Hat showdowns, or another way to attract followers on Instagram. How to make a profile header on Instagram, how to design and what to write How to design an Instagram profile header ideas

Hello, dear readers of the iclife.ru blog!

In this article, we will talk about how to design an Instagram profile so that more people pay attention to it. Correct, beautiful and original design is the first thing a user will see when he gets to your page.

Therefore, it is worth taking 10-20 minutes of your time to read this article in full and edit important points in your account.

Making a profile on Instagram

Let's start, as always, with basic psychological things. We will answer the questions that the person who has landed on the page wants to see.

Your profile design should answer 3 simple questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. How can you be useful to your subscribers? The user must understand at a glance how you will be interesting and useful to him, so that he subscribes to you.

If you run a business account where you sell some kind of product or service, then rephrase these questions a little for them.

What can be written:

  • What is your name?
  • Where are you from, where do you live?
  • Where do you work, what do you do, what project do you lead, what do you understand?
  • What are your hobbies, lifestyle, hobby?
  • What have you achieved?
  • What do you write about on your Instagram?
  • How to contact you? Link to a website or other social network.

Do not forget that the number of characters is limited. You need to be brief, original and, most importantly, something to be remembered by the visitor. So that “this person who ...” is deposited in his brain and he remembers you. You can capture just one detail.

Nick on Instagram (username)

The username (nickname), which is initially indicated during registration in English or in transliteration, will be displayed everywhere when you are active. Therefore, it should also be made as simple and memorable as possible. To make it easy to find you in the search.

It will be present in the link to your page (example: https://www.instagram.com/ blinovlife/), which you will post on other resources and indexed in search engines.

As you can see, the description and the first name with the last name in the profile are also shown in the search results.

Name field in profile settings

The one in bold type.

It, as you can see, affects the search results, both in search engines and in the search for Instagram itself. Therefore, here you can specify not just a first and last name, but a search query by which you can be found.

For example, if you are a photographer, you can specify in the line:

"Photographer of Perm - Vasily Blinov"

Well, or somehow decorate it with various emoticons.

Of course, a real first and last name works better than some kind of commercial request. Especially if you use . People will see that this is not a living person, but some kind of company trying to sell them something, then you yourself understand their reaction.

What photo to put on the avatar?

The photo works exactly the same, it is displayed in many places. If there is some kind of picture, and not your photo, they will consider you a bot and pass by without paying attention.

Put a good, cool photo of yourself where you can be seen in this little circle. I generally have one photo on all social accounts. networks, so it is easier to find and remember. Above I gave a link to my page, you can go and see for an example.

Now let's move on to the technical aspects of design.

How to make the description text on a new line?

At the moment, my profile is designed in this way. It is impossible to do this through the application, because there is no “Enter” button there, which flips to a new line.


Step 1.

Step 2

Step 3 We prescribe a new text in the "About Me" section or separate the old one with the "ENTER" button.

Step 4 We save the settings and check on the phone.

Such a text is better perceived and read than just a single sentence.

How to make a description (bio) on Instagram in the center?

It's just as easy to do:

Step 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

Step 2 Click "Edit Profile".

Step 3 In the “About Me” section, you need to insert space characters (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀) before the lines with text. Here they are in brackets, just select and copy.

Step 4 Adjust the number of space characters to be even. Check on your phone.

This is what happened to me, only I had to delete part of the text, because spaces are considered as characters, the number of which is limited. Don't move the link.

How to make a "Contact" button and page category

In order to activate this feature on Instagram, you need to create a public page on Facebook. If you already have such a page ( here is an example of my page), then all that remains is to link it to your Instagram account.

Step 1. Linking pages. Go from your phone (via the Instagram mobile app) to edit your profile and click "Try tools for the company" there.

Step 3 Enter the data through which users can contact you.

The address will also be displayed in the profile data and, when clicked, will be shown on the map.

Who does not want users to be able to call the phone number and see the address (relevant for personal pages, bloggers), you can not specify them.

How to add emoticons?

After you make the description text from a new line and save it, you can go into editing through the application on your phone and put the necessary emoticons in the usual way.

Active link in profile

If the URL is long and looks ugly, then it should be shortened with . For example, like mine, a short shortened link.

About closed accounts

After a person views your profile, they move on to rating the content. Therefore, the account should not be closed.

No one subscribes to a closed account, and with this setting, you are unlikely to become popular.

How to open a private profile?

This can't be done through a computer, only through a mobile application.

Go to the application itself on the phone and in the upper right corner click the "Settings" gear. Drag the Closed Account slider to the left.

That's it, guys, this is the end of my article about designing a profile on Instagram. If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. And write, please, do I need to talk about the design of posts on Instagram?

I will wait for feedback.

Many users, when creating an Instagram account, want it to be beautiful, memorable and actively attract new followers. But for this you need to try, taking the time to properly design.

There is no single recipe for the correct design of an Instagram account, but there are still some tips that you can follow to make your account look really interesting.

When a user enters your Instagram profile, they should immediately have an idea of ​​what this page is about, who its owner is, and how they can be contacted.

Enter your name

If the profile is personal, then you should indicate your name in the profile. If the profile is impersonal, for example, is a tool for promoting goods and services, then instead of the name you will need to indicate the name of your online store.

Add a description

The description will be visible on the main profile page. This is a kind of business card, so the information provided in the description should be short, concise and bright.

As a result, the description in the application looks like this:

Place the description in the center

As a result, our name and description look like this in the application:

Add a "Contact" Button

Most likely, you want to make a high-quality profile in order to promote goods and services, which means that potential buyers and customers should easily and quickly contact you. To do this, add a button "Contact", under which you can place the required information: your location, phone number and email address.

Put an active link

If you have your own website, be sure to place an active link in your profile so that users can instantly go to it.

An avatar is an essential element in creating a high-quality profile. The photo put on the avatar must meet several criteria:

  • be of good quality. Despite the fact that the Instagram profile picture is very small, this photo is clearly visible, which means that it must be of decent quality and taken in good light.
  • Do not contain redundant elements. The photo set on the avatar is very small, so users should immediately understand what is shown on it, which means that it is desirable that the picture be minimalistic.
  • A unique image should be used as an avatar. Do not use pictures from the Internet that are set as an avatar for a thousand or two users. Consider that the avatar is your logo, so the user should immediately understand whose page it is from just one avatar.
  • be of the appropriate format. All avatars on Instagram are round, which means that this moment must be taken into account. It is advisable if you use any mobile photo editor to crop the picture first, making it square, and then set the already modified result as your profile photo.
  • If you have an impersonal profile, then you should use a logo as an avatar. If there is no logo, it is better to draw it or use any suitable picture that matches the theme of your profile as a basis.

Change avatar

All Instagram users love not only informative, but also beautiful pages. Look at the popular accounts - almost all of them show a single style of image processing.

For example, when editing a photo before publishing, you can use the same filter or add interesting frames, for example, making the image round.

To edit your photos, try the following apps:

Some Instagram users do not pay attention to their profile header at all. They believe that this is not at all a mandatory attribute, because the main thing is interesting and high-quality photographs. Most likely, this is the correct reasoning, but this part of the profile has its own, important, purpose.

What is an Instagram profile header?

Your profile photo, that is, your avatar and your “nickname” is the first information that random visitors to your account see (in a search by tag or profile name). Despite the fact that many users do not care about how to make and customize the design of their own headers attractive. But this is very important, because your profile avatar, like shark bait, can hook a random user and lure him into your territory. Of course, no one will give you good advice about the avatar, but first of all, you need to make sure that it matches the context of your account, and is also not very dull. Beautiful, joyful, bright photos are always welcome.

Also, do not forget about the description of the profile, which is placed in the header. This is a very important component, which, if properly designed, can attract new visitors, or vice versa, scare them away. It is very interesting that on Instagram, namely in the profile description, you can enter not only letters, but also special characters, emoticons, that is, the user has the opportunity to somehow decorate his greeting in a special way, so to speak, emphasize his individuality. I will say from personal experience - use a minimum of words and as much useful information as possible, and most importantly, write more positively.

We offer for acquaintance one more material from our site:.

How to fill in the Instagram header?

In fact, it’s not enough to create a profile, it’s not enough to post photos, you also need to optimize it for a search engine. Exactly. In this social network, people search through the search, and even find something. When people find your page, you get involuntary traffic. These are the people who specifically searched for your account if it is about something they are interested in, such as a clothing or cosmetics brand. These are very valuable visitors, so if you make the header incorrectly, you only make things worse for yourself.

Let's figure out how to properly render all header elements and what to do with them.

Let's start with the "nickname" or "username" that you specify when registering a page in English. This inscription will be displayed everywhere when you are active. Therefore, it needs to be made as simple and understandable as possible, to make it easy to remember. So that a person can find you in the search by remembering your nickname.

The nickname will also be present in the link to your profile, for example, https://www.instagram.com/leonardodicaprio, judging by the last entry in the link, it is already clear whose profile this is, so it should be for you.

Since you are reading this article, then you are most likely not a star yet, and in order to become one, you need to be able to teach yourself, first of all, this concerns a pseudonym, the main thing is that it should not be busy with someone else. Some very famous people really don't bother with a nickname, because fans will find them anyway, but if you are just starting your career, give it your time.

If you are a future blogger, come up with a very short and bright nickname. First and last name can also be one option if they meet the "short" criterion. Do not write a set of letters, numbers, you do not need subscribers to rack their brains when reading.

Now let's talk about the "name", the one that is in bold. It greatly affects the search and is displayed both in the search for Instagram and other search engines. Therefore, if you are a blogger, actor, dancer. It is best to indicate not just the Last Name and First Name, but also your occupation, for example, “journalist - Yuri Dud”. Well, or try to decorate this field with emoticons or other symbols. But, of course, just the first and last name are best suited. If you write on your business account - "Sale of winter tires" and use services for promotion - you will not see any fruits, your business will wither before it has time to mature.

The best photo for a hat on Instagram

The photo is as important as the "nickname" and "username", it is displayed everywhere. If there is a "left" picture from the Internet, your potential visitors are likely to remain so - potential.

Choose a personal photo that is bright, classy and rich, where you can be seen as a person even in a small circle. You can even put one photo on all social networks, it’s easier to navigate, both for you and your subscribers.

To make it easier for you to understand what a high-quality design of your account means, look at the profiles of famous people who know how to teach themselves, personally selected by me.

We also offer for reading material about questions that you may have already asked yourself more than once:.

The problem of what to write about yourself on Instagram arises for users who want to translate the page into a blog or create an Internet business. Owners of personal accounts just need to enter their name and age, as well as some facts about themselves.

Features of the "Description" block

From the options that you can write about yourself on Instagram:

The choice of information for the header depends on the direction of the page. Suitable for business profiles: the name of the organization or store, contact methods, short advertising. Owners of personal blogs should get creative with the description: use emoticons, interesting titles and links for collaboration.

In block " About myself» is limited to 150 characters, but you can increase the amount of information using the business profile features. To use the extra seat:

  1. Switch from personal profile to business.
  2. Go to " Edit page».
  3. Scroll to section " Address».
  4. Insert pre-prepared text.
  5. Enter city - confirm with " Ready" and " Save».

The maximum length of the additional block is about 500 characters. In this case, the address itself will not be correctly specified. The function is suitable for owners of personal blogs and those who promote services on Instagram.

Making a profile is an important step in getting more audience coverage, sales and attracting potential customers. Three reasons why it is important to fill in the description of the page:

To create an attractive design, permanent Stories are recommended, located in the "Actual" section. The page owner can create subcategories and place any events there, just like in Stories.

Circles with already published photos will appear under the description of the page. Pictures will not disappear after 24 hours.

  • Didn't find an answer? Ask a question, we will prepare and send you an answer by e-mail
  • Powerful Instagram account boost

The description bar displays the username. These are the first words listed before the information itself, in bold. It is recommended to specify the activity of the profile owner.

How to write a description for an online store

For business accounts, additional tools are provided: link to the site, address. In addition to filling in the description, it is important to indicate the geolocation and the URL to the official portal (if any).

How to write a description:

  • indicate the hours of work and the response from the manager: “We answer within 15 minutes”;
  • distinctive features: “We sell cosmetics from Korea from official manufacturers”;
  • pricing policy: "Our prices are lower than on Aliexpress";
  • gratitude: "We are glad to every client."

You need to indicate the cost of goods, both in publications and in the description. The visitor to the page will know what prices are expected and whether to order. Most buyers leave if they didn’t find an answer about the cost in the comments or in the description under the product, you can try connecting shopping tags.

Also, the owner of the Instagram store can specify the features:

  • You will find us at the address (put an arrow emoticon or enter a geolocation) and a bright sign at the entrance;
  • In our store you will be offered free coffee;
  • New deliveries: every Tuesday and Thursday.

That is, brief information that will be an additional incentive to order or visit the store at the specified address.

You have heard more than once how important the first impression is: in social networks it works one hundred percent. The Instagram header is the first thing a new audience will look at. Proper and correct design is crucial. Will users follow you? Will they click the link to the site? Will your account be shared with friends? For businesses, this is a key factor - to be one click away from the client.

What is an Instagram profile header: 10 of its components

The Instagram profile header occupies the top space, where there are several fields.

  1. Photo. The profile page should contain an attractive photo related to the company: a logo or a product photo. Some companies and celebrities have a verified badge to identify them as an official account.
  2. Nickname and username. They appear at the top of the page. In a more prominent place in the biography is the name, which is in bold. They are used in the search, so write carefully.
  3. Text field. 150 characters, talk about the areas of activity and encourage action.
  4. Web site. Specify the page you want to drive traffic to. Think about what address to enter in order to retain customers.
  5. Category. Appears below the business name and appears on the associated Facebook page. This feature requires a business account. Do not waste bio space with unnecessary words, indicate the type of activity in a special field.
  6. Action buttons. Additional links for business accounts free up space in the bio. Displayed in the mobile app. You can find these fields when you click Edit Profile, Communication Methods. If you don't see them, make sure you have a business account. Main advantages: quick communication with the company and unloading of posts: no need to indicate contact information under each post.
  7. Mail. Enter your email address and get the corresponding button in your profile. When a customer clicks "Email", Instagram offers the default email app on the phone.
  8. Location. Help customers to easily find a company. When customers click on this button, it will prompt them with a map app on their phone.
  9. Telephone. Another way to include contact information in your business profile is to add a phone number. When someone presses the button, a prompt appears to call the company directly.
  10. Call to action. What do you want visitors to do after visiting your profile?

Instagram profile header: examples of how to design in an original way

How to make a beautiful profile header on Instagram

A good bio should fulfill certain goals: show what the business does and characterize the ideal buyer. Encourage the subscriber to take the first action.

Who: ideal audience

Use the header to attract your ideal audience. She needs to understand who you are before she can be yours. A good Instagram description explains what your business is and what you do.
If you want to highlight a specific skill, profession, hobby, or interest, you need to include it in the header. It's a good idea to describe who you're helping and how you're inspiring your ideal audience.
Write a bio about the target audience, this will attract more followers that match the brand. Potential clients will find you.

Links within Instagram

Buttons for actions and communication

If you want your profile to be a compelling store for new visitors, you'll need to make it easy for them to get in touch with you or give you a precise location. Go to business profile. In addition to creating boosted posts and ads, adding links to Instagram Stories, and accessing built-in analytics, switching to a business profile also gives you the option to add important contact details to your bio. You can include an email address, phone number, and physical address in your profile. A profile visitor easily clicks on any of the links and contacts you directly via email or phone.

Pinned Instagram Stories

Text decoration

Get creative with spaces, line breaks, and emotes. Remember that they display well on the mobile version, but can move out on the desktop.

Add emotions

The use of emotions in the header gives the profile a pleasant atmosphere, helping the brand to stand out. They take up less space, which allows you to add additional information.

  1. Be creative and try a combination of words mixed with emoji.
  2. Use emoji as markers. Underline key points in content to break up text and make it easier to read. Emoticons should always be related to the brand and increase the relevance of the header.
  3. It is not recommended to use only emoji on its own without text. This can be confusing to your audience and is a waste of precious branding space.
  4. Emoji must change. Play with different emotes to find the right ones for your brand.

Small bright emoticons are another way to make a beautiful Instagram profile header.

What to write in the profile header on Instagram

Name field in profile

People searching for you will use your name or company name. These are the only fields that are included in the search. But that doesn't mean you can't fantasize. Do you have a specialty or industry niche? Do you offer a specific service? Know something special? You can also include these details in the name to make it more meaningful.

Keywords for content

The search does not work on keywords, but they focus on the activities of the profile and help you communicate with subscribers in their language. Add the core values ​​of the company and target audience to the keys. If you're using Instagram for business, spend some time creating a "profile" of your ideal follower. Find pain points and interests. What keywords will help you most respond to them? This will help users better understand who you are and what you have to offer.



A good bio clearly explains what your business is, what your company does. If you want to showcase your skills, profession, hobbies, or interests, include a couple of lines in your header. Think about what sets you apart from your competitors. A unique set of skills or experiences that may be of interest to your followers?
Highlight what makes you special, what sets you apart from the competition. What interesting facts can you tell users about your brand?

Opening hours

Specify opening hours. A simple detail saves followers time.

Simple Ideas for Designing Your Instagram Profile Header

  1. Focus on the official brand page.
  2. Share branded hashtags.
  3. Leave the slogan, the main idea of ​​the brand, in the bio.
  4. Be minimalistic. PUMA writes short, simple phrases and lets their images and famous logo speak for themselves. A simplified bio allows customers to define exactly what the brand wants to get.
  5. Inspire the subscriber to purchase a product on the specified website.
  6. Offer to download your materials.
  7. Replace some words with emotions.
  8. Provide a link to the Instagram page of the director of the company or moderators.
  9. Leave the bio blank if you are famous without further ado.

Summing up

Think about how you can use 150 characters in your bio to write a description that will attract potential customers. Numerous examples of how to fill out an Instagram profile header will give you tips for creating your own style and original story.
As you can see, your header is an important part of attracting your ideal audience. It increases traffic and sales of goods and services. Make sure you make a great first impression.