When there is zero on the Beeline account, the possibilities are at zero. Opportunities from beeline with a zero balance With a negative balance, the beeline disconnects communication

Have you run out of money on your Beeline account? No problem. Find out in our article about services and opportunities with zero balance.

Call me service

This service allows you to notify a person that you are waiting for a call from him. Its main advantage is that you can send a notification to the subscriber of any Russian company providing mobile communication services, as well as to customers of the Georgian operator Beeline and the CIS countries.

The service is provided automatically, without connections and settings. It is completely free for all customers of the Beeline operator.

The selected subscriber receives a message on your behalf, which contains a request to call back.

You receive a notification that the request was successfully delivered:

  • Enter to activate *144*phone number#.
  • If you do not want to receive messages asking you to call back, enter the code *144*0# .
  • If you want to receive these messages again, then enter the command *144*1# .

This service is available not only in the home network, but also in roaming. During the day, you can send no more than 10 messages.

"Call at the expense of the interlocutor"

This service allows the client to make a call at the expense of the interlocutor. The service is available to all subscribers with a prepaid billing system in the home network; it is not available in roaming.

You can call at the expense of a friend only to Beeline subscribers, it is impossible to do this by numbers of other telecom operators.

To contact the interlocutor at his expense, follow these steps:

  • Dial 05050 followed by the phone number of the person you want to call without the 8 (for example: 050509601234567 ).
  • Press the call button.
  • The interlocutor receives a notification that you are trying to contact at his expense.
  • To receive such a call, the interlocutor must press the number 1. In case of refusal, you just need to press the call reset button.
  • If the interlocutor refused to accept the call at his own expense, you will receive a notification with the reason for the refusal, and he will receive an SMS with a request to call back.

For the subscriber receiving the call, the call will cost 3 rubles. in a minute.

During the day, you can make no more than 15 such calls.

trust payment

If your mobile account is equal to zero, use "Trust payment". After typing a certain command, a certain amount will be credited to the balance.

It depends on what tariff plan you are served in and on how much you spend on calls per month. It is valid for 3 days.


  • If you want to know how much will be credited to the balance, enter the key combination *141*7# and the call button. The terms of provision differ for different tariff plans.
  • To activate the service, dial *141# .

If, according to the terms of the tariff plan, the subscription fee is charged daily, or there is none, then the amount you receive depends on the amount that you topped up your mobile account for the last 3 months.

If the monthly fee is charged from the account on a monthly basis, then an amount equal to the monthly fee will be available to you.

The cost of providing a loan and the amount received will be withdrawn 3 days after replenishing your balance.

Customers with a postpaid settlement system will not be able to use this service.

Receiving a trust payment is available only for those subscribers who have been Beeline customers for more than 3 months.

"Top up my account"

This service allows you to ask a loved one to replenish your balance. It is provided automatically and does not require connection.

The person you send the request to will receive an SMS with the text containing your request. You will receive an SMS in response to confirm the delivery. Sending SMS data is not charged.


  • To send a request, enter *143*number in international format #.
  • You can choose not to accept these requests. To do this, dial the command - * 143 * 0 #.
  • To restore the reception of SMS notifications, dial *143*1# .

Setting the ban is available only for Beeline Russia customers.

Sending requests is possible to clients of any Russian companies providing cellular services, as well as Beeline in the CIS. The "Top up my account" service is also available in roaming.

Only 5 SMS can be sent per day

It is possible to send a request to replenish a mobile account through the USB application - Beeline modem:

  • To do this, go to the USB modem application.
  • Find the “Deposit my account” column in the “Account Management” section.
  • Fill in the "number" field - indicate in any format the phone number of the subscriber you are contacting with a request.
  • Then click "Request" and this cell phone customer will receive a notification asking them to top up their account.

"Live Zero"

This service allows even with a negative account balance to receive incoming calls and messages and contact the operator's customer support service.

This service is available to all prepaid system clients. It doesn't need to be connected. By default, it is activated for all Beeline customers.

The mobile operator Beeline has provided for its customers a sufficient number of services that allow them to be in touch, even if their account is zero. Enjoy!

Despite the fact that today there are a lot of opportunities for easy and fast replenishment of a mobile phone account, sometimes we still find ourselves at zero. Fortunately, today there are even more ways to contact the necessary subscriber even in this situation. In this article, we will consider the possibilities at zero of the Beeline operator.

Of course, the main way to protect yourself from "bankruptcy" is service at an unlimited rate, but otherwise a lot of operator options will come to the rescue of the subscriber.

"Trust payment". If your balance is at zero, and you really need to make a call, you can dial a special combination, and the operator will temporarily replenish the account, and the amount by which the account will be replenished will depend on the average monthly communication expense of the client. The minimum advance payment is 50 rubles, the maximum is 200 rubles. The option is not subject to a subscription fee, however, it needs to be connected in advance and it is paid - 15 rubles. To connect, you need to make a USSD request *141#.

"Auto payment". This service has something in common with "Trust payment", however, in this situation, the subscriber will not need to dial any special combinations for emergency account replenishment. The option is configurable - when a certain threshold is reached, the nth amount of money is automatically credited to the client's account, which, by the way, also depends on the average monthly communication costs. "Autopayment" is connected free of charge, however, a subscription fee will be charged for the service - 75 kopecks per day. To activate the option, dial *141*11#, call.

"Call me". This option allows one simple command to let the subscriber of interest know that you want to call him, but do not have the means to do so. This service is convenient in that it does not need to be additionally connected, of course, and it is not subject to a monthly fee. In order to notify the subscriber about the need for a call, dial *144*, then the subscriber's beautiful number, "bar" and call. The recipient will receive a message with the text "This subscriber asks you to call him", and a notification will be sent to your number about the delivery of the request. By the way, this trick can be done not only with the subscriber-owner of the Russian number, but also with Beeline clients from the CIS countries and Georgia.

"Call at the expense of the interlocutor." The option also does not need to be connected beforehand. In order to make a call at the expense of the interlocutor, you must:

Dial the number of the subscriber you wish to call in the format 05050, subscriber's number. Please note that the number must be entered without "8" or "+7", dialing starts with the operator's prefix.

Wait for the connection with the subscriber - if he agrees to pay for the conversation, it will take place, and you can start a dialogue, otherwise the connection will be reset.

The "Call at the expense of the interlocutor" option can be used only for subscribers with Beeline tariffs and no more than 15 times a day. The service is not available in roaming!

Information for those who have to pay for the call: if your friend calls you as part of the option, you will see the number of the caller on the screen and hear the offer to pay for the call. If you agree to this offer, you need to press the key 1, otherwise, just reject the call.

Attention! If you do not want this option to be used "against" you in the future, dial *155*0#, call.

"Top up my account." If you do not want to contact the operator with a request to replenish your account through the first two services described, you can address this request to your family or friends. In order to do this, you need to dial the combination *143*subscriber number#, then call. The request does not require payment, the connection of the option is also free and it is not subject to a monthly fee.

The subscriber whom you ask to replenish the account will receive an SMS with the following content "This subscriber asks you to replenish the account", and you will receive a report on the delivery of the message and, if the recipient is favorable to you and has the opportunity to help, money will be credited to the account.

"Live Zero". With this service, the operator simply reminds its customers that with a "zero" account, they can receive calls, messages, and also make calls to free hotlines. In order to enjoy the benefits of this option, you do not need to connect and pay for anything, just be a Beeline subscriber.

"Talking letter". This option allows you to send voice messages to your loved ones even with a zero balance, although this only applies to close Beeline subscribers. It is noted that sending a letter is free, but listening will cost the recipient 1.15 rubles. The option is connected free of charge and there is no subscription fee.

Well, as you can see, subscribers today, as they say, "roll like cheese in butter" and operators are happy to communicate between their customers, even if one of them is at zero. In general, there is little surprise, sooner or later the former "bankrupt" will pay for the call anyway, or his interlocutor will do it. But, one way or another, the presence of such options is nice, because you can be sure that no matter what happens, you can always contact the right subscriber!

Sometimes money on your mobile runs out just when you urgently need to contact someone. In this situation, the “Call at the expense of the interlocutor” service will save, Beeline provides it to all its customers in order to always stay in touch.

All clients of the operator can use this option and recruit a friend at his expense.

To do this, you do not need to connect or configure anything, just enter the required combination of numbers. There is also no additional usage fee.

How to call Beeline at the expense of another subscriber?

To do this, you need to enter the following combination: "05050+phone number without 8" and make a call. Then you will need to wait until it is accepted, or canceled.

In case of cancellation, the operator will report the reason for the unsuccessful completion of the operation. If it was not possible to talk, you can send a message to the called person with a request to call back using the command: *144*subscriber number#.

How to accept or cancel a call?

When a person receives a request to make a conversation at his own expense, he is offered to accept it - press button 1, or refuse by pressing the cancel button. Billing will occur immediately after the start of the conversation. The price of one minute depends on the conditions of the tariff plan.

If the client does not want to receive such calls, you can turn off such requests. To do this, you need to send a USSD command with a set of numbers once: *155*0# .

Then all incoming calls that they want to make for his money will automatically be rejected. If there is a need to resume this service, dial: *155*1# .


If there is no money on the phone and you need to contact another person, it is important to remember some restrictions:

  • The service is available only to Beeline users. It will not be possible to dial a user of another operator in this way.
  • Chat using the means of another, it will turn out only if you call from your home region. While roaming, this feature is not available.
  • At zero on mobile, you can make only 15 calls per day using the balance of the interlocutor. After this limit is exhausted, when you try to dial a friend, an SMS message will automatically be sent about an attempt to contact.

Beeline provides its subscriber with several ways to dial another person if the balance is exhausted.

This will help to resolve important issues in urgent moments when it is necessary to contact, but the money has run out.

If this was not possible, you can use the "Trust Payment" service, which will replenish the debt account. When the required amount arrives on the mobile, it will be withdrawn as a repayment of the debt.

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Quick response:
However, the first action to be taken is to replenish the personal account. To do this, you can activate the "Auto payment" service. To use the service, you need to link your bank card to the phone number in the "Personal Account. After that, the service is activated by sending USSD-request *114# . After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the set threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, a one-time credit to the account is 150.

  • *141# . Request to replenish the account for the amount set by the provider.
  • *141*7# . Get information about the available payment amount.

The absence of a positive balance does not mean at all that PJSC VimpelCom subscribers will be cut off from the world of mobile communications. Users can receive incoming calls and sms, even going into the negative, respectively, the number will always be available. It is more difficult when the user needs to call or access the Internet himself, and the amount needed for such actions is not on the personal account. There is a way out in this situation. Beeline, services with a zero balance allow customers not only to replenish their account, but also use voice communications and even send text messages.

Beeline with zero balance

Opportunities with a negative balance of Beeline subscribers are quite wide. However, the first action to be taken is to replenish the personal account. To do this, you can activate the "Auto payment" service. To use the service, you need to link your bank card to the phone number in the "Personal Account. After that, the service is activated by sending a USSD request *114#. After the operation, the personal account will be replenished automatically when the balance approaches the set threshold. By default, the replenishment threshold is 30 rubles, a one-time credit to the account is 150.

The second possibility of replenishing the balance at zero is the “Trust payment”. To manage the service, there are the following commands:

  • *141#. Request to replenish the account for the amount set by the provider.
  • *141*7#. Get information about the available payment amount.
  • Free number for general questions.

Important! The subscription fee for access to the "Trust Payment" service is not charged, however, the operator charges a commission for transactions.

The “Trust payment” service is not provided in the following cases:

  1. The number is issued to a legal entity.
  2. Postpaid plans.
  3. Communication costs are less than 50 rubles per month.
  4. The number is blocked at the initiative of the provider.
  5. The amount on the account is 30 rubles.

It should be noted that the amount of the available payment directly depends on the subscriber's expenses for cellular services.


In addition to the possibility of replenishing the account, Beeline offers its subscribers the following options:

  • Call at the expense of another subscriber.
  • Refill request.
  • Sending messages asking for a call back.

Each of the services works even in cases where the subscriber's phone is zero. However, the terms of service are different for each option.

How to make a call at the expense of the interlocutor? In this case, the following procedure is performed:

  1. From a mobile device, the combination 05050 and the subscriber's number are dialed (without the eight).
  2. A connection is established where the user receives a notification that the call will be paid from his number.
  3. There is a conversation or the call is dropped by the interlocutor.

Important! Even if the subscriber rejects the call at his expense, the system automatically sends a text request asking you to call back to the specified number.

It should be clarified that you can access the system no more than 15 times a day, the option does not apply to regional and international roaming.

Users can opt out of the "Call at the expense of the interlocutor" service on their phone. For this, the following scheme is provided:

  • Sending a request *155*0# to disable.
  • Receive system notification that the option is disabled.
  • *155*1# to reconnect.

If there is no money, you can ask friends and relatives to replenish the account. To do this, a request is sent with the following content: *143* telephone number #. The message comes to the number of the recipient subscriber and he can transfer any amount to the specified contact from the personal account of his mobile. The service is provided free of charge, there is no subscription fee.

It should be noted that the option is valid only within the network, the maximum number of calls is 5 per day.

How to ask the interlocutor to call back? To do this, send a request *144* subscriber number #. The service is valid for all Beeline clients in Russia and the CIS, however, does not apply to the territory of the Republic of Crimea. The number of requests per day is 10, the option does not need additional connection, there is no monthly fee.

Additional features

For all subscribers of the home network, the service "Live Zero" is provided. The option is basically included in all tariff plans of the operator and does not require additional activation. "Live zero" makes it possible to answer incoming calls, receive text messages, use the services of caller ID and call forwarding even with a negative balance of the personal account.

In addition, the "Talking Letter" service is available to users. The essence of the option is that subscribers can record and send voice messages to their family and friends. The service is provided free of charge, without a monthly fee, however, listening to the recording will cost 1.15 rubles per minute.

It is worth clarifying that subscribers with a zero balance can call the technical support service, use short commands and phone numbers to enable / disable various options and subscriptions, and contact representatives of the city's emergency services.

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At first glance, Beeline provides its customers with ample opportunities to use communication services with a zero balance. However, such concern is fraught with pitfalls. Firstly, most services work only in the region of connection, respectively, traveling to the neighboring region cuts off the subscriber from cellular services. Secondly, the provider takes a commission for the option of advance crediting of funds, and after 3 days it writes off the entire amount, regardless of the state of the personal account. Thirdly, communication services at zero are still paid for, even if not by the subscriber himself, but by his relatives and friends. Therefore, there is no talk of "free cheese" here. However, we must pay tribute to the fact that the client can always be in touch, regardless of the state of the personal account.

Probably, there is no such person who has not encountered such a problem as a zero balance on a mobile account. It is not always possible to replenish the account immediately. This can cause some discomfort for the network user. If you are unable to contact friends or family at the moment, this may cause urgent issues to not be resolved.

If your account runs out of funds, don't despair. Beeline provides its subscribers with a wide range of opportunities even with a zero balance. From this list, you can choose the best option that will help resolve urgent issues right now.

List of features from Beeline with a zero balance

For its subscribers, the mobile operator Beeline has developed a whole list of new features that help to stay in touch even with a zero balance. It will be easy to connect the necessary option. In case of insufficient funds on the account, you can use one of the following services:

  • Top up your account online without commission using the "Autopay" option.
  • Top up a debt account using the option "Trust payment", "Auto trust payment".
  • Seek help from friends and family. This category includes the services "Call me back", "Call at the expense of the interlocutor", "Top up my account".

It should be noted that even with a zero balance on the account, the subscriber can receive calls and messages in the usual way. The main thing is not to turn off the phone. Relatives, acquaintances, business partners will be able to reach the subscriber without any problems. Communication in this case is provided in normal mode.

Autopay service

The presented service does not allow the appearance of a zero balance on the subscriber's account. The subscriber sets a certain minimum level of funds, upon reaching which the system will automatically replenish the account in the Beeline system for a given amount. Funds are debited from the subscriber's bank card.
Each user can configure the option independently. You can also set the postpay function. In this case, the subscriber uses Beeline communication services for a whole month. After this time, the system will write off the corresponding amount from the card.

To activate the "AutoPay" service, you need to dial the code *114*9# . Disabling the option is also easy. To do this, you need to enter the code *114*0# .

Option "Trust payment"

If the account unexpectedly runs out of money and there is no way to urgently replenish the account, the subscriber can borrow money from the operator. This service is called Trust Payment. The amount of funds for which the subscriber's account is replenished depends on the costs of the user's communication during the last 3 months.
This option is very convenient. Moreover, it operates both in roaming and on the territory of our country.
By activating the payment, the user is given 3 days to replenish the account for the provided amount. After this period, if the funds are not deposited to the personal account in the Beeline system, the operator disables this service.
You can activate the option by dialing the number *141# . To find out how much the operator can provide to the subscriber as a trust payment, you need to dial the combination *141*7# .

Auto-Trust Payment feature

If the subscriber activates the presented option, he will not need to send an additional request for replenishment of the balance by the operator. When the amount of funds on the balance of the personal account in the Beeline system reaches the level of 50 rubles, the system will automatically transfer the money to the subscriber.

The amount that will be credited to the user for communication on the network depends on the average amount of communication costs over the past 3 months.

If the subscriber is currently in roaming, his mobile account is replenished automatically upon reaching the level of 150 rubles.
For replenishment of the balance using the "Autotrust payment" option, you will need to pay 50 kopecks. for the first day of using the provided funds, and for each subsequent day - 75 kopecks.
To activate this service, you need to dial the code *141*11# . You can disable the option by dialing the combination on your phone *141*10# .

"Top up my account" service

You can replenish the balance of your personal account in the Beeline network in other ways. The subscriber can send a request to his relatives or friends with a request to transfer money in order to be able to make further calls. In this case, the person to whom the message is addressed receives an SMS with a standard text. It asks you to top up your account.
The request can be sent using a special combination. To do this, you need to dial the code on your phone *143*subscriber number#. Moreover, the phone number will need to be dialed in the international format.
The person to whom the message is addressed can replenish the account at the nearest Beeline office, at a bank branch, debit funds from a bank card or transfer money from their mobile account.

How to make a call with a lack of funds?

There are several ways to contact the desired subscriber even with a zero balance. To do this, you need to use the service "Call me" or "Call at the expense of the interlocutor."

"Call me" service

This option allows you to send a message to the person you currently want to contact. This is a free service. The subscriber just needs to be in the coverage area of ​​the mobile network.
You can send a request to relatives and friends, regardless of which mobile operator they are a client of. To send a message asking you to call back, you need to dial the code *144*subscriber number in international format#.

Service "Call at the expense of the interlocutor"

You can call your relatives and friends even with a zero balance. In this case, you do not need to send SMS, additionally pay for the connection of the service. It is enough to dial 0505 from your phone before the number of the subscriber you plan to call. The number should be dialed without the "eight".
Next, Beeline establishes a connection. If the subscriber agrees to receive the call at his own expense, you can communicate as usual. The interlocutor may not agree to pay for the telephone conversation. In this case, the connection is disconnected.

Network subscribers must control the balance of funds on the account. To find out how much money is currently on the balance, you need to dial the combination for the prepaid tariff *102# , and for postpaid - *110*45# . Also, the amount of funds in the account can be viewed or the My Beeline smartphone application.