Earnings on affiliate programs: Is it possible to earn a newcomer. Fast earnings on affiliates from scratch earnings on affiliates from zero fast

Hello, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet! This is a bit of late article, because Various affiliates exist for a long time. They continue to work, and partners continue to successfully earn. I will say right away that for earnings on affiliate programs you need your public or site that have attendance. But, as I revealed recently, many do without it, then I will tell you how. In general, in today's article I will share with you a colossal accumulated by me for many years the experience of how to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet.

But I also want to say that I prepared for you a selection of articles on earning on my site, be sure to read it.

What is an affiliate program and how it works

For many site owners, affiliates are almost the main source of income, someone has a decent part of income, in addition adsense and Rsya . I did not exception in this earnings system and also use affiliate programs for many years. Next I will tell you what.

affiliate program (Personnel, Refka in Proshonarody or Referral System) - This is a commercial relationship between owners goods (services) and directly seller This service is (you). That is, you, as a sales representative on the market, promote someone's product or service and earn that the final buyer acquires any product or service from your partner.

What is the essence of affiliates

By participating in the affiliate program, you get money for some actions that the user will make the user who has passed on your affiliate links from your site or group (VKontakte, Facebook). This action may be:

  • registration on the website;
  • subscription to the newsletter;
  • buying or ordering goods or services (information and training courses; services for providing, for example, legal or accounting services, and of course online stores).

Example:You place on the site on the website of the Bank's affiliate program. Your readers go on the link and draw out a loan in this bank. You drip out, for example, 700 rubles for each person who made a loan through your site. And if you have a thematic loan site and high attendance, you can imagine how much you earn in this affiliate. And the most interesting thing is that you do not need to be engaged in consulting customers, or ick and buy a running goods. All this makes your partner, and you just get the percentage from this.

Here is an example of explanation in the picture:

There are many sites with affiliate programs, I will leave their links below. There are affiliate programs directly from companies. For example, the largest Ozon online store in Russia provides its affiliate program where you get the percentage of purchased goods that will buy a user who has passed on your referral link. Various services, like "My business", shops, such as "Aliexpress", etc.

In this way, it is possible to be parrying almost with the beloved contractor, if you, of course, agree with it and both parties will arrange conditions for cooperation.

Referral "This is a person who registered on your affiliate link and continuing to sell the goods (service) further. You, in turn, also have a profit with its sales. % profit is certainly lower, but in this case you do nothing. This is a two-tier interaction system, which is also called subpaffinnership.

How the buyer came from you / customer

For those who only meet with partner programs, a natural question arises: how does the partner know that the client came from you? Everything is simple. We live in the 21st century and our computers, and more precisely browsers record our movements in the World Wide Web, by memorizing Cookie (Kookie). The partner will see that the transition by the partner was performed from your Internet resource, after which you will receive a rewarded reward.

Commission size

The size of remuneration is different. Someone is ready to give you 100% percent from sales, in replacement for customer feed data (contacts, mail). Someone pay 10%, and someone 70%.

But there is a pattern:

  • InfoProducts (Educational courses, trainings, video lessons, etc.) The amount of payments - from 50%.
  • Commodity affiliates - no more than 40%.

How to bring money from a affiliate

  • Automatically.
  • Manually.

In some affiliate programs, money is displayed automatically to achieve a certain amount ($ 300, $ 1000) or after a month. To make money automatically, the service will need to tie a wallet (for example) to which he will withdraw the money you earned.

How to choose a partner

Affiliate programs are many. When choosing a program, rejoice at your audience, the subject of the site or group. On a female site or group, you can place a affiliate on cosmetics, decoration or clothing. But there are general health. For example, games, or dating sites. In general, a lot of choice, the main thing is to try and select for your audience.

Agregator affiliate program - Simply put this partner catalog, in which you can see the list of affiliates available on the Internet. It is very convenient, and significantly simplifies time to search for affiliate programs.

Agregators affiliate programs

Below I will give a list of sites with affiliate programs with which I work yourself.

  • AD1
  • Admitad.
  • CityAds. (Best in my opinion)

Choose anyone!

In order not to go to the ban, carefully read the conditions of the affiliate program. In particular, what kinds of traffic they take. For example, some do not support the mail spam.

Choosing a partner entirely and completely personal matter everyone. Someone closer forex, and someone macro. But if you do not understand the product promoting, it is better not to do it at all. The share of your success in earnings on affiliates depends on how much you dealt with the product itself. In particular, if you have a website about investment, then you should not waste yourself on promotion of a super fashionable hair dryer affiliate. And if you have a female target audience (for example, Beauty Blog), then it is unlikely that they will be interested in making affiliates on the Forex market.

How to register in the affiliate program

Deciding with the affiliate program, you do not know what to do next. Everything is simple:

  1. Pass register on the site of the seller (services), as well as in its affiliate program. It is important to specify your real data so that there is no difficulty with the outcome of money.
  2. Register in your convenient electronic payment systems (YandexDenga, Qiwi, Webmoney, etc.).
  3. Get your partner your unique link and additional materials (promotion, if any).
  4. We promote and distribute your link all the ways convenient for you.

Views of affiliate programs

  1. Disposable - You sold the goods once (for example, the information course, training, lesson) and all, on this your earnings with this affiliate is over.
  2. Reusable - You get the percentage of the company's income, which she received from a man who switched to your link. Here your relationship with the partner is longer.
  3. Regular - Perhaps the most profitable and convenient and stable type of cooperation. Referrals regularly, let's say on a monthly pay partner company for a certain amount of money for using their service. You get the percentage of this payment also every month.

Types of partnerships

So, one of the first things that interest us in a partner, this is what makes earnings. Be careful and pay special attention to it.

  • Payment for click (pay.per.click.,PPC. or cost.per.click., CPC.) This is one of the lowest payments. It does not exceed more than three cents for the transition. The thing is that only the transition of a potential client on the link is paid. It does not affect it bought a product, ordered the service or not.
  • Payment for showing (pay.per.impression,PPI) - Low payment rating continues payment for shows. In this case, someone does not affect the link or not, you only pay for a couple of bucks for about 1000 shows. Consider yourself as you need visitors on the site or in public to make it decently on this.
  • Payment for perfect actions (cost.per.action.,CPA. or pay. per. action., PPA. or pay.per.lead., PPL.) - It is more interesting. Under such conditions, you will be paid for those actions that the client performs the client over the affiliate link: registration on the site, filling out a questionnaire or application for a loan, downloading the file. Remuneration here is more here, and you can think about earnings.
  • Payment for shopping (pAY-PER-SALE, PPSor C. oST-PER-SALE, CPS) - People who have passed over your link, should buy a product or service offered by a partner before you get your remuneration. In many ways, a reader of your site, one or another item or services depends on you, from how you make a call to action. It's all in your interests, because Amounts are completely different here, you can earn much more. Here you can already talk about a percentage of profits (from 10% - 100%).

To say that some of these partnership activities are more profitable - not correct. If you attach your strength, then on any of the conditions presented above, you can earn decent money.

Revenues from affiliate programs - share numbers

Example 1: We posted (and continue to post) affiliate programs in public. Last year we saw an interesting affiliate program where payment was made for registration on a dating site. For a week of accommodation in one of the publics, just over 70,000 rubles were earned. Then the advertiser ended the advertising budget.

Example 2: On my former lending site, I posted an affiliate program of one of the banks. Payment was for the submitted application for a credit card - 500 p. And for the approval of the application by the Bank - 3000 p. For the month, more than 30 000 r was obtained.

Example 3: Also on blogs, I made reviews of books from ozone and on their partner a month went on average 2000 p. True, it is impossible to output them, but I was not against. I bought a lot for myself on the store website.

Example 4: I have all small sites are on hosting Webshop.. I recommend it all this hosting, because he is tested by me and I drip partner rewards. Little. From 3000 to 6000 r., But still money.

Example 5: We use the Internet accounting department in our business. My case" I also recommend it to everyone and drip partnership commissions on average from 10,000 to 25,000 rubles. per month. Screenshot I applied:

For this principle, you work with a lot of partners and examples I can give a lot. In general, I will say that if you have an online resource visited, then you can earn in this way with any affiliate you like.

Do you have a lawyer? Agreed about cooperation for the percentage of profits, for those people who came to him from your resource. Do you have good footgames or designers? Excellent! We share a percentage of profit for the site ordered through you.

Some more digits on a simple example

You have ordered a site from acquaintances, let's say for 40,000 rubles. You have arranged the result and quality of work performed. You have agreed that you will recommend to recommend them with all your friends, as well as the readers of the site and subscribers of your blog (Public) for 10% of the profits received on your recommendation. If at least 5 people per month, on your recommendation, will order a site from your partners, even at the same price of 40,000 rubles, then go out on a net profit of 20 000 r.

Now let's talk about Internet resources that provide affiliate programs. For example, affiliate programs provide: hosting, dating sites, banks and credit organizations, online shopping (Ozon, Aliexpress, etc.), infobusinessmen, transport companies or services for mailing. But it is better to look for a partner in aggregators, references to which gave above or any other. There's everything in one place and do not need to look for grains.

I will say from myself, now I earn at least 90,000 thousand rubles per month from affiliate programs. Yes, it's not a lot. Interested? Then moving on.

What makes profit from affiliate programs

There may be many factors and patterns.

  1. Qualitative sentence. For example, credit partners providing compared to their competitors, more favorable conditions for their customers will attract more audiences, which means that your earnings with it will be higher. Or, if the goods you sell on an affiliate program is not high-quality or its price is higher than in other online stores, then you can hardly earn you hardly. At the stage of the week or month, analyze which product (or what a service) with this partner sites is in demand and make an emphasis on it for the next placement. You can make a qualitative sentence. Offer for free any product from yourself (for example, an online book) with a reference to the purchase of a partner product (your partner's information course).
  2. Live and target audience. If the audience is screwed in public, then there's no positive exhaust after placement on such a resource. On resources with female themes, we place commodity affiliates or from dating sites, but not as construction or legal, with such an audience you will not get big profits. Drive traffic can also be from target forums.
  3. Number of affiliate programs. Of course, if you have one affiliate program to wait for millions not worth it. It is advisable to consider and place several affiliates. So, at the distance, you will see which of them are effective, and which are not. From some refuse and find new, and some make a greater emphasis (order advertising, etc.).
  4. Number of proposals for a partnership. If the credit organization offers several types of lending, then your chances of making money on such a partner increase. If the online store offers to buy any product on a partnership, then the chances of making it here are also higher than on the affiliate of the online store of one particular product.
  5. Podder. High-quality text liner before reference - half of the success of your placement (on the site or in public). The text should appeal to follow the link and purchase a product or service, which will directly affect your profits. Something like, "Only for subscribers of the site / Public" Name "and only 5 days there is a 50% discount on the purchase of a new hair dryer". And still screw the time counting counter.
  6. Commission size. This very percentage that the owner of the goods (services) is ready to give you for a high-quality client. At the rate, commission minus spent on moving money \u003d your income. The higher the percentage of the Commission and below the cost of promoting this product (services), the amount of interest increases.

The answer to the question how to make money on affiliate programs on the Internet now you have received. It is important to comply with and take into account all these factors and only then you will get your worthy income from affiliate programs. This is really an excellent niche for earnings and it all depends only on your approach to this case.

Of course, having your site everything becomes easier. You do not spend money on the purchase of posts, articles, etc. You just publish a link in your thematic article on your website. For those who are interested in creating their site, I have a section that.

Earnings on affiliates without a site or public

As you probably understood, it's not necessary to do without investments. Because without having his audience, it needs to be bought. To do this, you can order the placement of an affiliate reference on third-party resources.

In public or groups

In our public messages, they often buy advertising for posting partner links. Here, of course, there is a risk that you pay, for example, 300 rubles, and the return will not. But the chance to earn good. You can give 300-400 rubles for advertising in public, and several thousands of partners have earned. Again, the main thing is to correctly pick up a group, with the necessary topics and the "living" audience.

But there is one point. Access to affiliate programs Services are allowed only when you make at least one of the traffic sources (group or site). It is not difficult to get around. You choose VKontakte any few public messages and provide them. They are moderated and the list of programs opens. And you can place them anywhere. If the service writes that such groups are already there, find others, because not everything is there.

The most profitable are the business subjects, women and financial.

On sites

You can create websites or individual pages on the site with a description of a product or services that advertise on a partner and drive traffic on them.

Traffic can be driven by purchased from contextual advertising, teaser advertising, targeted advertising in social. Networks, buy posts in publics and groups (for example, VKontakte), etc. In general, get profitable and targeted traffic under the affiliate program.

But here you need to be careful because you spend your money on advertising. And you need to calculate that they pay for you.

For example, you invested in advertising (for example, in contextual) 1000 p. And we received 200 transitions to the page, where we advertise something on a partner. With 1 actions (purchase, registration, etc.) you get, for example, 100 p. So you need to at least 10 people from 200 moving performed a target action to repeal the amount of 1000 p. But it is better to make more so you can earn.

As a result, your earnings will develop from the difference that you have invested in traffic and what you earn from this traffic.

It turns out far from everyone, because you need to deal with advertising, in a promotional product or service, etc. Therefore, paid traffic Try carefully!

On theY.ou.T.uBE

We highlight it in a separate item, because Many for some reason forget about it. Very often, youTube bloggers enjoy this opportunity, so why don't you do the same. Prepare and record a video review of an affiliate offer and place it on YouTube Channel. And under the video, duplicate the affiliate link. Come to this with a creative, consider the concept, a little humor and you will pay off in the stock screen! People love to see the result. Show it on your example or on the example of other people (take an interview with those who have already used this product or the author's author's author's author). Solve some kind of problem of people. Promote video and earn your money.

On blogs

As for blogs, then often in them you can find the section "Guest posts". This is exactly the place where bloggers allow you to publish posts to other people, including with an affiliate reference. But remember that the requirements for publication in the blog directly depends on the solescence and the authority of the blogger itself. The more authoritative, the demanding blogger to his guest. But this is good, because the exhaust from such a publication will be appropriate, great.

After placing a blog, continue to follow the activity, under this publication (answer questions, comment). This will have a positive effect on the transitions on the affiliate link.

Usually bloggers look at the utility of the material provided by you. Especially welcome posts that solve any problem. Therefore, come to this responsibly. Prepare 6-8 articles, please contact the more famous blog authors, if you do not turn out to agree on the "Rating of Bloggers".

On forums

If you have a good rating on any forums, then this is an excellent opportunity to make money on the affiliate link. Alternatively, you can place a link in your signature. And then, the link will be every time under your name when you decide to comment on anything, as well as in those posts and comments that you left earlier. But here be attentive to the rules of forums, in particular to the regulations for signature.

Of course, spammed is not good. But if you do everything competently, you can do well. For example, you can leave a useful comment that actually helps to find the answer to the question of the author, and unobtrusively insert the affiliate link.

Or you can make a post on the forum about the goods bought by you, tell about all its advantages and minuses, about how he helped you, in all the colors and also gently and unobtrusively insert a link to the affiliate.

Contextual and thesis advertising

You set up contextual advertising with an affiliate link and "drive" traffic to the site of the seller of goods (services). Plus this placement of the link is that it will be highlighted only to those people who are just looking for this product, i.e. Potential customers.

Creating one-satellite


Yes, yes, do not be surprised and this option is possible. Some affiliates are not limited to the Internet. Some have a service "Coupon Generation". This allows you to print coupons with an affiliate reference and distribute them as you will be used: to sprinkle, throw in the mailbox. In general, it is for those webmasters who are tired of sitting all day at home and want to warm up :)

Pros and cons earnings on affiliaters


  • Just and available. In order to earn in partner programs, special knowledge of code or something else is not needed. Each, not even the most advanced PC user, and not worth talking about site owners and should not talk about website owners. I registered in a partner - placed a link - I received money. You do the job once, and continue to make a profit constantly.
  • Profit. You can earn money on a partner. Question price. Someone from the first days earns $ 2,000, and someone is 300 p per month. Everything depends on you. I repeat, many in the article "Revenues", affiliate programs take the second and even first place.
  • No investment is required. In particular, it concerns owners of their own sites, blocks, publics. You do not spend anything except your time.

Minuses :

  • Risks. As in any business here, too, there are risks. For example, by adding in a paid public you will not get the desired result. Or turning on your link, payment will occur directly with the seller, and not through payment systems.
  • Unstable income. Do not forget that in the period from May to September on the Internet low activity, and before the new year, on the contrary, people are more solvent and are ready to say goodbye to their money. Do not forget about the seasonal product: heaters in July are not sold.

To minimize your losses again, return to the item "From what makes earnings from partner programs" do not forget and consider all these factors and everything will be super! In addition, follow the new affiliates, on time to register and you will be among the first to work on a new product. When one partner promotes units, the chance to earn good money increases. And if many people already "come up" from this affiliate, then you should not decease, you are hardly to eat Kush.

That's all! If you still do not understand how to make money on affiliates, I advise you to reread this article or ask a question in comments to it. You can also read an interesting article about earnings on the Internet without investment.

Successful to you earnings in affiliate. Thank you for attention!

Work on the Internet has long become a reality. The owners of large sites and canals on social networks earn quite a feature amount for advertising or any other commercial cooperation. Earnings on affiliaters on the Internet can afford everyone, especially since he is able to bring a stable income from several thousand rubles per month. Affiliate programs work in most cases equally, the payment depends on the number of customers raised for the company. How to deal with affiliate programs and work well on cooperation on the Internet, we propose to consider further on the text.

The essence of affiliate programs: attract customers and sell

The main goal of any person who wants to earn on affiliate programs (webmasters) is to help earn an advertiser with whom cooperation is conducted. This is done by attracting new customers by posting on your blog / page of the corresponding promotional material. The more the person will review the advertisement (the more traffic passes through the channel) - the more they will be interested, and therefore the number of potential customers, buyers will increase. Thus, the affiliate program should be viewed as a type of information cooperation between the owner of the goods or services, and those who post information about them on their public resource.

The principle of earnings in affiliates as simple as possible. Any company at the first stages of implementation needs the promotion of its product or services. The greater the number of potential customers you can attract for it, the greater the percentage of the commission as a result will receive.

What they pay in the affiliates, we understand where more percentage

If you think that a passive income is waiting for you on the Internet, then it is not at all. To earn a decent amount must first unlock your website, blog, public or any other public resource. After you have a sufficient number of active audience, traffic, advertisers will find you. To choose a more or less appropriate option for cooperation, pay attention to the commission percentage. For different types of affiliate, it can vary greatly, on average, by:

  • for the goods and sales offer: 5-8%.
  • invitation to seminars: 10% or more.
  • invitation to courses and trainings: up to 30%.
  • individual type of service in any direction: up to 40-50%.

The principle of deductions depends on the type of affiliate programs and can be paid depending on the following factors:

  • The number of transitions. The number of users who switched on the link or pressed the banner located by the webmaster.
  • Number of views. The number of users who viewed the banner hosted by a webmaster on his public resource is considered.
  • The number of perfect actions. These can be the transitions on the link, download the file, filling the questionnaire, etc.
  • The number of perfect sales. The number of orders and purchases of a certain type of product performed, information about which Webmaster has provided on its website.

The commission percentage may also depend on the total audience of your public resource, traffic and some other factors that are indicated when entering into an affiliate agreement. More information about how to make money on a affiliate on the network you can find out by visiting the free course https://lp.academy1.pro/ppfree on this link.

How to choose an optimal affiliate

Having achieved a certain level of traffic on the channel, many webmasters are trying to make money on information cooperation. But not all affiliates are profitable and will bring stable profits. To better figure it out, you need to be able to choose them correctly, allocating from the total number only those that are suitable for you.

Basic selection criteria

It is not so easy to choose from a variety of available offers. It is better to be guided by the following partner criteria:

  • The topics of the proposal are interesting for you and at least partially coincides with the subject of the content of your site / public.
  • A partner is relevant and high-quality here and now, and will also have prospects for a long time.
  • The proposal contains promoter, information, as well as high-level technical support.
  • It has a personal account in which the webmaster can get acquainted with statistics.
  • Favorable financial conditions of cooperation are provided (commission percentage, payment method).

But even if you follow the criteria presented above for optimal search for an affiliate program on the Internet, it is quite difficult to find the best option. The main problem is that in most cases each affiliate has both pros and cons, which need to be carefully weighed before "sign a contract." In order to understand this issue, we recommend visiting the free course https://lp.academy1.pro/ppfree, which can be viewed on this link.

Who to cooperate, the top of the best domestic and foreign affairs

The most profitable for cooperation is traditionally considered online shopping and various game services. The conclusions of partnership agreements with such resources can provide webmasters with a stable income with good commissions. After all, it is the game industry and online shopping stores that have the greatest amount of traffic on the network and are preferred from a commercial point of view.

The following affiliate programs can be attributed to the most interesting in 2018.

The site of the Russian company, which is progressing to a greater degree of impulse demands: Means for weight loss, preparations from various diseases, etc. Since the company is engaged in promotion, mainly of products of its own production, it also offers a good remuneration. For example, the price for a confirmed lid varies from 0.5 to 1 thousand rubles. To begin cooperation, the webmaster needs to open its account and find a suitable offer for itself. The benefits of this affiliate network include such items:

  • Wide geotargeting. The network covers more than 40 different countries, including the CIS countries and Europe.
  • The possibility of raising the rate, individual growth.
  • Various ways to output funds.
  • High conversion.
  • Detailed information and statistics on your personal account.


The M1-Shop store's affiliate network appeared back in 2013. Target action is a sale, i.e. Confirmed order. According to employees of the company, it has an appruption of about 60%, which can be confirmed by the number of positive feedback on the official website.

To register and start making money on this affiliate, you must fill out a standard registration form and agree with the rules of cooperation. After that, the webmaster will be offered a personal account with a list of proposals, as well as detailed information for them.

The main advantages of cooperation with M1-Shop include:

  • High income.
  • Detailed information and statistics for each offer in real time.
  • Promotional materials are provided.


One of the best affiliates among women's and adjacent topics. Online hypermarket has more than 30 thousand different products, including branded toys, educational games, clothing, accessories for children and much more.

To register in the affiliate network, it is necessary to undergo a standard procedure for filling out the form. After that, the webmaster will have their own account in which a detailed analytics of cooperation will be displayed and the ability to choose offera.

The advantages of cooperation with Babadu are:

  • The greatest percentage of commission deductions among the affiliates of children's subjects.
  • The ability to attract other webmasters, which will be accrued to you an additional percentage of their sales.
  • Weekly payments with the possibility of withdrawing funds to the electronic wallet or bank card.
  • The presence of exclusive promotional materials and rendering banners under the order.


Amazon is considered one of the best affiliate marketing affiliates. To cooperate, you need to fill in the registration form. However, it is worth it to be very careful, for example, without pointing out words close to writing to Amazon, as for this administration punishes a bath with non-payment of funds.

For the purchase of goods on the Amazon website, through a preliminary transition through a partner link, the commission percentage is from 4%. At the same time, payments are made in three ways:

  • A gift certificate (the code is sent to the electronic box page).
  • Payment of check, which can be credited to the bank.
  • Transfer of funds to the bank in a bank (not suitable for citizens of Russia or Ukraine, since US banks are used).


One of the most popular partner networks providing offers to various services and goods, including:

  • Goods of online stores.
  • Online services.
  • Online Games.
  • Financial services, etc.

In addition to the wide list of categories, the service also provides impressive tools for webmaster work:

  • Text links with a brief description of the product or service and heading.
  • Rotator banners with the ability to choose a format, size and other parameters.
  • Reverse URL links.
  • Programs to attract referrals.

Judging by the reviews from the forums, the Cityads partner allows you to earn thousands of webmasters with good commissions.

Is it possible to get 50% of commissions from the affiliate

Some affiliate programs pay the webmaster half of the income. To a greater extent, this refers to the services that pay for the order is made or for the purchase of goods. Attract clients in this case will be much more complicated, but the remuneration is significantly higher. Such affiliate programs providing up to 50 and more% commission deductions include:

  • Pin-up.partners. Service paying money for attracting players in a casino.
  • MovieSecrets. Specializes in trade in info products for the creation of videos and photographs.
  • RXPayMaster. Internet pharmacy of foreign origin.
  • AMS Software. Sale of software payments up to 50% commission.

Work with such affiliate programs is better if you have a rejected channel or public. For beginners, the methods discussed in the next paragraph will be suitable.

How to start earning novice webmaster

For those who are just starting working with partner programs, it is necessary to register on one of the payment systems, i.e. Warent on webmoney, Yandex money or other service. Next is registered in the desired partner, the selection of the appropriate offer, promotional materials. Only after that you can start attracting traffic.

Newbie to earn from scratch is not easy, as one of the possible options can be considered purchasing advertising in VC groups or instagram. At the same time, it is not necessary to have its own website, in the first stages you can earn through the promotion of goods or services through:

  • Social networks.
  • Contextual or teaser advertising.
  • Newsletter.
  • Forums, etc.

The proposed methods allow working almost without starting investments. Before promoting services or product, it is necessary to learn the site, because in some situations the payment for its placement exceeds the commission percentage. The novice webmaster will be useful to read the free course https://lp.academy1.pro/ppfree, which will help avoid standard errors when working with partner programs on the Internet.

How to understand that the affiliate is not suitable for you

Typical errors that make novice (and not only) webmasters when working with partner programs:

  • Attracting the inadequate audience of visitors.
  • Incorrect use of promotional material.
  • Lack of traffic on the channel when working with affiliates, requiring high daily visitors' activity. Etc.

As a result of the fact that the webmaster did not familiarize himself in a timely manner with the terms of cooperation and incorrectly appreciated the methods of implementation, it is possible to drain their money at all without receiving profit from cooperation.

Everyone dreams of worked on them. What could be better than making, relaxing. While you do what you want, the successful investment you made will bring an impressive profits.

How to earn from scratch

The Internet has fully entered all the spheres of human vital activity. There is access to the network everywhere and always, so the choice of work in the World Wide Web can be a very successful solution.

To start earning without investments, you will need your account in one of the numerous. Well, then, you need to attract users to fulfill the actions required by advertisers. Running people in a variety of projects, you can earn good.

Partnership programs imply not only the rapid turnover of money on the Internet, but also the possibility of arrangement of long-term cooperation, which requires a large amount of your work at the beginning, but minimal actions later. Even one user you enabled, can generate huge amounts of money. The whole question is only what you choose offer and how lucky advertising will be.

Before starting work on the Internet, it is desirable to explore all the main mistakes allowed by newcomers, not allowing to build a profitable cooperation scheme. Some of them may seem helpful and experienced webmasters. In the end, knowledge of the basics did not prevent anyone else.

I want to immediately say that there is money in the global network, and considerable. And you can earn as with initial investments, and in general from scratch. To date, there are many examples of successful work on both schemes. The most important thing is to be prepared for a large number of work and constant self-education.

To create your own successful case on the Internet, you will need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. Register in the most suitable affiliate program for you;
  2. Get personalized links to goods and services that you will promote.

Advertising can be placed both on their own resources and enjoy popular social networks and other sites that collect your target audience. The easiest all newcomers will use the services of resources - aggregators who contribute to the meetings of contractors and partners. Delegate the work that you are unable to specialists, often the most effective solution.

Do not forget that cooperation with affiliate programs does not always lead to rapid and fabulous enrichment. It happens that you, and sometimes lose money altogether. Be careful and do not lose control over the situation. Do not believe that by investing money you will certainly achieve success. You can engage in advertising and without having any resources at all on the network, and quite efficiently.

Seriously approaching the matter, you will get the opportunity to achieve such income that always dreamed of. True, it can take a certain time. Do not despair because of the starting failures, they are from everyone. Continue to bend your line and develop. This will certainly help you fulfill your dream.

What is a partnership program

In the widest and most common sense, it is such a type of cooperation, in which a commercial relationship between the owner of a product or service and a person who becomes his partner.

In fact, this means that you are in the role of the seller who receives commissions for each purchase committed by the client you. This becomes possible thanks to the receipt of the personal link that you will advertise on the network, in order to users passed on it and performed the action paid by the advertiser.

Contracts allow us to receive people leading to the buyers store, and thereby contributing to sales growth, the percentage of profits from these top sales. You just need to find a stakeholder or manufacturer who agrees to share its profits with those who will increase the amount of products being implemented.

In ordinary life, letters of recommendation letters can be considered successful examples of such cooperation. When a good specialist performs its work efficiently, the employer gives him a letter of recommendation so that in the future his qualifications did not question.

People often share information about companies that qualitatively provide certain services or produce goods. And often when buying, you are interested in the opinion of a trusted person, whose advice listens. On the Internet everything works in the same way. There is a large number, the opinion of which is valued and is accepted on faith. When they recommend one or another product, they may well count on material compensation from the manufacturer. After all, many people follow these advice.

Partnership programs allow you to earn not only by popular personalities, but also to conventional people who compensate for the lack of fame with material or labor investments. You can also receive a certain percentage of Profit Offer if you begin to recommend to your friends and familiar on the Internet some products or services. Someone will certainly follow the recommendations and make a purchase.

In the end, you fulfill the role of the manager, which in the colors paints the advantages of one product before others. With a sufficiently serious approach to the case, over time you can completely abandon your work in favor of the business on the Internet. After all, network revenues depend only on you, and they can be truly large.

There are a number of effective schemes and outside the Internet. For example, brigades that repair apartments or the sale and installation of plastic windows can pay a part of the profits for customers given by people who have entered into a cooperation agreement with them. Customer search The case is not easy, and the brigade of workers in one day downtime loses a large amount of money. Therefore, it is advantageous to constantly receive orders, albeit for a certain remuneration.

Partners, as a way to make money

Thanks to a diverse partnership program, you do not have to look for performers who would be ready to pay part of their profits for providing customers. You have enough to get your own link to share it with everyone around and promote the offer you chosen.

Thanks to the link received in the partner, you are assigned to all attached customers. In cookies on their computers, information is stored that they visited the advertiser's resource directly through your advertisement. At the same time, cookies can live from several days to a year and even more. Therefore, it is not necessary to despair if the conversion did not occur immediately after the transition. Perhaps the user will return and make a purchase when it comes.

After the purchase was made, the advertiser checks who from the partners led the client, and pays him commissions on the basis of the terms of the contract concluded with the partner. Often, the percentage of deductions can reach seventy percentage of goods or service and even more. But it all depends on the specific advantage and the conditions on which he came across the partner.

For goods, the situation is somewhat different than for services, because they have cost. In addition, the acquisition features can also increase the price. Well, the seller must at least earn something. At the moment, advertising online games is very popular. The advertiser is usually paying for registration or achieve a certain level in the virtual world. In some cases, the webmaster receives a percentage of money that the player given to them spent in the inner gaming store.

There are banks specializing in remote services. They also cooperate with partners and pay commissions for attracted clients who ordered credit cards, issued a loan or committed any other useful actions.

As a rule, the financial sector is much more money. Credit registration can bring you several thousand rubles by deductions. And it is only for one effective client. Of course, there is a competition at a very high level. It is recommended to start, as a rule, with something more landed. Measure the use of the cheapest type of traffic, so if you do not want to immediately start investing serious money in the promotion, it is worth thinking about choosing such subjects.

Types of affiliate programs

Of course, affiliate programs, like any other type of business, must be divided, depending on the subject of prevailing offers and provided additional options. To begin with, consider the differences, depending on the type of payment:

  1. Payment for clicks (CPC)

Currently, almost no one works. Advertisers, as a rule, do not want to pay just for transitions to their resource. After all, the seller wants to sell, and not to watch the endless crowd of people constantly trample in the store and just looks around. Today, according to such a scheme, only at a very low price per click. Just a couple of cents will fall you as a remuneration for such actions. If you work with large volumes of low-quality traffic, then possible for you such a scheme may be profitable. But an increase in the quality of traffic will certainly make this approach unprofitable or, at least ineffective.

  1. Payment for shows (CPM)

This type of cooperation is more interesting for advertisers, but almost completely failed for the webmaster. The banner is placed on the thematic resource and is constantly demonstrated to visitors. They go through the built-in link to the site of the offper or not - the role does not play. You get your commission only for a demonstration of advertising. At the same time, the deductions are extremely small and I can make a dollar, or even less for a thousand shows.

  1. Payment for actions (CPA)

This is the most popular cooperation scheme to date. Offer pays the remuneration not for bringing visitors to him, but for their effective actions already within our own resource. That is, if the person did something, interesting from the point of view of the advertiser, he pays for you a reward, and for those who came only to see, you will not get anything. On the other hand, payment for action in some cases can be very high. Yes, and the middle rate is large enough to be able to test a variety of cooperation options.

  1. Sales Payment (CPS)

This approach causes the webmasters to motivate users not only to go to the advertiser's website, but also acquire something. In fact, it is necessary to focus on a certain category of goods or at all on something specific, and give a link not just to the store, but on a unique subject. This is the most expensive way to cooperate. Such traffic is very expensive, because from a hundred people interested in the product, shopping can be just a couple of pieces, and with an unsuccessful coincidence, they will not be at all. But if you generate really high-quality traffic, for example, placing contextual advertising, then this is the most suitable way to convert it to money.

Ultimately, all methods of cooperation between webmasters and advertisers have the right to life. Resources with which traffic merges can be completely different, therefore, the approach to work should be personal. Do not try to copy something successful, because you will most likely not compete with a trusted resource. Lay to start some not a very popular niche and take it. And already from the finished resource, start your offensive on all fronts and expand to infinity.

Starting from one particular store, consistently increasing traffic and trust from search engines, you can turn into a major supplier of commodity traffic. When the scale will rather grow, you can not be limited to one advertiser, or even one partner. Constantly experiment with various options for converting your traffic. Try new offers who have not had time to squeeze competitors. Active daily work will certainly bring their fruits.

Rules that should be adhered to when working with partners

Today, almost all major network projects conclude agreements with affiliate programs in order to promote their products. Ultimately, such a scheme of working with a large number of webmasters, whose services focus in just one contract concluded with the partner, extremely effective. In some cases, there is not even some kind of own resource, but an account on a social network or a forum section.

In order not to tear all your money and effort into the pipe, a number of basic rules should be followed. And they relate to work not only newcomers, but also experienced webmasters, which, often, even more accurately follow them in their work.

  1. Place advertising only on thematic resources . Do not try to accommodate everywhere where it is only physically possible. The low quality of your traffic can lead to the fact that the partner is simply turning you off from the offper or reducing the bet.
  2. Usually, the most effective is the advertisement that describes the advantages of the product based on the experience of a particular person.. If you have purchased a promotable product and share your impressions about it, it will well affect users and motivates them to purchase.
  3. Do not immediately rush to the first offer . who already worked with him. There are cases when the percentage of confirmed action is too low to successfully cooperate. There is also a connivance from employees who have been reporting information on confirmed commissions for a very long time. Due to the fact that the reward is paid with a big delay. You can stop an advertising campaign, restart which is not so simple.
  4. Always browse all available promotional materials . Check out everyone before choosing, in your opinion, the most promising. People, after switching to the link, should fall on this page that will warm up their desire to make a target action, and not to cause disgust or boredom.
  5. Competent work with advertising texts - a deposit of successful work . Do not overstep them with links, instead try to make an article alive and organic. People must read your message in one breath and independently make a decision about what they want to do. It is by allowing users to believe that they themselves wanted to follow the link, and not you forced them to do this, you can achieve a significant increase in traffic efficiency.
  6. Try not to fold all the eggs in one basket . If you are developing your resource, then make it more integrated. Working with the goods, do not try to focus on one particular store, because it can close, and you will stay at the broken trough. This concerns and. Your successful work with a separate offper is certainly good, but one feeder will not be able to feed you forever. It is necessary to create advertising campaigns that will allow you to quickly change creatives and redirect traffic to the other side.
  7. Constantly work with all available statistics . The effectiveness of the advertising campaign depends not only on the presence of conversions. Comfort your visitors should not suffer due to advertising placed. The outflow of visitors is a very serious call, talking about what you are mistaken when choosing a strategy.
  8. When you decide to engage the traffic in a third-party project, it is necessary to immediately understand that it is possible only if your own resource develops and expands its audience. Large numbers in visiting statistics - this is certainly good, but if users who are interested in your project, do not change every day, then advertising will not bring the desired result, because you will offer it to those who do not need it. Interested immediately pass on the link and convert your profits, and the rest will be without necessary, so that the yield will decrease. Only using new people, you can maintain our high-level commissions.

Choosing a partner program to start work

It is almost impossible to predict the result of the work before it starts. However, when choosing a partner, you should pay attention to a number of parameters from which your success in the future may be partially dependent:

  1. Uniqueness

New offers are more promising than all juices who have long worked with the partner and squeezed out of it. New products are always more actively perceived by the audience. Yes, and other webmasters have not yet managed to scroll their advertising everywhere, where it is possible to enhance the main part of the converting traffic. In line, it is always important to stand closer to the checkout, then the buns are enough for you.

  1. Do not work with free services.

When offraters are added to the partner programs with any courses or seminars, which can be easily found in free access, should not even think about working with them. In fact, advertising services that can be found in the free option, significantly pushes your reputation, because you will deceive people. Therefore, even the presence of conversions will not be able to overlap reputational losses. The same applies to gray business areas that are often presented in a large manifold.

  1. Master classes - this is what

Educational programs that offer customers high-quality services, especially if they are new, will always be popular. When, people with joy perceive his information and do not regret the money spent. Such advertisers should be in the first place. After all, the happiness of your audience is what you need to strive for, creating your resource.

  1. Assess the prospects

The possibility of long-term cooperation with the affiliate program is an integral part of efficient work. Being confident in the future, you can build a high-quality and sustainable resource, which will delight your visitors for a long time, and you have a large profit. And if you are not sure about the partner and worry every day for the prospects for cooperation, then there will be no result. Ultimately, it is very important that both sides fulfill their duties and guarantee successful work.

  1. Observe topics

It is important that the topic of your resource is the same or at least similar to the one that the partner offers. You should not advertise a resource with an exclusively male audience. Goods for women. Good to appreciate your visitors and the information you place before you choose the offer. His advertising must harmoniously fit into the total line, which is followed.

  1. Percentage of deductions

There are situations where the same offer, in different partners offers different rewards. Check out several sites before making your choice. Choose the most attractive conditions for yourself. In some cases, when the resource on which you post advertising is very large, it is possible to provide personal conditions. True, this applies only to very popular sites. If you are one of those lucky ones, try to contact the support service and agree on raising the rate, taking into account the high promise of your resource. As for contextual advertising, here you need to form a certain budget and, before starting work, evaluate the expected efficiency. Do not invest money if you do not have any conversion information. Often experienced webmasters before pouring serious money to advertise, test tests and check as one or another type of traffic perceives ads. Quality text and creative in this case are half success. Another half is competent targeting settings. If you show advertising only your target audience, the percentage of conversions will be much higher.

  1. Choose the best conditions

Check all options that provide your customers with advertisers. For example, regarding commodity offers, it is necessary to pay attention to the purchase options. The owned payment is the most popular option, along with couriers. If the store is not ready to satisfy the requirements of potential buyers, it turns out that your traffic loses efficiency, and not in your fault. Such situations should be avoided.

  1. Frequency of payout

One of the most important indicators of the quality work of the affiliate program is frequent and regular contribution of earned commission partners. Check that payments occur at least twice a month. Also in terms of payments. Do not cooperate with partners who regularly delay money. This can negatively affect your emotional state and created advertising campaign.

  1. Promotional materials and promotions

It is always nice when the partner provides at your disposal a large number of diverse advertising materials. In this case, you can find the most effective banners and lending for your purposes.

The same applies to all sorts of. When an affiliate program allocates part of its profits to play prizes for partners, it is always more pleasant to work. Popular affiliate networks are a reliable choice in which you can be confident.

Try to choose new offers, not new partners. The time-tested veterans of the advertising business always receive the most delicious conditions, and fresh offers there are much more often than in novice companies. Only experienced webmasters are moving to new partners, which are lured with more favorable conditions. Ultimately, well-known webs, in fact, overlap to enhance their image and promoting the brand on the Internet.

How to start making money on partners from scratch

There is a certain algorithm for basic actions, the execution of which, as a rule, brings the webmaster to the cherished target. Of course, the process of creating effective advertising campaigns is complex and multilateral. Some webmasters and for several years do not come to the desired results. However, in order to achieve success, you will have to do the necessary minimum, without which the work itself will be impossible:

  1. Search for partners

Choose a trusted partner network and fill out the registration form. After that, confirm the mailbox and pass authorization. Familiarize yourself with the list of offering, in some cases it is more convenient to browse the list of products that you can merge traffic.

  1. Link selection
  1. Start promotion

Possessing an active account in a partner and reference, you are armed enough to start work. There are several advertising directions that you can choose:

  • Own resource;
  • Forums and communities;
  • Social networks;
  • Contextual advertising;
  • Landing page.

As for the landing page, here you will need to create a special resource, but it allows you to accumulate target traffic, sifting everything bad through a high-quality funnel.

Newcomers are usually the easiest way to start working from forums and a variety of thematic communities, where in an ordinary conversation you can recommend one or another product advertised. No less often, the first steps on the webmaster field are made by means of their own resource. Create some attractive text entitled by a suitable heading, and then you only need to organically insert an advertising link into it. At the same time, you can accommodate both banners that will be displayed on all pages of your site.

  1. Getting income

One of the most important steps. The process of promoting advertising links inevitably leads to conversion and, as a result, the accrual of commissions. A week later, you can begin to analyze the received statistics.

  1. Promotion of profit

The most popular among webmasters a way to receive commission is the WebMoney service. It allows you to withdraw funds in the form of dividends on shares that are not taxed. If you want to organize a full-fledged business, then it is better to make a legal entity and pay income taxes. But this applies only to large amounts of money.

Earnings on partner programs without own resources

Active work with partner networks can lead to the fact that you have long completed our work, and traffic still retocates, bringing sales and deductions. Cookies file lifetime means that users can make their purchases after the link after the link, and you will still receive commissions.

Of course, to work with affiliate networks it is not at all necessary to have its own resource. You have enough to post your advertising link on third-party resources and receive transitions. Non-standard solutions in this case may be the most efficient. Ultimately, the advertiser is not so important where you have led customers. The most important thing is the high quality of traffic and the presence of conversions.

Nevertheless, various offers have a different approach to working with partners. Before starting work, carefully read all the conditions available. What kind of traffic is allowed for use, and what, accordingly, prohibited. If you violate the terms of cooperation, you can be disconnected from work, having lost all the money that is not bred.

Consider the main available traffic sources:

  1. Social networks

I think everyone is familiar with similar resources. To date, many of them are equipped with their own. You only need to competent targeting configuration and compiling ads. Moreover, you can use as a platform for advertising, your own page. Place a partner link in the profile. You can also write an overview for advertised goods or service, and place it in suitable groups.

If you are ready to plunge into, you can use the services of numerous programs that generate and maintain the activity of accounts-bots. True, this can also lead to permanent banners, so be careful.

  1. Guest posts

Popular blogs will be suitable for guest posts with advertising links. Try to write something interesting and relevant, otherwise no one will read your record, or the owner of the resource is simply deleted. A number of resources accommodates for a certain fee. But you need to choose the right platform and evaluate the potential profits regarding the investments invested. Do not start working obviously in minus.

Last updated: & nbsp 23.02.2020

Reading time: 20 min. | Views: 21928.

Hello, dear business magazine visitors Site! In this article we will tell in detail about earnings in the affiliates from scratch, how can you earn without a site, whether quick earnings are possible on affiliate programs on the Internet.

No one will hide that at least once in life I dreamed of finding such a job that would not imply the fulfillment of complex tasks or generally could automatically be executed and bring good profits.

Earnings from scratch With the arrival of modern technologies and the Internet, it became more realistic, because there is practically no access to the network in our time. This means that a computer connected to the World Wide Web is needed to arrange the workspace.

At the same time, there is one interesting method of profit, which allows, - earnings in affiliates. In fact, it will be necessary to engage in the involvement of people in various projects, and for new users, many resources are paying in our time.

Partnership programs make it possible not only to get a momentary profit in the form bonus for led a new person to a particular project in which he himself will be able to earnand therefore will be interested in registration, but very often offer permanent deductions.

Their essence will be discussed further, however, it is already now I would like to note that at their expense, with a well-thought-out approach, it is even possible for the example of some lucky ones to abandon the main place of work and establish receipts from the Internet on an ongoing basis.

So, from this material you will learn:

  1. That represents the average partnership programs;
  2. How can you receive both disposable and regular profits with them;
  3. Whether income is limited when working with partner programs or it all depends on the abilities of a particular person;
  4. What types of all existing affiliate programs are divided, as well as what features they possess;
  5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this method of profit;
  6. How to start from scratch? Do you need your website to participate in affiliate programs? Is it possible to attract people without their own resource?

In addition, will be considered basic mistakes Newbies, as well as recommendations for an efficient start.

Special attention will be paid examples which will help to visually see the whole process of earnings in affiliates with full zero, as well as its main moments to which pay attention like those who first faces affiliate programs and those who are already long Works with them.

At the very end of the article there will be an overview of the most frequent issues that people arise from people on this topic, as well as exhaustive answers to them.

Earnings on affiliaters from scratch - Full work guide with partner programs

1. What is an affiliate program and how to earn it 💸

There are several definitions of this concept, but we will focus on the most used. Due to it, it becomes clear what is an affiliate program (or partner).

affiliate program (Eng. Affiliate Program) is a peculiar type of cooperation or commercial relationship between the owner of the goods (or services) and a person who becomes his partner, which means to some extent it can be called the seller.

If you drop dry definitions, then everything comes down to one: The person receives certain commission deductions from the organization for the transaction, which was carried out on its recommendation.

In fact, the partner has special link For which the user must go through and make certain actions, pre-agreed by the rules. The resource that received a new visitor (buyer) shares with a person who led him, part of his profits.

1.1. The essence of earnings on affiliate programs - general meaning + example

Consider the whole process a little more. Of course, the origins of such cooperation "Partner Manufacturer" are in real life.

Quite a long time to smart companies occurred to enter into special agreements with people who promised to bring new customers. For it they could count on a certain percentage of profit.

At the same time, for a person who decided to try on himself a similar activity, the task is to find a kind of contractor, that is, some shop, service or even a separate personand conclude with him agreement . Thanks to the Internet, the entire procedure is simplified at times.

Example from real life 📌

So, consider all of the above on a small example.

Suppose your store needed to develop an online version. To fulfill these works, a familiar Misha was attracted, which did everything at the highest level.

Of course, after successful cooperation, you can advise him with a clean conscience to advise him as a specialist to other people who also have a need for their own site. And they immediately fall on a professional, and not on some unverified, and Misha thus gets gratitude from you in the form of new customers.

And this is only one example of thousands, because such situations occur everywhere.

Every day, each person shares with his surroundings with a personal opinion about the purchased goods and services, and also wishes to recommend that it acquitted his own expectations.

Very often you can hear from friends, acquaintances and relatives: "You do not have a good dentist on a challenge, who could have tried my teeth without fear?" Or something like this: "Will you tell me the phone of the auto repair shop, in which you have so high-quality and inexpensively restored the body?"

To understand the principle of partnership programs on this example, it is enough to imagine that in this situation all organizations and individual people who received new customers (dentists, auto repair shops, lawyers, etc.) will be given for your actions, eg , 10% From profit from new visitors. Such a situation is quite understandable, because without recommendation, these people would not get into a particular company or a competitive specialist.

For this principle you can become peculiar manager which sells certain services in their free time. About other ways, read in a separate article of our magazine.

In fact, you share with close tips on where it is better to grasp the tooth, on which workshop faster and cheaper will repair the body, and also why it is to the Misha worth to seek the site. At the same time, as a freelance manager, you managed to at the same time receive income and not spend the earning process personal Time .

It sounds all very attractive, but for greater confidence in the reality of all these words worth paying attention to real numbers. And they, in turn, argue the following: Similarly, you can get a pleasant bonus to the monthly main salary, and in general to abandon the usual work.

How does it work in practice?

For instance, You have made repairs in the apartment team of masters. The result of their work was very high quality, so you decided reach an agreement with them that you will recommend them with your neighbors, relatives, friends and colleagues at work (after all, and the truth perfectly coped with their tasks), and in return to get, for example, 10% from future work.

The new customer will order on your advice to yourself repair the kitchen at this brigade. Depending on the complexity of the work, as well as whether it will be necessary to buy and transport all the tools and materials, the profit of the masters may vary in fairly large limits.

If a person decides to completely change the appearance of his housing, you will get from the brigade from 10 to 100 000 rubles! Based on this, even one recommendation for the entire month will be able to provide you with both low income and profit, which even many metropolitan residents may envy.

If you also appeal to other specialists, for example, to replace windows or furniture, then the potential amount of deducted money for the recommendation is only increasing. Thus, all this principle is simple and understood, especially after analysis real situations .

1.2. How to earn on affiliate on the Internet

In the World Wide Web, the profit described above is even easier, because there is no need to search for real contractors on their own, and it also appears to cooperate even with those companies and services that you have not encountered earlier, because in their services they did not need.

Do not forget And about all sorts of automatic systems that are engaged in postal sending or offer affiliate programs for cooperation with various systems and commodity sites.

Of course, it immediately appears the following question: how can the contractor find that the client was received from concrete partner?

In this case, everything is simple enough. At first The link may contain the answer to the question (it may very often contain nick partner or some kind of it identifierwhich will be received by the Contractor's website after moving the unique visitor on it). Secondly All information about visiting certain resources is always saved on a computer with a person using technology. cookies.So nothing interferes with reading it and simulate the client's route.

According to the previously described scheme, everything happens as follows: The person is interested in the product on the partner's website and the transition by his link to the resource of the contractor (producer or owner), making certain actions there. After receiving the profit of this Seller it is divided into its part With his "assistant", which led a new buyer.

How it would not seem strange, but sometimes real income can be until the full cost of purchased goods or services. Maybe this is if the contractor offers some courses or useful information that in itself has no price.

Often it is in the infobusiness percentage of commission may vary from 70% to 90% and higher.

Of course, in commercial affiliate systems, the remuneration is less. Its size depends on several factors:

  • product Costs or Services;
  • their appearance, as well as features of acquisition and use;
  • seller surcharge.

There are Internet resources that automate The process of both the conclusion of the agreement and the payment of profits. A fairly popular system is the site aPISHOPS.RU.. On it you can find various offers for the sale of all sorts of goods.

Almost every person heard about the Tinkoff Bank, which specializes in remote services and everywhere attracts partners. To profit, it is necessary to recommend financial services to some kind of person and make sure that it will perform certain actions.

The bank exists the following rates:

  1. For writing an application for the issuance of a credit card, you can get 155 rubles.
  2. For its activation, a new client will be listed 160 rubles.
  3. After registration of the application for registration of bank deposits, 952 rubles is paid as a remuneration. and 52 kopecks.

In this way, affiliate programs are a real way to earn . It is actually in attracting new customers for various shops, services and info-businessmen who are ready to give part of the profits.

Everyone can how to organize oneself small additional income and permanent stable Earnings, advertising certain goods or services, or attracting people to perform certain actions.

What are affiliate programs - popular types of payment scheme

2. Views of affiliate programs 📑 - 4 Main categories

This field of activity, like any other, contains its definite classification.

As it is clear from the material that was reviewed earlier, the diversity of affiliate programs is quite difficult to cover a couple of proposals. That is why we consider main types of affiliate programs by type of payment available to the modern Internet user:

View 1. With payment for clicks

In fact, the contractor (the one who provides the affiliate program) pays for all people (unique visitors), which moved on the referral link of the partner on his website.

Thus, it is possible not only without too much effort to increase the attendance of your resource, but also to acquire in perspective new Clients who will make purchases and spend money.

The person who posted a link on his site receives a remuneration for the click, however it is often very small and hesitated from 1 to 3 cents. (Read on the link -). But the thing is that the visitor can simply familiarize himself with the resource and register on it, and maybe immediately close the tab and forget that he visited something. That is why advertisers not interested in serious payment According to such partner programs.

On the other hand, most of the modern services that are engaged in the placement of links and banners on the huge number of resources throughout the Internet make it possible to specify specific showing criteria What will take a certain fee for.

View 2. C payment for shows

In this case, the partner places an advertisement for a certain size on its resource, and the Contractor rewards it for each viewed this banner. It sounds all very tempting, especially for sites that have a large number of unique visitors per day, however for 10,000 views Give everything about 5$ .

As a result, the forces are spent less, but such an earnings only for very popular resources.

View 3. With payment for actions

This type of affiliate program is more complicated than 2 previous ones, however implies best payment . Remuneration will be obtained only if the person does something.

Almost always, he needs either registerby filling out some kind of questionnaire or watch Rollereither download Defined file. Very often pay and for passing surveyswhich are adjusted to the visitor in advance.

Of course, the harder the action, the more commission, but in this case, not every person will have a desire to do something more complicated than just the transition by reference.

View 4. With payment for sales

Most perfect I. profitable method enter into an partnership agreement. Despite this, this method has explicit flaw: it is not just necessary to attract a visitor to the contractor's website, but also to make him something there buy And it is often quite difficult to do it, unless you think about something in advance on the semblance of an advertising company.

At the same time, a project that tries to get new customers thus will be ready to pay up to 40% of each purchaseIf at the same time it does not remain in the minus. But the thing is that if the partner did not bring the buyer, then there would be no transaction. In this case, his merit in receiving the contractor's profits is obvious.

It is worth noting that the last option is actually familiar to all people from life, but on the Internet to engage in such activities much easier and more efficiently.

Of course, to attract buyers (both goods and certain services) is more difficult than just to place a banner and wait for the site users will see it, downloading the page. Despite this, a reasonable approach will allow you to attract not just people who will commit one purchase, and the most real permanent customers . In this case, the contractor will continue to pay a commission percentage every time the visitor orders something, even if this time he went to the site.

It is also worth noting that it is impossible to allocate from the above list best The way to make money on affiliate programs, because the more income per person, the more difficult the action you need to carry out partner.

Often the owners of personal or advertising sites organize a complex approach To cooperate with various shops and with those who offer any services. They place and links to go to the Contractor's website, and its banner, and also recommend to purchase any product before performing a certain action.

3. Work with partner programs - 8 important rules for working with affiliates on the Internet 📝

At least at first glance everything is simple enough, do not forget about a number of uncomplicated rules who will give the opportunity to quickly start as newbiewho has never before being dealt with affiliate programs and experienced people which earned in this case no longer one dozen (and maybe hundreds) thousand rubles.

So, always need to remember about the following points:

Rule 1. Advertise all projects are needed exclusively on thematic Places. Only so you can attract new customers and not lose the old visitors who can be disappointed in their beloved resource if there will be extraneous materials that are not related to the case.

Rule 2. To describe in detail the proposed service or qualitatively and interesting to present all the advantages of the site to which people should move better check everything in advance:

  1. yourself to purchase a test product;
  2. order something at the contractor (very often partners provide discounts);
  3. yourself register on the resource so that the advertising process looks maximum naturally and convincing.

Rule 3. You should not immediately conclude a deal with offper (so-called contractors in professional circles, those who specialize in affiliate programs).

Previously, it is better to get better to find out about its remuneration system, as well as read reviews .

Not always, big payments for the attracted client say that it is more profitable to cooperate with this service, because the actions required by them can be very complex, and therefore not all people will be able to fulfill them, which will lead to the cancellation of remuneration.

Rule 4. To increase the conversion of existing traffic (under this term implies the relationships of users who performed the necessary action, that is, registered, filled out the questionnaire or something bought, to all visitors) it is often customary to use special target pages (English Landing Pages or Landing). Read about them in more detail in the article and how to create it for free. "

It is with the help of such "landing pages" will be able to get maximum The number of people who will be interested in the described offer, which means the chance that they will do everything you need (registration, buying and other actions) is growing.

Best without special experience do not engage in independent development of target pages, but entrust this business professional Web designers, versalists and marketers who know how to influence visitors to visitors.

Rule 5. As already mentioned earlier, the income of the partner is the greater the higher the "useful" traffic, that is, the more people who fulfilled all the requirements of the contractor (Offer).

That's why, at first , It is necessary to place the optimal number of links. Secondly , You can create several resources with similar subjects to ensure that they are involved in the affiliate program. More traffic sources - more visitors Behind which will be paid.

Rule 6. Both in the foreign exchange market and in the field of partnership programs experts advise diversify source of income. Which trading strategies can be used to profit, we have already told in one of our articles.

For this you need to not focus on individual projects, but to expand your own base. The owner of his own site should be interested in participating immediately in several affiliate programs.

Important This is primarily because in the case of which income will not fall until 0 , but only will decrease on a certain percentage if cooperation with one of the offper (contractor) will be terminated overnight.

Rule 7. Cooperating with any organizations and posting new links and banners, do not forget about the maintenance of statistics.

All actions must be necessarily analyzed to identify their effectiveness, as well as their influence on income.

If a, eg , Statistics show that due to a highly paid affiliate program, which thematically does not coincide with the site, visitors leave, it is worth immediately think about Over further actions, because in priority in any situation there should be traffic extension, and not its reduction.

Rule 8.According to experts, the main type of income of which is to cooperate with shops, services and various systems, the main task of the experienced site owner, which decided to earn on attracting customers to another project - building your own target audience .

Thus, there are a number of simple rules that are relevant as for those who have long tried cooperation in the "Contractor (Offer) - partner format", as well as those who are just interested in this.

The most important thing - do not forget About visitors to their resource in pursuit of money. Periodically, they should be pamped in peculiar gifts and constantly fill the site with interesting materials.

Do not forget about the fact that the topic of an affiliate project should be similar to the one that is available at a resource on which banners, links and suggestions will be placed, because otherwise the traffic can be lost due to the disappointment of regular visitors.

In addition, affiliate programs are also available to those who do not have their own site. You can use for promoting the service or product contractor Special advertising networks, analyzing the target audience and calculating the expected ratio of income and expenses.

How to properly make a choice of an affiliate program for earnings on the site or without a website

4. How to choose affiliate programs for earnings - 9 basic selection criteria 📋

For any person who decided to make an earnings through the use of partner rewards in various projects, it is very difficult to predict how profitable is this or other cooperation.

In fact, it is practically unreal with full confidence to say, work with which system will be more profitable. However, there are several nuances, thanks to which you can choose a project with the least risks and with the highest projected profit.

Each partner is to select a program for cooperation, given the following important criteria for choosing, which will be discussed further.

Criterion 1. Uniqueness

First of all, it is worth paying attention to the goods and products that differ in their novelty and originality .

First, it is possible to attract more people, because they are always interested to get acquainted with something new. Secondly , competition will be significantly lessSo it's easier to get a target audience and increase profits from the affiliate program.

Criterion 2. Inaccessibility in free form

Do not pay attention to products or services for which you can not pay. for instanceit is better not to join the affiliate program of the service that sells any copyright courses if they have long been online in free Access.

Note! People simply won't want to pay money for things that can be found is free.

It is not necessary to especially trust and service with a dubious reputation, as well as with obviously unpopular services. for instanceEveryone knows that the user's IP address does not constitute any problems, so if they are trying to earn, then it is better to bypass such "informational" systems by the party, because they simply will not be popular.

Criterion 3. Preference is given to master classes

Our time is the most relevant access programs for the sale of access to all sorts of training programs.

Criterion 4. Prospects for long-term cooperation

Special attention should be paid to those partner programs that imply a long-term relationship "Offer-Partner".

Often cooperation with hosting, marketing services and electronic mailings, as well as with all systems offering goods or any multiple use services is more profitable. Such projects are always needed to people, as well as with their help, you can forget about the search for offer for a long time.

Criterion 5. Topic

Be sure to look for affiliates with products and services. from the same areaAs the resource itself, on which they will move.

Target audience has a certain circle of interest So, it also wants to see in its resource a certain kind of concrete content.

If on the men's site dedicated to tuning cars, start advertising and offering to buy women's cosmetics, then over time there will be a drop in traffic.

Criterion 6. Percentage of deductions

When choosing an affiliate program, you should not forget and about the size of remuneration .

In some cases, website owners decide to conclude cooperation with some project and start promoting it using contextual advertising, thus placing the necessary links in banners. About and how it works, we wrote in a special article.

Of course, this way can be attracted to much more people even without one's own resource, but the minimum package "Yandex.Direct" will cost approximately at 10 dollarsand therefore the total volume of commission must exceed This digit. At the same time, the difference must arrange the partner himself, because it will be his earnings.

In more detail about and how you can read in a separate article.

Criterion 7. Best conditions for potential buyers

If you have a desire to promote the goods yourself, getting from its manufacturer or wholesale a remuneration for each given to the buyer unit, then it is necessary to take care to offer potential customers best Terms of Cooperation .

An important factor is the ability to order the parcel by cash on delivery, because very many do not trust the shops that they want to get money first, and only then send something.

Criterion 8. Frequent fees of commission

Financial remuneration payments for these clients must enter the wallet no less often 1 time in 2 weeks. Otherwise, it is worth thinking whether it is worth working with a project at all, which pays very rarely, and maybe in general it wants fool His partners.

Criterion 9. The presence of promotional materials and all sorts of shares

It is very difficult to promote some kind of product or a whole brand. It is best to give preference to this project that helps in creating promotional materials or is fulfilled completely.

In this case will be easier start the case and faster to attract the first potential customers, leaving them with shares and all sorts gifts, booklet, technical and full information support.

Do not forget when choosing and about such a factor as popularity . The most famous affiliate programs are systems that time checkedAnd therefore will definitely not let down.

At the same time, the most famous projects that are offered to cooperate with them include: Alawar, Ozon, Loveplanet dating service, as well as all YouTube.


If you want to try something original, then, on the basis of the above criteria, it is best to stay on a partnership unique goods or unknown to this point. At the same time, they should coincide on the subject with the site itself, and not have free analogues.

In addition, Offer must offer optimal remuneration for the actions of attracted buyers, and payments to conduct regularly (no less often 2-3 times a month).

If, at the same time, the affiliate program implies the help of the seller service or product in promotion, and also provides for long-term cooperation, it is worth paying for it special Attention and give her preference.

How to make money on affiliate programs - 5 simple steps

5. Earnings on affiliates from scratch - step-by-step guide for beginners (on the example of the affiliate program "My case") 🖇

The previously described method of profit makes it possible to obtain a fairly profitable workplace using the Internet. To truly make money on affiliate programs (and do it really remons ) and receive at least an average metropolitan salary, you need to adhere to previously set out tips, as well as to act on a specific algorithm.

Among other things, it is very important to find checked Service (network / directory of affiliate programs), which will not only communicate with potential contractors, with which the decision will be made on cooperation, but also to receive regular payments on affiliate programs.

Consider a small sequence of actions that are needed in order to start earning as a partner, on the example the affiliate program "My case".

This partner is discussed only because it already integrated all the necessary tools for the interaction of both parties and provides for the possibility of obtaining partner remuneration.

Step 1. Search for an affiliate program

There are many "affiliates", which has nuances and features, but since we have already chosen the affiliate program you need to register in it.

The process of creating an account does not cause questions, because it requires a new user a minimum of information. To do this, go to the official site of the service " My case «

Fig. 1 - After moving to PP "My case" you need to click on the button - become a partner

Fig. 2 - After pressing the "Partner's Partner" button, you must correctly fill out all the fields and register in the affiliate program.

Fig. 3 - Go to the "Promotional Materials" section and choose promotional materials with which you can attract customers of the service. After pressing the "Create Referral link" button, your affiliate link will be presented to attract customers. To attract partners Taking a link from the section - Affiliate Network

Attention! The affiliate program can attract both customers and partners who will attract customers or other partners. That is, it acts in 3 circles. They have different links (be careful)

You can also familiarize yourself with the terms of the affiliate program, where terms and amount of remuneration For attracting customers.

Step 2. Defining an affiliate link

In the same window (Fig. 5) The affiliate web link is presented, which will pass new customers.

Step 3. Promotion of "Partners" (Partner Links)

After passing the previous two stages, the partner already has everything on hand to start work. In fact, the transition to the most interesting and complex process begins - advertising selected partner (affiliate reference).

So, experts identify a number of sites, where you can effectively promote something:

  • on a personal resource (blog / site);
  • on the forums and in communities of relevant themes;
  • on social networks, creating groups in them;
  • by advertising contextual type;
  • on the site created for a specific product (on Landing).

The last option implies the development of a special resource, but it makes it possible to accumulate target traffic, attracting only interested people.

At the same time, the most popular, of course, is the method in which the link is posted on its own partner's website, which frams its thematic text-eyed .

Text grade It implies writing a small article in order to interest the future client and recommend it to acquire a promotable product, pre-creating a small intrigue.

Thanks to the laconic and useful eyeliner, the chance that he will still go on the link and make a purchase.

Step 4. Obtaining income

In the case when a person has yet been registered and used the service of PP, the partner is credited remuneration For the fact that he was able to find a new client. The amount of deductions depends on the figure that was indicated in the description of the affiliate program at the very beginning (this was stated in the first step).

Already approximately in 7 days You can talk about some statistics: how many visitors were, and how many of them were actively accomplished.

Step 5. Removing the funds received

After enrolling the first commission, I want to immediately get them in your hands. For this, "my business" offers various ways to output earned money, for example, enroll them on a wallet WebMoney. .

Thus, there is a simple algorithm of actions, allowing any novice person to receive income on affiliate programs.

You can make money on affiliates even without your site. To do this, you can use both paid and free channels to attract traffic - about them and talk further

6. How to make money on affiliates without a website - Top 5 sources of client attracting for earnings on affiliate programs 💻

Partnership programs - A tempting type of earnings, because with their help you can reap the benefits of once active activities for a long time, pleaseing the deductions from attracted regular customers.

In fact, to become a partner of a project and start the promotion of its goods or services, do not necessarily have your website (own web resource) to place advertising information on it and references. There is at least 5 Effective sources that provide all the possibilities for the offer of anything.

In order to see unusual approaches, it is enough to remember the principle of any partnership agreement: the most important thing - attract customers, But how it was done no longer play a special role. That is why the placement of the reference on its website is not the only method of promotion, if you try to abstract a little from classical approaches.

In any case, before the search for alternative ways to attract traffic to the affiliate project, it is necessary explore the rules of cooperation , Considering 2 Important moments:

  1. the system may be able to accept new visitors from several sources;
  2. there must be an established and transparent way to determine the personality of a partner who brought the next client.

Given all the nuances, you can avoid mistakes allowed by newbies. So, eg, affiliate program can block His participant, if he decided to promote the goods through the postal spam. That is why need necessarily acquainted with partner rules .

Consider 5 alternative sources of traffic, with which you can earn without a personal blog or a full-fledged resource.

Source 1. Social. Network

Now almost every Internet user has a personal page, or even one. And few people comes to mind that it is she who can become a place to promote the goods.

Of course, the identity should be more or less popular to draw attention to the same link as many people as possible. It does not necessarily need a person to exist.

for instance, you can come up with a plausible character and create a realistic page with your personal or even downloaded photos from the Internet.

The most interesting thing is that there are already invented programs that throw the need to independently keep the page and even respond to messages. All makes an automatic application, for example, Viking Bleotod.

The second way implies the creation of thematic groups and public pages with reference to the goods and periodically published interesting materials. The more interesting public will look like, the more his traffic, and therefore the more customers will be able to attract. We recommend reading our article about and earning on it.

Source 2. Guest posts

In this case, it is understood by the placement of thematic text with eyeliner and reference to the partner project in a stranger blog.

Of course, the material must be as interesting as possible and contain a minimum of advertising. The reader needs not to force something to buy, but to make him want to do it.

Many even famous bloggers will be eagerly taken for hosting such posts, because they themselves receive certain profits from this and can diversify their everyday publications with something unusual. We wrote in one of our past publications.

Despite this, the more popular page, the tougher the requirements for the placement by the content and its advertisement will be.

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today we are discussing the earnings on the affiliates from scratch.

Let's talk about what an affiliate program is and how it works. How to advertise a affiliate for a quick result.

What is an affiliate program

Affiliate program is a form of cooperation between the seller and partners in the sale of goods or services.

It allows you to find a greater number of buyers with minimal money and time costs, and partners earn commissions.

You register in your chosen affiliate program, get access to your personal account, where your partner links and advertising materials are located (banners, letters), advertise their links.

Benefits of this type of earnings

  • You do not need to create your own info product or product.
  • You can earn on affiliate programs without a website and without investments.
  • Affiliate program can be found almost any subject.
  • Affiliates allow you to earn your first money.

How much can you earn on affiliate programs

It all depends on you only. Profit may vary from a few rubles to hundreds of thousands.

I interviewed Andrei Tsygankova, who only earned 100 thousand rubles for 2 thousand rubles for 2 years, and this is the "Dead Season" for the blogosphere. You can read the interview.

But this is a pro. Although the newcomer is under power. In any case, earn 10 - 30 thousand rubles per month in every month.

Many affiliates offer a second level commission. That is, you invite a person to register in the affiliate program, he makes sales.

And you have your part from these sales. You can get 5 - 10% from one sale in this way. And this is a fully passive income.

The best partnership programs for earnings

If short, the best partnership programs are those that offer a high-quality and demanded product with good conversion and generous commissions. Where to find such delicious affiliate programs?

Read about the most profitable affiliates. There is also more detailed about the criteria for the choice of affiliates.

And here are some more tips for finding affiliate programs.

If you are reading various blogs, I have seen banners many times with a commercial year. As a rule, the author of the course has an affiliate program.

Type in the search for a "directory of affiliate programs" and choose a affiliate on your subject.

Perhaps you already bought any course and you really liked it, go to the author's website and find out if he has an affiliate program.

Enter the name of the topic of the affiliate program in which you want to participate. For example, you want to advertise slimming courses. Dial in search: Slimming affiliate program. And you get a whole list of proposals:

It is very convenient to choose affiliate programs in the JustClick service. The service has become fully paid, so the most remained there.

To select a affiliate, go to the "Advertise" section and choose a directory of affiliate programs. Or immediately, by reference http://justclick.ru/catalog.

We master quick earnings on affiliate programs

How to make money on affiliate programs without investments and without a website

You can start without money and without a website, although in the future they will still need.

I told about one way to. Read and apply.

Here is another couple.

Create an account in VC, choose a affiliate. On your wall they write interesting materials on the topic of the affiliate and give references.

Find thematic communities and invite you to friends. Some will be interested and buy.

Find several groups of the necessary subject. Invite them to place advertising for free, and share the profit. Or give him Ref. link. Let him receive his income, and you are a level 2 commission.

Create an instagram account, provide useful information and advertise affiliates. This network is now great developing and there is an active audience. Here are advice on.

If there is a website or subscriber base

  • Interview at the famous blogger

This method will suit those who have his own blog. You can interview the interview and info-businessman, who has its own courses and affiliate programs. And at the end of the interview, specify an affiliate link to the one of their products.

Course can buy readers of your blog. As well as a blogger who has interviewed can report him and its readers, as well as announce it in its newsletter, which will also bring additional profits.

For example, if he sells a course on how to increase the attendance of the resource, then its blog should have a high attendance, otherwise it will not be confidence in this course.

  • Motion

This method is suitable if you already have a subscriber base (from 1000 people)

Paid advertising

As soon as they received the first money, invest in advertising.


  1. Yandex Direct
  2. Community in social networks
  3. Targeting in VC, Facebook, Instagram.
  4. Other people's mailing.

Andrei Tsygankova has a cool course on earning in affiliates without larger investments and troubles. My feedback on the course read.

I hope you understand how to make money on affiliate programs. It is very fast earnings, as it does not require long-term preparation.

  1. Scheme is simple:
  2. Choose an affiliate program;
  3. Register;
  4. Advertising affiliate links;
  5. Get income and part invest in advertising.