Google extended. Google

Google search engine has in its arsenal tools that will help give more accurate results to your request. Advanced Search is a kind of filter that cuts off unnecessary results. In today's master class, we will talk about configuring an extended search.

To begin with, you need to enter a query in the running line of the Google convenient for you - from the start page, in the address bar of the browser, through the applications, Tulbar ITD. When the search results appear, the extended search panel will be available. Click "Settings" and select "Advanced Search".

In the "Find Pages" section, ask words and phrases that must be found in the results or be excluded from the search.

In additional settings, specify the country, on the sites of which the search and language of these sites will be executed. Turn on the show only the current pages by specifying the update date. In the web site string you can enter a specific address to search.

The search can be performed among the files of a specific format, to do this, select its type in the File Format drop-down list. If necessary, activate a secure search.

You can make the search engine task to search for words in a specific part of the page. To do this, use the drop-down list "Location of Words".

Configuring the search, click "Find".

Useful information You will find at the bottom of the advanced search window. Click on the "Apply Search Operators" link. You will open a table-cheat sheet with operators, their use and appointment.

It should be noted that the functions of the extended search may vary depending on where exactly you search. Above the search option was considered on web pages, but if you are looking for among pictures, and then go to the advanced search, you will open new features.

In the "Advanced Settings" section, you can set:

  • The size of the pictures. There are many variants of image sizes in the drop-down list. The search engine will find options with a higher value than you set.
  • Image form. Square, rectangular and panoramic pictures are filtered.
  • Color filter. Useful function with which you can find black and white pictures, PNG files with a transparent background or pictures with prevailing color.
  • Type of pictures. With this filter, you can display individually photos, clip art, portraits, animated images.
  • Fast settings of the extended search in pictures can be enabled by pressing the "Tools" button on the search bar.

    To improve search results, search engines offer the "Advanced Search" option. Many users, releasing this option, spend time to watch not one thousand irrelevant pages to find the information you need. Do not ignore the additional properties of search engines, use the expanded search, save your time, increase your work efficiency.

    Basic Tips (Google Work)

    Some users do not have the concept of the existence of many search engine functions.

    Default search:Google search is installed on the default network. To establish the criteria for the necessary information, use the desired option.

    Default search (Normal search):with the usual search, the search engine is looking for pages containing requested keywords.

    Using the Operator "AND" (Union "and"):when searching by default, the search engine will search for all the requested words, for which it is not necessary to connect their union " and» (« and.»).

    Service words:words as "as" or "where", as well as unambiguous characters are automatically excluded from among the requested. All this is done to accelerate the search. Any necessary word can be added to the number requested by the "+" sign, which you need to put immediately for the main keyword.

    Choosing keywords:seriously attribute to the selection of keywords. Try to pick up the most significant keywords.

    Use as you can more Search terms to narrow the search area (specialize search).

    Operator "-" (minus):to exclude a certain word from among the requested, put the sign "-" before it. This will help to avoid irrelevant results when requesting a word with several values.

    Tilde "~":tilde «~» used to search for synonyms of the keyword, as well as to make the search more complete. Sign «~» it is set before the keyword whose synonyms you want to find. Tilde can be used immediately before several keywords.

    Quotes:conclusion in quotes the words in the sequence you need. The search engine will show only those pages that contain words in quotes facing in a given sequence.

    Capital (title) letters:Google does not distinguish the register in which words are written. Therefore, any characters written in words, except or, will be recognized as lowercase. So do not waste time for changing the register to write letters.

    Alternation of the foundations:in the search results, keywords can appear both in the form of the sole and in the form of a plural, regardless of which form they were entered into the query string.

    Search directory:if you can't find the desired keywords, use the search engine directory.

    Extended Google Search Operators

    Operators are special words that exist in Google, which can be used to search for specific information. The use of special operators allows you to increase the relevance of the search results. Extraction of such results is available only by the Special Google Mechanisms. These operators are entered in the query string and help the user will significantly save time and effort.

    • Link: To find out the number of resources (detect what resources) referring to your site, use the operator link:.The operator is entered in the query string in front of your URL.

      For example:

      Related: This operator is used to search for pages associated with meaning.

      For example:

      Operator Or.: Used to search, minimally one of the keywords.

      For example: great or Good or Excellent

      Operator "+" Used to search for pages containing the requested term.

      Note that this operator is used twice - at the beginning and at the end of the phrase. This is the conditional page search syntax that refers to the site.

      Operator "-" Used to eliminate any word from among the requested.

      For example: when requesting youname-Flash., the search engine will give references to site pages containing "YourName", but not containing the word Flash..

      FileType: If you need to find a specific type file containing the necessary information, you can use this operator.

      For example: youname FileType: PDF

      Similarly, unnecessary type files can be excluded from the search results, for this you need to apply the operator filetype In combination with the operator " - ».

      Allintitle The operator is used when you want to find the requested keyword in the page header text. In the search results, only those pages will appear in the title of which the necessary word is found.

      For example: Allintitle: YourName

      AllinText: The search engine gives a list of pages, mostly the text of which is found as requested keyword.

      Similarly, a search is carried out using the Operators Allinurl: and Allinanchor: which helps to find a keyword in the URL or text-anchor of the web page.

      Intitle: Used to search for certain words contained in the title on the web page. Any word that follows the key will be found in the text of the web page.

      For example: Intitle: YourName Optimization

      Cache: When Google indexes pages, it creates a copy of each of them. The operator is used to view the saved (placed in the cache) pages.

      For example: Cache:

      To further browse the contents placed in the cache, you need to enter the desired keyword from this page in the query string.

      For example: Cache: Web

      Info: This operator extracts information about specified references.

      For example: info:

      Define: This operator issues the definition of the requested word. All words scored after the operator are considered as one.

      site: The operator is used to search for information on a specific site.

      For example: Keyword Site: The results will appear links to site pages containing keyword keyword.

      This operator can be used in combination with the "-" operator in order to exclude a page containing a specific word from the results.

      mac? Q: To find information related to Mac , You need to enter the following address in the query line and the selected keyword

      For example:\u003dKeyword

      linux? Q.: All related to Linux can be found using the Linux operator? q. To do this, you need to enter in the address line and the necessary keyword, for example:\u003dKeyword

    In a similar way, other operators can also be used, which also help optimize the search and obtain results, mostly responsible for your request:

    •\u003dKeyword for finding infomation related to UNIX;
    •\u003dKeyword for search concerning Microsoft;
    •\u003dKeyword to find US counterfeit information.

    Basic search capabilities Google

    Images (pictures / images):click on the inscription images to go to the image search page. Enter the desired image theme in the query row. The results found on the network appear as pages layouts (folded images). Click on your picture you like, and it will boot in the lower half of the browser.

    Groups:this service existed even before Email's correspondence has gained widespread. For communication, people sent their comments on certain, intended websites. Usenet was one of these sites. Google acquired Usenet Co all his archives reaching millions of pages. Now all this and millions of new pages are Google Groups. Registered users get access to the selected topics, can read the comments of experts and exchange letters. This is a huge forum revealing all sorts of topics.

    News:this service offers the latest news. You are available 4500 information resources.

    Google Catalog: Detailed directory of all web resources consisting of 16 categories divided into subcategories.

    Expanded search capabilities

    Google offers many instruments and advanced search features. The main ones are:

    • Calculator: Can be used for mathematical calculations.
    • Information for tourists: flight schedule, weather information, etc.
    • Translator web pages: transferring a page language into English.

    Google Development (New Google offers)

    • Google Deskbar. : this device offers a flexible search without opening auxiliary windows.
    • Search by location (geographical location):the implementation of the search limited by the geographical position.
    • Google Sets. : Required search device, which offers options for phrases with your keywords. In the results of the search, synonyms and close in meaning keywords are issued.
    • Viewer (Google Observer):a device similar to the media player. The player interface appears at the top of the browser, the search results are scrolled at average speed. In fact, you can view the results pages in the player window.
    • Quick challenge:using certain keyboard buttons facilitates moving on the search results page.

    The following devices came out of the development list and received the status of permanent services offered by Google.

    • Google Glossary:at your request, the search engine gives the pages on which the keyword is found, and its definition.
    • Google News: The greatest device for the latest news on the topics you are interested in. Choosing keywords, you can order news on a specific topic that will be sent to you by e-mail immediately as soon as the search engine indexes a page containing such words.
    • Froogle. If you want to buy something, the Extended Froogle directory will satisfy your request. Here you can find products in the following categories: Clothes & Accessories, Arts & Entertainment, Motor vehicles, All for baby, books, Music & Video, Business and Production, Computers, Electronics, Gourmet, Caring for Health, Home and Garden, All For office, sports, games and toys. Categories of this list are subdivided into subcategories. Froogle - online store catalog, offering a wide range of diverse products.

    Google also offers many other means and features of a full search.

    What are the basic search operators? What to use search signs and how to combine them correctly?

    We will try to answer these and other questions with new infographics and article below.

    Despite the fact that the experienced linkbilder has its own base of sites for reference publications, he spends most of the time for finding sites. And even when working on the existing database - you need to find the topic in which it will place a link.

    In truth, this is my most hated stage of the work of any crowd marketer, but in any case, it needs to go through and we set themselves for the goal to make the process of finding sites as easy and simple.

    Infographics below will show the best Google search operators for linkbilding.

    Few whoever know that Google has additional search capabilities that can make the life of a crowded marketer and Linkbilder easier. Now Google is the most advanced search engine with a flexible search functionality.

    Google search operators allow you to search for phrases or keywords in site headers, their url, in content, etc.
    All this is achieved by the extended search. These enhanced features will help save your time and energy.

    4 Main Search Operators for Linkbilding

    1. Site:

    The search operator is used to issue results on a particular site or domain.

    site: Site

    As you can see the search result, Google issued all the pages that he indexed on the site site

    Also, it can be used to search for a keyword on one particular site:

    online Dating Site:

    Thus, it is easy to find opportunities for linkbilding and crow-marketing.

    2. LINK:

    This operator finds pages that refer to a specific site or domain.



    As a result, Google shows pages that contain a link to YouTube.

    3. Related:

    Related is a very convenient search operator from the point of view of linkbilding. He tells Google to find similar sites.



    4. OR:

    Search operator Or. Gives the Google command to search for one of the keywords, or both words on the page.


    white SEO or Black SEO

    Thus, it is not necessary to search several times, one is enough.

    8 search signs


    Add this sign in the search phrase, if you need to find something on Google+


    The "@" sign is prescribed before the keyword to search for social tags.


    To search for prices for goods and services.

    To search for results in another currency - enter the corresponding currency symbol.

    This sign is prescribed with any site to eliminate the search from it.


    To search for popular hashtegov


    Search in any interval. For example prices for goods or services

    As you can see, the search results do not displays the prices above $ 200


    Prescribing the search phrase in “” - Gives a Google command to look for an accurate phrase and only the order in which it is written in the search bar.


    If you are unknown any words from the phrase - write instead of an unknown word * And Google will find the full phrase.

    Search operators that are ideal for linkbilding

    For high-quality and accurate search for topics, discussions, sites, etc., the following search operators are used:

    1. intext:
    2. intitle:
    3. site:
    4. inurl: Forum
    5. inurl: Blog.
    6. inurl: news.


    The search operator that is used to search for key phrases in the text of the pages.


    The search operator that is used to search for key phrases in the headlines of the pages.


    Used by linkbilders along with its bases sites to search the subjects in specific sites, so as manually search.

    inurl: Forum

    inurl: Blog.

    If only blogs are needed, then using this Google search operator will give the results of only blog pages.

    inurl: news.

    If only news articles are needed, then using this Google search operator will give the results of only news pages.


    Search for specific types of files can help you find interesting hooks for further research:

    For example, quickly learn price lists of various sites and companies.


    Search within a certain range. It is very useful, but extremely inconvenient, as the dates need to be introduced in Julian format: DateRange: 2458270-2458293

    Combine search operators for better results

    So, we know the main search operators for linkbilding, as well as search signs. Now, to get a better result, you need to combine them correctly.

    intitle: Online Dating Inurl: Forum

    This search phrase tells Google to give out only forum pages, with the "Online Dating" heading.

    intext: Online Dating Inurl: Blog

    We obtain the following effect on this search:

    • search only blog pages;
    • the site is excluded from the search.

    iNTEXT: Online Dating or Relationships Inurl: News

    The following effect is achieved:

    • search a keyword in page text;
    • search only by news pages;
    • search for several keywords.

    Search operators Yandex for Linkbilding

    The absolute majority of search operators who work in Google work in Yandex, but there are some differences, and talk about them.


    Search by type of files. Analog fileType: Google. Use for sample files, often forget them to close from indexing and you can find interesting:


    Allows you to search for sites with the desired language:

    • russian (RU)
    • ukrainian (UK)
    • belarusian (BE)
    • english
    • french (FR)
    • german (DE)
    • kazakh (KK)
    • tatar (TT)
    • turkish (TR)


    Unlike an extremely uncomfortable search operator Google dateRange.operator date. Allows you to work with the usual date format:

    • corresponds to the specified date:
      Date: GGHYMMDD
    • located in the interval:
    • is before or after the specified date (<, <=, >, >=):

    The date of change of page is partial:

    Example of use:

    Using these search operators you will get more targeted and accurate results.

    Experiment and you will definitely find the best location for facility marketing.

    Hello. Today, probably, you will not meet a person who would not benefit from the services of search engines. We are constantly looking for something, make requests for specific subjects. To do this, enter your search query in the Yandex search string or Google (these systems are most popular with us, in Russia) and the search engine gives out the search results, a list of resources suitable for our request. We choose the site on which we hope to find the information you need and go to it.

    Most often it happens enough, but sometimes you need to find information on certain parameters. For this, there are extended search features.

    Advanced Search Yandex

    In order to apply the extended search filter to our request, click on the button to the right of the search string.

    The filter panel will open before us, where we can set their search parameters. Consider them in more detail.

    1 region - The default area of \u200b\u200bthe user is set. Selecting this filter item (selected marked yellow), the search will be limited by the sites belonging to this region. To change the region, press the corresponding button to the right of the name of your city / subject.

    2 on the site. If you need a search results from a specific site, specify it in this field.

    3 exactly as in the query. When using this filter, the search results will contain that word form (words), as in the query itself. The order of words in the results can be any.

    This parameter corresponds to the request operator "!". In more detail what we will talk in the next article.

    4 Language. Everything is simple here. Search limit on a specific language. You can choose several languages. To select additional languages, click " Yet»

    5 File type. This filter allows you to find a document with the specified file extension. To select the file extension, click on the "File Type". You will be provided with the most popular expansion of documents.

    For example, let's find a document with the name "Cinderella" in format.doc (Word document). Specify the type of file, enter the request - Cinderella - and we offer we are offered, where there are similar documents

    6 Date. This parameter selects documents by update date. You can use the proposed time intervals or specify your own in the fields "from" and "to" (7).

    To reset at once all filters, click " Clear»

    Note. When choosing one or more search filters, the results will be updated automatically. However, if you specify the address of the site (filter " online"), Search data is updated after you click the" Search "button.

    Advanced Google Search

    Google search engine also provides the ability to expand the search by parameters.

    After the search data was displayed on our request, you can specify some filters to obtain a more accurate result. Click on the Search Tools link and indicate in which language should be, for what time it is necessary to accurately comply with the query.

    If this data is not enough, then go to the advanced search. To do this, click on the gear icon and select the desired item in the drop-down menu. In addition, here you can enable / disable call, specify languages, search settings.

    After we hit the extended search page, we see many of us already familiar filters (parameters) of the search.

    Fill out the right fields under your parameters and click " To find».

    On this, perhaps, today everything. If you use advanced search for search engines, share it in the comments. To new meetings. Good luck and good mood.

    Mother should think twice - once for himself, the other - for his child.

    Hello, readers of my blog. Denis Chernyatinsky again with a portion of useful information. In today's article, I decided to touch on the topic of high-quality search for information using modern search technologies from Google. Many of them are constantly looking for one or another information in the Google search engine, but not always what we are looking for, is displayed in extradition.

    For example, you are looking for any information in certain file formats or for a certain period of time. Often, simply by typing a specific key request, great effect is difficult to achieve. Therefore, in this article, I will show you how you can use the search competently and find exactly the information you need.

    Search tools

    Let's start learning. Let's start with a simple, we use the Search Tools button, where you have several convenient features available. Below I will give a brief description of:

    • Search languages \u200b\u200b- you can configure options for issuing results in different languages.
    • Search period - allows you to set the desired time for which the search results are displayed.
    • Results - the value is set to accurately comply with the query or output of all results.
    • Search location - set in accordance with your location or selected region.

    For example, to find the latest and relevant information, and not to revise a bunch of irrelevant and outdated data, I often use the search for a certain time:

    • Hour
    • 24 hours
    • Week
    • Month
    • Year

    Occasionally make a sample for the required period manually. Use time filters, and you will see in search results only relevant, the latest information.

    Search for hidden information

    Now we will go to more interesting search settings, allowing us to find information, hidden from prying eyes. Such information is in public access on the Internet servers, but not available in the issuing search method. Thus, you can find that information that for one or another must be hidden.

    Probably, this is a matter of administrators of those sites or projects on which it is located. They cannot properly close access to these data, and knowledgeable people use it. In no case urge to abuse it, but within the framework of this topic you should understand how it works.

    How to set up extended search google

    The most powerful tool in the Google search is an advanced search option, accessible when you click on the gear icon and the choice of the corresponding "Advanced Search for Google" item. You will find a special page with additional search settings:

    The first unit is assigned to the search page

    Here are asked the search words in general or concrete form, also any of the specified words. To eliminate certain words from issuing, you can set stop words. There is an option to set the range of numbers with units of measurement.

    The second and, in my opinion, the most interesting unit is additional settings:

    Let's sum up

    Now you have fully learned to use the extended Google search, set accurate queries, filter the results of the issuance, search for specific sites on the desired file formats.

    Share your experience in finding information in the comments below. I wish you always find what you need and use this tool with the mind, while!