"My daughter grew up a monster": what will happen to the schoolgirls who brutally beat the kitten. "My daughter grew up a monster": what will happen to the schoolgirls who brutally beat the kitten Does what she wants

The head of the ICR, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to conduct a pre-investigation check on the fact that there were reports in the media about the abuse of minors over animals in the Samara region. This was announced today, August 16, at the press service of the department.

The day before, a number of mass media published publications that teenage girls from the city of Kinel, Samara region, killed a kitten by hitting it against the wall, broadcasting these actions live on one of the social networks. They attracted a little girl to their actions. Presumably, the eldest of the girls "teaches" her little sister to mock animals.

Bastrykin instructed the head of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Samara Region to conduct a procedural check on this fact and, if there are grounds, to give an objective legal assessment of the actions of adolescents. The head of the TFR also instructed to assess the work of officials of the regulatory bodies, whose duties include checking the living conditions and raising children, as well as taking preventive measures with minors.

- Often, if such cruel behavior of children is not stopped at an early age, in the future they will commit more serious crimes. It should be noted that at present there is a problem of child neglect. Many questions arise: why the children were left to themselves, where the parents were at that time, and why they did not properly exercise control over the minors, - said the official representative of the ICR Svetlana Petrenko.

Kinelskie flayers. This is how two girls from the Samara region were dubbed in social networks. They found no other fun for themselves but to cruelly mock two helpless cats. Moreover, they broadcast the whole process live on the Internet.

The unfortunate cats were thrown into walls and kicked until one of the cats died. The second kitten survived. He was picked up on the street by local guys and taken to the clinic. They say that he does not have a single whole bone.

But the matter did not end with bullying alone. After one of the animals died, the girls began to brag about their "exploits" in front of friends on the network. They laughed loudly, "spicing up" their story with copious portions of obscenities.

A few hours later, the videos “crawled” across many Internet publics. The "entertainment" of juvenile sadists caused a storm of indignation among hundreds of users, and threats fell on the girls. In the end, the eldest of the sisters even deleted her page from social networks.
The cat, which was bullied by teenage girls from the city of Kinel, Samara region, may have a broken right paw and a bruised head. Local resident Vitaly Sinelnikov told about the animal's condition.

Video samara.kp.ru

- In fact, I have to say a big thank you to the doctor for a good job. She said that the cat may have a broken right paw, as well as a badly bruised head, said Vitaly Sinelnikov. - The animal has no strength: it lies and does not eat anything. At the same time, it is surprising that even after all that people have experienced, the cat purrs when it is stroked. On the way to the hospital, he constantly tried to be as close to me as possible. He still trusts people.

Butcher from Kinel - this is how the local residents and the media dubbed the girls who mocked the kitten and filmed it. The Life correspondent went to a town in the Samara region to find out the details of this story.

Under the window of an ordinary four-story brick house in Kinel, in the morning, a dozen citizens gathered. They stand, talking quietly among themselves. All those who came were outraged by the video posted in one of the local publics, in which 13-year-old Marina ( name changed) teaches his little sister to throw a kitten against a concrete wall. It was at the house where the girls and their mother live that the crowd gathered.

Many want retribution, although it is not very clear what: some say that it is necessary to prosecute the mother who raised the fiends, others even demand the trial of teenagers. It cannot be said that there have been no animal killings in Kinel so far, but this is another matter. The video shocked not only the locals, but received a nationwide response: it is not every day that you see a five-year-old child taking part in the killing of animals.

In the video leaked on the Web, two girls of thirteen years brutally beat the kitten and teach this to the little sister of one of the livestock. The video clearly shows how one of the girls picks up a homeless kitten and throws it against the wall with a swing. At some point, the initiative goes to the younger participant in the cruel "game". To the laughter of schoolgirls, the little girl threw and kicked the unfortunate animal, for which she received sincere exclamations of approval. "Hit the wall with all your foolishness! My clever girl!" the girls shouted. At some point, the cat, covered in blood, began to wriggle on the ground in convulsions, which also greatly amused the young flayers.

A little later, Marina said in an online broadcast that she was killing animals because it was not prohibited by law. Say, stray cats will die anyway, nobody needs them, so why not at least enjoy it? In addition, the Internet is already full of such videos, but for some reason no one cares about them, the schoolgirl believes.

Videos posted by schoolgirls on the Internet immediately received widespread publicity. The girls' mother was called to the police on the same day.

On Wednesday morning, no one opened the door to the apartment where the "heroes of the day" live. Apparently, Nadezhda, the sisters' mother, decided to pretend that no one was at home. However, yesterday, before deleting her VKontakte account, Nadezhda wrote:

I, like everyone else, are shocked by this horror. Do you all think it's easy for me to be at work when everything just shakes from what my daughter has done? Where this cruelty came from, I cannot understand. The other day we took a kitty from a shelter. Now they are taking her back. We were already called to the police tomorrow afternoon.

Behind the periodically moving back curtain in the window of the apartment where the sisters live, one could notice a crying woman.

Local residents did not remain indifferent to the incident. Vitaly Sinelnikov, having seen in the public "Overheard" a video of adolescents' abuse of an animal, immediately went to the scene - to the house of the flayers, where the police were already there. After some time, local boys ran up to him and said that they had found a place where the girls were torturing the animal. The kitten survived.

True, the locals claim that the kitten was not one and the second was beaten to death by the flayers.

“I want to say a big thank you to the parents of these children for their upbringing, for the fact that they did not stand aside,” exclaims Vitaly. “I immediately picked up the kitten, took him to the vet. The vet clinic told me that it would live. At first, the kitten refused yes, he limped on one leg, but already today he feels well. He eats wet food, stepping on the leg confidently. "

Even after all the experience, the kitten has not forgotten how to trust people. He still walks with a confident step towards the outstretched hand, starts stroking about it and purring loudly.

“I think that there is no point in taking him for an X-ray,” Vitaly believes. “Why? After all, this is unnecessary stress for the animal, and it has already gone through a lot. country! "

Until recently, the family, which is now known to all local residents of Kinel, had a white cat, which the sisters took from the orphanage. Now, in connection with the incident, the animal was taken back.

At the entrance of the heroine of history, we also met Marina's acquaintances. Judging by the descriptions of local schoolchildren, she does not differ in academic performance and, on the whole, is a rather introverted teenager. For the children, the dark side of their peer came as a complete surprise, many of them cried after watching the video.

“She has always been very laconic, unsociable, she doesn't have much friends,” said Nastya, a classmate. “I don’t know how she will now communicate with the guys, she’ll probably withdraw into herself even more.”

According to Nastya, who went to the same kindergarten with Marina, her mother used to punish the girl very severely.

“I think that the girls filmed this video just by hype, so that they would pay attention to them,” another friend of Marina shared her guesses.

Most likely, juvenile flayers will get off with a slight fright.

"The punishment for cruelty to animals, which resulted in their death or injury, if this act was committed out of hooligan motives, or out of selfish motives, or with the use of sadistic methods, or in the presence of minors, is regulated by Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation," said Alexander Sergeevich Russkikh , Senior Assistant to the Prosecutor of the Samara Region for Legal Support - However, persons under the age of 16 do not fall under criminal liability.

According to him, the materials of the case are transferred to the commission on juvenile affairs, which decideswhether to apply measures of educational influence or to petition the court to place a minor in a special institution of a closed type.

Before the judge considers this issue, a teenager can be sent to the temporary detention center for juvenile offenses of the internal affairs body for up to 30 days, says Russkikh.

For parents, however, an administrative penalty is provided for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to maintain, educate, educate, protect the rights and interests of minors.

A child psychologist, head of the department of social psychology at Samara University Sergei Berezin has come across such precedents more than once: “Such situations arise, as a rule, due to the fact that in the family, in the immediate environment of the child, not fully functional, not quite healthy conditions develop.

Who took the kitten Vitaly Sinelnikov also urges not to attack girls: "Do not troll them, you do not need to arrange any kind of courts over the children. After all, this family has suffered enough, now it will be very difficult for them to live here. "

“Today we are going to kill the cat (laughter). Him f *** ... Don't cry. Go take it. Hurry! Throw against the wall! Good girl! " - this video on Instagram of a 13-year-old girl can hardly be watched to the end.

The heroine of the video is Arina * and her seven-year-old sister "having fun" in an abandoned building. The older one "teaches" the younger one "newfangled entertainment" - to kill kittens in front of a cell phone camera. The operator is the third girl, Arina's classmate - 13-year-old Marina, who moved to Samara with her parents from Ukraine.

Defenseless animals try to escape, after each blow against the wall they rush to the exit, but again find themselves in the hands of juvenile flayers.

Later, the police will find here the remains of a cat, a dog, a headless pigeon (which means it was not the first time they killed!).

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Samara girls-flayers killed cats and broadcast on the Internet.

Does what he wants

The corpse of the first victim, a white cat, was never found. The ginger kitten, who was beaten against the wall by a seven-year-old girl, miraculously survived. He was picked up by a local resident and taken to the veterinary clinic. They say the poor fellow does not have a single whole bone ...

"Why did they do it ?!" - the second day users of social networks are indignant.

The girls answer this question themselves in the following video. They talk about their heroes in such a way that even adults' ears wither - every half a word - swearing, laughter.

“Every person in his life has killed at least one animal. They hunt in the forest. What did I kill for? But he would have died anyway. I just like to hurt living beings! ... - At this time, comments on the video pop up on the screen of the mobile phone. - What difference does it make how old we are, this decides something, I don’t understand? I don't really give a fuck about public opinion. I do what I want and I don't care how old I am! "

In a town with a population of 35 thousand people, the girl was recognized without difficulty. Therefore, for the second day, crowds are on duty under the windows of the family. Basically, the girls' peers are indignant: they study together or just worry.

We want to look her in the eye when she comes out! - this is how the guys explain the round-the-clock gatherings on the bench at the entrance.

A rip-off or an exemplary daughter?

Neither the girls nor their mother Nadezhda are going to leave the house. The night before, the police were unable to get into their apartment. It turned out to be done only today, August 16. Correspondents of "KP" also tried to talk to the family, but the half-hour knocking did not lead to anything. Until a man entered the entrance, the father of his younger sister.

What do you need?

We wanted to talk to you.

Che, the police, or what, to call? Eh, open it up! - the man knocked on the door.

The door was opened by her mother, behind her stood a frightened youngest daughter. The elder Arina doesn't even come to the door.

That's when the police come, then we'll talk! Mom snapped.

The video, where the daughters torment the animal, was sent to her at the height of the working day. Then Nadezhda immediately unsubscribed on her page:

I, like everyone else, are shocked by this horror. I'm just shaking all over, from what my daughter did, I'm not going to justify her, but I will defend her to the end.

The heroine of the video, Arina, grows up in an incomplete family. Stepfather, the younger sister's dad does not live with them, he only comes from time to time. Nadezhda's first husband left when the girl was very young.

The girls' neighbors were shocked by the incident. It looks like a normal family.

Nadia (the girls' mother) always passes, greets, communicates with me. And the girls too. They never swore, here the walls are thin, you can hear everything, - the neighbor opposite is surprised.

True, Arina's classmates do not think so and tells the shocking details of her biography.

She is strange, her mother was almost going to the hospital, ”the children say. - She had scars on her hands, she decided herself on purpose. We were sitting at an art lesson, and then she takes a blade. I ask: “What are you doing? Are you sick or what? And she: "I like it, look how beautiful it is."

There are rumors about the orientation of the 13-year-old girl. Like, Arina has repeatedly admitted that she is for girls.

"The conversation is over"

Shocked by the actions of the sisters and their grandmother. She learned about the act of the granddaughters from the correspondent of "KP".

I can not believe it. Did they kill? .. They have two cats at home, they are taken care of ...

It was the grandmother who took the sisters for a walk on the day of "filming." The girls spent the night with her, she treated them to pancakes and let them go with God.

I didn't notice anything strange in behavior. When they come, the youngest is running and playing. The eldest is always on the phone. Nadenka then found out that Arinka had contacted some bad girl - this Marina, scolded her. She said not to see her and hear about her. This Marina was very rude, she says.

During the conversation, the grandmother frantically tries to call her daughter, but she is busy. The woman secretly wipes away a tear. Suddenly Nadia calls back.

Then a girl came to me, what happened to you?

Everything is clear, - the woman obediently hangs up and turns. - The conversation is over.

Journalists, police officers, and prosecutors came to Kinel to understand the reasons for this atrocity. While no cases have been initiated, checks are underway.

The family was not registered in the juvenile affairs room. We will now evaluate the actions of teachers, find out whether they could have prevented what happened, - explained in the regional prosecutor's office.

The scandal with the Khabarovsk knackers, who dismembered dogs, has not yet subsided in the country. So the girls from Kinelsk are now attacked with renewed vigor.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed the head of the Samara SUSK to carefully check how these children were raised.

Because of the summer holidays, it was not possible to catch Arina's teachers at school. Their classmates tell that the girl in the last year studied worse and did strange things with a new girlfriend.

For about a year they go to the abandoned and torture animals. They say they won't get anything for it, say the teenagers. Why didn't they report the atrocities to adults?

Psychologists explain that cruelty is now inherent in many teenagers.

On one of the tapes, there is a little girl's confession that a similar thing happened in their home. She saw her father throwing the kitten in this way, - says Svetlana Karpukhina, head of the children's department of the Samara psychiatric hospital and the chief freelance specialist in child psychiatry of the Ministry of Health of the Samara Region. - Most likely, there were manifestations of cruel or humiliating attitude towards children. Therefore, the older one makes the younger one do the “dirty work”. Now this issue needs to be dealt with by social bodies. It is also necessary to conduct a psychiatric examination. Mother's behavior is also strange. She sits at work, having learned about such a terrible incident. I do not think that a mother who is emotionally warm, sensitive to her child and wishing to protect him somehow or guide him on the right path could stay in place at such a moment. She does not seek her daughters when she learns that a crowd of angry neighbors has come to their house. Parents need to be examined, too, - Karpukhina believes.

At present, a check is being carried out, according to the results of which the perpetrators will be brought to justice. All other comments will be sent through the press service of the GUMVD.

* - names have been changed

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A cat who was beaten by teenage girls from the Samara region.Video: Vitaly Sinelnikov's page on the social network Vkontakte