Phonite microphone what to do. Phonite microphone - what to do? What can be done

The active spread of sound recording equipment has led to a number of problems, one of them is phonite microphone. The situation is not uncommon and the background appears even on good, expensive devices. First of all, you need to understand the causes of the problem, as this will help determine the nature of further actions.

If the microphone is phoning in headphones, a standalone model, or a webcam, then you need to listen to the nature of the background. It can be low frequency and high frequency. Each type indicates the nature of the problem.

Low-frequency hum often appears with passive microphones that used an unshielded cable when connected. The design of the cord does not provide for a pre-amplifier - this is the reason for the appeared voltage and a characteristic sound reminiscent of the operation of household appliances when connected to the network. In this case, the frequency is 50 Hz - this is the mains frequency. To fix the problem, you need to use a cable with a special sheath.

Often the problem lies not in the microphone device, but in the intermediate link that transmits the signal. Periodically, even a cable with a screen can create a background. Noise may be generated when parts of the microphone or electrical circuit are touched. This is typical in the case of the appearance of a galvanic connection connecting the signal core in the cable and the housing elements. The background transmission from the amplifier is due to the generation of noise from our body.

The banal reason is that the background appears when interacting or being close to the phone. Sounds appear briefly.

Often the problem lies not in the equipment, but in the incorrect configuration of programs and systems. A number of situations can be corrected without touching the microphone. This problem accounts for most of the cases.

Phonite microphone: what to do?

To fix the problem, you need to perform a series of small procedures, during which it will be possible to determine the true cause and solve it.

Automatic diagnostics

Windows 10 has a special functionality that is not in the "seven" - diagnostics of sound settings. Due to a number of problems in the sound settings, the developers have developed automatic troubleshooting. It is worth starting the elimination with the most effective and simple tool.

To eliminate the background in this case, it is worth doing:

  1. In the notification panel (lower right corner), right-clicking opens the speaker icon.
  2. In the pop-up window, select "Detect sound problems".
  3. An analysis will start, during which a number of settings will be checked and a number of potential problems will be corrected independently.

Level adjustment

On a Windows computer, there is a special feature called a level booster. The use of the functionality is justified with a weak microphone to increase its volume. The price of gain is high-frequency noise from the background.

To change the levels, the user needs to go to the "Sound" tab, there are several methods for performing the procedure:

  1. Press Win + R on the keyboard and enter mmsys.cpl;
  2. Right click on the icon in the notification panel and select "Playback devices";
  3. Click on Start, then "Control Panel", where to find the "Sound" tab.

After finding the desired tab, you need to adjust the levels:

  1. From the menu found in the previous paragraph, you need to go to the "Record" tab.

  1. There is a list of available microphones here, you need to select a luminous one, usually there is a checkmark next to it on a green background. You need to double-click on the appropriate microphone.
  2. Go to the "Levels" tab;
  3. There are 2 sliders at the bottom: the top one is responsible for the volume of the microphone without an amplifier, and at the bottom you can add amplification. The background is most affected by the second slider, you need to disable the function. The first slider should be set to maximum.


Any equipment in a computer needs drivers, and if there is a malfunction in this area, various sound problems may appear. It is worth checking the drivers for sound, most often Realtek is installed. It is advisable to completely remove them and reinstall them again.

In the main window of the driver, you can open it in the notification panel by expanding the list by clicking on the arrow, you can find useful functionality - noise and echo suppression. It is worth activating the functions and checking that there is no gain of more than 10 dB.

There are a number of small pitfalls that an inexperienced user stumbles upon when working with a microphone:

  • the appearance of the background may be caused by the program, it probably has an amplifier or an incorrect setting. Therefore, using Skype, TS and other means of communication, it is worth checking the operation of the microphone separately from them. For example, in Skype, the default setting is automatic, it should be removed.

  • it is worth inspecting the cable, often low-quality wires are simply bent, squeezed, or part of the coating is cut off. You can visually inspect the cable, but it is better to replace it with another one and check.

  • the probable cause lies in the nests, perhaps they are loose, clogged or damaged. Also, you can not use the front connectors, the signal quality in them will be worse. It is worth switching the plug to another socket and the problem may disappear.
  • use special programs to suppress noise and background. Applications can improve sound quality, but sometimes at the expense of volume. Among the well-known and widespread programs are: Hard Limiter, Adaptive Noise Reduction.

The background during the operation of the microphone after the above manipulations should disappear. Otherwise, we can talk about a malfunction of the microphone device itself and you will have to repair it or buy a new one.

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Once, I asked a familiar toastmaster how she distinguishes a good DJ from a bad one. “A good DJ never has mics!” she said to me in reply. I thought, it seems like a simple thing, uncomplicated and understandable for many sound engineers and sound engineers, but why then do most mobile DJs have problems with background microphones? Don't know, don't know how, are embarrassed to ask? It is not right. And so I decided to write this article about what to do if the microphones are phoning.

Let's start with the most basic question. Namely, why do microphones phonate at all. Or, to be more precise, where and why does this whistling sound appear in our speakers?

The fact is that saying “the microphone is ringing” is not entirely correct. The reason for this noise is the acoustically resonant amplification that occurs between the microphone head and the speaker, which amplifies and reproduces the sound picked up by the microphone. If it is even simpler, then that “squeal” from the speaker is a sound that repeatedly goes through the microphone-amplifier-speaker chain. And every time the sound grows and intensifies, until it becomes the well-known squeak of a background microphone.

This phenomenon is called fitback - Positive Feedback (from Eng. feed back) . So next time, you can say, it's not the microphone phoning, it's the feedback of the microphone and the speaker.

Understand the theories and terms. But what to do if your speakers are whistling, the microphone is phoning and there is a feedback? First we need to turn down the volume and reduce the high frequencies on the microphone channel on the mixer. We do this not only out of a desire to get rid of unpleasant sounds, but also in order to save high-frequency speakers ( squeakers, tweeters) of our column. The fact is that you can easily burn them with a fitback. They just can't take that kind of pressure.

After that, we need to understand what caused the background of the microphones. Many inexperienced hosts often walk or stand with the microphone turned on near loud speakers, thereby themselves becoming the cause of feedback and the appearance of premature gray hair. In this case, simply reducing the volume of the microphone, or reducing the high frequencies on the microphone channel, helps.

But what to do if the microphone is constantly phoning, or start up from any little - the slightest sound? This is where things get a little more complicated. The fact is that there may be several reasons and we will need to check them all.

What to do if the microphone is phoning.

- If the microphone is wired, then first try replacing the cord. It often happens that due to a faulty cord, the microphone starts to flicker, constantly buzzes, and becomes subject to frequent feedback. If you changed the wire and everything worked, then the matter is most likely in the severed "earth" of the damaged wire. Thoroughly test the wire, "ring" it. Replace completely if necessary. If the microphone is a radio, then do not neglect this advice, pay attention to the wire from the base to the mixer.

Many budget Yamaha mixers have low grade compressors. Incorrect and illiterate settings of which can also cause featbacks. Turn off the compressor, try to sing or talk without it. Moreover, if such a compressor can also be useful for you for conducting weddings, then it will only interfere with professional vocalists.

- Very often the cause of the feedback is the wrong mixer. Carefully check all settings of the mixing console potentiometers. Pay special attention to GAIN - channel sensitivity. Sometimes it is better to reduce the Gain value and increase the volume in order to get rid of the annoying phony microphone without a trace.

- Check the volume control on the amplifier itself. Sometimes it is enough to slightly reduce the volume of the sound on the amplifier to completely cure the microphones from the feedback.

- On many radio microphones there is an opportunity to reduce the sensitivity. To do this, it is enough to turn the hidden GAIN potentiometer with a small screwdriver.

In order to completely get rid of fitbacks, you can take a special device that suppresses the frequencies at which feedback occurs. Such devices are called feedback suppressors (Feedback Destroyer, Feedback Exterminator, Feedback Filter). They can automatically detect frequencies with feedback and "cut" them. You can also work with them in manual mode, which will require some care and patience from you. And of course, the knowledge of which you will not receive in this article. The main thing to remember is that there are such devices and they can help to avoid fitback. For example, Behringer FEEDBACK DESTROYER.

Wireless microphones and 4G networks.

Progress does not stand still, technologies develop and become more complex. This fully applies to the development of mobile networks. Not so long ago, mobile operators began to deploy a fourth-generation "network", the so-called 4G network.

Many old radio microphones operating with a range of 780-820 MHz began to catch interference, make noise, and fail. And this is connected precisely with the start of 4G cellular networks. The frequencies on which such microphones worked are now busy and “clogged” with mobile networks, the microphone simply cannot break through the given radio frequency.

Chinese fakes are especially susceptible to this disease. SHURE. They usually have one fixed frequency and it is not possible to change it. There is only one way out - get rid of such microphones!

When purchasing new wireless microphones, make sure they do not operate on 4G networks. If possible, change the frequency of the radio microphone, as described in the instructions for the microphone. Well, just in case, have a wired microphone and fifteen meters of wire in stock. To better understand this issue, here you list of occupied frequencies 4G/LTE800:

UpLink / DownLink (MHz)
Rostelecom: 791 - 798.5 / 832 - 839.5
MTS: 798.5 - 806 / 839.5 - 847.5
Megaphone: 806 - 813.5 / 847 - 854.5
Beeline: 813.5 - 821 / 854.5 - 862

The very last piece of advice that I will give you for dealing with background microphones is not to be lazy. Spend a little personal time studying the instructions for the mixer, read books on sound, try to figure out what and how is going on in your DJ sound equipment. This knowledge will be very useful to you in the future, it will help you avoid many mistakes of beginners - DJs. Well, look more often at my site, maybe in the future I will write more articles on this topic.

Many of us use the microphone regularly. We communicate using it in Skype, exchange remarks in online games, sing in karaoke programs. The quality of the microphone is very important, but what to do in a situation where the microphone does not work as we would like, we regularly hear noises and other extraneous sounds? In this article, I will tell you what to do when the microphone on the computer flickers, what are the causes of this dysfunction, and how to fix it.

Phonite microphone what to do

  • 1 Causes of microphone noise
  • 2 Phonite microphone
  • 3 Conclusion

Causes of microphone noise

Typically, a humming microphone manifests itself in the form of an unpleasant buzzing sound in the background, which can spoil the overall impression of the process of communicating using a microphone. Some recommendations were described by me in the article "How to remove noise in the microphone".

Usually the following reasons lead to the appearance of a “humming” background:

Fonite microphone

To get rid of noise during the operation of the microphone, I recommend doing the following:

  1. Set the correct microphone settings on the PC. Click on the "Start" button, in the search bar type mmsys.cpl and press enter. Go to the "Recording" tab, click on the microphone you are using, and then click on the "Properties" button.
  2. In the window that opens, go to the “Levels” tab, set the “Microphone” option slider to the maximum-right value (100), and the “Microphone Gain” slider to the extreme left (0).

Set the correct microphone level settings

  1. Go to the "Improvements" tab. Here we put a tick on the parameters "Noise suppression", and "Echo suppression".
  2. Go to the "Advanced" tab. If you have 96000 Hz or 192000 Hz there, then change the value of this parameter to "48000 Hz (DVD disc)". Click on "OK";
  3. Check if electrical appliances (system unit, mobile phone, etc.) are located near the microphone. If possible, increase the distance between them and the microphone;
  4. Try turning off and then on the microphone. Reopen the audio settings window as described above, go to the Recording tab, hover your mouse over your microphone, and right-click. In the menu that appears, click "Disable". Then right-click again and select "Enable";
  5. If the microphone is phoning, reduce the volume in the speakers. "Feedback" between the microphone and the speakers causes an increase in the noise level, so it is necessary to reduce the volume of the sound from the speakers to correct the situation. It may also be a good option to use headphones to listen to the sound, which will minimize the influence of the speakers;
  6. Update the driver for your sound card. It is possible that a poor-quality sound driver leads to dysfunction. As tools for updating, you can use special programs for updating drivers (DriverPack Solution, Driver Genius and other analogues);

Check the drivers for your sound card


If you have a microphone in your laptop or desktop computer, I recommend using the tips I have given above. I recommend paying special attention to your microphone settings - the correct values ​​​​of the latter will help to completely get rid of noise when using a microphone on your PC.

Fonite microphone

Once, I asked a familiar toastmaster how she distinguishes a good DJ from a bad one. “A good DJ never has mics!” she said to me in reply. I thought, it seems like a simple thing, uncomplicated and understandable for many sound engineers and sound engineers, but why then do most mobile DJs have problems with background microphones? Don't know, don't know how, are embarrassed to ask? It is not right. And so I decided to write this article about what to do if the microphones are phoning.

Let's start with the most basic question. Namely, why do microphones phonate at all. Or, to be more precise, where and why does this whistling sound appear in our speakers?

The fact is that saying “the microphone is phoning” is not entirely correct. The reason for this noise is the acoustically resonant amplification that occurs between the microphone head and the speaker, which amplifies and reproduces the sound picked up by the microphone. If it is even simpler, then that “squeal” from the speaker is a sound that repeatedly goes through the microphone-amplifier-speaker chain. And every time the sound grows and intensifies, until it becomes the well-known squeak of a background microphone.

This phenomenon is called fitback - Positive Feedback (from eng. feed back). So next time, you can say, it's not the microphone phoning, it's the feedback of the microphone and the speaker.

Understand the theories and terms. But what to do if your speakers are whistling, the microphone is phoning and there is a feedback? First we need to turn down the volume and reduce the high frequencies on the microphone channel on the mixer. We do this not only from the desire to get rid of unpleasant sounds, but also in order to save the high-frequency speakers (peepers, tweeters) of our column. The fact is that you can easily burn them with a fitback. They just can't take that kind of pressure.

After that, we need to understand what caused the background of the microphones. Many inexperienced hosts often walk or stand with the microphone turned on near loud speakers, thereby themselves becoming the cause of feedback and the appearance of premature gray hair. In this case, simply reducing the volume of the microphone, or reducing the high frequencies on the microphone channel, helps.

But what to do if the microphone is constantly phoning, or start up from any slightest sound? This is where things get a little more complicated. The fact is that there may be several reasons and we will need to check them all.

What to do if the microphone is phoning.

If the microphone is wired, then first try replacing the cord. It often happens that due to a faulty cord, the microphone starts to flicker, constantly buzzes, and becomes subject to frequent feedback. If you changed the wire and everything worked, then the matter is most likely in the severed "earth" of the damaged wire. Thoroughly test the wire, "ring" it. Replace completely if necessary. If the microphone is a radio, then do not neglect this advice, pay attention to the wire from the base to the mixer.

Many budget Yamaha mixers have low grade compressors. Incorrect and illiterate settings of which can also cause featbacks. Turn off the compressor, try to sing or talk without it. Moreover, if such a compressor can also be useful for you for conducting weddings, then it will only interfere with professional vocalists.

Very often, the cause of the feedback is an incorrectly configured mixer. Carefully check all settings of the mixing console potentiometers. Pay special attention to GAIN - channel sensitivity. Sometimes it is better to reduce the Gain value and increase the volume in order to get rid of the annoying phony microphone without a trace.

Check the volume control on the amplifier itself. Sometimes it is enough to slightly reduce the volume of the sound on the amplifier to completely cure the microphones from the feedback.

Many wireless microphones have the ability to reduce the sensitivity. To do this, it is enough to turn the hidden GAIN potentiometer with a small screwdriver.

In order to completely get rid of fitbacks, you can take a special device that suppresses the frequencies at which feedback occurs. Such devices are called feedback suppressors (Feedback Destroyer, Feedback Exterminator, Feedback Filter). They can automatically detect frequencies with feedback and "cut" them. You can also work with them in manual mode, which will require some care and patience from you. And of course, the knowledge of which you will not receive in this article. The main thing to remember is that there are such devices and they can help to avoid fitback. For example, Behringer FEEDBACK DESTROYER.

Wireless microphones and 4G networks.

Progress does not stand still, technologies develop and become more complex. This fully applies to the development of mobile networks. Not so long ago, mobile operators began to deploy a fourth-generation "network", the so-called 4G network.

Many old radio microphones operating with a range of 780-820 MHz began to catch interference, make noise, and fail. And this is connected precisely with the start of 4G cellular networks. The frequencies on which such microphones worked are now busy and “clogged” with mobile networks, the microphone simply cannot break through the given radio frequency.

Chinese fakes under SHURE are especially susceptible to this disease. They usually have one fixed frequency and it is not possible to change it. There is only one way out - get rid of such microphones!

When purchasing new wireless microphones, make sure they do not operate on 4G networks. If possible, change the frequency of the radio microphone, as described in the instructions for the microphone. Well, just in case, have a wired microphone and fifteen meters of wire in stock. To better navigate this issue, here is a list of occupied 4G / LTE800 frequencies:

UpLink / DownLink (MHz) Rostelecom: 791 - 798.5 / 832 - 839.5 MTS: 798.5 - 806 / 839.5 - 847.5 Megafon: 806 - 813.5 / 847 - 854.5 Beeline: 813 .5 - 821 / 854.5 - 862

The very last piece of advice that I will give you for dealing with background microphones is not to be lazy. Spend a little personal time studying the instructions for the mixer, read books on sound, try to figure out what and how is going on in your DJ sound equipment. This knowledge will be very useful to you in the future, it will help you avoid many mistakes of beginners - DJs. Well, look more often at my site, maybe in the future I will write more articles on this topic.

Why does the microphone sound in Windows 10

Good afternoon, dear blog readers and subscribers of the youtube channel, today I want to tell you, or rather answer the question why the microphone is phoning in Windows 10. I’ll tell you my boss’s background, there is a Sony VAIO laptop, and it has such a glitch that when , when the Windows logo appeared, the microphone starts to sound wildly and all this crackle starts broadcasting through the speakers, which wildly irritates the ears. I'll tell you how I solved this problem and made the speakers ignore everything unnecessary.

What to do if the microphone is phoning

Earlier, in the top ten, we already solved the problem when sound does not work on windows 10, we will take some methods from there.

Let's understand the nature of the glitch and look for the answer to the question of why the microphone is phoning in Windows 10. The first thing to check is whether it is worth boosting the levels, it is usually done when you have a weak microphone and you need to amplify it, how the background noise in the background increases . And so you need to do this to diagnose the sound, it is done like this, in the lower right corner, right-click on the sound icon and from the context menu select Detect sound problems.

The search for detecting problems will begin, if something is wrong in the settings, you will see it in the report and Windows will try to fix it itself. If no obvious errors are found, then we continue to figure out why the microphone is phoning in Windows 10.

Now you need to open the Sound snap-in, this is done in several ways, the most advanced is to open it through the start menu and use the name msc of the Sound snap-in. Press Win+R and enter mmsys.cpl. You can show off in front of someone like that 🙂

And the second method, or through the same right click on the sound icon, select playback devices there.

although it is still possible through the control panel, you can find it by right-clicking on the start, and selecting the appropriate item > then Sound.

After these manipulations, we are in the right equipment, in which we will solve the problem with the microphone and background noise.

How to set up a microphone so that it does not ring

In order to configure the microphone so that it does not flicker, go to the Recording tab, on it you will see all available microphones, select the one with a green checkmark, which means that it is used by default.

  • The microphone is its volume level, set it to 100 percent
  • Gain of the microphone, it is because of it that the microphone is phoning

I advise you to set the gain to a maximum of 10 dB, more than you will already be very much audible, or rather not only you but those around you, during the conversation of the interlocutor it can be wildly straining, the sound is like in the market.

You can immediately check the microphone volume on the Listen tab, check the Listen from this device checkbox, and say something into the microphone, if everything suits you, remove the checkbox and save.

If during the next conversation, you also have phonite or phonite when you turn on the computer, check the gain again, sometimes other programs adjust this level automatically, for example Skype for desktop.

You can and should remove auto-configuration in Skype, here's how, open the top menu item Tools\u003e Settings.

In the settings, go to Sound settings and uncheck

Allow automatic microphone setup

We save and enjoy life, make sure that if you use any soft backgrounds, it is not in the settings, as well as auto adjustment of voice transmission devices.

Good afternoon, dear readers of blogs and subscribers of the youtube channel, today I want to tell you, or rather answer the question why is the microphone buzzing in Windows 10. I’ll tell you the backstory of my boss, he has a Sony VAIO laptop, and he has such a glitch that when you turn it on, when the Windows logo appears, the microphone starts to sound wildly and all this crackle starts broadcasting through the speakers, which wildly irritates the ears. I'll tell you how I solved this problem and made the speakers ignore everything unnecessary.

What to do if the microphone is phoning

Earlier, in the top ten, we already solved the problem when sound does not work on windows 10, we will take some methods from there.

Let's understand the nature of the glitch and look for the answer to the question of why the microphone is phoning in Windows 10. The first thing to check is whether it is worth boosting the levels, it is usually done when you have a weak microphone and you need to amplify it, how the background noise in the background increases . And so you need to do this to diagnose the sound, it is done like this, in the lower right corner, right-click on the sound icon and from the context menu select Detect sound problems.

The search for detecting problems will begin, if something is wrong in the settings, you will see it in the report and Windows will try to fix it itself. If no obvious errors are found, then we continue to figure out why the microphone is phoning in Windows 10.

Now you need to open the sound snap-in, this is done in several ways, the most advanced is to open it through the start menu and use the name Sound. Press Win+R and enter mmsys.cpl. You can show off in front of someone like that 🙂

And the second method, or through the same right click on the sound icon, select playback devices there.

although it is still possible through the control panel, you can find it by right-clicking on the start, and selecting the appropriate item > then Sound.

After these manipulations, we are in the right equipment, in which we will solve the problem with the microphone and background noise.

How to set up a microphone so that it does not ring

In order to configure the microphone so that it does not flicker, go to the Recording tab, on it you will see all available microphones, select the one with a green checkmark, which means that it is used by default.

  • The microphone is its volume level, set it to 100 percent
  • Gain of the microphone, it is because of it that the microphone is phoning

I advise you to set the gain to a maximum of 10 dB, more than you will already be very much audible, or rather not only you but those around you, during the conversation of the interlocutor it can be wildly straining, the sound is like in the market.

You can immediately check the microphone volume on the Listen tab, check the Listen from this device checkbox, and say something into the microphone, if everything suits you, remove the checkbox and save.

If during the next conversation, you also have a phone call or a phone call when you turn on the computer, check the gain again, sometimes other programs adjust this level automatically, for example Skype for desktop.

You can and should remove auto-configuration in Skype, here's how, open the top menu item Tools\u003e Settings.

In the settings, go to Sound settings and uncheck

Allow automatic microphone setup

We save and enjoy life, make sure that if you use any soft backgrounds, it is not in the settings, as well as auto adjustment of voice transmission devices.

We go further in our sacred struggle against external background noise, and we understand further what else to do if the microphone is phoning, it is logical that some drivers on the sound card or webcam may be responsible for this, and it is logical that the right solution would be to reinstall them by updates.