How to view the black list on the phone in classmates. Where is the blacklist in classmates and how to add a person to it Where is the blacklist in classmates on the phone

How to get out of the blacklist in Odnoklassniki if you were added there? And also how to bring a person into an emergency or remove him from it - look for answers to these questions now.

The administration of the social network Odnoklassniki is fighting insults, spam and annoying users who annoy other members. If someone interferes with a pleasant pastime and friendly communication, you can complain about him, indicating the reason for dissatisfaction. And then the administration itself will take action.

In addition, the site provides the ability to create a personal black list. You can put an unpleasant person there without explaining your actions to anyone. In the "Help" section there is a simple instruction on how to add to the black list in Odnoklassniki . Do the following:

    Log in to the profile of the user you don't like as a regular guest;

    Under the main photo, find the words "Other activities", click on them;

    Then select the "Complain" command;

    In the window that opens, if you wish, you can note what this user is to blame for, or you can, without noting anything, check the box next to the words “add this person to the black list”;

    Complete the operation, confirming your intentions, for this you need to click the "Complain" button.

The user that you sent to the black list will no longer be able to show any activity towards you. He is forbidden to view your page, write messages, send gifts, rate and comment on photos, participate in discussions and forums.

Worried about annoying users who ask to be friends, but you don't recognize them? Let's do a lot friends per page Odnoklassniki to know their entire audience and block only "left" people.

For those who use the mobile version of the site or enter there via phone, a slightly different plan of action on how to blacklist Odnoklassniki . Proceed like this:

    Open the profile of a person with whom you absolutely do not want to communicate;

    Click under his photo on the right on three dots with the words "Other activities";

    In the new menu, select the "Block user" command;

    Once again confirm your desire to blacklist this person and you will immediately see the result.

Sometimes it happens that you are just about to blacklist someone, and he is already ahead of you. And blocked your profile first, and you found out about it later. The administration of Odnoklassniki advises not to worry: you can always take, as they say now, mirror measures. This happens quite often when users mutually add each other to their personal blacklists. Everything must be done in the same way as described above.

And finally, not everyone decides to immediately blacklist, for example, a former friend. But he is seen in bad deeds and I want to somehow react. Then just complain about his actions. Let's say you received a message with an insult. To file a complaint, do the following:

    Place the cursor on a post (or comment) that contains offensive words;

    Symbols in circles will appear on the right, select the exclamation mark on the gray triangle, click on it;

    In the window that opened, click on the "Complain" button.

Now the site administration will deal with the violator of the rules of communication. The complaint will be checked. If the offense is serious, the user may be removed from the network or temporarily blocked.

The black list in classmates is also available on the pages of groups. But there administrators and moderators monitor the observance of discipline. They can also send a complaint about the unworthy actions of a user.

If you are interested in social activities in Odnoklassniki, we are ready to tell you how to create your own group, how to recruit users into it. And then you will need information on how to promote the group and promote it. And read about the secrets of communicating useful and interesting communication in other social networks on the site.

We have already figured out how to replenish your black list. However, it happens that you have identified a person there without thinking, under the influence of an impulse. And now you want to correspond and communicate with him again. So, it's time to find out how to remove from the black list in Odnoklassniki.

This is not at all difficult to do. You need to follow a few simple steps:

    We go to our page, click on the photo thumbnail in the upper right corner;

    In the menu that opens, select the line "Change settings";

    In the "Settings" section, pay attention to the "Black List", it is located in the column on the left, open it;

    We hover over the photo of the user you want to return to communication in the upper right corner;

    The "Unblock" command will appear, if you have not changed your mind, click on this button;

    We confirm the decision again.

Now there is one less person on your black list. And the user that you returned to your world on Odnoklassniki can visit you again, write messages, view and rate photos, and everything else.

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Some users are so addicted to sending guests and friends to the blacklist that it grows to frightening proportions. And after some time, a request arises how to remove from the black list in Odnoklassniki not each person separately, but all at once. Unfortunately, it will not work to clear the list of people who fell out of favor in one fell swoop (or click). Each candidate you decide to pardon will have to be considered individually. But, you see, the procedure for extracting from the black list is very fast.

How to get out of the black list in Odnoklassniki on your own

The user of Odnoklassniki is given the right to add any person to the black list, and if desired, remove him from there. Everyone decides for himself who to execute and who to pardon. But when you find out that you suddenly ended up on someone's black list, it becomes uncomfortable and you want to do something. Many people ask how to get out of the black list in Odnoklassniki on their own.

Alas, the site administration gives a disappointing answer. You will not be able to leave the black list until its owner wants it. There is no way to remove yourself from someone else's list of unwanted persons. Although there is a radical solution to the problem, how to get out of the black list in Odnoklassniki. You can destroy your profile on a social network completely. After that, any mention of you will disappear on the site, including you will disappear from someone else's blacklist. We will gladly explain how to delete a page in Odnoklassniki.

Sometimes there is a desire to get off the black list, not only because it is unpleasant for pride. You want to know what and how the person who blocked you lives. And his page is closed for you. Then it remains to come to terms with being on the black list. But you can get yourself another profile, where you do not indicate your personal data, do not upload real photos. We also know how to register in Odnoklassniki without a first and last name. After that, try to make friends with a person of interest to you, no longer making the mistakes that caused you to be blacklisted. Communication in a social network differs from the real one in that it is possible to report only part of the true information about yourself. And if you want to never be discovered, visit as an invisible person. How this function works, read in another article.

The Odnoklassniki social network, like all other similar networks, provides for the ability to restrict the access of unwanted persons to your profile, as well as to the data you uploaded (photos, videos, comments).

You can restrict access using the " Black list “, in which you can bring any person that bothers you. The person you blacklisted will not be able to visit your page, write a message, or comment on your photo or video.

Where is the Black List in Odnoklassniki

Menu section Black list it is quite simple to find it in Odnoklassniki, it is located in the main menu of your page, the item “ More »

How to add a person to the black list in Odnoklassniki

Not everyone knows how to blacklist an annoying person, the fact is that this function is not very noticeable and obvious. There are several ways to blacklist a person:

  1. Using the Messages section, if you corresponded with him.
  2. If a person left a rating of your photos or videos.
  3. If this person visited your page.
  4. Block a person who leaves unwanted comments under a photo or video.

Ban via chat

If you want to block a person who is rude to you in correspondence, you need to do the following: go to the " messages"- select the person to be blacklisted - click on the menu item of additional options" More» – press « block » and confirm the action. Now this person will not be able to write messages to you, and you can find him in the section " Black list «

How to block for a bad rating under your photo

A person who puts bad marks under your photos can be blacklisted as follows: go to the section with your photos, choose that photo , under which there is a bad rating or comment. Hover over the photo of the person who left a bad rating, as a result of which the inscription " block» Press it and confirm the action.

How to blacklist a person who visits your page

If you want to add a person who visited your page to the Odnoklassniki blacklist, you need to go to the " Guests", then hover over photo of the right person and select " block and confirm the action.

How to blacklist for a bad comment under a video

If you want to blacklist a person who left an unpleasant comment under your video, do this: go to video where an unwanted comment was left, hover over a bad review , opposite this comment on the right side a cross will appear , click on it, check the box " Block comment author ” and press the button “ Delete» As a result, this person will be blacklisted and their comment deleted.

How to remove a person from the black list in Odnoklassniki

In Odnoklassniki, you can both add and remove people from the blacklist. In order to remove a person from the black list, you need to go to the appropriate section, find a photo of the right person , move the cursor over it and in the window that appears, select the item " Unlock«

The site developers have created such a section to protect personal data from unpleasant, aggressive people. Entering an emergency means that the owner of this account will not be able to go to your page, view and comment on photos, rate, send a message.

All that he will see when he tries to visit the profile is the main photo and the message: "the user has added you to the" black list "".

Attention: this service works absolutely free of charge, any attempt to write off money for its use is a scam.

How to blacklist in Odnoklassniki

Each user periodically has a need to include someone in an emergency. But how to add an unpleasant person to the blacklist in Odnoklassniki? There are three easy ways to do this:

Important: a blocked user will be able to visit your page from another account.

How to use emergency situations in Odnoklassniki on your phone in the mobile version

To add a friend to an emergency from your phone, go to his profile. After clicking on the "three dots", a menu will open. There is a "Block" option. Click, confirm, block.

How to view the blacklist

Being in the "Friends" section, you need to open all available tabs by pressing the "More" button. Select the "Black List" column. A list of users located there will open. In this window, the site makes it possible to unblock the user by removing them from the emergency.

Remember, social media users can not only leave aggressive messages, unflattering comments or low ratings, but also use your personal information for personal gain. Therefore, it is important to use this service in time, preventing them from appearing on the page.

This function was introduced by the creators of the social network so that all users can independently regulate their social circle and get rid of unnecessary people in their environment. The service is completely free, so absolutely everyone can use it, which makes the emergency even more useful. You can permanently edit your emergency by adding or removing people from there. A user whose page is in an emergency will not be able to write to you, view your materials, comment on posts and set classes. He will only see the avatar on your page. Read on our website for detailed instructions on how the page of another person.

How to find out who I am on the black list in Odnoklassniki?

There is no separate service or function in the social network itself to determine those who brought you into emergency situations. This service will not be offered to you either for money or for free. However, you can easily find out that a user sent you to an emergency if you go to his page. If, having visited the person’s profile, you saw only an avatar, and all the buttons for communication are missing (even adding to friends), this means that the person sent you to an emergency.

What does the blacklist give in Odnoklassniki?

This feature is very useful for those who want to fine-tune and define their social circle within the OK social network. Feel free to add everyone you consider necessary to the emergency situation, you will make your stay on the Internet comfortable and calm. Hang out only with people you like. Also, this feature helps to get rid of annoying bots and advertising in private messages. With a couple of clicks you can . You will find step-by-step instructions on this on our information portal.

What does the blacklist in Odnoklassniki mean and how does it work?

PS is a list in which there are users who cannot access your personal page. You personally choose which profile to add to the emergency. After that, the person you have chosen is added to the list and can no longer contact you within the OK social network. However, he can write to you or be added as a friend from another page. Remember that you are only blocking an account. You can use the Blacklist service both from a desktop computer and from a phone / tablet through the mobile version of the site or the official application. On our portal you can read a detailed article about.

How to remove yourself from the black list in Odnoklassniki?

There is no way you can extract your page from another person's blacklist. You can only ask him for it by logging in from a new account or through a page that is on his friend list.

This is the main advantage of this feature: without the permission of the one who blocked you, you will not be able to take any action against this person, thus, you will not disturb him. If you were added to the emergency, then the owner of the account had a reason, or he simply decided to limit his social circle on the social network.

How to add a guest to the black list in Odnoklassniki?

To do this, you must follow the following procedure:

  • open the profile of the person who visited your profile and whom you want to block if he seems suspicious to you;
  • under the profile picture, click on the "More actions" button to open an additional menu;

The fascination with social networks has long been a ubiquitous phenomenon. This is a great way to connect with old friends who live far away, as well as make new acquaintances, even. Odnoklassniki is one of the most popular pages on the Russian-speaking Internet. There are millions of users here, so sometimes some of them become too intrusive. Then you have to search. The "Blacklist" function comes to the rescue. To get rid of an annoying interlocutor, you need to know how to add him to the black list, remove a friend from him and where to find the black list in classmates.

To find and view who is in an emergency, you need to figure out where the blacklist itself is located on the social network page. To do this, you need to go to your account, from go to the profile by clicking on your name on the left. The main page will have a row with the tabs "Feed", "Friends", "Photo" up to the "Notes" tab, after which there will be the word "More" and expanding options for additional features. In this list, an emergency will be displayed, by clicking on which all people blocked in OK by a person will appear on the page.

The meaning of the emergency is that all blocked users will be denied access to the page of the one who added them to the list. To continue communicating with a person from it, you need to know how to unblock a user. Until then, he will not be able to be the first to write a message, go to the page, view, rate photos or leave a comment, as well as see the news of the person who blocked him.

How to bring a person into an emergency

There are several ways to blacklist a person. You need to consider how to include the people you had a conversation with, those you didn't have to correspond with, and those who blocked you in the first place.

  1. The first step is to figure out how to add someone to the Odnoklassniki emergency if there was no correspondence. To do this, go to the user's page, find the "Other actions" tab to the right of the photo (denoted as ellipsis). Having opened it, select the “Complain” item, then indicate the reason for the complaints (if any) and check the box “add this person to the black list”.
  2. Similarly, you can block a visitor whose profile is already closed. To do this, go to his website and open the tab "Other actions" - "Complain" under the photo.
  3. Next, you need to consider how to blacklist a person with whom a conversation has already taken place. To do this, open a dialog box with it, in the upper right corner find the icon "" (a stick with a dot in a circle) and click the "Block" button.

With such simple actions, you can protect yourself from the interference of strangers in your personal life.

How to remove a person from an emergency

Removing a person from your emergency situation is possible only with. To figure out how to remove a person from the list of blocked, you need to go to the "More" - "Emergency" menu. When you hover over the photo with the mouse, a context menu will appear, at the bottom of the list of actions there will be an "Unblock" button. This is the only way to remove a visitor from the list.

How do I know if I'm in an emergency

Finding out that you are in an emergency with one of the network visitors is not so easy. There is no universal way to find and find out who blocked you. The only way is to go to the pages of users that are interesting. When blocking a person, he will see a message stating that this user has blocked him.