Tariff plan clear 50. Favorable offer from Beltelecom

Package of services Yasna

Yasna Beltelecom is a package of services that includes three main services needed by a modern person for comfort and full-fledged communication: the Internet, telephone and television. This set of necessary services is provided to all residents of the Republic of Belarus at reasonable prices.
The main advantages of Cashern Services Packages is:
- GPON technology, which guarantees high Internet access speeds and high quality television;
- Favorable price, since the cost of connecting three services in the package is much cheaper than separately. Payment of all services included in the package is made on a common personal account;
- the advance payment form, in which the subscriber of the service package can replenish the personal account in any amount sufficient to maintain its positive balance;
- Easy connection;
- For the use of Beltelecom's services, the necessary equipment (modem, TV console) is provided for use without charging the board.

Advantages of using a package of "Yasna"

In addition to the package of "Yasna" services, Beltelecom subscribers can connect Byfly (high-speed Internet access), Zala (interactive, ethereal and Internet television).
Beltelecom Byfly is wired and wireless Internet access, providing high data transfer speeds, comfortable use of the service at home and at work. Depending on the technology of connecting the subscribers of the BYFLY brand, speeds from 3 to 100 Mbps are available.

High-speed Internet

Beltelecom Zala is a brand that combines television services. Within this brand, subscribers are offered interactive, ethereal and Internet television services. A wide selection of channels, the presence of thematic packages of different genres, make Zala services popular in different layers of the country's population.

Television services

Nasna Beltelecom is a brand, within the framework of which subscribers are offered various sets of several services needed by a modern person for comfort and full-fledged communication. Within the framework of the brand, individuals are the most demanded services on the basis of the subscriber access network on GPON technology (passive optical networks). With this technology, subscribers are available to the Internet connection at a speed of up to 100 Mbps, modern television services and other services that require high bandwidth.
Subscribers of the "Yasna" service package are given the opportunity to take advantage of the following additional features:
Additional features
- additional types of telephone services (musical marathon, etc.);
- Additional services of interactive television (connecting additional consoles, thematic packages, video services on request, video on subscription, virtual cinema hall, etc.);
- Additional Internet Services (Anti-Virus Protection, Parental Control).
Yasna Beltelecom offers the following tariffs for its subscribers: clear 35, clear 75, clear 100, clear 35 plus, clear 75 plus, clear 50 smart, clear 35 house + cottage.
Package clear 35 includes: unlimited Internet 35 / 17.5 Mbit / s with Wi-Fi network access, interactive TV on 1 TV receivers + 110 channels, unlimited connection via RB in Beltelecom network with CLIP service - for 29.90 rubles / m.
Package clear 75 includes: unlimited Internet 75/37.5 Mbit / s with Wi-Fi access, interactive TV on 1 TV receivers + 65 channels, unlimited connection to the Belarusian RB in Beltelecom network with CLIP service - for 31,00 rubles / m.
Package clear 100 Includes: Unlimited Internet 100/50 Mbit / s with Wi-Fi Internet Access, Interactive TV on 1 TELETER + 122 Channels, Unlimited Connection for RB in Beltelecom Network with Clip Service, Smart Home (Basic Equipment Kit) - For 65.00 rubles / m.

Packages of services Yasna

Package clear 35 Plus includes: unlimited Internet 35 / 17.5 Mbit / s with Wi-Fi network access, Interactive TV for 2 TV receivers + 110 channels, unlimited connection to the Belarusian RB in Beltelecom network with CLIP service - for 31.90 rubles. / m.
Package clear 75 Plus includes: unlimited Internet 75 / 37.5 Mbit / s with Wi-Fi network access, Interactive TV for 2 TV shows + 65 channels, unlimited connection to the Belarusian RB in Beltelecom network with CLIP service - for 33.00 rubles. / m.
Package clear 50 SMART includes: unlimited Internet 50/25 Mbit / s with Wi-Fi network access, Smart TV + 80 channels, unlimited connection via RB in Beltelecom network with CLIP service - for 31.50 rubles / m.

Various packages of services clear

Package clear 35 house + cottage includes: unlimited Internet 35 / 17.5 Mbps with access on Wi-Fi network, interactive (110 channels) and essential (26 channels) TV, unlimited connections via RB in Beltelecom network with CLIP service - for 31.90 rubles / m.

Annually in the Republic of Belarus is the exhibition "Tibo - 2016", devoted to the introduction of new and development of existing information and computer technology, in which the largest telecommunications companies of the Republic of Belarus participate.

At this exhibition, RUE Beltelecom announced a new brand "Yasna", which combined the already familiar services of Beltelecom - telephone communication, Internet Byfly and television Zala At the same time, for the first time in Belarus, unlimited telephone calls in the Beltelecom network are included in packages. .


Yasna - This is a batch solution for GPON network subscribers (fiber), which includes 3 basic services:

  • high-speed Internet;
  • interactive Television Zala;
  • unlimited telephone connection for a fixed network (city and intercity in Belarus).

At the initial stage of the launch of the brand, Beltelecom offers 2 options for service packages:

Clear 50 plus:

- ZALA television on 2 TVs, each additional receiver is 0.1 rubles. (1 000 rubles);

Clear 50.

- unlimited Internet at a speed of 50 Mb / s;

- Television Zala;

- Unlimited phone calls

The advantages of the package "clear":

- availability of three basic services package: access to the Internet, interactive television and telephone communication based on the IMS platform. Telephone services are included in the package on the conditions of an unlimited number and time of the compounds of the fixed network RUE "Beltelecom". Thus, when performing local and long-distance calls, no additional fee, except for the subscription package, is not charged from the subscriber;

- use of modern technology Gpon.that guarantees a high speed of Internet access, the ability to view interactive television on any number of television receivers and the consistently high quality of all services provided;

- Favorable value:connecting to services in the package is cheaper than separately;

- Advance payment mechanism:replenishment of its personal account subscriber produces so often, and for such amounts, as it is convenient;

- Ease of payment - payment of all services included in the package is made on common personal account;

- Easy connection:the equipment needed to connect and use the services, Beltelecom will provide for use without extra charge;

Connecting the service and configuration of the equipment at no extra charge;

Interactive features (watching TV shows over the past days, rewind, recording, television ether pause);

The ability to connect additional services and services without leaving home (parental control, antivirus protection, video on request, karaoke, blocking service, etc.);

the possibility of making the promised payment;

24-hour technical support.

Today, a unique actual offer is valid for residents of Slutsk!

Existing and new GPON subscribers (individuals) connected to the "clear package" Clear 50 "and" clear 50 plus ", a 50% discount on the monthly fee within 12 months from the moment of connection. Your savings will be up to 180 rubles per year!

Cost of packages taking into account the promotion:

Clear 50 plus - 15 rubles (150,000 rubles);

Clear 50- 14 rubles (140 000 rubles)

What is the opinion of the Issue about the new package "clear" and whether such attractive conditions are there such attractive conditions when connecting 3 services from the RUE "Beltelecom" as part of the packages.

Are you satisfied with what connected to the "clear" package?

Of course! Firstly, it is very profitable if you calculate how much 3 services cost separately, and how much the same three services are in the package. It turns out 3 services at the price of two. The benefit also is that the number of calls within the network is not limited. And secondly, paying one account more convenient than three accounts.

(Sucan Olga, ul. 14 partisans)

What is the most convenient for you in the "Yasna" package?

- Probably payment of services in the new package. I no longer pay each service individually, but simply replenish one personal account and I use the three services at once: high-speed Internet, interactive television and telephone services without restrictions on telephone conversations on the Beltelecom network. In addition, the payment method is advanced, which means that I can put money on the bill at any convenient time, comments on the new subscriber RUE Beltelecom.

(Zavarzin Vladimir, ul. Socialist)

- For me, it is always very important to accurately plan the budget. Connecting the "clear 50" service package, now I know how much money I will spend on communication services, since telephone services are represented by an unlimited number of calls within the Beltelecom network, including calls in the Republic (Intercord), and Internet access in The package composition is also unlimited.

(Podgolskaya Tatyana, ul. Gastello)

- By connecting the "clear 50" package, I understood - in order to save money, not necessarily deprive of pleasure. Switching to a new package, I received three services at a price of two. The amount of savings is more than 50 rubles. (500,000 rubles) for the year, and at the same time I can still use the capabilities of all major communication services. In addition to saving money, I received additional advantages: the convenience of payment, a list of additional services and equipment without charging.

(Nikrashevich Natalia, ul. Lenin)

Comment by the head of the Slup Zueces:Today in order to meet the demands of the market and provide the growing consumer requests in modern high-quality telecommunication services, RUE Beltelecom, as one of the leading telecommunications market operators, conducts continuous increase and improving infrastructure, makes a bet on introducing advanced GPON technology, which guarantees the subscriber high access speeds On the Internet, the ability to view interactive television on any number of TV shows, and consistently high quality of all services provided. All these services and combined the "clear" package, to connect which today have the opportunity for all residents of Slutsk.

It is more profitable to connect to the subscriber to the "Yasna" service package than to acquire services separately. In addition, unlimited telephone conversations in the republic are offered in Belarus for the first time. Telephone services are included in the package on the conditions of an unlimited number and time of the compounds of the fixed network RUE "Beltelecom". Thus, when performing local and long-distance calls, no additional payment, in addition to the subscriber fee for the package, is not charged from the subscriber. The cost of the package is "clear", of course, less than the cost of separately all three services. The application for connecting a package can be left on the website on-line. In addition, if subscribers have problems with any of the services, they can always call "123", which works round the clock! The "clear" package is a pleasant novelty not only for our customers, but also for us. Provide such a truly comfortable and convenient service is doubly pleasant!

- In my opinion, the connection to the "clear" package is beneficial for more and because the use of use is available at no extra charge for the entire use of the service. Also, Beltelecom there are no additional obligations in terms of replenishing the personal account or use of the service of a certain time. You can abandon the service at any time, the remaining funds will be returned to the client in full. All honestly and transparent, without any hidden conditions, -

From September 1, 2018, Beltelecom operator updates the line of service packages. This is reported on the website of the operator. Access to public networks Wi-Fi with the name "Beltelecom" and "Byfly WiFi" will be included in all packages of services "clear".

In the package "Clear 100" The speed of access to the Internet will be increased by 2 times, and the subscription fee will remain unchanged - 65 rubles per month. The package will be renamed "Clear 200", Subscribers will receive Internet access at a speed of up to 200 Mbps.

In addition, Beltelecom replenishes the line of popular service packages with new offers.

"Clear 100" and "Clear 100 SMART" Include unlimited Internet access at speeds up to 100 Mbit / s, IPTV (more than 110 channels) or Smart TV (more than 90 channels), access to Wi-Fi public networks with the name "Beltelecom" and "Byfly WiFi", as well as an unlimited number connections in the telephone network "Beltelecom" (in the republic) with the CLIP service (number determinant).

Connecting "Clear 50", users will receive unlimited internet access at speeds and up to 50 Mbps, IPTV (more than 110 channels), access to public network Wi-Fi with the name "Beltelecom" and "Byfly WiFi", the basic package of the Smart House service, and Also an unlimited number of connections in the Teletelecom telephone network (in the republic) with the CLIP service (number determinant).

Another new offer - package "Clear Light" - includes an unlimited number of connections in the Teletelecom telephone network (in the republic) with the CLIP service (number determinant), IPTV (more than 110 channels), as well as access to public network Wi-Fi with the name "Beltelecom" and "Byfly WiFi "

"Beltelecom is constantly exploring the interests of the audience to make their proposals as comfortable as possible for subscribers," - It is noted on the operator's website.

Also, the operator informed that from September 1, 2018 the cost of Internet access services, some telecommunication service packages, as well as the cost of video conferencing services will be increased.

For example, the subscription fee of the tariff plan "Domosted Start" grows from 15.5 to 15.7 rubles a month, "Domashed XXL" - from 17 to 17.5 rubles. Cost "Comfort Express" increase from 9 to 9.5 rubles, "Record 10" - from 17.1 to 18 rubles, and "RECORD 50 NEW" - from 23.5 to 24 rubles.

Package "Clear 75" (24-hour Internet access without traffic at the speed of reception / transmission 75/37.5 Mbps, IPTV and unlimited duration of telephone connections via Beltelecom, CLIP, free Wi-Fi) will cost 33 rubles. "Clear 75 plus" (24-hour Internet access without traffic at the speed of reception / transmission 75/37.5 Mbps, IPTV with the provision of the main and additional TV receiver and unlimited duration of telephone connections on the network Beltelecom, CLIP, free Wi-Fi) - 35 rubles per month.

"Clear game" (Internet at the reception speed / transmission up to 75/37.5 Mbps, IPTV, unlimited duration of telephone connections on the Beltelecom network, CLIP, World of Tanks game resources (Premium Account)) will cost 38 rubles, and "clear game SMART "- 36.5 rubles per month.

Raising tariffs will not affect regulated services of local and long-distance telephone communications, international telephone communication, access services to linear cable structures, Internet access services with a guaranteed bandwidth, hosting services, etc.

With updated tariffs can be found

For a long time, the tariff "Hall" from Beltelecom (television), telephone, the Internet was charged with subscribers separately. But, in order to improve the quality of the services provided, as well as to improve the comfort and loyalty of customers, the popular operator has developed completely new proposals for individuals by combining the basic services to one package, the most demanded services among subscribers.

What is a "package of services" and what are the advantages of using it?

Package is a set of several services offered to customers cumulatively at a more favorable value.

Of the main features of batch service allocate:

  • Availability in a package of several services provided by Beltelecom - Tariffs for calls, Internet and television are combined;
  • Use of modern technologies to provide high Internet access speeds;
  • Cash savings, as the connection of the service kit costs at times cheaper than with their separate payment;
  • Comfortable payment terms;
  • Easy connection and use.

Conditions for connecting a package of services

If you decide to connect a package of services at once, including the Internet, television and landline phone, then you need to know:

  • This type of connection implies payment and connecting at once all the services included by the operator in the package. That is, the exception or change of services at the request of the subscriber is not possible.
  • When connecting the complex, the operator provides on the use of all the necessary equipment for free.
  • You can pay for the connected package in cash, card or electronic money.
  • Connect the package is right only those subscribers who have a registered phone number Beltelecom.
  • Connect the package is possible only if there is a technical capabilities.
  • During the subscribers of long-distance calls as part of the package, in addition to spending the international minutes, consumption of the same number of minutes of local communication from the package.

Packages provided by the operator

Beltelecom offered new tariffs, and packages of services enjoyed in great demand among subscribers. Today, the company offers a selection of several packets for connecting:

  • "Yasna";
  • "Family";
  • "Express";
  • "Universal";
  • "Comfort";
  • "Record".

Now each client can choose a tariff for suitable conditions.

Tariff Record

Beltelecom Tariff Record 25 is high-speed unlimited Internet access. Users are provided by the speed of reception / transmission up to 25/12.5 Mbps for 20 rubles. per month. The company's employees pave fiber cable right to the apartment and install a stationary network terminal, providing broadband telephone line access, excellent Internet connection and IP television.

Package clear 10.

The tariff is clear 10 Beltelecom includes:

  • Unlimited access to the network at a speed of 10/5 Mbps;
  • Unlimited calls inside the network;
  • Determining the caller number;
  • Television services calculated in accordance with the terms of the Premier Tariff.

Beltelecom offers, the tariff is clear 10, the cost of which is only 26 rubles.

This package includes the following services:

  • Access to the network is provided at a speed of 35/17.5 Mbps;
  • Unlimited Internet access on Wi-Fi technology is provided. To do this, the subscriber is provided with a login and password of access;
  • Unlimited telephone communication between Beltelecom subscribers;
  • Identification of the number of the caller;
  • Interactive television under the same conditions as on the tariff plan "Hall: All Inclusive". Users are offered 109 TV channels that can be viewed online or using the "Deferred View" option.

The cost of this package Beltelecom on the Internet and the hall is only 29.9 rubles.

Includes all the same services as clear 35. The differences are only that:

On the eve of the summer season, Beltelecom launched new tariffs on the Internet. The package includes the following services:

This tariff is clear Beltelecom includes:

  • Internet at speeds up to 75 / 37.5 Mbps;
  • Unlimited duration of connections inside the operator's network;
  • Number determinant;
  • Interactive television with access not less than 50 channels.

The cost of the package is 31 rubles.

By connecting this package, the subscriber receives:

  • Internet access at a speed of 75 / 37.5 Mbps;
  • Unlimited duration of telephone connections inside the network;
  • Caller number identification;
  • Interactive television on the main and optional receiver.

The cost of the entire service complex will cost 33 rubles. monthly.

Package includes:

  • Internet at a speed of 50/25 Mbps;
  • Unlimited connections inside the telephone network;
  • CLIP service;
  • Smart TV.

All this costs 31.5 rubles.

When the package is connected, subscribers can use:

  • Unlimited high-speed Internet 100/50 Mbps;
  • Access to the network via Wi-Fi using login and password;
  • Calls inside the network without connection restrictions;
  • CLIP - number determinant;
  • Interactive television with access to 109 TV quality HD channels that can be viewed in real time or using the "Deferred View" option;
  • Set of equipment.

Beltelecom company offers the tariff of the hall plus the Internet at a price of 65 rubles / month.

Additional features

In addition to the standard services presented in the "Yasna" line, subscribers have the ability to connect additional services, for example:

  • Change the standard tone of the call to your favorite melody or a fun phrase;
  • Subscribe to video;
  • Protect your device from viruses;
  • Install parental control, or choose any other operator service.

Presented by Beltelecom tariffs for packages of the line "Yasna" have the following advantages:

  • Use of new connection technologies that provide uninterrupted, high-speed Internet access, and high quality television;
  • Favorable value. The use of a service complex costs much cheaper than when they are separately connected and payment. Beltelecom company supports Internet tariffs at the lowest possible level, without reducing the quality of the services provided;
  • An advance payment method, in which the subscriber makes money to the account in any amount sufficient to maintain a positive balance;
  • Simple and convenient connection of services, assuming a gratuitous provision of the necessary equipment to subscribers (television consoles, modems).

Alternative acting packages

If the clients are currently there is no possibility of connecting any of the presented package tariffs of fiber optic Internet of Beltelecom "clear", you can consider the batch connection option, also includes 3 basic services, but telephone communication will be connected using the IMS platform, A, television and Internet - using XDSL technology.

Family 3.

Provides unlimited Internet access at a speed of 3072/512 kbps, a non-fixed duration of telephone connections over the operator's network, the identification service of the caller number, IPTV on the terms of the Premier tariff plan. The cost of a package of 3 services is 22 rubles. monthly.

Family 4.

Includes unlimited Internet at a speed of 4096/512 kbps, unlimited duration of telephone connections, CLIP, IPTV on the terms of the Premier tariff plan. Package cost - 23.8 rubles.

Family 4 Comfort

The package includes the service of unlimited Internet at a speed of 4096/1024 kbps, unlimited duration of telephone connections, a number determinant, IPTV on the terms of the tariff plan "Hall: all inclusive", a set of equipment. The subscription fee is 31 rubles.

Family 4 house + cottage

Includes unlimited Internet at a speed of 4096/512 kbps, CLIP, unlimited duration of connecting subscribers inside the network, IPTV on the terms of the tariff plan "Hall: All Inclusive" and digital TV at the TV Standard tariff. Package cost - 28 rubles.

In general, there are 2 main differences between the packages "Yasna" and "Family":

  • Used services for connecting services. In the "Yasna" package, XPon applies, and in the "Family" package - IMS and XDSL;
  • Internet speed.

The conditions for granting packages are similar to each other.

Express and Super Express Packages

Express provides 24-hour Internet access at speeds of up to 5 / 2.5 Mbps and services of high-quality interactive television at a price of 19 rubles / MESS.

Super Express includes interactive television services, and the Internet at a speed of 15 / 7.5 Mbps at a price of 27.5 rubles / MESS.

Budget tariff plans

Beltelecom has developed Internet tariffs suitable for pensioners, for example:

  • Social Anline 3. Its value is only 7.40 rubles. monthly. The speed of access in this case will depend on the technical capabilities of the line, but will not exceed 3072/512 kbps;
  • Social Anline 10. Provide high-speed (10/5 Mbps), not limited internet access. The price of the service is 12.5 rubles / month.

Services and tariffs Beltelecom are distinguished by a variety of prices, so everyone can choose a suitable service.

Home phone

If you do not want to connect and pay for a comprehensive package of services, and you only need a stationary device, then you need to know the proposed rates for calls from the home phone Beltelecom:

  • For subscribers of a stationary communication network, a telephone connection with subscribers of any cellular network operators is 0.0512 rubles / min on weekdays of the week and 0.0352 rubles / min on weekends and holidays, if the compound is carried out within the republic;
  • The cost of international compounds depends on the time of the day of the call and the tariff zone;
  • If you wish, you can use a subscription fee for a landline phone, the cost of which will not exceed 2.81 rubles / month.

You can connect the tariff plan, connect and disable packets yourself in the personal account of the subscriber.

The provider provides its subscribers a whole range of services. Moreover, the tariff line is quite diverse both on filling and in the price range. What is interesting, the company will present not only batch offers, including the Internet, telephone and television, but also mono-sentences under various brands. And now more about Beltelecom services and what rates are most convenient for connecting the house and in the office.

Services of services

Start the presentation of the provider is with new items, the line of basic sets of the brand options " Yasna" This is a landline telephone, unlimited Internet, the speed of which is limited in the framework of a particular tariff, as well as an interactive TV on 1 or 2 TVs. The connection is available 8 options:

  1. « Clear 10."This is an output to the network at a speed of 10 Mbit / s, television for 1 receiver and unlimited communication with Beltelecom subscribers by phone. All this for 24.5 r. / Month.
  2. « 10 Plus"- The same set of options, but with the possibility of connecting interactive TV to 2 TVs for 26.5 r. / Month.
  3. « Clear 25."- involves an increase in speed up to 25 Mbps and the ability to distribute Wi-Fi in 29.9 per month.
  4. « 25 plus"- the same thing, but with television for 2 receiver.
  5. « Clear 50."- an increase in speed of up to 50 Mbps, TV, telephone for 31 r. / Month.
  6. « 50 plus"- Television is already on 2 receiver for 33 rubles / month.
  7. « 50 Smart.»- Smart TV with the same set of options for 31.5 r. / Month.
  8. « Clear 100."- Access to the Wi-Fi network, and 100/50 Mbps, combined with basic services for 65 p. / Month.


Tariff plans without traffic Presented by the "Domosted" line. Variations "Start", "XXL", "Super", "Ultra" are excellent speed, which can vary from 3 to 8 Mbps and at a rate of 14.2 to 22.5 per month.

"Social Anline 3" enters the same group of tariff options and implies a modest fee of 7 rubles.

"Comfort Express" includes prepaid traffic in the amount of 10 GB. The cost is 8.7 rubles, the additional amount of data is paid separately.

"Comfort Mini" provides a line for 2.05 per month. Each MB Information is paid at the rate of 0.003 per 1.

Speed \u200b\u200bInternet Includes a "record" lineup with varieties of "10", "25", "50 New" and "100" indicating speed. Subscription fee from 15.5 to 40.65. "Social Anline" is included in this group and implies a write-off of 12 rubles.

Batch offers Domosed include not only the Internet, but antivirus and distance filtering for 15.8 or 32 rubles.

A televisionprovided under the Zala brand. The basis of the tariff options is the provision of one or two receivers. The price is 3.75, the additional cheaper is only 1.5.

  1. For the interactive TV of the Premier Tariff Plan, which includes 60 popular channels, the rates will be 7.35 and 3.3.
  2. "All inclusive" has 97 programs for 13.5 per month.
  3. "All inclusive HD" already with 110 TV channels in high definition for 22.65.

Essential offers also require a receiver connection, which will cost 3.75 rubles. There are only 2 of them: "TV standard" with 26 channels for 4.45 and "Essential Zala" from 43 for 7 per month.

For sophisticated in the hall you can find and SMART SOLUTION. They are also only 2: "Kanpa TV" for 5.65 per month, providing 71 television channels with intellectual control, as well as 4 channels in the Premium package for 2.05.

Conduct a phone Currently, it is not always relevant, nevertheless Beltelecom offers this service for lovers retro. Thus, the direct connection will cost 7.55 rubles, the subscription fee for the use of a line of 2.81 per month, for the time spent, it will be paid separately by 0.0059 per minute of conversation. But outside of time billing, the fee will be 3, 97 and 3 for a parallel connected device. Telephone collective use will cost 6.06 in 30 days.

For those who care about the safety of their property, the company is ready to offer a modern set of equipment in conjunction with the "Smart Home" service.

Systems and observation systems can be rented, also provides for a repurchase option. At the moment, the month of use will cost 5.6, installation and adjustment of 7.5. Additional devices can also be rented from the provider.

For progressive users who want to always stay in touch with 3 options wireless Internet access:

  • "Mobil Mini" - 4 GB for 7.28 rubles
  • "Mobil Midi" - 8 GB for 9.47
  • Mobil Maxi - 12 GB - 13.01.

The service is provided on the basis of 2 and 3G networks.

Regarding wireless networks using Wi-Fi technology, that is, both time-based variations and unlimited. So, you can use the network operation possibilities from 1 hour to 5 days, the cost can be from 1.1 to 4.75. Provider presents three options for tariffs " My Wi-Fi»With a variety of traffic, 15, 3 and 6 GB. As well as " Free Wi-Fi»And the replenished card, with which you can pay an additional amount of Internet traffic in 1 MB for 0, 001 rubles.


Become a subscriber Beltelecom is completely simple. This will require:

You can disable the services as separately, leaving only the necessary, or completely everything, terminating the contract with the provider.

Additional options

Like all companies that provide communication services, Beltelecom offers connecting additional options and equipment at the request of users. It can be cameras, motion sensors, digital TV consoles, as well as classic antiviruses and restrictions for content, including so useful for families with children " Parental control».

Installation, configuration and installation are also associated options, so paid separately.