Why is kaspersky not updated on the laptop. Why is Kaspersky not updated? Demo and unlicensed version

Kaspersky Anti-Virus - the most popular antivirus of the existing ones. It provides its users with complete real-time protection, without missing most of the existing viruses. However, if the anti-virus fails to update the anti-virus databases in a timely manner, then all its protective ability goes down the drain.

Below we will consider the main reasons that may affect the inability of Kaspersky Anti-Virus to update its databases.

1. An antivirus was installed on the computer before. Many users know that two antiviruses cannot be used on a computer at the same time, because. often this leads to the fact that they begin to conflict. But few people know that removing an antivirus even through the "Control Panel" does not always go completely, and traces remain on the computer, which can also come into conflict with Kaspersky.

In this case, you have two paths:

1) Almost every self-respecting antivirus manufacturer on its website offers special utility, which will completely remove the antivirus from the computer with all related files.

2) take advantage special program to clean your computer, such as CCleaner. CCleaner allows you to remove programs along with all the garbage that they leave behind. And besides, with using CCleaner you can remove not only antiviruses, but also any other programs.

2. You are using a demo version of Kaspersky. The trial version of the antivirus cannot receive database updates, so go to the official Kaspersky website to.

3. You are using an unlicensed version of the antivirus. Anti-virus databases are updated from Kaspersky servers, so the system can check the validity of your license key. If the program detects a fake key, then you will be immediately refused to update the databases.

4. Your key has expired. If the paid version of Kaspersky has expired, the program will not update the databases until you correct the situation. Although, as a rule, Kapersky often likes to remind about this.

5. A virus has entered the system. Paradoxically, but the reason for the failure of the Kaspersky update could be a settled virus that edited the file hosts . You can fix the problem as follows: find the contents of the original “hosts” file on the Internet (it always looks the same) and open the “hosts” file through Notepad in the C:\Windows\System\drivers\etc\ folder. Return the file to its original form, save the changes and restart the computer.

6. Unstable Internet. If your home Internet is not stable, the download of updates may be intermittently interrupted. However, if the download of updates has stopped at 99%, then it's worth the wait. Bases are usually installed at this stage, so the remaining time can take up to 15 minutes.

7. Proxy activated. If you have activated work through a proxy in your settings, then it must be disabled during the installation of anti-virus databases.

Hello dear friends! I am glad to welcome you to our site dedicated to trial and free versions antivirus programs.

On the pages of this resource you can download free antivirus trial version you will find many useful information about PC protection, reviews of new security products, analytical articles and news related to computer security.

To date, there are three main schemes for the distribution of anti-virus software:

  • Paid license
  • Conditionally free (trial, trial)
  • Free (free) license

Let's take a closer look at each of the licenses.

Paid license

In the case of a fully paid license, you buy a product, and only after full payment can you start testing it. Such a scheme for this moment practically not in demand, since each manufacturer understands that it has one tangible minus:

Buying a pig in a poke

The client cannot tell before payment whether the software is suitable for him or not. It often happened that the expectations of buyers were not met, and therefore the developers came up with a more logical sales scheme - shareware.

Shareware license (trial versions)

In a competitive environment, and in the niche of anti-virus software it is quite tough, the manufacturer understands that a larger number of sales can be achieved by offering the client to try the product for free for a while, i.e. offers to download a free trial version of the antivirus and test it in your Windows.

As a rule, a sufficient amount of time is given to test the trial version, on average 30 days. If you liked the software, then the client with a light soul will pay for it. It is precisely such trial versions of antivirus programs that the main material of our site will be devoted to.

Free protection

It is worth noting that free antiviruses some firms are not inferior in functionality to paid analogues of competitors. Almost every major antivirus laboratory has in its catalog free antivirus, which can be downloaded by anyone and used without time limits. In most cases, such programs have reduced functionality compared to paid analogues, but they can quite well protect Windows from external threats.


Why is it worth taking advantage of the developers' generous offer and testing the trial version? Everything is very simple, each manufacturer focuses on several competitive advantages of their product. For example, one product is great at finding and removing Trojans, but at the same time it loads the system heavily and takes a long time to scan. Another may be more "nimble", but at the same time clean the system not as thoroughly as the others. All these subtleties will be indicated in the review articles dedicated to a particular product.

Now we need to understand that the offer to download a free trial antivirus is quite logical, and it should not be neglected. Ideally, you should test all trial antivirus programs and stop at the one that suits your computer.

According to statistics, new varieties of malware appear once a day. And even more often! It may well be that at the moment when you read these lines, the global network registers the new kind malware. We will not give an assessment to the individuals who turned the storehouse of human wisdom into a potentially dangerous place - we will leave it to psychologists. It seems that there was no current time connect to global network Web without anti-virus program should not be.

Protection of the software part of the computer

As is clear, where demand appears, there supply does not force itself to wait for a long time. A huge number of companies offer different solutions to protect data from computer viruses. Some of them are very successful, such as, for example, software products from the Kaspersky Lab, NOD32 from Yeset, etc. These solutions are well-deservedly popular with users. At the current time, especially burning all-encompassing software systems- the so-called "Web Security" group. They are in the line of each manufacturer, however, they can be called differently. For example, Dr.Web has this security space, while NOD32 has Smart Security. But protection works properly only in this case, if the program has the ability to be updated - from some source to receive updated versions of its own files and virus databases. Otherwise, a situation may arise when a new malicious code is invisible to the antivirus detection algorithms. Because the topic is very broad, now we will see why Kaspersky Anti-Virus is not updated.

Little Known Aspects

If Kaspersky is not updated, do not panic - it will always be in time. Usually the reason is simply fixable even without calling the user support service. Whatever, we advise you to roll up your sleeves and ... at first, carefully read what to do if Kaspersky is not updated.

One of the circumstances is the actions of a virus that made changes to the system host file. On Windows, you can get to it by following the path c: WindowsSystem32driversetc. By making changes to its structure (edited with notepad), you can redefine the addresses of Internet resources or block access to anti-virus servers. Bottom line - Kaspersky is not updated. We advise you to familiarize yourself with the usual content of hosts (available, for example, on Wikipedia) and edit it if necessary.

The next probable reason why Kaspersky is not updated is an unstable connection to the Web.

In this case, the process is simply interrupted at some step (for example, upon reaching 70%). The solution is common: you should use the update again. It is also worth paying attention that from time to time the indicator freezes at around 99% and nothing happens long time(sometimes up to 5 minutes). In this case, you should wait a little longer.

If Kaspersky is not updated, it may be entirely possible that work through a proxy is indicated in the settings. You need to press the "Proxy server" button in the update source parameters and enter the correct data (if any) or disable this mechanism(if not used).

Another common reason is the expiration of the key. This antivirus is not updated.

For many Internet users, the question of antivirus does not arise, and they give their preference to Kaspersky antivirus. It is reliable and modern, but it also has some problems with updating the database. software. For this reason, the level of computer protection against viruses is reduced. So why is Kaspersky not updated?

Possible reasons

The reason may be due to the fact that another virus remedy was previously used, which is either already installed or was not completely removed. Maybe the previous antivirus was removed correctly, but the recovery protocols were left. This may be the reason why Kaspersky does not update databases. You can solve this problem only by getting rid of traces of past antiviruses completely, that is, by removing them. If you can't do it yourself, it's best to contact various programs which will remove junk files. You need to install a powerful junk remover. Only then can you reinstall Kaspersky Anti-Virus and update it.

Demo and unlicensed version

Another reason why Kaspersky databases are not updated is that your product simply does not include such an option. Maybe you have a demo version of the antivirus, or maybe the version is limited in time. Need to purchase full version. To prevent such problems from distracting you, install automatic update. The second reason why Kaspersky Anti-Virus is not updated is that you have purchased an unlicensed product.

Many PC users are not psychologically prepared for the fact that some kind of virus may appear on their computer. But in most cases, Kaspersky Anti-Virus is not updated precisely because malicious software blocks actions, severe OS deceleration may occur, glitches during operation, the browser stops working, and spam is sent.

If your antivirus failed, Kaspersky Antivirus is not updated, don't worry, it's not the end of the world.

  • Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool - useful program in order to quickly check your computer and clean it from malicious visitors.
  • Curelt software product. You need to download this program and run it for execution.

After checking with such programs, your computer should start up and start working in normal mode.