Translation of minutes in GB Tele 2. Sharing minutes on Gigabytes Tele2: Step-by-step instructions

Using cellular services, the main thing that we pay attention is to control your own expenses. Recently, mobile operators produce new, so-called unlimited offers. The subscriber, moving to this tariff, chooses a package of services itself, based on its capabilities. A new tariff from MTS called Unlimited is now one of the most popular proposals. With all the advantages of the package, the future client of the company is obliged to know how to change the minutes of gigabytes with premature consolidation or, on the contrary, when the remainder of the connected number of services is unnecessary.

Transferring the residue number of minutes and the Internet on the MTS tariff "Unlimited"

The tariff allows the subscriber to independently change the settings of the tariff package. The selection of a profitable offer is a difficult task and can spend several months. Therefore, the customer needs to be aware of the possibilities of transferring tariff services in the process of running a new offer. As for the remaining outgoing calls and SMS messages, the user should know how to check minutes to MTS unlimited without exceeding the size of the main package.

Let us give a specific calculation example in minutes:

  1. the volume of the connected package is 550 minutes;
  2. from the last estimated period, the amount on the account is 450 minutes, and they automatically go to the next month;
  3. in total, the subscriber has 450 + 550 \u003d 1000;
  4. this month is available for use of 1000 minutes, without distinguishing on old and new ones;
  5. in the current month, the subscriber was on vacation and spent only 100 minutes. with an affordable 1000 min., That is, the amount will be 900 min;
  6. in the new month, only 550 minutes will be available;
  7. the next month (third) the tariff residue will be 550 + 550 \u003d 1100 minutes.

The balance of Internet traffic is transferred to the next calendar period, but cannot exceed the number of the main package and does not develop with it. When moving Internet traffic next month, the previous balance is first considered, then the base rate, after which the option of autonation is included.


  1. the volume of Internet traffic is 5 GB;
  2. the client has online traffic from last month 4 GB, which transferred to the current month;
  3. as a result, the subscriber has 5 + 4 \u003d 9 GB in the current calendar period;
  4. in the current month, 1 GB of the Internet was spent, the old residue is 3 GB, and the acting - 5 GB;
  5. only 5 GB is transferred to the new reporting period, the old residue is frozen;
  6. since the third month, the subscriber will be presented 5 GB + 5 GB packages.

Important! When applying the function of autonation, tariff balances are not transferred for the next month. When it is connected, the cellular operator will be made to write off for an additional package of services.

How to check the rest of minutes on MTS Unlimited

Find out the minutes at MTS, the tariff is unlimited in the following ways:

  • Using USSD dialing. Dial in the phone a combination * 217 # and wait for the report in the response message.
  • Use personal account service. After logging into the official website of the operator, pass authorization and get all the necessary information.
  • Sending SMS messages. To number 5340 send a question mark.

Attention! Using any method is not a paid service, that is, it is provided for free.

Extension of the number of minutes

In case of completing the number of minutes earlier than the deadline, the subscriber is available to connect an additional call package. The user can add minutes to MTS Smart Unlimited by commands * 111 * 2050 #, * 100 * 1 #.

The following offers are currently available:

  • 200 min. for 150 rubles;
  • 450 min. for 250 rubles;
  • 700 min. for 450 rubles;
  • 1000 min. For 600 rubles.

Also, the function is available in the Personal Account and when calling the cellular operator by phone.

Options for the exchange of minutes on gigabytes on tariff Unlimited

Some cellular operators have an interesting service - how to translate minutes to MTS gigabytes unlimited. The idea itself looks very interesting. As for the tariff, it will not work here to apply this option. The initial this tariff offer was conceived by a cellular operator, as a designer to select the desired characteristics, and change the number of minutes and Internet traffic can be in any time period.

Tele2 is rapidly ahead of its competitors, offering subscribers interesting options. One of the latter is the exchange of minutes on the Internet. This offer is available on different tariffs, and the exchange rate is stable. Therefore, it is very helpful to figure out what is a similar operation.

The essence of the sentence

Already by name it is clear that the telephone exchange for the Internet is offered. The operator did not invent a particularly original names, as for example with the color line of tariffs. The ability to get additional Internet traffic has become quite popular among subscribers. The situation when he ended earlier than would like it, not uncommon. That is why Tele2 went to meet his subscribers and suggested such an original decision.

Exchange terms

First of all, it is worth understanding which rates are exchanged. Of course, the ability is not at all, but only 3, more specifically:

  1. "My conversation." It has 2 GB of traffic and 200 minutes.
  2. "My online." Available 12 GB and 500 minutes.
  3. "My online +". At the disposal of the subscriber of 30 GB and 1500 minutes.

According to the fullness, the specified tariffs are such that they have a reserve for exchange. Additional activation for the service is not needed, and it is open on all the specified tariffs immediately after their connection.

You can change:

  • minutes from the main tariff package;
  • minutes from the option "Transfer of residues";
  • minutes received as part of the offer "Set up tariff for yourself."

Important! The exchange point does not remember that both changed the subscriber, that is, in one month it can request 1 GB, next 500 MB or change nothing. That is, the option is one-time, you can change as much as you like and when it is necessary.

Some important moments

It is worth understanding how megabytes are spent from the subscriber. The following scheme acts:

  1. The first go to exchange. And the next month this reserve is not transferred, regardless of how much traffic remains.
  2. Next, transferred from last month.
  3. The latter are package at the main tariff.

You can order exchange at any time, and not when batch traffic has been exhausted. But do not forget, in which sequence megabytes are written off.

All unrelated traffic when changing the package burns. And one more substantial moment - the return exchange is impossible. There is also no technical ability to use this option in the Crimea.

All about the exchange

Now it remains to find out what exchange rate and how to get megabytes actually instead of minutes. The course offered by the operator is stable and does not depend on the region of connecting and finding a subscriber. Specific:

  • giving 1 minute can count by 10.24 MB;
  • listing 10 minutes - 102.4 MB;
  • returning 100 minutes - 1024 MB or 1 GB.

The course can be called profitable, it is convenient for those who use relatively few traffic.

The specified volumes of megabytes allow you to remain in touch. That is, on the above tariff packages, you can get:

  • "My conversation" is additionally 2 g;
  • "My inline" - 4.5 GB;
  • "My online +" - 13.5 GB.

Check the balance available for the exchange of minutes can be in such ways:

  1. Sending a command. It has this kind: ✶ 1 5 5 ✶ 7 7 # . In the response SMS will come information.
  2. You can check on the official website by registering and entering your personal account.

To find out how much already exchanged and when this operation was performed, that is, access the archive should be dial ✶ 1 5 5 ✶ 6 4 # .

Exchange options

This is perhaps the most important point. There are such options for conducting an exchange operation:

  1. To make the exchange you can send a request for this type. ✶ 1 5 5 ✶ 6 2 ✶ M and N U T S . That is, the query for sharing 1 minute looks like ✶ 1 5 5 ✶ 6 2 ✶ 1 # , for 15 minutes - ✶ 1 5 5 ✶ 6 2 ✶ 1 5 # etc.
  2. Through your personal account. It can be registered on the site. To do this, visit the official portal of the tele2, in the registration field enter your phone number and wait until I will come with a password. Next, data enter into the appropriate fields and find a section with an exchange. In the form, specify how many minutes are ready to give and click "exchange".

Important! For the exchange operation you do not need additional commissions, the service is free. The key condition - the fee for the current month of use of the tariff must be written off in full.

This process is extremely simple and understandable, but there are some recommendations that help to use the resources of their tariff is thought out. The first thing to remember is to change all minutes to the Internet immediately does not make sense. To begin with, you should carefully read the order of consolidation. Getting to the tariff traffic will be able only after the exhaustion of the rest. It is likely that it is enough. Although the operator does not limit the operations to the terms - it is possible to request megabytes at any time, but still it is better to wait for the main package.

Also, you should not wait until the reserve megabyte is absolutely reset, in this case, you can stay at all without access to the network.

As for the control of the remnants and rapidness of their spending, it is more convenient to use LC for these purposes. Immediately you can view the exchange archive and check how much the traffic is spent on average.

The exchange service for the Internet traffic at a favorable tariff accounted for many subscribers. The conditions are actually comfortable, and in this televo2 I overcame many other cellular operators.

How to change moments for gigabytes from Bilain? This question has become relevant after the launch of new plans. In our material we will study the features of this procedure and the subtlety of the execution.

Many companies have already presented unique solutions for customers. Beeline did not lag behind competitors and updated the entire line of tariffs. So all the plans appeared.

The line includes 6 programs:

  • All - this is an old decision, from which the operator did not refuse.
  • Untile 1-5.

Programs are characterized by filling and some conditions. In fact, all plans are built on a single template, but are designed for customers with different needs in communication services.

The main feature of the new line is the ability to change packages. Need more traffic, minutes or sms? Then you can exchange and change the conditions. The subscription fee remains the same and not adjusted.

What are the advantages of this service?

  • You can adapt the program for yourself.
  • If you do not need a separate package, then it is possible to exchange it.
  • The subscription fee does not change.
  • You will appreciate the simplicity of the procedure.
  • The entire operation will take a minimum of time.
  • The set parameters are saved next month. You can immediately configure the plan and do not perform the procedure constantly.
  • There are no limitations in the number of exchanges.


The exchange of minutes on the Gigabytes at Bilain is carried out in accordance with the installed plars:

  1. Untile 1 - 100 min by 2 GB.
  2. 2 - 200 min by 4 GB.
  3. 3 - 300 min by 6 GB.
  4. 4 - 500 minutes per 10 GB.

You can also exchange SMS on traffic to access the Internet. The course is fixed - 300 messages for 1 GB.

Important! The set parameters are saved next month. This is done for the convenience of the client so that he does not have to constantly perform the operation. But conditions can be adjusted at any time if necessary.

What are the beeline rates on gigabytes?

This service is available on all 1-4 plans. On the program at number 5 it is missing. The company calls it ideal, but intelligent users understand that the matter is something else and the operator has its own reasons for entering restrictions.

Exchange of minutes on gigabytes Beeline

The command sharing is not provided. But the company has enough ways that you can take advantage later. Among them:

  • Using UIVR 0850.
  • In a personal account.
  • In the application for the smartphone.

By number 0850, you can not only connect the fare, but also exchange packages. Required:

  1. Call to voice service.
  2. Select a special item.
  3. Decide with the direction of exchange.
  4. Confirm operation.

How to change SMS to gigabytes at Bilain?

Another way is through your personal account. Need to:

  • Go to the official website.
  • Open section with LC.
  • Commit authorization.
  • Open the exchange section.
  • Select the parameters for its execution.
  • Confirm the procedure.

Personal account is quite convenient to use. The main functions are available in the LC, including the exchange of packages. You can go to your personal account not only from the computer, but also use the smartphone.


Now all operators have released programs for smartphones. The application can manage to quickly cope with all operations and manage the score. The program has a mass gain:

  1. Convenient menu.
  2. Simple control.
  3. High stability.
  4. Pleasant interface.
  5. Small traffic intake and smartphone charge.
  6. Wide list of functions.
  7. The application is available for various platforms.
  8. It can be downloaded in the official store.
  9. The program works perfectly on various smartphones, regardless of the characteristics.

How in the application to execute this operation? You will need:

  • Download program.
  • Authorized in it.
  • Open the appropriate section.
  • Select direction for exchanging.
  • Confirm execution.
  • The operation will be successfully completed.

Through the mobile application, the easiest way to cope with the procedure. We recommend downloading it on your smartphone and use the program.

Underwater rocks

Subscribers understood how to exchange moments for gigabytes at Bilain and got acquainted with the parameters. But what disadvantages have this service?

Real disadvantages to find problematic. The procedure is simple and transparent, this is an additional useful option. It is not necessary to look for a trick everywhere, because the operators are not always introduced when providing services.

The only drawback is the lack of exchange on the top tariff of Untile: why the company has introduced this restriction, it is difficult to understand, it will be necessary to simply accept this fact.

Can I change the opposite?

Is it possible to exchange the opposite? Yes, the operator has such an opportunity. Unlike tele2, Beeline allows you to carry out an operation in any direction, it all depends only on customer wishes. This fact will be another dignity of the service.

You can exchange moments on the GB of Tele2 - if the month has not yet come to an end, and you have already exhausted the volume of the package, the service will help and add so much-welcome traffic! Let's deal with what conditions the user should know, and learn how to change some units to others.

Rules and features

If you are not sure whether you can exchange moments for gigabytes on the tele2, open your personal account on the site or in a mobile application. It is there that you can read about the availability of the option and get traffic at your disposal. And the corresponding information can be found on the official tariff page on the operator's website.

The exchange of minutes to tele2 gigabytes is carried out at the rate:

  • 1 minute - 10.24 MB;
  • 10 minutes - 102.4 MB;
  • 100 minutes - 1 GB.

The option is provided free of charge, but only subject to the write-off of the subscription fee installed for the connected tariff plan. You can exchange the following units:

  • From the main package included in the tariff plan;
  • Obtained when connected the service "Transfer of residues";
  • Connected in the "Set up tariff for yourself" section.

Important to remember

You can exchange moments for gigabytes throughout the Russian Federation - the exclusion is the city of Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea. Let's consider several important rules before trying to exchange units:

  • First spending traffic obtained in the exchange process, after - transferred from last month GB, last time - the Internet package included in the tariff plan;
  • The resulting Internet volume is not transferred to the next billing period and burns if you decide to change the tariff plan;
  • If you use a tariff with installing a subscription fee, you can exchange GB only after full repayment of the monthly amount.

Go to the most important one - it's time to figure out how exactly you can change moments on the gigabytes on the TV2 on their own. You can choose one of several options - every we consider in detail below.

How to exchange moments for gigabytes?

Note! The service does not require a special connection - you can move directly to control.

The first way to change the minutes to the gigabytes on the tele2 - the team! It is necessary to memorize several simple combinations:

  • To replace time on traffic, type the command *155*62*<единицы обмена># ;
  • To view the operation of the operations, use the combination * 155 * 64 #;

  • If you want to know the number of available units to exchange minutes to GB in Tele2, type * 155 * 77 # command.

In addition, you can use the personal account on the website or in a mobile application:

  • Log in to the system;
  • Click the tab "Tariff and remnants";

  • In the "Call" block you will see a button. "Sharing minutes on GB tele2";

  • Click on the icon, choose the desired option and act according to the instructions on the screen.

We told, is it possible to change gigabytes for moments in the tele2 - now you know exactly how to transform unnecessary units in the desired traffic! Use our instructions and tips, customize your fare and enjoy communication.

Subscribers of mobile operators are increasingly using the Internet for communication, and less calls and SMS. Against the background of these changes, Tele2 launched the opportunity to change unused minutes to gigabytes on its tariffs.


Almost all tele2 tariffs include basic services packages. But often the subscriber more uses a smartphone to access the network than for conversations. The operator allows you to exchange the unused time for conversations to the Internet.

The following types of minutes are subject to exchange:

  • obtained under the basic package provided for by the tariff;
  • provided when setting the tariff for their own needs;
  • transferred from last month.

When implementing the exchange, there is a rate of 1 minute \u003d 10.24 MB, which allows for 100 minutes to get 1 GB of traffic.

How to exchange

Most conveniently exchange minutes per traffic using an application for a smartphone or a personal account. The number of operations carried out during the month is not limited. Especially the service will be relevant if the Internet has already ended, and the minutes still remain.

The operator also offers an alternative way to manage the service - using USSD commands. To carry out the operation, you need to type the command in format: * 155 * 62 * The number of minutes to be exchanged.


You can use the service only provided that the subscription fee was written off in the current month completely. The package obtained as a result of the exchange takes priority when spending. Only after its completion is written off Internet traffic, transferred from last month, and then provided in the current one. The resulting package cannot be transferred to the next billing period. When changing the tariff, it will also burn automatically.

The service is available in all regions of the Russian Federation, except for the Republic of Crimea and G. Sevastopol.

Additional features

A subscriber at any time can find out the number of minutes that can be exchanged for gigabytes. To do this, enter the * 155 * 77 # command on the phone. And also available is the history of operations within the service. To get it you need to run USSD request * 155 * 64 #. Obtaining information data is also possible through online self-service services.

The ability to exchange moments for gigabytes in tele2 is relevant for active Internet users. The service allows you to get an additional traffic package without any individual payments.