Unofficial maps for Navitel. Unofficial maps for navitel Download khakassia map for navigator

The Navitel Navigator program has taken root in the territory of not only native Russia, but also the CIS countries. Satellite navigation from the Center for Navigation Technologies was in demand so much that a number of Navitel navigators were released some time ago. A special feature of the program can be considered cooperation with Roskartografiya and obtaining a license for drawing up maps. Recently, the love of users for Navitel has cooled slightly: the change of the map format from nm2 to nm3 made freebie lovers complain about the loss of quality.

What is nm2 and nm3 / 7 card format
nm2 is the Navitel map format used in the creation of both official and unofficial amateur or third-party maps.
nm3 / 7 - Navitel format used in the creation of official maps.

Comparison of the nm2 andnm3 / 7
The difference between nm2, nm3 and nm7 is purely for the application. The change in format happened relatively recently, and entailed the division of navigators from Navitel Navigator into those that can work with nm2, and those that do not normally perceive this format. The first category includes models with software versions up to 5.0.3, the second - higher versions (except for the seventh line - for them the nm7 format). However, we are not talking about completely ignoring nm2, but only about incorrect work and numerous bugs and errors.

The nm2 format cards were supplied directly by CNT (official), and by third-party developers and amateurs. Official cards were supposed to be paid, "left" cards were free and, of course, popular. The freebie was distributed with the tacit consent of the company itself. The transition to the nm3 format and then to nm7 raised the issue of spending money on official cards or using old ones, but with bugs. CNT did not stop supporting unofficial nm2 maps and promised not to do so, but new navigators with new software products clearly indicated the road to capitalism.

Technically, the cards themselves are not much different from each other. The nm3 / 7 format assumes combining all files in one container, the nm2 format splits files into groups. The nm3 / 7 container contains an index file that allows users to work more comfortably with cards without prolonged indexing of cards. There is no mutual compatibility between formats and software versions: for example, nm3 cards on Navitel 3.5 or nm7 cards will not work on version 5.0.
For users, the transition to nm3, in addition to the forced spending of money, was marked by a number of other inconveniences. So, unlike nm2, the new format is not so widespread and some territories turned out to be ready-made maps for the time being deprived. Thanks to constant editing directly by users, nm2 maps are more accurate, more detailed, contain maximum information about roads, junctions, addresses. Route planning has been optimized in nm3 / 7 maps.

Craftsmen connected to the elimination of injustice and, using the simplest programs, create imitation of nm3 cards from nm2. An index file is added to the container and the archive is perceived as nm3, but this does not affect the quality of navigation in any way: errors and bugs remain as they were. For example, voice prompts begin to work for the driver in evil, recommending actions leading to traffic violations or risk, at best, completely unworkable.

The difference between the nm2 map format and nm3 / 7 is as follows:

  • nm2- outdated format (Navitel Versions 3.2.6 - 5.1).
  • nm3- more modern (Navitel Version 5.x).
  • nm3- discontinued and not officially supported.
  • nm7- currently replaced nm3. (Navitel Versions 7-9)
  • nm7- the current format for the release of official Navitel maps - there have never been and never will be unofficial amateur maps in nm7 format!
It is impossible to convert maps from nm2 / 3 format to nm7 format, as well as vice versa! The format is closed, there are no converters

Actual GPS-map of Krasnoyarsk region in vector format Navitel nm2. Works on all versions of the program - 3.5. *, 5.0. *

Perfect for in-car navigation and cycling trips. On the map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, both major roads and highways are drawn, as well as dirt paths, country roads. Thanks to the “routing” function, the map will help you get to the desired location, while taking into account the no-turns and one-way streets.

The map displays many points of interest (POIs), for example: hotels, gas stations, airports, shops, museums, car services, cafes, banks and many others.

The photo shows a part of the map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which shows the highways and the names of large cities.
The map is frequently updated, its current state is maintained.

Main functions of the card

Search by address

The navigation map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for Navitel supports the address search function.
To find a building by address, first select the city, then the street name and house number.

Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Norilsk city, Mira street, 8A.

Coordinate transition

On the map, you can go to an arbitrary GPS coordinate and show this place on the screen. If necessary, you can
create a route to this point.

Routing (laying a route)

One of the most useful functions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory map for motorists is routing.
For a more correct route planning, you can select the type of vehicle in the settings:
car, bicycle, pedestrian ... Taking this setting into account, the optimal route will be laid.

When laying a route, turn bans, speed on a road section, one-way traffic are taken into account.
Complex junctions are displayed in 3D.

For the convenience of navigation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, you can turn on voice guidance. A pleasant voice
will warn about upcoming turns, turns and other maneuvers.

During navigation along the set route, the screen displays: current speed, distance
to the next turn, the remaining time to the finish line, the remaining distance and the estimated time
arrival at the destination.

About the map

Krasnoyarsk Territory is a subject of the Russian Federation, located in the Siberian Federal District, the administrative center is Krasnoyarsk.

Formed on December 7, 1934. It borders on Yakutia and Irkutsk region in the east, Tuva and Khakassia in the south, Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, Khanty-Mansi and Yamalo-Nenets autonomous areas in the west.

Satellite navigation map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for GPS and GLONASS receivers. Suitable for all models of car and conventional navigators with the Navitel program. The most popular: Explay, JJ-Connect, Prestigio, Prology, Ritmix, etc. - you can upload a map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to them.

Download the map

The map of Krasnoyarsk Territory for Navitel is free. Works on all versions of the Navitel program - 3.2.6, 3.5, 5.0, 7. *, 8. *, 9. *, for the card itself, keys are not needed. It is updated on average every two days. Fresh version March 2018!

Actual GPS-map of Khakassia in vector format Navitel nm2. Works on all versions of the program - 3.5. *, 5.0. *

Perfect for in-car navigation and cycling trips. On the map of the Republic of Khakassia, both major roads and highways are drawn, as well as dirt paths, country roads. Thanks to the “routing” function, the map will help you get to the desired location, while taking into account the no-turns and one-way streets.

The map displays many points of interest (POIs), for example: hotels, gas stations, airports, shops, museums, car services, cafes, banks and many others.

The photo shows a part of the map of the Republic of Khakassia, which shows the highways and the names of large cities.
The map is frequently updated, its current state is maintained.

Main functions of the card

Search by address

The navigation map of Khakassia for Navitel supports the address search function.
To find a building by address, first select the city, then the street name and house number.

Russia, Republic of Khakassia, Chernogorsk city, Dzerzhinsky street, house 14.

Coordinate transition

On the map, you can go to an arbitrary GPS coordinate and show this place on the screen. If necessary, you can
create a route to this point.

Routing (laying a route)

One of the most useful functions of the Khakassia map for motorists is routing.
For a more correct route planning, you can select the type of vehicle in the settings:
car, bicycle, pedestrian ... Taking this setting into account, the optimal route will be laid.

When laying a route, turn bans, speed on a road section, one-way traffic are taken into account.
Complex junctions are displayed in 3D.

For the convenience of navigation in the Republic of Khakassia, you can turn on voice guidance. A pleasant voice
will warn about upcoming turns, turns and other maneuvers.

During navigation along the set route, the screen displays: current speed, distance
to the next turn, the remaining time to the finish line, the remaining distance and the estimated time
arrival at the destination.

About the map

Khakassia (officially the Republic of Khakassia) is a republic (state) within the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation. It is part of the Siberian Federal District. It borders on the Kemerovo Region, Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Tyva and the Republic of Altai. Founded in 1992.

The capital is the city of Abakan.

Satellite navigation map of Khakassia for GPS and GLONASS receivers. Suitable for all models of car and conventional navigators with the Navitel program. The most popular: Explay, JJ-Connect, Prestigio, Prology, Ritmix, etc. - you can upload a map of the Republic of Khakassia to them.

Download the map

Map of the Republic of Khakassia for Navitel is free. Works on all versions of the Navitel program - 3.2.6, 3.5, 5.0, 7. *, 8. *, 9. *, for the card itself, keys are not needed. It is updated on average every two days. Fresh version March 2018!