will not be able to use cellular communication.

  • Attention
  • If you find a subscriber in roaming, you can get access to the mobile version of the MTS site, for example, to replenish the balance or get information about some kind of service.

On this we will end this article. Now you know what MTS Internet is in roaming. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Today it is almost impossible to imagine at least one day without the Internet. Accordingly, mobile operators know about it and try to constantly please their subscribers with new services, shares and suggestions regarding the beneficial use of the Internet. But, as you know, when the user leaves the limits of its own region, you have to pay more, not to mention the trip abroad.

Configuring the Internet from MTS in Roaming

First you need to understand that for the full and normal functioning of the Internet and network in general, it is necessary to order special additional services and tariffs. In the opposite case, it works very slowly or is completely disabled. First of all, you can check whether there are no such connections on the specific number as "International National Roaming" or "International Access". To do this, it is enough to dial a simple combination on your mobile phone * 152 * 1 # or enter your personal account, which is on the official website of MTS. We also need to go to the "Management Services" section and see the rates and all connected offers. If the above connections are missing, then there you can easily connect them, besides, absolutely free.

If you speak directly about the settings of the Internet itself, then in this case there are no special actions. This happens only when the entrance has already happened through the home network. If you have never been on the Internet from a particular phone, and all the necessary settings were not sent, as usual, this happens, then this should be done manually.

How much is the Internet within roaming from MTS?

It is clear that it is much more expensive to use the Internet in roaming compared to the connection within its home network. But if you connect advantageous special rates, then these amounts are significantly reduced. If we consider in more detail, the cost of roaming of an international scale in Russia is 9.90 rubles per 1 MB. As for more accurate and specific amounts in this case, they are very difficult to name, because it directly depends on the country in which the subscriber is located. For example, if you stay in countries such as China, Spain, USA, France and England, the cost of roaming will cost 30 rubles for 40 kb of used traffic. In order to view the full list of countries and prices, respectively, it is enough just to go to the official website of MTS in a special section.

Of course, 30 rubles for 40 KB is too expensive and not everyone can use this Internet. But this mobile operator worried about his subscribers and provided several convenient proposals that greatly simplify the use of the Internet and respectively fees for it. In addition, there are special rates that are created exclusively for active users of the Internet worldwide.

Is it possible to make it cheaper and how?

For this, there is a whole line of special options called "Bit abroad", which includes such advantageous offers as "Super Bit", "Bit abroad" and "Maxi Bit abroad". In their framework, you can enjoy high-speed Internet and not check every time after using the main account. If the subscriber is more interested in national roaming, then for this any offer from the SMART line is perfect. By the way, these options also include free minutes and messages.

For those who plan to be beyond the domestic network, literally a few days, it will be superfluous to order the above services, in which case the Internet for the day will be perfect. In its framework, the subscriber is provided with 500 MB per day for only 50 rubles. You can order this service using a special combination * 111 * 67 #. Actually, each subscriber will determine the most convenient tariff for themselves, which today it is plenty and choose from what.

Services for roaming allow MTS subscribers to significantly reduce the costs of communication and the Internet outside the home region. In this article, we will consider the most popular and profitable services you can connect on trips to Russia.

MTS options in roaming in Russia are very important, because with their help you can significantly save money. Especially the services will be useful to active people for which you need to make a lot of calls, send SMS, and often use the Internet outside the home region. Services from MTS for roaming in Russia will optimize the costs of communication.

Customers of the mobile operator have the ability to choose optimal options, tariff plans and other mobile services that will optimize the costs of communication and make it cheaper, outside their hometown, on a business trip or travel.


Subscribers of the company can buy ready-made SIM cards with favorable conditions for intergram and use a package for calls and sending SMS countries. There is another option to optimize expenses - activate options for communication and the Internet at the already active tariff. This alternative will be useful to many, to clarify the details for a particular service for their region can be on the website of the operator or in the MTS brand cabin.

Before installing additional options, you must clarify the connected tariff plan that works today. This will allow you to find out if the tariff is used to connect the selected option. You can easily detail the information, it is enough to dial the request * 111 * 59 # And make a call. After a few seconds, a message will be received on the phone with the title of the connected plan. You can also specify information through a personal account or find out the information in the mobile application "My MTS".

Options for calls and SMS

People who are important messages and calls outside the home region should be aware that services from MTS can significantly reduce costs. Among them there are few options that will be able to provide communication on favorable conditions, but they are very effective and used for different tariff plans. Suite services include:

  1. All Russia Smart
  2. Everywhere like smart at home
  3. Everywhere like at home

Now you need to deal in detail with each service, its cost, conditions and methods of connection.

All Russia Smart

MTS clients who use tariff plans from the Smart rulers can connect an additional option called "All Russia Smart". With such a service, users will be able to communicate, send messages, and also go online at any point in Russia, at the cost of rates in the home region.

This option is available only by prepayment, and the cost of the fee is 100 rubles / month. The fee is discharged once every new month. The first write-off is carried out during the activation of the service, and further write-offs will be held with the onset of the new month, on the day of the service activation.

To activate this service, you need to dial a short query on the device * 111 * 1031 # And make a call. By the way, using a similar combination, you can disable the service if it is no longer needed. Another connection and shutdown is carried out through a personal account.

If you connect the service, then use the connection outside of your region, 15 rubles per day will not be written off.

Everywhere like smart at home

For users who use certain tariff plans from the Smart family, it is recommended to use the offer called "everywhere as Smart at home." For whom it is the service that is available, you can clarify on the operator's website. With a connected option, you can communicate and send messages, as well as access the Internet, being outside the home region, but the tariffing will be a similar home network.

To learn all the items on tariffing in roaming in Russia, for a specific tariff plan, recommended on the MTS website. It is worth noting that connecting the service will not be able to users who have an active smart plan, smart +, smart nonstop, smart top, as well as unlimited. For other offers from the line of tariffs, activation remains possible. You can make activation or deactivation by service combination * 111 * 1021 . After the introduction you need to make a call, and then the menu will be enabled for further action.

The subscription fee for the service will be 100 rubles per month. The first write-off will be during the activation of the service, and subsequent funds are charged from the new month, at the date of connection service.

"Everywhere at home"

The service "Everywhere at home" is an excellent offer for roaming around the country, which has a subscription fee, written off every day, but it should be noted that the option is very profitable and the client will be able to "repel" the amount in one incoming call. Calls according to standard rates are obtained above the subscription. Using the option, users will not pay the incoming direction outside the home network, and the cost of the service will be 7 rubles per day. This service works on the territory of Crimea.

There are still some advantages that you need to know:

  • Low price for calls for any numbers of Russia.
  • 100 free sms.

In other words, who will use the proposal will be able to use preferential rates for communication while in any region of the country. Free messages are accrued every day, incoming calls will be free and made challenges cheap. Without connecting the service, the Cost of the conversation will be 8.9 rubles / min. With a minute of a conversation will be 3 rubles per min. By cons of such a proposal should be attributed to the activation fee, in the amount of 30 rubles. It is debited only once during the activation of the service.

To connect network users can use a personal account or service request * 111 * 3333 . In addition, there is another fast activation method - send a message by number 111, and in the body of the letter to specify number 3333. It is possible that the service is already connected, in which case the data can be clarified according to the message where nothing is specified. The empty SMS is sent by number 8111. In the response SMS there will be data on the status of the service.

After traveling or business trip, you can turn off, so that the subscription fee is not charged. To do this, you need to send a message by calling 111, in the body of the letter to indicate 33330.

Services for the Internet in roaming in Russia

Using the Internet outside the home region is very expensive, but the cost of such use can be significantly reduced if you connect additional options from the operator. Initially, you will need to connect roaming access to the Internet using a combination * 152 * 1 # .

For favorable surf outside of its region, customers of the company can use services:

  1. Super bits.
  2. Internet M.
  3. Internet VIP.

Now you need to figure out more detail with each service, but they all work not only in the home region, but also in Russia.

"Super Bit"

Clients with this option will receive 3 GB of traffic monthly, which can be used for any needs. The speed of network access, within the limits will be the maximum, and after spending 3 GB, access will be suspended. Customers will always be able to resume the Internet using an additional package by 500 megabytes, at a price of 75 rubles. Connect such a package only 15 times a month.

The cost of the option "Super Bit" will be 350 rubles. This subscription is written off once a month. To clarify the Internet residue, a request is used * 217 # . To start the service, you will need to activate it. For this, the following methods are used:

  1. Personal office.
  2. Service combination. For this method you need to enter on the device * 111 * 628 And make a call.

If the service is no longer needed, you can quickly disable it using similar methods as for connecting. A combination that will allow deactivate the service will be * 111 * 628 * 2 . The proposal is working almost all the tariff plans, it is better to visit the MTS website for the items, where the exact cost of the option will be indicated for a particular region, as well as the possibility of connecting to the tariff.

"Internet Mini"

This proposal accommodates some traffic, but the volume will be enough for many tasks, including: view mail, news and use of social. Networks. For this option, the conditions will be the following:

  1. Celebration accounts - 500 rubles / month.
  2. 7 GB of traffic is provided.
  3. There is an opportunity to use the "Unified Internet" service, as well as share traffic with 5 rooms.

The service works on any devices, which is undoubtedly a plus, but there are disadvantages:

  • After departure from the home network, every day will be charged in the amount of 50 rubles. The service works in Russia, but only after writing off additional funds, which is indicated on the website of the operator.
  • After the exhaustion of all traffic, the additional volume will be accrued automatically. Accordingly, the balance is charged for 75 rubles, for every 500 MB. This supplement users can always disable if necessary.
  • The service cannot be connected on tariffs from the smart line.

If the conditions described are suitable, then you can move to activation. For this purpose, several methods are intended:

  1. Using a personal office on the MTS website.
  2. Connection via MO MTS mobile offer.
  3. Fast activation through request * 160 # .

If it happened that the service is no longer needed, then you can deactivate it through request * 111 * 160 * 2 Or using other methods similar to connection.

"Internet Maxi"

The following option from the online line, which works in roaming - "Internet Maxi". The service is suitable for active people who need access to the network very much or personal affairs. In general, the service is similar to those described above, but its conditions will be slightly different due to the volume provided. In other words, subscribers will receive every month of 15 GB of the Internet, which can be used on any device, but payment will be greater, namely 800 rubles. The subscription is written off every month in full. It should also be noted that at night the full unlimited for the use of the Internet begins.

It is worth noting that the option can be used outside of its region, but it will be necessary to pay 50 rubles a day in addition. If the offer is suitable, then you can go to activation using for this:

  1. Personal office on the site of MTS.
  2. Mobile application "My MTS".
  3. Service request * 161 # .

In the case when the service is no longer needed, the shutdown can be performed in minutes using similar activation methods, but as a combination will be used * 111 * 161 * 2 .

"Internet VIP"

The last online option, which is more often used for PC, but is suitable for other devices. With the service subscribers can use 30 GB traffic per month, unlimited is available at night, and all this turns out for 1200 rubles / month. The disadvantage remains the fee of 50 rubles / day, if the user will leave the limits of the home region, but wishes in other regions to use the network.

To connect, you can use your personal account or mobile application. For faster activation applies request * 166 # . If the service is no longer needed, then the disconnection is carried out in 15 minutes, and a command from the phone is sent to the application * 111 * 166 * 2 .

Few people remember, but the first time most operators had no roaming concept as he was understood now. Subscribers went from the edge to the edge and were not afraid that they would have to pay more expensive for the fact that they left for a certain framework. The restriction was on large areas. Few people knew how to connect additional services to pay less abroad. Now almost every subscriber knows that MTS Internet in roaming in Russia is paid at a special tariff price. You do not have time to go beyond your native land, as SMS-alert comes, that the subscriber left the home region, so other prices are started, according to the tariff.

MTS Internet in roaming in Russia

If you have a question, how to connect the Internet in roaming at MTSYou can breathe calmly. Make some additional settings or to visit the communication salons "Mobile TeleSystems" will not have to. Once connected internet on your device will always function and everywhere in Russia.

Having gathered to travel through the native country, it is worth carefully studying the terms of the tariff plan. It is there that there will be all the necessary information about the cost of Internet traffic, as well as restrictions within the country. Each tariff and rates on it depend on the region. You can learn about your tariff plan. You can visit the site of the operator, the "Mobile Communication" section, Roaming and Intercity. It will be enough to enter the edge that you travel to visit, the name of your tariff. You will be provided with detailed information on the rates for MTS Internet in roaming. In order to find out the name of its tariff plan, you must enter * 111 * 59 # call.

On some unlimited tariffs, the restrictions on the Russian Federation are not considered. It doesn't matter where you are where you are going, the differences between the prices of the house and outside of their borders you will not feel. Thus, you can use MTS Internet without roaming.

MTS Internet in roaming abroad

If you are going to go abroad, then you need to think about your mobile Internet in roaming from MTS. There will have to pay more. Whether you can enjoy access to the network, visiting another state depends only on you.

It is pre-visiting the Mobile TeleSystems Operator's website, see how much the use of traffic in a particular country will cost. All countries regarding Russia are divided by zones. Each zones has its own billing. The full list of countries is on the company's official website. For example, Zone No. 1 includes a part of European countries, such as Germany, Portugal, Cyprus, France, Sweden, Switzerland. Second zone - America, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands, Brazil. There are no such zones of MTS 4. The use of Internet MTS in roaming abroad is not such a problem, as it seems. It is enough to connect the correct options and you can with a relaxed soul to use your SIM card in the country, which is visited.

You can learn about the rates in different countries on the official website of MTS.RU, or you can familiarize yourself with the prices in the section of our site.

Options for Internet MTS abroad

Such options refers "", "Maxi-bit abroad", "super bits abroad".

1 To connect the bit, you must dial the number *111*2222# or *212# You can also send an SMS message with text 2222 Recipient: 111. Disable the service can be repeated *111*2222# or SMS message to number 111 with text 22220. The price depends on the zone. It will vary from 300 rubles to 1200 per day on a certain number of downloaded information, from 5 to 50 MB.

2 Also, the service for unlimited Internet in MTS roaming will be maxi-bit. Here prices per day range from 600 to 2,200 rubles, and traffic from 10 to 100 MB. Connects by numbers *111*2223# or SMS text 2223 to number 111.

3 last of the services will be super bits. Connects similarly to the previous one. Call *111*2224# or a text message to the number 111 with the text 2224. The price is from 1500 to 4,000 rubles per day, and you can download from 20 to unlimited, it all depends on the zone provided.

Use MTS Internet in roaming in Russia and connect it quite easily. There are again such times when the concept of "roaming" as such is blurred. Most often it is enough to choose the right tariff and use the Internet traffic across the country without limitation. Sometimes, it is enough to connect the necessary additional service, and you will always remain connected.

As for the global web abroad, everything is just as easy, just a bit more expensive. Enough to call the operator, or visit the website of the Internet assistant. You will be able to choose a more acceptable way to access the worldwide network, even in distant countries. BUT the cost of the Internet in MTS roaming Constantly tries to reduce their subscribers to feel at home, even being visiting.

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Have questions about MTS?

The site opened a section where anyone can ask a question about communication, tariffs and services of MTS. Anyone may also give answers. Let's help each other together.

If you are traveling through the territory of your country, then it is provided with access to its own networks in other regions of the Russian Federation this is intranet roaming. Using networks abroad is international roaming.

How to connect the Internet in MTS roaming? For use in MTS roaming in Russia and abroad, it is necessary that on your sim card MTS have been active individual services "International and National Roaming", as well as "Mobile Internet".

Attention! Before trips, you need to make sure of their active condition.

You can check them like this:

  • In a personal account -.
  • In the application my MTS.
  • Team * 152 * 1 #.
  • Using the company's consultant in the office or by calling 0890.

If they are inactive on the number, then you need to connect roaming through your office, using a consultant or a team: * 111 * 2192 #.

Attention! Mobile phone must have included "Mobile data transmission" and "Data in roaming" in their settings.

Roaming in the country

To reduce the costs of voice communication when using roaming in Russia, it suffices to connect the free option "Inbox in Russia" and the option "" or "everywhere as Smart Houses". The cost of options "Everywhere at home" 7 rubles per day is activated for 30 rubles and allows you to make calls to any numbers throughout the country up to 3 rubles per 1 minute.

Attention! These options do not affect the cost of Internet connections.

There are tariffs that allow using their limits on the Internet in intranet roaming from MTS are some tariffs of the Smart group. But the younger tariff of the mini group will not allow this, and almost all of others require additional payment in intranet roaming.

Important! Packets of minutes and traffic included in the tariffs remain the same, and "for the use of roaming packages" is charged for additional payment, which makes the use of the Internet on trips much more expensive.

If you have another tariff, you can use MTS Internet in roaming in Russia using such options:

  • "" - 7 GB for 500 rubles of monthly payment. Connection command: * 160 #.
  • "" - 15 GB in the day and unlimited at night for 800 rubles per month. Connection Team: * 161 #.
  • "" - 30 GB during the day and unlimited at night for 1200 rubles per month. Connection command: * 166 #.

Additionally charged for using batch mobile data using MTS roaming in Russia, 50 rubles daily.

Roaming in the world

Use unlimited Internet abroad on MTS as home will not work. Optimizes the cost of using traffic in overseas travels by connecting the options "", "Maxi bit abroad" and "Super bits abroad".

  • The cost and capabilities of these services are described in detail in our article.
  • We consider a special rate for foreign trips in a separate review.

Access settings

Using the tariff settings and the settings of your device, you can significantly save spending by making the Internet restriction in international roaming. To connect the service "Prohibition of Internet access to MTS in international roaming", type the * 111 * 496 # command.

The prohibition of mobile data transmission is prohibited in the device menu, the corresponding settings are forbidden to connect to the Internet.

Internet control in roaming can be carried out using a personal account, as well as using the commands:

  • * 111 * 217 # - The volume of the remaining traffic, those who use tariffs and.
  • * 100 * 1 # - Remains of batch services - SMS, traffic and minutes included in the tariff.

As a result, we see that only connecting additional options and services can be used to use the connection and using the upper SMART group rates.