Dragon Age 2 codes on weapons. Using embedded codes

Hello everyone, many of us, decent gamers still do not know how to use the console, and after all, it is not added to at all cheat items and some modifications are activated.

So let's proceed to clarify. In general, the general console launches and works as in Dragon Age Origins, but many of her and there did not start there, so I will start.


To begin with, you need to click the right mouse button according to your DA2 label, but it is a label from which the game is launched and not a launcher through which you can exit in the settings and run the game. The label is easier to create, going to the folder with the game installed, the default is C: \\ Program Files \\ Dragon Age 2 \\ Bin_Ship, Find there Dragon Age2. And create a label for him. See Screenshot:

Everything, the label is created, now move it to your desktop and right-click on properties.
In the graph of the label in the first line after the original name of the label, we must write through the space -EnabledeveloperConsole and click OK.

All now you have a console. Load the game and press tilda [~] And enter the text you need. Note that it will be seen nothing will be, you will have to enter everything in the blind. To activate the entered, you must press ENTER. Follow the Punto Switcher if you have this program, this program is able to switch the layout and in the game, so it can affect and on the console written by you.
With the installation, we will now move on to the capabilities of the console.


In addition to the frank cheating capabilities that you can watch under the spoiler with a proud "Chita" inscription, the console can help you in creating a multi-class character, too, see under the "Multi Class" spoiler, as well through the console for example, some modifications of our resource are activated. But unfortunately for this not enough console, to activate modes, a modification supplement to the console is required, it is the Patch that you can download in the Fashion Base section. In principle, everything. Next, under the spoiler are given the capabilities of the console.

runscript HealPlayer. ~ Cure the whole team
runscript Injury Remparty.~ Heals the wounds of the whole detachment
runscript Injury Remall.~ Heals the wounds of a certain member of the detachment
runscript Addmoney X. ~ Adds money X, I.E.; 10000 \u003d 1 Golden coin.
runscript KillallHostiles. ~ Kill all rags in the zone (use acurate, as it can damage the script for a set of experience)
runscript AddXP X.~ Adds experience x - number
runscript PC_Immortal ~ Immortality (health is lost, but you do not die)
runscript ZZ_UPGRADE ~ Opens the enchantment window.
runscript zz_app_debug. ~ Opens the window of the shortcut attitudes towards you members of the detachment. (Does not work with Sebastian, use ZZ_SEB_DEBUG Command for it)
runscript ZZ_SUPERCRIT Player. ~ Adds 1000 endurance and health, 50 agility and forces for Hawk. (Usefully use, once using skills will not rise above)
runscript Wizard - will turn into the magician 2 docking
runscript Rogue. - will turn into a strollery 2go level
runscript Warrior. - will turn into a warrior 2nd level
runscript Cheater. - All achievements
runscript zz_party_addgifts. - Gifts of party members
Common relationship settings windows:
* Runscript ZZ_AND_DEBUG - Anders
* Runscript zz_mrl_debug - Merril
* Runscript ZZ_VRC_DEBUG - Warrick
* Runscript ZZ_AVE_DEBUG - Avelin
* Runscript zz_fen_debug - Fenris
* Runscript zz_isa_debug - Isabel
* Runscript ZZ_BET_DEBUG - Bethany
* Runscript zz_car_debug - Carver

So, after turning on the console (how to enable, read in the next topic), enter the "RunScript AddTelen XXXXXX" command, where xxxxxx is the code of the ability from the list below. The names are left in English to avoid. Checked on magage.
The structure of the rooms is simple: the first 3 trafficking is denoted by the branch, the 3Dext - the ability itself and its upgrades, for example 010 \u003d Ability No. 1, 020 \u003d Abrehese No. 2, 021 \u003d 1, Upgrade for the ability number 2.

100000 - Class War

Weapons and Shield
101000 TREE (101001 BASE TALENT POINT)
SHIELD BASH - 101010
Pummel - 101011.
ASSAULT - 101020.
Battery - 101021.
Scatter - 101030.
DisPerse - 101031
Shield Wall - 101041
Perception - 101050.
SAFEGUARD - 101060.

Two-handed weapon
102000 TREE (102001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Mighty Blow - 102010
Shattering Blow - 102011
Killer Blow - 102012
Scythe - 102020.
REAPER - 102021.
Whirlwind - 102030.
Tornado - 102031.
Cyclone - 102032.
Giant "S Reach - 102040
Sunder - 102050.

103000 TREE (103001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Cleave - 103010.
Claymore - 103011
ASSAIL - 103020.
Besiege - 103021.
Control - 103030.
Command - 103031.
Might - 103040.
Muscle - 103041.
Destroyer - 103050.
Massacre - 103060.

104000 TREE (104001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Stonewall - 104010.
Bulwark - 104011
Turn The Blade - 104020
Raise The Guard - 104021
Steady The Foot - 104022
Elemental Aegis - 104030
Elemental Shroud - 104031
Adament - 104040.
RESILIENCE - 104050.
Resolute - 104060.

Incurrent war
105000 TREE (105001 BASE TALENT POINT)
TAUNT - 105010.
Bellow - 105011.
Pommel Strike - 105020
Pommel Blow - 105021
Tremor - 105030.
Quake - 105031
Aftershock - 105032.
Bravery - 105040.
BRAVADO - 105041.
BRAVURA - 105042.

Master of battle:
106000 TREE (106001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Rally - 106010.
Unite - 106011
Bolster - 106020.
SECOND WIND - 106030
Last Push - 106031
Deep Breath - 106032
Battle Synergy - 106040
Fearless Synergy - 106041
Hero "s Synergy - 106042
Deep Reserves - 106050

107000 TREE (107001 BASE TALENT POINT)
HOLY SMITE - 107010
Staggering SMITE - 107012
Cleanse - 107020
Cleansing Wave - 107021
Lasting Cleanse - 107022
Silence - 107030.
Lingering Silence 107031
Righteous Strike - 107040
Annulment - 107050.

109000 TREE (109001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Devour - 109010.
VORACIOUS - 109011
Insatiable - 109012
Sustained Frenzy - 109021
Aura of Pain - 109030
Torrent of Pain - 109032
Blood Frenzy - 109040
Fervor - 109050.

110000 TREE (110001 Base Talent Point)
Adrenaline - 110010
Adrenaline Rage - 110011
Barrage - 110020.
Unrementing Barrage - 110021
Berserk - 110030.
Endless Berserk - 110031
Savage Berserk - 110032
Death Blow - 110040

Guard (Aveline)
111000 (111001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Bodyguard - 111010.
Elite Bodyguard - 111011
Thick Skin - 111030
Serve and Protect - 111040
Watchful Eye - 111050
Immovable - 111060.
Unstoppable - 111061.
Indomitable - 111070.

Tevinter fighter (Fenris)
112000 TREE (112001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Spirit Pulse - 112010
Spirit Flux - 112011
Lyrium Ghost - 112020
Lyrium Specter - 112021
Deflect - 112030.
Kindred Spirits - 112040
Enemy of My Enemy - 112050
Veneer of Calm - 112060
Battle Tempo - 112070
Inner Reserve - 112080


Weapons in each hand:
201000 TREE (201001 Base Talent Point)
Backstab - 201010.
Performate - 201011.
Murder - 201012.
Explosive Strike - 201020
Merciless Strike - 201021
Twin Fang - 201030
Lacerate - 201040.
Maim - 201041.
UNFORGIVING CHAIN \u200b\u200b- 201050

(ALSO "Bianca") - 202000 TREE (202001 Base Talent Point)
Pinning Shot - 202010
Rapid Pinning Shot - 202011
Disorienting Shot - 202012
Bursting arrow - 202020
Shattering Arrow - 202021
Smoking arrow - 202022
Archer "S Lance - 202030
Hail of Arrows - 202040
Storm of Arrows - 202041

203000 TREE (203001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Rush - 203010.
Charge - 203011
Blitz - 203012.
Miasmic Flask - 203020
Improved Formula - 203021
Fatiguing Fog - 203030
Overpowering Fog - 203031
ImpenetRable Fog - 203032
Confusion - 203040.
Chaos - 203041.

204000 TREE (204001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Speed \u200b\u200b- 204010.
Lightening Speed \u200b\u200b- 204011
Energizing Speed \u200b\u200b- 204012
Precision - 204020.
Precise Attack - 204021
Precise Criticals - 204022
Power - 204030.
Stunning Power - 204031
Slashing Power - 204032
Harmony - 204040.

205000 TREE (205001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Goad - 205010.
Corral - 205011
Back-to-Back - 205020
Armistice - 205030
Truce - 205031.
Brand - 205040.
Blindside - 205050.
Twist The Knife - 205060
Follow-Through - 205070

206000 TREE (206001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Stealth - 206010.
Silent Running - 206011
Camouflage - 206012.
Evade - 206020
Tactical WithDrawal - 206021
Chameleon "S Breath - 206030
Chameleon "S Cloud - 206031
Ambush - 206040.
Lingering Shroud - 206050
Subtlety - 206060.

207000 TREE (207001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Inconspicuous - 207010.
Indiscernible - 207011
Imperceptible - 207012.
Decoy - 207020.
Sturdy Decoy - 207021
Rigged Decoy - 207022
Pinpoint Precision - 207030
Disorienting Criticals - 207040
Predator - 207050
Shadow Veil - 207060

208000 TREE (208001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Vendetta - 208010.
Blood Feud - 208011
To The Death - 208021
Cutting Barbs - 208022
Parry - 208030.
RIPOSTE - 208031.
En Garde - 208032
Sure Strikes - 208040
Evasive Maneuvers - 208050

210000 TREE (210001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Pinpoint Strikes - 210010
Relentless Strikes - 210011
Assassinate - 210020
Annihilate - 210021.
Overkill - 210022.
Mark of Death - 210030
Enduring Mark - 210031
Mark of Doom - 210032
Devious Harm - 210040
Bloodlust - 210050

211000 TREE (211001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Shore Leave - 211011
Savvy - 211020.
Buccaneer "S Savvy - 211021
Sea Legs - 211030
Thumbs Up - 211040
Thumbs Up (Hawk) - 211041
Stick in the mud - 211050
Across The Bow - 211060
Below The Waterline - 211061
Experienceed Hand - 211070

Shooter shooter (VARRIC)
212000 TREE (212001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Nameless Graces - 212011
Kickback - 212020.
Backlash - 212021.
Well-Oiled - 212030
Unauthorized Biographer - 212050
Bianca "S Song - 212060
OVERTIME - 212070.

Royal Archer (Sebastian)
213000 TREE (213001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Requires the exiled prince dlc
Arrow of judgement - 213010
Wounding Arrow - 213020
Debilitating arrow - 213021
RIGHTEUS CHAIN \u200b\u200b- 213030
Disciple "S Discipline - 213040
Holy Precision - 213070
Guardian Angel - 213080
Maferath "S ADVANCE - 213090


Spontaneous (fire and ice)
301000 TREE (301001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Winter "S Grasp - 301010
Winter "S Blast - 301011
Cone of Cold - 301020
Deep Freeze - 301021
Fireball - 301030.
Searing Fireball - 301031
Firestorm - 301040.
Apocalyptic Firestorm - 301041
Pyroman - 301050.
Elemental Mastery - 301060

EFFECTIVE (Earth and Lightning)
302000 TREE (302001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Stonefist - 302010.
Golem "s FIST - 302011
Petrify - 302020.
Desiccate - 302021.
Chain Lightning - 302030
CHAIN \u200b\u200bREACTION - 302031
Tempest - 302040.
Strikes Twice - 302041
Rock Armor - 302050
Galvanism - 302060.

303000 TREE (303001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Spirit Bolt - 303010
Spirit Strike- 303011
Dispel Magic - 303020
Transmutation - 303021.
Walking Bomb - 303030
Corrosive Walking Bomb - 303031
Virulent Walking Bomb - 303032
Death Syphon - 303040
Death Vortex - 303041
Spirt Mastery - 303050

304000 TREE (304001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Mind Blast - 304010
Stunning Blast - 304011
Barrier - 304020.
Arcane Fortress - 304021
Crushing Prison - 304030
Paralyzing Prison - 304031
Arcane Shield - 304040
Arcane Wall - 304041
Elemental Shield - 304042
Elemental Weapons - 304050

305000 TREE (305001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Death Hex - 305011
Horror - 305020.
Despair - 305021.
Misdirection Hex - 305030
Shackling Hex - 305031
Sleep - 305040.
COMA - 305041.
Entropic Cloud 305050.
Death Cloud - 305051

306000 TREE (306001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Glyph of Paralasys - 306010
Glyph of Binding - 306011
Heal - 306020.
Greater Heal - 306021
Glyph of Repulsion - 306030
Glyph of Defiance - 306031
Haste - 306040.
Great Haste - 306041
Heroic Aura - 306050
Valiant Aura - 306051

Mag Power:
307000 TREE (307001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Pull of the Abyss - 307010
Edge of the Abyss - 307011
Telekinetic Burst - 307020
Telekinetic Blast - 307021
Maker "s Hammer - 307031
Maker "s Fury - 307032
Unshakable - 307050

Spiritual Healer:
308000 TREE (308001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Group Heal - 308010
Unity - 308011
Revival - 308020.
Refusal - 308021.
Renewal - 308022.
Healing Aura - 308030
Faith - 308031.
Radiance - 308032.
Vitality - 308040.

Blood Magic:
309000 TREE (309001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Sacrifice - 309010.
Grim Sacrifice - 309011
Hemorrhage - 309020.
Paralyzing Hemorrhage - 309021
Grave Robber - 309030
One Foot in - 309031
Bloodslave - 309040.
Blood Spatter - 309041
Blood Magic - 309050
Bloodlust - 309051

Revenge (Anders)
311000 TREE (311001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Martyr - 311010
VENGEANCE - 311020.
Wrath - 311021.
Blood of My Enemy - 311040
Eye to Eye - 311050
No Compromises - 311060
Panacea - 311070.
Aid Allies - 311080
Regroup - 311090.

Doli rogue (Merrill)
312000 TREE (312001 BASE TALENT POINT)
Ensnare - 312010.
Stone "S Throw - 312020
Wrath of the elvhen - 312030
Arlathan "s grace - 312031
Loss of the Dales - 312032
Solidarity - 312040.
Outcast - 312050.
Blood of the first - 312060
Wounds of the Past - 312070
Deep Wounds - 312071

Codes on Dragon Age 2 are used to adjust any indicators in the game. For example, to add objects, abilities or establish relationships with a particular member of the detachment. About how to do this, it will be discussed in the article.

About the game

The second part of the Sagi Dragon Age is the tragic history of the family of the Khuko-beggar refugees, who, fleeing Mora, decided to return to relatives in Kirkoll.

The narrative covers the time interval in a dozen years, and the player can observe the consequences of the decisions made. There are no straight ways to goal: Thanks to the innovative ideas of developers, the protagonist goes through the plot scenario with suitis paths, folded from transactions with conscience, search for prompts, investigations and establishing relations with satellites.

Not always events develop on a clearly compiled plan, because gamers are resorted to the use of codes on Dragon Age 2 to adjust the aspects of the game. Not everyone do: some prefer to save.

How to activate cheats

Codes for Dragon Age 2 are introduced in the form of console commands. However, you first need to activate the functionality that allows you to take scripts. This requires:

  1. Find the Dragonage2.exe file in the root directory and create a shortcut on the desktop.
  2. Click right-click on the icon and in the "Object" line to register -Enabledeveloperconsole after the character of quotes.
  3. Save changes and run the game.

The console is activated, turns on by pressing "~" (tilda). However, teams are written blindly. After all, the characters are not displayed on the screen. Therefore, you should check the language layout to enter codes in the "Dragon Age 2" as correct as possible. In addition, you should disable the utilities like PUNTISWITCHER and remember that the "copy-paste" should also not be included.

Cheats of general character

The most popular codes in Dragon Age 2 are aimed at correcting the financial aspect (to acquire expensive equipment) or make a character invulnerable.

They look like this:

  • runscript PC_Immortal 1 - immortality;
  • runscript PC_Immortal 0 - Disconnection of immortality;
  • runscript Addmoney N - add money in the amount of N;
  • runscript AddXP N - add n experience;
  • runscript KillallHostiles - destroy all enemies in sight;
  • runscript HealPlayer - code allows you to fill the indicators of mana and health, but do not resurrect.

These are general scripts, but there are more narrowly directed.

Class change

The game has the following classes of characters: magician, robber and warrior. Each has its own characteristics, abilities and weapons. The class also affects the plot development. After all, the events of the game rotate around the growing conflict between the magicians and the temples.

If suddenly the player does not like that temples are negatively related to his hero-MAG, you can use the appropriate RunScript Chargen command [Z], where Z:

Gaming abilities

Codes on Dragon Age 2 contribute to the adjustments of the branches of the skills, which are provided by a lot for each class. There are 12 of them 12 (together with the challenge of Mabari).

Added by the RunScript AddTalent X command, where X is the sequence number. If you wish, you can remove the branch using RemoveTalent.

To add a specific class branch, you need to activate with RunScript AddTalent X:

  • skills of warrior - 100,000;
  • robber - 200,000;
  • maga - 300 000.

Specializations are "poured" into the tree of abilities of 10 per each.

ID of existing abilities
Ripper Templar Berserk Mag Power Spiritual healer Blood magician Assassin Duelist Shadow
Name Id Name Id Name Id Name Id Name Id Name Id Name Id Name Id Name Id
Fear of blood 109040 Sacred Kara 107010 Frying berserka. 110030 Dlann Creator 307030 Healing aura 308030 Life force 309050 Mortal mark 210030 To challenge 208020 Point 207030
Email 109010 * Fair Kara 107011 * Endless rage 110031 * The rage of the Creator 307032 *Radiance 308032 Bloody thirst 309051 * Unsttainable label 210031 * Not for life, but to death 208021 Blow of disorientation 207040
*Voracity 109011 * Stunning Kara 107012 * Wild rage 110032 * Hammer Creator 307031 *Vera 308031 Decorating the graves 309030 * Rock mark 210032 * Passenger bugs 208022 Predator 207050
* Insatiability 109012 Cleaning 107020 Adrenalin 110010 Unshability 307050 Universal healing 308010 Step to grave 309031 Thirst for blood 210050 Right blows 208040 Notice 207010
Sacrificial rage 109020 * Wave cleansing 107021 * Adrenaline jerk 110012 Telekinetic eruption 307020 Union 308011 Victim 309010 Aimed blows 210010 Pall 208030 * Indistent 207011
Long rage 109021 * Long cleansing 107022 * Paving adrenaline 110011 Telecinetic explosion 307021 Viability 308040 Awful sacrifice 309011 Ruthless blows 210011 *Counter attack 208031 * Unfortunately 207012
Aura Poly. 109030 Righteous blow 107040 Dam 110020 Attraction of the abyss 307010 Revival 308020 Bleeding 309020 Indirect harm 210040 * Deaf defense 208032 Bait 207020
* Avalanche pain 109032 Silence 107030 * Unrestrained squall 110021 The edge of the abyss 307011 * Update 308022 Paralyzing bleeding 309021 Attempt 210020 Skillful maneuvers 208050 * Living Primanka 207021
* Pain rage 109031 * Long sishin 107031 * Resistant bomb 110022 Gravelikolsko. 307040 *Renouncement 308021 Slap blood 309040 Delivery 210021 Blood resist 208010 * Primanka with a surprise 207022
Dust 109050 Liquidation 107050 Deadly blow 110040 Gravisfer 307041 Second chance 308050 Blood spray 309041 Excessiveness 210022 Generic feud 208011 Shadow curtain 207060

Abilities marked * are interchangeable options for the development of the above. That is, you can choose either one or the other.


So conceived by the developers that the inventory is diverse only at the main character. Satellites are removed by this luxury. Things added by teams even less - only amulets. Codes for items in Dragon Age 2 begin with RunScript AddItem. But with the ID a little more interesting - all the serial numbers on the amulets begin with Gen_im_acc_amu_act [Amulet number] [number].

Example: Runscript AddItem Gen_im_acc_amu_Act1_03 1 - Protagonist will receive a liar talisman.

Name id
1 Stone Life 1_01
2 Tin suspension with rolling wolves 1_02
3 Talisman Liaza 1_03
4 Meahas 1_04
5 Amulet calm 1_05
6 Amulet influence 1_06
7 Brilliant amulet made of light wood 2_01
8 Moon Stone Amulet 2_02
9 Medallion from metopium 2_03
10 Mascot of copper Naga 2_04
11 Challenged pendant with amethyst 2_05
12 Stone Master's Life 2_06
13 Torn bone necklace 2_07
14 Tooth Fen'har 2_08


Have a good relationship with satellites, it is important not only to make a novel. With a high level of confidence, members of the detachment can issue personal quests for which there will be a special reward.

If suddenly there was a dislike, and trust glasses fell, you can register the code on the relationship in Dragon Age 2. It looks like this: Runscript ZZ_ [M] _debug, where M is the character names of the character (without brackets):

  • and - Anders;
  • mRL - \u200b\u200bMerril;
  • vRC - Varric;
  • ave - Alelin;
  • fen - Fenris;
  • iSA - Isabella;
  • bet - Bethany;
  • cAR - Karvet.

Sample code: Runscript zz_isa_debug - opens the debug window with Isabella relationship.


This project of BioWare, as Dragon Age, deserves attention as a whole. Each part of the trilogy is the result of the painstaking work of developers, designers and screenwriters. Any part separately is the tragic history of the world who opposes the risk of invasion of the trend in darkness, not knowing fear and fatigue.

Dragon Age 2 - the tragedy of the hawk family, who managed to avoid the horrors of Mora, but it did not work out from the internecasus of magicians and the temples. The story that turned in Kirkolly, step-by-step describes what the reluctance leads to compromise. And shows what the desperate people are capable of.

To feel the role of the Kirkolla defender, created by developers, should not be resorted to the use of codes for Dragon Age 2. All the housing and adversity of the Houd family is the highlight of the game that he betrays her atmospheric. Therefore, the presence of an extra "stick-cleaner" will minimize the impression of the project.

Those who first took up the passage of the second part strongly it is recommended to forget about the use of console commands and additional software capable of making an imbalance.

This is exactly the world where it can not be easy. Here you have to fight not only with a sword or a staff, but also in the word. Vitious dialogues that can affect the further development of the plot and the attitude of others are another feature of the project. With their help, you have to resolve conflicts, confront demons, build relationships and just shop.

Therefore, the cheat code is not the best assistant. The exception can be gamers that have already passed a series along and across that run the second part simply to kill time and quickly run from the beginning and until the end of the game. And on the way to give on the head of the cornea, whose personality is given the whole third part.

The developer console allows you to perform various actions inaccessible with an honest game (kill all enemies, include immortality, etc.). It can be used for accelerated passage, corrections of the consequences of various bugs Games, etc.

Note 1: Using codes may damage the game saving. Therefore, before using the console it is advisable to make a backup copy of the preservation.

Note 2: Despite its name, the developer console is available only in PC and MAC versions games.

Activation console

There are two ways. For the Steam version of the game only the 2nd way works.

1. Creating a shortcut
Create a shortcut to the file Dragonage2.exe. (as a rule, is in ... \\ Dragon Age II \\ bin_ship). We go go Properties label and in the end of the field An object add -EnabledeveloperConsole. There should be something similar: it must be followed by approximately such a line:

Using embedded codes

Using embedded codes

For the MAC version: We add:

"cmdlineadd" \u003d "-enabledeveloperconsole"

At the end of the file ~ / Library / Application Support / Dragon Age II / Config

Access to the console

Open in notepad ... \\ Bioware \\ Dragon Age II \\ settings \\ Keybindings.ini (Located in "My Documents"). We find a string OpenConsole_0 \u003d Keyboard :: Button_x (by default instead X. worth it Grave., but X. You can also replace any free key). If you leave the default value, the key will be used to call the console. tilde (E.). Some players in the Steam version call the Console "Tilda" for some reason does not work. If other keys will also not work, try to assign a key for the console. F6.

In EA Direct download version key tilde Must be called Kanji..

Comment: Entered commands not displayed on the screen. Replacing the file. fonts.erf.As in DAO, Dragon Age II will not help.

After that, click the key activating the console in the game, enter the code and click ENTER. Console performance is easier to check the code runscript ZZ_UPGRADEopening the enchanting screen (works in any game location).

Using embedded codes

Using embedded codes

List of commands

  • runscript HealPlayer. - restores health to all members of the detachment
  • runscript Injury Remparty. - removes injuries from all members of the squad
  • runscript Injury Remall. - removes injuries from the selected character
  • runscript Addmoney X. - adds x copper coins; 10,000 copper \u003d 1 Golden coin
  • runscript KillallHostiles. - kills all enemies. It should be used carefully because it can instruct scripts and prevent further passage.
  • runscript AddXP X. - adds X experience points
  • runscript PC_Immortal - makes the player unhappy
  • runscript Cheat. - temporarily increases the defense of the detachment, damage remains the same
  • runscript ZZ_UPGRADE - opens the shielding screen
  • runscript zz_app_debug. - allows you to change the approval of satellites and install the flags of novels (not valid for Sebastian)
  • runscript ZZ_SUPERCRIT Player. - Adds 1000 health and endurance glasses, 50 power and dexterity. Note: The effect is irreversible.
    • To apply the effect to any companion, replace player. on the gen00fl_ [satellite name (in English)]. For instance: zZ_SUPERCRIT GEN00FL_ANDERS.
  • runscript dbg_setattrib - Increases by 180 seconds. The value of a specific characteristic characteristic, - Characteristic number (1 - Power, 2litness, 3 - Magic, 4 - Cunning, 5 - Will strength, 6 - Build), - the number to which the characteristic value increases
  • runscript DBG_SetAttrib [-Value] - acts similarly to the code above, only reduces the value of the characteristic. (for example, -50)
  • runscript BowlingForferelden. - The energy ball is formed around the Hawk, which throws off the NPC (including satellites), like a bowling bowling. Be sure to survive before use, since the duration of the effect is unknown and can be constant.
  • runscript zz_party - Adds Avelin, Anders and Isabel to the detachment.
  • runscript zz_lgt_debug. - opens the debug menu of various side quests
  • runscript zz_mer_debug - Opens the trader quest debug menus
  • runscript zz_per_debug - Opens the Hawk / intonation character debug menu in dialogs. Displays the current intonation and allows you to make it a complete reset.

Using embedded codes

Using embedded codes
  • runscript Chargen Warrior XX - makes player warrior level xx
  • runscript Chargen Mage XX - Makes the player in the XX level
  • runscript Chargen Rogue XX - Makes the player to robber XX level
    • Caution: Changing the class class also drops its appearance.
  • runscript zz_dae_debug. - allows you to change the detachment, go to another act / location / quest, as well as debug a map
    • With this code, you can even return the deceased brother / sister.
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Start | Goto | Daynight | set | Get | Talk
  • runscript ZZ_RDR START 1
  • runscript ZZ_RDR START 2
  • runscript zz_rdr start 3
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Tavern 1
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Tavern 1 Night
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Docks 1
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Docks 1 Night
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Warehouse
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Keep 2
  • runscript ZZ_RDR GOTO KEEP 2 NIGHT
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Tavern 2
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Tavern 2 Night
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Docks 2
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Docks 2 Night
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Ambush
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Hideout
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Stash
  • runscript ZZ_RDR Goto Final

Using embedded codes

Using embedded codes
The codes below allow you to change the satellite approval, set the flags of the novel / friendship / rivalry, etc. (Changing approval for some reason does not work in the Merril debug menu. Use code for this purpose. runscript zz_app_debug.)
  • runscript zz_and_debug. - Anders
  • runscript zz_mrl_debug. - Merril
  • runscript zz_vrc_debug. - Varrick
  • runscript zz_ave_debug. - Alelin
  • runscript zz_fen_debug. - Fenris
  • runscript zz_isa_debug - Isabella
  • runscript zz_bet_debug. - Bethany
  • runscript zz_car_debug. - Carver
  • runscript zz_seb_debug - Sebastian
Imports of preservation
  • runscript ZZ_VAULT_DEBUG. - Opens the Conservation Import debug window, allowing you to watch the current state of the world (data imported from Origins). By the way, the published patches still have not corrected some of the import bugs (for example, the flags of Romanov).

Using embedded codes

Using embedded codes

P.S. In this post, not all commands are given, but only the most significant.

To activate the console in Dragon Age 2. And the opening of it in the game is necessary:
- activate the console through the file or the properties of the shortcut;
- Assign a hot key to open the console.

Activation console

Method 1. - add attributes through the label properties

Go to the folder with the game " ... \\ Dragon Age II \\ bin_ship \\"Find a file Dragonage2.exe., clamp the key [ Alt.] And drag and drag this file to the "desktop" (create a shortcut). Click on the right mouse button on the created label - Properties. We are looking for a field An object and add through the gap -EnabledeveloperConsole You should have the following:

"... \\ Dragon Age II \\ bin_ship \\ Dragonage2.exe" -EnabledeveloperConsole


  • after activating the console in Dragon Age 2. With this method, the game must be launched only through the created label;
  • this console activation method is suitable for almost all versions of the game, but if it does not help you, use the second method.
Method 2. - Editing file.

Go to the folder with the game " ... \\ Dragon Age II \\ Data \\"And find the file Dragonage2Launcher.xml.. Open this file using a notepad, we find a string

and replace it on

Note: By activating the console of these methods, you can run the game both through your own label on the desktop and through Launcher games.

Call console in the game

Console B. Dragon Age 2. You activated, but you can not call it in the game yet, since it is necessary to assign a hot key to call the console.

Go to the folder:

Win XP - C: \\ Documents and Settings \\<имя_пользователя>\\ My Documents \\ Bioware \\ Dragon Age 2.\\ Settings \\
Win Vista / 7 - C: \\ Users \\<имя_пользователя>\\ Documents \\ Bioare \\ Dragon Age 2.\\ Settings \\

Open using a notepad file Keybindings.ini. and replace the string

OpenConsole_0 \u003d Keyboard :: Button_Grave

OpenConsole_0 \u003d Keyboard :: Button_x

During the game, to call the console, press the [ X.], enter the necessary cheat code and click [ ENTER].

Notes: After calling the console, pressing the [ X.], no console you will not see and you will not be able to do something, including the rotation of the camera with the mouse, until the key is pressed [ ENTER] (Apply cheat code).

All cheat codes for the game Dragon Age 2

Runscript AddXp X. - receive H. Experience. Works on all members of the group.
runscript Addmoney X. - receive H. copper coins (1000 copper \u003d 1 golden)
runscript PC_Immortal - invulnerability mode
runscript HealPlayer - cure all group members
runscript ZZ_UPGRADE - open an improvement window
runscript ZZ_APP_DEBUG - Druzhba / Rivalry Settings window
runscript KillallHostiles - kill all enemies in the visibility zone
runscript Chargen Mage XX - Makes Player Mag Lame XX
runscript Chargen Rogue XX - Makes Player Rogue Level XX
runscript ZZ_SUPERCRIT Player - gives 1000 HP and 1000 SP, 50 forces and 50 agility to your main hero.

runscript Chargen Name X - turn the selected player in name X. level.

  • instead name. You must enter: warrior., mage. or rogue.;
  • this command is valid only on the main character, and if you choose someone else, nothing happens;
  • after applying this team, the appearance of the main character will be changed.
runscript DBG_SetAttrib x Y - Where X. This is the characteristic number, and Y. - The amount of this characteristic. Maximum for each characteristic - 100. This characteristic will be added to the selected / active character. To select characters, use keys, and. Of course, choosing characters you need to call the console, pressing the [ X.].

Example: runscript DBG_SetAttrib 1 100 - Add 100 forces active character.

List of characteristics for team dbg_setattrib:

  1. Dexterity
  2. Magic
  3. Cunning
  4. Willpower
  5. Body type
Repeated application of the last team dialed.

For example, if the last time you entered the money code and you want to enter it again, then to re-use it, you must press the following keys, in turn: [ X.][up arrow][ENTER]. This little trick will allow:

  • quickly clean the whole territory from many enemies (Runscript killallHostiles);
  • cure several times in a row of all group members (Runscript HealPlayer);
  • add a lot of money (Runscript AddXP);
  • raise the characteristics of all group members (RunScript DBG_SetAttrib X Y).