Extraneous sound and noise in headphones and speakers: where it comes from and how to eliminate it. Hissing, noise, crackling and other extraneous sound in speakers and headphones - how to find and eliminate the cause? Why are headphones on the computer

User question


I have a problem with my PC: some kind of extraneous noise is coming from the speakers and headphones (resembles a crackling). Tyrkal wires - did not help; also rearranged the inputs - the problem did not go away. By the way, if you click the mouse, this noise is amplified a little. What to do?

The sound card is built-in, Realtek (I don't know the exact model). The headphones are new, the speakers are the most ordinary ones, although they are already quite old (7-8 years old).

Good day!

In general, there can be a great variety of noises found in speakers and headphones: for example, the noise of a wheel from a mouse, various crackling, whistling, intermittent and trembling noises, etc. They can appear from a variety of reasons.

The user problem with sound described above is quite typical (unfortunately), and it is not always so easy and quick to fix it. Nevertheless, in this article I will try to give all the most important points that you need to pay attention to first. By eliminating them, with a high degree of probability, you will make your sound better and cleaner.

If you have too quiet sound - try the tips from the following article:

If you have no sound at all on a computer - I recommend that you read this guide:

Causes and elimination of extraneous sound in speakers and headphones

Speaker / Headphone Cable

1) Is the cable intact

Many do not attach any importance to this (supposedly what will happen to it), and the cable, by the way, can be damaged by accident: if the furniture is carelessly moved, bending, stepping on with the heel. In addition, many have pets in the house. In general, there are enough reasons without your direct intervention ...

The photo below shows the damaged audio cable ...

2) Broken audio connectors

Over time, any audio connectors begin to "weaken" (most often from intensive use) - and the plug is not clamped tightly in them, sometimes even a slight backlash (gap) is observed. If in this case you try to insert / remove the plug, twist it in the socket - you can notice how noise appears in the speakers and how they disappear. Thus, you can choose a position of the plug in which there will be no noise. In this "ideal" position, the cable can be secured with tape.

In general, if the problem is with broken sockets, replace them in the computer. service, the question is not too "expensive".

3) Cable length

I also want to draw attention to the length of the cable. If the computer speakers are located 2 meters from the system unit, then using cables 10 meters long is unwise (especially if there are some adapters, extension cords). All this can cause "distorted" sound, a kind of interference. In general, I do not recommend using cables longer than 2-5 meters (in the most common situations, for household use).

4) Is the cable fixed

Another reason that I had to face was the following: the cable from the system unit to the speakers was "weighted", about 2 meters long. Naturally, if the window in the room was open, then the draft forced this cable to "dangle" and extraneous noises were observed.

It was very easy to get rid of the problem: with the help of ordinary tape, we attached the cable in 2-3 places to the table and the noise disappeared.

By the way, the cable can also be touched by passing people (if your PC is not very convenient), pets, even your own legs (if the cable goes under the table). Therefore, my advice is to fasten (fix) or route the cable so that no one accidentally touches it.

The photo below shows special holders / clamps, which exclude "tangling" of cables and exclude that some wires "will" dangle. These Velcro holders can be placed at the back of the table to secure all wires and cables. Instead, by the way, you can use regular tape.

5) Front and rear audio connectors

Another important point: if laptops have only one audio connector (usually on the side panel), then the system unit has 2 of them (most often): on the back of the unit and in front.

Many users find it more convenient to connect headphones (sometimes speakers) to the front side of the unit - and often in this case, the sound is not as good as if you connected it to the audio jacks on the back of the system unit. This is due to adapters, extension cords and other moments with the connection of the front panel (from the back of the system unit - the audio outputs go "directly" from the sound card).

In general, the motive for this advice is simple: try connecting headphones / speakers to the audio outputs on the back of the system unit.

6) Is the cable entwined with other cords

Also, background noise and external noise may appear in the speakers due to the fact that the audio cable is too "closely" intertwined with other wires. Try to position it neatly so that it is away from the rest. By the way, this advice intersects with the cable fixation (see just above).

And one more tip: if you experience hiss and noise in your speakers, try connecting headphones instead (or vice versa). This will not solve the problem, but it will help you find and diagnose the cause. If there is no noise in the headphones, then for sure the reason lies outside the system unit (which is already something ...).

Incorrect sound settings in Windows

Often extraneous noise in the speakers is associated with not quite "correct" sound settings in Windows. Therefore, I recommend trying to change them ...

To do this, open the Windows Control Panel at: Control Panel \\ Hardware and Sound .

It will display several of your audio devices. Open the properties of the one through which the sound goes by default (such a device is marked with a green checkmark).

Note: by the way, if the default device for sound playback is not selected correctly, then you will not hear the sound.

When will you open speaker properties (default playback devices) - look at the "Levels" tab (see screenshot below). In this tab, reduce all extraneous sources to a minimum: PC Beer, CD, Microphone, Line-in, etc. (their number and availability depends on your computer configuration).

Next, I recommend opening the tab "improvements" and see if it's included "Loudness" (by the way, in some versions of Windows it is called as " Additional features / volume equalization ").

Save the settings, and check if the sound has changed, if it has become clearer.

No up-to-date sound driver / driver setting

In general, usually, in case of problems with the drivers, there is no sound at all. But modern versions of Windows (8, 8.1, 10) install drivers automatically. There is nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, they make life easier for novice users. But there is one big "BUT" - the drivers they install, usually, cannot be configured. there is no extra. panels where important parameters for your equipment are set. As a result, certain distortions of the sound may occur.

In order not to repeat myself about how to check if there is an audio driver in the system, how to find and update it, how to remove an old driver, etc. - I recommend that you read this article:

You may also need programs to automatically update drivers in the system. I talked about them in this article:

I also recommend that you pay attention to the driver settings. To open the audio driver settings: go to the Windows control panel in the section "Hardware and Sound" ... Further at the bottom of the window, usually, there is always a link to the setting: in my case, this is "Dell Audio" (in yours, for example, it could be Realtek Audio).

In the audio driver settings, check the volume of the main devices ("play around" with it), turn off various "incomprehensible" enhancements, filters, etc. Very often they cause all kinds of problems with sound.

Checking speakers on another PC

If the above recommendations did not work, I highly recommend connecting your speakers or headphones to another device: laptop, TV, PC, etc. This must be done in order to determine the source of the extraneous sound:

- either the speakers are "to blame" (if the sound is noisy on other devices);

- either the system unit itself is "to blame" (if the speakers behave normally when connected to other sound sources).

The reason may be grounding ...

Grounding (sometimes called grounding) in ordinary residential buildings, they are most often done in the basement. All outlets in the building are connected to this ground. If all equipment (including speakers) is connected to the same outlet, then problems with noise due to grounding usually never arise.

If the noise is caused by grounding, the easiest way to get rid of this is to connect all equipment to the network through one common wall outlet. It is even better if a surge protector (not Chinese, but of normal quality, or UPS) is connected to the outlet, to which the PC and speakers will be connected.

The photo below shows a surge protector for 5 outlets. Enough for most ordinary home PCs, you can connect: monitor, system unit, speakers, printer, and even for the phone charger there will be ...

Important! In the absence of grounding, some authors recommend connecting the case of the system unit with a regular battery. I do not recommend doing this categorically (with a certain construction of the network - you can get an electric shock)! In general, the issue with grounding is better solved with an electrician.

Mouse wheel scrolling noise

Sometimes the mouse wheel scrolling noise "gets" into the audio interference and is heard in the speakers. Sometimes such noise can be quite strong and it is simply impossible to listen to music while working.

If you hear sound from a mouse in the speakers, then I recommend taking the following steps:

Try to replace the mouse with a new one;

If you are using a mouse with a PS / 2 connector, replace it with USB (or vice versa);

You can also use PS / 2 to USB adapters. For example, by connecting a mouse with a PS / 2 connector to the USB port;

Try using a wireless mouse.

The photo below shows: a mouse with a PS / 2 plug, a USB mouse, and PS / 2 to USB adapters.

Mobile phones and gadgets

If your mobile phone is too close to the speakers, then when you call it (or receive SMS messages), you may hear strong crackling and interference. You can, of course, try to shield the audio cable, but at home, in my opinion, all this is an extra waste of money, time and effort.

The best way out is to find a place for the mobile phone not on the computer desk, or at least spread the phone and speakers to different corners. Thanks to this, crackling and noise will be significantly reduced.

By the way, this can be observed from walkie-talkies, radiotelephones and other similar gadgets and set-top boxes. Anything with an antenna and radio signals can potentially be the source of the strongest vibrations reflected in your speakers.

In some cases, even an ordinary printer / scanner / copier, an "unusual" table lamp can cause noise in the speakers. Therefore, at least for the duration of the diagnosis, I recommend turning off the extraneous devices located near the speakers one by one and looking at the condition and purity of the sound.

I think there is nothing more to comment on ...

High volume on low-quality speakers

Volume above 50% on inexpensive, low-quality speakers (and headphones) may well be the cause of noise. (they say that the speakers start to "phonate").

In general, all speakers and headphones are shining. True, higher-quality speakers (and, as a rule, more expensive), give out cleaner sound even at high volume, and only fade at maximum. While cheap - when the volume reaches average levels ...

Also pay attention to the microphone. If your speakers are turned on loudly and the microphone is working, then the effect of a closed "ring" may be observed.

Low power supply (economy mode)

This tip is more suitable for laptop users ...

The fact is that laptops have several modes of operation: economy mode, balanced mode, and high performance. Manufacturers do this in order to more economically consume battery power.

In some cases, the reduced power consumption does not allow for high quality sound. Therefore, I recommend going to the Windows Control Panel: Control Panel \\ Hardware and Sound \\ Power . Then turn on high productivity and save the settings (see screenshot below).

Installing an external sound card

For some reason, many people think that an external sound card is some kind of large device, expensive, etc. All this is in the past, now there are modern sound cards, the size of which is slightly larger than a USB stick (and they look almost the same).

Yes, you cannot connect any specific equipment to such a sound card, but you can connect ordinary classic headphones and speakers, a microphone to it, which is more than enough for many average users.

In addition, an external sound card can simply help out and help get rid of extraneous noise when the other options did not solve the problem. Moreover, the cost of many models is more than affordable (the cheapest options cost no more than a few hundred rubles).

The photo below shows the USB sound card. Such a small "baby" is capable of producing a fairly high-quality sound that some of the built-in sound cards will envy. And in principle, it will suit most users who are satisfied with the most "ordinary" sound.

That's all for me. Additions on the topic - welcome ...

It is almost impossible to imagine the work of a computer without sound. This is especially true for entertainment, video games without sound are not interesting, movies with subtitles also make no sense, and listening to music becomes impossible. Sound is necessary, so each user has a speaker or several, or headphones. These devices are necessary, but no one wants to shell out for expensive options, people buy cheap audio systems that eventually fail or start to junk. But what can I say, crackling in computer speakers and other extraneous sounds can appear even in expensive devices.

Noise can appear due to the operation of the computer, the operating system is loaded, the information is processed, all this is accompanied by unpleasant crackles and squeaks. Fortunately, the problem is solvable, but first you need to find out what is the reason for the appearance of unnecessary sounds.

Throwing away the old device and buying a new one is an extreme method of solving the problem. In fact, noise in headphones or speakers can appear due to damage or improper wire connections, drivers, and even Windows settings.


Often the hiss sound occurs when the sound card of the PC and the device for sound reproduction are poorly connected. There are three options here:

  • The connection wire is damaged. This causes not only interference in the speakers of the computer, but also such a problem when only one of the speakers is working. It is not always possible to determine the location of the cable malfunction by eye, so it is better to connect the device to another computer and check.
  • Contact between audio device wire and network card is poor quality.

  • The wire is loose. When a draft wags the cord, or children play with the wires, noise is generated in the speakers. In such a situation, you need to attach the wire to a solid base; tape is suitable for this purpose.

It also happens that the problem appears due to the use of a long cord, while the crackle is not strong, but it still causes inconvenience. Using a shorter wire will solve the problem.


The operation of the computer depends on the drivers, and sound playback as well. When they are not installed, the user will not hear anything at all, and if the person downloaded the wrong driver, then the device will be disrupted.

Such malfunctions appear after updating the "firewood" or installing a new package. This problem is reported by Windows.

To check if these sounds in the headphones really appeared due to drivers, we do the following manipulations:

  • We go to the "Control Panel", there we already click on the "Hardware and Sound" icon and click on the line "Task Manager";

  • If there is no yellow or red warning icon, then there are no problems with the sound drivers. When such signs are present, then we fix the problems.

In any case, with available updates, you should do this. Perhaps the extraneous noise will disappear.


Two or three randomly placed marks next to unknown options can degrade the sound quality. Headphones hiss appear when the PCBeep is running and the line-in. Other functions, depending on the settings of the computer, can also affect the volume and quality.

fig. 1. Go to the "Control Panel" menu, select the "Hardware and Sound" icon and then click on the "Volume Adjustment" function

fig. 2. At the second stage of work, click LMB on the "Speakers and Headphones" icon

fig. 3. In the "Levels" menu there are PcBeep settings, CD, etc.

  • We transfer all these functions to the value 0, save the configurations and check if this solved the problem.

In some situations, such simple manipulations actually improve the quality of reproduction.



In the speakers, extraneous noise appears when the volume is increased. When this figure exceeds 50%, then noise, crackling and other unpleasant effects appear instead of music.

This problem plagues all owners of inexpensive devices, it is also called the "jitter" effect. Also, noises appear when the volume level of the speakers is set to maximum, and in the operating system, on the contrary, at minimum configurations.

In such a situation, we find the "golden mean"

It is almost impossible to solve the problem with "jitter" when increasing the volume. The only way out is to buy new speakers.


In most computers, this part is installed directly into the motherboard and is bought all together. Buying a separate card is costly and is not a popular solution.

The increased frequencies of all boards form electromagnetic actions that do not interfere with the operation of the digital part of the device, but strongly affect the analog components, which is why the quality of reproduction decreases.

Inexpensive PCI options are slightly better in this matter, but they also have such a problem.


When the board is installed near the video card, the computer speakers begin to make noise. The fact is that the video card emits special signals that come to the sound card and generate noise.

If this is not possible, then we create a special reflective screen from cardboard and foil.


Therefore, a computer that is plugged into a regular power outlet will produce noise and crackling sound. In laptops, this problem cannot be solved, because in such a situation the board will not be grounded.

Extraneous sound and noise in headphones and speakers must be eliminated.

The active spread of sound recording technology has led to the emergence of a number of problems, one of them - phonet microphone... The situation is not uncommon and the background appears even on good, expensive devices. First of all, you need to understand the causes of the problem, as this will help determine the nature of further actions.

If the microphone is phoning in headphones, a stand-alone model or in a webcam, then you need to listen to the nature of the background. It can be low-frequency and high-frequency. Each type indicates the nature of the problem.

Low-frequency hum often occurs with passive microphones that use an unshielded cable when connected. A preamplifier is not provided in the design of the cord - this is the reason for the voltage that appears and the characteristic sound resembling the operation of household appliances when connected to the network. In this case, the frequency is 50 Hz - this is the mains frequency. To fix the problem, you need to use a cable with a special sheath.

Often the problem lies not in the microphone device, but in the intermediate link that transmits the signal. At times, even a cable with a shield can create a background. Touching parts of the microphone or electrical circuit may produce noise. This is typical in the case of a galvanic connection between the signal core in the cable and the housing elements. Background transmission from the amplifier is due to the generation of noise from our body.

A banal reason - the background appears when interacting or close to the phone. Sounds appear briefly.

Often the problem lies not in the hardware, but in the incorrect configuration of programs and systems. A number of situations can be corrected without touching the microphone. This problem accounts for most of all cases.

Phonit microphone: what to do?

To eliminate the problem, you need to perform a number of small procedures during which it will be possible to determine the true cause and solve it.

Automatic diagnostics

Windows 10 has a special functionality that is not in the "seven" - sound settings diagnostics. Due to a number of issues in sound settings, the developers have developed an automatic fault check. It is worth starting elimination with the most effective and simple tool.

To eliminate the background in this case, it is worth doing:

  1. In the notification panel (lower right corner), right-clicking opens the speaker icon.
  2. In the pop-up window, you should select "Detect audio problems".
  3. An analysis will start, during which a number of settings will be checked and a number of potential faults will be corrected independently.

Adjusting levels

In a Windows computer, there is a special feature - a level amplifier. The use of the functionality is justified with a weak microphone to increase its volume. The price for amplification is the high frequency background noise.

To change the levels, the user needs to go to the "Sound" tab, there are several methods for performing the procedure:

  1. Press Win + R on the keyboard and enter mmsys.cpl;
  2. Right click on the icon in the notification bar and select "Playback devices";
  3. Click on Start, then Control Panel, where to find the Sound tab.

After finding the required tab, you need to adjust the levels:

  1. From the menu found in the previous paragraph, you need to go to the "Recording" tab.

  1. There is a list of available microphones here, you need to select a sounding one, usually there is a check mark next to it on a green background. You need to double-click on the appropriate microphone.
  2. Go to the "Levels" tab;
  3. There are 2 sliders at the bottom: the upper one is responsible for the volume of the microphone without an amplifier, and at the bottom you can add amplification. The background is most affected by the second slider, you need to disable the function. The first slider should be set to the maximum.


Any hardware in a computer needs drivers; in case of a malfunction in this area, various problems with sound may appear. It is worth checking the drivers for sound, Realtek is most often installed. It is advisable to completely remove them and reinstall them again.

In the main window of the driver, you can open it in the notification panel by expanding the list by clicking on the arrow, you can find useful functionality - noise and echo suppression. It is worth activating the functions and checking that there is no gain of more than 10 dB.

There are a number of small pitfalls that an inexperienced user stumbles upon when working with a microphone:

  • the background appearance may be caused by a program, probably there is an amplifier in it or an incorrect setting. Therefore, using Skype, TS and other means of communication, it is worth checking the operation of the microphone separately from them. For example, in Skype, the default setting is automatic, which should be removed.

  • it is worth inspecting the cable, often poor-quality wires are simply bent, squeezed or part of the coating is cut off. You can visually inspect the cable, or it is better to replace it with another one and check.

  • the probable cause lies in the nests, perhaps they are loose, clogged or damaged. Also, you can not use the front connectors, the signal quality in them will be worse. Switch the plug to a different socket and the problem may disappear.
  • use special programs to suppress noise and background. Apps can improve sound quality, but sometimes at the expense of volume. Among the well-known and common programs are: Hard Limiter, Adaptive Noise Reduction.

The background when the microphone is working after the listed manipulations should disappear. Otherwise, you can talk about a malfunction of the microphone device itself and you will have to repair it or buy a new one.

If you still have questions on the topic "What to do if the microphone starts to play?", You can ask them in the comment

Connecting any device to a computer is a process that requires special attention. The more complex the peripheral component, the more difficult the procedure is. Very often, headphones / speakers and microphones are connected to computers. These elements help you communicate online. It is very difficult to imagine a modern user without them.

On the one hand, connecting headphones and a microphone does not require anything special. Only after the implementation of the idea in life, it is often necessary to set up these components for a long time. They don't work well. Most often, users think about how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. Why does it appear at all? What will it take to fix the problem? And can you really get rid of it? If you can answer all the questions asked, connecting a headset and working with sound on a PC will not be a problem.

Why is there noise

Initially, it is important to understand where the noise in the headphones comes from. Many users face this problem. Sometimes this is a temporary phenomenon, in some cases the noise does not disappear for a long time.

In fact, the nature of the problem is varied. Noise in headphones (with or without a microphone) occurs for various reasons. It is problematic to predict which alignment helps to correct the situation. For example, noise can be caused by hardware damage or out of order. Next, you need to figure out how to get rid of noise on your computer.

Sound card

The first reason that can affect the sound quality in the operating system is bad. If it is damaged or outdated, noise appears in the headphones.

The sound "breaks", various crackling, creaking and other noises may appear in the headphones or speakers. The situation is corrected only by replacing or repairing the sound card. Only then will the headphones disappear.


The next problem is very rare. We are talking about the lack of grounding at the sockets to which the headset and speakers / headphones are connected in general. In this case, all sorts of noises may appear.

If we are talking about a laptop, most likely, connecting the computer to a grounded outlet will not fix the problem. As a rule, in laptops, it is the boards on the motherboard that may not be grounded. You have to either replace them, or come to terms with the problem. In some cases, users prefer not to use a particular laptop.

USB devices

Do you hear noise in your computer headphones? Usually, different kinds of sounds occur when connecting various devices. They appear immediately, not after a while.

For example, when attaching a mouse, you may hear a monotonous sound. And if we are talking about the keyboard, most likely, you will hear clicks when you press the keys.

This happens due to:

  1. Active transfer of information to the computer. Then it is recommended not to connect USB devices to these or those ports. It is advisable to find other places. Or start using a wireless headset and other devices altogether.
  2. Damaged USB port. Repair is suggested. In practice, users simply reconnect all devices to different ports.

Fortunately, this situation is not very common. Modern computers and laptops are made so that users can work comfortably at the machines. Therefore, such an alignment is unlikely to occur in practice.


How to remove noise from headphones on a computer? Much depends on what kind of headset the user has. The thing is that now all devices are divided into wired and wireless. This feature plays an important role.

Often, noise in speakers or headphones is found on models that are connected via a cable. This is the main problem. For example, if a cable is damaged from a microphone or headphones, all sorts of noises occur. This happens due to poor quality information transfer to the sound card.

It is very likely that the cable is damaged. Then the breakdown must be eliminated. If you are using wireless, such a layout will not help.

Another trick for wired headset users is to unplug the cord and plug it back into the computer. This method often helps to get rid of noise.


But the next source of the problem is relevant for all devices. But in practice, it is rare. The thing is that the strong noise in the headphones on the computer is the result of damage or the absence of a sound card driver or device.

In such a case, you just need to reinstall or update the appropriate software package for the normal operation of the operating system with the connected device. For wireless headphones, as a rule, the corresponding drivers are included in the kit on a separate disc. As a last resort, you can download them from the website of the manufacturer of your sound card or headset.

Maximum sound - problems are assured

Background noise in headphones of any model is often encountered when the sound settings are incorrectly set. It doesn't matter if a microphone is connected to the PC or not. Indeed, in this situation, nothing depends on him.

If your audio settings are set to maximum, you may experience noise or wheezing on your computer. Users who buy cheap speakers or headsets suffer from a similar problem.

Everything is corrected simply - by reducing the sound. For example, through a mixer in the operating system. You just need to click on the gramophone image (near the hour and date), then move the slider down. So that the noise disappears. Nothing difficult or special. That is why it is recommended to buy headphones of an average cost. They face a similar problem less often.

Microphone - good or bad

Now it is clear how to remove noise from headphones on a computer. But these are not all the tricks that can help. What if all the previously listed scenarios did not fit?

The presence of a microphone on the PC plays an important role. It is he who often becomes the source of noise in headphones. What to do?

It is clearly not worth giving up the microphone. Instead, you will have to make small adjustments to the sensitivity and volume of the device. Then you will be able to get rid of unnecessary noise.

How to do it? It takes a little instruction to follow. It looks something like this:

  1. Load your computer. Be sure to connect a headset with a microphone.
  2. Click on the mixer on the right side of the RMB screen. In the menu that appears, click on "Sound recording devices ...".
  3. Find the connected microphone. Double click on the corresponding line.
  4. Go to the "Levels" tab.
  5. Adjust the volume and sensitivity of the microphone by moving the sliders. If there is a PC Beep, turn it off (move the volume label to zero).
  6. In the "Improvements" section, check the box next to "Reduce noise level". You can also check the "Remove constant component" item.

All this will help to get rid of the noise in the headset very quickly. How do I set the correct microphone settings? This is an individual component, each user independently selects the option that suits him.

Conclusions and conclusions

It doesn't matter which headset is connected to the computer - wired or not. The main thing is that the bulk of the problems are found on all device models. for a computer with a microphone are connected and used most often without much difficulty. And the main reason for the noise in the headset is the high sensitivity of the microphone, as well as the really loud environment around the user.

How to remove noise from headphones? All of the above techniques will definitely help correct the situation. If we are talking about a wireless headset, then in case of constant noise, it is recommended to change the USB socket used as a receiver. Otherwise, all the tips listed earlier remain the same.

Extraneous noise in headphones occasionally occurs due to infection with viruses. After the computer is disinfected, the headset starts working properly. Fortunately, this kind of event is not that frequent. And the main methods of dealing with the problem under study are reinstalling the driver, reducing and adjusting the microphone. From now on, it is clear how to remove noise in headphones on a computer.