The Play Market does not work via WiFi connection. Why Play Market does not work - disassemble in detail

"Android" is one of the most common OS worldwide. Users attracted a convenient interface and system multifunction. In addition, the rights to the platform since 2005 are in the hands of Google, which causes a huge number of company services built into the system.

Play Market.

The "Google" Universal Account opens access to the store - Play Market. It is a kind of content navigator and a place where the best applications are collected for your device. In addition, you can find music, books, desktop wallpaper and much more. To download the selected position, it is enough to make a few clicks. Most products can be downloaded for free, but there is also paid content. As a rule, when buying a device running "Android", the Play Market application is already available in the gadget memory. If not - they can use the web page or download the application additionally. All content is divided into categories, which facilitates the choice and search for the necessary software product. However, periodically users face a number of difficulties associated with the use of the store. For example, the gadget does not enter the "Play Market". What to do in this case? This will be discussed in this publication.

The device does not enter the "Play Market": no connection

If you have seen such a message, the first thing to do is check the Internet connection. Many users do not pay attention to this and are looking for a more global problem. If you use mobile Internet - make sure you have not exhausted traffic limit. In general, to download applications and games it is better to use connection via Wi-Fi, but the GPRS network can be so slow that the "play market" simply will not take it. In any case, the content of the content via the mobile network will cost you "in a penny" if unlimited for use of the Internet is not installed. If the connection was set via Wi-Fi, make sure whether the router settings were not reset and it is correct. In order to understand whether problems are connected with the store, check the connection to the network through the browser. Try to go to any other site, and if you succeed, you can consider other reasons why Android does not enter the "Play Market".

Problems in the Gadget or Store

Whatever wonderful OS "Android", there is one global flaw in it - the system can lag. A universal means against "hanging" and small system errors is to restart the gadget. For this, it is not necessary to turn it off completely and turn on again. You can simply clamp the lock key and select "Restart" from the proposed options. Then try to go to Play Market. If still nothing comes out - go on.

Perhaps temporarily limited access to the store itself. For example, there are technical malfunctions on the server. It happens very rarely, but this option should also not be released. Wait a little, and then go again in the "Play Market".

Remember whether you have not been flashing the device lately. Sometimes "Play Market" may not work because the installation of custom or poor-quality firmware. If you are radically configured to correct service problems, it is better to restore the old version (system rollback back). This will be released only if you have made a backup (backup). I would like to note that the backup should always be done, it does not hurt, and in some cases he saves the gadget. Yes, and the flashing is better to trust professionals, especially if you have a lot of experience in this matter.

The most radical way to "make the brains" system becomes reset to factory settings. But be prepared for the fact that all your custom settings will be deleted, and the information will be saved only on the memory card.

Setting "Google Play Market"

No matter how strange it sounds, but if the device does not enter the "Play Market", this may be due to the fact that the date or time is set incorrectly. In "Settings" you need to select synchronization over the network. But such installations can be knocked out if you do not connect a gadget to the Internet for some time. Also, make sure that the correct time zone is installed.

You can try to reset the Play Market settings. To do this, in the "Settings" find the section "Application" and click on the store application. You will see two "Erase Data" and Clear Cache "buttons. You can click and "Delete Updates", if you still do not help to go to the content store. You can also reset the Google Play and Google Service Framework settings. Make sure that Google Accounts is enabled, and your account is connected. By the way, you can try to delete this account, and then connect it again. Do not forget to make a backup of the data.

Pest applications

Sometimes the gadget does not enter the "Play Market" if access to it blocks other applications. As a rule, these are applications downloaded from unknown or unverified sources.

Be careful when receiving root rights, because with them you can make any changes in the system, as well as download programs that impede the normal operation of other applications.

Install the powerful antivirus program and periodically scan the system to get rid of malicious files, because the "Android" OS is very susceptible to viral attacks. The work of the "Play Market" can shoot down a huge amount of unnecessary information and "digital garbage". In this case, the Cclaner program will be an excellent assistant. It will delete spoiled or temporary files and optimizes the system perfectly.

Appendix Freedom

This is a fairly well-known program that allows you to shop inside the game without money. But we know where free cheese is, and therefore with the application itself is not all pure. If you came to the conclusion that because of it, the device does not enter the "Play Market", then it needs to get rid of it urgently. It is very important to first stop his work, and then delete. To do this, in "Settings" and "applications" you need to find Freedom, tap it, click "Stop", and then "Delete Data".

We told you about the most common reasons for which the device does not enter the "Play Market". If none of the above councils helped - the gadget needs to show a specialist.

Problem: When starting Google Play, errors appear No connectionor :

At the same time, a funny nuance is observed: sites in browsers open up normally and other applications are also successfully connected to the Internet.

Situation 1. Play Market does not work on wifi, nor through mobile Internet

Solution to the problem

1. Check the correctness of the system date and time. If the date is shot, install the correct one. Check Flags:

2. Restart the device:

3. Find out the version of the playing of the Play Market itself. If the version is not the last, download fresh in the format .apk. And install from the memory card.

4. Check if the Freedom application has not installed. If this is present, start it, click Stop and restart.

5. Check the HOSTS file. If there are lines except, delete them. For this operation will require root.

6. If nothing helped, make a reset of the Android device settings.

Situation 2. Play Market does not work only when connected via Wi-Fi

This is your case, if when the tablet (smartphone) is turned off (smartphone), the error disappears and the playing of the playing market begins to work normally via the mobile Internet.

Solution to the problem

1. Enter the router settings. Open WAN settings. Try alternately set the MTU 1460 and 1500 values.

Most often helps setting the value of 1460. But sometimes it happens and on the contrary, when the setting of the value of 1500 helps.

In common D-Link routers, this is done like this:

  • Setup.
  • Internet Setup.
  • MANUAL Internet Connection Setup

  • Set the value MTU. 1460
  • Save Settings:

This is how the setting in the old D-Link routers is:

  • HOME.
  • Indicate the value in the field MTU.
  • Apply

TP-LINK need to go to the section NETWORK \u003d\u003e WAN, change the field MTU Size (in Bytes) and press Save.:

2. In the WAN settings as DNS, specify Google Server Addresses:

Primary:; Secondary:

It is usually enough to indicate as Secondary DNS.

After these actions for the purity of the experiment, it is advisable to restart the router.

Frequent user error

Finally, I want to mention another situation. Smartphone / Tablet can issue an error Check the connection and try again. If you launched the Play Market application (Google Play) and during its download changed the connection type to the Internet - for example, just turned on Wi-Fi. At this point, changes in the network interfaces occur on the device: the traffic priority is given Wi-Fi, the default gateway changes. And it turns out that the device tried to connect the Play Market with Google server via Mobile Internet, and because of the turn on Wi-Fi, this interface was deactivated. In this case, you need to wait a few seconds until Wi-Fi connects to the network and click Repeat:

And now, first turn on WiFi, and then launch applications that connect to the network.

Recently faced such a problem that it was necessary to urgently update the application, and there was no affordable Wi-Fi network. I decided to update with the help of a mobile network, I removed a tick in the markete, but the download did not start anyway, instead the playing market wrote "Wi-Fi's Waiting" and the process stopped. In Play Market settings, of course, there is no option associated with the cause of this problem.

Video. Applications with Play Market without Wi-Fi on Xiaomi with MIUI 7

Video. Applications with Play Market without Wi-Fi on Xiaomi with MIUI 8

Why Xiaomi refuses to download applications and games using a mobile network

In fact, everything turned out to be very simple and understandable, and the playing market was not to blame for the established problem. In the operating system of my Xiaomi - Miui there is such a chip as the built-in bootloader. It is responsible for downloading, updates, their speed, size, - Well, in general, for everything related to downloading data to the smartphone. In this case, all applications automatically pick up its settings. For example, if the loader costs only on Wi-Fi, then no matter how you wanted, it will not work without it. That is what happened, Play Market was simply unable to update the application, since the file size when downloaded was larger than the maximum allowed in the bootloader settings.

To be able to download and update applications not only on Wi-Fi, but also by mobile network, follow the instructions that are shown below.

Xiaomi Loader Setup Instructions (MIUI)

To begin with, go to Tools - the tools on the desktop of the smartphone. Here you choose the downloads icon - download.

We are opening a window where we can view downloaded applications, games, pictures and everything in this spirit. We are interested in the settings, so we click on the button with three points in the upper right corner.

Menu items pop up, one of which is called "Settings" - settings. It is he who needs us, press him.

Now we are looking for the phrase "Download Size Limit" - restriction of mobile Internet. By default, there is usually worth 1MB. This does not suit us because we want to install applications with a large size. Tabay to this item.

Choose from the desired options the one that suits us and click "OK".
That's all, you can now calmly download and update applications using your mobile Internet.

Note: If you do not have unlimited Internet on your smartphone or you spend very quickly spending traffic, then it is best to choose small sizes for downloaded files, as it can hit your wallet.

Android is a very convenient operating system that allows the user to install applications of a variety of categories: from games to weather forecast. For this, the developers have implemented a special service - Play Market. Without it, a smartphone that is connected to WiFi turns into an almost useless device. But there are cases when it happens. What to do in such situations? In this article, we will answer this question.

Simple causes and solutions

First we will deal with simple reasons, because they are more often interfered with the market through Wi-Fi network. So, proceed:

  • In an android system, unforeseen failures may occur. This is a real Beach of this operating system.

Solution: Restart the device and after that the problem will disappear.

  • On your device, the time and date are incorrectly installed. When connected to many services, including google Play., first checked the date and time. If they are incorrect, then connections to services does not occur.

Solution: Go to phone settings and correct the date with time. It is advisable to use the network time zone.

  • If your phone is connected to the WiFay network, it does not mean that the Internet is working, because these are different processes.

Solution: Check the source of the WiFi network. Go to the browser from the phone and go to any link if it turns out to be done, then the problem is not in the router.

  • There are cases when problems arise on Google servers, but they are very rare.

Solution: just wait.

  • Playmarket may not work because of the impact of a third-party application. Most often it happens after deleting the Freedom application. Recall that it is used to get root rights.

Solution: turn on this application again. Go to its settings and click on the "Stop" button.

Problems with router

If occurs play Market WiFi WiFi Waiting, There may be problems in the router itself. We will analyze them:

  • The phone is connected to Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work. Try moving to any site from the phone, if you succeed, then the problem is not in the router.
  • Do you have a good internet speed? Google Play. - a demanding application that contains a lot of images. If when it starts it, the white screen and the download indicator is hanging for a long time, then the problem is in your internet connection. Contact your provider to solve this issue.
  • The router has a function that prevents the network to use a specific device. To solve this problem, go to the router settings. Find a list of prohibited MAC addresses. If there are such addresses, then compare them with your phone address. You can find it in the device settings, in the "About Phone".
  • Wrong password OT wai Fi network. Check the correctness of the entered data in the wireless connections setting.
  • Wrong work of the router. The reasons for this set. You can solve them using a banal restart of the device. In some cases, it is worth updating the firmware of the router.

Problems in the router can be a premil set. If you can't fix them yourself, please contact the provider.

Problems in Play Market

As already mentioned google Play. - demanding application. His work can disrupt a number of adverse factors. Let's try to find them and fix it yourself:

  • There are cases when player The market does not connect any particular account. Use another account to check this.
  • Learn about the possible updates of your device.
  • If you have made a backup of your device, it's time to restore Google Play with them.
  • If the previous point does not help, then restore the operating system entirely.
  • Go to Settings and Clean the Cache Google Misew.

If the above tips do not help, then return your device to the factory settings (all data is deleted, including photos and videos). Do not forget to backup data.

Check access settings

Connecting to Play Market can be violated due to incorrect access settings. Let's go to them:

  • First check HOST. In order to go to it, use the Hosts Editor program. Look for it on the Internet, and not in the play markete. Install ROOT rights using the King Root application. Now go to the file itself. We launch Hosts Editor and go to ETC / HOSTS. Start the Host file. We delete everything in it, except for the line "0.0.1 Localhost". Keep it. Restart the phone.
  • If your phone connects to the playmark via Mobile Internet, but does not do this through wai Fi, check the proxy settings. Open the settings of your connection, and find Proxy item. If something is written there, then you feel free to remove.
  • Try to enable automatic DNS selection in the network settings.

All these problems arise due to random data change or dubious programs. Always use antivirus on your device.

Recently, many xiaomi smartphones owners unexpectedly faced a very strange situation. When trying to download any application from Google Play, the market appears the usual picture with the inscription "downloaded" and "slider", showing the course of this download, but the message is hanging on the right: " Waiting Wi-Fi network". In fact, downloading does not occur, and" waiting "can last how much pleases for a long time. What is interesting, the problem occurs and with a normally running Wi-Fi, and when connecting to the Internet via a SIM card on a mobile network. Moreover, its appearance does not depend Not from the firmware version, nor from the Xiaomi device model.

It is clear that the cause of the error is not at all in connecting the smartphone to the Internet. Experts found that the version of this version is Google Play Market 7.6. To date, it was possible to find several ways to solve the problem, and we are ready to introduce you to them.

1 Method: Signing Google Play File Market

To eliminate the error "Wi-Fi's Wi-Fi" error Try to perform the following procedure for your Xiaomi smartphone:

Applications with Google Play Market must download in normal mode, without the appearance of the "Wait Wi-Fi" error.

2 way: Firmware Google Play Market via Recovery

In order to take advantage of this method, you will need a unlocked bootloader and the TWPR menu. Manipulation to correct the error "WAI-FI WAI-FI" look as follows:

After that, the application from the market should be loaded in normal mode.