Official duties of SEO specialist. Who is SEO specialist and what does he do? Is it possible to study seo-promotion

It is appointed to a position and exempt from it by order of the General Company.
1.3. SEO specialist is subject to technical.
1.4. During the absence of a SEO specialist of his right and transfer to another official, what is announced in the organization's order.
1.5. A person who meets the following requirements is appointed to the position of SEO-specialist: Education is secondary special, higher, work experience in optimizing and promoting sites for at least 1 year.
1.6. SEO specialist should know:

  • new trends in promoting sites
  • principles of functioning of search engines;
  • types and functions of references, the principles of effective reference mass;
  • methods "white" and "black" optimization;
  • marketing basics;
  • basics of Internet marketing;
  • the basics of copyrighting;
  • basics of usability and polarity improved site conversion.

1.7. SEO specialist is guided in its activities:

  • legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
  • The company's charter, the rules of the internal labor regulation, other regulatory acts of the company;
  • orders and orders of the manual;
  • real.
  1. SEO specialist

SEO specialist performs the following:

2.1. Develops and conducts measures to optimize a web resource for search engines, promoting a web resource on the Internet, an increase in sales of the progressable product by attracting customers through the Internet.
2.2. Carries out the selection and analysis of key requests.
2.3. Enhances the compatibility of the source code of the site pages with search engines.
2.4. Enhances the relevance of the texts of the site.
2.5. Increases the effectiveness of the text of the site from the point of view of advertising a progressable product in order to attract customers through the Internet.
2.6. Conducts events to increase the rating of the web resource from the point of view of search engines.
2.7. Watch out for changes in the algorithms of search engines and adapts the site to these changes.
2.8. Regularly constitutes reports:

  • by site positions in each of the search engines;
  • according to the sources of traffic and the behavior of visitors.
  1. SEO Specialist Rights

SEO specialist has the right:

3.1. Receive information in the amount necessary to solve the tasks.
3.2. Submit to the leadership of proposals for the improvement of their work and the work of the company.
3.3. Require from the management of the creation of normal conditions to fulfill the duties and preservation of all documents resulting from the company's activities.
3.4. Make decisions within their competence.

  1. SEO specialist responsibility

SEO specialist is responsible:

4.1. For non-fulfillment or late fulfillment of their official duties.
4.2. For violation of search engine licenses
4.2. For non-compliance with existing instructions, orders and orders for the preservation of commercial secrets and confidential information.
4.3. For violation of the rules of domestic labor regulations, labor discipline, safety regulations and fire safety.

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Ceeshnik is a slang word, which is called SEO specialists in professional circles. Abbreviation SEO (Eng. Search Engine Optimization) is translated into Russian as "Search Engine Optimization".

What is part of the SEO specialist

Ceesman is engaged in complex analytical work, and its duties can constantly expand. After all, the algorithms of the search engines are changing and improved. The SEO specialist should be ready for the fact that he needs to constantly study new strategies and principles of promotion.

Also, the duties of the siene include cooperation with copywriters. He must be able to make a technical task for them and take care that the content on the site corresponds to the latest SEO requirements (uniqueness, relevance, text volume and structure).

Specialist in the field of website promotion must have an analytical warehouse of the mind. As for theoretical knowledge, it should be familiar not only by Internet technologies associated with the principles of functioning of search engines, but also with marketing basics, HTML-layout rules, W3C standards, features of setting up various web servers.

The main directions of search engine optimization

SEO optimization implies work with internal and external factors. Internal optimization includes everything that is associated directly with the structure, design and content of the site. This is a work on the creation of convenient navigation on the site, the development of elements of the interface and other details that improve users (convenience for users).

External optimization is work with external factors affecting the site's position. This includes the conduct of advertising campaigns, registration in the catalogs of search engines, attracting new visitors to the site in order to improve behavioral factors, purchase of references, placement of press releases, news, thematic articles on other Internet resources. Thus, the competent organization of advertising campaigns also relates to the methods of external optimization.

The appearance of the first search engines has become an impetus for such a thing as Search Engine Optimization - "Search Engine Optimization". The first SEO specialists filled out special reference catalogs to sites, because then there was not yet familiar search. It is in the catalogs that users found the necessary resources, and the work of the Ceeshnikov was quite simple and understandable.

Today everything is wrong. The tasks of the SEO specialist are constantly changing after changes in the search algorithms and the introduction of new technologies, such as machine learning. A few years ago, Ceeshniki bought links and ordered the texts that were absolutely useless for users overcrowded with keywords, which were absolutely useless for users, but "liked" search robots. With the introduction of machine learning technologies, everything has changed: now the main thing in search engine optimization is users.

SEO-specialist responsibilities:

  • Engaged in the search engine optimization of the site and step-by-step advancement: raises positions in search results, stimulates transitions to the site (increases traffic) and increases the income of the company (conversion).
  • Watching the change in search engine algorithms (Yandex and Google): select keywords (makes up the semantic kernel) and analyzes organic traffic (popularity of requests).

Corrective work is closely related to marketing, because the ultimate goal of SEO-promotion is to attract a new audience and an increase in sales. That is why a good soster should not only have an analytical mind and be able to plan, but also understand the psychology of the buyer.

How to become a SEO optimizer?

This is a prestigious and demanded profession, but to become a SEO specialist from scratch - the task is not easy, because the superficial acquaintance with the industry will not make from Novik Profi. It is important to keep up with the times all the time: to be aware of SEO news, analyze changes in search algorithms and skip knowledge through experience. Newbies begin with an intern position, then become younger, and only then with senior SEO specialists. The next step is the main analyst for search engines, and then the head of the group and the optimizer department.

The salary of the SEO specialist depends on the level of preparation, time costs and the result. Work SEO optimizer for many becomes the initial stage in Internet marketing. Some create a mini-agency, others move on towards management or are taken for large-scale projects. And the third - go to the adjacent industry associated with analytics and strategic promotion.

SEO training:

According to the standards of the IT industry, the profession has appeared long ago, but only a few educational institutions teach SEO-promotion of sites, so many sechars are self-taught. Moreover, search engine optimization is too dynamic, which is constantly changing, and training programs in state universities are compiled and approved for years.

If you want to master the search promotion, the most rational path is self-education and training in online schools and universities. At special courses, you will be given not only knowledge, but also experience in professionals, chat with like-minded people to fully immerse yourself in the world of SEO. Remember that success in this area comes only to the one who constantly learn, monitors changes and immediately implements the knowledge gained.

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Read sites. I have signed for many RSS, and also get info in the mailing list. I will give examples of sites that I read constantly. For yourself, you will select the most interesting.

Russian-speaking sites, blogs, forums on SEO:

English resources:

Because More and more SEO becomes SEM (Search Engine Marketing), then it would be nice to know the basics of marketing.

Visit Profile Events.

And still condition. Because Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, new opportunities appear, it is necessary to stably monitor information. To this you need to be prepared and allocate time in your schedule for self-education constantly!

Courses for SEO Specialist

I am very skeptical about existing on the Internet free courses on SEO. Therefore, I will tell you about those with which I can recommend with a calm conscience.

The main knowledge that the SEO specialist should be at SEO:

  • Knowledge of search engine ranking algorithms.

(With experience, not only knowledge come, but also an understanding of the evolution of the search and assumptions about further development).

  • Portfolio with examples of successful promotion of sites on high-frequency, competitive requests.

(This is ideal. If you have your own site, you can already show something).

  • Perfect knowledge of Excel. Ability to analyze and draw conclusions.
  • Knowledge of advertising, internet marketing.
  • Knowledge of the main stock exchanges, tools for analyzing and promoting the site.

Additional knowledge:

  • English (Intermediate).
  • Basics of HTML, CSS.
  • Work skills with standard CMS: Drupal, Joomla, WordPress.

Responsibilities of SEO specialist

  1. Each company has its own requirements, I tried to imagine as a complete picture as possible.
  2. Comprehensive site audit.
  3. Development of tactics and strategy to optimize the site for search engines.
  4. Compilation of the semantic kernel: selection and analysis of keywords and target URLs, clustering. Timely update of semantics.
  5. Internal website optimization. Working with code, overclocking, text, graphic, video content, etc.
  6. External optimization. Analysis of reference mass.
  7. Usability analysis.
  8. Writing the TK developers, copywriters, designers, cameramen.
  9. Increase the "trust" of the site: PR, TIC, MR, DA.
  10. Tracking changes in PS algorithms.
  11. Work with reporting: on positions, traffic, conversion, etc.

Specialist SEO salary

The average temperature in the hospital is $ 700 (Ukraine). But a good specialist earns a lot more.

5. Where to look for work


  • jobs on SEO-Companies;
  • vacancies on personnel selection sites;
  • ask familiar.

SEO specialist is one of the promising and demanded professions of the Virtual Industry. Thanks to their efforts, traffic increases, and the frequency of viewing the pages is increasing.

As a result, the site begins to be located on more favorable positions in search engines (PS). In general, the purpose of its existence is to promote the site of the employer.

What does SEO specialist do

The spectrum of the responsibilities of the SEO specialist is quite wide. Its specific list depends on the type of company in which "Ceeshnik" is employed.

No matter how paradoxically, in small enterprises on the shoulders of the employee, much more responsibilities are taken than in large corporations.

This is explained by the fact that in connection with a relatively small budget, organizations cannot be able to contain a whole department. Therefore, the functions 5-6 people perform one, and the job description of this SEO specialist includes the entire possible functionality.

The sample charges of the SEO specialist are to:

  • creating the optimal structure and promotion of the resource on the Internet;
  • increase sales by attracting additional consumers through the network;
  • layout and analytical processing of key search phrases and words;
  • increase the compatibility of the program code and the texts of the area with the PS;
  • increasing the efficiency of the selling text;
  • taking measures to increase the networked rating from the point of view of search engines;
  • evaluation of changes in the algorithms of the work of the PS and the adaptation of the site to such changes;
  • tracking the emergence of new search engines, evaluating the subtleties of their work;
  • generating reports on the work done (reports on the overall rating of the site and separately for each search engine, sales dynamics, analytics of site visitors' behavior).

With large volumes of work, it is highly hard to perform all the listed functions. Therefore, in solid major firms, the practice of distinguishing the responsibilities of seed optimizers between several employees of the department was adopted. The main spectrum of the duties of the sechard can be divided into two large blocks: the resource optimization and its promotion.


To work the site to satisfy the customer, it should always work optimally. Two groups of factors always affect any Internet resource: external and internal. The SEO specialist functions include constant monitoring of the changes in the external environment, as well as the continuous updating of the contents of the Internet resource.

Changing internal configurations includes:

  • structural restructuring of the site;
  • content update;
  • design change;
  • adding new or replacement of old interface elements;
  • creating a more convenient or improvement of the old site navigation.

The main goal of all events - Make a website most understandable and attractive For as much as possible visitors.

So that the internal filling of the site was relevant and interesting SEO specialist should be in contact with copywriters. And for this you need to be able to draw up the technical tasks for which the text will be written in the future. Only in this case, the content will turn out not only interesting and unique, but will be adequately regarded by search engines.


To promote the resource, the sechant has to be made of huge analytical work. In addition to tracking changes in the functioning of search engines, a high-class professional should always have fundamentally new strategies for pushing the Internet resource on the network. He must not only own technical knowledge about the work site, but also be a first-class marketer.

Even the most interesting site never appear In the leading line of the PS rating, if the SEO specialist will not be established effective interaction with the external environment. The spectrum of such actions includes:

  • improving behavioral site factor by attracting visitors;
  • pR-campaigning;
  • registration in search engine catalogs;
  • publication of news, banners and press releases on other resources;
  • buy links.

Assist in promoting the site SEO specialist helps analysis of sites of the nearest competitors. At the same time, it is not about duplicating information presented in them. A competent professional primarily assesses the strengths and weaknesses of each such resource and, given their experience, creates high-quality content.

Typical applicant requirements

The presence of a solid luggage of knowledge about the work of the platforms, on the basis of which sites are promotion, is not yet a guarantee that a person will be able to work as a SEO specialist. Therefore, additional requirements are presented to applicants:

  • know the basics of web programming and CMS;
  • own the skills of developing an interface of the Internet resource;
  • be aware of internet marketing
  • know and be able to apply in practice ways to find a suitable content site;
  • be an expert in the SMM field;
  • correctly understand the needs of network users.

Among other things, the applicant must be a good psychologist who can easily establish contact with the target audience.

Approximate income

This profession chooses a lot of young people. In addition to performing official duties, you can remotely, work is not bad. Definitely evaluate the average income of SEO specialists is hard. For the most part, it depends on what company employs a person. As for small businesses, there is a content in the staff of the employee who works in the direction of progress of platforms is to manage the average 15000 rubles per month. This is the lowest threshold.

For comparison, leading sites promotion specialists earn 1000 dollars a month. However, these are statistical data on companies located in the capital. Sabers wages by regions are an order lower. However, in general, and they do not complain about the sharp lack of money.

Profession refers to one of the most popular on the market. The demand for it invariably increases, and payment in some cases is relatively high. Therefore, young professionals are striving to master this area, pass through the acquisition of new knowledge and developing the necessary experience.

Read more about the work of the SEO-specialist - see video: