Juice has been spilled on the laptop what to do. Are we saving a flooded laptop or what to do if tea is accidentally spilled on a laptop? The computer does not turn on

And the reason lies in the ingress of liquid on the surface of the main working units. This problem is in third place after overheating and blockages. This article is especially for those who like to spend time with a cup of tea or coffee on a laptop. She will also help pet lovers. It often happens almost like in a fairy tale: the cat ran, waved its tail, and goodbye to the new computer.

It is easy to avoid this - do not drink tea, coffee, water, etc. near the equipment. But if this happened, then you need to be aware of the methods to avoid negative consequences. The steps presented below are a guarantee of the further operation of the equipment without failures.

What if my laptop gets water?

Spilled liquid leads to equipment failure. In such a situation, it is important not to panic. If water or other liquid gets in, then you need to take a number of actions that will help eliminate the problem at the initial stage with minimal consequences.

This is done quickly and carefully for maximum effect. Actions also depend on the degree of aggressiveness of the drink. Water and unsweetened tea are less harmful than alcohol, coffee and tea with sugar. Sour juices are the main pest. So, the necessary actions for other models are presented below.

Turn off laptop

The first is to turn off the laptop. It is faster to do this if you disconnect the charger from the equipment itself, and not from the outlet. Then the laptop is turned over and removed. When the technique is in this state, the liquid is poured out. You need to get rid of it 100%.

Don't hesitate here. Unsaved files and documents are cheaper than repairing your computer. De-energizing will help:

  • avoid consequences;
  • pour out the liquid without damaging the main components;
  • prevent a short circuit after contact of drinks with "electronic filling".

Only when the power is turned off does the water pour out. To eliminate residues, napkins, rags are suitable. Then the laptop needs to be dried. It is recommended to do this in a well-ventilated room with a suitable microclimate. As a rule, it takes 24 hours to dry.

In the case of other drinks, a disassembly of the technique is required. Some manufacturers, or, produce technology with a protective film on the bottom of the keyboard, guaranteeing additional protection.

Disconnect all peripherals: USB, mouse

It's also simple here. If the laptop worked with a mouse, flash drives and other USB devices, then the devices are pulled out. This will protect the equipment from the effects of drinks. Due to this, the formation of an electrochemical reaction is excluded, and the devices will work.

If the volume of the "tragedy" is significant, then the laptop is positioned with ventilation holes downward, being installed on the edge. After these actions, it is recommended not to turn on the technique from 1 to 3 days, which depends on the degree of damage inflicted.

Wipe up spilled liquid

To eliminate liquid on a laptop, and other models, any available means are suitable. The first is to use an absorbent, lint-free material. The remnants of water or spilled drinks are collected with the help of it, if possible, it is also recommended to remove the CMOS battery, which is located on the system board.

Remember, both the amount and type of liquid spilled are important. If the water is non-corrosive, then coffee and tea are the opposite, despite the fact that the former usually leads to short circuits and electrochemical corrosion. This is due to the presence of acids and other hazardous substances for the boards.

Disassemble laptop case

The next step is to disassemble the case. In any laptop, or, there are important components that fail when liquid gets in.

After wiping it down, look under the keyboard pad. If the surface is dry, no action is required. Otherwise, the equipment is disassembled, and the units are checked, after which flushing operations are performed with parts that have been exposed to corrosive substances. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol for these purposes.

In the case of the appearance of oxidized zones on the motherboard, warm water is used, then the device is dried for 2 days and soldered. In the absence of experience, it is not recommended to perform these manipulations due to the fact that the consequences will be more disastrous. It is rational to use the services of the service center, where there is a chance to save the laptop. If you perform actions quickly, then the equipment will last more than one year.

Remove residual fluid with compressed air

Remove remaining stains with toothbrushes, lint-free material or compressed air. In the latter case, a vacuum cleaner is used, but the power needs to be selected. This contributes to the gentle removal of residues when dry to a powdery state.

It's important not to overdo it. Any laptop, or, requires careful handling. The equipment will dry out in a room with natural ventilation, but in this case, you need to prepare that the gadget cannot be used for at least a day (depending on the degree of spillage). But the temperature in the room should not be too high in order to avoid the formation of condensation.

Assemble and test laptop

After that, you need to assemble the body of the equipment. These steps are carried out after thorough drying. It is preliminarily recommended to place the parts on the lattice if it is not possible to use compressed air. In this case, there is a circulation around the elements.

Another option is to place the parts in a container filled with rice. But drying, and other models is more effective in natural conditions without the use of other devices. The laptop is assembled and tested for functionality.

If the laptop does not turn on - contact the service center

If the actions are performed promptly, then the gadget will work for a long time. When the equipment does not turn on, then this is the first sign that you need to seek help from specialists.

Wizards will eliminate existing problems and defects. In addition, this is a chance to get guarantees that the equipment, or, will continue to work without failures and complaints. There is no need to tackle the problem on your own, given that in the absence of experience, you can further aggravate the situation.

What to consider

When rescuing a technique, you need to remember about accuracy and caution. It is also prohibited to perform a number of actions:

  1. for drying due to the fact that dust gets on the surface of the parts, exacerbating the situation.
  2. Turn on the equipment for the first two days with the hope that the laptop will work. In this case, there is a risk of a short circuit, given the formation of oxides on the main nodes of the gadget.
  3. Dry the device over.
  4. Shake the equipment while performing the indicated actions.

If the keyboard on the laptop does not work, then it is easy to install a new one. It is worse when the motherboard and other important hardware components fail.

Watch the video “Liquid got in (flooded). Laptop Operation ".

Despite the recommendation of experts not to consume different drinks while working at a computer, many modern users prefer to do as they like. Often, everything ends with a liquid spilled onto the surface of the keys and a panic search for a way out of this situation. If the keyboard from a computer or candy bar can be simply replaced, then this will not work with the keys on the surface of the laptop.

Some people think that it is enough to pour out the liquid by turning the device over and wait until it dries on its own. In some cases it really helps, but you shouldn't be surprised if the device stops working a few days or weeks after the accident.

Actions to be taken first

Emergency assistance consists of three stages, the correctness and speed of which will directly affect the condition of the laptop. You need to start at the same moment when the liquid, regardless of its quality and texture, has been spilled:

  1. We de-energize the device and take out the battery. Proper shutdown of the system in order to save data is not as important as preventing short circuits and burning of all contacts. Contrary to popular belief, disconnecting the battery is equally important, because even after disconnecting from the mains, power circuits work in it.
  2. After that, we disconnect the flash drives, disks, memory cards from the device.
  3. Next, we act depending on the amount of spilled water or other liquid. If its volume is no more than 1-2 tablespoons, then turn the keyboard or laptop over to prevent moisture penetration into the central parts of the case, after which we blot the surface with a paper towel. In the case of a larger volume, we install the device on the edge, while the ventilation holes must be placed at the bottom, and gently shake, removing the maximum amount of liquid.

Advice: During the implementation of emergency assistance, it is strictly forbidden to turn on the device to check whether it works. We'll have to come to terms with the fact that you won't have to use it for at least 2-3 days.

Only after carrying out all these manipulations, you need to decide what to do next - try to clean and restore the device yourself or seek help from a repair shop.

Features of the impact of various liquids on the state of the keyboard

The degree of damage to a laptop depends not only on the volume, but also on the quality of the liquid spilled on its surface. The destructive effect is different for all drinks, which must be taken into account during the repair process.

  • Water. If water is spilled on the keyboard, the chances of system recovery are quite high, the product is quite harmless. The main thing is to act quickly and strictly according to the plan developed by specialists, otherwise there is a risk of corrosion of individual elements. We must not forget that the pure product will spread rapidly along the internal paths of the device, increasing the possibility of a short circuit. In no case should you just try to dry the keys, the processing should be complete and consistent.
  • Traditional drinks like tea or coffee, including those with added sugar or milk. With such a lesion, the situation is much worse due to the acids that make up most of the components. For example, tea contains tannin, which is acidic. If milk is added to the drink, then the level of negative impact is further increased. Coffee is also quite aggressive, and in combination with sugar and cream guarantees the appearance of a sticky layer that interferes with the operation of the keys.
  • Natural or packaged juice. Often it consists of rather large particles that are able to tightly clog between the elements. In addition, the sweet drink contains fruit acids, which have a pronounced destructive effect.
  • Beer. Not many people know that beer not only leaves a sticky mark on the plastic, but also corrodes the elements of the device due to the low acid content. Many owners of laptops on which beer has been spilled, albeit in a minimal amount, are faced with the fact that the product quickly fails, even if at first it did not fail.
  • Soda. Represents the greatest possible danger. Cola, Sprite and their analogs contain an impressive amount of chemical components that oxidize and corrode the insides of a laptop or keyboard. In this case, you will have to act very quickly, in just a few hours the drink can cause irreparable harm to the device.

Regardless of what was spilled on the surface of the keys, coffee, wine, tea, juice, beer or milk, it is necessary not only to get rid of excess liquid, but to rinse the item with clean water. After that, you can go to the service center or start self-repair.

How can you repair a damaged laptop yourself?

It is not necessary to turn to specialists in order to be of high quality and correct. In general, they will do the same with the device, but they may lose precious time, which in the case of a spilled soda is calculated in hours.

  • First, the product must be disassembled. To do this, we arm ourselves with suitable screwdrivers and, placing an oilcloth under the panel, methodically unscrew each screw. In order not to get confused with latches and hidden panels, it is recommended to use the instructions for parsing a specific model, which can be found on the Internet. Then we conduct an inspection and assess the damage. Before doing anything further, you need to disconnect the battery that powers the motherboard, preventing a theoretically possible short circuit.

  • Cleaning and rinsing of the components. Armed with a magnifying glass, we examine all elements of the keyboard or laptop, looking for signs of darkening or staining. We remove all suspicious formations with a soft lint-free cloth or a dry toothbrush. First you need to use an alcohol solution, then distilled water (in extreme cases, replace the component with drinking or filtered water). In the same way, you need to clean all the parts of the device.
  • If the board is damaged too badly, then we take it out, process it in the traditional way and leave it to dry for at least a day.
  • After processing, it remains to dry the laptop. Some experts advise using a hairdryer to speed up the process of getting rid of unnecessary liquid, but this is too dangerous an approach. If you overexpose the device even a little, you can melt various elements or drive dust where you don't need it. It is better to leave the product for 1-2 days in a dry place without dust and with good ventilation. Care must be taken so that direct sunlight does not fall on the parts.

If water gets on the laptop, all the same manipulations are carried out, you do not only need to rinse the product. After all the deadlines have passed, it is necessary to assemble the device, it is better to do it according to the scheme, and not from memory. If the device does not turn on or does not work, you still have to contact the service center. Sometimes, after such cleaning, only the keyboard does not work, then you can try to replace it or involve an external device.