Who won Galaxy S7 during the presentation. First Embraer S7 inside and outside

Today in Barcelona was a presentation of flagships from Samsung - Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge.
In the center of the hall was a fourfold object, where each facet is a large screen. Reminds the cube that appeared on the preview of this event.

Each visitor on the seat was a virtual reality helmet Samsung Galaxy Gear VR.
All this was due to the fact that the main emphasis in the presentation was the volume video
Virtual reality. Samsung made it clear that the virtual reality is already here.

The presentation began with a presentation video, which showed how smartphones evolved.

Then the cube rose in the center and the scene was formed in the center to which the new chapter of the Samsung Mobile Unit to Tone Chin.

Since the scene was located in the center of the hall, then the tone of the rank had to be constantly spinning in a circle. But all this was part of the presentation style, the main topic of which was a virtual reality video and a 360-degree review. During the presentation of the audience asked several times to wear virtual reality glasses, where there were similar video connected with new smartphones.

Smartphones are presented in four colors with marketing names: black sapphire, golden platinum, titanium and pearl.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 EDGE. Photo from Mobiltelefon.ru.

The enclosure of the smartphone is made of aluminum and glass. The camera practically does not protrude from the hull. Regarding S7 EDGE, then its edges are rounded as in front. And behind. This can be seen in the photo below.

Screen 5.1 in S7 and 5.5 inches in S7 EDGE
The traveling panel, which was in the past Samsung Edge flagships, already has
Two rows of labels.

Technology Connecting Always On Display

Always ON Display technology has been applied in the smartphones, which is constantly enabled and reflects the most necessary information, such as hours and notifications.

Always-on Display will save the battery due to the fact that the display will not need to activate the whole to see the time or availability of incoming notifications. The attacked pixels take away so much charge that it becomes sailing than the cost of charge during the short-term activation of the entire screen.

Interestingly, five hours earlier, LG presented the same display function in its flagship LG G5. Who first came up to implement this function - unknown. But earlier there were news that Samsung was going to patent Always-On Display technology. Did she managed to do this, should we expect trials between the giants? Unknown.

Moisture protection without external plugs

Smartphones received moisture protection according to the IP68 standard and withstand 30 minutes in water at a depth of 2 meters. Thanks to the membranes in the housing of the external plugs there. The new, moisture-proof connector without plugs is shown below.

MicroSD returns to the flagship

New smartphones returned the possibility of expanding internal memory using microSD cards. However, simultaneously you can put either two SIM cards or one SIM card and MicroSD card.

Camera with large pixel technology

The camera has become better than previous models. The camera module is made using the technology of mirror cameras. Matrix with a "double pixel" technology. The pixels became greater, they themselves became more, which allows them to capture more light and take pictures in poor light. Now 100% matrix is \u200b\u200bused to capture light. Recall that a previously similar technology of large pixels was used in HTC smartphones.

The diaphragm is revealed to a record for smartphones F1.7. The camera has a function of increasing the eyes and smoothing the skin. Now you can make yourself a beautiful (s) without photoshop and immediately when shooting.

At the presentation Samsung fake a competitor company

Due to increased photosensitivity, autofocus began to work in the dark.

Moving Ponarama is a new feature. In Samsung S7, spending a finger on a panorama made, the panorama will live in the place where the finger is. Reminds the function of live photos in the iPhone 6S.

Battery has become more

The amount of batteries is 3000 meters and 3600 gym in S7 EDGE. On the flagships of 2016 from Samsung, you can see the whole season of throne games on one battery charge. S7 in 90 minutes is charged from 0 to 100, and a version with rounded edges of the S7 edge screen is charging for 130 minutes. There is also a wireless charging for both devices.

Now it is practically full-fledged gaming consoles.

The central processor removes all the tasks during games, which leads to saving battery and processor resources.

Unreal united with Samsung in the same technology. Now it is possible to use a smartphone as a full-fledged gaming console. With 60 frames per second, there will be no braking with high graphics settings.

For games, the Vulkan API specification is used, which provides speed 4 times faster than OpenGL. Simply put, Vulkan API promises to bring PC-like games on smartphones.

SAMSUNG GEAR 360 Virtual Reality Camera

A separate Gear 360 gadget was presented - a camera that can be used in conjunction with Galaxy S7 smartphones and Gear VR virtual reality glasses, and can be removed within a radius of 360 degrees. You can see everything for 360 degrees, being remotely and turning your head in glasses, that is, to see online everything around the place where this camera is located. Turning the head in VR glasses, there will be a responsive and clear picture with high resolution, promise to Samsung. In the chamber, a 30 megapixel module with a diaphragm F2.0, removes in 4K.

Mark Zuckerberg appeared on Samsung presentation

Mark Zuckerberg was present at the presentation, and said that the virtual reality had already come to our life right now (this is if shortly).

It is known that a young billionaire and the founder of the social network Facebook is also the owner of the decastopopic virtual reality of Occulus. All virtual reality in Samsung works on Occulus technology.

"Used the best equipment from Samsung and the best software from Occulus, Facebook is going to become a competitive platform for viewing a 360-degree video for YouTube" - MASSAGE MASSAGE.

Also, Mark said that Samsung is the only company capable of creating good OLED displays for virtual reality.

This is the basic information that was covered with Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 EDGE smartphones presentation in Barcelona.

S7 Airlines Today is an absolute leader in domestic transport. One of the leading Russian air carriers on international routes. The largest air carrier in Western and Eastern Siberia. The number of passengers transported by S7 Airlines in 2006 reached in 2007 in 2008 the airline plans to carry passengers. S7 Airlines has a developed network of internal routes in Russia and the CIS. Regular flights are performed in Europe and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Among the partners S7 Airlines - more than 70 airlines: British Airways, Lufthansa, Korean Air, Swiss, Thai Airways, United Airlines, etc. The unique route network of the airline is based on large air transport sites: in Moscow, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk, Perm. The constantly updated aircraft park includes more than 60 trunk liners, including Airbus A319, A310, Boing 737, IL 86 and TU 154M. S7 Airlines.

The largest route network in Russia is a unique system of nodal airports (Moscow, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Chelyabinsk, Sochi), which allows you to plan a journey with an optimal way. Uniform "coverage" of the entire territory of Russia (city of milli and a) high frequency of flights between cities.

Airlines S7 Airlines Passenger This: a psychographic description of the target audience: * Open for all new, progressive, valued non-standard solutions (innovation); Successful (image, prestige); Active, ready-made changes (adhered to active lifestyle) compared to users of all airlines, among users S7 more men women and men aged with income above average and high; With higher education, their main part of them is married / married, although such people are less than among all users of airlines, the main part of users make up managers and high-income specialists. Sociodemographic description of the target audience: * 72% of passengers are managers, specialists, employees and students (students); 74% of passengers have a material position above average and high. Source: "Determination of positioning options" S7 Airlines "(Quality Research), Comcon

Estimated statements of high-income men, managers and specialists Source: TNS Gallup Marketing Index, 2 quarter 2007

1. The S7 Airlines audience in the number of potential consumers will get acquainted with the product, its properties and will form taste knowledge about the brand. 2. The S7 Airlines audience will come into contact with the trademark at the level of use of the proposed advertising media. 3. Fixing loyalty through the use of the product, the formation of product evaluation. ADVANTAGES

Advertising information tickets are printed on high-quality paper and attract attention due to aesthetic appearance. It is also the possibility of holding a large-scale advertising campaign in all regions of Russia and Europe. Advertising on tickets allows you to notify a much larger number of passengers than all other types of advertising. Blanks tickets

Advertising on envelopes is designed for a wide coverage of the target audience. Multi-exposure, during the trip, in transplantation, purchase of a ticket, planning a trip, storing documents. We also provide the possibility of investing leaflets and booklets with your advertising in envelopes with air tickets. The possibility of geographic targeting, with which you can conduct an advertising campaign, both throughout the country and in a separate area of \u200b\u200bany city. Envelopes for tickets

Placing advertising information on the landing coupon. The passenger when departing from the airport is registered, after which it receives the boarding pass, which he must maintain throughout the flight. When passing the passage passenger, every time it must present its boarding pass, so it is always in his hands, which provides 100% contact with the advertising module applied. BOARDING PASS

Lanchbox Placing advertising information on the inner surface of lunch boxes of economy class. The material is located on the inside of the box, which allows you to attract special attention and the interest of air passengers to your brand during meals! The contact time on average is at least 20 minutes. We draw your attention to the fact that the design is necessarily coordinated for this item!

Branding of hygienic napkins branding wet napkins. Placing advertising information on napkins allows in a short time to convey information to a plurality of potential consumers The passenger can take this media with them and use it before and after the flight.

Headrest headrest - disposable nonwoven napkins with promotional information. The headrest is designed to ensure the comfort of the passenger during flight. Advertising information is applied to the same material and sewn to the head restraint. Advertising information is effective and unobtrusive for the passenger.

Branding of plastic glasses for cold drinks The spread of plastic glasses with a company brand. Placing advertising information is one of the most effective ways of the advertising campaign. Type of advertising covering a million passenger audience. Advertising is placed on the outside of the glass. The format of cups is 180 ml.

Branding plastic cups for hot drinks Branding plastic cups for hot drinks .. The possibility of coverage of a very wide audience, because the spread of multi-million editions, allows you to familiarize a huge audience with your proposal in the shortest possible time. No less important advantage of advertising on cups is the possibility of integrated impact on the viewer.

Distribution of paper napkins with your company brand. This type of advertising is one of the most effective ways of the advertising campaign. Type of advertising covering a million passenger audience. On average, according to the statistics on the flight, contact with this advertising carrier is 2, 5 times. Distribution of paper napkins with logo

This advertising medium. At the same time creates comfort for the passenger in flight that allows you to attract special attention and the interest of air passengers to your brand during meals! And makes it possible to attract special attention to your brand. Spreading napkins on the tables

Sticker on the passenger table. A very effective way to attract attention and increase brand awareness. A distinctive advantage of this carrier, its multifunctionality: it may contain advertising information and also used to maintain a brand image. Stickers on the tables

Placing your advertising on luggage shelves. This type of advertising is an effective way to be conducted by an advertising campaign. Advertising information applied to the sticker is very colorful, which allows you to attract the attention of the passenger. Stickers on luggage shelves

Your advertisement is located on the mirror in the dressing room in the form of a passenger's eye sticker. The passenger during the flight uses the toilet room, and looking into the mirror he sees a sticker with your advertisement, which allows you to attract special attention and interest of air passengers. Stickers in toilet rooms

Conduct promotions in the Business Hall S7 Airlines This type of advertising is the promotion of the goods by informing the consumer about its qualities. The purpose of the promotion on the side of the aircraft. Promotions are used to increase turnover, market share and profits; Raising awareness and productivity recognition by consumers; The use of promotions leads to stimulating sales and increase product consumption; Promotions allow you to switch consumers with a competing product for a promoted brand; Conducting promotions allows you to increase sales from 2 to 10 times! Proceed Objectives: Informing promising consumers about product, services, etc. Promote types: distribution of leaflets, demonstration, tasting, presentation Competitions, exhibitions, sessing.

For you, this is an excellent opportunity to present your materials in a full-color illustrated edition, intended for people who often make air travel and leading an active lifestyle! This is guaranteed access to socio-active and secured audience! Distribution of printed products on racks

Business Halls S7 Airlines Domodedovo Airport G. Moscow-Business Hall of MVL (international air lines) Daily stream of passengers of MVL -50 people. Introduced (internal air lines) Daily stream of passengers man. Tolmachevo Airport, Novosibirsk, the daily stream of passengers is 60 people. However, our visitors are not only business class passengers, but also the passengers of the economic class purchasing an invitation ticket to the airport at the box office.

Advertising at the cash desks. Possible distribution of business cards on the racks, the distribution of plastic cards, Z-cards, inserts into envelopes with airlines and the ability to present their materials in a full-color illustrated edition designed for passengers often performing air flights. This is guaranteed access to the millionth audience.

Brandmauer Large advertising structures located on the deaf end walls of buildings without windows, as well as on the facades of the buildings under construction or reconstructed buildings. The constant development of printing technologies allows you to make advertising canvases of any size. For printing firewalls use banner fabric or PVC Mesh-Net grid. The priority task of firewalls is the image advertising and brand formation. Basically, large formats are in lively places with high transport passability, so the firewall is suitable for advertising almost any product or service, covering various layers of the target audience. Advantages: - advertising surface area from 1300 square meters. M - wide range of accommodation - external lighting

Painting the outer surface of the sun except for the wings. The most common type of advertising, passengers come delight from what they saw! You can paint the plane into any color with your logo. Potentially, the impact of advertising on the audience is large enough, since, spectacular design and, as a rule, the large size of the advertising announcement itself is postponed in memory. Painting Sun.

Advertising agency People Worldwide Moscow, 3rd ul. Yam field, possession 2, korp. 12 "A", Office 512. Contacts Aleksey Gusev Key Account Manager Tel / Fax: E-Mail: © People Worldwide

Secret Angar of Domodedovo Airport, audiovisual show, taking new heights, a unique secular evening surrounded by tonging aircraft, in the heart of the airline S7 Airlines.

Only for one night, the regime object will turn into a futuristic installation.

You are waiting for an immersive gala view, where the sound, light and scenery acquire a single space, and symphonic music and advanced electronics lead a dialogue against the background of technological decorations. And also a buffet with cocktails from partners, gifts from S7 Airlines and the ability to win one of several travels with an open date according to any of the S7 Airlines directions.

Start of event21:00

On Monday, July 24, we will declare the names of 10 lucky ones who will be able to get to this ambitious event.

The event will be held in a specially protected airport zone. Each guest of the event will need to get a personal pass that manufactures the Border Service of the Russian Federation. To get the pass, make your passport data on the page on the page. All information is confidential. The passport to the controlled zone is carried out upon presentation of a passport and a personal pass.

Registration to the event is completed.

List of winners:

Samsung Electronics has conducted the official presentation of the flagship smartphones Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE for the media, Russian show-business stars and partners of the company, presenting guests a breathtaking performance in a virtual reality called "towards change". On the Galaxy S Emerneum, the stars of show business, including Egor Creed, Alice Grebenshchikova, Theon Dolnikova, Nastya Zadorozhnaya, Dmitry Chebotarev, Egor Konchalovsky, Konstantin Kryukov, Anton Lavrentiev, Anastasia Pronon, Timur Rodriguez, Timofey Kolesnikov , Pavel Tabakov, Maria Fomin, Mikhail Idov and many others. For the musical mood of the evening, the famous DJ, artist and electronic musician Mujuice answered.

The peculiarity of the presentation was its unique format - guests plunged into the world of virtual reality thanks to Samsung Gear VR glasses. Inside this visual performance, the head of Samsung Mobile in Russia Arkady Count told about all unlimited possibilities that open users of new flagships.

Presentation of smartphones Galaxy S7 | S7 EDGE has become the first Samsung event in Russia, where a new milestone was officially announced in the development of Samsung Mobile - the appearance of the whole ecosystem of Samsung devices and services: the newest Galaxy S7 | S7 EDGE, smart watches Gear S2, Panoramic chambers Gear 360 , Virtual Reality Gear VR and Level ON Pro headphones. All these products, including the Gear 360 chamber presented in Russia, could be seen and test during the event.

The start of sales of new flagship smartphones will be held on March 18, and now the number of pre-orders for Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE beat all records of previous models.

Created for people going home with time, the new Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE "S7 have absorbed the successful experience of predecessors and the newest Samsung technologies, which made them incredibly productive, ergonomic and elegant representatives of the premium segment of mobile gadgets. Stylish, protected from water and dust housings, made of glass and metal, leave indifferent even the most demanding design connoisseurs and luxury, and a rich set of functions and a magnificent camera with fast autofocus and Dual Pixel technology turn them into an indispensable tool for work, communication, Travel and entertainment.

Samsung Galaxy S7 (5.1 inch) and Galaxy S7 Edge (5.5 inches, with a unique, curved on both sides screen), equipped with Quad HD Super AMOLED screens with a resolution of 2560 × 1440 pixels and protected 3D glass Corning Gorilla Glass 4 . The new AlwayS-On Display feature allows you to check the time, notifications and calendar, without activating the screen.

Fast wired and wireless charging technologies embedded in Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE allow you to fully charge the batteries with a capacity of 3000 and 3600 mA ∙ h in just 90 minutes and 100 minutes, respectively. The powerful 8-nuclear processor and energy saving functions guarantee a long battery life, and the internal cooling system protects devices from overheating when working with resource-intensive applications.

SAMSUNG GALAXY S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE smartphones sales will begin on March 18, 2016. Recommended retail prices of devices: 49,990 and 59,990 rubles. Smartphones on the Russian market are represented in the version with 32 GB internal memory and will be available in three colors of the case: black diamond, dazzling platinum, silver titanium.

In Barcelona is now hot, there are all the final preparations for the most anticipated exhibition of the year - Mobile World Congress (MWC 2016), which will be held from 22 to 25 February. Already, the city is filled with tens of thousands of tourists from different countries and about two thousand participating companies. For manufacturers, this is almost the only and most successful chance to declare yourself, however, since the attention of the whole world will be riveted to the events in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bif something goes wrong, everyone will immediately recognize. The most recent innovations, trends, discoveries, inventions, innovations - all this is entered on MWC every year.

SAMSUNG location at MWC

Apple traditionally does not participate in this exhibition, as in all others. But her biggest competitor Samsung exhibition does not bypass. And that year Koreans decided to use the fact that Apple is located aside. Samsung could limit the bench or a whole room for their presentations or demonstration of products, but it would not be Samsung if he did not allow himself a prank.

Its temporary technology, which will work only on the days of the exhibition, Koreans installed right across the road from the company Apple Stope in Barcelona. At other times, Samsung could not afford it, as the location of the temporary structure is the most tourist and central city square of Catalonia.

SAMSUNG presentation

February 21 at 21:00 in Moscow in Spain in Barcelona, \u200b\u200ba little before the start of the MWC Samsung exhibition will hold its most large-scale presentation this year - Unpacked 2016. As part of UNPACKED will be presented to the public Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE. Those who will not be able to get to the exhibition Koreans prepared a special surprise. Watch the presentation you can live in 360 ° mode. 3 cameras will be installed in the hall: on the left side, with the right and in the center, and viewers will be able to switch between them, choosing a convenient point for viewing. This link will be available online broadcast for desktop OS. To view a mobile presentation will have to download the application to view a circular video - Unpacked 360 View (Google Play), (App Store). For owners of SAMSUNG Gear VR helmets, Unpacked 360 View application will be available in Oculus Store.


And the most "unexpected" - a couple of days before the presentation, there was a drain of information about the new Samsung smartphones. For today, almost everything except the price and software chips is known. In open access, information has fallenly thanks to the famous "DRIVERS"