Check Windows licensed from XP to Windows10. How to find out whether Windows licensed is installed on a computer how to check the license of Windows 10

After activating Windows 10 installed on your PC, you can view all the data about this process: whether it has been activated or not if the license key is obtained to activate the system, the computer ID for which activation was performed. All this data can be found and verified using the built-in Windows, as well as through third-party programs.

How to find out the license key of the installed Windows 10

Windows status is information about whether the system is activated by entering the license key and confirmation, as well as the number of the individual activation key. You can find out this data in several ways: through system settings, execution of commands, computer parameters, third-party programs and scripts. Remember that the license key consists of 25 digits and letters broken into 5 blocks of 5 digits or letters.

Through command execution

In this way, you can find out only information about whether Windows is activated, but the product key will not be indicated:

How to check the activation through the computer parameters

Through system settings

Through a third-party program

Another way to learn the activation key is to use a third-party program:

Through scripts

The script that should be in the file:

    Set WSHShell \u003d CreateObject ("")

    regkey \u003d "HKLM \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\"

    DigitalProductID \u003d WSHSHSHEL.Regread (Regkey & "DigitalProductid")

    Win8ProductName \u003d "Windows Product Name:" & WShshell.regread (Regkey & ProductName ") & VBNewline

    Win8ProductID \u003d "Windows Product ID:" & wshshell.regread (Regkey & "ProductID") & vbnewline

    Win8ProductKey \u003d ConvertTokey (DigitalProductid)

    strproductkey \u003d "Windows Key:" & win8ProductKey

    Win8ProductID \u003d Win8ProductName & Win8ProductID & StrProductKey

    MSGBOX (Win8ProductKey)

    MSGBOX (Win8ProductID)

    FUNCTION ConvertTokey (Regkey)

    Const Keyoffset \u003d 52

    iSwin8 \u003d (regkey (66) \\ 6) and 1

    regkey (66) \u003d (regkey (66) and & hf7) or ((iSwin8 and 2) * 4)



    regkey (Y + KeyOffset) \u003d (CUR \\ 24)

    CUR \u003d CUR MOD 24

    LOOP WHILE Y\u003e \u003d 0


    LOOP WHILE J\u003e \u003d 0

    If (iSwin8 \u003d 1) then

    keypart1 \u003d Mid (WinKeyOutput, 2, Last)

    winKeyOutput \u003d Replace (WinKeyOutput, Keypart1, Keypart1 & Insert, 2, 1, 0)


    a \u003d MID (WINKEYOUTPUT, 1, 5)

    b \u003d MID (WINKEYOUTPUT, 6, 5)

    c \u003d MID (WINKEYOUTPUT, 11, 5)

    d \u003d MID (WINKEYOUTPUT, 16, 5)

    e \u003d MID (WINKEYOUTPUT, 21, 5)

    ConvertTokey \u003d A & "-" & B & B & "-" & C & "-" & D & "-" & E

Video: Checking the activation of the operating system

How to check the deadlines for the end of the activation of Windows 10

If you entered the license key, the activation period will be endless, since Windows is activated once and for all. But if you installed a trial version of the system issued to you for a certain number of days, you can view when the trial will end by following the following steps:

Video Tutorial: how to find out the expiration date

How to find out Windows 10 computer iD

The computer ID is the same as the ID of the network card installed in it, since with this map, the computer performs all connections to the Internet. You can view a unique computer code without third-party programs by following the following steps:

  1. Right-click on the "Start" icon in the left side of the screen.
  2. Select Device Manager.
  3. Expand the "Network Adapters" tree.
  4. Click on your network card right-click and open its properties. The name of the network card is all different, you should not navigate it.
  5. Go to the "Details" tab.
  6. Expand the "Properties" block and select the "ID or EN END" string.
  7. In the "Value" block will be all IDs related to your PC.

On this, the search for Windows status information and the computer ID is over. You can always view the activation key through the computer parameters if the old stopped acting or was entered incorrectly. Remember that you activate Windows 10, that is, you only need to pay for the license key once. So if your key stopped accepted by the system, contact the official Microsoft Support Service.

- A fairly simple and understandable procedure (well, at least less) than what we are going to consider further in this article. How to be if you want to make something more advanced with a license, for example, things like, how to delete / change the product key, run online activation or extend the activation time. It is not as easy as simple activation, which is performed by standard OS tools with a convenient graphical interface, but not so difficult. In this article, I will give you information, as with the help of which it can be done.

There is a command line tool called SLMGR.VBS, which is part of Windows and providing features that are not available in the standard activation interface, which is located in the Update and Security window to which you can walk by opening the Start menu and selecting the options.

First: Open the command prompt with administrator rights

To use SLMGR.VBS it is necessary. In Windows 10 or 8, right-click on the Start button (or the Win + X key combination) and select "Command Line (Administrator)". In Windows 7, find the command prompt in the Start menu, in the list of All Programs\u003e Service. Click on it with the right button and select "Run from the administrator name".

View activation / license information

To display basic license and activation information information, execute the command below, which will tell you what you have a version of Windows, part of the product key so that you can identify and show you whether the system is activated.

To obtain more information about the license, including the activation ID, installation ID, and other detailed information Enter the following command:

View the date of expiration of the license

To find out the period of the current activation of the system, use the command below. Since retail licenses, let's say, for home computers activation goes on an indefinite basis, which will never expire, the team will be useful for commercial organizations KMS and servers. Nevertheless, you can check the shelf life of your license, and make sure that it is permanent.

How to remove product key

Using SLMGR.VBS You can also delete the product key of the current Windows system. After executing the command below, restart the computer and your operating system will not have a product key, which means Windows will become inactive - without a license.

This allows you to transfer the license to another computer if necessary. For example, if you want to give an old computer to a friend, but you want to leave the license. However, as you know, the activation of Windows will be "tied" to the equipment of the computer on which it is installed, so it will not be possible to make it possible, but still it is possible, but now it will not be about it (it will be in the following articles).

To delete the license key, enter the following command to the command prompt:

However, the command does not delete activation completely. Windows also stores the product key in the registry, because it is sometimes necessary when the computer is settings, as well as to prevent the keys to malware, which can access the registry. In addition, the future owner of the computer (if it is less disassembled in computers) can easily pull the key from the registry, so you must also be removed from the registry as follows:

How to install or change product key

With the help of SLMGR.VBS you can enter a new product key. If the Windows system is already activated using the command below, you can replace the old key to a new acting (instead of ##### - ##### - ######## enter new key). After that, it is recommended to restart the computer.

Also, this can be done in the activation settings screen in the computer parameters, but the following command allows you to do this from the command line:

sLMGR.VBS / IPK ##### - ##### - ##### - #####

Activation of Windows

Windows activation online

The next command can be tried to activate Windows via the Internet.

Activation of Windows Offline

To get the installation identifier (ID) for offline activation, run the following command:

Now you need to get the code for confirming the activation of the system by phone. Go to the official page of the Microsoft Windows Activation Help. According to the instructions, call the Microsoft product activation center (there is nothing terrible in this, you will follow the instructions of the robot) and provide the installation ID above and you will receive an activation code (if everything is successfully confirmed). It can help you to activate Windows system without connecting to the Internet.

Instead of ActivationId, enter the activation ID. Which you got:

sLMGR.VBS / ATP ActivationID

After that, to make sure your OS is activated, you can use the following commands:


How to extend the activation

Take for example Windows 7, in which there is a 30-day trial period before it starts to demand the product key with you. You can extend the trial period, i.e. Reset this test period back to 30 days by following commands below.


However, you will not be able to rely and again and infinitely prolong the test period - the command can be used only a few times. Want to find out how many times - enter the SLMGR.VBS / DLV command. I do not remember exactly, but for each version, it seems, your "number of times". In Windows 7, if I'm not mistaken 3 times, and 5 times on Windows Server 2008 R2. With the exception of Windows 10, the option works in all early versions.

Application SLMGR.VBS for remote computers

Usually, SLMGR is performed on the current computer, however, you have the ability to remotely administer computers on the network if you have access to them. For example, the first command below applies to the current computer, and the second is on a remote computer. Just need to know the computer name, username and password.

sLMGR.VBS / Option

sLMGR.VBS Password NameComputer Password / Option

With the SLMGR.VBS command, other commands associated with the activation of the system can be applied. See SLMGR.VBS options for more details.

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How to check the activation of Windows 2008 or Windows 7?

Section: SovietsP.: 1.09.2011

Question: How to check the activation of Windows 2008 or Windows 7? Answer: Start -\u003e Run -\u003e We write CMD (Opened a black command line window) -\u003e We write SLMGR -DLI after a couple of seconds the window will appear in which the expiration date will be written

Onemith blog

19 Jul 2011 | By Anchous |

It's no secret that all versions of the Windows 7 and Windows Vista operating system require activation. Until the activation, the user can use this system within 30 days (which can be increased to 120 days) in a trial version of the Operation, with episodically reminders that this system is required to activate. If the system is not activated on time, it becomes not workable, and have to be boosted in safe mode.

Actually, not to trade the current moment when activation is required, and in order to be sure that you have an activated copy of Windows, the activation status is possible to check again on all versions of Windows as 7 and Vista.

1. The first method is the easiest and is made in a pair of clicks with the mouse: Start -\u003e click the right key to the computer -\u003e Properties -\u003e In the very bottom, the activation status and product code is written.

2. The method of using SLMGR.VBS is a script inserted in Windows 7 and Vista and an employee for managing licenses, activations and serials. The embassy this script is a console command, we press Win + R -\u003e write cmd and press the input. After that, in the DOS-PROMT that appears, we enter one of the commands: SLMGR -XPR SLMGR -DLI

As a result, we get the following window that tells us that our Windows is activated.

VN: F.

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VN: F.

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Check Windows Activation Status 6.6 Out of 10 Based On 29 Ratings

Tags: windows, windows 7

Checking Windows 10 activation status

Almost a month has passed since the start of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users start upgrading to Windows 10. Under Microsoft Terms, users of these OS after updating are received by licensed Windows 10, and the system is activated automatically in the background. How to understand whether your copy of Windows 10 is activated or not?

When executing an upgrade to Windows 10, the system must automatically activate the OS on Microsoft activation servers. The problem is that the user does not show the information windows on the successful activation of the OS. Check the activation status of the system in Windows 10 in several ways.

1. System Properties Window

Click the Win + x key combination and select System. Activation status is displayed in the Windows Activation section. In our example, the message "Windows IS Activated" suggests that the system is activated.

2. New system settings panel

Activation status can also be found in the settings of the new Modern (modern) control panel. To do this, click on the notification icon in the lower right corner of the Tasquebar and select the All Settings menu item.

Then go to the "Update and Security" section. As you see, the status in the Activation line indicates that the system is activated.

3. Command String

Activation status can also be obtained from the command line using the SLMGR.VBS script, which is used to manage licenses, activation and serial system keys from the time of Window Vista. Open the command prompt (CMD) with administrator rights and execute the command:

After a few seconds, a window with the text "The Machine Is Permanently Activated" appears.

Windows 7 among users is still mad popularity, despite their age. And the question of its activation is one of the most important aspects when working with the system. You will have to either buy a license key, or use special programs - activators. With the purchase of a license key, everything is clear, so let's talk better about free alternatives. Let's see how to activate Windows 7 using various activators, or postpone it for a month with a legal way.

This is the easiest way to get a license that even a novice user can apply. And most importantly - free. Consider the 3 most popular activators and find out how to use them. Links to download only on the main one, the rest are easy to seek in search engines.


The easiest and most reliable way. All actions are made absolutely similar to activation. Password for unpacking - 123.

Do not forget to add a file to an antivirus exception!

One of the most famous activators is the Windows Loader program, which implements a special code to the system, communicating with each launch that activation is successful. Let's see how it works:

  1. Download Windows Loader and launch it with administrator rights.
  2. Pay attention to the circle near the program name - it should be green. If it is red or yellow, then you need to bring the cursor on it and see what you need to do (you usually need to close the browser or, for example, Total Commander).
  3. If everything is fine, click the "Install" button, and then restart the computer.

On this activation is over. If you suddenly want to refuse to use the license key, start Windows Loader again and press the "Uninstall" button.

This activation method is illegal, so its application is not recommended by Microsoft specialists. But if you really look into the eyes, then the Windows Loader program helped hundreds of thousands of users to solve the problem with the license, so you have nothing to be afraid.

After starting, such a window will appear:

  1. Download and run the activator.
  2. In the main utility window, click the "Activate" button on the button that is highlighted.
  3. After the message appears that the operation was successful, restart the computer.

If this activator worked fine, you can safely install updates, without fearing that it flies.

After rebooting the computer, the Operating System Selection window will appear. Two boot options appear - Windows 7 (non-activated version) and Windows 7 Loader XE (activated version). Choose the second string and download - the system will be activated.

To do not choose the desired operating system every time

  1. Click on the "Computer" icon by right-click and select "Properties".
  2. Follow the link "Advanced System Options" in the left menu.
  3. In the "Load and Restore" field, click the "Parameters" button.
  4. Uncheck the "Display List of Operating Systems" mark and select "Windows 7 Loader XE" in the string above. Save the changes.
    After performing these actions, the activated version of the system will be loaded in automatic mode, without waiting and your choice. By the way, the presence of two entries in the boot menu does not indicate that you have two operating systems installed. This activator has made changes to the boot.ini file.


The RemoveWat program operates in all versions of Windows, however, after its application, you must definitely disable the automatic update (which is very undesirable). Use it only if previous activators did not help you:

  1. Run the program.
  2. Click "Remove Wat" in the Utility window.
  3. Wait until the activation process is completed and restart the computer.

Now that the activation does not fly, you must disable automatic system update:

How to do it

  1. Go to the "Control Panel".
  2. Go to the Update Center.
  3. Click on the "Settings" link in the Left menu.
  4. Select the option "Do not check availability of updates".
  5. Save the changes by clicking OK.

In principle, you can set the parameters so that the system will search for updates, but you will receive decisions about their installation personally. Only you have to understand which update is the next authentication file.

Delay activation

All Microsoft products, including Windows 7, implements the activation deferment function. Let's see how to activate Windows 7 by means of a delay via the command line.

  1. Run the command prompt with administrator rights.
  2. Enter the command

    sLMGR / REARM.

    And press ENTER.

  1. Restart the computer after receiving the message that the activation operation is successful.

Note - the delay procedure must be carried out in the penultimate or extreme day of activation. In total, the postponement of Windows 7 can be used 3 times. By non-speed counts, we define that in the end you will have 120 days of free use. After 4 months (first - familiarization, then 3 delay) will have to decide how to activate the system.

You can find out detailed information about the license, including the available number of delay, you can using the command:

cScript% Windir% \\ System32 \\ SLMGR.VBS -DLV

cScript% windir% \\ System32 \\ SLMGR. VBS - DLV.

If the deferments are over, you can install Windows 7 anew, and another 120 days use the system is free. Another way is to create an image of the system recovery and its subsequent use to roll back to the state of four months ago. However, both of these methods do not differ convenience, as they mean reinstalling (recovery) of the system, which leads to the removal of installed programs and the loss of some files.

What to do is not to fly to the activation of Windows 7

The main disadvantage of using activators is the possible locking of the license after the next system update. Microsoft specialists make everything that users buy activation keys, and have not enjoy free programs for obtaining a license. It is manifested in creating special updates for Windows 7 engaged in system authentication.

Despite the fact that in the description of all activators it is indicated that the system after their use is underway without problems, authentication is underway, in fact it is not so rosy. For example, many users faced the fact that after installing the Q971033 update, activation flew. In order not to get into a similar situation, you just need to delete the authentication file entering Windows 7 with the Q971033 update. To do this, follow the next simple steps:

  1. Open the Control Panel.
  2. Go to the "Delete Program" section.
  3. Click on the left menu by the "View installed updates" link.
  4. Look for a security service update at a sq971033 number.
  5. If you found the desired string, select it and click "Delete".

Your system will no longer be checked for authenticity, and therefore activation does not flit.

By the way, many antiviruses perceive activators as malicious applications. Nothing is surprising in this - just turn off the protection for the time to activate the system and add the program to exclude antivirus.

Attention! This guide is submitted only for informational purposes. Using activators - illegal!

Hi friends. How to find out if Windows licensed is installed on a computer? The answer to this question is obvious for you if you bought a new PC, a laptop or tablet with the editors of the HOME in some respectable store technology. Or if you purchased. But how to verify this license if it was bought in an OEM, box version or in the form of the same electronic key in some online store? Or if we have purchased a computer device on the secondary market, and the buyer of us sharpener assured that it sells with the most genuine Windows?Let's try to figure it out in this matter and of course I will give you a few examples from my practice when I managed to prove to my customers that the activated system was not licensed on their computer.

How to find out whether Windows licensed is installed on a computer

Friends, I strongly recommend that you first familiarize yourself with. This is a complex and winding topic, Microsoft dispelled a lot of Debreys in her, but we still tried to set out it as easier and clearer. So, the deception can be wound not only in the authenticity of the keys of the OS, but also in the type of licenses (in particular, test free), to which these keys give access. So it is necessary to have at least a basic view of Windows licenses.

Unactivated, pirate and licensed Windows

OS from Microsoft in the context of its activation can be conditionally divided into three types:

  • Non-activated;
  • Activated pirate;
  • Activated licensed.

Non-activated Windows - It is limited to individual OS capabilities. In Win7, this is a black desktop and the compensation for the psyche notification that we have become a victim of fake by software. In Win8.1, this is the inability to choose a coloring for the starting screen and appearing every 4 hours of activation window. In Win10, this is blocking all personalization settings. Universal for all versions Way to know, the system is activated or not - the control panel. Click Win + Pause on the keyboard and see the "Activation of Windows" graph. If the activation is, we will see it.

If there is no activation, then it is.

Or this is if Win7 is used as part of a monthly trial period.

The activated system will equally be subject to such, regardless of the method of activation - pirate or legal.

Activated pirate windowsexternally and functionally no different from a legally actuated system. If, of course, we are talking about the system installed with a pure distribution, and a separately conducted activation step using, for example, KMS activator.

If the third-party assembly of Windows is initially supplied activated, it can be interfered with the functionality - something is cut out, something is disabled, something (including malicious) is set up. About all "for" and "against" pirated assemblies. Disadvantages of pirated activation:

It can periodically fly;

The files and activator processes are blocked by antivirus;

Its detection by the competent authorities will result in the attraction of responsibility - civil, administrative or even criminal. As, we read the practice of ships on the Judicial Decision Site of the Russian Federation. We go to the site http: //suredenedi.rf. And in the "Document Text" field, enter a key request, such as "Windows KMS".

  • Note: Read on leisure judicial practice on violation of copyright developers, I especially recommend all those "smarts", which in the comments of the site are insulting those who chose the way to use paid licensed software.

Activated licensed windows - This is a legitimate way to use it, which will give us peaceful sleep at night. And do not be afraid of any checks by the competent authorities, if we use the system for your IP or lead any structural unit of the company.

So, genuine and pirate Windows externally and functionally in no way indistinguishable. How to understand which one is dealing with?

Windows authentication stickers

Find out whether Windows licensed is installed, it is possible on the authentication stickers on a computer device. What are these stickers? It:

Authenticity certificate (COA) - a sticker on the PC body, on the bottom of the laptop or inside its battery compartment, as well as inside the latter on the Surface plates;

GML sticker - a hologram sticker with changing colors depending on the viewing angle, introduced from September 2017, the places of sticking the same as COA.

If the license key is purchased separately from the device, by purchasing the box version of Windows - installation DVDs or flash drives, the authentication stickers must be, respectively, on their packages. For box versions, the same types of stickers are used,

as for the device enclosures - certificate of authenticity (COA) and holograms.

How to find out, licensed Windows, using the command line

If the used computers seller claims that it sells it from a licensed Windows, if a new device is bought in the store with a reputation unknown to us, the authentication of the OS can be checked by asking something to enter into a command line. Run it on behalf of the administrator. And introduce:


If the activation of the pirate, in the script appears, we will see something of such a message.

Or something such a message.

But if the system is genuine, we will see the inscription "Activation successfully" in the script.

In addition to the direct inscription on activation in the script window, it is important to still pay attention to the Windows editor. If the editorial name is "EVAL", for example, "EnterpriseVal", such as the authenticity of activation, alas, a little.

How to find out, licensed Windows, using the task scheduler or the principle of work of pirate activators

It should be noted that the latest Microsoft Operating Systems (Windows 8.1, 10) have a rather strong mechanism for protection against activation by pirated means and at the moment there are only a few activators capable of activating the above-mentioned OS, the most famous -KMSAUTO NET. But it works very simple and easily detected in the system. KMSauto Net creates a folder at: C: \\ ProgramData \\ Kmsautos and places your files in it.

For permanent OS reactivation, it is also forced to create its own task in the scheduler.

Once, buddy brought me a laptop with installed and activated Windows 10

and asked, the licensed system installed on it. I stupidly opened the command line and introduced the team already familiar to you: SLMGR -ATO, the result was very eloquent.

Then I opened the planner and showed a friend to the commander createdKMSAUTO NET. Questions disappeared by themselves.

How to check windows 7 on authenticity

If you get the task to determine the authenticity of Windows 7, then see the label with a licensed key on the PC case or on the bottom of the laptop, if there is no, the task is complicated many times, since this OS has a weak anti-activation mechanism with pirated tools . If you ask this question on the official Microsoft website, then you will advise you to install the KB971033 update, created specifically for the authentication of the OS, but for example, on this PC this update is established,

and the system is activated by a pirated activator and I will prove it a little later.

You can also advise you to enter the command line: SLMGR.VBS / DLI, but the message "License state: has a license" does not prove anything.

Also on the office. Microsoft website will advise you to download the tool Mgadiag.exe,

providing detailed information on the authenticity of Windows, but often he also will not be able to distinguish the pirate OS from the licensed, as in our case. Utility gives the result "validation Status - Genuine "or" Verification status is genuine. "

In the "Licensing" window you can see a partial product key - 7TP9F and "License Status: Has a license."

But the YKHFT-KW986-GK4PY-FDWYH-7TP9F key can be on Win 7 installed on Acer laptops, but not at Win 7, installed on a regular landline computer,

he constantly falls into my pirate seven. This key sets the Windows 7 Loader Pirate Activation Program by Daz Activator or Windows7 ULoader

This license key will not be "google" at all, since information about it should not be on the Internet.

Browse Windows

Introductory Windows - Offered on the Microsoft Evaluation Center website Win10 Enterprise and, which can be used for free 90 days - are completely legal systems. You can also add a trial Win8.1 Enterprise to them, it is no longer available to download on the Evaluation Center website, but it can be found on the network, in particular,. And, of course, the command for checking the legality of the activation will show that everything is in order with them. That's just such an order will be temporary.

Introduction assemblies are activated by 90 days by the temporary key of the activation of the evalution license. If such an assembly will stand on computers of system administrators of the company, you can not be afraid of any checks of the competent authorities. Everything is legally here. Equally, how completely legal, because there is no direct prohibition, after 90 days it is possible to reset the term of the evalution license and use the system for another 90 days. And then another 90 days (activation is reset only three times). Well, then you can reinstall the system. Introductionful evalution-editors are an optimal solution for those who are still at least once a year reinstalls OS. It is illegal if we are not an IT employee of the company and will use such an evaluation assembly for commerce or for leisure activities. But exactly this solution is better than pirated activation - both by technical part, and in terms of legal responsibility.

So, in introductory evalution-editors there is nothing wrong if they are not trying to fall as a full-fledged system with an indefinite license. In addition to the article shown in the previous paragraph, it is also possible to identify an evalution-edit, on a watermark in the lower right corner of the screen with an inscription in the form of a countdown until the end of the 90-day period. But such inscriptions are very easily removed by software type. Ensure that the case has with an evalution-license, and see the number of days remaining until the end of the 90-day period, using the same command line. Run it on behalf of the administrator. Enter:


And we look at the information.

Documents on Windows

What documents confirm the authenticity of the Windows Product Key? Proof of legal use of OS are:

An email from the electronic key seller is Microsoft's company or online store. This letter specifically indicates the key. They also should be activated;

Commodity checks, overhead, acts of receiving and similar documents from OEM providers for OEM devices. Without these documents, there will be a violation of the order of licensing Microsoft in terms of non-compliance with the conditions for using an OEM license.

So, friends, buying written off and stolen OEM computers, as well as the acquisition of cheap OEM keys on eBay - not the best solution. It is undoubtedly better than KMS-Activators and Evalution-Assembly Windows, but not a panacea from problems from the inspection bodies.

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