How to transfer contacts from nokia lumiya. How to transfer contacts from Nokia to Android phone or tablet

Each smartphone has its own software. With it, the device is controlled. Today, Android operating systems and Windows phone. In addition, some prefer to work with exclusive software such as iOS.

Nevertheless, the first two systems win the hearts of customers more often. Many people change the usual “Android” to “Windows Background”. Switching from one phone to another in this case will not cause a lot of trouble. But exactly until the question arises of copying the phone book. Next, we will look at how to transfer contacts from Android to Windows Phone. What does every modern person need to know about this procedure?

Copy Methods

Phonebook transfer from one mobile operating system on the other - this is a very real idea. Even a novice and inexperienced user will cope with the task. The main thing is to know about the methods of copying information.

You can transfer contacts from Android to Windows Phone in the following ways:

  • through synchronization with cloud services;
  • special programs;
  • using a SIM card;
  • through the use of services from Microsoft.

The owner of the phones himself can choose how to act. Most often, the use of specialized software raises a lot of questions, and the choice of applications for translating ideas into practice is extensive. Therefore, we will study all the proposed solutions, with the exception of work in special. programs. How is the process of transferring contacts from “Android” to “Windows Background” carried out?

What might be required?

The first step is to prepare for the process. Regardless of the selected method for copying the phone book, the following items may come in handy:

  • phones (one is Android, the other is Windows Background);
  • computer;
  • internet connection (on all devices);
  • accounts on cloud services (we will consider working with Google);
  • microsoft profiles
  • sIM card.

As a rule, the presence of all these components greatly facilitates the implementation of the task. Contacts will be synchronized and transferred in a few minutes. The main thing is to know how to act.

SIM card

How to transfer phone book from one device to another? This advice is only suitable for those who do not have many contacts. The thing is that you can use the old proven method - copying subscribers to a SIM card.

"Sims" have a specially allocated space for phone numbers. So the phone book will wander from one device to another. Simply insert the SIM card into the smartphone. But for a large number contacts this method not good. In addition, the bulk of people write the phone book not on a SIM card, but on a mobile one. Therefore, you will have to think about how you can transfer contacts from Android to Windows Phone.

Work with Android

So, now we proceed to more decisive and universal methods. You can transfer data from one phone to another by using cloud services. Most often we are talking about Google. It is with him that we have to work further.

Before copying the phonebook, the subscriber must make sure that he has synchronized contacts. Option connects to android device. Without it, you won’t be able to quickly copy the phone book.

To check or enable synchronization, you must:

  1. Turn on the phone on android based. Go to the main menu of the gadget.
  2. Open Settings.
  3. Go to the section responsible for synchronizing user accounts. Usually a suitable line is signed as "Accounts".
  4. Click on Google.
  5. Click on the desired profile. If previously the subscriber did not connect to the Google account, it's time to do it. You will need to enter a mail login and password to enter.
  6. In the menu that appears, check for a checkmark next to the "Contacts" option. If it is missing, you need to put it, and save the changes.

After the operations done, the smartphone with Android OS will begin synchronization with Google. For her, you must have an internet connection. Without this step, transferring contacts to Windows Von will be much more difficult.

Working with the cloud

What's next? Now you can consider moving the phone book using cloud services. The main stage is passed - synchronization, which can not be done without. Next, the subscriber will need a smartphone with Windows Phone and the Internet connected to it.

How to transfer contacts? To do this, you must:

  1. Turn on the smartphone. Activate the Internet connection function on it. Otherwise, copying will not be performed.
  2. Go to the "Menu" - "Mail and Accounts" section.
  3. In the window that appears, click on the inscription "Add".
  4. Find Google. Click on this line and then log in to your account using the address email and password from her.
  5. Accept all warnings and complete the action by clicking on the Accept control.

Done! Transferring contacts from Android to Windows Phone is not so difficult! After the actions done, the subscriber should wait a while. Duration of copying depends on the number of contacts.

Microsoft only

The proposed technique binds a person to Google services. What to do if you want to refuse to use this mail?

Transfer contacts from Android to Windows Phone is offered in a different way. No phone is required for him. All manipulations are carried out on a PC.

So, to make a copy of the phone book from the "Android", you will need:

  1. Set up sync of contacts with Google-mail. How to do this has been described before.
  2. On the computer, enter the Google mail. Open Gmail, select the "Contacts" section in the menu that appears.
  3. Click on "Advanced" - "Export". At this point, you’ll need to check the “All” and “Google CSV format” boxes. Confirm the operation.
  4. Go to Log in to the system through the Microsoft profile.
  5. Open "Import contacts." Select the exported phone book from Google.
  6. Click on the Submit button.

In this way, the phonebook is transferred from Android to Windows Phone. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. These approaches are most in demand among the population.


This guide is useful for those who want to transfer their contacts from Windows Phone to Android. To do this, you need an Outlook account from which to export contacts, and a Gmail account into which you need to import contacts received from Outlook.

Details on how to transfer contacts from iOS to Android, you can read in my manual "". Learn how to transfer android contacts on iOS, you can read my manual "". Also in my "" guide, you can learn about how to transfer contacts from Android to Windows Phone.

We go to the site and specify the credentials for logging in to Outlook and click the “Login” button.

Then we click on the “Management” button and select “Export for or other services” in the menu that opens.

After the file is downloaded, click the “Open Folder” button.

Exporting contacts from Outlook completed successfully.

Now you can import the received contacts into Gmail.

We go to the site and click on the “Login” button.

Specify the credentials for logging into Gmail and click on the “Login” button.

Then click on the “Advanced” button and select “Import” in the menu that opens.

Now you need to specify the path to the previously exported file with contacts from Outlook.

Click the “Browse” button.

In this manual, the contact file was saved in the “Downloads” folder.

We find the file with the contacts and click the “Open” button.

After the way to desired file will be indicated, click the “Import” button.

Gmail contacts import completed successfully.

Thus, the contacts will appear on all your devices running the Android operating system if you use a Gmail account on them into which contacts from Outlook were imported.

When changing mobile devicerunning Android systems on devices with Windows Phone operating systems, users need to save their contact list. For many, transferring contacts from Android to Windows Phone 8.1, for example, for some reason becomes an insoluble problem. Meanwhile, exporting your own phone book from both types of gadgets (or importing it) is not at all as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Below are a few universal solutions that any owner of mobile equipment can use.

Transferring contacts from Android to Windows Phone: the main problems that users face

The main problem when trying to copy the phone book is that its format in operating android systems and Windows Phone is different. Thus, one system cannot read data that has been written to another.

No, you can, of course, take the time to write out all the data from the phone book from one device, and then enter them into the corresponding list on the other. But this is extremely inconvenient! You can transfer contacts via Bluetooth, but it takes a lot of time, and some devices do not synchronize with each other at all.

Alternatively, for example, in Windows Phone 7, transferring contacts to Android and vice versa can be done in a universal way - move all numbers to the SIM card memory. But even she, as they say, is not rubber and has its limitations on the number of stored numbers or any other information related to the contact. But what if there are a lot more contacts than the reserve for which the SIM card is designed?

For quick transfer, you will have to use other methods that allow you to perform such operations much faster, in full and without losing the associated additional information in the form of addresses, email, etc.

The main directions in the implementation of the process

In most cases, transferring contacts from Android to Windows Phone 7 (or to any other OS modification) and vice versa can be done using several methods:

  • porting using only a mobile device;
  • export and import via computer;
  • use of third-party programs.

To perform such operations in the first two cases, you will definitely need to have your own account. For Android, this gmail registration, for mobile Windows-systems - accounting microsoft entry or register Outlook. When using synchronization and device management programs that are installed on a PC, registration data is not needed.

Direct synchronization through Google services

To get started, consider moving contacts from Android to Windows Phone using only a mobile device. First of all, you need to make sure that synchronization with the Google cloud service is enabled on your Android smartphone.

To do this, you must enter the accounts section in which you select your registration. When you enter it, you need to see if the checkbox is selected next to the contact line. If synchronization is inactive, you need to enable it and wait for the process to finish (you will need an Internet connection).

Google is selected in the list that appears, and after the warning appears, connection activation is used. Next, registration data for this service is entered and the Sign in button is clicked. To confirm the request for access to registration, use the Accept button. After the actions done, it remains to wait until the process of transferring information from google service on a Windows device.

This technique allows you to synchronize not only contacts, but also calendar or mail data. If such information is not needed, you just need to uncheck the boxes from the corresponding fields.

Transfer contacts from Android to Windows Phone through a computer

You can do something different by using a computer and any installed web browser for export and import. Many experts recommend Internet Explorer to avoid errors.

In the browser you need to enter your mailbox Gmail, then click the button with the name of the mail in the upper left corner and select the contact line from the menu. Then, in the window on the right, the "Advanced" button is pressed, and the export line is selected from the menu. When you request a system about which data you want to export, select “Groups” and “My Contacts”.

In the installation window of your preferred format, use CSV for Outlook and click the save button. The phone book file will be written to hDD to the default folder (e.g. Downloads).

Now you need to go to the Outlook website, enter your registration data (address of the specified mail and password), in the upper left corner, click the button in the form of a small square and select the "People" menu. Next, go to the import section, where the import start button is used. From the proposed options, Google is selected, and then the location of the saved file with contacts is indicated.

After selecting the file, the submit button is first clicked, and then the import button is clicked. At the end of these steps, the imported contacts will appear on the new gadget (the Internet connection must be active).

Using vCard format

In some cases, the transfer of contacts from Android to Windows Phone and vice versa can be done by using the universal format VCF (vCard).

You can do this at the stage of exporting the phone book by selecting VCF rather than CSV from the list, or you can do it even easier by simply transferring contacts from a mobile device to a computer. Most interestingly, this format is considered to be universal and is recognized by almost all well-known email clients such as Outlook and mobile operating systems.

Reverse Export and Import

To transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android, you will need to add a service, as described for the first option, establish contact synchronization, and then enter gmail on the computer, if there is no smartphone at hand, and use the settings section.

Here, the account and import tab is selected, after which the import of mail and contacts is used. Next, you will need to enter the address outlook mail or another registered address specified during registration and password, and then follow the instructions of the system.

Third Party Utilities

To carry out such operations, you can use third-party programs. For example, for Android-systems a small utility AirDroid is perfect, for Windows-devices you can use the Wondershare Mobile Trans application or any other.

It is interesting that the Wondershare Mobile Trans utility allows saving and subsequent export using OneDrive storage, which can be very useful for performing other actions.


As you can see, all operations related to the export and import of contacts are quite simple. What to choose from all this? For the most effective result, it is better to apply a format change during export, and for ease of operation, the best solution is to use vCard.

Operating room windows system Phone has many limitations. There are few applications for it, they work slowly, and many of the features available on Android devices are not available on Windows smartphones. Therefore, the purchase of Android-smartphones will give users the joy of owning a full-fledged handheld computer. How to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to Android with a minimum of gestures? This will tell our detailed review.

The easiest way to transfer is to export / import contacts in vCard format. Go into the phone book on Windows Phone and export the selected contacts with saving them to a memory card - they will be saved as files with the * .vcf extension, after which they will only have to be imported into the new device. Since there are a lot of files, download some application for importing vCard files from Playmarket.

After importing contacts into Android, do not forget to turn on synchronization so that all contacts are synchronized with Google servers - thanks to this, you can easily change devices on Android, while remaining with your phone book.

This method of transferring contacts is good because allows you to export only selected subscribers, but not all at once. Due to this, it becomes possible to clean your phone book from contacts that have become unnecessary.

On devices with Windows Phone, contacts are stored in a Microsoft account. Nevertheless, windows operating system can work with Google-accounts. To add an account, go to "Settings - Mail + Accounts" and select "Add Service". After confirming the addition of an account, automatic synchronization will start - after a few minutes, all contacts will be carefully transferred to your Google account.

What needs to be done next? After that, turn on the Android device and proceed to initial setup - the main action here is to enter the username and password of your Google account. The device will request the necessary data, and then start automatic synchronization. After 2-3 minutes, all your contacts will appear in the notebook of your new Android smartphone.

If you previously did not have an Android smartphone, you can first register an account on a new smartphone, and then add it to synchronize to a Windows smartphone.

Transferring contacts from Windows Phone to Android will help Microsoft Outlook. But this procedure cannot be called a full-fledged transfer, since synchronized contacts will be available only in the corresponding application. Synchronization is carried out by installing the Microsoft Outlook application on an Android smartphone, followed by entering the username and password of your Microsoft account.

As we already said, all contacts will be stored in the Outlook application, which is not very convenient - sending SMS from here will not work, you can only make a call. therefore you need to make sure that the contacts are saved in the standard phone book. To do this, we will use all the same features of Outlook, but only in a different way.

Transfer contacts from Windows Background to Android will help the option to export contacts on the Outlook website. We go to the site of this service and enter there username and password from your Microsoft account. After a few seconds, we get to the web interface, where all the contacts from the Windows-smartphone are stored. We go to the "People - Management" section and export contacts for other services. As a result of this, the system will offer us to save the data as a csv file.

What to do with the received file? We need to import it into a Google account. We go to the website of the Gmail service (an analogue of the Outlook service from Microsoft), go to the "Contacts" section and import the previously exported csv file. In one or two minutes, the import will be completed, and we will get an account with saved contacts. Next, enter the username and password from google account in Android-smartphone and wait for the completion of synchronization - all our contacts are on board!

The main advantage of the latter method is that the transfer here can be performed without the availability of the original smartphone (for example, when the Windows device failed).

In order for the transfer of contacts to be successful and painless, store them not on the SIM card or in the phone’s memory, but in the cloud services (from Google and Microsoft). Thanks to this, you can always transfer them from one device to another. Although there are some advantages to storing contacts on a SIM card, you don’t need to worry about them. cloud storage and have internet access.

You can use third-party programs to transfer contacts. But this is fraught with additional difficulties - you need to find and download software for exporting contacts, and also make sure that there is a program for the Android device that will help you complete the import. The advantage of third-party programs is that they can export / import many other data, for example, photos or SMS messages.

In the era of digital technology, the electronics market is a huge choice. The user now and again observes the release of new devices, and it is not surprising that he exchanges one for the other. Perhaps even with different operating systems (operating systems). But what if all contacts need to be transferred from one operating system to another? Let's take a look at how to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to other operating systems.

How to transfer contacts from Windows Phone?

Contacts are an important part of the life of any user. It is impossible to remember all numbers and store them all the time in the head. To do this, there is a contact book in which we enter such data.

In this article, we will analyze the question of how to transfer contacts from a Windows phone to:

  • Android
  • IPhone

How to transfer contacts from Windows Background to Android

You can transfer data from the Windows Phonebook to Android using several methods:

  • Using Outlook
  • Using Google Mail

Transfer contacts using Outlook

If you previously owned a smartphone based on Windows Von OS, then, definitely, you have a Microsoft account, and it will not be difficult for you to transfer all Windows Phone contacts to Android. Transfer can be carried out:

  • Via Outlook
  • Through the Outlook app on Android

Transfer contacts through Outlook

To transfer contacts you need:

  1. Go to the Outlook website at
  2. Click the “Login” button to sign in with your account
  3. In the new window, enter your data that the site requests
  4. And click "Next"

After all the manipulations, you will get access to your personal account.

In the upper left corner you will see a menu that is depicted as a square of dots. Click on it to open. In the drop-down menu, select the "People" section.

In the panel on the top, find the "Management" menu. You need the “Export for or other services” item in this menu.

A prompt appears in which click "Save." After the information that the downloading of contacts has been completed appears on the screen, click "Open Folder", this will open the explorer on your computer, and in it the folder where the downloaded data is located.

Transfer contacts via Outlook to Android

Since Windows Background synchronizes all data with an Outlook account, you can download contacts on your Android gadget without using a computer. To do this, install the Outlook application with Play Market. Run it, and then log in using the account you used on Windows Background.

Follow the instructions, which is similar to saving contacts through the site:

  1. Allow the application access to all the data it needs.
  2. In the menu, select the "People" section.
  3. Use this application as a phone book. If you click on any contact, the smartphone will offer to make a call

This method has a noticeable minus. You cannot exchange SMS messages through the Outlook application.

Transfer contacts using Google Mail

The method of transferring contacts via Google Mail is divided into two:

Manually import contacts into Google

For this method, you need to download the phone book through the Outlook website to your computer. Then:

Now contacts will appear on all Android-devices, which are authorized in your Google account.

Sync Microsoft and Google Accounts

For this method you need to use Windows Background. Go in it along the path "Settings" - "Mail + Accounts". In the window that opens, find the "Add Service" item. After clicking on this item, you will be prompted to choose which service you want to add. In our case, Google. Click "Connect", then enter the data from Google Mail and in the window "Windows asks ..." with a list of access rights, click "Accept".

After that, synchronization will happen automatically.

How to transfer contacts from Windows Phone to iPhone

Transferring contacts to iPhone is not very different from transferring contacts to Android. Therefore, to transfer contacts with windows phone on iPhone, follow these steps:

Did you manage to transfer contacts from Windows Phone? Share in the comments what method you did.