How to activate bonuses on megaphone team. Megaphone Bonus - Bonus Points from MegaFon

For customers who participate in the loyalty program, MegaFon offers special rewards. To get them and spend, you need to know how to exchange points for money MegaFon. We have prepared a description of the main ways to do this, with useful advice. But first of all, a few words about the principle of action of the program and how to become it to activate:

In the article:

  • points for using various services of a cellular operator, ranging from outgoing calls and SMS messages and ending with the Internet and buying company branded phones;
  • accruals are made monthly to an additional account;
  • to participate, you need to use the "personal account" on the official website, dial the command * 105 * 5 # or * 115 # or send a text message to the number 5010 (digits 5010 must be specified in SMS);
  • bonuses spend mainly for free minutes of conversations, internet megabytes, SMS or discounts in various stores (their size is determined individually for each partner boutique);
  • selects the remuneration of the subscriber independently using a special directory, but you can transfer points to money on the megaphone. How to do it?

How to change points for money on megaphone and other rewards

Now the majority of subscribers perform mobile score online manipulation, including the exchange of bonuses. How it's done?

  1. Labor on the official website of the company, open the "personal account" and change the right amount.
  2. If there is no access to the network or is more familiar to communicate with the living employee of the service center, call 0500 (from a cellular device), 8 800 550 05 00 (from any room for free).
  3. Then go to the Mobile Telephony section and act according to the instructions. When you receive a call from the SIM card, the megaphone can be immediately logged in menu 5, then press 1 twice, choose the remuneration and confirm the activation.

Universal option, how to exchange points for money MegaFon - Combination * 115 * Package code # . The code believes that the amount you want to receive. There are always three characters, if the number is less than 100, then we write 0 in front (or 00, when you change 5 rubles).

It is important to take into account that using bonus funds will only be within Russia. The service does not apply to roaming, it will not be possible to list the means to another subscriber or a bank card. The end of the discount is automatic as the exchange amount exhausted.

Conversion of bonuses in rubles

To properly exchange bonus points MegaFon for money, it is necessary to first understand their ratio. The cost of remuneration varies depending on the region, but approximately for obtaining 50 rubles it is necessary 120 points, it will take 180 for 100 rubles, and for 150 - 250. It is necessary to cash out 5, 10 or 30 rubles? No problem - send a USSD request * 115 * 005 # , * 115 * 010 # or * 115 * 030 # And for 15, 30 and 80 points you will receive them.

One of the largest telecommunications companies in Russia, PJSC MegaFon, has developed a special program for active subscribers, thanks to which it is possible not only to communicate more, but also to save. The new package is available to each owner of the activated mobile operator card with a positive balance. Knowing how to properly activate bonuses on a megaphone and spend their additional services, you can increase your Internet use, sending SMS and conversations in roaming.

The principle of the mobile operator's program is the possibility of obtaining 1 bonus score for every 30 rubles spent on communication (including messages, calls and the Internet). After the subscriber managed to activate the megaphone bonuses, they can be spent on communication and even on some types of goods and services. The list of opportunities of the share participant can be found on the sites of the operator and its partners.

The accrual of remuneration is performed at the end of each month. The main condition for this is a positive balance. It is impossible to get cash at the same time - however, knowing how to activate the bonuses from MegaFon, the owner of the operator's SIM card receives certain advantages.

How to activate and accumulate points

The first way to receive award assumes sending a USSD request * 115 #, in response to which a message from the menu comes. The first item, for whose choice, you should respond to the operator with a message with a number "1", allows you to find out the size of earned remuneration. The action is activated by sending "2" from the main menu. Before activating the megaphone bonus points, you should choose in the new window that opens the figure "1" and find out what you can spend them. The last step is the choice of a suitable service option. After that, a notification comes to the phone and the completion of the remuneration is completed.

Among the ways, how to activate bonuses to MegaFon most convenient and fast is considered to be sending SMS. To activate the number 5010, a free message with such codes is sent:

  • "010", "030", "050", "100" and "150" - for the same number of rubles. 35, 95, 140, 195 and 265 points will be translated from the account, respectively.
  • "111" - to obtain 10 messages (25 b.);
  • "165" to get 100 MB of mobile Internet (40 b.), Or "180" for 500 MB (180);
  • "205" or "215" - for translating 10 or 30 minutes of conversations in the Moscow region, respectively (25 and 65 b.);
  • "406" - for 30 minutes of conversations in Russia (145 b.).

A convenient way to activate is a personal account. To use it, you must first register on the operator's website, specifying a phone number and password (to get it a combination you should send a USSD request * 105 * 00 #). After entering the office, go to the "Create Bonuses" tab and familiarize yourself with the information on the number of points, the period of their action and already performed operations. Here you can activate the remuneration.

How to exchange scores on megaphone

After activating the megaphone bonuses, they should be changed in time. If the remuneration is expired, and the activation was not fulfilled, the points disappear. To check and exchange bonuses, you can use the semi-automatic service that is displayed on the tip screen.

The amount of remuneration is checked by entering the * 115 # command. To go to the exchange procedure, the subscriber must dial * 105 #. The same actions can be performed in the Personal Account, although it will take access to the Internet.

What to spend bonus points

The accumulated megaphone bonuses are spent on certain services. The list of available exchanges consists of 4 points:

  • pack of free minutes;
  • bonus SMS messages;
  • internet megabyte;
  • money on the balance sheet of the phone account.

Important! Translated minutes, megabytes and rubles are valid for 30 days - not spent on time "burns". Not activated remuneration disappears 12 months after accrual.

Mobile Internet

When ordering Mobile Internet megabytes, you should know that you can use it only in the region where the SIM card is registered. Activation is performed for 30 days and does not depend on the use of other Internet services. When connecting to a mobile network, bonus traffic is spent primarily.

  1. For 1 GB of the Internet, subscriber will have to give 130 points by sending the request * 115 * 9407 #.
  2. To activate the bonus in the amount of 2 GB, 155 points are given (* 115 * 9408 #).
  3. You can get 3 or 10 GB of traffic using USSD queries * 115 * 9409 # or * 115 * 9410 #, respectively (305 or 1250 b.).

Minutes and SMS

You can use the remuneration of a megaphone to increase the time of the conversation with subscribers of other operators. Minutes and SMS operate for a standard period, 30 days. The bonus package is spent primarily and is valid only within the home region or the whole country, depending on the selected option.

To accrunet a certain number of minutes, the subscriber will have to send such codes:

  • * 115 * 9101 # for receiving 10 min in its region (15 b.);
  • * 115 * 9103 # - half an hour of conversations in the home region (25 b.);
  • * 115 * 9106 # - per hour of communication in the Region of registration (55 b.);
  • * 115 * 9203 # or * 115 * 9206 # - To obtain 10, 30 and 60 minutes, respectively (15, 40 and 70).

To obtain 10 SMS (25 b.) Send request * 115 * 9310 #. 30 messages (45 b.) Get the subscriber when sending * 115 * 9330 #. You can use SMS only in the region where the Megaphone SIM card is registered.


The program allows you to connect and minutes in roaming - but no more often 1 time per month. The action applies to incoming and outgoing calls. The activation time is about a quarter of an hour, so it is recommended to list minutes in advance.

Requests for ordering services are only two:

  • * 115 * 9504 # - to receive 25 minutes of calls in neighboring countries and Europe (735 b.);
  • * 115 * 9505 # - to transfer bonuses in 25 minutes of communication worldwide (1850 b.).

You should know! When ordering a package in countries whose time does not coincide with Moscow, bonus minutes are accrued with a delay. For example, if you order a package in Paris (the difference with Moscow is 2 hours), it will be possible to use only after 120 minutes. The MegaFon program does not operate in Syria, Andorra, Tunisia and the Maldives.

How to translate points to money on account

Company subscribers can activate megaphone bonuses and exchange them for money - but not real, but virtual. Bonus rubles are suitable for the order of various services in the territory of the Russian Federation or their region and do not act in roaming. It will not work with their help repay debts by payment.

Such queries are recruited to rugs:

  • * 115 * 010 # - to obtain 10 rubles. (35 b.);
  • * 115 * 030 # - 30 rubles. (95 b.);
  • * 115 * 050 # - for translation 50 rubles. (140 b.);
  • * 115 * 100 # or * 115 * 150 # - In order to get 100 or 150 rubles, respectively (195 or 265 b.).

Money is transferred to the account, but can be sent to another participant of the promotion. Each subscriber is available to send 7 such gifts monthly. Get from another participant you can not more than 5 discounts per month.

If you have been using a megaphone cellular connection for a long time, then you think it's time to familiarize yourself with how to spend megaphone bonuses that are credited to your personal account. This will become the theme of this article. In addition, the discussion will affect how additional glasses are accrued, how to check their balance and to what period you need to use points. Let's proceed.

What is the Megafon bonus program?

For their loyal subscribers, the operator has developed a compensation program for confidence.

If you are brief, then for every 30 rublesspent on the use of mobile services, the operator charges 1 point On the premium balance, which can then be spent on various profitable remuneration, as a result, it turns out a kind of discount.

How to become a member of the accumulative program in MegaFon?

To participate in the loyalty program from the megaphone operator, absolutely all users of this mobile network are allowed. The accrual of bonus glasses will begin immediately after activation of participation.

And you can activate your participation in one of the following:

  1. Send Sms to number 5010where in the body of the letter also indicates this combination - 5010.
  2. In the settings of the Personal Cabinet Connect to the program.
  3. Run the command *115# or *105*5# .

Step 1. Log in to your personal account.
Step 2.
Step 3.
Confirmation of the connection of the bonus program.

The entire process of registration of the participant will take no more than a day, and the first gift will be 5 points, which are credited immediately after confirming the participation.

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The accumulation procedure of bonuses or for that the operator issues a remuneration

To obtain a premium, it is enough just to use the services of a mobile service operator MegaFon, namely:

  • Replenish an account.
  • Make outgoing calls In the framework of MegaFon-bonus. The calculations received on this item are calculated according to the algorithm - the amount spent on the conversations * 0.0333.
  • The accrual of additional bonuses is provided when maintaining the balance in a positive state throughout the reporting period.
  • In significant days: For the client - in honor of his birthday, for the company - on the day of connecting the subscriber to the network.
  • Buying a new modern gadget With the logo "MegaFon". This device can be any modern gadget.

Information on the accumulation of bonuses posted on the website of the megaphone.

How to find out how many points on the user's bonus account?

Accrued premiums are saved on an additional subscriber's account. To monitor its condition, you can go four ways:

  • Send SMS With the assignment "0" to number 5010.

  • By performing a service request *115# , and by clicking the call button on the phone.

  • After performing a similar request *105# And do not forget the button with the image of the tube on the phone.

  • You can get acquainted with the detailed accrual report in the user's personal account.

What is the exchange of bonuses?

The MEGAFON operator has developed a truly unique loyalty scheme, since, unlike other operators, he provided the opportunity for its clients to translate its earned award not only in additional minutes, but also use bonus points as payment for other options.

To be detailed, then:

  • Top up balance At the expense of bonus balls.
  • Can be bonuses pay for the acquisition of mobile and other modern gadgets in the company stores.
  • Buy I. activate certificates.
  • Activate additional packages Free time to make calls, SMS or high-speed Internet.
  • Bonus translation in payment of roaming.
  • Give bonuses to another subscriber.

You can spend a certain number of purchases on the purchase or connection of various options and services.

Replenish the number at the expense of the premium

To translate bonus accumulations into funds on the main balance of the subscriber, it is necessary according to the algorithm proposed below to calculate the amount of remuneration and execute the USSD query: * 115 * xxx #where xxx is the encoding of the required package.

Package nameThe number of writable premiumPackage codes
5 rubles.15 5
10 rubles.25 10
30 rubles.60 30
50 rubles.100 50
100 rubles.180 100
150 rub.240 150

Replenish the main account with bonuses, you can also use the departure of SMS to the number 5010 The letter in the letter you need to specify the number of bonuses for writing off.

Photos on the topic:

SMS for bonus

To enroll additional SMS for the loyalty program, several packages are available:

  • 10 messages (25 balls).
  • 30 messages (40 points).
  • 50 messages (100 points).
  • 100 messages (150 points).

In order to get the desired package on the number 5010 You need to send a message with the code 93xxwhere instead x insert the number of necessary SMS.

To reinforce the personal account of another subscriber to the required number of messages, you need to put a space after the code and specify the number to which the sms needs to be credited.

All SMS will be available to shipping within 30 days after the activation of the package.

Interesting video:

Program "Bonus Roaming"

Today, only Rounding traffic participates in stock. The exchange of points for replenishment of the balance additional megabytes can be carried out on the territory of the home network and in roaming.

Replenishment is made on the same principle as the standard translation of bonuses in Internet traffic.

Remuneration "Aeroflot Bonus"

MegaFon together with Aeroflot participate in the program for subscribers who have become participants in the loyalty program. According to the established rules, subscribers can exchange accumulated points on a ticket. At the same time, the calculation is made according to the formula 1 thousand points can be translated in 500 miles.

Information about the program. posted on the site megaphone.

To obtain such a remuneration, you need to visit the operator's salon with a passport and a map of the participant of the bonus program.

Purchase phones at special prices

In any communication salon when buying equipment (Mobile phone, smartphone or modem for high-speed Internet) you can pay accumulated points. Write-off only the amounts that are 100.

It is also worth noting that the proposal is not extended to the whole range of goods, but only to the promotional models.

Bonus traffic

Fans sit online very, by the way will come up with additional megabytes, which are credited to the main account when writing off bonuses. For this on the room 5010 Send SMS. with the appropriate code.

Additional minutes in exchange for bonuses

MegaFon has a wide range of bonus sets. Their number varies depending on the territory on which the number is valid.

In addition to the operator, the operator can offer intranet packages or minutes for calls to contacts that are registered with other mobile operators in the Russian Federation.

If you have the required number of bonuses, you can connect additional minutes of communication.

You can learn in detail about all existing bonus offers in the bonus remuneration section of the official site MegaFon.

Ballot translation to friends

To replenish someone else's account, you can use the same schemes as for a personal account, only in the body of the letter SMS needed through a space after the number of points to specify the number of the subscriber's phone number to which the balance is replenished. If you send a request, then it will look: * 115 * Phone number * Package code # and challenge.

Attention! Replenishment of someone else's room with its bonuses can be spent more than 7 times a month.

With all codes for which you can get remuneration can be found in the special section of the MegaFon website.

The shelf life of bonuses

Accrued for the use of mobile services Points are not eternal - After 1 calendar year after their enrollment, they burn out.

In order for them not to be wicked regularly check the state of the bonus account and receive remuneration.

Annual bonuses occurs for several reasons:

  • Expiration of shelf life.
  • Change tariff on a package that does not participate in the loyalty program.
  • Gap contract with MegaFon.
  • Clearing the status of the client (with the physician on the legal entrance).

Received by exchange benefits should also be used on time, it is usually a calendar month.

Pay attention to another condition posted on the MegaFon website.


For Mobile Mobile Operator, MegaFon is very important to have loyal subscribers, so as a promotion and a program has been developed that allows customers to use mobile services on favorable terms.

Everyone would like to use the services of a mobile operator for free. On an ongoing basis, this is impossible, so the largest telecommunications companies come up with various incentive programs for permanent users. For a question, how to spend points on a megaphone, there is no definite answer, it all depends on the needs of the subscriber.

What is the MegaFon Bonus program

You, as an active user of this mobile operator, carrying out a large number of calls, can extract additional benefits from this. The company has provided charges for calling for calling, sending messages and access to the network. The MegaFon-Bonus program is working year-round and free for the subscriber. Promotions are charged after each month on the internal balance. From the moment of adding, they become available for sharing or output. However, before activating the bonuses on the megaphone, the option must be connected:

  1. By selecting the "Messages" phone in the menu, type 5010 in the text box.
  2. Send an SMS to number 5010.

How to exchange points on a megaphone using USSD request

Remuneration would be useless without the possibility of changing them in any way. What it will be depends on the specific subscriber. One has to make hundreds of challenges every day - free calls will be created. The other one prefers to communicate through short messages or for a long time sits on the network - it will be happy to receive an SMS or traffic package. The points accrued on the bonus account have a validity period of 1 year, therefore, in order to avoid cancellation, it is better to gradually use them.

Requests through the introduction of USSD commands firmly entered the life of a modern subscriber. It is also convenient as sending SMS, and much more practical than a call to a call center to connect options. You can get advantages by turning accumulated bonuses per minute, messages and megabytes using the introduction of combinations of sprockets, grilles and numbers. For each type of service, these teams differ.

Activation of bonuses on a megaphone for free SMS

If you are the one who daily sends many messages to friends and colleagues, neglecting calls, then activate bonus units you are in favor of this service. It should be borne in mind that this option will be available only when finding within the home region. The validity period of the connected messages is also limited and is 1 month from the date of enrollment, so before activating points on the megaphone, make sure that it is worth it and you have time to spend free SMS until cancellation. There are only two packages that can be included for the available bonuses:

  • 10 SMS. For this setting, it is proposed to pay 10 bonus units accumulated on the account. If you have such a small amount, you can connect like this:
  1. Enter the number 115 surrounding asterisks from two sides.
  2. Type 9, 3, 1 and 0 sequentially, finishing the grille command.
  3. Activate by pressing the phone button with a green tube.
  • 30 SMS. For the extended package will have to post 25 bonuses, but free messages will be much more. This action list will help activate SMS:
  1. Type an asterisk, numbers 1, 1, and 5 sequentially, then another asterisk.
  2. Enter 9330 and grille.
  3. Press the call key.

How to spend bonuses on a megaphone in exchange for moments

Communication with close or colleagues is always important, so it is nice to get any advantages for more favorable or free communication. Adherents of long conversations, according to statistics, more than lovers to send SMS. The largest operator has provided shares for subscribers such. Spend the megaphone points collected over the past period, you can on a package of 10 or 30 minutes, connected for a month. Options for this advantage are several:

  • For home network. Bonus minutes will only be charged with the calls to subscribers of the same operator located in the home region. Here are a few points that will help activate remuneration:
  1. Enter the combination: * 115 *.
  2. Dial the number 9101 for a 10-minute or 9103 for a 30-minute package. Complete the enclosure.
  3. Press the tube button.
  • For conversations in Russia. In this case, you can make calls to subscribers of your operator even beyond the domestic network. Step by step algorithm looks like this:
  1. Dial * 115 *.
  2. To connect 10 minutes, enter 9201, and for 30 minutes - 9203. Press the grille.
  3. Activate the call button command.

How to exchange points megaphone for money

If your room has consisted a considerable amount of remuneration, and you have not been determined with the way they are applied, then just enroll them on your account. Translation will take place directly to your main balance, after which you can use money at your own discretion. Changing megaphone bonuses can be used by USSD commands, but the translated amount will differ from the number of points. Find out how much money will be credited, possibly from this table:



Cash to your account is not difficult using the following method:

  1. Enter the combination in your device: * 115 *.
  2. Each translation corresponds to its number: 005, 010, 030, 050, 100 or 150. After the set of these numbers, press the grid.
  3. Activate the call key command.

Use of megaphone bonuses in the payment of the Internet

Modern gadgets become practically useless without access to the network, because most applications running online. Wireless Internet is not always on hand, so the activation of the megaphone bonus points to traffic is a great idea! This is perhaps more profitable conversion of remuneration from all that are represented by the operator. In just 25 bonuses you will get 100 additional megabytes at the same time, and for 50 - 500 MB of traffic. When using them after a month, an automatic cancellation occurs. Step-by-step instructions will help when connected:

  1. Dial * 115 * 9401 # for 100 MB or * 115 * 9405 # for 500 MB.
  2. Activate the command with a tube key.

Activation of points on the megaphone in the Personal Account on the company's website

When you have a question about how to activate bonuses on a megaphone, official resources pop up in memory. To change points to anything, you need to know the password from your own personal account. You must follow these instructions:

  1. Enter the phone number and password in special fields.
  2. Select the submenu "spend bonuses".
  3. Connect the options you need.

Video: How to use megaphone bonuses

MegaFon is considered in demand mobile operator. The client can take advantage of a number of services, bonus programs. In the current material we will deal with what the Bonus program is how the remuneration is accrued and how to activate them in an additional time.

Where are the bonuses on MegaFon

Megaphone Bonus
Allows customers accumulate points on the account. Subsequently, they can be spent. Connection Options occurs automatically when you buy an operator SIM card.

The system is simple: one score is equal to 30 rublesused to provide communication. Money spent on cellular services or buying a megaphone mobile phone will be credited to the client bonus remuneration.

The enrollment of points occurs once a month.

It remains to understand how to change points on the phone. You can spend the accrual on calls, messages or online traffic. Use them recommended per year. After which they just burned. Next year they are not transferred.

The user does not have to perform any actions to obtain or remove savings. The loyalty program from megaphone is quite simple and convenient to those who lack the proposed options (calls, SMS, Internet) tariff.

Methods of activation of balls in minutes at MegaFon

The company has developed 3 main activation methods:

  1. Send SMS- Suitable.
  2. Set USSD code.
  3. Visit personal Cabinet.

Algorithm for the transfer of bonuses per minute via USSD request

The procedure for activating bonuses through sending a USSD request contains a number of steps of actions:

  1. Enter a combination *115# .
  2. Select a digit "2" In the menu that appears.
  3. Confirm the action with the " Call".
  4. An additional menu appears. You need to choose the first item.
  5. Among the opened list of possible operations, click the figure that is responsible for the required option.
  6. Confirm operation with the "button" Call".

The option to connect the option will be obtaining a response message from the operator on the successful operation. The service is provided free of charge.

The additional menu also contains information about the number of accumulated points. Therefore, the client can immediately decide how to spend them.

How to translate bonuses per minute via sms

To connect extra calls via sms, the subscriber will need:

  1. Open messaging menu.
  2. Recipient enter the number "5010".
  3. Write a special code.
  4. Send, wait for the report.

To activate additional minutes you need to send 5010 one of the codes: 010, 030, 050, 100, 150. Each defines the number of additional call time. There are combinations that connect bonus messages, megabytes of Internet traffic.

MegaFon provides the ability to spend accumulation for free communication within the network. To obtain 10 minutes of calls, you will need to send the number 205. For 30 minutes the number is changing at 215, for 60 - 230.

You will need to specify the phoneTo which the service is connected. It is written through a space after the specified code. If the action takes place inside the home network, the money is not written off for sending the message, no commission for the service is provided.

Translation of bonuses per minute via personal account

Activation occurs in several stages:

  1. Subscriber visits official site operator.
  2. Creates its own account. This requires to register. To get a password, you can send a request by number *105*00# .
  3. After receiving data for the input, the user exercises input.
  4. Press the tab "Spend bonuses".
  5. Selects the required service.
  6. Confirms it.

The fourth item provides information on the balance of accumulated points. The client can view the use of accruals.

Is it possible to activate points in minutes of the conversation of another subscriber

The program allows list the accumulations to other mobile network clients. Algorithm of actions, how to exchange points for momgafon conversation to another subscriber:

  1. Dial * 115 #.
  2. Press call.
  3. Follow the actions of the menu that appears.

The option can be connected using SMS. The operation is carried out in the same way as described above, but its own number is replaced by the numbers of another subscriber.

The service is convenient if there is no possibility to replenish the balance of the phone when you want to make a call or send a message. Thanks to the small rewards from the company, the user is always available for other subscribers.

Video on the topic "How to activate bonuses on a megaphone":