How to make an excel file. Shared access to Excel file at the same time

In a number of users who work closely with Excel tables, it may be necessary to create an excel table on a computer on which it is not installed Microsoft Office. (and therefore there is no Microsoft Excel). Problem? Not at all! In the creation of the specified table you will be helped by popular network services, allowing you to easily create an Excel table online. In this material, I will tell you how to run Excel online, what services will help us, and how to work with them.

Specificity of services with built-in Excel

The network has several popular network services that allow not only to open an Excel file online, but also create a new exile table, edit it, and then save to your PC. Usually they have a fairly similar to MS Excel functionality, and work with them will not create any problems for users who have already had a previously dealing with the MS Excel stationary editor.

To register on such platforms, you can use the login and password of the user account in social networks (for example, on Facebook), or undergo a standard registration procedure via email.

Use the Exceel functionality

I like working with documents, tables and create presentations online, without installing a plurality of programs on a computer, so I created a selection of the best services - and.

Let us turn to the list of services that allow you to create Excel's tables online online. Some of them are quite actively working with cloud servicesTherefore, can copy the user-created tables there, and from there the user can download the table created by them to his computer.

Office.Live - program to create and edit tables

This service from Microsoft makes it possible to access MS Office features online, and completely free. In particular, you can use the MS Excel network editor functionality that allows you to create, edit and save tables online in popular formats of this editor (, XML and others).

  1. To work with the editor, go to the specified resource
  2. Select "Sign in with Microsoft account."
  3. And create account (or use your account credentials in Skype).
  4. Next, you will open the basic template screen to create an Excel table. Click on the "New Book", and you will go into the creation mode and edit your table.
  5. To save the result, click on the File tab - "Save As" - "download a copy".

Google Tables - allows you to add graphs and charts to Excel

Google Docs. - This is a network online service from google companies With rich opportunities, including allowing you to work with Excel, view the appropriate file formats (XLS, XLSX, ODS, CSV), create graphics and charts, and so on. To work with this service, you must have an account in Google, if you do not have it, then I suggest you to create it.

  1. To take advantage of Google Docs features, go to this resource ///, and enter your account data in Google.
  2. To create a new document, click on the "Blank" (rectangle with a green plus card), and you will go to the Excel table creation mode.
  3. The interface of the English-language service, but for users who had previously deal with Excel, work with Google Docs will not deliver special problems.
  4. To save the table you created the table, click on "File" - "download as" and select a convenient file saving format (for example, XLSX).

Zoho Sheet - program to create spreadsheets

Service with the support of the Russian language, which has all the necessary functionality to create Excel tables. The service is able to almost everything that his competitors - works with most excel formats, supports the collaborative editing of the document by several users, allows you to build graphs and charts and so on.

  2. Click on the "Create SpreadSheet" button (you may need your account in Google), and you will go to the table creation mode.
  3. You can save the result by clicking on "File" - "Export as", and selecting a file convenient for you (usually "MS Excel Book").

EtherCalc - opens the files.xlsx, .xlsm i.xls

Among the advantages of this service, I would notice the ability to work with Excel tables without any registration, support for parallel editing of one table by several users, convenient functionality, as well as many other advantages to work with Excel online tables in Russian.

  1. To work with this service, go to it
  2. Click on the "CREATE SPREADSHEET" button (Create a spreadsheet).
  3. You will go to edit mode, and you can create a table you need.
  4. To save the final document, click on the image with a disk on the left, select Saving Format, and download the table to your PC.

Work window of the service "EtherCalc"

Yandex.Disk - Simple work with Excel online

Domestic company Yandex pleased the user with the opportunity to create and edit online document Excel with a special service on Yandex.Disk. In its functionality, this service is a copy of Office Online (the first of the network services described by me), at the same time, according to user reviews, this service From Yandex, there are sometimes problems in the work of large formulas, bugs occur, the service does not work well with Excel files created in MS Excel until 2007.

  1. To work with this service, go to it (you may need to register for Yandex).
  2. Click on the "Create" button - "Table".
  3. You will go to the mode of creating and editing the table.


To work with Excel online it is worth useing online serviceslisted by me above. All of them are free, support (for a low exception) The Russian-speaking interface, according to its functionality, is almost not inferior to the stationary version of MS Excel. If the reader was urgently created to create an exesel table, and the computer with the MS Office installed at hand was not at hand, then it is worth using the functionality of the network tools described above, which allows you to effectively solve this, and similar to it, tasks.

After starting the Excel program, a window opens with an empty book. The default document assigns the name - Book1 (Book1). The new name is set by the user.

Fig. 13.8.. Task Area Creating a Book

The document can be created in the following ways:

  • select in the menu File (File) command Create (New). In the area of \u200b\u200btasks Creating a book (New Workbook) Click the desired hyperlink (Fig. 13.8). Links in the task area allow you to use a clean book, templates on your computer, templates on web sites. If you save a book as a template, you can create a new book with the same formatting and styles by opening this template. (The use of the template when creating a document is considered in chapter 9);
  • press the button Create (NEW) Standard toolbar. The button is located on the left edge of the panel and allows you to create new documentbased on the regular template. Button duplicate keys Ctrl + T. (Ctrl + N.).

By default, the book template is called Book.xlt. (The purpose of the template is discussed in Chapter 9, in the "Usage of the Template when creating a document".) Templates can be created for both books and individual sheets. For sheets by default, the Sheet.xlt pattern is used. To change the default view of the Excel book, change the new book and save it under the name of the book. SLT in the XLStart directory.

Saving new toolbar settings

The use of toolbars in Office 2003 programs was reviewed in Chapter 2, in the "Toolbar" section. Note that the configured dimensions of several toolbars and their location on the screen can be saved for subsequent work, which will save you from the need to re-configure when the Microsoft Excel launches. After setting up the sizes of the toolbars and their location on the screen, exit Excel. Locate the Excel.xlb file and change its name, leaving the previous extension. XLB. To reuse saved settings, open the renamed file tool settings file Open (Open) in the menu File (File).

Why work if you have already done a job for you?

This question is fair for examples of Excel, which have already been developed by Microsoft. Consider how you can use the templates provided to Excel.

In order to refer to templates of documents installed with Office, you should:

1. On the File tab, select the Create command.
2. In the group Available Templates Select Pattern Samples (Fig. 1) and specify the template you like (though, pre-installed patterns are quite small. The eye is not particularly to stop on).
3. Press the Create button, resulting in a new Excel book based on the template you selected.

I would like to note that the usual Office documents (Word and Excel) are also created based on the laid office templates.

The latter are taken as the basis every time when creating a new document. Want to change the parameters of the newly created documents? Change the main template.

For example, there is no other strength of yours, look at the Calibri font, 11 installed by default. Every day to change it to Calibri, 12, which is glad. How to fix it? Very simple!!!

To do this, it is enough to install in the desired settings just open document and save it under the name. CSC (this is an Excel template default.) by selecting the File Type in the File field Excel template (Fig.2).

In addition to those described, you can also use templates located on the Microsoft website (provided that the computer is connected to the Internet).

To upload a template from Microsoft's website:

1. On the tab File Select a command Create.
2. In group templates Select the template group of interest - templates available in this group will appear in the viewing area.
3. To highlight the mouse in the template that plan to download to your computer, for example schedule of lessons (Fig.3), and press the button Download.

After loading the template will be opened on the working excel sheet (Fig. 4) as a finished table with some data. If necessary, they should be replaced with their values \u200b\u200bor fill the corresponding cells. And there will be a beauty to your child to the wall so that in the diary does not look every time.

Undoubtedly, in the preparation of the tables, almost every user uses the Excel program, partly because it is convenient in management, has an intuitive interface, and also has a powerful apparatus of coloring and professional diagrams. Everyone can easily learn the Azam work in Excel.

Consider the procedures for handling working documents. With the Excel program you can create the most various documents. Working sheets (Sheets) can be used to compile tables, calculate statistical assessments, database management and diagrams. For each of these applications, the Excel Create a separate document that is saved on the disk as a file.

The file may contain several interconnected working sheets that form a single three-dimensional document (notepad, operating folder).

1) Creating a new document.

To create a new document from the File menu, you need to call the New Directive. A document name named Book2 will appear on the screen: Excel program assigns new documents to the name book (book) with the addition of the current sequence number.

To download from the disk there is a file with a working document, you need to call the OPEN directive from the File menu.

In this window, you need to specify a disk in the Drives field, and select the directory where your file is located in the Directories field.

If the choice was made correctly, a list of file names will appear in the left field, among which the search file should be. If you click on the name of this file, it will appear in the File Name field. After that, you need to close the dialog box by clicking the OK button or double-click on the name of the sought file.

3) Saving a document.

When you first save your document, you need to call the SAVE AS directive from the File menu ... After that, a dialog box appears in which you want to specify the name of the stored file, as well as the drive and the directory in which it must be positioned. The Excel program by default offers the standard name (book [sequence number]) that the user can replace any other. Proposed by default excel program Expansion file.xls should not be changed. After all the installations are made, you need to close the click dialog box over the OK button.

4) Adding work sheets.

Additional directives are located in the Insert menu. The user can add to the document elements of the following types:

  • - working sheets to create tables;
  • - diagrams (as a table element or on a separate sheet);
  • - a workbar for recording a macro in the form of a software module (in the language of MacrocomandsExcel4.0 or in VisualBasic language);
  • - work sheet to create a dialog box.

The new sheet is always inserted in front of the active work sheet. If the sheet is designed to create a table, then independently of the position occupied, it will be namesheet17, followed by increasing the number when adding new tables. New charts located on separate work sheets are numbered from Cchart1, etc. If you want to remove the left-hander, you need to open the right mouse button the context menu and execute the deletion directive.

5) Moving working sheets.

Install the mouse pointer on the operating sheet root to be moved, and by clicking the right mouse button, open the context menu. Using the MoveorCopy Directive, open the dialog box with the same name and specify the new position of the leaf rearranged. Close the Moveor Copy window by clicking on the OK button, and the work sheet will take a new position. If you enable the optional CreateAcopy button, then this work sheet will remain in the same position, and the new position will take it a copy. Table Excel Program Editor

The name of the sheet of sheet will be formed by adding a sequence number to the name of the copied sheet, for example, Sheet1 (2)

6) Renaming workers.

Install the mouse pointer on the root of the working sheet to be renamed, and right-click. A context menu will open, in which you need to open the RenameSheet dialog box using the RENAME directive. This window can also be opened by double clicking the left mouse button by the name of the working sheet. In the Name input field, specify a new sheet name that must contain no more than 31 characters, including spaces. After entering the name, click on the OK button, and the new name of the working sheet will appear on the name of the pointer.

7) Correction of lines and column widths.

First of all, the corrected string or column of the table must be marked. To do this, click the left button by the number (coordinate) of the string or column. The Format menu contains the ROW and COLUMN submenu. When you select one of these submenu, the next level menu opens. In the COLUMN submenu, call the Width directive, then the dialog box will open in which the user can specify the column width. You can use one character as a unit of measurement.

Correction can be performed using a mouse manipulator. To do this, the mouse pointer must be installed on the border between the rows numbers or column addresses. In this case, the mouse pointer acquires the type of bidirectional arrow. If you press now left button Mice and, without releasing it, slide a little mouse pointer, then you can see a barrier line that shows the border offset of the string. Move this line to the desired position and release the mouse button, then a new line border will appear in the table. If you double-click the row number (column address), the height (width) of this line (column) will be automatically adjusted by its content.

Joint access to Microsoft Excel makes it possible to work with one file at once to multiple users. Ten-twenty people on different computers at the same time make some data in one document. Where definite information is located, certain formulas work.

"Main User" has the ability to track the actions of the Working Group, add / delete participants, edit conflicting changes. How to configure collaboration in Excel.

Features of working with shared file

In the Excel book with joint access, not all tasks can be performed.

It is impossible:

  • Create Excel tables.
  • Create, change or view scripts.
  • Delete sheets.
  • Combine or divide cells.
  • Work with XML data (import, add, update, delete, etc.).

Exit: Disable general access - Run a prohibited task - enable access again.

Sharing restricts more tasks for participants:

Unacceptable Remons
Insert or delete the cells Add a string or column
Add either changing conditional formats Work with existing formats
Enable or change the "Data Check" tool Work with existing check settings
Create or edit charts, summary reports Work with existing diagrams and consolidated tables
Insert or edit drawings and graphic objects View available drawings and graphic objects
Permeate or change hyperlink Go to the existing hyperlinks
Assign, edit or delete passwords Existing passwords are functioning
Put or remove sheets and books Existing protection is running
Group, structuring data; stroke Work with existing groups, structures and sublevels
Write, change or view macros Run existing macros that are not associated with inaccessible tasks
Change or remove the array formulas Enjoy existing formulas
Add new information to data Search for information in the form of data

How to make sharing to access Excel?

First, we determine which book we will "open" to edit several participants at once. Create a new file and fill it with information. Or open the existing one.

Attention! You can not use to save the common web server file.

Opening a book with joint access

Everything. You can edit information, enter a new one. After work - save.

It happens that when opening an Excel book with shared access to the file, a "File blocked" is displayed. Save does not work. With the subsequent opening it turns out that the sharing is disabled. Possible reasons Problems:

  1. The same part of the document edit several users. For example, drive out different data into one cell. Lock occurs.
  2. During use joint file There is a magazine change (who entered when, what did). The book increases. Begins to "bug".
  3. Delete someone from users, but until he was told about it. Then the blocking may appear only on its computer.

What can be done if the file sharing file is blocked:

  1. Clean or delete the change log.
  2. Clean the contents of the file.
  3. Cancel, and then activate joint access.
  4. Open the XLS book in OpenOffice. And keep it again in XLS.

It is noted that the "File Blocked" entry is less likely to appear in newest versions Excel.

How to delete the user

Before deleting, check that users have finished working with the file.

How to disable accel joint mode

To disable sharing to access excel file, On the "Review" tab, click "Access to the book" and remove the box next to "Allow changing the file to several users."

The list should remain one user - you.