How to turn off the negative balance on the beeline. How to connect and disconnect Live Zero Beeline

With the help of short USSD commands Beeline, you can manage your own number directly from your phone without using Internet access.

Balance management

Using short queries, you can quickly get information on your account, regarding the balance and opportunities provided by Beeline with a balance of zero.

  • To find out, you should enter ussd request * 102 #.
  • If you need to get information about how many minutes of conversation and bonuses are left, you should use the following commands: * 110 * 06 #, * 106 #, * 107 # and * 108 #.
  • If the client uses the Beeline tariff plan, according to which you need to pay for the previously used minutes, then you should use the request * 110 * 04 #. Using this combination, you can find out the amount to be paid for the services provided.
  • A very convenient option is the ability to set a threshold for spending funds by a subscriber with a postpaid tariff plan. When this limit is reached, a warning text message will be sent to the mobile. To use this function, you need to use the combination * 110 * 41 * threshold amount #.

Opportunities at zero

If your personal account has a zero balance of funds, you can call 064012 to get general information. In addition, Beeline provides additional four services.

  • To use, dial ussd request * 141 #. To access information about the amount of such a payment, use the command * 141 * 7 #.
  • In the case when the balance on the account is not enough to make a call to another subscriber, the combination will help * 144 * client number #... This request allows you to use and send a notification asking you to call back. In order to block the receipt of such messages on your own device, you need to use the combination * 144 * 0 #. You can re-enable the ability to receive requests within the framework of this service using the command * 144 * 1 #.
  • If you need to replenish your own Beeline account, but there is no such possibility, you must use the request * 143 * client number #... This option is called "Top up your account" and allows you to inform your friends or family of the corresponding notification.
  • The next option is named and to activate it, use the combination 05050. It must be inserted before the dialed number of another subscriber and then press the call key.

Setting up services and managing the tariff plan

The service does not require connection, it is enough to type a command that will inform the addressee that you have run out of money in your account and you ask him to replenish your account - * 143 * subscriber_number #... The number must be dialed in full, in the international format, together with " +7 ».

Depending on the country, the addressee of your request can replenish your balance in the offices of payment systems, in bank branches, using a bank card, or to your account using the "Mobile Transfer" service.

How to make a call with zero Beeline balance?

There are many ways to call with a zero balance for Beeline customers. You can inform the person you need that you are waiting for his call with the "Call me" service, or you can call at his expense with the "Call at the expense of the interlocutor" option.

"Call me"

This service provides ample opportunities with a zero Beeline balance, in particular, it allows you to inform your loved ones that you are expecting their call. The service costs nothing at all and is available to Beeline customers when they are in the connection area.

The option allows you to send inquiries to your friends, regardless of which operator's client they are.

You do not need to activate the service, just dial a special command * 144 * subscriber_number #... The number must be indicated in full with the country code, through " +7 ».

"Call at the expense of the interlocutor"

Call your friends and family with zero balance? It couldn't be easier! Neither connection nor additional payment is required. It is enough to dial the code 05050 before the number of the called subscriber without the "eight". After that, you need to wait for the connection with the subscriber, and if he agrees to take the call at his own expense, you will be able to communicate. If the interlocutor refuses to pay for the conversation, the conversation will not take place.

All of the services described above have their own characteristics, conditions and restrictions, so we recommend that you carefully read their full descriptions.

The absence of a positive balance does not mean at all that VimpelCom subscribers will be cut off from the world of mobile communications. Users can receive incoming calls and sms, even if they go into negative territory, so the number will always be available. It is more difficult when the user needs to call or go online himself, and the amount necessary for such actions is not on the personal account. There is also a way out in this situation. Beeline, services with a zero balance allow customers not only to replenish their account, but also to use voice communication and even send text messages.

Simple steps

Beeline at zero balance

Opportunities with a negative balance of Beeline subscribers are in a fairly wide framework. However, the first action to be taken is replenishment of the personal account. To do this, you can activate the Auto Payment service. To use the service, you need to link your bank card to the phone number in your “Personal Account. After that, the service is activated by sending a USSD request * 114 #. After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the set threshold. By default, the threshold for replenishment is 30 rubles, one-time crediting to the account is 150.

The second possibility of replenishing the balance at zero is "Trust payment". There are the following commands to manage the service:

  • * 141 #. A request to replenish the account for the amount set by the provider.
  • * 141 * 7 #. Obtaining information on the available payment amount.
  • Toll-free number for general inquiries.

Important! There is no subscription fee for access to the "Trust Payment" service, but the operator charges off the commission for transactions.

The service “Trust payment is not provided in the following cases:

  1. The number is issued for a legal entity.
  2. Postpaid tariff plans.
  3. Communication costs are less than 50 rubles per month.
  4. The number was blocked at the initiative of the provider.
  5. The amount on the account is 30 rubles.

It should be noted that the amount of the available payment directly depends on the subscriber's expenses for cellular services.


In addition to the possibilities of replenishing the account, Beeline offers its subscribers the following options:

  • Call at the expense of another subscriber.
  • Account replenishment request.
  • Sending messages with a request to call back.

Each of the services works even when there is zero on the subscriber's phone. However, the terms of service are different for each option.

How to make a call at the expense of the interlocutor? In this case, the following procedure is performed:

  1. The combination 05050 and the subscriber's number (without the eight) are dialed from the mobile device.
  2. A connection is established, where the user receives a notification that the call will be paid from his number.
  3. There is a conversation or the call is dropped by the interlocutor.

Important! Even if the subscriber rejects the call at his expense, the system automatically sends a text request with a request to call back to the specified number.

It should be clarified that you can access the system no more than 15 times a day, the option does not apply to regional and international roaming.

Users can opt out of the service "Call at the expense of the interlocutor" on their phone. For this, the following scheme is provided:

  • Sending a request * 155 * 0 # to disconnect.
  • Receive a notification from the system that the option is deactivated.
  • * 155 * 1 # to reconnect.

If there is no money, you can ask your friends and family to top up your account. To do this, a request is sent with the following content: * 143 * phone number #. The message comes to the number of the recipient subscriber and he can transfer any amount to the specified contact from the personal account of his mobile. The service is provided free of charge, the subscription fee is not charged.

It should be noted that the option is valid only within the network, the maximum number of calls is 5 per day.

How to ask the interlocutor to call back? To do this, you need to send a request * 144 * subscriber number #. The service is valid for all clients of Beeline Russia and the CIS, however, it does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea. The number of requests per day is 10, the option does not need an additional connection, the subscription fee is not provided.

Additional features

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In the life of any person there are times when he simply forgets elementary and everyday things. For example, it can even be your own mobile phone number on the Beeline. What should a subscriber do in such a situation and how to find out the phone number on a SIM card, even if it has a zero balance. We will talk about this in a little more detail below.

The above situation can happen, for example, if you find an old unnecessary SIM card at home or somewhere on the street and just want to find out its phone number. In this case, Beeline has several options to find out the number:
1. If your balance is zero, the USSD * 110 * 10 # command can help you, which you need to dial on the phone with an unknown SIM card inserted into it. The phone number must come in the form of an SMS message.
2. Try to call the short free number 067410 from this Beeline SIM card. This method should also work, even if there is zero on the SIM card. The answer with the phone number will also come in the form of a message.
3. If the above methods did not help, then you will most likely need to go to the nearest operator's office and explain to the consultants the reason for your visit. They should definitely help you. Take your passport with you just in case.
Thus, it seems to us that we have provided you with all possible methods. With the help of short USSD commands Beeline, you can manage your own number directly from your phone without using Internet access. Balance Management Using Short ...

If you urgently need to make an outgoing call, and the balance is negative, you can use the opportunities at zero. Service activation does not take much time, since each subscriber can use USSD commands, which will be discussed in more detail in the article below. Beeline Russia provides the following opportunities at zero:

  • use an option that is automatic and does not require a commission;
  • using a specific command to use the function or "Auto-Trust Payment";
  • use the help of a friend using commands,.

Beeline provides an opportunity to call with a zero balance. This can be done using various commands, for example:

  • "Trust Payment";
  • "Call me";
  • "Call at the expense of the interlocutor";
  • and others.

However, in order not to find yourself in a situation where you need to call urgently, but there is no money, you need to regularly check the balance. This can be done by dialing * 102 # and then pressing the call. This service is valid at any time.

You can find out your expenses using the command * 110 * 45 # ... This will allow you to control the balance in order to replenish the balance in time.

Trust payment service

Even with a zero balance, it is possible to contact a person. You can make a call with a negative balance using the "Trust Payment". To do this, enter the following command: * 141 # ... After the introduction of this combination, according to Beeline conditions, the subscriber's account will be replenished for 3 days.

The top-up amount depends on the expenses for the last 3 months and on whether the subscriber is in Russia or abroad.

After 3 days, funds and commission will be debited. You can find out the amount provided by Beeline using the command * 141 * 7 # .

The subscriber is given the opportunity to call on credit with a zero balance using the "Auto-Confidence Payment" service. The difference from the previous service is as follows:

  • as soon as the balance on the account becomes less than 50 rubles, money is automatically credited depending on the expenses that were during the last 3 months;
  • within Russia, the threshold balance on the account is 50 rubles, and abroad - 150 rubles;
  • the service is paid, on the first day of connection the subscription fee is 50 kopecks, and on the following days - 75 kopecks per day.

Description of the service "Beeline.Radioportal": activation and deactivation of the option

To activate the service, you must enter the combination * 141 * 11 # , and to disable - * 141 * 10 # .

Service "Call at the expense of the interlocutor"

Using the command 05050, you can call with a zero balance at the expense of another subscriber. This command must be entered before the number of the called party without the eight. If the interlocutor accepts the call, then the costs will be borne by him, and if not, then the conversation will not take place.

How to ask another subscriber to call back with zero balance?

If there is no money in the account, and you need to call another person urgently, you can do it as follows. If the balance is zero, you can send a request to call back using the command * 144 * subscriber number # .

The "Call me back" service applies not only to Beeline subscribers, but also to other operators.

The function is perfectly free.

The modern pace of life does not allow you to concentrate on one thing. Therefore, it is not surprising that control over the balance of a mobile phone is not always a priority. As a rule, people remember about replenishing an account when there is not enough money in the account. You can get to the terminal or ATM and top up your account. And you can use a number of offers from mobile operators. For example, the possibilities at zero from "Beeline" are varied and convenient. We will talk about them.

Auto payment

The essence of this proposal is to replenish the account from a bank card in automatic mode. When concluding a contract for a service, you will indicate the amount of replenishment and the amount of balance at which cash injections are needed. Auto payment activation costs 2 rubles. The debiting will be made from a bank card. This is a kind of health check.

Option connection is possible in two ways:

  1. Through your personal account on the official website of the Beeline company;
  2. By contacting the communication salon of this operator.

It takes about a day to activate the service.

Trust payment

How to call if there is no money in the account? Beeline was able to solve a similar problem. The operator offers to connect the "Trust Payment" service. When using it, a certain amount is transferred to the subscriber. You can use it at your own discretion. The "action of unprecedented generosity" is valid for 3 days. The amount of the "charitable payment" is set individually. The user's peculiarities are taken into account: how much he spends on communication per month.

You can check the available amount by dialing the command * 141 * 7 # call. To activate, you need to send a USSD request * 141 #.

Auto-trust payment

This option was developed for especially forgetful subscribers. Its action is similar to a trust payment with one difference - it is activated automatically. When connecting, you stipulate the maximum amount of the balance. When the balance is equal to this amount, the "Auto-Trust Payment" is activated.

Connection is possible through:

  • client centers "Beeline";
  • personal account on the official website of the operator.

Not everyone can activate the service. It is not available for:

  • legal entities;
  • persons who use a SIM card for less than 3 months;
  • subscribers of postpaid tariff plans;
  • those who have a monthly payment less than 50 rubles;
  • a person whose number is blocked;
  • those who had a ban on the "Trust Payment".

The option does not provide a subscription fee. Connection costs 15 rubles.

Free requests-requests to other subscribers

If there is zero on the account, and there is an urgent need in connection with friends and family, you can use free requests from Beeline.

Possibilities for 3 situations:

  1. "Call me" - * 144 * number of the subscriber to whom the request # call is sent;
  2. Request for account replenishment - * 143 * number of the subscriber to whom the request # call is sent;
  3. Call at the expense of the interlocutor - 05050 + the number of the subscriber to whom you are calling and the call. Can only be used 15 times a day.

You cannot start entering a number with "8" or "+7", the operator's prefix comes first. All options are free, but do not work in roaming.

Live zero

This option makes it possible to receive calls from any numbers, receive messages and use the caller ID, even if there is no money on the account. It also does not require a special connection. The only negative is that it does not work in roaming.

Speaking letter

Beeline subscribers with zero balance will be able to send voice messages to other users. The operator does not charge money for sending, but recipients will have to fork out when listening to "talking letters" (1.15 rubles). Service activation is free.

Beeline is trying to make the use of cellular communications convenient and not burdensome. The operator's modern offers help you stay connected under any circumstances.

Sometimes money on your mobile runs out just when you urgently need to contact someone. In this situation, the service "Call at the expense of the interlocutor" will save, Beeline provides it to all its customers in order to always stay in touch.

All clients of the operator can use this option and recruit a friend for his funds.

To do this, you do not need to connect or configure anything, you just need to enter the required combination of numbers. There is also no additional usage fee.

How to call on Beeline at the expense of another subscriber?

To do this, you must enter the following combination: "05050 + phone number without 8" and make a call... Next, you will need to wait until it is accepted, or canceled.

In case of cancellation, the operator will report the reason for the unsuccessful completion of the operation. If the conversation did not work, you can send the callee a message with a request to call back using the command: * 144 * subscriber number #.

How do I accept or cancel a call?

When a person receives a request to make a conversation at his expense, he is offered to accept it - press button 1, or refuse by pressing the cancel button. Tariffication will take place immediately after the start of the call. The price of one minute depends on the terms of the tariff plan.

If the client does not want to receive such calls to him, you can turn off such requests. To do this, you need to send a USSD command with a set of numbers once: *155*0# .

Then all incoming who want to make for his money will automatically be rejected. If it becomes necessary to resume this service, dial: *155*1# .


If you don't have money on your phone and you need to contact another person, it is important to remember some restrictions:

  • The service is available only to Beeline users... It will not be possible to dial a user of another operator in this way.
  • You can only communicate using the means of another only if you call from your home region... This feature is not available in roaming.
  • With zero on mobile, you can make only 15 calls a day using the balance of the interlocutor. After this limit is exhausted, when you try to dial a friend, an SMS message will automatically be sent about the attempt to contact.

Beeline provides its subscriber with several ways to dial another person if the balance is exhausted.

This will help to resolve important issues in urgent moments, when it is necessary to contact, but the money has run out.

If this was not done, you can use the "Trust Payment" service, which will replenish the account in debt. When the required amount is received on the mobile, it will be withdrawn as debt repayment.

Even the most attentive subscribers do not always manage to control the balance on their mobile number. Sometimes there are situations when you urgently need to call, send a message or use the Internet, and the funds on the account are not enough to complete the operation. In this case, of course, you can get to the nearest operator's office or ATM and top up your balance. However, sometimes this is not possible. In such cases, Beeline subscribers with a zero balance can use free services that allow them to always stay in touch. In this article we will tell you more about them.

Trust payment service

By connecting this service, customers of the "Beeline" company with a zero balance may not think about the lack of funds in the account for three days. Trust payment implies the transfer of a certain amount to the subscriber's account, which can be used for any services provided by the mobile operator. The amount of such a payment is determined individually, based on how much the client spends on a monthly basis for communication. By the way, this service can only be activated by those subscribers who have been using the number for three months or more. To check the available amount, enter the request * 141 * 7 # on the phone. The service is activated by the command * 141 #.

There is also a variant of this service, when the trust payment is activated automatically when a certain balance value is reached on the subscriber's number (for example, as soon as the amount on the account is less than 50 rubles, accrual occurs). This can be convenient for forgetful clients: they do not have to think about the question of how to call with a zero balance at a critical moment. Beeline allows customers to take care of their account in advance. You can connect the service through the Internet assistant, as well as through the operator of the client center.

Live Zero service

This option is provided free of charge and is available to all users of the "Beeline" company. Services with a zero balance, implying the possibility for the client to receive incoming calls and text messages, remain active. This means that, despite the absence, the subscriber will always remain in touch.

Beeline: opportunities with zero balance for subscribers

If a trust payment, however, needs to be urgently contacted with friends or family, you can send them a "Call me back" request. Having received such a message, they will definitely call. Sending such a request is made by entering the command: * 144 * number of the subscriber to whom you want to send the message #. It is also possible to send a request for a top-up. You can send it by entering the command: * 143 * number of the subscriber to whom you want to send the message #. These services are free of charge.

Call at the expense of another subscriber (only for Beeline clients)

Another interesting option that can be useful for Beeline subscribers with a zero balance is a call at the expense of another person. You can't just use such a service, you must first get its approval. If the subscriber refuses to pay for the call, having read the corresponding message, then it will not be possible to communicate with him. You can use the service by dialing 05050 + the number of another subscriber on the phone and pressing the dialing key. In order to protect yourself from such requests, you can set an appropriate ban using the command * 155 * 0 #.

How to replenish an account with a zero balance "Beeline": other methods

When the balance on the number is close to zero and you need to replenish the account for further use of the communication service, you can use the usual methods of transferring funds. Through the terminal, ATM, Internet banks, cash in the office, etc. If the subscriber does not remember the phone, then you can find out the Beeline number with a zero balance by entering the request * 110 * 10 #. The information will be displayed on the device screen. Thus, customers of the "Beeline" company with a zero balance will not be left without communication. You can use any of the previously described services until the funds are credited to the account.

If the balance of the phone approaches zero, then for many people their usual life begins to freeze. As for evil, at this moment it is necessary to urgently contact relatives, help friends, find out how the children are doing.

What are the opportunities at zero on Beeline? You no longer need to worry about this, since the mobile company has taken care of comfortable ways to ensure communication in such situations.

For subscribers who prefer prepaid tariffs, the mobile operator offers a wide range of services, thanks to which it is possible to keep in touch with the necessary subscribers with zero account. To activate them, you will need to send certain commands.

Possibilities with an empty balance:

  • replenishment of the balance when activating the options "Auto-Confidential Payment", as well as "Trust Payment";
  • replenishment of the account in automatic mode and without commission when setting up the AutoPayment service;
  • receiving help from other subscribers thanks to the options "Call thanks to the interlocutor", "Top up my balance", "Call me".

In addition, if the Beeline account is at the zero mark, then you can also use the standard service "Live Zero", which does not need to be additionally activated. In order to be in touch in this situation, you just need to keep your phone turned on.

"Auto payment"

When the "Auto Pay" option is enabled, it is impossible to get into a situation where the account becomes zero. If the state of the balance approaches the limit, which was determined by the owner of the phone, then it is automatically replenished from a plastic card. The amount of the amount is also determined in advance by the subscriber.

Clients who use prepaid tariffs independently set the balance and the amount transferred. Subscribers who prefer to make postpay do not need to configure, as they will receive the money corresponding to the invoice at the end of the monthly period.

You can activate the service by sending the corresponding request * 114 * 9 #, and you can deactivate it with: * 114 * 0 #.

"Trust payment"

The amount of money that the cellular company provides to the client in the form of a trust loan for communication will depend on spending over the last 3-month period. This option is available both within the country and abroad. You can use the activated payment within 3 days. If during this period the funds provided are not used, the service is automatically deactivated.

To activate the option, you must send a special request: * 141 #. To receive information about the amount of funds that can be transferred to the account, send: * 141 * 7 #.

"Auto-trust payment"

In order to use the Auto-Trust Payment service, you do not need to send special commands. If it is in an active state, then the account will be replenished automatically when the threshold of 50 rubles is lowered. The amount of funds that will be credited is influenced by the subscriber's expenses for a period of 3 months.

A certain fee will be charged from the client's account for using the service: on the first day - 50 kopecks, in the subsequent period - 75 kopecks. The service is activated when a certain threshold is reached: 50 rubles - if the subscriber is within the country and 150 rubles - when he left its territory.

To activate the option, send a request * 141 * 11 #, and to deactivate: * 141 * 10 #.

"Top up my account"

In addition to the services discussed above, the mobile company also allows you to send requests for replenishment of the balance to other persons. In order to use the "Top up my account" option, you will not need to deposit additional funds. As a result, the addressee will receive a notification. It is quite convenient that this request can be made not only to users of any operators located in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries.

The option activation procedure is not required, but you just need to send a request with a request to top up the balance: * 143 * subscriber's phone #... The number is dialed in full size, and for residents of other countries the number "+7" must be present in it. Account replenishment is available in various ways: using the "Mobile Transfer" option or a plastic card, as well as in the offices of banks or mobile operators.

How to make a call with zero balance Beeline?

To communicate with the desired subscriber with a zero state of the Beeline account, there are different options. For example, you can send a request to call back. This is made possible by using the "Call me" option. In addition, it is also quite possible to make a call at the expense of another subscriber. For this, we offer a convenient service "Call thanks to the interlocutor".

In order not to get into a situation when the funds on the account have run out, its condition must be kept under control. You can get information about your own balance by sending a request: for postpaid plans * 110 * 45 #, and for prepaid plans * 102 #. In addition, this information can be obtained using the "My Beeline" application or in the Personal Account.

"Call me"

Thanks to this option, subscribers with a zero account will be able to send SMS to their relatives or friends, in which there will be a request to call back. At the same time, you do not need to deposit funds for using the option for those Beeline users who are in their region.

The service provides a convenient opportunity to send messages to subscribers of any mobile companies. Additional activation of the service is not required, but only you need to send a command * 144 * subscriber's phone #... The number must also be dialed in full together with "+7".

"Call at the expense of the interlocutor"

In order to make an important call with a zero account balance, you do not need to deposit additional funds or activate services. For these purposes, you must specify the code 05050, and then dial the called subscriber's phone, which will not contain "8". If the addressee of this appeal agrees, then after connecting with him you can conduct a normal conversation. It will be impossible to take advantage of this opportunity in a situation where the subscriber does not want to pay for communication.

At the time of choosing the most suitable communication option in case of a zero account state, it is necessary to take into account the existing restrictions. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the details of the conditions under which some of the services are provided.

The subscriber does not always have the opportunity to quickly replenish the balance, but it is necessary to be in touch with this. There is a family of services on Beeline that make it possible to communicate on the phone at zero. The user can almost always receive calls and sms (except for remote points of location in the country), but making a call is not always easy. A wide range of options with zero balance provides a range of offers that are suitable for a particular case.

Opportunities with zero balance on Beeline

If there is not enough money for a call or the balance is zero, then you can ask to top up the balance using the service of the same name. Is it inconvenient to get to the ATM or is there no way to top up through the terminal?

In this case, it is worth remembering several important combinations:

  • 05050 - this is a "Call to the account of the interlocutor";
  • *144* - "Call me" option;
  • * 143 * subscriber number #- "Top up my account."

All free requests are available for Beeline subscribers and do not extend their action in roaming.

There is no need for special connections for dialing combinations, so that users are not burdened with communicating on the same network.

"Trust payment"

Among subscribers, the trust option on Beeline or "Trust Payment" has become widespread. After request by number *141*7# or a set of commands *141# the user's balance is replenished with a certain amount, which you use at your discretion.

It is worth remembering that such a gift from the operator has a limited effect - 3 days. The fee for a one-time use is 5 rubles.

The amount that goes to the phone is determined individually, depending on how much a particular number spends per month. Trusted payment does not require connection, except for dialing a standard combination.

It is charged approximately from 30 to 300 rubles(average expenses for mobile communications for the previous 3 months). The service is also valid in roaming, and the availability period is not 3 days, but 7 days.

There are a number of cases when the "Trusted Payment" option is not available:

  • Monthly deposit less than 50 rubles;
  • The number is blocked;
  • A postpaid tariff plan is used (relevant for legal entities);
  • The number has been connected for less than 3 months.

More details about this service can be found in this.

"Auto-trust payment"

For a temporary period, the "Auto-Confidence Payment" service is also activated, which operates in automatic mode. As soon as the user's balance drops below 50 rubles, the system regulates this issue and replenishes the money on the phone. The specific amount is also determined in the calculation of expenses for three months.

The connection cost is zero, but there is a monthly fee for the first day of 0.5 rubles, and for the second and subsequent 0.75 rubles.

Combinations of connection: * 141 * 11 #, and disconnection: * 141 * 10 #.

You can also connect or disable the option through your personal account.

"Auto payment"

In order not to constantly think about which functions to activate when the balance is zero, you can connect AutoPayment.

As soon as the balance approaches the boundary mark, it will be automatically updated via a bank card.

In order not to constantly set for yourself the task of “replenish later” and to look for time and place to replenish the balance, you can entrust this to the system.

"Top up my account"

Are you out of money in your account? Beeline made sure that you are not left without communication, offering among a variety of services and the option "Top up my account".

You can use it both in your region and outside it.

To do this, the user needs to dial * 143 * number #. Limitations: no more than 5 messages per day.

The addressee receives a message about the request to replenish the account, and the sender receives a delivery report.

How to make a call with zero Beeline balance?

The general principle of action with a zero balance is to dial a convenient request to contact a specific subscriber. In addition to all other services, there is the concept of "Live Zero", which allows you to use certain numbers when dialing.

A fairly common picture - the personal account suddenly ran out of money at the moment when:

Beeline supports its subscribers in difficult times thanks to services that are available when there is no money on the account. Users just have to choose the appropriate option with a zero balance.

Possibilities of a Beeline subscriber with a zero balance

What to do when there is no money left on the phone and there is no self-service terminal or ATM nearby? That's right - you should use the operator's convenient option, thanks to which the subscriber can ask a familiar person to transfer money to him on the phone.

USSD commands available to Beeline customers:

  1. 05050 - service "Call to the account of the interlocutor";
  2. *144* - "Call me";
  3. * 143 * user's phone #- "Top up my account."

In addition, access to services is provided:

  1. "Autopayment" - the system, without additional payment and without wasting time on the part of the subscriber himself, automatically credits the set amount to the telephone balance.
  2. "Auto Trust Payment" or "Trust Payment". Thanks to them, the user can increase the amount of funds on his phone to the required values. But only for a strictly regulated period.

Clarification! These services are free to connect. They are guaranteed to perform their functions only when they are in the coverage area of ​​the home network. If you get into roaming, these services will not work.

Another option is Live Zero. It is available for every Beeline subscriber. Does not require independent connection or any settings. The main thing is not to turn off the phone. Then any of the incoming calls (or SMS) will not remain in the missed list.

"Trust payment"

The service falls into two different categories:

1. For those who have the tariff plan used provides a monthly subscription fee... In this case, the amount of funds borrowed from the operator is equal to the amount of the payment made once a month. Conditions - the minimum period of using the operator's services is 3 months, the monthly expense for paid services during this period is from 200 rubles.

USSD command:

  1. * 141 # sends a connection request.
  2. * 141 * 7 # - specifies the amount of the "Trust Payment". It is calculated from the average values ​​of communication costs for the last 3 months.

2. For those with whom the subscription fee is debited daily or its use is not spelled out in the terms of the tariff... USSD requests remain the same. The available payment depends on the level of communication costs. It ranges from 30 to 500 rubles. Conditions - you must use Beeline services for at least two months.

The term for spending the funds received is 3 days, after which the money is debited from the account, taking into account the commission.

A connection phone is also available: 6740141.

Situations limiting the use of the option:

  1. Monthly communication costs are below the threshold of 50 rubles.
  2. The phone number has been blocked.
  3. The subscriber uses a tariff plan with a postpaid billing system.
  4. Short term of using the operator's services (less than 2 months).

More detailed information about the "Trust Payment" is located.

"Auto-trust payment"

In this case, you can also borrow funds from the operator for 3 days. The advantage of an auto-trust payment is that the subscriber does not need to personally form an application - the system will independently carry out the operation of crediting funds in the event that the level of funds in the user's account is below 50 rubles. The method for determining a specific amount remains the same as in the "Trust payment" option.

For the first day, the operator charges 50 kopecks, for all subsequent days - 75 kopecks. The option is connected for free.

"Auto payment"

In order to use the service, the subscriber should link his bank card to the automatic payment system to his phone number. The transfer will be executed immediately upon reaching the minimum level of fund balances.

USSD command for activation: * 114 * 9 #. To deactivate the service, fill out the request: * 114 * 0 #.

"Top up my account"

You can get money to top up your balance not only from the operator, but also from other subscribers. To do this, you need to use the service by sending an application for its connection via a request - * 143 * user's phone #. The addressee receives a notification with the text "This subscriber asks you to top up his account". The number of such requests is 5 per day.

Depending on the country in which the person to whom the subscriber turned to, he has several options for providing financial assistance.

This could be:

  • cash;
  • cashless transfer of funds within the "Mobile Transfer" option from a bank card (), from a mobile phone (), from an electronic wallet ();
  • balance replenishment using different payment operators (;).

How to call when there is zero on the Beeline balance?

Calls with a zero balance are available to the operator's subscribers thanks to various Beeline services, for example, "Live Zero". However, it is this option that does not work when the client is in roaming.

"Call at the expense of the interlocutor"

The service is provided no more than 15 times a day. It is not available to users with a postpaid billing system, or those who are in roaming.

The person who accepts the call pays for the call. At the very beginning of the conversation, he hears a proposal that the cost of the upcoming dialogue will be deducted from his phone balance. He expresses his consent by pressing the "1" key on his phone. Or reject the call by pressing the key to cancel the conversation.

To make a call at the expense of another subscriber, a request is sent through the short number 05050, after which the subscriber's number is dialed, from which the cost of the upcoming call will be deducted. It is indicated without the first characters "8" or "+7". Example: 05050-903-123-45-67.

We talked about this option in more detail in the article:

"Call me"

You can make a request for a call from another subscriber through a text message in the form of a USSD request. In this case, a corresponding notification will be sent to his phone.

USSD command to activate the request: * 144 * user's phone #. The phone number must start with "+7". The subscriber can use the offer no more than 10 times a day.

The service is provided throughout Russia, as well as within the Beeline network in neighboring countries.


All the above USSD commands are available to the operator's subscribers who have been using communication services for several months.

Useful video:

At the same time, you should not miss the opportunity to top up your balance at the first opportunity, since all of the above services are a temporary solution. In addition, they have their own number of restrictions in the form of a limit of requests for one day.

The modern course of life does not allow us to constantly monitor all the important moments. In everyday affairs in people's lives, you can easily forget about the timely replenishment of your mobile phone account. If a subscriber of a cellular network is in such an unpleasant situation, and there is no way to top up the balance, you can use the free services provided by the operator for this. They make it possible to contact loved ones even if there is no money on the phone. One of such services at VimpelCom is the Live Zero service on Beeline.

Immediately after purchasing a SIM card, Beeline network users are provided with the "Live Zero" function. It makes it possible to receive incoming calls and text notifications on a mobile device from subscribers of any cellular networks. In addition, you can use the call waiting functions, call the operator's help desk, use the caller ID.

Attention : This service is only available in the home network, some restrictions apply when roaming.

All Beeline customers can make unpaid calls to emergency short numbers. In this case, the location of the subscriber does not matter. This function from the operator has one purpose - with the help of it subscribers with zero account balance can receive calls and call help services. The set of functions of this service is simple, and many clients of cellular networks perceive it as a set of basic functions at any tariff. All cellular operators in Russia currently have such functions.

Simply put, "Live Zero" from a telecom operator reminds its subscribers that if they do not have money on their phone, they can take a call or SMS from a friend, call an ambulance or a rescue service. No complicated connections or settings are required to use this function. To do this, you just need to register and purchase a Beeline SIM card.

The cost of the service Live Zero Beeline

The prices for the functionality of this service are as follows:

  1. Service activation cost - 0 rubles.
  2. There is no daily payment on the prepaid system.

Such rates are valid only for prepaid rates. For a postpaid system, questions about the use of this option should be checked with the operator of the help desk, as they may change frequently.

How to connect and disconnect Live Zero Beeline

If it is important for the subscriber to constantly be in touch, and not to get into difficult situations when it is impossible to call or send a message due to lack of money on the phone, then he will look for a way to activate this service. The advantage of this offer from the Beeline operator is its activity on all communication tariffs from the moment of their activation. Therefore, no action is required to connect Live Zero.

It's important to know : disconnection of the service by the operator is not provided, since it is free, and does not negatively affect the operation of cellular communications or reduce the balance of the phone account.

Other capabilities of a Beeline subscriber with a zero balance

Vympel-Communications has developed other offers for its users in case of a zero account balance. Let's take a look at some of them.

  1. Call me service makes it possible by sending a request to ask another subscriber to call back. This service is convenient in that it operates in any region, does not require configuration, requests can be sent to any network. The request is typed in the following way: * 144 * "subscriber's number" #, then the call button is pressed.
  2. Service "Top up my account" allows, in the absence of money on the account, to ask the subscriber to put money on the phone number. The request is being typed * 143 * "subscriber's number" # by clicking on the call. The function works in any region for any subscribers of third-party operators.
  3. "Call at the expense of the interlocutor" allows the subscriber to communicate at the expense of another person in the absence of money. In this case, the money is charged from the called client. To make such a call, dial 05050 "subscriber number", press "call". If the called subscriber agrees to pay for the communication, the connection will take place.
  4. "Trust payment" allows the subscriber to receive a small amount on his account, the amount of which depends on the average consumption of money for communication per month. For each tariff, this amount is determined on an individual basis. The service is connected by the team * 141 # by clicking on the call. To determine the amount of a possible payment, dial * 141 * 7 # , send by call button. This service can be used in any region of the country and abroad.

Subscribers' opinion

The "Live Zero" service does not require activation or deactivation, therefore subscribers do not even notice its operation, and are already accustomed to the fact that in the absence of money it is possible to receive calls and messages from other people. The reviews are most often positive, since there are no negative aspects due to this service.