How to remove air from under protective glass. Under the display of the iPhone got water what to do how to remove moisture under the glass of the phone

One of the most common problems is to enter water or moisture under the iPhone display. Let's look at what is in this case to make the owners of the iPhone.

If the iPhone fell into the water, then immediately pull it out of it and turn off. You can't get the battery, as you need special sprocket screwdrivers.

If the device has to be transported, then no need to wrap it into the clothOtherwise, the humidity will be significantly higher, which is much more terrible for the apparatus.

Just put an iPhone on a horizontal surface and call home specialist. It is not worth upset, since in 90% of cases nothing but the display does not suffer.

Using a fane

The most common advice is to use a hairdryer or put a phone on the heating battery. The fact is that the high temperature, of course, will help evaporate the liquid, but can add new problems. Hair dryer is prohibited categorically. The air jet may opposite "driving" water deeper into hard-to-reach places.

Use Fig

There is another advice on the drying of the phone with rice. Rice really absorbs part of the moisture, but small. Therefore, if the iPhone had a very small contact with water and it did not get inside, then rice will help, otherwise, part of the water will still remain inside the iPhone.

If the water got under the display, then you can get rid of it using special equipment. The problem is that the display in iPhone is a module of the matrix, touchscreen, protective glass and backlight.

We disassemble the display iPhone layer

All these parts are glued together. And the water just falls between the backlight and the matrix. Therefore, it is not expelled from there. It will only help.

Between these layers, water falls and therefore appear display defects.

The modern market offers every buyer a huge number of different models of gadgets, smartphones and other similar devices. Despite the fact that the display is reliably, the buyer decides to extend its service life, acquiring protective glass. This is due to the fact that in time we are not so careful about smartphones, as in the first stage. Today we will talk about how to clean the phone in front of the glass sticker, how to get rid of dirt, remove the divorces, how to clean the gasoline and rainbow spot, trim, wipe the protective glass from the inside and what we need for this tool.

What is protective glass?

Protective glass is a modern view of the displays on smartphones and gadgets. It is manufactured using a chemical method based on tempered glass.

Important! Compared to an ordinary film, it is thicker and harder. That is why if this coating is present on the phone, it protects the screen from traces of fingers, scratches, moisture and even shock. Despite these characteristics, brightness and color does not change.

Due to the multi-layered coating, glass thickness varies from 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm, the composition of which is:

  • The first layer is always made on the basis of silicone. It is glued to the display.
  • The next layer is fastening. It is he who does not allow to spread with fragments if a crack or a mechanical blow occurred.
  • The third coating layer is an anti-reflective film. It retains the appearance of drawings on the screen if direct sunny rays or other bright light fall on it.
  • The protective layer protects against shocks, drops and other mechanical damage.
  • The most recent layer is a oleophobic coating. It provides protection against moisture, fingerprint and simplifies the screen cleaning.

With the active use of the upper coating, ensuring the reliability of the unit, is contaminated. It is then that the question arises about how to clean the protective glass of the phone. How to do it and what will be required for this, we will look at further.

Immediately pay attention to the state of the back side of your gadget. You may use information on how to remove scratches from the phone body.

What is a protective film?

The protective film appeared on smartphones for a long time. It is not a high-tech product and is present on each gadget. This product is characterized by the presence of three layers:

  • the bottom of them sticks to the screen;
  • the average absorbs ultraviolet radiation and provides brightness when bright light;
  • the top is responsible for protecting the display screen.

Important! The most important for the film is the correct gluing. To do this, you need to have a small skill, since the first time it can not always work out.

All protective films that are present on the smartphone and gadgets market are divided into three types: matte, glossy and mirrored. Let us consider every kind to understand whether there will be a cleaning difference:

  • Matte film absorbs glare, and also hides traces of fingerprints. The main disadvantage is that it worsens the image quality. However, its cost is very low. Many masters include such a film to technological and advise not to stop the final choice on this product.
  • Glossy protective film is the most popular among similar products. The main disadvantage of such a coating is that it is easy to damage. The film strongly reflects the light, the scratches and other mechanical damage appear quickly. Also visible fingerprints.
  • Mirror film is the least popular among similar products. The peculiarity is that with the extinct screen, it can mirror the image. However, the quality and brightness of the screen changes when sticking this coating is the main disadvantage.

All of the above films are polluted and especially this is noticeable when dust falls under the coating. How to clean the film for the phone, we will now discern.

How to clean the protective glass on the phone?

If you think about how to clean the film for the phone, then the ordinary scotch will help you, or as it is also called, the adhesive tape. For this you need:

  • take a wide scotch;
  • cut off a piece of approximately 30-40 cm;
  • printed it to the surface so that the sticky side is above.

After that, it is a protective film with a sticky side to glue to the scotch. Then very carefully and slowly immediately sprinkle the film. All dust that was present on the product would leave, and the sticky layer will remain.

Important! If you need to remove scratches from the top of the protection, then polish defects with felt, a soft cloth or with the help of auxiliary means - a tooth white paste, goye paste or olive oil.

Another way to clean the protective glass on the inside is the use of water and soap. For this:

  • You need to remove a contaminated product from the phone.
  • In hot water, wash off all the dust.
  • After this procedure, it is very good to clean the sticky layer soap. To do this, it is better to use two or three layers.
  • After that, take and rinse the soap solution under water. Look to the water glass with the film.
  • Then we glue the film to the purified wet display using an ordinary credit card.
  • We look so that air bubbles and other villins do not fall.

If nothing helped, the best way to restore the attractiveness of your gadget is to replace the protective part. On our site you will find detailed instructions on

Some precautions when handling gadgets cannot be called superfluous. Even novice users know perfectly well that the touch screen refers to the number of expensive elements, the replacement of which costs the solid amount. Significantly increases the strength of the device's adhesive glass, protecting it with a small mechanical effect. Many mobile phone owners prefer to glue the protection without referring to the service center. As a result, after such attempts appear notable air bubbles that spoil the appearance of the screen. Let's talk about how to get rid of such trouble, which can specifically make a regular user who does not have technical knowledge.

Ways to eliminate air under protective glass

Once again, they warn that it will be about ordinary procedures, there is nothing difficult in them. So, if the air fell under the air, it is recommended to take one of the following:
1. In a number of simple cases, an ordinary piece of smooth plastic is capable of helping. To solve the task, a credit card is suitable or driver's license, which should be trying to drive out the manifesive bubbles.
2. When comprehended failure should not be desirable. Get a small needle that will be needed to carefully improve the edge of protection. Use the needle in those places where air impurities are noticeable. After the air is deleted, press the protective element to the gadget screen.
3. Assistance is able to provide a standard hairdryer. It is necessary to warm up a smartphone for several minutes. In no case do not bring the hair dryer at the same time! Equipment should operate from 25-30 cm! After the event is completed, put an electronic product on a flat surface under a press of several heavy books. After about 6-8 hours, only a memory will remain from air bubbles.
4. In the presence of a large number of bloats, it is worth resorted to a more radical method. It is possible that the air under protective glass will disappear after a complete dismantling of protection. After that, attach a scotch strip to the glass surface, which will go all the fine garbage. Then install the glass accessory in place.

Despite the seeming simplicity, each of the procedures described above requires careful preparation. Note that work should be carried out in the setting of maximum sterility, with minimal dust availability. At home to solve this task, it is advisable to use the bathroom - in rooms with high levels of humidity, significantly less dust. With each action, do not attach significant physical efforts. The work is thin, does not like a rush, requires caution. Be sure to remove fat from hand, otherwise serious problems may arise.

Try initially sticking glass

In order not to have problems, it did not appear to remove bubbles under the film on the phone, try immediately gently stick a protective coating. Understand that it is better to initially perform the task than then try to correct the mistakes made. We provide useful information that will help avoid problems when installing a thin accessory.
Do not forget to remove bold stains from the screen surface. Be sure to achieve this goal, use a high alcohol liquid. Do not forget to wear disposable medical gloves that do not drag movements, allow you to perform accurate work. Remember that the adhesive side of the accessory cannot be concerned. In this case, adhesive coating parameters significantly deteriorate. The ideal option among professionals is the presence of a suction cup, it makes it clearly facilitates the process of performing the task.
If there are doubts about your own, take the smartphone into a specialized service. Any master is able to solve such a simple task for a modest remuneration. By the way, the quality of work, in many respects, depends on what glass you purchased. Practice proves that failures arise significantly more often when trying to stick cheap copies. Therefore, never save on protection, buy only expensive copies.

Although there are many waterproof devices on the market now, most smartphones are still poorly experiencing contact with liquids. To get under the rain is not the worst thing, which can happen, but to dry and return the working condition to the device, even after random washing or falling into a puddle or pool.

What to do if a prime touch phone

Before proceeding with any actions, you need to immediately disable the gadget. For phones with a non-removable battery, it can be done long by pressing the lock button. Otherwise, just remove the battery - so you will avoid short circuit, otherwise it will not be able to restore the performance of the device even in the service center. Follow such instructions like driving a gadget:

  1. Disassemble the device. Ideally, each detail should be dried separately: remove the SIM and microSD cards. Remove covers, protective glasses and rear lid. To spin everything to the screws is not worth it, it will be difficult to collect the device back, so if you have a monoblock model (with an unclear case), stop at removing all inserted cards. Use screwdrivers only if you are sure that you know the gadget device well.
  2. Put the apparatus screen up. Let the gravity make your business and enable water to accumulate at the bottom of the gadget.
  3. Adsorb moisture with paper towel or napkins where possible. Turn the device slightly so that the accumulated liquid flows through the holes. At the same time, avoid sharp movements and do not shake the gadget in the hope of drying it faster, otherwise the water will again go inside and fill hard-to-reach places.

Keep in mind that turn on the device immediately after you rub the surface is strictly prohibited. The most important and last stage is the drying of the phone after the water. Depending on which method is selected, it will take different amounts of time.

You can dry the phone, leaving the device on the air for 3-7 days, but this is long and does not guarantee further operation, since the radio elements are oxidized under the fluid. Use an absorbent agent that will help stretch water from the device and dry faster.

How to dry the phone at home

The absorbent is a substance that pulls out and absorbs moisture. Whatever method you choose, you will need a container where the product and the phone will also be placed. Drying rules for each method below:

  1. Put the phone in fig. This is the most famous absorbent. The fact that the phone can be dried in rice is not a myth, this means is effective. Put the gadget without a battery and a lid in a package with a cereal for 2-3 days. Once at 12 o'clock turn the device.
  2. Use a silicogel feline filler. This tool is considered even better absorbent than Fig. To dry the gadget, place it in a container with a filler for 48 hours. In this case, the tool must completely cover the device. From time to time, turn the smartphone.
  3. Dry the phone in silicone balls for shoes. An alternative, for effectiveness similar to the previous one. Pulls moisture for 2 days.

The advice is currently relevant for all methods: to check the smartphone every 6 hours and wipe moisture with paper napkins from its surface. In addition, with severe damage, you can change the absorbent to the new one.

Is it possible to dry the phone with a hairdryer or vacuum cleaner

To dry the elements by removing the liquid from the internal apparatus, it is better to use a vacuum cleaner. To do this, put the narrow nozzle and consistently bring it to all the openings of the gadget. Remember that after this procedure, you still need to place the device in the absorbent or leave to dry in the air.

All the advice mentioned above are relevant for both smartphones that have been in water and for those that bathed in gas production, lemonade, tea and other liquids. Do not hurry to wash the substances under the crane, but do all the items from the instructions or take a damaged device to the service center - they know how it is thoroughly dried.

The repair may be needed even when the procedure was produced correctly: diagnostics will show, did not oxidized under the influence of fluid board and radio elements. In addition, there are cases when water separations remain under the display.


According to the manufacturers, the displays of modern smartphones are protected by glass, extremely resistant to scratches and damage. Gorilla Glass. - The most popular of such glasses installed in most telephones of the middle and high price segment, but even it does not always save the display from damage. In order to ensure maximum protection, it is most often used or shockproof windows, less often - liquid protection, like , as in the picture below.

If when installing a film or Nano Liquid, problems, as a rule, does not occur, then with a sticker of protective glass, certain difficulties may occur. This is especially true for the glass sticker on the phone with rounded edges, the so-called 2,5d. In this case, an uncrossed band is often formed along the edges of the glass, which spoils the appearance of the phone. Below I will tell you what ways you can get rid of it.

What to do if the glass was not glued at the edges

And so, you stuck glass, and at the edges it turned out such a disgrace:

In this case, this is the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X telephone. Let's try to fix the shoals.

I know two ways - one handicraft, if you can say so, and one industrial (no more suitable word found).

# 1 first way

Chinese craftsmen do not sit folded and invent all sorts of things that make our lives facilitate our lives. To solve the problem, if the glass is not glued at the edges, in the subway, they created a special means. It is called Border Liquid or something so and is a transparent gel, which, with the help of a tassel, it is necessary to wipe the edge of the glass.

And a small video, how to use all this:

# 2 second way

If there is no money for a miracle for a miracle or simply do not want to wait until it arrives from China, you can use undergraduate tools.

We will need: napkin, thin brush and some vegetable oil or glycerin.

Carefully apply glycerin to the edge of the glass, following it to get into the joint and filled the existing emptiness. At the end of the surplus, remove the napkin. The smaller the width of the white non-flimsy band initially, the better the final result will be.

These are the simplest ways to solve the problem if the glass is not glued at the edges. Try, unsubscribe about the results in the comments.