Odnoklassniki - my page. Social network entrance

It's no secret that social networks are very "delayed" each user and sometimes not so easy to do without your favorite site a long period of time. And social classmates are no exception. It is used by millions of people, and it is considered the second most popular among users from the CIS countries. When we have a free moment, we immediately try to check our page; To see if there is no new message or husky.

And very often happens that the user, being from friends, at work and so on, wants to go to his own page not from his home computer. So, in this article we will tell you how to do it and how safe it is.

Come from someone else's PC

It is worth noting that it is very often necessary to go to your page in classmates, and the site stubbornly shows the computer owner page. So, how to enter the site? At first you need to ask the owner of the page to click on the button. Do not forget to make sure that he remembers his login and password and can then go to the site again. By the way, you can familiarize yourself with the recently published article on how to restore the lost password in our favorite classmates, it is in the same category.

After it came out, you can safely enter your username and password and go to your favorite site. Do not forget only to put a tick near the inscription: "Alien computer." Also, you should not put a mark near "Remember me." In this case, when you come out, your page will not resume. If the computer owner does not remember his login and password or simply does not want to leave his page - not trouble. It is enough just to go to the site through another browser. If on the computer only one browser, you can very quickly and just download another, and make an entrance (for example). By the way, it is worth noting that the latter is a very good and reliable browser, so you can boldly swinging it, because sitting in classmates with it - one pleasure.

After you have finished all your affairs, do not forget to produce, so you will provide your maximum security page.

Safety in Odnoklassniki

We are in a hurry to refress you: enter this site from someone else's computer and is there - it is quite safe. The only thing to do is:

  • Put a checkbox "someone else's computer";
  • Do not put a checkbox "Remember me";
  • Press the "Exit" button after the session is completed.
Do not forget to perform these three items, and you will never have to worry about your security and worry that someone can get your password or login and use them in bad purposes. Popular social networks have very good protection against hacking, especially the site with such an experience as classmates. The entrance from someone else's computer in this case is not something dangerous, so you can safely go from convenient places for you, even if they are not your home computer.

Thus, any user of this social network can freely enter the site from any computer, a mobile phone or any other device. It is enough not to forget some rules, and your page will always be complete.

Authorizes VKontakte on foreign computers is dangerous. Today you went to our pc through a PC at work, and tomorrow it is already hacked, and there are weights of such examples. So how to go to your VKontakte page from someone else's computer safe? Easy!

Go to VK from someone else's computer

You urgently need to go to the page in Soc. Networks to read the message. Do not rush thoughtlessly specify the login and password. Authorized right:

  1. Open the Main Page vk.com.
  2. Enter login and password.
  3. Install the checkbox at the point "Other people PC".

Only after the third point is fulfilled, you can safely press "Login". The web browser will not save your data.

Try at least once every 1-2 months changing the password from the VK to the new one. So you will protect your page from hacking.

Anonymous regime

Modern browsers have an incognito regime. You activate it and you can safely visit the pages on the network. Neither the cache nor authorization data will be saved to PC memory. Consider the example of Yandex Browser:
Run the web browser.

  1. Click Ctrl + SHIFT + NTo activate incognito mode.
  2. In the new window that opens, go to the website vk.com and log in to your page.

What to do if you can not enter your page

"What if I can't go to my page in VKontakte?" - Ask users who are trying to log in in their account, but nothing happens. There are a number of reasons because of which it could happen.


Here are two options:

  1. Malicious software stole your login and password, and its owner changed the data from the account.
  2. Viruses replaced the main page of VKontakte to their. It is easy to identify: Look at the domain in the browser address bar. If there is not vk.com, it is clearly a substitution.

In such cases, it is recommended to download a free Dr.Web Cureit utility and check the computer. It will be able to identify malicious software and even the submenu of the Hosts file.

After that, the entrance to your profile will be made from the main page of the resource. It will only be enough to enter your data - login and password.

Classmates Login to My Page - User Profile

After switching to, the field is displayed on the right, where you want to enter the cell phone number, the address of your mail, which was registered when registering or login specified during registration. Further, below, the password is entered and the "Login" button is pressed.

At the entrance to " Classmates Social Network»From someone else's computer, we recommend that you remove the checkbox opposite the" Remember me "button. This is done for your safety, as the computer master can easily go to the network under your name, and subsequently change the password. It should be very attentive and cautious at the entrance from someone else's computer!

Personal Page Contents in Odnoklassniki

When you first enter the site, not all menu items can be understandable, so we will discuss in more detail on each of the menu items so that the social network interface is as clear as possible.

Let's start from the very top of the page:
  • Main menu. This is a personal page that is sometimes called the "User Profile". The main part of the menu takes the activity tape. It displays all changes on the pages of your friends. Soloing it with a mouse wheel or up-down arrow, you can see photos and records of friends. This menu item is more or less understandable.
  • Private messages. It is easy to guess that it is here that all the correspondence with friends and other social network users are stored. Pressing on a specific partition, you can read the received messages from users or sent.
  • Discussions. The information is displayed here, which is actively discussed by your friends. For example, the birthday of a common friend or other events.
  • Alerts. This section displays information about the invitation of friends, notifications from online games and other applications available on the social network are stored here.
  • Guests. The section allows you to see everyone who accidentally or deliberately visited your page for the month. After thirty-day, this information is automatically deleted.
  • Estimates. This section stores scores to your photos, video files, music from different users.
  • Music. There are sound files here. You can not download them - you can only listen, but certain compositions you can buy certain compositions. The cost of each song is approximately 20-25 approx.
  • Friends. It contains a list of your friends in Odnoklassniki.
  • Photos. This section contains your photo albums or individual frames. At any time you can edit, delete, add new ones.
  • Groups. This section with communities in which you entered. For example, a certain school, kindergarten, a city, etc.
  • Games. Here you can play your favorite games online.
  • Notes. In notes are stored old statuses or other notes from your page. When deleting statuses first remove into this section, from where they can be deleted completely.
  • Video. Here you can find many videos stored in the social network. The subject of the videos is the most diverse.
  • In the "Gifts" section, gifts received from friends and other users.
  • Forum. Mini chat, allowing you to talk immediately with several friends. Here you can write whatever.
  • Help. Here you can ask all your questions regarding the work and capabilities of the social network. It will take not only novice, but also experienced users of the network.
  • Russian keyboard. Convenient section for those who have no Russian language on the keyboard. For example, for users from other countries. Useful function that allows one touch to change the text language into Russian.

How to restore the page in classmates?

Restoring the lost page is an extremely difficult task for most users of a well-known social resource " Odnoklassniki." Not rarely referring to: "It does not go to restore the page in classmates, you need help!" For the happy owners of the current profile in this social network, we present the main factors that contribute to blocking an account or loss of registration data.

Guided by this information, you can avoid the need for complex recovery of the page in the future:

  1. The page can be hacked.
  2. The profile can be deleted by you personally (before making it weighing your decision).
  3. The user account may be blocked by the site administration.
Accordingly, there are also several ways to restore. So, how, it is possible to restore the page in classmates

If the page was hacked or stolen

First, you should not succumb to panic. You have the opportunity to address the support service request to receive new data or get the information you need to restore the mobile phone. This is quite enough in order to personally control your own page on a social Internet resource. Secondly, you will get a new temporary password. It is very important to immediately change it, as well as change the password of the email mailbox.

Be carefull! Fraudsters actively operate in the World Wide Web, so do not send an SMS message to an unknown phone number. If you have the slightest suspicions, check the information in the server support service. Or resume your account using the method described below. You will save money and time.

The procedure for restoring the profile in classmates is the following actions:

Restoring a hacked page is not such a significant problem, it is easy to solve. We present to your attention also another case when the profile has been removed.

If the page in classmates is blocked by the administration

The reason for the blocking may be non-compliance with the rules of the social network, spam, etc. You have the opportunity to refer to the administration with the question of the inaccessible account. The message should indicate the reason for the appeal, page address, time and date. The request can be sent for this link at the bottom. In addition, on this page of the site presented comprehensive information about all sorts of problems when working with the site.

Finally, let's consider the case when you personally removed the profile in classmates, but changed my mind and decided to restore it.

If the page has been removed

Regardless of whether you deleted your page intentionally or accidentally, to restore the profile, unfortunately, it will be impossible. For those who differ in particular perseverance and still seek any way to restore the remote account, we recommend contacting the administration. But, the answer to the request is unlikely to please you. As a rule, users receive a notice that the remote page is not subject to recovery.

In this case, you can advise to register again and do not be upset because of small troubles!

From this instruction will be clear how to enter your profile in classmates, being visiting or using the working computer if you know the username and password.

Sometimes there is a need to urgently enter your own account on a social network with an unfamiliar device. In this case, you need to observe a number of simple rules that protect your profile from invasion and hacking.

Login and password - what you need to take care not to be with a hacked profile. Write down in a reliable notebook and do not show anyone, otherwise you have to change the password.

Entrance to classmates from someone else's computer, knowing the login and password

Step #1

So, you are sitting behind an unfamiliar computer, for example, a friend of a friend. To enter classmates, you dial the name of the social network in the search engine or go on a direct link https://ok.ru.

But what happens? Page friend appears before you! What to do? Click "Exit" in the upper right corner!

Step # 2.

A window appears in which you also need to confirm that you leave the page. Please check if it remembers own login and password, otherwise you will deliver to him the problems. Perhaps he came to the site, using the memorization function on the browser. If a friend remembers his data, then we boldly press "exit."

Step No. 3.

Now we see the login and registration window. Go to the "Login" tab and, before starting to fill out fields with login and password, pay attention to the "Remember me" checkbox. Clean the tick - after all, this is someone else's computer!

Step number 4.

We enter your login (they may even have an e-mailbox or, as in our case, the phone number from which the registration was held) and the password with the tick! And click "Log in."


A browser can appear from the browser, which suggests again to remember our password for the subsequent login without entering data. You just need to close this window, because we are behind a foreign computer and we can not need our login and password to remember here.

Step number 6.

Finally, we get to your own page. We do what they came for - open new letters, we write urgent messages, congratulations on your birthday or anything!

Own page is your territory, regardless of which computer you hit it from.

Step number 7.

After making all the manipulations, do not forget to feed a "out", be sure to confirm it, and in the window of registration and entry, be sure to notice that the check mark "Remember me". Otherwise, your comrade easily and just gets to your profile, instead of your own.

And if you enter a profile from a computer club - access to the profile can get completely unfamiliar people.

In the same way, it should be done if two users of classmates are recorded from one computer. It is necessary not to use the memorization function in the browser, and always remove the checkbox "Remember me" before the entrance and after the exit from the social network.

In the following instructions, you will learn even more useful about the social network classmates!

Add our site to bookmarks (Ctrl + D) to not lose.

We hope that you coped with this instruction. Or maybe there are still questions left or something does not work?

Below is a comment field - ask! Useful instruction or not? Is it clear?

Odnoklassniki is a very popular social network, focused more on adult users, unlike VKontakte. Often the site enjoys grandparents or people who do not particularly know the computer. That is why this article was created. We will tell you how to enter classmates and what difficulties may arise. Accordingly, you will learn how to solve them.

Login and Password Login

When you first open the site OK.ru you will see a beautiful picture and input / registration form. If you have already registered in Odnoklassniki, enter your details in the appropriate fields and click Login. If not, you can read.

In order to constantly not enter the login and password at each entrance to the social network, check the box opposite the item.

Attention! In no case, do not install this checkbox if you enter the page in classmates from someone else's computer or laptop.

Entry in OK without registration, password and login

You can view someone else's profile without registration in classmates. In order to do this, you need to enter the URL to any user of this social network in the URL address bar. For example, we have a link to the profile that consists of the ok.ru address and user ID. She looks like this: https://www.ok.ru/profile/588020523795. Let's enter it into the address bar of the browser.

As you can see, everything works. At the top of the page displays the "Login" menu item, which means that we are not authorized, but without it we obtain detailed information about the search user. You can see when a person was online, see his friends, photos, etc.

ATTENTION: If you offer some kind of program to enter classmates without registration, be sure: it's just a couple of scammers want to pick up your money.

How to find out your password and restore it?

If you for some reason forgot your password, you can restore it. This is done like this:

  1. Open the OK.RU website and click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

  1. Next, select the password restore method. It can be: personal data, phone, mail, login or link to the profile. We will use the phone.

  1. Now you need to enter, in fact, the number or other data itself (depending on what kind of recovery method you have chosen).

  1. After that, an email with activation information will be sent to your phone number or email. You will only have to enter a key of it in the form at the next stage.

If a letter to email has not come for several minutes, try to find it in the Spam folder and enter OK on your page.

If your account does not work out, due to the fact that someone has seen credentials and changed the password, do this:

  • contact your site classmates and describe the situation;
  • delete expansion from a computer that require data to enter the site. The same applies to applications on the smartphone.

What if you are asked to send SMS?

If you enter your classmate page does not work and login with password are not suitable, try entering the site from another computer or phone. Perhaps you have become a victim of a virus or fell to the fishing site of the phishing site.

It happens that, having received access to your site, the attackers start sending spam on behalf of the user, which results in blocking the page by the administration. Ate this happened, restore access using the phone number.

How not to lose access to your account?

The network has a lot of malicious resources and programs that for money or free offer you different services. For example:

  • follow someone in classmates;
  • log in OK on someone else's page;
  • read someone else's correspondence;
  • get free Oki and so on.

As a result of working with such "assistants", you lose access to the site or money. So, if something like that came to you (for money or just like this), add authors to a blacklist or spam.

In more detail about the deception associated with communication in classmates, you can read in our article :.

How to show my login and password?

If you forgot your password, I remembered the browser, then the code can be viewed and turning the asterisks into the numbers. We will show how this is done on the example of Mozilla Firefox. Start.