What does a program with a crack mean? What is a "crack" and the consequences of its installation

Author - IrchaV. This is a quote from this post

How to use keygen, crack, patch

It's no secret that in our country 90% of installed programs on computers are not licensed. The programs are already jailbroken, but some skills are required to install them. The article discusses the most common ways to install pirated software. How to use keygen? How to use crack? What is request code? How do I use patch?

1. Installation instructions in a text file

The first thing to look at is whether this folder contains the file "readme.txt" or "read me.txt" (there may be other names). Very often it contains instructions on how to install the program correctly. If there is a file with instructions, then feel free to open it and follow the instructions. If the file does not exist, then the situation becomes a little more complicated.

2. Serial number in a text file

Sometimes a serial number is required to verify the rights to a program. With it, you can install the program for free.

The serial number may be required either during the installation of the program, or during the first launch after installation. You cannot skip this step, the program will not go further until you enter the serial number (Fig. 1).

Serial number example: ADE-R119-F196-k9BA-17CD

The program folder (in the same folder as the installation file) may contain a file with a serial number. Most often it is called "Serial number", "Serial number", "Key", "key", "crack". Open this file, copy the serial number and paste it in the right place.


  1. Open text file, copy serial number (Cntr + C)

3. How to use keygen

The program folder may contain a program file (keygen, crack, ...).

Here is an example of such a program, if you run it (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2 Serial number generator

Click on the "Generate" button (Fig. 3)

Fig. 3 Serial number generator with key

Copy the serial number, paste it in the right place and you're done. We continue the installation, or click "Ok" (perhaps "Finish", "next" ...), if the installation has already been completed.


  1. Start installing the program until it requires a serial number
  2. Open Keygen file
  3. Generate serial number and copy (Cntr + C)
  4. Paste it where you want (Cntr + V)

4.Getting access with the "Request code"

Another option. During the installation of the program or after launching the installed program, a registration window appears on the screen. The folder with the installation file should contain keygen.exe, crack.exe or something else.
An example of a registration window (Fig. 4):

Fig.4 Registration start with "Request code"

Sometimes you need to select the registration mode, for example, select "enter serial number". A window for entering the serial number appears on the screen. (fig. 5)

In this case:
- Get an activation code - get an activation code
- Enter an activation code - enter the activation code (the option we need)

Open the keygen.exe (crack.exe, ...) file from the program installation folder (Fig. 6).

Now we need to copy the "Request code" from the window in Figure 4 (Figure 5) and paste it into the window in Figure 6. Select the Request code and press Cntr + C (copy hotkey).
Paste the copied code (Cntr + V) into the last window.

The code was not copied completely, but only the first line. The second line of code must be copied separately, in the window in Fig. 6 you need to put a space, copy and paste the rest of the "Request code". It should look like this (Fig. 7):

Fig. 7 Generator after inserting "Request code"

After that, in the program in Fig. 7, press the "Calculate" button (sometimes called Generate). It should look like this (Fig. 8):

Copy the "Auth code" from the program in Fig. 7 to the window in Fig. 5 and get it like this (Fig. 9):

Click Next or Ok. We should be informed that the registration was successful. Now the program can be used for free.

This situation is quite common. The main thing to remember is that the Request code consists of two lines.


  1. Install the program
  2. Run the program
  3. Select the serial number input mode (Enter ...)
  4. Open keygen
  5. Copy "Request code" from the program to "keygen" (both lines)
  6. In "keygen" press the generate button
  7. Copy the code obtained in "keygen"
  8. Paste it at the desired location in the program (Cntr + V)
  9. Click done

5. How to use patch

Sometimes you can't just generate a serial number to install a program for free. In such cases, special programs are used that modify the files so that the program does not require money. The folder with the program installer must contain the "Patch" file (it can be called - patch, keygen, crack, ...). This is the program, which is also called a patch.

The first thing we need to do is install the program (the one we want to make free). After installation, you do not need to open the program.

Next, you need to rewrite patch (or another patch file) to the folder where we installed the program. Most likely this is the C drive, the Program files folder, the folder with the program name (C: / Program files / "program name").

Here is a sample patch.exe file (Figure 10):

Fig. 10 Patch program

Most often there is only one button in this file. In this case, it is the Apply patch button. In some cases, it may be called Crack. Click on this button and the program can be used for free.


  1. Install the program
  2. Copy Patch.exe to the folder where you installed the program
  3. Open Patch.exe
  4. Press the only button in the "Patch" program
  5. Run the program

6. There are no files to install the program for free

It may be that you downloaded the program without the pirated "medicine". That is, without ready-made serial numbers, keygens or patches. Then the task becomes more difficult. It is better, of course, to download programs with ready-made "medicines". But what if, after all, such a problem arose?


  1. Installing the program
  2. Find out the full version of the program. (For example, Daemon Tools Lite 4.35.6)
    Most often, the full name is present in the name of the installation file. If the program is already installed, then in the "Help" menu item there is a line "About the program". There you can also find out the full version of the program. If you cannot find the full name, enter the incomplete one into the search.
  3. If during installation or after it requires a serial number, then in a search, for example yandex.ru, enter: serial number for "full program name" If other types of registration are required, then in the search bar, for example yandex.ru, enter: crack for "full program name"
  4. We go through all kinds of links until we download the appropriate medicine or serial number
  5. article author
  6. 2011 Igor Bayanchikov

Original post and comments on

for which many thanks to him. All copyrights
belong to cr0ck

> Q: What
Will you advise using the programs?

A: Debuggers:
DOS: Soft-Ice, DeGlucker, CUP / d, TD (only for
beginners), 386 (too),
There is also: AFDPro, GameTools, AxeHack, but this is only for
special cases.
WIN: Soft-Ice, TD, WDASM32 built-in debugger
Viewers / Editors:
And the coolest thing is IDA. This is the coolest
a disassembler with many features and excellent
thoughtful ideology.
DOS: unp, cup386, unpack
WIN: procdump

> Q: Hmm! Do you think the words say something to me
`debugger", `unpacker", `disassembler".

A: Hmm! Very bad 🙁
_Debuggers_ (they are also debuggers) were invented for
search for errors in programs. But soon there were
adapted by hackers for their needs. And soon
there was a special hacker
debuggers - Debuggers let you pass the program
step by step, stop only in certain
places of the program, etc. In this case, the hacker completely
controls the traced (so called
step-by-step) program. _Unpackers_.
Software manufacturers often package their
programs (so they take up less space) or
encrypt (encrypt) them (so that hackers or
competitors couldn't hack / watch it).
The first and second makes it harder to hack. To
get rid of problems good people do
unpackers / uncriptors that allow
unpack / script these programs.
_Disassembler_ allows from an executable file (com,
exe, ...) get a listing of this program in the language
assembler. Assembler is the equivalent of a machine
code, only written more or less clear
words and designations.

> Q: What do I need to know in order to become
a hacker?

A: Just knowing something is certainly not enough, but here
a few tips:
First, you cannot do without knowledge of the assembler.
It can be taught in different ways. First you need
read books or docks in assembler, delve into
into a computer device (interrupts, organization
memory, I / O at the port level). Not bad
to write
several small programs on asme or at least
see how others do it. It is good to
learn a thread of high-level language. Personally
it seems to me that for
this is perfect for C. Because some even
called the language of the intermediate level, because he is the most
is close to assembler and at the same time possesses
tremendous power.
Then start breaking all kinds of cracks. They are
for this and made 😉 Go
to hacking programs. Look at the examples first, and
then break it yourself. Learn to use
various programs. For example, IDA is very difficult
master in one swoop, but how many possibilities
she gives! Soft-Ice also has many features that you
you may never know, but when using them
life can be a lot easier.

> Q: Complete knowledge of Pascal is enough to

A: I repeat, what you should know first of all
asm. Of course, if you know Pascal very well,
then it will be enough for you for a long time. But ideally
you need to know _several_ languages.
For example: ASM, C, C ++, PAS, Perl, etc.

> Q: Are you saying that IDA is cool? Why am I
can I use it? It is clear of course that for
disassembly, but you talked about all sorts of
cool features.

A: Simplest: find string references
registration. For example, the program writes to you in
"Unregistered" screen. You are looking for this line in
program, and then links to it. Those. define
in what places in the program is this
line. And somewhere near there will be a check
password / registration number. Still such a wonderful thing.
IDA uses FLIRT technology. With it you can
detect in programs
calls to functions of standard libraries and instead of call
you will see: call _strcpy
And what strcpy does you should already know 😉 Back in IDA
there is a built-in language very similar to C. C
using it, you can get up with the program that
anything: for example, decrypt an encrypted
part of the program.

> Q: What is Soft-Ice and how is this program
to use?

A: As mentioned at the beginning, this is a debugger. By the way,
very cool debugger. In terms of physicality, it is ahead of
everyone. And as for the use, the soft-ais has a bunch
commands, and you need to know which one is doing. About
this can be read in various FAKs about

> Q: And if I don't have such a FAK? What to do?

A: Search! Maybe in the next version of this FAK
I will add software commands, but for now I have to
be content with the `H 'command.
parameters, it gives a list of all commands with
a short description, and if as a parameter
specify the name of a thread of the softize command, then
get a little more detailed help.

> Q: I was already getting ready to break, but I realized that I did not
I know how to run software 🙁

A: By the way, if I'm now talking about software, then I
I mean the Windows version. Softize is launched
from the DOS emulation mode for Windows. You just need
run the winice.exe file. When Windows boots
launch Symbol Loader. And in it in File-> Open. Choose
the program to be broken and Module-> Load.

> Q: Everyone is talking about some kind of breakdowns. What's this?

A: Breakpoint, breakpoint, breakpoint, breakpoint - point
stop. Debuggers allow you to put a breakpoint in
some thread in the program and run it. When
the program will come to this point - it
stop and you will find yourself in debugger, and there
do what you want.

> Q: A friend of mine boasted that all programs
with a bithak somehow breaks. What it is?

A: Bithack is a hacking method in which in
the program changes a few bits or bytes.
For example, if it is known that at a certain address
a transition occurs if the program does not
registered, then you can transfer command,
which is on
this address, replace, for example, with the NOP command.
If you don't know what kind of team it is, then it's more serious
treat the study of asma 😉

> Q: I see. And what is the Bruté Force method?

A: Firstly, it is written with a small letter - brute
brute force;)) And secondly, literally translated
as a brute force method, i.e., for example, a simple
enumeration of all possible passwords.

> Q: Why does the software not allow to put a breakpoint on
some functions, for example on GetDlgItemTextA?

A: All functions are stored in libraries. for instance
GetDlgItemTextA is in USER32.DLL Also functions
loaded into memory at specific addresses. AND
breakpoints are placed not on functions but on addresses
corresponding to them. And so that the software would know where - what,
you need to export the necessary
libraries. This is done in winice.dat

Usually these lines are already there, but commented out and
you just need to remove the `;"

> Q: I did everything, I downloaded it. Now I want to start
break the program. She asks
registration number (RN). What to do?

A: You need to find a place where it is compared
entered number with the desired one and correct it
a little bit

> Q: Find it? But as?

A: There are several ways.
1. We catch the place where the RN is introduced. Then
trace step by step until we find a comparison.
Here, they usually do this bpx GetDlgItemTextA put a breakpoint on
function by which it is usually read
line from the input box. You can put breaks on
other functions GetDlgItem *, GetWindowText *, hmemcpy. Want
pay attention to the latter. She just
performs a copy of a section of memory, but it
applied universally by all input functions
data. Therefore, the breakpoint can also be placed on it. But
it must be remembered that it can also be called when
simple copying of data, so a breakdown on it
should be set only before pressing the `OK 'button.
The input of the PH can be caught like this: We entered the PH. And not
pressing OK press Ctrl + D. Now you are in soft ksora k
data gives the raw data.

We all love to use good software for our own purposes. For example, to process graphics, edit PDF files, run good games, and so on, it is often necessary to acquire a usage license. But not everyone has the opportunity (or desire) to lay out their hard-earned money for this purpose. And in this case, hackers write special programs that allow you to bypass the payment procedure. Such software is popularly called "crack".

Let's not focus on the fact that this is wrong and illegal, that such software cannot be used. After all, this is already obvious, but nevertheless, many users are happy to use this opportunity. Today we will just tell you about what a "crack" is, about the possible consequences of its use.

What's this?

So, this term was borrowed from the English language. The literal meaning of crack is "to break with a bang." The "crack" program, when launched, simply makes some changes to the code of the paid software, which, as a result, stops checking whether a payment for use has been made or not. It should be noted that "patches" work according to a similar principle. Their difference lies in the fact that the latter can both "hack" and fix various errors and flaws in the software.

But back to our "rams". Very often the "crack" for Windows is used, since it is the most popular operating system, and most software is written specifically for it. Users should be aware that, in addition to canceling payments, this hacking software can often harm the computer. For example, when installing "crack" via the Internet, it contacts its manufacturer and receives appropriate instructions on what it needs to do. For example, transfer some data, stop certain services, infect specific files, and so on.

Motives for writing

Are you already beginning to understand what a "crack" is? It is very often written not for any ideological motives or altruistic inclinations. The author of such software, as a rule, pursues some personal interests. Often, when you install it, a "Trojan" program penetrates the system and "steals" your passwords from accounts or any accounts, and so on.

Many users of one of the popular versions of the pirate "Piggy" at one time fully felt what a "crack" is, and what consequences it might have. When the license check was deactivated for this operating system, the latter became infected with a Trojan. With all the ensuing consequences. For a long time, anti-virus software could not do anything about this problem, since many advanced antivirus programs simply did not detect anything.


If for some reason you still use hacking programs, we strongly advise you to install an additional "firewall" in addition to the antivirus. After all, the latter allows you to detect suspicious activity in the system and warn you about it. Particular attention should be paid to the "crack" for the game. It is for games that many "crackers" are released with malicious surprises.

Another example of the harmful effects of such software. This time there is a theft in the truest sense of the word. The program requires the user to send a message to a special short number, ostensibly to receive the required key. In fact, if this requirement is met, all the money from your mobile account will be transferred in an unknown direction. You will never receive the key.

It is better not to disable antivirus software.

Also, one cannot ignore one more feature of "crackers". Everyone who has used or tried to use this software has been confronted with the recommendation that it is necessary to disable the antivirus program during its launch. This must be done so that a false alarm would not happen, as a result of which the “crack” task will not be performed.

There is part of the truth in this statement. Indeed, "antivirus programs", protecting the copyrights of developers, classify "cracks" as malicious software even if they really only bypass the paid activation procedure. But you should also understand that now there are very few such "harmless" programs. And most likely, if you disable the protection of your computer, some malicious "agent" will enter the system. We hope you understand what a "crack" is.

So let's start with theory. Crack (crack, crack)- a program that allows you to crack the protection of the program installed by the developers to limit the functionality. As a rule, a crack is created for mass use, and is created by enthusiastic programmers without pursuit of profit. There are entire teams of programmers involved in cracking software, for example, TEAM ROR, Team EQUiNOX, BEAN, SSG and others. The following expressions are used for the word crack: medicine, pill, medicine, pill, pharmacy, etc. Here are the most common ways to protect software from "unauthorized" use:

Shareware - programs that can be downloaded for free and used for a certain period of time after which you will have to pay for the program if you decide to use it further. The period of free use of the program is usually 30 days.

Demo version (demo) - programs of this type, as a rule, are designed so that the user can evaluate the capabilities of the program. The demo version is usually not fully functional (some of the program options may not work) or has restrictions on the use of the program. For example, a program in demo mode can process only 1 file or create some kind of drawing, but without the ability to print it or save the results of work to disk. Those. programs of this type only allow you to evaluate the program itself, its interface and the degree of its usefulness for the user. The fully functional version must be purchased from the developer.

Trial version - in principle, a complete analogue of shareware, except that often in trial versions the user is not given a certain free period of using the program (30, 14 days), but a certain number of program launches. We can say that programs like trial and shareware are one and the same.

Copy protection (retail software) - This protection only prevents users from making copies and installing the software on multiple computers without purchasing a license.

Disc protection (games) - this defense is usually used in games; You must have an original CD to run the game. A typical crack for this protection is NoDVD or NoCD, less often a special driver.

There are many other types of software protection, from very simple to extremely complex. Removing, disabling or bypassing protection is a very difficult and interesting activity for a cracker. By removing protection, the cracker "defeats" the programmer (or entire program groups) responsible for creating the protection algorithm. After a program is broken, crackers usually release the freshly made crack for public downloads to showcase their abilities to the world.

Serial number, patch, key generator, etc., it is customary to call crack or crack (from the English crack). Now we will tell you about each in more detail.

There are several main types of cracks:

Serial numbers aka serials (serial numders, s / n). This is the simplest type of crack - a sequential special text code that allows you to remove restrictions or a demonstration period of the program. Most often, it is able to work on several computers, if not checked by the developer via the Internet. To register a program that uses this type of registration, you need to: Start the program and, usually on the About tab -> Enter the serial number or registration, insert this code.

Registration files aka keys (regfiles, keyfiles). Essentially, reg files are very similar to serials, usually a special file with the * reg extension. If you open the key file with any text editor, you can see the serial number, if it is, of course, not encrypted. To activate a program that registers in this way, you usually need to run the * reg file and simply accept the registry changes. There are exceptions among * reg files, it can be just files that are not related to the registry; they need to be copied to the program folder, there is also a variant of the lisence.dat type and similar cases. It is quite easy for program developers to resist the proliferation of key files, since, in most cases, they can simply block the key by adding it to the blacklist. For example, the keys of Kaspersky Anti-Virus are blocked in this way.

Key generator aka keygen (keygenerator, keymaker, keygen) - a small program that generates a cryptographic key for data encryption or pseudo-authentic CD-keys or serial / registration / activation numbers for registration / activation of software. A key generator is much more difficult to make than any other crack, since the cracker must not only fully understand the sequential algorithm for generating object code, but also be able to update it. Often, the creation of a keygen "and takes several days or even a week. Keygen uses the same algorithms as the protection, so its creation is also the result of breaking the protection, or rather the successful study of protection algorithms using a debugger or disassembler. So, you can download free demo (trial) version and use the keygen to turn it into a fully functional one by entering the generated serial number.

Software developers try to prevent piracy by using product activation that requires the user to connect to the Internet or call a phone number to continue using the software, such as Adobe. The newest keygens also contain a method to bypass product activation. Also, there are programs that generate a special key themselves, which must be provided to the developer along with the board in order to receive an activation key. Fortunately, many crackers are adept at bypassing these protections. An example of such protection can be seen in the programs EzGenerator, Incomedia Website X5 Evolution, etc.

Patch. A patch is the most widespread type of crack - a small program that modifies target program files in order to remove or modify a piece of code that is responsible for a security restriction or registration process. As a result, the patch or makes the software "think" that it is checked in; or, for example, opens key buttons or closed functions that are not available in demo versions, or simply removes the protection module, etc. A patch can be easily created by comparing the registered version and the trial version binaries and correcting the differences between them. To register the program, you need to copy the patch to the folder with the installed program and patch the * .exe or * .dll file.

One drawback of patches is that if a cracker accidentally changes part of the code that is necessary for the normal functioning of the program, it will not work correctly or not work at all. Some developers deliberately "mix" security code with program code in order to confuse the cracker; however, experienced crackers bypass this type of defense without problems.

Resisting patches is usually not a very hardware problem for software manufacturers; in most cases, a simple software update of the version renders the patch useless, because patches modify the binary and are usually created to change certain parts of the code, which will not work if the code differs (even slightly) from the original. Some developers try to trick crackers by releasing "silent updates": the software has exactly the same version and even release date, but different binaries. Crackers counter this by releasing multiple versions of a patch, or by creating a generic patch that works with all versions of a software release.

Loader. Loader is a program designed to launch a program to be cracked. Usually, it simply bypasses the restrictions on the number of launches or trial time. Usually, loaders are used to crack software with encrypted binaries.

Cracked EXE. Cracked EXE is a cracked EXE file in which the protection module is neutralized. There are also cases with Cracked DLL. By copying and replacing such a file into the program folder, you will receive a fully functional version of the program. Sometimes, * .exe are not completely broken, and the program still requires you to enter the serial number, then it can be ‘finished off’ by entering any set of characters, as a rule it is 11111-11111-11111 or aaaaa- aaaaa- aaaaa.

NoCD / NoDVD. NoCD / NoDVD is an analogue of Cracked EXE.

Medicine - a more generalized form of all the above concepts.

Ok, now we know about the types of crack "in" and what they do. How to use them correctly?

First, check the downloaded crack with a good antivirus, for example NOD32, Kaspersky. In general, we recommend doing this with any executable file downloaded from the Internet. Remember that crackers never infect their crackers with viruses; as one famous cracker said, "I'm not going to spend weeks of work to steal your ICQ password or format your hard drive." However, we advise you to ALWAYS check the cracks with an antivirus before using.

Secondly, read NFO file attached to the crack! This file usually contains a brief instruction on how to use the medicine, there are also cases with ‘Readme.txt’, these files should always be read before using the crack. reading the NFO / Readme will save you many problems later.

You are now ready to unpack and use the crack (if it is a program). If it is a patch or loader, you must first close the program to be cracked, then open the NFO file and follow the instructions. Remember that some cracks do not work as intended; there may be an error in the crack, or the target protection of the program might have already been updated. In such cases, you may need to either get an older version of the program, or a newer / working version of the crack.

If everything went well, then, now, the program should work without restrictions!

Thanks for reading our little guide; we hope he helped you, or at least it was interesting for you to read. We will update this regularly and add more details as new information becomes available.