Undress the girl in Photoshop. How to split a girl in photoshop

Here is the final image to which this lesson is dedicated.

Have you ever wondered how the giraffe will look without stains? If so, then this lesson for you! Today, we will show how to split the giraffe and remove it stains. And also, how to turn the spots of the giraffe into clothing and decompose it on the ironing board. It sounds tempting, let's start!

Materials for the lesson:

Step 1.Let's start a lesson with creating a new document in Adobe Photoshop. The size of the document is 2200 × 3200 pixels at 72 pixels per inch. Fill out the document with white.

Step 2.First of all, let's create a simple background. You can create your own, more interesting and multi-layered background, pick up some old wallpapers or you can use scenery savanna.
We will use gradients and filters. Unlock background (Background) - Right-click on the background and select Layer from the background (Layer From Background), click Add layer style (Add a Layer Style) Little icon at the bottom of the palette of the layers. Apply such layer styles Color overlay (Color Overlay) and Overlay gradient (Gradient Overlay). Use settings as screenshots below.

Step 3.Create a new clean layer over the background layer by clicking the button. Create a new layer (Create a New Layer) At the bottom of the layer panel. Choose a large soft brush and draw a stain in the central part of the document.

Step 4.Create a new layer above the layer where we applied the brush and go to the menu Filter - Rendering - Clouds(Filter - Render -Clouds). Now for this layer apply the following filters. Blur - blur in motion (Motion Blur) as well Blur- Gaussian blur(Gaussian Blur).
Add a layer mask to this blurred layer by clicking on the icon at the bottom of the layer palette Add layer mask(Add Layer Mask). Make a layer mask active and fill it with a mirror gradient from black to white, stretching it at the bottom of the document.

Set the overlay mode for this layer. Soft light (SOFT LIGHT).

Step 5.In order to give the effect of vignette, select Menu - Filter - removal correction(Filter- Distort- Lens Correction) and move the settings for vignetting Effect and middle point (Amount & Midpoint).

Step 6.Combine all the created layers. We will make the right side of the background lighter, because the light source will be directed to the right. Enter the mode Fast masks (Quick Mask Mode) Q key or icon at the bottom of the toolbar left. Select a linear gradient from black to white and stretch it from the left edge of the document to the right. The left side should become pink. Make a quick mask inactive (click the same icon or again the Q key).

Step 7.After leaving the fast mask mode, you will have a selection as in the screenshot below. We will now use the settings Levels (Levels). We go to the menu Image correction (Image- adjustments-levels). In the settings window, slide the gray marker left. You can also add some noise on the layer with a background. Do it in the menu Filter noise-add noise (Filter - Noise - Add Noise) and put in setting the value of the effect 4, the distribution of uniform (UNIFORM).

Step 8.Insert the giraffe image. In order to separate the giraffe from the background, select Polygonal Lasso (Polygonal Lasso Tool). You can use other methods, but this is quite easy and convenient. Click in the zhiraffe silhouette area to set the starting point. Continue clicking on a set of endpoints for subsequent segments. To close, press the selection borders at the starting point.

Step 9.Click the Refine Edge button to improve the quality of the selection edges.

Step 10.Use the following settings. Click OK and invert allocations in the menu. Selection-inversion (MENU - SELECT - INVERSE). Now clean the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe background in the menu Editing - Clear (Edit-Clear).

Step 11.For retouching and improve color balance on the image with a giraffe, select in the menu Correction-shadow / light image (Image-Adjustments -Shadows / Highlights) and apply the following settings.

Step 12.Add new adjustment layers above the layer with a giraffe. To do this, click the adjusting layer icon in the lower menu of the layers palette. It will be Levels (Levels), Color balance (Color Balance) and Selective color correction (Selective Color). After creating these layers, select all these corrective layers (make them active) and right-click in order to select the option Create a clipping maskCreate Clipping Mask). Apply settings for each correction layer, as in the screenshot below. For layers Levels and Selective color correctionyou need to apply a black and white gradient on a layer mask. As it is also visible on the screenshot below.

Step 13.Load the selection for white bands using the tool Magic wand (Magic Wand Tool) Everything can not immediately stand out, click several times until all the white stripes. Then select Menu Selection-modification-expand (Select- modify- Expand) for 1 Pixes .. Pay attention to the tool settings in the screenshot.

Step 14.Duplicate a layer with a giraffe retouch and pour the selected strips with brown color on a dubbed layer and name this layer " Purity layer of skin". The original layer with a retouching of the giraffe will be required in future steps, and so far, make sure that the original layer is below the duplicate. Use Brush (Brush) with rigidity 0% (Hardness) and holding down the key Alt.Activate the tool Pipette (Eyedropper Tool) and find the right color next to each strip.

Step 15.You should have something like the result on the screen below. You can fill the white areas with color step by step. Brown for strips will be very useful to create more accurate and correct results.

Step 16.To remove traces from strips, use the tool Patch (Patch Tool). Drag the selection on the clean and textured area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. When you release the mouse button, the pixels from the selected area will nail the area that you highlighted the patch. Repeat these steps for retouching of all strips.

Step 17.You will have a giraffe without painting it.

Step18.Correct the layer with " Clean skin» Eraser (Eraser) with soft edges so that it gently fit to the original layer with the giraffe, which is lower.

Step 19.Treat the small defects on the skin of the giraffe using tools Patch (Patch Tool) and Point restoring brush (Spot Healing Brush Tool).
Select the size of the brush on the parameters panel of this tool slightly more than the area you want to fix. So it is more convenient to work, because you can cover the whole area with one click.

Step 20.Now we can change the skin color and add contrast. We use for this correction layers: Gradient map (Gradient Map), Levels (Levels) and Black and white(Black and White). Create for these layers outlifting mask (Clipping Mask) relative to the layer " Clean skin"And apply the following settings.

Step 21.Insert the image of ironing boards, it does not require any changes and adjustments.

Step 22.Let's go back to the giraffe layer and duplicate it again. From it we will make a jacket for a giraffe using a new copy. Add this layer layer layer and erase on a masked area with your head and legs.

Step 23.This is a form of a future jacket.

Step 24.Give the right jacket shape using transformation. We go to the menu Editing-Transforming-Deformation (Edit -transform -warp)

Step 25.Filter Plastic (Liquify) from the filter menu, will help you create a flat-shaped effect for a jacket. Use big tool brush size Deformation(Forward Warp Tool) To fix large areas and small brush size to work with details, such as legs or folds.

Step 26.Now the skin of the giraffe is similar to its shape on the jacket.

Step 27.Apply free transformation Ctrl+ T. To the jacket, make it shorter and stretch a little horizontally.

Step 28.Select the top of the jacket (above the ironing board), cut out this part and paste it on a new layer. Using free transformation Ctrl+ T., tighten its vertical direction as an example below.

Step 29.Apply the transformation of the perspective in the menu

Step 30.Cut part of the jacket above the top edge of the ironing board and copy to a new layer (on the screenshot layer 20). And again, pull the top of the jacket in the vertical direction.

Step 31.Apply the transformation of the perspective in the menu again. Editing-Transform Perspective(Edit-transform - Perspective).

Step 32.Make an active top layer jacket. Using a layer mask, remove the upper part of it as in the screenshot. Try also to simulate the shape of wrinkles.

Step 33.Draw a white line with the tool Line (Line Tool is a radius of about 13 pixes) on a new layer above the layer with a jacket. Apply the filter Blur-blur in Gauss(GAUSSIAN BLUR) with a radius of 10 pixes.

Step 34.Change the overlay mode for this layer on Overlapping (Overlay).

Step 35.Copy the neck area from the layer with the original giraffe and insert it to the new layer. The layer with a ironing board. Reflect it vertically and downgrade relative to the jacket. Next apply a layer style Overlay gradient (Gradient Overlay). Settings below.

Step 36.In the final part of our work, we will create shadows for a giraffe and ironing board. Load the selection on the layer with the original giraffe (Ctrl + click on the layer icon), create a new layer below from all visible giraffe layers and fill out the selection by any color.

Step 37.Apply transformation for the created shadow. We go to the menu Editing-Transforming-Distortion(Edit-Transform- Distort). Move the top edge and the left lower angle left and down. Try to combine shadows and legs at the right points. Surify the eraser to correct the shadow of the legs in the center.

Step 38.This is the result of our transformations.

Step 39.Set the parameter Fill (Fill) 0% and opacity (Opacity) about 20% for a layer with shadow. Apply for this layer layer style Overlay gradient (Gradient Overlay). Make an active fast mask (q) and fill the layer with a linear gradient, as for the example below.

Step 40.Click icon Fast masks (Quick Mask) and apply Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur) on the selected area on the layer with the shadow.

Step 41.Duplicate a layer with shadow and apply the filter Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur) with a radius - 50 pixels, as well as change the opacity of the layer to 70-75%.

Step 42.Create a shadow for ironing boards with the same method. Load the selection of ironing boards and jackets. On the new layer, fill in any color. For this layer Fill (Fill) 0% Apply for this layer Style style Overlay gradient (Gradient Overlay) with settings for the shadow of the giraffe. Wake up a layer of 10 pixes. Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur). Duplicate a layer with shadow of boards and jackets and apply the filter Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur) with a large blur, as well as change the opacity of the layer to 75%.

Our work on the lesson came to the end and I think you will get something similar to it!
Final image

Photoshop is a special computer program for editing and editing images. As usual, Photoshop is used to eliminate the disadvantages, to create an excellent background, to acquire fascinating photos by overlaying different results.

You will need

  • photoshop program, the presence of the original skills to use the program, the image of the girl.


1. The selected image should be opened through the photoshop program, later it is welcome to duplicate the layer and add brightness to purchase an intensive picture. It is easier to divide the girl who is in the image is close in a swimsuit, because for this you only need to fulfill a few steps.

2. Later to improve the brightness of the photo need a soft brush to erase the swimsuit on the girl's body. This manipulation is performed on sites with existing clothing when pressed Alt + Click.

3. On erased places you need to impose any breast, which is allowed to easily pick up on the Internet. At this stage, the size, shape and other features of the female body take place. The image with the selected breast should be opened, later to produce a soft painting of each chest area. With the support of the SHIFT + CTRL + I keys, it carries out the selected fragment, and with support for Ctrl + V, the breast of the 2nd girl is copied on the initial image.

If you are drawing up by collages in Photoshop, you need to be able to combine different images in one picture. Make it allowed by various methods, we will discern especially primitive of them.

You will need

  • - a computer
  • - Adobe Photoshop Program


1. It turns out, first run Photoshop and open the images you need to combine. In this case, we need to challenge a deer on the background.

2. Now Mouse over the image with a deer, clamp the Ctrl key and drag the image into the picture with the background. The image with a deer is displayed as the newest layer. Now press Ctrl + T and weld the size of the deer under the environment, and also place it in the place left you.

3. Next, select the Eraser Tool tool and operating on the upper layer with a deer, erase superfluous. For this, it is cool to enlarge the image (Ctrl ++), in order not to lose the details and how it is permissible to clear the layer more.

4. The resulting result is quite low, but if you wish, you can work on lighting, add shadows, and thus more excellent to enter a deer in the environment.

Video on the topic

Not invariably, the object is completely fed into the environment. In order to be able to maximize it under the environment, use the Image Settings in the Image - Adjustments panel.

Helpful advice
For more comfortable and rapid work, a rubber band or brush is canceled to use a graphics tablet, not a mouse.

Video on the topic

The quality of the image directly depends on the utilitarian skills of the expert, because with the "undressing" of a person, the main thing is to mainly observe the proportions and initial forms of the body. Immormal improvement or metamorphosis of body parts leads to a negative perception of viewers.

Helpful advice
The available functions are allowed to fit the chest in size to the image of the first girl in order to realistically looked at the body. It is also appropriate to drain the layers, so that there were no invisible differences in the color of the body and a new breast. Transitions are required to be smooth and inconspicuous, which is achieved by selecting the shade of the rod leather. On this example, the subsequent undressing of the girl occurs. Let's say on the site of the panties there is erasing and imposing naked buttocks or pubis. That is, it is chosen every kind of bikini area to the taste of the photographer, later, which is copied to the initial portion of the first image.

I decided to split the girl, and it seems to me with this task coped.
Open the image: File - Open (Ctrl + O) (File - Open)

Duplicate layer (Layer - Duplicate Layer) (Ctrl + J). Add a bit of brightness Image - Adjustments - Levels (Image - Correction - Levels) (Ctrl + L) Set values \u200b\u200b23 1.34 233

Step 1. Get rid of swimsuit
We take Clone Stamp Tool (stamp) with a soft brush with a diameter of 9-13, I chose 13

holding Alt + Click Select the skin above the swimsuit and begin to carefully paint the swimsuit. Should succeed like this

Step 2. Overlay body parts
We choose the breast for the girl, the benefit on the Internet their great set
Open Image: File - Open (Ctrl + O)

We enter Edit Quick Mask Mode (q button) and choose a soft brush

We begin to paint our chest gently and gently

We leave from the mode. (Edit in Standard Mode, button X), press SHIFT + CTRL + I (inverting the selection, can open icq) or come here

Press Ctrl + C, and opening our working paper Press Ctrl + V, i.e. Copy our chest.

Apply to the Ctrl + T layer, you mean transform it to the desired size. Oh, how I like to do it

Now spend imaginable (or you can draw it in a new layer) line from solar plexus to the throat. And install our breasts to divide it on equal half, relative to this line. For convenience, breasts can be placed on the line of the former swimsuit.

Now go to Brightness / Contrast (Image - Correction - Brightness / Contrast)

and change to complete drainage with the skin of the original.
In my case, they turned out such --48 -17

Choose Eraser Tool (Stroke, Eraser E) with a soft brush and a rigid brush at its discretion, I chose with soft. And gently erase the edge.

We get the following

Press Ctrl + U or go to

We start picking color. I got such settings

Press Ctrl + B or go to

I bring to complete drainage with the skin of the original. I got such settings

You can play more Brightness / Contrast (Image - Correction - Brightness / Contrast) for complete similarity.

Exhibit for layer with boobs Opacity (opacity) 90%

Following step 2 ..

Step 3. Lower.
We do everything the same as in step 2. Photos with intimate hairstyles on the Internet also enough.
Step 3 result

Drain all the SHIFT + Ctrl + E layers or

Make a copy of the Ctrl + J layer
To the received copy, apply Gaussian Blur (Filter - Blur - Blur over Gauss) and set the layer type to Soft Light (Soft Light). Reduce OPACITY (transparency) copies up to 50%. That's all.

My result is Takov

Hmm It turned out well! Girl stripped \u003d)) Thank you for your attention!

P.S. Girls, do not take this lesson to heart, we just learn photoshop \u003d))