Why is the call forwarding. Unconditional redirection

Call forwarding - such a service has any mobile operator. It allows you to not worry about unsuccessful calls when the subscriber cannot respond to its main number. Just configures redirection to another phone, which is currently available to the subscriber.

Such an opportunity helps in different situations. It happens that this is the only opportunity to answer the call of a loved one. It helps in work matters - you can always stay in touch with your customers and not miss a single call due to unforeseen circumstances.

Forwarding is an automatic call redirection from one phone to another. The service is connected via the operator - on the site, using commands or call to technical support. You must specify the number to which incoming calls will be forwarded, as well as designate the condition at which the forwarding will be activated.

Even if the phone is turned off or the SIM card is not inserted into it, the incoming call will still be translated into the line that the subscriber indicated when the service is connected. You can customize redirection not only on mobile, but also on the city phone. At the same time, the subscriber can be not only in its region, but at any point in the world, but the translation of the call to send to any nearest device.

The cost of the service depends on the cellular operator and the acting tariff. It happens free or with a daily subscription fee. Separately charged incoming calls in international roaming.

Types of redirection

The ability to automatically translate the call can be configured to certain conditions. This depends on the type of forwarding:

  • Unconditional. This means that all incoming calls are forwarded to another number.
  • By employment. Means the translation of calls only in case the number is busy.
  • If there is no answer. The call is enabled when the subscriber does not take the handset. You can independently configure the waiting time, that is, after how many seconds the ringing will be redirected to another line.
  • If unavailable. It acts when the phone is turned off or the subscriber is out of the area of \u200b\u200bthe mobile network.

Conditional and unconditional varieties are applied in different situations. Each of them is useful in certain circumstances. The subscriber can change the settings at its discretion at any time.

In what cases need redirection

For example, the head of the department leaves on vacation, but wants to stay up to date with all cases at work. He puts forwarding to his working number and receives all calls from customers and partners to his personal number.

Or vice versa. The employee does not want to be worried about the official issues during the rest abroad. He sets up for his number forwarding to the phone of his deputy, so that during the absence all questions with customers solved him.

If the subscriber does not use one, but two or more SIM cards, then the redirection will always be able to stay in touch. No matter what number is now used, everyone will be able to reach. With this service do not need to worry about unsuccessful challenges. In this case, the fourth type of forwarding is configured - "when unavailable".

Redirect calls can be configured even without having your phone under hand. To do this, call the operator from any phone that will find nearby and ask you to set forwarding on your number. It will be necessary to call him the passport data and code word. This feature is convenient if the subscriber has forgotten the phone at home, but you need to urgently take the call.

Connecting through the operator will help if the battery seals, the phone was stolen or he was lost. So that their relatives are not worried, you can customize the redirection to any number - stationary in a hotel or a friend's cell phone.

How to connect

Subscribers can connect in the Personal Account on the official website or in a mobile offer. Such an opportunity is given by all telecom operators.

In addition, there are short commands that allow you to quickly connect the service from the phone without accessing the Internet:

  • Beeline - Dial the request * 110 * 031 # or call 0674 09 031.
  • MegaFon - ** 21 * Number to redirect a call #.
  • MTS - * 111 * 40 #.
  • Tele2 - ** 21 * Number to translate calls #.

These commands work to connect unconditional redirection. After sending them all incoming calls will be transferred to the specified number. Separate requests for each type of service can be found on the website of its operator.

How to disable

Requests for disconnecting any call translations:

  • Beeline - ## 002 #.
  • MegaFon - ## 002 #.
  • MTS - ## 61 #.
  • Tele2 - ## 002 #.

Also, you can also use the personal account. If you cannot cope yourself, contact your operator's hotline or office (with a passport) by phone.

Do not forget to disable call transfer to another number when the service is not needed. The cost of the outgoing call to the redirected number is more expensive than on the usual one. Prices need to be clarified by their operator. Tariffation is written on the site in the section Descriptions section.

"Call Forwarding" - a service that allows you to redirect calls to your phone number calls to any other phone numbers, including stationary, long-distance and international. Connecting this service will not affect outgoing calls from a mobile phone.

The service implies several directions for redirection;

  • complete redirection (redirects all incoming calls);
  • with a long call (if you do not remove the tube for a long time, redirection will automatically happen);
  • in the absence of communication (if your telephone is turned off or out of the network);
  • with a busy subscriber (if your number is currently occupied, redirection will automatically happen).

It is important to note that all directions of forwarding can act in conjunction in any combination, except for a combination with full redirection.


Together with the service "" it is impossible to establish "call forwarding", regardless of which service was connected first.

For all directions of call forwarding service, the additional options for your tariff, aimed at reducing costs during travel through the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond its limits.

Connecting forwarding to numbers that start at +7 803 and +7 809 is not possible, due to the fact that these numbers are used for teleglow systems, and systems of paid information service.

Forwarding incoming calls It is possible to establish also using the Web interface using the Virtual PBX service. Forwarding will depend on the time of day and day of the week, as well as from the number of the incoming call. Only corporate clients can use the Virtual PBX service.

Connecting and configuring Call Forwarding Service

During the service connection, a number is entered to which forwarding will occur, this number must be specified in full format: +79500000000.

Full redirection (unconditional)

This service is redirected any incoming call to another number (you specified when you connect the service) bypassing your mobile device. Acts, even if your device is disabled. To return incoming calls to your device, you must disable the call forwarding service.

Connection Services for full redirection: ** 21 * Phone number #

Checking services: * # 21 #

Disable service: ## 21 #

Forwarding with long-term call (conditional)

This service is forwarding the incoming call if you do not remove the tube for a long time. By default, waiting time is 30 seconds.

Connecting a long-term call service: ** 61 * Phone number #

To change the waiting time:

** 61 * phone number ** waiting time (05,10,15,20,25 or 30 sec)

Checking services: * # 61 #

Disable services: ## 61 #

This type of forwarding does not apply to a subscriber who is outside the network zone. The incoming call will not be forwarded, but only will receive a message that the subscriber is outside the network zone or disabled.

Forwarding in the absence of communication (conditional)

This service is forwarding the incoming call when your number is outside the network zone or the telephone is disabled. Calls will resume after returning the phone to the operator's network.

Connecting a service in the absence of communication: ** 62 * Phone number #

Checking services: * # 62 #

Disable service: ## 62 #

Forwarding with a busy subscriber (conditional)

This direction is forwarding the incoming call if it occurred during the telephone conversation. The call is sent to the phone number that you specified when the service is connected.

Connecting a service with a busy subscriber: ** 67 * Phone number #

Checking services: * # 67 #

Disable service: ## 67 #

Disable call forwarding service

Disable all directions services: ##002#

Disable only conditional areas of service: ##004#

The service also allows you to forward sections of incoming calls. For example, redirection will occur only for incoming faxes.

Connecting a service for certain types of incoming calls: ** (forwarding service code) * (phone number) * (call type) #

Faced for the first time with the message about the call to another number, not everyone knows what is this service and why it is needed. If you say easily - this is an opportunity to be always in touch, regardless of the circumstances and state of the phone. There are many reasons why this option will be useful, so we will analyze the main questions that arise from subscribers.

A redirection appeared upon call

This option does not depend on the phone, but from the telecom operator that you use. If the subscriber call is redirected, then the corresponding service is connected. If you wish, you can turn off how to do this in the article.

How it works

The essence of this feature is to check the possibility of response to the phone. If this did not happen, the call redirect is turned on to another or sent an SMS message. The subscriber may not know about the very existence of this option on its device, but nevertheless receive calls without delay. There are four types of redirects.

Practical application services

How can call call forwarding? All the advantage of this function will appreciate the owners of several mobile phones. You can always answer calls from the operating room, redirecting them, and the loss of the SIM card will no longer be a problem. Did the battery discharge?

Now it will not be the reason for the breakdown of an important conversation. Connecting this service - a guarantee that you will always be in touch. Also available to redirect calls and can be used as a backup.

What other cases should it be used?

  • Changing number
  • Working with client bases
  • Using office network

Services for entrepreneurship

Separately, it is worth using the use of this service by firms and corporations, which greatly simplify work with customers, organizing negotiations correctly. Usually there is one or two numbers to which most challenges are performed, how are they redistributed in this case? This thread will be redirected to the free lines specified in the settings, thereby reducing the response time, without losing a single important subscriber.

Each operator is interested in improving this service, developing all new solutions. It is especially worth paying attention to her businessmen and entrepreneurs. Communication is the most important component of the development of your business.

Important! Be vigilant, not rare cases of mobile fraud using redirection. Using a redirected call, criminals make calls from the person of banks, shops and other organizations. Washed passwords and codes, attackers get access to savings. It also has a great distribution of SMS Spam with a request to list the money. Believe wary of unfamiliar numbers and do not tell anyone your data.

What does conditional call forwarding mean

Having understood that it is this service in a general sense, it is necessary to clarify its convention. The main feature is that you can independently configure the date and time of call redirection. It is very convenient for the responsible organization of calls, managing a whole network of contacts and time distribution.

For example, all calls arriving on a day off can be redirected to an answering machine, which is a profitable solution for any company. At a certain time, you can assign call forwarding from one subscriber, while others will not load the line.

Setting up SMS

Forwarding messages from one number on another is also available to subscribers when this service is connected. If you need to receive SMS only on one phone, the operators have provided such a function inside the conditional redirection. Further, how to connect it.

Benefits of Conditional Call Forwarding

  • Thin customization of the user
  • Ability to select a specific incoming call script
  • Own conditions of use of this service
  • Saving time

How to connect?

You can use this service by contacting your operator, or via USSD command:

If the conventional call forwarding is already enabled, how to disable this option can be found from the operator or use the codes.

Users of smartphones sometimes encounter need to configure call forwarding to a specific number. Options when it can be useful, several:

  • You change the phone number and for a while he needs to redirect calls from the old number to the new one;
  • You are out of the access zone of one operator, but you are connected through another;
  • You drove on a business trip, took a corporate phone with you, but they forgot your homes;
  • You lost your phone.

In each of these cases, you will be connected in touch if you know how to make forwarding on the phone. You can redirect the incoming calls yourself, through the phone settings, or use the service provided by cellular operators.

By the way, if you want to learn how to find the lost android phone, you can read about it in our material.

Self-adjustment call forwarding

The easiest way to make call forwarding to a specific mobile number is to use the settings in your phone. Consider step-by-step actions on the example of the sixth version of Android:

  • Go to the smartphone settings;
  • Click on the phone icon;
  • In the upper right corner, click on the drop-down menu;
  • Go to the contact settings;
  • Select SIM settings and your operator;
  • Click to "Call Forwarding".

In this menu you will be available 4 points. First of all, we include the redirection feature. Next, you need to specify the number to which calls will be redirected in three cases:

  • The number is busy;
  • No answer;
  • The room is not available.

Please note that the number you will send calls to be relevant and has always been accessible to it.

Services of cellular operators

We now turn to how to make forwarding to a specific number through a mobile operator. Each cellular service provider has an incoming call to redirect. The service is connected by approximately one template, however the cost and additional conditions may vary.

If you do not want to mess with the phone settings, you can use the forwarding service, which is provided by cellular operators Beeline, MTS, megaphone and tele2. Connecting the service in all operators is built on the same scheme. There will be only a cost of service.

To find out how to make forwarding to a specific number through the technical support service, dial the number:

  • Beeline 8-495-974-88-88
  • MTS 8-800-250-0890

Also, Beeline and MTS, the forwarding service can be connected and configured in the Personal Account on the official website.

For example, consider how to redirect the biline through your personal account:

  1. Go to the site http://my.beeline.ru/
  2. Find the forwarding service in the list of services or through the search
  3. Click on the "Connect" button

Here you can also definitely configure the service of the service if the number does not respond, busy or unavailable.

All Cellular Operators "Big Four" is used to connect and manage the forwarding service Special USSD commands

  • Connection Services: * 110 * 031 # Call
  • Redirect all incoming: ** 21 * phone number # call
  • If the number does not respond: ** 61 * Phone number ** Time # call. The time after which the call will be redirected, you need to specify in seconds, for example, 10, 20 or 30.
  • If the number is busy: ** 67 * Phone number # call.
  • If the number is not available: ** 62 * Phone number call.

To disable the service, type the ## 002 # command command. There are also several commands to disable individual service features:

  • Cancel redirection of all calls - ## 21 #
  • Cancel redirection of unsuccessful calls - ## 61 #
  • Cancel Forwarding on a busy number - ## 67 #
  • Cancel forwarding to an inaccessible number - ## 62 #

By the way, the tele2 has a SMS redirection service. True, it does not act in all regions of Russia. To connect the redirect service of text messages, you need to dial the * 286 * 1 * phone number command in the format + 7-xxx-xxxxxxx xx # and click on the challenge.

Using the service redirection services for each operator will differ only in the cost of connecting and use.

Beeline: Free connection, there is no subscription fee, the call to the beeline number is free. If the incoming call is transferred to the number of another operator, on the stationary phone or on the roaming number, payment is calculated at the rate.

MTS: Free connection, subscription fee - 0 rubles. The cost of the redirected call depends on the tariff plan.

MegaFon: No connection fees and use. For the translation of the call to mobile and urban numbers, the operator will take 2.5 rubles per minute of conversation. Other calls are calculated at the rate.

Tele2: Free connection and use. Each redirected call pays at the rate.

Whatever a way to connect redirection you have not chosen, the main thing is that you have a reliable and powerful mobile gadget in your hands. We recommend paying attention to the Smartphones of the British company Fly.

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If you are interested in this model, you can buy it without departing from the monitor using the FLY branded online store.

Now you know, not only how to make redirection to the room, but also on which smartphone can be done. Choose the most convenient way for you, and we can only wish you to always stay in touch.

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Forwarding MTS allows you to direct all incoming calls to another number, but it will not affect the ability to make outgoing calls and SMS. This service is particularly relevant for people who travel a lot and often, but at the same time they want to stay in the access area. Such services provide almost all mobile communications companies, therefore the MTS redirection number can be tied to another operator. To use this service, it must be configured, which will also not take much time. Talks will be paid in accordance with the selected tariff plan, the additional charge for the use of forwarding is not charged.

Types of forwarding in MTS

Since cases in which MTS redirection may be required to another number may be different, the company provides four different types of this option.

  1. The first is particularly suitable for corporate companies and customers, since the signal is redirected to another number immediately after receiving the "Busy" signal.
  2. Next, call forwarding MTS occurs if the number is not responding to a certain time. The call period is determined by the subscriber itself.
  3. The subscriber's apparatus is outside the network zone or disabled. In this case, all incoming calls will be redirected to another number.
  4. Unconditional redirection translates all incoming calls to the specified number.

It is very important that this feature allows you to redirect calls to an absolutely any number, whether it is urban or belonging to another mobile operator. Some problems may arise with calls from numbers that start at 8800.

Connecting and adjusting forwarding to MTS

This feature is very popular, as it is easy to make redirection to MTS. Like most functions and options provided by this company, the connection and configuration do not require special skills and training.

The easiest way is the personal account on the operator's website. There are detailed step-by-step instructions that will help the subscriber. It is also possible in the Personal Account and forwarding SMS MTS. In addition, the company proposes to use the MTS application, which also includes the configuration and connection features of various service packages and options, including the calls for MTS calls.

There are also special network requests that will send calls to the specified number.

To install the unconditional redirection subscriber in which all incoming calls are redirected to another telephone number, you must dial from the device * 21 * Subscriber number where calls will be sent. To check the activity of the service, you need to dial from the phone *#21# , after which a message will come to the number with information. If the service is no longer needed, you should not call the operator, as you can also turn off the forwarding on MTS using a special code - ## 21 #.

If redirection is needed in the absence of a subscriber's response, you must dial * 61 * Subscriber number #. To verify the activity of the service and shutdown, respectively, requests are used. *#61# and ##61# . To set the interval at which the service will trigger, you must specify the required time in the query code - * 61 * Subscriber number * Interval #. O may be from 5 to 30 seconds, but be sure to be multiple of five.

If the phone is turned off or not online

How to enable forwarding to MTS in the case of a disconnected phone or lack of network? There are mobile queries:

  • enable - * 62 * Number #;
  • disable - ## 62 #;
  • check activity - * # 62 #.

If the phone is busy

In the case when the subscriber is busy, redirection from MTS to a megaphone or any other operator is made using queries:

  • connection - * 67 * Number #;
  • disable - ## 67 #;
  • checking service status - * # 67 #.

It is important to take into account that all rooms specified for redirect must be spelled out in international format, that is, start with +7. If redirection is carried out on the urban number, it is also necessary to indicate it in an international format and be sure to indicate the city code.

Other ways to set up forwarding for MTS

Forwarding with MTS on Beeline, MegaFon, another operator or urban phone number can be carried out in other ways.

To receive detailed instructions for connecting and using the call service to another number, you can send a USSD command to *111*40# . You can also send SMS with text. 1111 on short number 2111 And also get settings to a mobile device.

You can also contact the operator or contact the MTS service center, where the specialist will tell in detail about connecting and the terms of use of the service. However, the cost of connecting this function will be 30 rubles if the subscriber uses the contact center for this.

Other operators also provide similar services. To find out how redirection has been working with a telephone on MTS or from another operator, you need to read the instructions on their website.