Cheat likes, dislikes on YouTube - free and paid ways. Free likes on YouTube Youtube How to start earning likes on YouTube with your content

To quickly promote videos, you can use the free likes on YouTube.

Youtube is the first and most developed video storage and viewing service. On the pages of this site you can find videos of a different nature: home recordings, advertising and corporate films, television recordings, mastery lessons, etc. With the help of this site, millions of users can get information about the company, find out about the existence of a particular resource, or even earn real money.

But in order to make a profit (financial or informational), you need to make efforts to increase the popularity of the video. This is not easy to do, because Youtube has a high level of competition.

In order for the video to start working, you must meet some conditions:

  • the video should be interesting for its target audience;
  • it must contain a motivating factor (put likes, go to the site);
  • it should set to full view of the video.

Cheat Likes on Youtube Youtube

Youtube has been practicing an affiliate program for a long time, which allows you to earn money on views. As a result, the more people see the video, the more likely it is to make money.

But here, as elsewhere on the Internet, the snowball rule applies: the more users have watched and liked the video, the more likely it is to expand the audience. There are several ways to achieve likes and comments, but the most productive among them are:

  • natural promotion;
  • youtube likes boost.

Natural promotion is possible when creating ideal conditions: the video is interesting, it independently sets up a person to click on the "thumbs up" or leave a comment. This method works, but it will take a lot of time. Therefore, more and more users of video hosting are guided by artificial cheating likes on youtube.

The meaning of free cheat likes on YouTube is that channel owners exchange their subscribers and offer their likes in exchange for the likes of another user.

The advantage of this method is that only real users with active accounts and certain activity on the site participate in the channel or specific video promotion system. This has a positive effect on the evaluation of search robots that monitor the legality and quality of each published video.

Why do you need to get likes on YouTube?

Today, a quick cheat likes on YouTube is quite possible. But, like any other tool used to promote a channel, website or company, it must be treated with the utmost care and skill. This will allow you to achieve some success, occupy your niche or attract potential buyers (users of services).

I do not know a single person who has never cheated subscribers or hearts for their publications and photos. And when it comes to VKontakte or Facebook, the point is to create the illusion of popularity. But in some social networks, the very real demand for your account directly depends on the number of “I like” marks and comments. Therefore, I see the point in telling you about what it is to get likes on YouTube for free and quickly. Of course, the most famous video hosting is not the only site where purchased activity can really play into your hands, but we won’t be able to cover everything in this article.

What do likes on YouTube videos do?

As I have already said, the size of the audience and, accordingly, your earnings from your account directly depend on the amount of activity in your YouTube profile. Do people just see a lot of likes and decide to follow the herd and post their own? In this case, you should be especially afraid of getting dislikes. Fortunately, social media promotion is not driven by the feeling of the crowd, but by trends. And it is in the TOPs of the social network that you can go if you get enough attention in your account.

Ways to get likes on YouTube for free and fast

First, let's discuss all the possible ways to get hearts. There are not so many of them - the list does not have hundreds of items. Not only are there few of them, but I will also comment on each of them, so that you can easily choose the most suitable one for you. I have to admit, there was a clickbait exaggeration in the title of this paragraph - I will also mention not the fastest paths you can take. But I will comment on this.

So let's get started:

A selection of services for cheating likes on YouTube

Cheating YouTube likes for free and quickly, as we have already understood, is most effectively carried out through services. There are various entry mechanisms. However, I do not advise you - it is very easy to lose all the points received. Others require you to create an account and then add social media profiles. And the third option is intermediate. To create an account on this type of cheat service, you just need to click on the button with the corresponding social network. I will give you such examples, because they seem to me the most convenient. I also want to say that this is not a TOP, but a regular list, in which I will also comment on each of the options.


This service is very convenient because it supports a large number of social networks. Let's talk about the convenience of the site. In terms of its mechanics, I have big complaints. I tried to complete the tasks. The notes indicate that after liking, you need to wait ten seconds for your balance to be replenished. I waited ten and twenty, but the score was still zero. Perhaps these are just my problems, and yours will be different. But it's worth paying attention to.

Fast Free Likes

This is an absolute clone of Bosslike, so my sympathy is growing. There were no such troubles with the accrual of "local currency", besides, at the very beginning you were given a free bonus in the form of 100 likes. But you should not rejoice at such a large number on the account - the average price for one heart is 30. You can put it even lower, but this will directly affect the speed of the task. More information about the service can be found by clicking on the link:

Free Likes

In general, I can say the same thing as about the previous site. However, the starting capital here is 30 points and the average cost of one heart is 5.

More online services can be found in the article:

How to get likes on youtube

Now let's talk about instructions. I have already exceeded all the allowable limits of your attention, so I will be as brief as possible. For example, take the last item of the previous list.


So, “Like” marks on YouTube are much more important than VKontakte. Having received high activity in a short time, you get a chance to enter the trends. And I really hope that your content deserves attention, because there is already too much complete slag.

Do you want to be at the top of YouTube? VTope service will help you to get Youtube likes

Do you want to be at the top of YouTube? VTope service will help: cheat Youtube likes for free and more
YouTube is a great resource that allows you not only to share videos with friends, but also to popularize yourself on the network. The VTope service will help hundreds and thousands of people get acquainted with your video, and, if necessary, promote it to a fantastic scale!

VTope - a service that provides a boost of likes and subscribers on YouTube

How to make YouTube users watch yours out of millions of videos on the network? It is necessary to increase the rating of the record, that is, the number of views. Then the video will be in the top and more people will be interested in it. Cheating likes and subscribers on YouTube is one of the main tasks for which the VTope service was created.

You can manually send all offers to friends and strangers to subscribe to your channel and watch the content. Such work takes a lot of time and, according to reviews, does not bring the expected feedback. Another disadvantage of mailing is that it irritates users who can (and have the right) to complain about spam to the resource administration.

How to do without spam and painstaking manual mailing? We offer a safe way by which getting likes on YouTube videos will no longer be a laborious task.

What should I do to get Youtube likes for free?

Nothing supernatural! Your task is to post a video from your account, register on our service, and select the type of promotion. Our task is to get Youtube likes for free. Based on a proven working algorithm, a process is launched that will allow your video to catch the eye of more interested people.
Comments and likes appear under the post.
And then the eternal human interest kicks in: if so many people like this thing, it means that there is something in it! Our service works with real users who are interested in new products. Not just virtual bots with soulless likes will come to your page, but people who can become your faithful friends on the network.

Cheat likes on YouTube online will be of interest to those who start their project and are going to promote it with the help of video content. This method of popularization will be even more productive for novice musicians, performers, presenters and bloggers who shoot videos of a certain thematic focus. The process of cheating occurs automatically, without your participation and any effort.

On the way of many novice content makers, there are often obstacles of a purely mechanical nature - data processing algorithms of a particular service. That is why YouTube likes boost today has become a popular service that allows creative people to succeed and win an audience much faster. The well-known AlfaLiker service will be happy to help you promote your channel and increase your popularity!

Why is this needed and how does it work?

Contrary to popular belief, the number of likes is needed not only to understand the attitude of the audience to specific content. In short, the number of ratings of a video directly affects how many people will see it in the future. Views work the same way. Surely you had to deal with how a video 5-10 years old suddenly becomes viral, earns millions of views and sometimes even becomes an important milestone in the history of the service or a funny meme. This can happen due to a sudden jump in the popularity of content, and YouTube likes boost works exactly the same way. The more likes, the more views and the higher the monetization.

If you deduce the benefits of cheating in several theses, you get something like this:

  • the number of likes makes the algorithms of the service more often display your content in the recommendations of users, and the more people will see it;
  • increase in audience trust - many users decide whether to watch a video based on the number of views and likes, which turns out to be fatal for many beginners, and which is easily repaired by YouTube like cheating;
  • the more likes - the more new subscribers, because people are more likely to trust something that has been verified by a large number of other people.

A timely boost of YouTube likes can not only help a young channel gain popularity. It also helps niche content makers to attract more “their” viewers. Also, if for some reason the channel has been abandoned for some time, adding likes and an audience can help it get back on track.

High-quality and inexpensive cheating is the basis of our service. We have helped many clients in the Russian-speaking segment of this video hosting and will definitely help you!

About Us

The AlfaLiker service is a leading specialist in building the user base of any content. Among our services - cheat YouTube likes for any channel.

Probably, there are no people left in the civilized world who have not heard about YouTube. Every day there are more videos on the site, and the number of people who want to show their work is growing exponentially. How to become at least a little recognizable among such an array of videos, and if not repeat the success of the PSY record holder, then at least get closer to him?

How to get likes on a comment on YouTube

Likes on YouTube comments are earned to promote your post - the more people rated the post, the higher it is in the feedback feed and the more users will pay attention to it. The links provided in the comments also work effectively - a popular way to attract potential customers or readers to your site.

There are several online services that allow you to do this, both for a fee and for free. For example, gets likes only on posts, and for free. As for paid services, you can not only order likes there, but also the text of the comment itself, for 1 publication, depending on the number of characters in it, you will have to pay from 10 rubles.

Not everyone knows how to shoot high-quality videos, and not everyone likes it. There is an opportunity to "advance" at the expense of other well-known channels. It is necessary to write your comment under a popular video, by the way, this is often done without a semantic link to the video.

Free likes on youtube

The administration of the video site stops excessive activity and very quickly calculates bots. There are cases when a large number of likes appeared in just one minute.

If the user is not a well-known blogger and the creator of an interesting channel, there is an option designed specifically to promote newcomers - free cheating on YouTube with the help of intermediaries. There are many services that help share video files and likes between users.

  • The owner of the video is registered on one of the intermediary sites (there are a lot of them now, for example,,,
  • Likes are collected according to the netting scheme: the user puts likes or performs other actions (for example,), for which he is awarded points.
  • When a sufficient number of points is accumulated, a link to your video is indicated and others put likes on the video. The process is fast and in half a day there is every chance to get into the TOPs.

This method of promotion is very popular, and most importantly - legal. Likes are put by real people, everything turns out honestly and transparently, and the result is not long in coming.

Paid cheat likes on YouTube videos

Not everyone has the opportunity to devote a large amount of time, being online all the time. Many choose an easier way - to pay the service, thus ordering the necessary actions.

All intermediaries work according to approximately the same algorithm.

  • Registration as a customer on the site.
  • Creating a task for the performer and selecting a specific set of actions. For example, a like with a video repost or the need to pre-register on the site will cost more. The well-known exchange also offers customers an additional subscription to the channel, voting, and watching a video.
  • The customer's account must have enough money to pay for the project, which is transferred to the contractor after completion.

A large number of sites are engaged in paid promotion, their prices and packages of possible actions differ significantly. So, the mentioned exchange sets the minimum price for a like - 1 ruble. At the same time, the lesser-known intermediary charges only 5 rubles for a hundred ratings. Moreover, newcomers receive 100 free likes upon registration and 25 likes every day!

How to get dislikes

This possibility also exists. The service is ordered in order to “lower” a competitor or to anti-PR their video, because you can become famous in this way. Wind up dislikes in the same way as likes.

Promoting your video or comment is a great opportunity to become popular and recognizable on the web, to advertise yourself, your brand or website. Cheating likes is perhaps not the most honest way, but, as they say, "all means are good in war."

Usually, with the growth of popularity and an increase in the number of subscribers, this method is abandoned, because if people watch videos, why not contact them directly in the video, as all bloggers do? Everyone chooses the easiest way to succeed, and the above is not the worst of them.