How to write title title title. Tag Title - page title

At the request of one of our readers, Evgeny Aralov conducted a webinar and told how to make title and description, which errors should be avoided how snippets in Yandex and Google are formed and how to try to influence their formation.

We have prepared for you a video, a presentation of a webinar and its text content.

If you have any questions, ask them in the comments to the article.

Videos of the webinar (4.02.2016)

Speaker: Evgeny Aralov, Lead Analyst Siteclin ...

Presentation of the webinar

Text version

So, today we will discuss the features of the formation of Title and Description and their display in snippets.

Why the title is important

1. Title is one of the most important ranking signals and in Yandex, and in Google, with it using a webmaster makes it possible to understand the search engine, which is contained on the page.

2. From the TITLE text, the text of the link in search results is generated, it is displayed in SNIPPET - it depends largely from the header, the user clics on it or not.
The same applies to social networks - Title is displayed when decaying and makes it clear that it is on the link page.

It is important to find a balance between a user and a search engine robot.

The main rules for the preparation of Title:

1. Reflects the essence of the page.

2. Contains direct entry of the most competitive keyword (search query). Usually this word reflects the essence of the page:

  • The main keyword is at the beginning of Title.
  • Contains all words from the query (for example, we have a request "Polyethylene packages to buy wholesale"This means that Title should contain words "buy", "wholesale". Also, different reformulations are often jammed, for example, and - Both of these formulations should be included.
  • Does not contain unnecessary words (BM 25). For example, "company", "in the shop", "etc." - These are words that do not directly relate to themes, they blur the weight of major keywords, the relevance of the title itself.

3. Easily read and does not contain spam.

  • No word enumeration.
  • All phrases are agreed.

Title should not contain various unnatural designs, it used to be fashionable to do similar designs - "Polyethylene packages to buy Moscow". This was done in order to accurately include a keyword, now search engines understand different formulations of a key query, and you can write humanly "Buy in Moscow".

4. Not duplicated inside the site.

5. Must differ from H1.

6. Approximate Title length - 12 words, or 120 characters.

An example of formation:

1. We group frequency requests, determine the most frequency word:

The list of words that we have, sort the frequency and see that our main key phrase - "Radio-controlled helicopters". It defines the topic of the page, it is from it that we must begin our title. Another high-frequency request - "radio-controlled helicopter", we should also include it in Title. And it is important not to forget about the additional words: « with camera "," buy ".

2. Collect the backlight from the issuance of Yandex:

Highlight collection service -

How to make a beautiful title, and not listing keywords like "Radio-controlled helicopter, helicopter on radio control"?

First we write a key phrase "Radio-controlled helicopter"because it determines the themes further - "Buy a helicopter on a radiofrave with a camera at a low price with delivery in Moscow":

Radio-controlled helicopters - buy helicopters on radio control with a camera at a low price, delivery in Moscow

Despite the fact that we have no direct entry of some requests, all of them are included in this title - the robot will understand that this page is determined by the requests we need.

So you can not do:

Using templates for the formation of title

We looked at the manual compilation of Title, but templates can use templates for pages of goods, and there is no possibility of making them manually.

Examples of templates:

Product name - order with delivery by region
Product Name - Features, Description, Price, Photo
Product name - characteristics, delivery in Moscow
Product name: various configuration and colors

At first, we have the name of the goods, in this case it is the main keyword, and then - additional words.

  • For each category, it is better to use different templates (concerns and Title and Description)
  • For the landing page, we recommend forming title manually.

Title How to do it is impossible

1. Do not use inconsistent phrases:

Buy superhero, superheroes figurines buy, figurines of heroes for children

Man - Spider Hasbro Hasbrough Buy

"Buy superhero figures", "Spiderman Hasbro to buy" - Unnatural phrases, direct entry of the query, do not speak Russian, they can be perceived as spam. If there are some more spammed designs on the site, there is a chance that such Title will become an additional factor for the Antispam algorithm, which will lower the site on request.

Even if it seems to you that such title "like nothing", it is better not to do so 🙂

Correct Option:

Buy Figures Superheroes for Children in Moscow - Hasbro
Buy Figure Spiderman - Hasbro

2. Do not use unnecessary words.

We are talking about words that can blur the relevance of Title. If we add words that are not relevant to our subject, we blur the weight of the main keyword.

An example (red highlighted words blurring relevance):

Radio-controlled quadrocopters, radio-controlled quadrols - <span>power of four helicopters in one model</span> :: To buy radio-controlled quadcopter <span>in our store, come!</span>

I remove these words, we will not lose anything.

Correct Option:

Radio-controlled quadcopters - buy models of quadroles on radio control in Moscow. <title> </i></p> <p><b>3. Wash and get rid of the doubles.</b></p> <p>Title each page should be unique - ideally, each page should have its own unique name, speaking a search engine, as this page differs from other pages of your site.</p> <p>- participate in the affiliate program "Products and Prices"</p> <p><b>An example of a commercial snippet from micro-dimensions:</b><br><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><i>The price and some characteristics of the goods are tightened.</i></p> <p><b>Excellent example of a snippet on the affiliate program "Products and Prices":</b><br><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Using backlights in fragment</b></p> <p>On request <i>"Buy Cast-iron bath"</i> Yandex highlights <i>"Moscow"</i> Black. In this case, Description is collected from different paragraphs of the text: <br></p> <p>Since we have only one specific request, it would be possible to work on a better description.</p> <p>In the second example, we see the backlight <i> "Moscow"</i> In the same fragment where there is a request <i>"Buy a cast-iron bath"</i>, one fragment of the sentence pulled up: <br><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><b>Answers to listeners:</b></p> <p><i><b>- What dividers can be used in title, like the same strip?</b> </i></p> <p>You can anyone, but you need to be neat with a point, exclamation and question mark, because they divide proposals for the passage. For example, if we write <i>"Radio-controlled helicopters. Buy Radio-controlled toys! "</i>, inquiry <i>"Radio-controlled toys to buy"</i> We may not pull up because we broke the passage point.</p> <p><i><b>- If title is more than 70 characters - is it bad for ranking?</b> </i><br><i><b> Or just not appear?</b> </i></p> <p>If you look at the examples, you will see that Yandex calmly pulls words and farther from the beginning. Roughly speaking, no matter how long Title is, if the word in Title is enabled, it is highlighted if it is in the query.</p> <p>It can chop Title from the beginning and from the end and show only the middle. <br> I believe that you should not focus on the number of characters in Title, but everything should be within reasonable. We recommend about 120 characters, it is not critical, but recommended.</p> <p><i>- If the name of the brand, for example, Hasbrough, is looking for both Russian, and in English, do you use both options in Title?</i></p> <p>1. At VORDSTAD, we look at which of the names more often request, in Latin or Russian (in exact compliance): <br><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><i>Here on Latin more often.</i></p> <p>In this case, the page is better to use the option on Latin, but let's check whether such a document will be sought by the name on Cyrillic.</p> <p>2. Find documents relevant to "Hasbro" request, and exclude documents relevant "Hasbro" (search we carry out using an incocumented Intext operator, which allows you to search only in the text, excluding reference factors). It looks like this:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>3. Select any URL and search for "Hasbro" as follows:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>In this example, the document is, it means that you can use only the Latin name.</p> <p><i><b>- Is it necessary to name the site in Title? Does it make sense in this?</b> </i></p> <p>Yes, you can add, the name makes it unique.</p> <p><i>- If mostly google forms snippets from Description, but it does not show more than 150 characters. Is it worth writing a description longer?</i></p> <p>Yes, you can make a description longer to turn on there more words that he probably will pull out. for example <i>"buy"</i> or additional words like <i>"with a camera"</i>.</p> <p><i>- If the title includes multiple keywords, then the page needs to be optimized also for several keywords or only one?</i></p> <p>In the example we considered, we had 2 key words: <i>"Radio-controlled quadcopters"</i> and <i>"Quadcopters on radio control"</i>. If we form such title and can plant these queries on 1 page, they do not contradict each other, then the page, of course, must be optimized under the same requests.</p> <p><i><b>- Where to inscribe other requests that did not fit in Title?</b> </i></p> <p>Often, one page is a defining request, and some tails are tightened to it that are not very different from it. And in most cases, everything can be fit in Title. Some completely low-frequency queries are simply included in the text.</p> <p><i><b>- priority what? Text, H1? H2? H3?</b> </i></p> <p>The headlines today are not taken into account so much. We conducted an experiment - removed H1 at all, did not change anything, it does not give such weight as before. Therefore, in priority Title, text and its quality.</p> <p><i><b>- Kaywards do not need to register now? If they are spelled out, how does the ranking affect?</b> </i></p> <p>Yandex says he can take into account Kaywards when ranking, Google refused Kaywards, so it is at your personal discretion - it is necessary to prescribe or not. I believe that he does not affect ranking.</p> <p><i><b>- Can the content on the page and in Description?</b> </i></p> <p>Yes, it is permissible, especially so often make on blogs or some large sites where you are inconvenient to make patterns. It is important to pull up the part of the text that contains a key request to appear that the description appears, which is needed, otherwise there is no point in it.</p> <p><i>- Can Title and H1 do not coincide, but a little repeating each other? For example, Title "Repair of windows Perm", and H1 - "Repair of plastic windows"? Can two words be repeated in title twice?</i></p> <p>Yes, can be repeated as in your example. 2 times in title 2 words can be repeated even in direct entry, but no more. Can be written <i>"Radio-controlled toys, buy radio-controlled toys in Moscow"</i>.</p> <p><i><b>- Why not duplicate title in h1?</b> </i></p> <p>It is not necessary because H1 still has a small priority, duplicating title, we lose the opportunity to add low-pass requests and better rank on them. We have the opportunity to add additional keywords and show their priority in H1, so why duplicate the same keywords? This is first.</p> <p>And secondly, the designs, when we have Title, URL and H1 are formed from the same keyword, the Antispam algorithm can perceive both spam, and if there are additional spam keywords in the document, this may be the cause of imposition of sanctions.</p> <p><i><b>- If there is a choice, enter the key in H1 or in the text where to enter it?</b> </i></p> <p>You can both in the text and H1.</p> <p><i><b>- Evgeny, is it possible to insert a HF keyword and in Title and in Description?</b> </i></p> <p>Need to. In order for the properly tightened description and highlighted this very RF request.</p> <p><i><b>- If in Yandex various regions of promotion, you need to specify each city in title?</b> </i></p> <p>After commas, list a large number of cities I do not recommend, because, again, it can be perceived as a spamming design. But if such cities are somewhat - Moscow, St. Petersburg is permissible. If there are many cities, we put one major, for example, Moscow, if we rank in Moscow, all others will take into the text.</p> <p><i><b>- Is it not enough site titles enough at the end of Title to be considered different from H1?</b> </i></p> <p><i><b>- What is better: colon or dash in title?</b> </i></p> <p>There are no differences between the colon and the dash.</p> <p><i><b>- Google can tighten the words from the end of Title in 150-200 characters?</b> </i></p> <p>Yes, there are quite such examples. It just gives the likelihood that it will doit it and pull out from other parts of the page.</p> <p><i><b>- And, or, ... are considered to be separators? Do they affect somehow?</b> </i></p> <p>No, do not affect.</p> <p><i><b>- Give an example of different tattle and H1.</b> </i></p> <p>"Plumbing work", "Services in Plumbing Works."</p> <p><i><b>- What is the minimal length of Description?</b> </i></p> <p>Start about 100-120 characters.</p> <p><i>- If a clumsy snippet is already formed in search engines, how can you speed up the formation of a new snippet?</i></p> <p>It all depends on the reindexing of the page itself, i.e. It is necessary to speed up the indexing of the page. In Google it is done simply - add a page to "see how Google Bot" in Search Console. In Yandex, today everything is very difficult and for a long time - such is the specificity of the Yandex indexer.</p> <p><i>- How to get rid of the situation when Yandex Title forms with dots "... something ..."? The query begins in the same way as Title begins.</i></p> <p>If Yandex forms Title with Troetchy, it means that you have too long title, and he wrapped it. Make it shorter, put the keyword at the beginning.</p> <p><i>- How to be if the template forms title from the title of the material? How well is it "good" or "bad"? (article title)</i></p> <p>The title of the article is usually enclosed in H1, so it is desirable that the title differ from H1, although for blogs it is, in principle, is permissible. Of course, the best option, if you wrote an article and you have some keywords - to form title, based on these keywords, and to leave the H1 to the beautiful name</p> <p><i><b>- One key - one page? That is, better one key to use on one page?</b> </i></p> <p>Always on the page there is one defining key, for example, <i>"Garbage collection container"</i> - defining page key HF request, but there is still <i>"Export by a container", "garbage containers"</i>which can also be promoted on this page.</p> <p><i>- Does it believed that in the text you need to calculate the nausea of \u200b\u200bthe text? And it is impossible to use the words most, better, etc.?</i></p> <p>In the text you can use these words, they simply have been such an eye, which does not mean any meaning, but are simply used for the number of words, mainly this patterns. In Title, they should not use them, as we said, they blur the relevance.</p> <p>For nauseas - no, today it is necessary to make the quality of the text and do not forget about the entry of keywords. Calculate nausea, as before, do not need.</p> <p><i>- If you use 2 keys in title, one at the beginning, another at the end, will the weight of the 2nd key be lost? If so, how to avoid it?</i></p> <p>Previously, it was clearly - the weight was lost, now this is clearly not observed. Put by the end less competitive request.</p> <p><i>- If there are key requests on a lot of pictures on the page and in the alte, does it affect the general renabase pages?</i></p> <p>Yes, it is desirable to dilute the altas. If there is one keyword, such optimization can pull on spam.</p> <p><i>- If Title buy materials for eyelash extension | Online store Materials UKR-SALON, A H1 - Buy materials for eyelash extension - UKR-Salon, does it mean that Title and H1 are repeated?</i></p> <p>If you also have at the beginning of the text and, let's say, there will be a phrase in the URL <i>"Buy materials for eyelash extension"</i>, it is better to avoid such a repetition. In this case, H1 is better to form a different way, try replacing it on <i>"Materials for eyelash extension."</i></p> <p><i><b>- The presence of the word "buy" in most Title on the site will not be accepted for spam?</b> </i></p> <p>If the site is normal, not dough, it will not be. For an online store, this is normal, you will not get anywhere anywhere - we have the cards of goods where such title are relevant.</p> <p><i>- Culinary site, to save time pictures are formed with such about Alt: Pechene-vkusnoe-1, Pechene-vkusnoe-2 ... Pechene-vkusnoe-10 ... is it repaired?</i></p> <p>Yes, if there are other enumeration of keywords, it will become an additional signal.</p> <p>Thanks for attention! We are waiting for you on new webinars, the themes that you are interested in, you can offer in the comments.</p> <span><i> </i> Subscribe to newsletter</span> <p>Good day, dear readers. Despite the fact that I often speak Title in my articles, as the most important thing in the internal optimization of the site, but I didn't reach him all the hands.</p> <p>The reason for this is simple, because I lead my blog on the Blogger platform, Title is automatically generated from the title of the article, so I have a lot of articles devoted headlines in the H1 tag, and at the same time unreasonably silent about the HTML Title tag.</p> <p>As I said, Title is the most important tag, not only in terms of optimization and search promotion, but also from the user side. But let's get better in order.</p> <p>Title translated from English means title, so Title in the HTML document is a page title. And this is the most important value of this tag. Remember, in the article, I already told that absolutely any HTML document has a specific structure:</p> <p><b><html> </b> </p><p><b><head> </b></p> <p>Here is the title of the page in tags</p> <p><b><title> </b><b>

Technical Information on Document

Here is the main content of the site, articles that have headlines in tags:

Site title or article

site contents

So Title tag is a document / page HTML header. We can say that it refers to technical information about the document. This information is hidden from the eyes of users directly on the site, but it uses all browsers and search engines.

How to use title browsers

If you look at the upper left corner of the browser, you will see information about the page on which you are currently. If you look at the browser tab and bring the mouse to it, you will also see the information about the page. I for example took my article about SEO headlines:

All I allocated in the image yellow is information that is contained inside the title tag.

How to use title search engines

For search engines Title tag is also of great importance. This is the first information that the search engine is received on the page content. After all, we remember that Title is almost at the very beginning of the document, and all search robots index pages from top to bottom.

Because This is the very first information that the search robot is received by our page, we must try to specify the most important thing in Title tag, the most accurate definition of further content.

But that's not all. Also, the search engine uses the contents of Title tag in the search results results. When a user specifies its search engine request, the latter gives an answer as references with a description of the resources that respond to the user's request.

If we see the page found page, we will see another title:

Those. The search engine shows us the information that is contained in Title tag, while the title of the article in the tag H can be completely different.

Now the most interesting begins. Because The title of the page is used in search results, it is an indicator for both search engines and users, utility and qualitative resource found.

What does the indicator mean? If Title is minor informative, then when viewing the results of the issue, the user may not click on the link and do not go to your site. In the opposite situation, if the title is overloaded with excess information, the user may not want to go to your site. From this it follows that the title should have very accurate information that meets the user's request.

I will not say that an example is perfect, and all SEO is built on the nuances and is not possible anything to say with 100% confidence, but let's try to figure it out (picture is clipped):

So, I highlighted more attractive links, respectively, Title. Of the first words, I can judge that the site sells what I need and with a greater probability on these links I am clicked first. Although, of course, I can not say that these title are ideal, because All the same are overloaded too much information for me. The same with references dedicated blue. Why do I need an article or, for example, I can not be at all important brand. The presence of such information disperses my attention, as well as an obstacle when promoting on this request.

Gray I highlighted the most unattractive title, it is longer than it should be, therefore it was cut by a search engine in extradition. Due to the large number of words, in fact, the listing of everything that is possible, the title looks very unattractive. Immediately you can't define whether they sell what I need.

Having considered these examples, we can draw conclusions, how in fact there should be Title to serve as a faithful assistant when promoting, was attractive to users, encouraged to click on the link, as well as carried the most important information.

How to effectively use title to promote

It is clear that the title should contain keywords, but it is important to ensure that the keywords stand as close as possible to the beginning or in general, so that Title begins with keywords. This will not only improve the click clicability, but also facilitates promotion on requests.

Title can use the same keyword twice. For example:

HTML Title tag - efficiently use title title title.

In the example, the keyword title meets twice.

Title should not be a set of keywords, and should be a meaningful phrase.

It is very important to avoid inside Title punctuation marks that are put at the end of the sentence. The fact is that search engines take into account the passage in the text.

Passage is a complete thought. Those. Every our offer is a passage. All words that are inside the proposal are taken into account by the search engine, as a whole. As soon as we put the point, we separate the previous words from the following.

Therefore, it is very important not to share your key phrases of punctuation signs, which mean the end of the sentence - point (.), Question mark (?), Exclamation mark (!). Compare two headers:

HTML Title tag - effectively use title title title

HTML Title tag. Effectively use title title title.

In the first case, for example, my article may be on phrases:

  • hTML page title
  • tag title page

In the second version, such key phrases will not succeed. There is a point between words, separating one passage from the other.

It is worth paying close attention and long title, here too, not everything is simple.

First, despite the fact that it is recommended to fit in 80 characters, when counting Title directly in the extradition, the maximum length occurs just over 60 characters. It is likely that the search engine takes into account 80 characters in Title, but in the extradition always cuts a long title. It is also worth considering that the cropped title looks less attractive than not cut.

Secondly, it is worth considering the Title density. The more words in it, the stronger the significance of Title is distributed in all words that are in it. Accordingly, the smaller words, the more weight they purchase in the eyes of the search engine.

Therefore, try to form a brief, reflecting the essence of the page, but bright headlines. This will not only improve positioning positions, but also increase their clichelism.

It follows from this that it is worth optimizing a page one-two close requests so that Title has a maximum weight.

In this regard, the structure of Title

| Page title |

preferable than

| Page title | Site title |.

For a long time I used the Title structure from the second option, now my title contains only a page title / article title.

Observing these simple rules, you can advance more efficiently and more attract visitors from search engines.

P.S. Someone could think, and where is the bread in the picture? Bread all over the head, Title is as important in the site building and SEO, like bread in our life :).

Tag It is the most important part of the page of any site, so it is worth paying great attention to how you make it. Creating headlines is like art and not everyone can make it necessary for the first time, for this you need to know some subtleties. Applying for its sites 12 tips on the use and optimization of Title tag, you will avoid multiple problems in the future.</p> <p><b>1. The Tistle should reflect the essence of the page.</b></p> <p>This clause refers to usability. It must be remembered that the Tistle is shown in the search results in all search engines and users pay attention to it first. From what you put in the tag <title> Clickability will depend on and, accordingly, the number of traffic obtained.</p> <p>Also, the TOLLL is used in describing the page (or site) in some catalog of sites, directory of useful links, social bookmarks and other social services. If it does not reflect the essence of the content, then the page will not receive a qualitative target traffic. For clarity, compare the following examples:</p> <blockquote class="ad"> <p><title>the main page of the site
Nigma - Intelligent Search Engine

or internal pages

Test: Are you present blogger?

2. Turn your brand in the pages tightened.

Use the name of your site or brand at the beginning or end in Title tag on each page to help users understand where they will go and promote the return percentage. Some users of search engines run through their eyes down the extradition to find a trust brand.

Option 1: Search engine optimization
Option 2: Search engine optimization - Wikipedia
Option 3: Search Engine Optimization and Promotion of Sites

3. Use different titles on different pages.

Title tag should be unique on each page, and it should also be unique in the entire search results. To uniquely tag inside your site, use it names of articles, sections, categories and so on. If any article is divided into pages, then add text at the end of the title Page 2 out of 10 or simply P. 2.. To uniquely, the headers of the pages across the search index are convenient to use the brand name in the title. The same headlines can cause the appearance of duplicate content and, accordingly, entering some elders to "Additional issuance results".

4. The Tistle must contain keywords.

The keys should fall into the Title naturally, these words of the search engines will be given the greatest weight from all that are found in the text. Therefore, by optimizing the page under a specific key phrase, it is worth it, first of all, include in the title. Internal links to a certain page most often contain its name in the anchor, as well as with natural external links, people put in Ankor Pages, so if there is no keywords in this tag, then you lose a great opportunity without costs to make a page more relevant For a specific key phrase and promote your site for it slightly higher in search results.

5. Do not turn on Title too many keywords.

You need to add keys to this tag, but it is worth knowing the measure and find a face between SEO optimization and usability. When adding keys to Taitle, make sure that it remains readable. You should not drive in the page title of more than 2-3 key phrases, leave the tightener first of all readable and understandable to users. With a large number of keywords, create several pages on the site, each of which will be dedicated to 1-2 key, so you shorten the headlines and increase the conversion.

Examples of long and short headlines:

Download music in mp3 format: dance, club, electronic, download novelty clips songs - Music portal \u003e\u003e Dance Music, Electronic Club Music

6. Do not use stop-words in Taitle.

Search engines do not take into account stop words - those encountered in texts as often that cannot be significant to search. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore the stop words, even if they are found in the text of the query.

Among Russian-speaking stop words can be allocated as: about, and, or, to, i, not, before etc. Among English-speaking it a., about, aN., as, are, but., bE., or., and., for other.

7. Each word should not be repeated more than two times.

It is better to combine words, insert derivatives of words, etc., orient to a greater degree on users. When meeting in the title, the words more than two times the headline becomes long, unreadable and spamming from the point of view of search engines. For example, this title is:

Nokia 3410 - Phone, Case for Nokia 3410, Nokia 3410 Housing Battery for Nokia 3410

not at all used, his redundancy reminds spam, which is so strive to remind search engines, which is dedicated to the page. It is better to use this species in this case:

Nokia 3410 Phone - Case, Case, Battery, Accessories

8. Do not use too long page headers.

Restriction on the number of characters taken into account in Title tag google is an 70 Signs so that the name in Serpe fit into one runoff. IN yandex taken into account in the title no more 15 words, but not more displayed 80 characters. If your header is more than the maximum value, the search engine will automatically do it (Google will add a three-way at the end).

9. Make the Title length no more than 8 words.

In 70-80 characters it is quite difficult to accommodate more than 8 words, however, some still make title too long. For Google is equal to eight, for Yandex - 16. Remember that users, referring to your pages, do not like to change the title, inserting it into anchor link. Focusing only on Yandex and making the title more than 8 words you lose in Google.

10. Place the most significant keys at the beginning of the title.

Thus, even with a long title, you will be sure that the keys will enter Anchor internal and external references and will affect reference ranking. If you like Long Taitla, then put the brand at the end, and not at the beginning of the tag. Please note how the headlines are made by various companies and services. For example, Wikipedia:

Wikipedia - Free Encyclopedia

however, for the inner page:

Federal Constitutional Law - Wikipedia

11. Use patterns.

Pattern is a pattern. If you need to place multiple keywords in Title tag, or use multiple modifiers, then use templates, like this:

[MODIF1 keyword] + [keyword MODIF2] \u003d [MODIF1 keyword MODIF2]

For example, Find a job at home + Work at home via the Internet = Find a job home via the Internet.

Templates can be different, here are some of them:

KW1, KW2, KW3
Kw1, kw2 and kw3
Kw1 | Kw2 | Kw3.

However, it is worth remembering that with long keywords you can not fit into the desired limitations on the length of the title.

12. Do not use special characters.

Search engines support a number of special characters that you can put in Title tag. These are the following characters (not the entire list):

In the search results, the specialimwols look like this:

Early, other special characters were also supported, which is currently just ignored. Among unsupported characters you can select ASCII characters and the following HTML entities.

title(TOLLL) is the most important tag for internal optimization of the HTML-code of pages. Search engines give a very large value to the text enclosed in Title, so this factor should be used as efficiently as possible.

Syntax: Page Name

Physically, the content of Title tag is the name of the page that is displayed in the topmost field of the browser. Also, the content of the title is displayed in the issuance of search engines by user requests (this is the names of the references in the search results). Therefore, the title of the page should maximize it to reflect its essence and necessarily contain keywords. For each page content title Must be unique.

Search engines can not consider not all the words contained in the title of the page, but only a certain number of first words (the rest can simply cut off). For different search engines, these indicators differ, and besides, they can simply change over time when adjusting the algorithm, therefore it is highly recommended to place keywords and phrases at the beginning of the title.

Preferably the most important keywords include in the first ten words (and 80 characters). In any case - the closer to the beginning, the better.

There is an opinion that it is better to avoid using in Title stop-words (and, oh, or, I, k, before, not, etc.), as search engines are still ignored.

Halp Yandex quote:

"In any language there are words that are found much more often than others. Words that are found too often to be meaningful to search, are called stop-words. As a rule, these are pronouns, prepositions and particles. Search engines usually ignore stop words, even If they are found in the query text. "

Query statistics (Rather shows) Yandex This rule reflects quite:

To date, the results of statistics on these requests are identical and look like this:

However, the results of the search for issuing on the same requests differ quite significantly. On the first request of the site, the site is now not at all in the top 10, and on the second it is in the first place:

Which request is more often gaining in Yandex - unknown. Search engines provide results, the most relevant request, given the "stop words", although they do not display the number of requests with "stop-words" in their statistics.

This screenshot, by the way, is a good food for reflection. Here is a small analysis of the optimization of the page of the page, made on it.

If possible, try not to use in Title "(! Lang: Stop symbols": () - = / \ ! | + _!}
Or, if you put it more correctly, try to place keywords in titlebefore the "stop symbols", and not after them, so it is the opinion that search engines can give less importance in words in title Standing after "stop characters". Although this assumption may relate to the discharge of myths.

It is not desirable to use the same word in the same case and inclination several times without much need.

Thaletl must contain meaningful text. Simple enumeration of keywords and phrases can cause sanctions from search engines. In addition, the meaningless text of the reference in the results of the search results is absolutely not helping it to click on it.

The presence of key queries in Title greatly facilitates the subsequent promotion of the site. There is no time tag for search engines. And if without much damage to SEO, you can ignore the use on the keywords metal tag or selection tag, for example, then the title tag ignore in no case if you hope to bring the site into tops on competitive requests.

Articles on the topic.

We released a new book "Content Marketing on Social Networks: How to sit in the head of subscribers and fall in love with their brand."

Title tag is a header tag, its contents are displayed in the browser header.

More video on our channel - Learn Internet Marketing with Semantica

To understand why Title needs, you need to determine which functions it performs. The main task is to inform the search engines about the content of the page.

Where is Title

Search Title Tag It is necessary in the code at the beginning of the page, inside the tag .

Tag Tag Requirements

The positions of your site in the extradition largely depend on whether the search engines "understand" is about what he is intended for. It is about this that Title says and that is why he is so important. Solving what to write to Title, keep in mind that there are a number of requirements for the formulation of this tag, without complying with which you never "make friends" with search engines.

  • The most frequent question is what the Title length should be. The size of the visible part of the title ranges from 55 to 80 characters with spaces. The remaining part will not be visible in extradition, but the search engine will be taken into account. Yandex usually shows 70-80 characters, and takes into account the first 15 words tag. Google shows 55-70 signs and takes into account 12 words.
  • The meaning of title must be understood at first sight. Seeing it, the user or search engine should instantly understand what the text is about. It is better if the wording of the tag will be "chaining" character.
  • In Title, you can enable multiple key queries. At the beginning it is recommended to put the most frequency of the group. The wording of the proposal in the tag should look natural from a grammatical and stylistic point of view. That is, not to be a simple enumeration of keys or sticking words (if only to enter). "Curves", unreadable designs from the keys is not allowed.
  • This tag should not duplicate the text header that you enter into the H1 tag. If you want to be in the title and in Title one request, change the wording, the literal coincidence is unacceptable.
  • Do not insert keyword enumerations in Title through the comma. The search engine can identify your site as the risen, and you will spend a lot of forces, withdrawing it from under sanctions.
  • For each document of your site, you need your own unique title page. The same tags for different pages are very bad affect the promotion of the site.
  • Title tag should be unique. Copy other people's tags can not if you do not want the search engines to be punished for plagiarism.

Title writing rules will help you to quickly learn to fill this tag.

Title tag for different sections and pages

First of all, the title tag is formulated for the main page. It includes the main, as a rule, highly competitive request. Since it will be it to be shown in search engines as a snippet, it is necessary to make it formulation as attractive as attractive as possible so that the user wanted to learn more about what it is worth it. In fact, such title works like an advertising slogan.

The remaining titles on the site depend on the content of the pages. In order not to suffer, deciding what should be Title, for the same type of pages you can come up with a template. Usually it includes the name of the page or section of the catalog and the words attracting the words - reviews, photos, cost, discount. This technique can be used, registering title for goods cards, partitions of the online store, images in the gallery. In the Title cards begin with the name of the goods or words like "buy", in the sections - from his name, in the gallery from the words "Images", "Photo", "examples of work".

Proper writing of all tags is extremely important for website promotion. Your investments in promotion will not work until the main tags are not corrected and not fixed, among which Title is the main one.