Samsung Galaxy S7 EDGE explodes the battery. SAMSUNG smartphones continue to explode


@Just_TF, not .. You just do not remember how it is done correctly. When, for example, laptops all leading companies were exploding batteries.
And Samsung noted that the price after two dozen incidents continued to try to hide everything under the carpet (their compensation to the direct owners of the fireless devices included a ban on the disclosure, which no one did in America for a long time), without silent, reulted the first replacement, the first replacement To recognize the problem in it. And in the end, she graduated strangely in the form and in terms of payments. I still remember that story about a woman with two laptops, which money returned almost a month after she brought the noise and refused to change them on S7.
In short, Koreans are not strong here.

@Vugi, everything is wrong.
Here are greyhound apples. Batteries are cut down by 30%, and they are drum.
I'm not talking about the fact that more than 100 iPhones exploded or caught fire :)

And EPL all the fire recognized ?? And did not try to hide anything?
Closed this question more than worthy.
In addition to Note 7 and remember something?)

And then EPL immediately recognized or did not recognize it at all:
Defective screens in iPhones 4, 5, 6
Defective batteries 5, 6
Defective inclusion buttons 5
Seating case at 5 and 7
Sealing displays on expensive maps
About accessories that are torn in a couple of months, I will keep silent in general
This is really high-quality production !!))
What I remembered with the go, and then what else was

\u003e\u003e And did not try to hide anything?

epple is American mentality. They beautifully understood initially that attempts to hide the problem (especially with fire - stupid and lead, rather, to the opposite result). I will not say that Samsung performed badly in history with the battery .. But he might be a lot better.
\u003e\u003e In addition to Note 7 and remember something?)
When the house is burning, it becomes not very important, as far as your furniture came to the color of the walls. Samsung has a bad service and poor support, in my opinion. Anyone who at least once compared the process of replacing or repairing devices from them and the epple knows it. The same "cultural" problem is that in history with the battery.

About periodic problems with quality I see no reason to argue. There are only two firms that produce phones in such volumes. And only one of them really sells millions of pieces on the first day. Naturally, the whole focus of attention on it. Who is interested in problems in Chinese or cheap samsungs / LG?))) And they are much more.

@vugi, do not change the testimony))

What's wrong? Support is excellent, more than. Everything sounds too common)

Definal ?? Ahah.
God, here will even ask about what a typical eplodroker, any shit is ready to eat only an apple sign)

"Cheap" FacePalm
Well, yes, so Apple refused to publish sales at start 7k?)

\u003e\u003e do not change the testimony))

I like and did not change anything ..)

\u003e\u003e Support is excellent, more than.

Figy. But to understand this - you need to compare. You, as I see, did not have such an opportunity. Laziness go into details, but as an example is simply - the epple list of readings for warranty repair / replacement of the device is much more than Samsungsky. That is, there are many situations when Samsung will send you (as the battery overheating sent), and the epple will change without words.

\u003e\u003e Relonal ?? Ahah

Yes, periodic. Because no other phone is tested in millions of pieces in the first weekend. Note7 was close, but the test failed with a crash.
And you do not hear about the problems of Chinese shit - because it is not interesting for anyone. I just hear about the problem of top Samsung - I mentioned about cheap.

\u003e\u003e Well, yes, so Apple refused to publish sales at start 7ki?)

Some garbage. Open the quarterly report and see sales for the quarter. I don't know why you are so for sale in the first weekend worry, but if the quarter was a record - then the first weekend is most likely too.

Undoubtedly, today Samsung is one of the best manufacturers of smartphones all over the world. And although the devices of the South Korean giant are very popular, a number of products have their own "pros" and "minuses". Unfortunately, the Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE flags are announced at the MWC 2016 exhibition and Galaxy S7 EDGE. Now, after the start of sales, I think many have already thought about the acquisition of one (or at once of two?) Of the top devices. For the purchase does not play a potential buyer with a dick joke, you need to immediately warn it about the various problems available in new products. Actually, to this now and proceed.

FirstlyThe Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE is installed "Outdated" Micro USB connector instead of USB Type-C. In addition, it is made according to the USB 2.0 standard. Of course, at the beginning of 2016, a larger number of accessories and cables (emphasis on the first syllable) are still intended for the old port. However, many manufacturers have begun to equip their devices with a symmetrical connector and not far from the mountain that day when you get charging for Micro USB it becomes more difficult. First of all, using USB Type-C facilitates the connection of wires and flash drives to the smartphone: which side does not turn it, you still do not lose. And the failure from the USB 3.0 interface is generally a mystery, because the speed on this bus is at times exceeds as those in USB 2.0. This in turn means that the transfer of multiple files from a PC to a smartphone and on the contrary will take a long time.

SecondlyPumping from the purchase of Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE can be a bothering battery. Many often traveling users prefer to take with them an extra battery in order to extend the total time of the device. The trip does not always have the opportunity to connect the gadget to the outlet or wear a portable charger (Power Bank). In addition, instead of a "native" battery, you can easily be installed in the smartphone more capacious battery.

Following, the thirdThe lack somewhat intersects with the previous one and is a refusal to support Quick Charge 3.0. Instead of new development from Qualcomm, an outdated QC 2.0 is used. Testing has shown that the third version technology is more efficient than the previous 38 percent and allows you to charge the device twicest. By the way, the charging process from 0% to 80% takes about 35 minutes.

Fourth Possible for failure reason - the old fingerprint scanner is exactly the same as installed in the previous Galaxy S6. This means that the sensor in the new smartphone did not become faster and "smart": the read speed and the number of failures remained at the same level.

No ability to use an external memory card as a continuation of the internal - fifth In the account of the lack of Galaxy S7. For the first time this feature appeared in Android 6.0 Marshmallow, on which this smartphone works. It allows, as already mentioned, install a microSD card as an additional integrated memory space, not separate. Thus, the user would not have to think about the placement of his favorite films, photos and music on the device.

Glass case - sixth The reason to think about some other smartphone. At one time, Samsung decided to abandon plastic and this step was positively encountered by the public. But the time has shown that the use of glass is not a practical choice: it is easily scratched and also beats easily. Wherever it is better to look at the devices enclosed in metal or, if everything suits, plastic housings, they will serve faithfully much longer.

Overestimated value at the start of sales - final, seventh, Cause Do not take Galaxy S7 or Galaxy S7 Edge. Of course, for a premium smartphone with top characteristics and an excellent camera you need to pay, but not the same amount. For example, the Chinese company Xiaomi has already managed to prove himself in the market, asks for the flagship MI5 from 300 to 400 dollars, depending on the modification. SAMSUNG in the meantime sells its new products from 700 dollars. At the same time, the only one on his head is superior to South Korean devices, so this is the camera. Also a unique feature of Galaxy S7 Edge can be considered a display bent along the edges. For this, naturally, they will also have to pay extra, but not the same.

In conclusion, I would like to say that despite the listed disadvantages, which can be closed with ease, Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 EDGE are excellent smartphones close to ideal. No one here, of course, will not discharge you to buy new products, but I believe that the purpose of this article is made - report the problems that managed to find in these devices. So, if there is enough money in the bank and these "minuses" do not play a role - forward to the store for buying. Good luck!

What happened to the flagship Samsung?

An employee of the Korean cafe is trying to put out the clogged smartphone

Samsung Note 7 was supposed to become the main competitor of iPhone 7. The media enthusiastically respond about the design, camera and work with the stylus. He was even presented a month before the new iPhone and released a few weeks before Apple's presentation - Samsung believed that it would help to take away a market share from a competitor. But on the first week after the release began to appear messages about tanning batteries. In early September, the company decided to withdraw the device, and at the end of the month reissued Note 7 with a "safe" battery.
But ignition messages still continued to flow. On October 11, Samsung asked the stores around the world of Sales Note 7, and the owners are devices and do not use them more. Now they can exchange Note 7 to another model Galaxy (with a difference) or return money. In Russia, the return conditions specify the hotline by telephone.

How often phones exploded actually?

Before the commencement, Samsung managed to sell about 2.5 million devices (excluding China), but the battery defect, according to the company, is only 0.1%. That is, the battery could burn about 2.5 thousand Note 7. The exact number of inflation is unknown, but they are exactly more than a hundred: in the middle of September, it was known about in the United States - in Australia, - in Korea and one - in Taiwan. But new messages pop up so far.

From the description of incidents, it is impossible to understand what cases the smartphone begins to burn. In Florida Note 7 set up Jeep, when he was charged from the cigarette lighter, in Australia, the device almost a room at the hotel - also during charging, in South Carolina because of it, the garage was completely burned down, turned off Note 7 smoked in a bad pocket in an airplane, flying to Baltimore, in Connecticut the smartphone practically In the hands of a teenager (he got weak burns), and in Kentucky unconnected to Note 7 night in the bedroom.

What is why the phone lights up at all?

The fact is that the smartphone battery is complined from a variety of layers of electrical conductors. On each layer there is a cathode with positively charged ions and anode with negatively charged ions. On the side of the cathode are lithium ions: when the battery is charging, they go from the cathode to the anode, and when the battery is used - back. Between the cathode and the anode there is a thin plate of the dielectric, which does not conduct an electric current and does not give the cathode to react with the anode.

If the partition is destroyed between them, the ions will go on a short path - a short circuit will occur. The chain reaction will begin on: the battery will warm up itself even stronger, and the electrolyte will allocate fuel gas. When the reaction gets access to oxygen, there will be a fire or even an explosion. This is a general principle of the process, you can more about it.

Why are the batteries such vulnerable?

In modern batteries, the dielectric thickness is only 20-25 micrometers, which is about three times the usual sheet of office paper. First, this thin layer can collapse due to external pressure. For example, if you sit on your smartphone, bent it or hit it very much. After the destruction of the dielectric cathode and the anode will be reacted. The dielectric can also collapse due to metal dust, which remained inside after the assembly.

The second cause of short circuit is the temperature. Lithium-ion batteries are not designed to work in the frost or heat. Due to overheating, the metal lithium in the battery grows into needle structures (dendrites), which can destroy the dielectric and create a short circuit.

There are many other reasons for heating: the smartphone is charging in the sun, the third-party charger does not know when stopping the current, the chip does not work, which turns off the charging after 100%, in the battery a bad heat sink. Lithium-ion batteries have operating temperatures: they normally charge at a temperature of zero to 45 degrees, and operate at temperatures from -20 to 60 degrees. If the temperature is higher or lower, problems begin, and at the level of 100 degrees - very serious problems.

Why did this happen exactly from Note 7?

In GTA V, an addition appeared in the form of a new weapon Note 7, capable of destroying opponents

In Samsung, that the batteries were burning due to short circuit. What exactly it happened - will find out internal investigation. The company's employees that the smartphone was preparing in a hurry to catch up to Apple's presentation: the start date was shifted 10 days earlier, the engineers constantly changed the specifications and ordered new components, and employees had to sleep at work.

Lithium-ion batteries are considered not the most effective for modern smartphones. Each year, the devices appear more powerful processors, brighter screens, but there are no fundamental changes in the batteries. Manufacturers have only to easily put the conductor layers to get a large container in a thinner case. The Note 7 battery was enough ray - by 3500 milliamme aver. For comparison: Note 6 battery is 3000 million-hour, and iPhone 7 - at 2900 milliamme aver. Perhaps during the complex production process, the batteries are uneven pressure, because they charged it too unevenly.

What will happen to Samsung?

On the day of stopping sales of the company's shares by 8%, and capitalization decreased by $ 17 billion. For comparison - in the fourth quarter of 2015, the company operating profit is 5.4 billion dollars. It is not known how much Samsung will lose on return devices.

Do smartphones burn other manufacturers?

The battery defect is considered rare, but dangerous. If the defective batteries fall on sale, just a few episodes of fire, so that the company recalls the entire party. In 2006, Dell and Apple about 6 million laptops with Sony batteries due to the fact that some of them could light up. Although the probability of the defect was much lower than in the case of Note 7: 1 to 200,000 instead of 1 to 1000.

Phones burned and earlier. In 2002, the apparatus of the unknown brand of pants, when sat on his iPhone 5C. And the student from New Jersey iPhone 6s caught fire in the pocket of the shirt, although it was turned off. A month ago, the builder from Ohio Serious feet burns, when his Galaxy S7 Edge began to burn in his pocket, and a few days ago, a young man from Zhengzhou burns and scratches, when the iPhone 7 scattered in his hands while shooting a video.

What do you need to do so that the smartphone does not explode?

Do not charge the smartphone at the heat and at minus temperature. Do not use cables and charging from other smartphones or third-party manufacturers - especially for quick charging, because in this case the battery is heated even more. Stop charging if your smartphone was very hot (in this case, it is worth replacing the battery or cable). Do not stop charging for a long time if the battery is heated after 100%. Stop using the device if its body bent, and the battery swept markedly or deformed. In case of violation of recommendations, the battery may not explode, but the probability of breakage will increase.

And what to do, so that he caught fire for sure?

You can break a battery with something sharp: the dielectric collapses - the cathode and the anode will come into the reaction, the short circuit will begin. You can leave the phone at charging under heavy stress test and under the desk lamp. But it's not necessary to do any other - it is impossible to guess what the consequences will be: in one case, the battery simply will smack and bore the phone, in the other - the flame jet will hit it.

Now the network and television flooded reviews about Samsung Galaxy Note 7 - why the smartphone explodes from this famous company and in general, is it true?

Indeed, the long rivalry of the Korean Samsung and the American iPhone this time ended with the practical defeat of the Koreans. The new flagship Galaxy Note 7 turned out to be a bomb in the literal sense of the word. And many fans of the famous brand now wish to know: why Samsung explodes and what to do?

What is the problem of Samsung Galaxy Nout 7?

So, August 2016 was marked by an explosion of thirty-five Korean Galaxy Note 7 from Samsung right in the hands of users. And by the end of the month, the main part of the preliminary orders, in particular, from Russia was suspended. And even during the day later information about the complete stop of the production of defective models. This is such a difficult situation formed by Korean friends. What is the next…

And then - more. The first numbers of September were marked by the cessation of sales of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in ten major consumer countries and the beginning of a large-scale campaign on withdrawing prepaid orders and replace the devices sold. Only in Russia almost a thousand people managed to order a new explosive flagship laptop 7.

Why do samsung smartphones explode? Maybe this is the action of terrorists or competitions of competitors? By all - everything is much trivial. The problem is enclosed in too tight batteries with a defect.

The company, of course, having suspended sales, immediately began to carefully investigate cases of self-burning and even battery explosions at Galaxy Nout 7. Security primarily! Yes, ... I wonder whether the Korean who died in 2007 would believe in this, from the explosion of the LG phone. He was broken by the lungs and broke the spine. Of course, Samsung does not have a relation to this, but trust falls at all to any smartphone.

Okay, if such an incident occurred somewhere in the country of the third world, from the "left" manufacturer. But the Samsung company is the leader in the smartphone market. According to statistics, almost every fourth person in the world enjoys a smartphone of this brand. O and even less - and security at the proper level. For now…

So, without leaving the topic - why do Samsung Galaxy exploded? At first, the company tried to impose all the guilt on non-original chargers. Rave! Always people charged phones than they have. And manufacturers know perfectly about it. And what kind of original can we talk about if Samsung does not release charging units independently, ordering them from other manufacturers. Moreover, many companies even have an agreement on the production of smartphones with the same connector for charging.

Yes, and all chargers in principle do not have such serious differences - this is standard 5V and 2A. Yes, undoubtedly, there are devices for accelerated battery filling. But even only tension increases in them, but not power.

And all modern smartphones are equipped with a special controller. If the model does not support quick charging - it will not happen. Additionally, they do not allow recharge - which is extremely critical in this case.

From here it follows that a serviceable device will not allow harm when charging, to whatever the device it is connected. And here they opened the first defects - the same controller could fail. And in the models Samsung note from the first party they were not at all!

Due to recharging the electrolyte in the battery boiled, and a large amount of gas was distinguished. Naturally, the pressure in the smartphone housing instantly took off to a critical mark - and here it is a real microdist, with the body fragments flying out in different directions. The real "bomb" of slow motion. Put for charging, sit down and wait until "arrive." This is some kind of sabotage! You can imagine - this is how the smartphone bought a 12-year-old daughter, and he exploded, eliminating her hail of fragments ...

At the iPhone, for example, often another problem is them.

And if he exploded only when charging. So, no - sometimes scattered right in your hands. How to explain it? Why do Samsung phones explode after recharging? There is a full truthful version. The fact is that the battery in the seventh samsung absolutely does not withstand overheating and when the temperature of the processor is raised in the smartphone - explodes! Probably, therefore, a series of explosions came exactly for a summer month. It is quite believed in it.

Or maybe here is simply injected at the situation and it is not worth perceiving this seriously? Each will decide how to react. But let him know that the lithium from the battery of the smartphone during the fire is gaining a temperature of 1339 ° C, and the split splashes fly in all directions capable of burning even solid surfaces, not to mention human skin. In addition, the likelihood of fires has now increased significantly. And the fragments of the housing can damage the eardrum or even a carotid artery. The consequences of such damage is easy to submit.

How not to explode with samsung galaxy laptop 7?

Why the samsung laptop explodes, and what to do now? The most faithful tool is not to use smartphones and do not go out at all. So safer. And those who do not want to resort to such radical methods worth getting a wireless headset and to output messages. But in general, to live in constant fear that your electronic favorite can explode at any time, somehow not reasonable.

Those who often flies, it is worth thinking about a special thermal container, which will hide a potential "diversant" for the flight. Also, Russian companies are not recommended to include it for the time of flight and the more not to try to charge. And in general, now, probably, in the head bodyrooms will have to walk ...

The danger came from there, from where they did not wait. And Alkaid or Egil will blow you up, but your own smartphone! But pleases that the warning applies only to the Samsung Note 7 models purchased to the second day of September and that outside of Russia. After all, there was no official sales of this party in the Russian Federation. That's great!

And so, Rosaviatsiya Fear simply does not catch up - it takes into account the experience of American colleagues. There, one frivolous Yankee Samsung has grown himself right on board the liner at Louisvil Airport. Why frivolous - yes because this citizen was aware of marriage and simply exchanged the former model to a new one. What did not protect him from landing from the aircraft along with the rest of the passengers right before departure. And what did he not please? Wanted Korean exotic?

P.S. Samsung surprised not only Note 7 smartphones. And the question is why Samsung's washing machines explode, also became relevant. True, the reports of the explosions of Asian styrall comes mainly from the states - now, probably, the Korean "Bomberov" shoals will be visible everywhere. So this year the company's products have become the "explosive". Although, for example, has established itself as a great apparatus!

Although, hunting believing that the brand will restore the reputation. After all, its products have always differed in quality and reliability.

Video from YouTube - "Note 7 on fire: Samsung calls the flagship Galaxy":

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