What is the earnings on YouTube. How can I earn on your channel in YouTube? What we need to earn

  • 5. Conclusion
  • In the age of computer technology, the Internet develops very quickly. Much popular among simple users has gained a wide variety of video hosting. And many people are interested in the question - how to make money on YouTube. After all, this is one of the most visited video hosting sites around the world. YouTube contains a huge number of videos and video clips on which the authors make money using advertising.

    If you compare the earnings on YouTube with social networks, then the policy is much easier. With the advent of this video hosting, many people began to think: "How can I make money in YouTube?". After all, there are many wishes to shoot a video and for it to receive money.

    Today, YouTube is considered to be the third most attendance by the resource after Google and Facebook. This is a huge video hosting, where millions of various videos are accumulated. These are clips, movies, trailers and just home video. One of the pledges of its popularity was the fact that anyone can easily accommodate their own video here. But not all visitors YouTube know that you can earn decent money.

    1. How to make money on YouTube on your channel

    The possibilities of earning on the Yutub canal are quite a lot. First, you will need to register in video hosting. The registration itself is quite simple and there should be no problems with this. (We recommend reading --)

    So, you have successfully registered. And now let's learn to make money on YouTube. Earctions of earnings in the service are a lot. Let us consider in detail each of them in our site site website.

    What is the earnings on YouTube

    Surely, you have noticed more than once in YouTube, while watching any video any advertisement, offering a service or product. Sometimes not one advertisement throughout the roller, but a few.

    How does it work?

    We can bring an example of earnings by advertising. Suppose that there is some company, for example, producing coffee or tea. This company requires customers to their products. This orders advertising from the world-famous, Google. Google is the owner of the Youtube video setting, but as we understand with you, clients must be targeted users who are interested in tea or coffee.

    How to find target users?

    On YouTube there are many small videos about tea or coffee. For example, a roller about how our morning begins with a cup of fragrant coffee, how to choose the right grade of good tea. This rollers can insert advertising. ? For such advertising you receive money. Google pays for each click (pressing "mouse") for advertising, a certain percentage.

    The type of advertising, which we described with you is called - target, that is, for people who are interested in tea or coffee. In addition to target advertising, there is also a branded and others. No matter how advertising, you think, you caught the essence of earning and understood how you can receive money through YouTube.

    Let's talk now about the video itself, which you will shoot, and lay out on the canal. It should be interesting, high quality, clean, and without outsiders, sound.

    Be sure to have only your videos or those people who give you permission to post this video to the network. It will be fine if you constantly take interesting video and lay out them on the network. This will allow you to gain permanent subscribers.

    So, you can make money on YouTube with the help of advertising in your video. Yes, for some such advertising is worse than annoying flies, and for others - a means of earnings.

    The best way to sell something with Youtube

    And you knew that showing any product could not only earn huskies, comments and earnings on the channel, but also to sell the goods very effectively. How do you like this option, 2В1. And where is it on the expanses of the Runet, you can find a cheap product and it is quite a lot? . After all, it is there that there are so many different things. And quite just can be conspicited about the price. Then make a good video overview of this product, lay out it on YouTube, and the goods on Avito, reinforcing this video. We share a course with you, in which enough ideas that can be sold.

    Develop your channel on YouTube WITH CALL:

    Find out how to unwind your Youtube Channel and earn on it from $ 10.000

    1. Commercial video in the video itself. A small commercial can be both at the beginning of the video and in the middle. One advertisement can be viewed about 5 seconds and skip it, and the second you have to watch to the end. The owner of the video receives money only for the advertisement that the user looked through. Otherwise, he does not get anything.
    2. Commercial on the side of the roller. This advertising unit is accommodated next to the video in the upper right corner. The owner of the video receives money only if the interested person clicks on advertising. This is a pretty "tricky" advertising, because it is placed exactly what you were looking for in the search engine for the last time. For example, you wanted to buy a bike and sought suitable options in Google. But then, closing all links, you go to YouTube to view an interesting video. And here you see the side advertisement for the sale of bicycles. That is why this method is very effective, and you can earn good money.
    3. Sanding windows. At the bottom of the video, banners and other promotional windows often pop up. If the viewer presses him, then the owner of the video will receive money from the advertiser. The window can be closed by clicking on the cross in the corner. But it does not even close, but turns out that the viewer can at any time be reopened.

    Earnings on advertising is the easiest way to make money in YouTube. But for this you need to create your own channel and upload your videos there. Also, it is necessary to engage them with optimization so that they look at as many viewers as possible (read also -). And YouTube will insert your commercials in your video yourself. This is possible only when connecting advertising from Google Adsense.

    In order to connect this advertising service, you must enable the monetization feature in the settings of your channel on YouTube. Make it very simple. After that, advertising will automatically appear on your video. It is very convenient, because you do not need to understand how to put one or another type of advertising. And you can withdraw money from Google Adsense either by mail transfer or on the webman's wallet, which is quite convenient and accessible to everyone.

    2. How much can you earn on YouTube

    You have already learned how you can earn on YouTube for watching, and now it is necessary to deal with the amount of possible earnings. To do this, we use the following example. Everyone knows that the Korean singer PSY clip on the song Gangnam Style looked at more than 2.2 billion spectators.

    In addition to world glory, the singer received $ 2 million from Google Adsense advertising for this video.

    If we talk about the average earnings on YouTube, then for every 1000 views of your video, you can get about 1 dollars. But this is only an approximate number, and it is possible to understand the amount of earnings as follows. It depends on the topic of video and advertising clicability indicator - CTR.

    In addition, the price for 1 click on advertising plays an important role. It depends on the subject of the video and the entire channel. For example, in the finance sector, quite high competition. This means that you want to put advertising on the video will be more, therefore the price per click above.

    To earn approximately 3000 dollars a monthYour channel must be viewed to day before 100 thousand users. Yes, it is a rather small number, and to achieve such a result you need to try well. The main thing is to create interesting video.

    If you do not have such skills, you can ask your friends or acquaintances to do it together. These can be rollers of different plans: voice acting of various jokes or films, shooting funny clips and so on.

    It is clear that you will not earn a big amount for the first months. It will be necessary to persevere, patience and mood only for the best. After all, only from you will depend - interesting and unique you will have a video or not, how many subscribers you will have than you can interest them. On YouTube there are channels that can easily bring millions of dollars to their owners of the channel (we have already led an example above).

    The main rule of this work, as well, and in another anyone is to get more money, it will take more to work. Popular Russian famous video bloggers argue that it is enough to make enough to earn from 40 thousand before 150 thousand rubles per month. Of course, this is not millions of dollars, but you agree, it is quite bad.

    It should be noted that these video brokers produce entertainment content. He, of course, dials a lot of views that in turn is very good. But he is poorly converted into money, or as they say now, coinsted.

    You can view the most popular channels on YouTube to understand their secret of popularity. If you found an interesting foreign channel, there is no analogues in RuNet, you can try to remake it on your own way. In any case, it is not easy, but it is worth it. And do not think that you will receive $ 3,000 in half a year. People come to this level over this level. There are, of course, exceptions when videos are gaining hundreds of thousands of views in a matter of days, but this is an exception to the rules. For earnings on YouTube, you need to stock upstairs forces and patience.

    Read another 5 articles on the topic:

    3. What affects the earnings in Youtube

    You can immediately select several basic components of the parameters that will determine the size of your earnings on YouTube:

    1. Theme and number of video recordings. We can immediately say that there is a commercial advertising. It can bring good income, but, unfortunately, she has not so many views. Therefore, you need to remove as many videos as possible. The more views of your videos, the more you earn. In addition, each of your new video will give you an additional income from viewing it by your subscribers. True, not bad?
    2. Promotion. This method gives you the opportunity to increase the number of views of your roller thanks to promotion on the Internet, by advertising in various services. In turn, it increases your profits.
    3. Use various monetization tools. They are provided by Google. Monetization tools can be several types. If all of them start using, then the income from advertising can grow at times.
    4. Content language. In other words, we can say that if your video will also look at the English-speaking users, then the profit will also increase. The cost of one click is an order of magnitude higher. In addition, you can gain popularity not only in my country, which is undoubtedly a plus.
    5. Partnership programs. Google is an official video hosting partner YouTube. But besides this company, you can also cooperate with other private companies that will only affect your earnings in a positive way.

    4. How to make money on YouTube from scratch - step by step instructions

    To start making money on YouTube with a full zero, you need to successively follow these steps:

    • Register on YouTube. With registration on YouTube, you should not have any problems - you specify your login and email. And you are registered if something does not understand the service instructions.
    • Determine the subject of your video. A little earlier we discussed that commercial topics can bring much more money to you than the rest.

    An example of a channel on YouTube on money making

    But she has a significant minus - much less views than the popular rollers.

    Therefore, this case needs to be treated with creativity. You can make a review of your goods cheerful and fascinating. It will be able to attract much more users to you. So you can kill two hares - to advertise the goods and attract potential buyers, which in turn will bring you a considerable earnings from advertisers.

    Watch the video on the topic:

    Get a reactive plan? Launch your money car on YouTube on your own and other people's videos!

    Agree that if the subject of your video does not like you, it is certainly, this work will not bring you any joy. Therefore, always make what you like.

    What video download to your channel in YouTube to earn?

    Let us give a pair of examples on the topic of which you can upload your video for earnings:

    1. where you are (or consider yourself) master, or just video about your hobbies (home repair, playing guitar, various pastries, recipes, etc.)
    2. Video reviews on the topic that you like (movies, games, music, various gadgets, shopping, etc.)
    3. Video gameplay of your favorite games (passing games)
    4. Your personal video (on intellectual, political, humorous topic)
    • Channel, pre-creating it . To attract a large number of users (subscribers), you need to create your own channel on YouTube. To date, the service offers you flexible opportunities to independently configure and beautifully issue your channel. It will be much better if you decide to cooperate with the company for a long time and then order your channel's design from a specialist. You can create a channel for free - there is a lot of information on creating. But that the channel be created quickly and qualitatively will have to attach some money, which will soon pay off. YouTube there is nothing difficult in creating and designing your channel. To create it, just follow the link. Your task is just follow step by step instructions. You can change the decoration of the channel in the settings of this channel.
    • Remove high-quality video and process it . To remove high-quality video, you must understand that the video itself should be high quality, with sound good design and correct lighting. The quality of the recording should also be at a high level. Also should never forget about the back background. Do not be afraid to experiment. Delete always frames that you have not turned out or turned out badly.

    Good place your channel YouTube. If people see that the channel has a beautiful and original design, then blesses subscribe to it

    How to name the channel on YouTube

    Do not be lazy to replace some points of the video, pay attention to high-quality digital processing. Do not think that users will not see it and will not appreciate. Believe me, it is always nice to look at a good high-quality video.

    • Engage in promoting your channel . To make you optimize the video for the search query itself. It's not difficult to do it. It will be necessary to go to the site of the selection of keywords. You can choose keywords in service WordStat.yandex.ru - this is a service for the selection of words where you can determine the number of words that are driven by users to the Yandex search engine. Agree that, what is interested in people in Yandex, as a rule, are also interested in Yutube. Naturally, deviations can be, for this there are other services that break the keys in Youtube.

    An example of selecting a keyword for your video. Under this key phrase and need to be promoted and recorded video, as it is requested in Yandex 734 times

    By choosing the keyword you like, you can use it everywhere: in the video itself, in the comments, in the header and the description of the roller. You can also advertise your videos on social networks, which will increase the chances of viewing your roller.

    • Start working with the partnership program . Google's partner is not very easy to become a partner. To do this, your video should have a lot of views. You can read all the conditions in detail you can on the official website. You can do differently. You can change the country of your video channel. For example, it will be the United States. After turn on video monetization. To do this, you need to select the dollar icon.

    Types of monetization on the rollers in Youtube, take a tick everywhere

    The income will be more if you put all types of monetization.

    Read another 5 articles

    How to make money on downloads in Youtube? Only for 1 day the site browsing more than 4 billion videos. Over the past year, Media Holding earned about $ 12 billion on advertising. And every year the profit only grows. Why don't we try to pinch a small piece from multi-billion dollar money treated there. Create a channel, upload videos and make money. And the income is almost constant - posted video and forgotten. The money will continue to drip on the account without your further participation. Someone else, who has less.

    How much do you earn on the channel youtub?

    The top videos, having hundreds of millions of views bring their owners hundreds of thousands of dollars. This is usually a professionally shot commercial video. But this is not our level.

    Top video bloggers earn tens of thousands of dollars a month. Until this, it is also far to us. So we will consider the usual prospects for earning a regular channel.

    Channel classification by their profitability.

    1. Altruists. They lead their channel and lay out the video exclusively as a hobby. You can spend parallel with social networks (VKontakte, Facebook). People just like it and, accordingly, does not bring any income.

    2. Minimalists. Earnings are not the main goal (see paragraph 1), but it's not a small penny to earn. Average income 10-50 $ per month.

    3. Harvesting. Trying to earn as much as possible. Remove the video, maybe even lay out someone else's channel. But there is no mass popularity. Average income 100 — 300$.

    4. Cameras. Do the same as people from the 3rd group, but more successfully. They have more interesting (and popular) rollers, many subscribers. Seriously engage in the promotion of their channel. As a result - the level of income is already an order of magnitude higher - about 500 — 1000$ And even higher.

    5. Famous video bloggers. Channel promotion is more professional, regularly post new interesting video. The number of subscribers starts from the amount with five zeros and is constantly growing. Their income is also growing. Income begins OT. several thousand dollars.

    6. Elite. Multimillion views and fame in their own country (or even around the world). Even simple videos at the expense of the name are gaining huge popularity. Add advertising contracts and invitations to various shows. Money flows into their river pocket, the stream begins from 50 thousand dollars a month.

    Of course, on 2 recent steps of popularity (and, accordingly, the level of income) is very difficult to exit (but it is still possible). But we will find the truth in the eyes, all this will require you a significant return of both time and tools.

    Your aim: Go from the first level (or even zero, if you have no channel yet) to 3-4.

    To reach the income of $ 50-100 per month is quite able to all. There is nothing difficult in this. To achieve this level you will need a month 2-3.

    To evaluate how much your channel can bring profit, you need to understand

    what makes earnings on YouTube

    • view Advertising. Money is charged only if the user looked at advertising to the end. Advertising display is usually placed at the beginning of the roller (less often in the middle). Advertising can be skipped by pressing the appropriate link, and it is possible to make forcibly watching to the end. I advise you to use the second method. So you can not get a lot of views, some (including me) immediately leave.
    • payment for clicks. If the user clicked on advertising, then you are charged a fee. As a rule, if certain conditions are performed. Suppose the user switched the link and immediately came out, do not wait for money. Especially "meticulous" advertisers set a number of rigid conditions: to carry out at least 30 seconds on the advertised site, view at least 3-4 site pages, etc. The price per click may also vary. It all depends on the subject and from competition. Suppose advertising in finance and real estate is very high, advertisers are much and to place their advertising they are willing to pay at the most elevated "tariff". On the other hand, take for example toys for children. Advertisers are not so much in this area, respectively, there are practically no competition among them. And the price per click will be minimal.

    All these actions in the aggregate and determine your earnings.

    For those who want to hear more specific numbers, there are simplified formula Rate your income in Youtube.

    On average, the error of this formula is plus-minus 20%. But nevertheless approximate income it shows.

    So still

    How much can you make money on watching videos in YouTube?

    If you take an ordinary person who created a channel and not possessing any special skills in the field of creating special effects, installation of voice acting, etc. minimum income level of about 80 - 100 dollars and higher. You can try to make money on other people's videos. Of course, it is not entirely legitimate from the point of view of copyright, but so do everything, and not one year. And no one was punished. As a last resort, you will have a blocking channel for half a year - this is a maximum of punishment.

    Let's consider on the example how many can you earn

    Suppose you have placed 30 videos, on average, each of them looks at 30 people per day (not so much, in fact). We get 30 risters x 30 views x 30 days in a month \u003d 27,000 views per month.

    Approximately 30 dollars. It seems to be a little. But ...... for the year it is already 360 dollars. At a time done work. And if the views are 10 times more, or the video you lay out not 30, and 100. Your income will immediately increase multiple times (at least 5-10 times). And this is completely different numbers.

    To earn a month 100 dollars Enough to collect 100 000 views In the aggregate on all your videos. If you actively communicate in social networks for you in general it will be a couple of trifles. Like your videos, and then the chain reaction will begin, some of your friends will look (some of them also likes), then friends of friends and so on. Yes, one interesting video can collect so many views, not to mention a few dozen.

    You will learn how to make and make a channel on YouTube, where to start creating and what video to download to be interested in the viewers. Also read in the article how to find out how much the channel earns.

    09.04.2018 Ivan Rostovtsev

    YouTube is not just a platform for creativity, but a source of additional or even basic income. In this article, we will talk about proven ways of monetization, we will give delivel tips on increasing profits, as well as mention both underwater stones.

    Arm yourself with a notebook with a handle and tea with buns - ahead of you will be waiting for a step-by-step plan to conquer YouTube!

    How real is the earnings on YouTube?

    Today, except that the lazy does not have its own platform on YouTube. Some remove the rollers about their lives, others teach others, the third pour entertainment content. At the same time, many jutubers earn good on their brainchild. The income of the top bloggers is calculated in dozens and hundreds of thousands of dollars per month.

    What can you earn

    So, did you decide to become a professional youtuber?

    Try one or more ways to monetize your site.

    contextual advertising

    Advertising from Google, perhaps the easiest and most stable way of passive earnings, although not the most profitable. Its essence is that during the video of the video, a pop-up announcement appears, for the transition along which the platform owner is charged. YouTube recognizes the topic by name and selects the appropriate advertising.

    Advertising in video

    You can advertise as a foreign product and your own - with the difference in the fact that in the first case you get only percentage of profits, and in the second - the whole amount. It can be an advertising saver at the beginning, one or more rollers opening during viewing, as well as a small reference to the product from the author of the roller.

    At the same time, only commercial shows are paid, i.e. Only those that are viewed to the end. With the disconnected advertising, the view is not counted.

    Paid husky

    Get an additional audience by buying like a popular blogger. As a result, his entire numerous audience will see your content in the tape, and if it is of interest, you will receive additional views and huskies.

    Placing ads in social networks

    Your pages on social networks are an additional audience for YouTube. Place links to videos on your pages, collect huskies and reposit of your friends, get additional views. Or leave references in open thematic groups.

    How to create your own canal on YouTube and make money on it - where to start?

    For those who inspired the idea of \u200b\u200ban additional source of income on the Internet, we propose step-by-step instructions.

    This guide is the most optimal and easy way to get a private platform on YouTube.

    Step 1. We register a Gmail account

    If you have an account in Google - great! If not, rather register it.

    For this:

    • go to the registration page:
    • fill all the proposed items;
    • invent the address and password;
    • agree with the privacy policy;
    • if you wish, you load the photo (but you can do it later).

    Details of registration - in a special plot:

    Voila, Account Ready:

    Step 2. Select a niche and create a channel on YouTube

    Do you already know what you will publish? If not, we advise you to immediately decide on the niche to pick up the name of the blog, and also thematically arrange it.

    Now proceed to the registration:

    1. Go to YouTube.com .
    2. Click on the "Login" tab and automatically enter the Google account.
    3. After successful authorization, go to the settings of the Utuba account (gear in the upper right corner).
    4. Go to the General Information tab, click "Create Channel".

    Your account on YouTube is ready and waits for posting the first video!

    Step 3. We make a channel and start publishing rollers

    The appearance of the main page creates the first impression. It is all that it depends, there will be a visitor to watch a video or just closes the tab. If possible, it is better to trust this process to professional designers. But if you want to do it yourself, let's start with the simplest.


    It can be both a personal photo and a logo or just a beautiful picture. The main thing is that it reflects your individuality.

    The size of the picture should not exceed 800 pixels. Therefore, it is necessary to select an image of the optimal size, or that that does not lose sight when trimming.

    • click the place of avatars in the upper right corner;
    • automatically go to Google Plus, because it is where all changes in the account are recorded;
    • we load the image, scab and press "ready."

    Avatar will not update immediately, you need to wait a few minutes.


    This is exactly the background that visitors will see when moving to your page. The cap must maintain the subject of content, demonstrate it visually. To the picture does not lose quality, you need to adhere to the size of 2560x1440 pixels, and the weight should not exceed 10 MB.

    The picture for the cap can be ordered from the designer, make yourself or download on the photo station.

    Install the header:

    1. Go to your account.
    2. In the right corner, click configure the view of the "Overview" page.
    3. In the window that opens, click "Add Decor", and then "Select a file on a computer" if the picture is optimal size -propripping the process of cadry.
    4. Click "Choose" and see the result.


    Agree, much more convenient to look for videos on topics than viewing them in chaotic order.

    Therefore, you need to work well over the structure, especially since it does not take much time:

    • on the main page, choose the "Playlists" tab;
    • click "+ New playlist";
    • we enter the name and add a description;
    • configure the basic parameters.

    Step 4. We are promoting the channel and connect monetization

    Once the main stages of design are passed, it takes some time on adding content and attracting the audience.

    There are several tricks to speed up this process:

    1. Attracting from search engines - "Tatching" the name and description of the rollers for search queries, which are selected using the Yandex Wordstat service.
    2. Place only your videos - only unique content will help conquer the interest of the audience.
    3. Place a link to the rollers in social networks - friends can be spoken well.
    4. In each roller, do not forget to call for a subscription - if the video is interested in the visitor, it will certainly want to view the author's updates, so it would be nice to remind him of the opportunity to subscribe.

    To become a partner of YouTube, it is necessary that the video is typing 10,000 views. The newcomer should be started with Adsense, the minimum threshold in which is only 200 views.

    Increase the number of subscribers in the following ways:

    • services for cheating subscribers - Although much more pleasant to increase their number of naturally;
    • interlated - Agree with the authors of similar subjects to advertise each other's channels, how popular bloggers will agree to propagate you only for money;
    • its chip - arrange a contest, remove the review at the request of the audience or perform any interesting task that can be determined by voting.
    • jutub's affiliate - 10,000 views;
    • aDSENS - 200 views.

    You can only withdraw money when the amount is 100 $.

    We offer some simple tips for the design of the page so that it is pleasant to the visitor's eye:

    1. Before starting work, shifting the platforms of popular bloggers. See how the page is framed as sorted by video, content is published. Try to take into account all these factors in your creation and periodically evaluate your profile from the side, as the visitor sees it.
    2. Be sure to adhere to the established sizes of the avatar and caps so that the quality of the image is not affected.
    3. Distribute rollers by category so that any theme is easy to find in a specific playlist, and not scroll through the entire list.

    What videos download to your channel to earn?

    In fact, there is no consensus, which video is better monetized.

    With high-quality content, any categories are equally popular.


    If you are an expert in any sphere and are ready to tell about this general public, you probably have an audience that will be a volley to view your videos and look forward to new ones.


    Do you often make purchases and test new?

    Your experience will surely be useful to thousands of spectators. Reviews are removed not only for goods - it can be films, books or music.

    Travel video


    Video with the passage of your favorite game will definitely be interested in avid gamers.

    Entertainment video

    Video jokes, rollers with children or animals enjoy great popularity. In addition, if your life is rich in interesting events, you will certainly have an audience that will be interested in "watching" you in real time.

    How to find out how much does the channel earn on YouTube?

    There are a lot of services with which you can easily find out how much youth-bloggers actually earn.

    Here is some of them.


    The service issues the incomes of each account on Youtube to the reality as close as possible. The main page shows the rating of popular bloggers - view their statistics on the subject of interest to you. Or enter the name of a particular channel and find out which income it brings.


    This is an analogue of the above service, which also publishes an approximate income of any channel. Most likely, when checking on different services, the amount of income will be somewhat different, so it is worth considering the average.


    An Angolanical service in which it is not possible to determine the income of Russian-speaking channels. But with it, you inspire the earnings of foreign bloggers.

    Finally, let you give you some tips that will help speed up the monetization of the YouTube channel.

    Follow them, and your earnings will increase.

    Tip 1. Come up with a bright and memorable name.

    Imagine that you viewed a very informative video and even subscribed to the author's channel. But if the name of the canal, for example, Vasya Sidorov, after a while you are unlikely to remember who is this. Think about it in advance and give the channel the name maximum reflecting the essence of its contents.

    Tip 2. Make rollers as interesting as possible for viewers.

    Nothing contributes to the rapidly promotion of the channel as unique and interesting content. Remember the rule of 15 seconds during which the viewer either closes the video or continues to view - so make them most exciting to the video wanted to view to the end.

    Tip 3. Do so that the audience come back

    It is not possible to achieve attention - it needs to be held. When you have a new subscriber, your task is not to disappoint it. And for this you need to regularly publish new videos.

    It is very convenient to adhere to the prepared plan and produce content with certain frequency. Then your subscribers will know that once a week (or more) you need to look at you to visit you. And even better, publish the announcements of the future plot.


    Earnings on YouTube cannot be attributed to the category of passive income. Also, you should not wait for instant profits - to monetize the channel, you need to dial at least the minimum audience.

    But if you regularly create useful and interesting videos, put the soul into your channel and think about your audience, after a while you will definitely start earning!

    Not everyone knows that on the popular YouTube service, you can not only watch various videos and clips, but also make a good money. To do this, you need to create an interesting video that users will watch and connect the affiliate program to it. Each view will bring you a few cents - if your channel is popular, you can go on a good monthly income.

    How to earn

    So how to make money on YouTube and for what they are paid at all? Canal on YouTube can be compared with the site. If you fill it with high-quality content (content), then the thematic audience quickly forms. And for the target audience, you can always find an advertisement that will be shown during viewing.

    Earnings on YouTube is easy to start from scratch - you will need only smartphone and the Internet

    That is, the principle of earnings on YouTube looks like this:

    1. You create your channel and add an interesting video to it.
    2. It is browsing by users, "Laiking", it becomes popular and attracts new spectators.
    3. You connect contextual advertising to the profile.
    4. Advertising is shown to the user before viewing the roller or during it.
    5. You are charged for watching or clicking on advertising from Google.

    Google performs an intermediary - he receives money for advertising shows from advertisers, and then sharing them with the authors. As an advertisement, it can act as a banner with a specific text and reference (appears after viewing) and a removed roller, which is played at the beginning of your clip.

    In order to start earning, you do not need any investments - an interesting video can be removed even on your phone or a digital camera. Fill it into your channel, confirm your copyright (YouTube banits for plagiarism), and connect the affiliate program in the settings. Advertising will be added to the video according to your location (that is, the Chinese rollers will not spin in Russia) and the subject of the channel. You can enable earnings on the tabhttps://www.youtube.com/features Parameter "Monetization".

    Note:observe copyright is very important. If you use someone's video or music, you can block on the copyright complaint and all videos will be deleted.


    The account of the partner is very different from the "Basic". You can pour on it a video with an unlimited duration and maximum quality. You can also place your channel: set the cover, wallpapers, etc.

    For earnings on YouTube, pour the video to your channel and turn on "Monetization"

    To make money in YouTube for watching You need to confirm your account. By clicking on the "Monetization" button, you will open the confirmation panel of your profile. Here you will need to enter your phone number, get sms or call on it, and enter the code into the corresponding field. Then you need to fill out the questionnaire, specifying some data. After that, you will get the title of "partner" and will be able to start your own business.

    How much can you earn?

    How much can you make money on YouTube from 1000 views? If you have the thematic channel and many subscribers, then 5-6 dollars with 1000 is going easy enough. Moreover, high-quality video will not be viewed, but constantly.

    How to earn more?

    The main business rule is more stable and earn the mediator, not the manufacturer. What does this mean? You can't be physically able to completely issue a qualitative thematic content. Therefore, it can be simply collecting or creating general-gradatic rollers. A simple example is a channel dedicated to some kind of game. It lays out a video with a frequency once a month, which collects views of only 40% of the audience of this game. In parallel, a blogger works, which makes reviews for all leaving new games. Even if he is uploading an overview once a month, then it will be more because of the popularity of the topic.

    All statistics on the reviews, video and income, popularity can be viewed in your personal account.

    This principle works everywhere: Film studio will not compare with the audience of the channel about cinema and celebrities, the performer with the music canal. Therefore, it is more profitable to produce secondary information than to make original content.

    Note:many people earning a lot of people. This means that you will have a serious competition from the very beginning. Therefore, you need to choose the right niche - it should be interesting to you, and the audience.

    Selection of subjects

    It is more correct to make a video on the topic in which you understand. If you are a fisherman - shoot a video about gear, bait, methods of fishing, tourist equipment, etc. If you sell phones, then make reviews of new products, tests, comparisons with other popular phones. Be sure to see how your competitors make it: Think where they make mistakes, what would you like to add to the video or remove.

    The most popular topics on YouTube are:

    1. Humor. This includes various popular bloggers and transfers +100500, KVN, this is good, etc.
    2. Music and clips. It is more difficult for earnings here, because the authors may complain to the video and demand to remove it.
    3. News and reviews of the situation. There is a very big space for creativity, but you should always keep your hand on the pulse of events and have your own style.
    4. Bloggyng. This is a description of various games, movies, events, etc. Partially echoes the third point, but if an analytical thinking and understanding of the situation needs to review the news and politics, then blogging can be done with almost any person. This is the easiest way.earn on YouTube from scratch.

    Y Outube gives us an excellent opportunity to earn, as well as get passive income. There are a lot of earnings in Youtube. Today we will figure it out how to make money on YouTube for views using your own or foreign channels?

    The content of the article :

    How do people earn on downloads in YouTube

    Imagine: You shot a funny home video on your phone, downloaded it on YouTube, and the next morning woke up a real star and at the same time worked well. How do you like this perspective? Many are interested in how to make money in YouTube on the views.

    90% of the most popular videos on YouTube are shots from the daily life of the most ordinary people. Schoolchildren, housewives, street musicians, retirees - and all of them among the authors of the most popular video. People attract simplicity and openness. This is the way to success on YouTube.

    Earnings on YouTube views depends on two things - this is a viewing of advertising and payment for clicks. There are several types of advertising on video hosting:

    • advertising before the start of the roller, in the middle or end;
    • advertising on pages of videos in the upper right corner;
    • advertising banner or pop-up window that appears while watching a video.

    The owner of the canal receives money if his spectators are fully browsed by advertising or click on the banner. Advertising insert can be skipped after a few seconds after starting viewing, the banner can be closed, but then the view is not counted. You can also set up a complete display of advertising without the possibility of passing, but here there are its cons - many users just go from the page without browsing or advertising or video itself.

    Some advertisers put special conditions - for example, the user must spend 30 seconds on the site, see several pages and so on. Prices for clicking are also different from different advertisers, it all depends on the theme and popularity of the brand or company. For example, the most "generous" in terms of payment are firms in the field of finance and real estate - competition is dominated in the market, and therefore the advertiser is ready to pay for advertising more.

    There is another way of earning youtube using views - if you do not have installation skills, high-quality camcorder and microphone, you can earn at viewing foreign rollers on YouTube. The essence is such - you register on a special service, view the video, money is charged for this work - they can be displayed onto an electronic wallet. It is advantageous to customers for cheating views and likes, and the service owners are to increase earnings.

    How much can you earn on the views in YouTube for the month

    If you have your own channel, for 1000 views you will earn approximately 1 dollar or a little more, sometimes to two. Thus, for 50 thousand views you will receive $ 50, for 100 thousand - 100 dollars and so on the increasing. For 1,000,000 views you will receive one thousand dollars, and this is already serious money. All YouTube Holding Channels can be classified by yield:

    1. Amateur. The user for whom the creation of rollers is a hobby, does not earn anything. At first, you will not be able to connect the advertisement - for this you need to have a thousand subscribers and 4 thousand views on the channel.
    2. Beginner videoclogger. At the start, after connecting the monetization, you can earn about 10-15 dollars a month.
    3. Diligent. Removing videos regularly, but without having a mass popularity, you can get around $ 100-300 per month.
    4. Advanced. Your rollers are becoming interesting to users, you are engaged in promoting the channel, and your income grow. Earnings - 500-1000 dollars and more.
    5. Famous video broker. Regular rollers, professional channel promotion and a large number of subscribers. For 1 million views on YouTube, famous bloggers get more than a thousand dollars.
    6. Leader opinions. Your views achieve a few million, and every new video is gaining popularity instantly. If you reach this level, you will earn from several thousand dollars.

    How much do you earn on YouTube for watching Popular bloggers? The most visible resource author Pewdiepie. Every month receives up to 1,000,000 dollars. Earnings of the most famous blogger in Russia Ivangay It reaches more than one million rubles per month, he has 13 million subscribers on the channel and almost 3 billion views. Earnings of the user Adamthomasmoran.known as Max +100500., varies from 609 to 761 thousand rubles per month, and the most popular Russian-speaking blogger Kate Clapp Gets per month to 300 thousand rubles.

    How to make money on YouTube on the downloads of your channel

    First, you will need a certain technique - this is a fairly powerful computer, a high-speed Internet connection for quick loading of the rollers, a good webcam or camera on a tripod, a high-quality microphone, as well as programs for shooting and processing video. Among them: VSDC Free Video EDitor, Adobe Premiere Pro, Vegas Pro, Corel VideoStudio Pro. Having a technical component, you can easily and quickly remove and mount the rollers, but at first you can do without expensive techniques - the main thing is that there was a good sound and image.

    Next step - you register Google account, go to the site YouTube. And create a channel. Think over the name, make up the page, add a description and start working with your profile. To make money on your videos, you need to fill the channel by content, which will be interested in YouTube users. You can choose absolutely any subject and format:

    • Actual news. Tell us about the news of the country and the world or the successes of individual companies, spend your own analysis of interesting events and express your opinion.
    • Instructions and training. Remove several master classes, teach your subscribers a new one and step by step tell how to make something or another thing.
    • Reviews of video games, games, books. We are very popular on video hosting - people are interested in learn others about popular new products.
    • Letply. This category includes the passage of the game, a demonstration of gameplay and humorous cuts from various video games.
    • Spoken video. Tell us about yourself, how you live your day, share interesting events and stories from life.
    • Video Blogs (Vlogo). Remove and mock your trip, traveling to different corners of the Earth, share your impressions with the audience.
    • Sketches, scenes, staged rollers. Humor and creative approach to the rollers causes extra interest among the public.
    • Interview. Invite an interesting guest and ask him a few questions. The more popular your guest, the more views you will receive.
    • Children's Content. You can shoot entertainment videos for children, review toys, games and other developing rollers. Children and their parents are the main audience on the site.

    How to monetize your content on YouTube (instruction)

    How to make money on YouTube for views using the site affiliate program? In 2018, YouTube tightened the requirements for authors who want to join the affiliate program of the resource. To monetize content, you need to have a minimum of a thousand subscribers and not less than 4 thousand hoursviews for the latter 12 months. If the channel satisfies the resource requirements, you need to configure monetization. Make it easy - go to Creative studio, Select the " Status and functions»In the channel settings and enable monetization in the appropriate section.

    The next thing you need to do is to connect the channel with the account. Adsensewhich will be responsible for advertising and monetization of your content. To do this, register with the Adsense website, but you need to do it through your channel on YouTube. To do this, go to the Monetization page in the Creative Channel Studio, agree with the rules of the affiliate program and follow the following instructions - the system will redirect you to the Adsense service website, there you can end the registration, confirm the account and link it with your channel. Now you can receive money from the YouTube affiliate program.

    Independent Personnel YouTube

    In addition to the official affiliate program of YouTube, you can register with independent resources that work on the principle of Adsense. These services help you with promotion and search for advertisers, but take a commission from all transactions.

    1. Youola.com. Affiliate network working with many popular bloggers. Pay from 70-80% income. System Requirements: Connected Monetization, 10 thousand views on the channel and 3 thousand views on video published in the last 30 days.
    2. Air.io. (Agency of Internet Right). Pay 70% of advertising income. If you have 1,500 subscribers and 5 thousand hours reviews in the last year, you can become a network partner.
    3. Xdigital.ru.. Certified Utub Content Aggregator. Pay authors to 85% of income from advertising. Requirements - at least thousands of subscribers and average attendance at least thousand views per day.

    What does the size of earnings depend on?

      Number of active subscribers

      The number of users who are signed on the canal and enter it for the sake of new publications.

      Number of videos

      The more video on your channel, the more views and subscribers you will receive.

      Regular publications

      Duration of viewing

      YouTube encourages users who regularly lay out rollers. Lay out several rollers a week, and better - even more.

      Place of rollers in search results

      Annotation, the picture on the preview - depends on this, will the speaker will be interested in the speaker and for what place it will be withdrawn in the search results.

      Involvement of users

      If the user reviews the video and goes to other rollers on the channel, the position of your rollers will increase in the search.

    1. Do not wait for mad popularity Immediately after placing your first roller. Remove new videos regularly, work on quality. The audience may attract only constant replenishment of content.
    2. Look for new ideas, do not spare time on the installation and editing of the rollers - the number of your subscribers and views depends on the high-quality feed. Optimize the video correctly, add tags and keywords in the description.
    3. Communicate with subscribersTry to answer all comments. It will show that you are not indifferent to the audience, and the audience will return to the canal again and again.
    4. To bring moneyYou will need an account in the electronic payment system. Be sure to register the account so that your "salary" comes to it.
    5. Do not place on your channel other people's videocopyright-protected - your channel is not monetized, and the account will be blocked or deleted. This is a dishonest business that will not bring you profits.

    How to make money on YouTube views (other people's channels)

    If you do not have an expensive camera, lubricate appearance, a beautiful voice, you can still make a profit on YouTube. However, it is an earnings from viewing not your rollers. Let's figure it out for watching other people's videos.

    You need to register with special resources and for remuneration to view videos. Earnings will be about 1 kopeck for watching a video longer than 20 seconds, but it all depends on the specific service and its working conditions. Here are the most popular of them:

      Here you can watch Youtube videos for money, like or comment on posts in other social networks. During the hour of viewing, you can earn from $ 0.2.

      Young, but promising resource. The principle of operation is the same - you pay for the performance of various tasks. For one task you can get from 001 to 0.01 euros.

      Issue Exchange, with which you can view the video for a fee, put like and make money. For one task - from 0.04 to 0.5 dollars.

      Exchange dedicated to comments. You are viewing the video, leave your comment and get up to 46 rubles for the work done. For example, viewing video and subscription to the author's channel here costs about 3 rubles.

    How much yatub pays for 1,000,000 views

    For 1000 views, the channel can receive an income of about two dollars. However, the exact amount for 1 million views on YouTube will be difficult to calculate. On average, 1 million views on YouTube you can get rich for a thousand US dollars. However, this amount is conditional.

    There are many different sites that make it possible to find out how much a particular channel has earned.

    One of the similar services is SocialBlade.. It makes it possible to find out the income of any YouTube channel.

    Statistics says that foreign YouTube Accounts earn more money. This is due to the fact that overseas advertisers are ready to pay more.

    Popular foreign blogger for 1 million views on YouTube earns about $ 4,000.

    Is it possible to make money on YouTube on the views

    Can I earn on the views in YouTube a novice user?

    You can reach an income of $ 50-100 in a few months, the main thing is to work creatively to your work and regularly post new videos. Do not hope that by laying out a few videos, you immediately go. However, you can receive passive income. And if you can engage in bringing a large number of subscribers to your channel and constantly update it with cool rollers, you can turn such a hobby into a source of income.

    Let us give an example: Suppose, per month you have placed 10 rollers. They are browsing by 30 people per day, per month it will be 9 thousand views, it is about 10 dollars of income per month and $ 120 a year. The amount is small, but constantly increasing its audience and viewing, you can organize passive income and earn good money.

    Constantly load interesting, but not very long rollers. There is a rich selection of topics for video:

    • Video instructions, video tutorials, tips;
    • Reviews of video games, movies, cartoons, literature;
    • Video diaries;
    • Interview.

    Do not wait for enthusiastic applause after the first placement of the video. Success will come with time. Remove the new interesting material - it will attract more subscribers.

    To multiply your income on YouTube, you need:

    1. Generate ideas, fill your channel with unusual and creative rollers;
    2. Engage in installation and editing videos;
    3. In the description apply keywords;
    4. Add the necessary tags;
    5. Create accounts in social networks with an advertising goal;
    6. Lead an active correspondence correspondence;
    7. Choose a successful topic for your video.

    What should not do:

    • Place on the channel not your video. This can entail the removal of your account or blocking it;
    • Think that now you do not need to go to work. If you do not work out on YouTube, try other ways to earn money;
    • Some users reduce your rating and write bad comments. Do not let them do it.

    Communicate with your subscribers. After you manage to attract new subscribers to your channel, it is necessary to monetize it.

    Monetization will give you the opportunity to add advertising to your videos. Make it easily - after downloading the video in the "Monetization" section, check the "Monetising Video" menu item. Then set Google Adsense. Visit this site and log in to the "Registration" section. Fill all necessary fields.

    To be able to output money, register Paypal wallet or open an account in the bank. Money is credited to you automatically for each advertising click. Separately, funds are charged for watching videos, but they will accumulate for a long time. It is for this reason that you need to dial as many subscribers as possible and constantly update the content of your channel.
