Apple logo wallpaper for iphone 6. How the Apple logo has changed over the company's almost half-century history

Many people know that Apple is currently the most valuable brand in the world. But no one knows about the “bitten apple.” Why is it bitten? Who is Ron Wayne? We will learn about this further...


Ron Wayne, Co-Founder of Apple Computers Co.

The first logo was created by Ron Wayne.

At the time, Ron was the third co-founder of Apple, owning 10% of Apple shares. But after 11 days of registration, he sold them for 800 Dollars.

You can call him, forgive the rudeness, a loser. If Apple is now the most valuable brand, then Ron would be a Billionaire at the moment.

Apple Computers Co.'s first logo.

The first logo is not like all subsequent ones. It's something like a work of art. There was Newton on it, and above him was that ominous apple that would change the life of the Physicist, Alchemist, in general - scientist - Isaac Newton.

If you look at the frames of the logo, you will notice a certain inscription: " Newton... A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone..."(Newton... The mind that sails alone through strange seas of thought).

Rainbow Apple?

Agree, the first logo was very interesting. But at that time it was of little use for business.

Steve Jobs, Former CEO of Apple

Then Steve Jobs set the task to create a simple, light, memorable logo that would not be associated with fruits or vegetables, but would be associated with Apple.

Rob Yanov, Graphic Designer

And then he turned to Rob Yanov, a graphic designer. He explained how the logo was created on the Revert To Saved blog

Rob bought some apples, put them in a bowl, and thought about how to create a logo. He wanted to eat an apple and bit into it. And then, like Newton, it was as if he had been hit on the head. The similarity of the pronunciation of Byte and Bite (Byte and Bite) also came to his aid.
And Yanov created a new “logo” in a week.

Second logo of Apple Computers Co.

But why is it colorful? There are many myths, such as that the logo was created in honor of Gays, because Apple supports them. But the “logo” was invented a year before the rainbow colors were accepted into the ranks of Gays.

What then? Why did Rob use Rainbow? Let's figure it out.

It turns out that these six colors were depicted on the "apple" due to the fact that Apple monitors were color and showed these colors.

Black is the color of courage...

The rainbow logo lasted for 22 years. A very long time. 1998 At that time, Steve, who had been ousted from Apple, returned. At the time, Apple was in a difficult position. Competitors, innovations...

Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President and Designer at Apple

Jonathan Ive, currently known as the Designer, Vice President of Apple and the “Creator” of iOS 7, has created the new iMac G3 case.

iMac G3 in several colors

New colorful computers literally pulled Apple out of a cloud of problems. But it’s somehow strange to use colored apples on a colored Mac. Realizing this, Apple abandoned the old logo and adopted the color black.

The third logo of Apple Computers Co.

Since 1998 - The black, dark “logo” of the apple will be with Apple.

Metal and Aluminum - new perfection

2007 Apple begins to launch the first iPhones. And at the same time, he refuses Computers in the name, saying that Apple will create different products for life. And it turns out Apple Computers

We need to create a new logo. So that it is suitable for both the new iPhone and the future iPad. Jonathan Ive, again, came up with a new logo, gray, it looks like a mixture of metal and aluminum with a sheen.

Apple's fourth logo

This “logo” is still used by Apple to this day. In the meantime, we need to wait until Apple thinks of changing its “logo”.

Your phone can say a lot about you. For example, about your personality. Therefore, we want to tell you about our range and features of glowing iPhone logos for fans of a wide variety of styles - with a variety of tastes. You can make your phone even more personal. All you have to do is make a choice and enjoy a vibrant life.

We make all types of luminous logos for iPhone

From simple to the most complex.


Today we actively use several types of materials and designs to make luminous iPhone logos.
You can see each one in the illustrations below.


Ultra-durable and optically clear type of plastic. That is why it is successfully used in various areas of production, including in the manufacture of car headlights and iPhone 5C housings and those famous glowing Macbook apples. This is an ideal material for the production of light logos. This type of material is best suited for simple and multi-color logos, such as a glowing apple or company logo.

Outline illuminated logos

We first proposed the idea of ​​contour lighting in 2012 and immediately won its niche. This is a great way to “emphasize” a logo of any shape. The width of the luminous contour is 0.3 mm, and its color can be different.


Such logos combine several materials, for example, metal + enamel, carbon + enamel, etc. depending on the task. The elements that need to be highlighted are made of jewelry enamel. This type of luminous logos is many times more complex than those made from plastic, but the result is impressive - all the coolest ideas with luminous logos are implemented on the basis of such logos.

Metal and Swarovski

In this case, Swarovski stones act as an element of glow. Each stone has an active backlight from the inside, the light breaking by the cut of the stone creates a fantastic effect.

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What logo shape is right for you?

The glowing logo is one of the most interesting design elements that you can add to your phone during the modding process. Its shape can be very diverse, depending on the client’s preferences. A company's logo, a manufacturer's trademark, a sports team's emblem, the stylized initials of the owner, or that stylishly bitten glowing apple - there are no boundaries or frames. Coultury specialists will not only bring any customer’s wishes to life, but will also give a number of different tips regarding this and other elements of customization.

Power consumption of glowing logo

Any light source requires power, and a glowing logo for a custom iPhone is no exception. When designing the backlight chip, our company’s specialists focused on minimizing its power consumption. To illuminate a small logo, one diode is used, which consumes up to 0.9% of the battery charge per hour of activity. Large logos require two diodes, but even in this case, the user of a stock or modded device will not notice absolutely no difference in its autonomy.

Choose the color of the glow

There are no restrictions in choosing the glow color for a glowing logo. Based on the user's preferences, his character can be determined. Red, for example, symbolizes the unbridled desire for success, pink unites passion and purity, orange is synonymous with extraordinaryness, green mesmerizes with the balance of warmth and coolness, blue conveys affection and loyalty, and blue conveys calm and tranquility. Despite the variety available, most users choose a cool white glow.

How to decide on a glowing logo

Some logos can only be made from specific materials and using a specific technology. However, most orders can be completed using several different methods. In any case, Coultury specialists will present to the client all possible ways to implement a specific luminous logo with a calculation of its cost, and will also provide consultation on the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The user will only need to provide the desired logo, clarify key nuances, and make the final choice.

How to find out the cost

Anything can become your symbol - from initials and abbreviations to the symbol of the most unforgettable event in your life. Even the smallest details will make a big difference.
Any custom logo requires cost calculation.
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Few people know, but the photo above is the real Apple logo.

Apple's main symbol has been updated several times already. Changing the logo is a kind of control point, marking a transition to new views and principles of the company. Moreover, these changes were never random.

Are you sure you remember the old company logos? Let's figure it out.

Newton logo (1976 - 1977)

The first Apple logo is far from the modern, laconic symbol. By and large, he stood out in those days. The logo was created by one of the founders of Apple, Ronald Wayne, who quickly sold his stake in the company. It's a cool idea - to use the widely circulated story about the discovery of gravity by Isaac Newton. But its implementation leaves much to be desired.

Minimalism? No, we haven't heard. The logo looks more like a coat of arms: a shield, a heraldic ribbon, a pompous signature. It is absolutely not suitable for application to products, and all because of its bulky geometry and the abundance of small parts. Fortunately, it didn't last long.

Rainbow Logo (1977 - 1998)

An ambitious company needs a recognizable symbol. That's why Apple's founders turned to designer Rob Janoff of Regis McKenna. It was he who created the well-known bitten apple in rainbow colors.

In an interview, the designer said that he simply bought a bag of apples and experimented with them for a week. Many hoax fans like to attribute hidden meanings to this logo. But Rob Janoff debunked all the myths, according to him, he did not make any references to Alan Turing or the Garden of Eden:

  • stripes of all the colors of the rainbow indicate the competitive advantage of Apple computers, which could display color images;
  • the incorrect order of these colors is justified by the fact that an apple leaf should be green;
  • the fruit was “bitten” so as not to confuse the apple with other fruits;
  • the consonant “byte” and “bite” remain only curious coincidences.

Monochrome logo (1998–present)

By the end of the nineties, Apple was on the verge of failure. After his return to the company, Steve Jobs made a splash - he closed unpromising projects, updated the staff and stopped renewing licenses for proprietary software. In order to forever disown the disastrous old course, the logo was also changed. From 1998 until now it has been a solid apple.

If the size of the previous logo rarely exceeded 1.5 x 1.5 cm, then the monochrome version is usually larger, brighter and more noticeable. Nowadays the “apple” is painted in three colors: black, white and gray. But before there were more varieties, here are the most famous:

iMac G3 logo

The release of the iMac G3 in 1998 marked the return of Apple. Stylish all-in-one PCs had just such a logo, and it was the same color as part of the case. The PowerMac, Apple Studio Display and iBook, released a year later, received similar logos.

“Aqua” logo

This logo first appeared on the PowerMac G4 Cube and was used for several years in advertising and banners. Plus, it could be seen in early versions of OS X, because the logo fit perfectly into the concept of the Aqua interface.

"Glass" logo

Users of Apple's desktop OS first saw this logo in 2002 when upgrading to OS X Panther. With the release of the iPhone in 2007, this symbol moved to mobile devices. It was replaced only in 2013 in connection with the release of iOS 7 and the abandonment of skeuomorphism.

Metal logo

Metal logos are one of Apple's favorite and recognizable features. Having appeared in the iMac G4 all-in-one PCs, such logos roamed across all categories of Apple products. iPhone cases with holes? All for the sake of the treasured metal apple.

Logo “Product.RED”

Apple is partnering with Product Red to help the latter raise funds for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. On the official website of the Cupertino company you can find products, part of the proceeds from which go to this fund. Once a year, on the first of December, on World AIDS Day, Apple turns its logo red.

What's next?

Of course, Apple won't change the shape of its logo. You shouldn’t expect exotic color solutions from the company either; minimalism is in fashion now. Perhaps soon we will see the familiar logo made from new materials. Maybe

In our turbulent times, people do not have enough time to sleep, let alone remember all sorts of different brands. However, even in such conditions, there are several logos that almost every inhabitant of the Earth knows. For example, you can recall the ideal Mercedes star, the well-known Coca Cola inscription, the outline of the Nike symbol, the white and blue circle of BMW. Among these leaders we can highlight the Apple logo. Many people often wonder about the history of the origin of the Apple logo, and how it has changed over the decades.

When did the Apple logo appear?

Apple owes its first logo to Ron Wayne. Now the name of this man has almost been forgotten and it is unlikely that people well versed in the history of Apple remember him. Although this man was the third co-founder of the tiny Apple company. But no one remembers him for a very simple reason, this loser, what else can you call a person who got rid of the shares of a young company just 11 days after its founding. He sold them for $800. Imagine how much money he would have now. After all, he had 10 percent of the shares, and in modern times this is a cosmic amount.

The symbol that Wayne came up with for his company has nothing in common with the current emblem. It was a carefully designed picture in which Isaac Newton occupied the main place, with an apple on top, symbolizing insight. Much later, Apple will remember Newton when it begins to develop the first PDAs.

The first Apple logo has small words written on it, if you look closely you can read " Newton... A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone", which can be translated into Russian as " Newton...The mind always sails through many seas of thought...alone". This paragraph was borrowed from a fairly well-known poem in the West by William Wordsworth called “The Prelude.”

And indeed the symbol turned out to be very sensible. All these mysterious references to Isaac Newton gave the logo a certain air of mystery. However, this logo was very unsuitable for modern business. It is for this reason that a year after the founding of Apple, Steve Jobs decided to find a completely new symbol. So he went to a wonderful designer named Rob Janoff. Steve Jobs gave the task to create such an emblem so that it would look modern and at the same time be perfectly recognizable among many others like it.

For a week, this graphic designer was completely occupied with the task at hand. Many years later, he was interviewed in which he revealed the secret of how he came up with this logo. Rob went to the store where he bought apples of various shades, then he put them in a vase and began to draw. Gradually removing various elements. He drew that very bite quite deliberately, because his task was to depict such an image of the fruit so that it would be firmly associated with an apple, and not, say, with berries, vegetables or fruits. Moreover, in English the word byte and bite off are written almost identically (byte/bite), this added even more meaning.

Myths of the appearance of the Apple logo

The first legend. Rob depicted the company logo with rainbow colors. Subsequently, many people began to slander that this coloring was somehow very similar to the symbolism of gay minorities, and, speaking in Russian, to the symbolism of homosexuals. Although this is fundamentally wrong, because that famous emblem began to be used a whole year earlier than the buggers invented their logo in the form of a rainbow.

Second legend. It is believed that the apple painted in rainbow colors is a kind of tribute to A. Turing. This man is famous for being able to hack Enigma and Kriegsmarine code, and after the war had a strong influence on the development of information technology. For example, he came up with a special intelligence test, which later became known as Turing test.
However, there were some buggers here too. In the West, there is no escape from this, total pederasty. So, it turns out that Turing was gay and the authorities began to persecute him for homosexuality, and a not very bright future awaited him. After all, serving two years in prison, where every prisoner knows about your inclinations, is not very similar to a walk through a flowery meadow. As a result, he was forced to undergo a course of hormone therapy, as a result of which many women develop breasts and experience infertility. Moreover, the tolerant authorities forbade this talented pederast to do his favorite thing. No, in this case we mean not love games with men, but cryptography.
This was a cruel blow to the fragile and tender soul of the gay scientist. As a result of mental anguish, he committed suicide some time later. Yes, being a homosexual in the West is a thankless task, and sometimes even dangerous for the psyche. What does an apple have to do with it, you ask? The thing is that Turing decided to leave this life that was disgusting to him in an unusual way. After all, homosexuals are creative people. So he bought an apple at the store and injected it with a lethal dose of potassium cyanide, after which he bit into it with gusto. However, alas, he did not have time to chew this juicy piece.

However, Rob Yanov has his own opinion on these legends. He believes that there is no double bottom in the Apple logo. The company's rainbow symbol was supposed to represent the fact that their company is engaged in the development and production of computers, and specifically with color monitors. At that blessed time, the Mac computer screen had the ability to transmit six shades. It was these colors that were included in Apple logo. Moreover, all the shades were installed in random order, and only the green color was specially placed first by Rob.

This rainbow logo has existed for twenty-two years.. After the “prodigal son” Steve Jobs returned to the company in 1998, who had previously been expelled in disgrace, positive changes began. In those distant times, this corporation had very big problems with cash. Most of Apple's competitors slept and saw that this company was about to go down. In order to survive it was necessary to radically change the company's policy.
And you ask, what miracle helped bring the dying company back to life? And everyone was saved by a wonderful designer named Jonathan Ive. He created the latest case for the brand new IMAC G3.

This Mac pulled Apple out of the financial abyss and opened new horizons for it. In addition, from that moment on, this company was noticed at the highest level; its logo began to be used in glossy magazines, TV series and films.
It became clear that the "rainbow apple" logo would look very strange on the Macintosh g3. Therefore, reluctantly, the company’s managers decided to rebrand and make a new design. Therefore, starting in 1998, instead of the color “bitten apple” emblem, a monochrome logo appeared. So the company crossed the threshold of childhood and became mature and strong, and it seems that nothing can shake its unshakable confidence, except perhaps the “Financial Apocalypse”.

The evolution of the Apple logo

The very first Apple logo looks more like a painting than a brand name. It showed Isaac Newton reading under a tree with a falling apple hanging over it.

Along the outline of the frame is a line from William Wordsworth’s poem “The Prelude”: Newton... A Mind Forever Voyaging Through Strange Seas of Thought... Alone (“Newton... A mind that sails alone through strange seas of thought”).

The emblem turned out to be rich in references and secret meanings, but too overloaded and complex to be used for marketing purposes. It lasted only a year.

By the way, the author of the logo, Ronald Wayne, was the third co-founder of the company. He did not believe in Apple's success and recklessly sold a 10% stake in the future corporation for only $800. And thereby deprived himself of a multi-billion dollar fortune.

The official logo that adorned the company's first product, the Apple II, was a bitten apple made of bright multi-colored stripes. In just a week, it was created by designer Rob Yanov at the request of .

The artist bought apples and painted them, removing unnecessary details. So only the outline with the handle remained. At the same time, the famous bite on the right side was created without hidden meanings. It was needed only to accurately distinguish the fruit from a tomato and other fruits.

The rainbow color palette prompted speculation about hidden sympathies in support of the LGBT community, as well as references to the famous mathematician and cryptographer Alan Turing, who was gay.

In fact, the rainbow in the logo does not carry any secret messages. As conceived by Steve Jobs, on the contrary, they were more than explicit: six colors indicated that the computer supported color image output. And in times of monochrome monitors, this is a significant advantage.

The brand new iMac in Bondi Blue stood out against the dull beige and gray boxes of regular PCs. The old rainbow badge would have looked childish on the shiny plastic, so the designers changed it to a color-matching logo in a translucent style.

Returning after more than 10 years of absence to a company that was going through difficult years, Jobs set a course for change. And the first thing he did was change the brand name, abandoning bright colors in favor of a monochromatic outline of an apple.

A little later, the Apple logo began to be depicted in the style of the Aqua graphical interface, which appeared in macOS X. Such logos have long been used on business cards and signs at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino. The red version was used for extended warranty support for Apple Care, and the darkened graphite version was used on Power Mac G4 system units.

Then the logo changed slightly. The glossy shine remained in place, but the apple turned from glass to highly polished metal. The logo has been used for many products, but is most memorable for the boot screen of iOS devices and the About This Mac screen in OS X.

After almost 15 years, Apple is returning to the minimalistic logo that was first introduced back in 1998. The recognizable monochrome silhouette of a bitten apple against a contrasting background - this is how it is now known all over the world.