How to enable Adobe Flash Player on different browsers. Adobe Flash kills Chrome

Today we will deal with the topic Flash.

How does the presence of Flash affect the browser speed? The editors of the popular foreign publication became interested in this issue and conducted their own experiment to find out this. The results were even more disappointing than they expected initially: the speed of the browser can fall by 80%!

To begin with, let's figure it out for what a flash in the browser is needed and why many of it do not like it, and engineers compare it with a sieve for a computer for hundreds of viruses fall on users of users precisely at the expense of holes in the insoleness system of this technology.

A bit of theory

Flash is actively used for, as well as playback on the pages of audio and video content sites. To play Flash content, Adobe Flash Player installed in the browser is required. In some browsers, it is installed by default, in some it must be independently installed from the Adobe site.

In essence, Flash Player is a virtual machine on which the Flash program code is performed. In this regard, there are a number of problems:

  • Excessive use of PC processor resources associated with the inefficiency of the Virtual Machine Flash Player
  • Low error control, which leads to hanging and even stopping the work of browsers
  • Use Hackers in safety holes for spreading viruses and computers

The problem of using Flash in browsers got so acute that in July of this year the head of the Facebook Security Department Alex Stemeos called on Adobe to name the exact date when it refuses the further development and support of Flash technology. By the way, immediately after this Stamos, Firefox developers were supported, stating that the latest versions of their browser would initially support Flash. By the way, still Steve Jobs compared Flash technology with evil :)

Initial data

Now let's go back to the experiment ... For him, a sample was taken from 30 sites, from Amazon to The New York Times and, on the pages of which are elements of the flash. Chrome 44, Microsoft EDGE 12 browsers were used as "experimental rabbits" (included in Windows 10), Firefox 39, Internet Explorer 11 and Opera 31.

Since Firefox and Opera do not have the initial flash support, the recommended plugin from the official Adobe site was downloaded for them. As a platform for testing, Lenovo Yoga 12 laptop was used (2.6-GHz Intel Core i7-5600u, 64-Bit Windows 10 Pro, 8 GB RAM).


The results were amazing even for the experimenters themselves. He initially assumed the negative impact of the included flash on the speed of the browser, but not as it turned out. For example, Microsoft EDGE consumed 4.72 GB RAM and created a processor load capacity by 84.1%. When flashing, these figures amounted to 4.12 GB and 24.5%, respectively. Those. The load difference was 11% for RAM and 61% for the central processor.

The opera showed even more stunning results, as can be seen from the graph above. Firefox after switching on the flash began to behave strangely: the tabs began to hang on one or more minutes even after loading the pages. The chromium with the working Flash behaved quite worn, but at the same time consuming 4.23 GB of memory and loading the processor by 71.4%.

Some browsers, the same, have already come to load flash content on the site pages not by default, but at the request of the user. Such content begins to play only after the user itself clicks on it with the mouse and put permission. But, for example, Microsoft Edge does not have such a functionality: there Flash Player can only be enabled or turned off through the browser settings. And it seems that the developers in Microsoft are not going to correct this situation as there are no such tasks in the list of closest refinement of the browser functional.

How to turn off flash in browsers

If you have a browser with the already installed Flash player, and you want to evaluate how quickly it will work without it, here is the instruction in order to disable the flash.

Microsoft Edge.: Click the circle icon in the upper right corner, "Settings" -\u003e "Advanced Settings". Slide the slider at the "Use Adobe Flash Player" point to the "OFF" state.

Internet Explorer.: Click the gear icon in the upper right corner, select "Configure Add-in". In the drop-down menu, select "All add-in". In the Addon list, click on the "SHOCKWAVE Flash Object" by right-click and select "Disable".

Mozilla Firefox.: Click on the settings icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner, select "Add-ons". To the right of the SHOCKWAVE FLASH plug-in in the drop-down window, select "" Never turn on. "

Google Chrome.: Click on the settings icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner, select "Settings", then "Show Advanced Settings".

In the "Personal Information" block, click "Content Settings". In the window, find the point "Plugins" and "Management of separate plugins". In the Adobe Flash Player block, click "Disable".

Opera.: Everything is more complicated here. You need to go to the control panel and go to the list of installed programs. In it, find "" Adobe Flash Player PPAPI "and run it manually removing it.

Try to work with your browser after disconnecting the flash, and you may be surprised how quickly and without hanging will begin to open the site page. At the same time, the system resources of their computer, you will accurately save, and this is an important factor for not too powerful computers.

Working on the Internet in any browser, the user expects that all the contents of the web pages will be displayed correctly. Unfortunately, by default, the browser cannot normally display all the content without special plug-ins. In particular, today it will be discussed how the Adobe Flash Player plug-in is activated.

Adobe Flash Player is a well-known plugin that is required to make the browser can display Flash content. If the plugin is disabled in the browser, respectively, the web browser will not be able to display Flash content.

First of all, the Adobe Flash Player plugin must be installed for your computer. It was described in more detail in one of our past items.

How to turn on the flash player in Google Chrome?

To begin with, we need to get to the plug-in page. To do this, insert the following link to the address bar of the web browser and click the Enter key to go to it:

chrome: // plugins

Once on the plug-in management page, find it in the Adobe Flash Player list, and then make sure you display the button "Disable" denoting that the plug-in is currently included. If you see a button "Enable" Click on it, and the work of the plug-in will be activated.

How to turn on the flash player in Yandex.Browser?

If you are a user of Yandex.Bauser or any other web browser created on the basis of the Chromium engine, for example, the amigo, rambler of the Bruper and others, then the Flash Player activation in your case is performed in exactly the same way as it is done for Google Chrome.

How to turn on the flash player in Mozilla Firefox?

In order to activate Adobe Flash Player in the Mozilla Firefox web browser, click on the upper right corner on the browser menu button and in the displayed window, open the section "Additions" .

On the left side of the window, follow the transition to the tab. "Plugins" And check that the SHOCKWAVE Flash plugin is marked by the status "Always include" . If you have another status, set the desired, and then close the window of working with plugins.

How to turn on the flash player in the opera?

Insert your browser to the address bar to the next link and click the Enter key to go to it:

opera: // plugins

The plug-on control page appears on the screen. Find Adobe Flash Player in the list and make sure that the button is "Disable" which indicates that the work of the plugin is active. If you see a button "Enable" , Click on it once, after which the Flash Player work will be adjusted.

From this small article you have learned how to turn on the flash player plugin in the browser. If you have any questions about activating Flash Player, ask them in the comments.

One of the most controversial technologies, which to this day is used to create animation - Flash. She has both many supporters and quite a few opponents. However, often this technology provokes a number of problems, which is why questions arise about the need to turn off in browsers.

Search for problems and disable programs

When the search engine is running, you can selectively, manually disable individual plug-ins. If you have problems with the work of the browser, you need to try to establish the cause and disable the relevant service.

In order to understand which programs are active at the moment, you need to go to the Firefox menu and select the add-ons section. Next in the management of choose to find the plug-in string. In the list that appears, you must select the desired line and put a tick next to the inscription never turn on. This manipulation is to repeat the element with each problem.

It is important to note that after that there is no need to restart the system, all changes start working automatically. If, after deactivation, the fault does not appear, then the services should be sequentially restored by placing a tick near the inscription always include.

These measures help stabilize work only on a temporary basis. If this kind of problem occurs quite often, I should think about reinstalling the search engine or its individual components.

If the flash player is disabled, do not manifest, you need to reinstall or update.

As a rule, most faults can be eliminated in this way. In order to verify which version it is installed on the computer, you need to go to a special page from Firefox. If you cannot eliminate the malfunctions using this method, you can again resort to disconnection.

Rinitialization of the base and manual removal

If, after you have turned off the flash in the magazine problems again continue to appear can be resorted to the disinstaling procedure. This manipulation can be carried out both using the program and manually.

To delete manually, follow the following steps:

  • In the address bar, enter About: plugins. After that, all available categories will appear.
  • For each service on the page there are two lines. They are called the file and the path and indicate the name and location.
  • This data is copied.
  • Using the system conductor, go to the desired folder.
  • Then it is before the name to add the letter H.

If the service has not been turned off, then you can delete it using such manipulation.

In some cases, the system can block the installation process or reinstall. In such a situation, you need to resort to reinitialization of the base. In order to perform this manipulation you need:

  • Open the browser menu Mazila.
  • Call Help and select Count information to solve problems.
  • In the application information you need to activate the Count Show folder.
  • After that, you need to go to the menu and click the Output button.
  • Remove pluginreg.dat.
  • Re-open Mozilla.

If flash technology interfere with the work of the browser, you can simply turn off or remove the interfering program. As a rule, such measures allow to stabilize the work of Firefox. But it should be borne in mind that when deactivating individual components, the entire system can work incorrectly.

Romanov Stanislav 08.07.2015 3222

Adobe Flash kills Chrome. How to disable Flash in Chrome?

Enough it means enough. After several years of dealing with Adobe Flash - whether problems with performance or security, with the last correction of the zero day vulnerability, today in response to the Hacking Team revelations? It is time to take care of this misunderstanding.

It is time to disable Flash in Chrome. You can easily destroy it with fire or simply disable, but you can configure Flash to start only in cases where this plugin is clearly needed. But, in any case, it's time to save a desktop browser from unnecessary risk.

So when it comes to turn off Flash in Chrome, there is a couple of options.

How to set the Flash launch only if necessary?

This is probably the most relevant option for most users. There are more points when you may need to start flash elements - but we are not talking about media ads that will result in any computer to stop the work. This is how you can install Flash to "on demand" mode in Chrome:

  • Go to the Chrome settings using the Chrome: // Settings command.
  • At the bottom of the page, click "Show Advanced Settings".
  • In "Personal Data", click the "Content Settings" button.
  • Scroll down, find the "Plugins" section and click on "request permission ..." (screenshot above).
Next time, when colliding with flash content, you will see a gray field. To start the item, you need to hold down the "Ctrl" key on the keyboard and click on the desired item. This will be the mode of operation at the request of the user. In this way, you can block unnecessary flash ads (among other content), but still use Flash elements, if it is truly important.

If you want to disable Flash in Chrome, then it is also easy to implement - just remember that this step will completely turn off the plugin and cannot provide you with the opportunity to use it on demand.

Here's how you can turn off the plugin in Chrome:

  • Go to Chrome: // plugins.
  • Scroll down until you find the Adobe Flash Player plugin.
  • Click the "Disable" button to disable the Flash plugin in Chrome.
And it's all. You disabled Flash in your chrome.



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Flash player is installed. It is called Adobe Shockwave Player and is needed so that you can directly in the browser watch the video, listen to music, play games, etc. But it happens that he is "buggy" or simply do not need. In this article, I will show how to turn it off as you can (and then turn on again if necessary) in various browsers.

How to Stop Flash Player in Google Chrome

More precisely, I will show on my browser, which is based on the chromium engine. This may not only be Google Chrome, as well as various nichrome, amigo, orbitum, commodo and all who use this free engine for their own purposes.

This can be done through the settings, but in different browsers, they are scattered in their own way (for example, in Google Chrome, you need to go to the settings in the Google, at the bottom to select the "Show Advanced Settings" link to select the "Content Settings" button in Personal dataAnd then search for "Connected Modules" and click "Disconnect individual modules"), although they lead to one place.

The simplest thing is to insert a Chrome: // plugins directly to the browser address bar and go to the right place.

Here we are looking for our player and turn it off:

pressing the corresponding button.

How to turn off the flash player in the opera

In the latest version of Opera, go to "Settings" and then everything is clear:

How to turn off the flash player in Mozilla

In Mozilla Firefox, you can also either go along the way: Tools -\u003e Add-ons, or simply dial in the address bar About: Addons and go to the setting you need. We are looking for and turning off:

How to turn off the flash player in Internet Explorer

How can you forget about this standard windows browser ... in the Internet Explorer you need to go to "set up superstructings":

Find in the list "ShockWave Flash Object" and click on it with the left and button, and then you can turn off:

Note: If flash player stopped answering - Just close and start the browser again. The problem should be the abyss, and if you think that everything is lost, then many browsers have the function of opening the latest open tabs.

Finally, I want to note that the article discussed the ways to disconnect the flash player in various popular browsers, and you can remove the flash player as an ordinary program through the control panel.