What is the case method in pedagogy. Case - study (case method)

Lecture 3

Educational technologies "Case-study" and "Debate"

as a means of activating the cognitive activity of students

    Case study technology

  1. Case study technology in open education

  2. Case method as a technology integrating developmental learning technologies

  3. Organization of training based on the case method

  4. Case Study Guide

  1. Case structure

  2. Case types

  3. Exit testing

  1. Technology "Debate"

  1. Discussion as a way of organizing the educational process

  2. The main features of the "Discussion" technology

  3. Structure of the discussion

  4. Discussion Rules

  5. Moderator functions

  6. Expert functions

  7. Discussion Forms

A. Purpose and principles of the Debate program

B. Organizational procedures

B. Game progress

D. Benefits of Using Debate Technology

    1. Case study technology

  1. From the history of the issue

The case-study method or the method of specific situations (from the English case - case, situation) is a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific problems - situations (case solving).

The method of specific situations (method of case-study) refers to non-game imitation active learning methods.

The immediate goal of the case-study method is to analyze the situation - case, arising in a specific state of affairs, through the joint efforts of a group of students, and develop a practical solution; the end of the process is the evaluation of the proposed algorithms and the choice of the best one in the context of the problem posed.

The case-study method is most widely used in teaching economics and business sciences abroad. It was first used in the educational process at Harvard Law School in 1870; the introduction of this method at Harvard Business School began in 1920. The first collections of cases were published in 1925 in the Harvard University Business Reports.

2. Case study technology in open education

The Case Study technology is actively used in modern education, and can be classified as an open education technology focused on the diversity and variability of educational offers, overcoming the school context, creating an educational space that provides students with a wide range of opportunities in choosing an educational route.

We understand that today the task of the school is not only to form the functional competencies of students, but also to educate students in such qualities and abilities that will allow them to determine their educational trajectory and choose a profession. At the same time, the education system is obliged to stimulate the personal responsibility of the younger generation for their education and future. It is not so much about transferring "secrets" from teacher to student, but about assessing various situations, information, finding creative solutions and implementing them. At the same time, students are invited to demonstrate their skills in working with texts of different genres.

According to the results of the international study PISA-2000, our students have a whole group of "deficiencies" associated with the analysis of information and texts:

  • in general, they are able to read and understand texts, answer, however, the need to give a detailed answer in the form of a text causes difficulties;

  • they grasp the general outline of the text quite well, understand its general content, but are inattentive to details;

  • they cannot solve the problem if it is necessary to give a qualitative rather than a quantitative answer;

  • are lost when working with compound texts. If information is presented in the form of separate information fragments (including those of different genres), and understanding (“reading”) of information involves comparing, comparing, holding fragments and combining them into a common information picture, which causes difficulties;

  • as a rule, they are focused either on the general content of the text, or on its fragments;

  • most often they do not have the skill to work with everyday, popular science, journalistic texts.
And this group of "deficiencies" is connected with the analysis of the entire set of conditions contained in the task: Russian schoolchildren are not able to attract information that is not contained directly in the conditions of the task. Tasks that require the use of everyday information, personal practical experience, cause difficulties; the operation of extracting information from a question causes difficulties; it is not easy for Russian children to answer questions that involve returning to the condition multiple times to obtain additional information; children give in to tasks in which the form of the question is not normalized enough.

The classical scheme of a task or task can be described in terms of the condition of the task and the question to be answered. The ratio of the conditions of the problem and the question precisely determines the method of action. In fact, we are talking about the stereotyped application of the mode of action.

Tasks and tasks that are now widely used in the global community look different. The condition and questions are set as independent and at first sight are not connected with each other. Linking the condition and the question is the task of the student. Often, for such an action, it is necessary to involve personal experience, additional information, and detailed work with the context is needed. Hence the "design" of international tasks, in particular PISA tasks - they often represent a description of a situation (case) taken from real life practice. Each task is a situation, a case that requires its own solution.

During the years of study in secondary school, and then in a higher educational institution, students accumulate experience in solving clearly and specifically formulated tasks. However, in real life, the situation is fundamentally different: the life and professional tasks that arise before them are not known to them in advance, no one formulates them for them in the usual form of educational tasks, moreover, they are usually masked by many important and ordinary accompanying events and facts.

That is why it is so important, especially starting from the school bench, to use technologies that would help the student to objectively assess the real situation, highlight the problem, take into account the capabilities of other people, establish contacts with them, and influence their activities. For these purposes, the method of specific situations (case method) is the best suited.

3. Case method as a technology integrating developmental learning technologies

Situational technique, or case method (Case study) - a method of analyzing cases, situations. The solution of the case allows you to develop critical thinking skills, and also updates a certain set of knowledge that must be learned when solving the stated problem.

The method of specific situations is based on simulation, that is, before giving a task to students, a specific example is developed or ready-made materials are searched for describing a real situation.

We believe that the case method can be effectively used when working with elective courses. Some events are stated, a conflict or a problem is described, emotional-behavioral aspects of interaction are described, that is, a process corresponding to the content of training is modeled in real conditions.

Case study technology The "homeland" of this method is the United States of America, and more precisely the Harvard Business School. It was first used in 1924. “The culturological basis for the emergence and development of the case method was the principle of “precedent” or “case”. The Case Studies method involves: a written example of a case study from practice; independent study and discussion of the case by students; joint discussion of the case in the classroom under the guidance of a teacher; adherence to the principle "the process of discussion is more important than the decision itself".

Case study (case-study) - literally: "case study". Form of active problem-situational training session. The immediate goal of case-study is to formulate, analyze, evaluate, develop an algorithm for practical solution of a problem situation that arises in the context of a specific state of affairs of the case by joint efforts.

Case (case) polysemantic word: Case study sociological research; Case fame management modeling; Case history visual illustration; Case method method for analyzing a situation. Modeling building a model of the situation. System analysis system representation and situation analysis. A thought experiment is a way of gaining knowledge about a situation through its mental transformation. Methods of description creation of a situation of description. The problem method is a representation of the problem underlying the situation. The classification method is the creation of ordered lists of properties, parties, components of the situation. Game methods representation of variants of behavior of the heroes of the situation. Brainstorming generating ideas about a situation. Discussion exchange of views on the problem and ways to solve it. Glossary

Case is: A case is a description of a real situation. A case is a "piece" of real life (in the English terminology TRUE LIFE). Case - these are events that really happened in a particular field of activity and are described by the authors in order to provoke a discussion in the classroom, "move" students to discuss and analyze the situation, and make a decision. A case is a "snapshot of reality", a "photo of reality". A case is not just a truthful description of events, but a single information complex that allows you to understand the situation (according to O. G. Smolyaninova).

“Irina, a young specialist, has been working in the editorial office of the Yunost newspaper for only 6 months. Irina is a very modest, reasonable and pretty girl. On each of her projects, she works for a very long time and carefully, weighs everything thoroughly. She is a great enthusiast of her work, but, unfortunately, she has little interest in people, which causes dissatisfaction with the management and editorial staff. Some consider her a white crow. In order to “assert itself” in the eyes of colleagues, she has to overcome many difficulties. She often takes unfinished work home. On the instructions of the editors, she needs to write an article about the financial activities of a bank. In one magazine, Irina found very interesting material just on the topic of her work. The article needed to be submitted urgently, and Irina, not meeting the deadline, decided to borrow a large fragment of the journal material in her article, partially retelling it in her own words. A week later, when the newspaper came out, the editorial office received a call. It turned out to be the author of a borrowed article from a magazine. He talked for a long time with the editor-in-chief of the newspaper ... "

Is the situation in the editorial office typical? What is the prerequisite for the current situation? What can be considered the main problem? Who is involved in solving the problem? What are their goals? What is Irina's "problem"? Which of the parties is more dependent on a conflict-free solution to the situation? Why did Irina get into this situation? What needs to be done by each side? What issues need to be addressed in order to resolve the issue? Who can decide? What decision should be made? What are the goals of the person who makes the decision? What actions should be taken? What are the consequences? What would you do if you were the main character? Why? Questions

Data from the results of the international study PISA-2000 A group of "deficiencies" associated with the analysis of information and texts: in general, they can read and understand texts, answer - however, the need to give a detailed answer in the form of a text causes difficulties; they grasp the general outline of the text quite well, understand its general content, but are inattentive to details; they cannot solve the problem if it is necessary to give a qualitative rather than a quantitative answer; are lost when working with compound texts: if information is presented in the form of separate information fragments (including those of different genres), and understanding (“reading”) information involves comparing, comparing, holding fragments and combining them into a common information picture, difficulties arise; as a rule, they are focused either on the general content of the text, or on its fragments; most often they do not have the skill to work with everyday, popular science, journalistic texts.

Case structure Description of the problem situation (the case itself); a list of questions to be answered or tasks to be completed when working with the case; an explanatory note for the teacher is a description of the features of the case and work with it in the classroom intended for the teacher; applications representing factual material in the form of tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, cards, questionnaires.

Practical case The goal is to reflect the life situation in detail and in detail. The main meaning is reduced to the knowledge of life and the acquisition of the ability for optimal activity. Creates a practical, what is called a "working" model of the situation. The educational purpose of such a case can be reduced to training students, consolidating knowledge, skills and behavior (decision making) in a given situation. Should be as clear and detailed as possible.

Teaching case The main tasks are educational and educational, which predetermines a significant element of conventionality when reflecting life in it. The situation, the problem and the plot here are not real, practical, but such as they can be in life. They are characterized by artificiality, "collection" of the most important and truthful life details. Such a case provides little for understanding a particular fragment of society. However, it necessarily forms an approach to such a fragment. It allows you to see the typical in situations, and predetermines the ability to analyze situations through the use of analogy.

Research case Acts as a model for obtaining new knowledge about the situation and behavior in it. Its educational function is reduced to teaching the skills of scientific research through the use of the modeling method. This case is built according to the principles of creating a research model. The dominance of the research function in it makes it possible to use it quite effectively in research activities.

Case Criteria 1. Source The source of any case is the people who are involved in a particular situation that needs to be addressed. 2. The selection process There are no uniform approaches to the content of the data, but they must be real for the area that the case describes, otherwise it will lose interest, as it will seem unrealistic. 3. Content The content of the case should reflect the learning objectives. The case can be short or long, it can be specific or generalized. As for the digital material, it should be sufficient to perform the necessary calculations. 4. Checking in the classroom Checking in the class is testing a new case directly in the learning process or evaluating the reaction of a new audience to a case that was previously considered, but for other groups of students (a different class, another training program). The study of the reaction to the case is necessary to obtain the maximum learning result. 5. The process of obsolescence Most cases gradually become obsolete as a new situation requires new approaches. Cases based on history listen well, but work with them is inactive, because "it was a long time ago." The problems considered in the case should be relevant for today.

Stages of work The stage of unity is immersion in joint activities. The main task of this stage: the formation of motivation for joint activities, the manifestation of the initiatives of the participants in the discussion. Options for work: The text of the CS can be distributed to students before class for independent study and preparation of answers to questions. At the beginning of the lesson, the students' knowledge of the CS material and interest in the discussion are manifested. The main problem underlying the CS is singled out. It correlates with the corresponding section of the course.

Polarization stage - organization of joint activities The main task of this stage is the organization of activities to solve the problem: activities can be organized in small groups, or individually; students are divided into temporary small groups for collective preparation of answers to questions within the time specified by the teacher; in each small group (regardless of other groups) there is a comparison of individual answers, their refinement, the development of a single position, which is drawn up for presentation; each group selects or appoints a "speaker" to present the decision.

Mobilization stage: discussion 1. Speakers present the group's decision and answer questions (the presentations should contain an analysis of the situation using the appropriate methods from the theoretical course; both the content side of the solution and the presentation technique and the effectiveness of the use of technical means are evaluated). 2. The teacher organizes and guides the general discussion.

Stage of analysis and reflection of joint activity (catharsis) The main task of this stage is to show the educational and learning results of working with the case. In addition, at this stage, the effectiveness of the organization of the lesson is analyzed, the problems of organizing joint activities are manifested, and tasks are set for further work. The actions of the teacher can be as follows: completes the discussion, analyzing the process of discussing the CS and the work of all groups, tells and comments on the actual development of events, sums up.

3. Main (analytical) stage Introductory speech of the teacher; distribution of students into groups (4-5 people in each); organization of the work of groups: a summary of the materials read by the members of the groups and their discussion; identifying problem areas; definition of speakers. the first round of discussion - discussion of problematic issues in small groups, the search for arguments and solutions. the second round of discussion - presentation of the results of the analysis, group discussion, summing up the results of the discussion and the solutions found.

The results of working with the case Educational (results related to the development of knowledge and skills) Mastering new information Mastering data collection methods Mastering analysis methods Ability to work with text Correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge Educational (results formed by the participants of the interaction themselves, realized personal learning goals) Creation of the author's product Education and achievement of personal goals Increasing the level of professional competence Gaining experience in making decisions, acting in a new situation, solving problems

Characteristics of a successful case A good case tells. Like all good stories, a good case should have a good plot. A good case study focuses on a topic of interest. In order for a case to be a real, living example and for the student to forget that it was invented, there must be drama in it, there must be tension in it, the case must be resolved in some way. A good case does not go beyond the last five years. Perhaps students will perceive the case as news rather than as a historical event.

Characteristics of a Successful Case A well-chosen case can evoke empathy with its main actors. It is important that the personal situation of the central characters be described in the case; in many cases it is an important element in the decision-making process. Cases should evoke empathy in a variety of real life situations. A good case contains problems that the student understands. This develops a tendency to empathy (participation, sympathy, empathy). A good case requires a high evaluation of the decisions already made. Since in real life decisions are made based on precedents, previous actions, etc., it is advisable that the case represents the rational moments of previous decisions, on which new decisions can be built. Rules for students: statements should not be allowed to speak to several main ideas should be all discussions are held to refuse and have neutrality to take a position to overcome conflicts and without moralizing seriously the participants to intensify and group their emotions to structure the lesson. Fill in the gaps in the proposals regarding the implementation of the technological side of the work on the case Rules for the teacher:

Case studies (English case study) training is translated into Russian in different ways: these are business cases, and the method of situational analysis, and the method of specific situations. In fact, all these terms denote an approach to learning, which is based on the solution of specific problems by students. Situations can be both artificially simulated and taken from real practice.

The case study method was introduced in 1920 at the Harvard Business School as a progressive approach to learning related to management and business in general. Since then, Harvard has been the main promoter of this teaching method, and the university library has the largest collection of cases in the world. By the mid-1950s, case study had finally taken root in Western European universities. Today, management training programs (including MBA programs) are leaders in introducing case studies into the curriculum.

School of Business at Harvard University. Here is the largest collection of cases in the world.

Benefits of case study

  1. Practical orientation. Case solving helps to use theoretical knowledge in practice. Compared to academic lectures and narrowly focused practice, the benefits of case studies are enormous.
  2. interactive format. The case study method ensures the high involvement of the student and the study group in the process of solving problems, due to which the material is better absorbed.
  3. Development of specific skills. For example, "soft skills" (soft skills), which are necessary for further career building. Case study is effective for the formation of such competencies as communication skills, leadership, decision-making under stress.

What are the cases

A good case consists of two components: educational and practical. Therefore, the creation of cases takes place in close cooperation between the teacher and the company, which is the main character of the case story. Sometimes the problems of the case are deliberately sharpened, a number of questions are put into it, prompting a discussion. The content of the case is taken from open sources: statistical and consulting data, reports, specialized media, as well as from interviews with managers and employees of the company.

  1. The case does not have a single correct answer. Usually, there are several correct solutions and one optimal solution.
  2. Cases are solved in a limited time.
  3. Each case is assigned a difficulty level. There are structured (minimum additional information) and unstructured (a large amount of "extra" information and loosely connected data) cases. The third option is a case with “small sketches”, when the main data is presented in 3-4 sentences, and all additional information must be found on your own.

Business case example

A local company needs to enter the federal market.

Initial data:

  • The customer is a local company operating in Nizhny Novgorod.
  • Activity - production of boiler equipment, mainly gas boilers. The range includes single- and double-circuit boilers, but next year the company plans to focus on the production of double-circuit boilers, as they are more in demand. There are floor and wall boilers.
  • The products are aimed at both private buyers and b2b customers. Belongs to the middle price segment. In the future, there is a desire to supply boilers specifically for the b2b-sphere: construction and contracting organizations that rent housing on a turnkey basis.
  • Competitive advantages of products: foreign components (copper heat exchangers, protection systems), there are models with a "smart" button of the blocking thermostat. Plus - the standard "chips": delivery, official warranty of 36 months. There is a service center in Nizhny Novgorod. With the entry into the federal market, we plan to expand the service network.

Task: how can the company enter the federal market?

Where to study using the case study method

  1. Thematic case clubs are educational platforms for students and graduates. Often created at universities. For example,


as pedagogical technology

Ibragimova Natalya Vladimirovna,

Primary school teacher MBOU secondary school No. 1

s / p "Village Troitskoe"

The notorious and vigorously discussed proposal for teachers to "go into business", if not taken too literally, makes it possible to discover technologies that will enrich the teacher's tools in the formation of students' meta-subject results. One such technology in business communication is"case" - technology.

History reference

For the first time, work with cases as part of the educational process was implemented at the Harvard Business School in 1908.

In Russia, this technology has been introduced only in the last 3-4 years.

This is a method of active problem-situational analysis based on learning by solving specific tasks-situations (cases).

Its main purpose is to develop the ability to find a solution to a problem and learn to work with information.At the same time, the emphasis is not on obtaining ready-made knowledge, but on their development, onco-creation teacher and student!The essence of the "case" - technology is to create and complete specially designed teaching materials in a special set (case) and transfer (send) to students

Today we will talk in detail about the case and its practical application. And get acquainted with the methods of case - technology.

Each case is a complete set of educational and methodological materials developed on the basis of production situations that form the skills of students to independently design algorithms for solving production problems. The results of the completed projects should be, as they say, “tangible”, i.e., if this is a theoretical problem, then its specific solution, if practical, a specific result ready for use (in the classroom, at school, in real life). If we talk about this method as a pedagogical technology, then this technology involves a combination of research, search, problem methods, creative in their very essence.

    Case-technologies are classified as interactive teaching methods, they allow all students, including the teacher, to interact.

Case-technologies methods are quite diverse. It will take a lot of time to understand them in detail. Today I want to stop at using case technology in elementary school

Potential of the case method

Helps develop skills:

    Analyze situations.

    Evaluate alternatives.

    Choose the best solution.

    Make a plan for the implementation of decisions.

And as a result - a stable skill in solving practical problems

High efficiency of the case method

1) development of information structuring skills;

2) development of technologies for developing management decisions of various types (strategic, tactical);

3) actualization and critical evaluation of accumulated experience in decision-making practice;

4) effective communication in the process of collective search and justification of the decision;

5) the destruction of stereotypes and clichés in the organization of the search for the right solution;

6) stimulation of innovations through the synergy of knowledge - the development of systemic, conceptual knowledge;

7) increasing motivation to expand the base of theoretical knowledge for solving applied problems.

Possibilities of case - technologies in the educational process:

1) increasing the motivation for learning among students;

2) the development of intellectual skills in students that will be in demand by them in further education and in professional activities

The use of case technology has several advantages:

Students develop the ability to listen and understand other people, work in a team.

In life, children will need the ability to think logically, formulate a question, argue the answer, draw their own conclusions, defend their opinion.

The advantage of case technologies is their flexibility, variability, which contributes to the development of creativity

Case-technologies methods are quite diverse. Today I want to stop

When using case technology in elementary school

children have:

    Development of analysis and critical thinking skills

    Connection of theory and practice

    Presentation of examples of decisions made

    Demonstration of different positions and points of view

    Formation of skills for evaluating alternative options under conditions of uncertainty

Requirements for the content of the case

1. A specific situation that takes place in real life (main cases, facts) is considered.

2. Information may not be presented in full, i.e. be orienting.

3. It is possible to supplement the case with data that may actually take place.

Results possible when using the "Case method":


1. Assimilation of new information

2. Mastering the data collection method

3. Mastering the method of analysis

4. Ability to work with text

5. Correlation of theoretical and practical knowledge


    2. Education and achievement of personal goals

    3. Increasing the level of communication skills

    4. The emergence of decision-making experience, actions in a new situation, problem solving

Teacher actions in case technology:

1) creating a case or using an existing one;

2) distribution of students in small groups (4-6 people);

3) familiarization of students with the situation, the system for evaluating solutions to the problem, the deadlines for completing tasks, organizing the work of students in small groups, identifying speakers;

4) organization of presentation of solutions in small groups;

5) organizing a general discussion;

6) a generalizing speech of the teacher, his analysis of the situation;

7) evaluation of students by the teacher.

Student's work with a case

Stage 1 - familiarity with the situation, its features;

Stage 2 - identification of the main problem (problems),

Stage 3 - suggesting concepts or topics for brainstorming;

Stage 4 - analysis of the consequences of making a decision;

Stage 5 - case solution - a proposal of one or more options for a sequence of actions.

Use of cases.

The case allows the teacher to use it at any stage of learning and for various purposes.

Case - the method can be used
and as exams or tests:
Before the test, the student can receive a case-task at home, he must analyze it and bring the examiner a report with answers to the questions posed. You can also offer a case right at the test, but then it should be short and simple enough to meet the allotted time.

Case creation

There are three questions you need to answer first:

For whom and what is the case written for?

What should children learn?

What lessons will they take from this?

After that, the case creation process will look like this:

The purpose of training

Structuring of educational material

Choice of organizational forms, methods and means of training

Case types

Practical cases

  • Real life situations , detailed and detailed. At the same time, their educational purpose can be reduced to training students, consolidating knowledge, skills and behavior (decision making) in a given situation. Cases should be as clear and detailed as possible.

    Teaching cases

reflecttypical situations which are the most frequent in life. The situation, the problem and the plot here are not real, but as they are.can be in life, do not reflect life "one to one"

Research cases

They performmodels for obtaining new knowledge about the situation and behavior in it. The learning function is reduced to research procedures.

Types of cases according to the method of presenting the material A case is a single information complex.

As a rule, the case consists of three parts: supporting information necessary for the analysis of the case; description of a specific situation; case assignments.

printed case (may contain graphs, tables, diagrams, illustrations, which makes it more visual).

Multimedia - case (the most popular lately, but depends on the technical equipment of the school).

Video case (may contain film, audio and video materials. Its minus is the limited possibility of multiple viewing ® distortion of information and errors).

Sources of case formation

local material

Most of the cases can be based on local material. Students feel more confident if they know well the environment and context in which the events described in the cases take place, it is much more difficult for them to discuss, for example, the American environment, the behavior and motives of Americans.

Statistical materials

They can play a direct role

tool for diagnosing the situation

as a material for calculation

indicators that are most

essential to understanding the situation.

Materials can be placed either in

the text of the case itself, or in the application.

Scientific articles, monographs.

Scientific publications perform two functions:
1) act as components of the case,
2) are included in the list of literature necessary for understanding the case.

Internet resources

Sample case structure

1. Situation - a case, a problem, a story from real life

2. Context of the situation - chronological, historical, context of the place, features of the action or participants in the situation.

3. Commentary on the situation provided by the author

4. Questions or tasks for working with the case


What are the characteristics of a "good case"?

1. A good case tells.

2. A good case study focuses on a topic of interest.

3. A good case does not go beyond the last five years.

4. A well-chosen case can evoke a feeling of empathy for the heroes of the case.

5. A good case includes citations from sources.

6. A good case contains problems that the student understands.

7. A good case requires an evaluation of decisions already made.

Organization of work with a case

1 . Introductory stage - involvement of students in the analysis of the situation, the choice of the optimal form of presenting the material for review.

2. Analytical stage - discussion of the situation in groups or individual study of the problem by students and the preparation of solutions.

3.Final stage – presentation and justification of the case solution.

What gives the use of case technology


    Access to the database of modern educational materials

    Organization of a flexible educational process

    Reducing the time spent preparing for lessons

    Continuous professional development

    The possibility of implementing some elements of the educational process outside of class time

    to the apprentice

    Working with additional materials

    Permanent access to the database of consultations

    Opportunity to prepare yourself for certification

    Communication with other students in the group

    Mastering modern information technologies

Case technology methods

Incident Method

Method of parsing business correspondence

Game design

Situational role play

Discussion Method

Case stages

Incident Method

The focus is on the process of obtaining information.

Purpose of the method - the search for information by the student himself, and - as a result - training him to work with the necessary information, its collection, systematization and analysis.

Trainees do not receive the case in full. The message can be written or oral, according to the type: "It happened ..." or "It happened ...".

Although this form of work is time consuming, it can be seen as particularly close to practice, where obtaining information is an essential part of the entire decision-making process.

The method of parsing business correspondence ("basketmethod")

The method is based on working with documents and papers related to a particular organization, situation, problem.

Students receive folders with the same set of documents from the teacher, depending on the topic and subject.

Student goal - take the position of a person responsible for working with "incoming documents", and cope with all the tasks that it implies.

Cases in economics, law, social studies, history, where analysis of a large number of primary sources and documents is required, can serve as examples of using the method.

Game design

Target - the process of creating or improving projects.

The participants of the lesson can be divided into groups, each of which will develop its own project.

Game design may include projects of various types: research, search, creative, analytical, predictive.

The process of constructing a perspective carries all the elements of a creative attitude to reality, allows you to better understand the phenomena of today, to see the ways of development.

Situational role-playing game

Target - in the form of a dramatization, create a true historical, legal, socio-psychological situation in front of the audience and then give an opportunity to evaluate the actions and behavior of the participants in the game.

One of the varieties of the dramatization method is a role-playing game.

Discussion Method

Discussion - An exchange of opinions on a matter in accordance with more or less defined rules of procedure.

Intensive learning technologies include group and intergroup discussions.

Case - stages

This method is characterized by a large amount of material, since in addition to the description of the case, the entire amount of information that students can use is also provided.

The main emphasis in the work on the case is on the analysis and synthesis of the problem and on decision-making.

Purpose of the case study method - through the joint efforts of a group of students to analyze the presented situation, develop options for problems, find their practical solution, end with an assessment of the proposed algorithms and the choice of the best of them.

10 basic rules for case analysis

Reading the case twice: once to get a general idea and a second time to get a good grasp of the facts.

In addition, tables and graphs should be carefully analyzed.

Make a list of problems to deal with.

If figures are offered, one should try to evaluate and explain them.

Recognition of problems to which existing knowledge can be applied.

Drawing up a thorough analysis of the current situation.

Support proposals for solving the problem through solid reasoning.

Drawing up diagrams, tables, graphs that provide the basis for your own "solution".

Prioritizing your own proposals, taking into account that in reality there will be rather scarce resources

Monitor your own action plan to check if all areas of the problem have been addressed.

Do not propose solutions that are doomed to failure and thus can have disastrous consequences.

And in conclusion, I would like to advise colleagues not to be afraid to use the case method in elementary school, because it is aimed not so much at mastering specific knowledge or skills, but at developing the general intellectual and communicative potential of students. Namely, this is what the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education encourages us to do.






"Case - Method - Active Learning Method"


primary school teacher

Solovieva Nelli Dmitrievna

Novy Urengoy


Case method - active learning method

For many centuries, the main goal of education was the communication of factual knowledge, using which one could live a whole life in peace. At the present stage of education, this principle of knowledge transfer is no longer effective. The main thing that should be taught is the ability to master and use new information to solve the problems facing a person.

“Knowledge obtained by a person in finished form is less valuable to him and therefore not as durable as the product of his own thinking,” wrote Socrates.

To achieve new educational results, it is necessary to use new effective methods, one of them is the case method.

Case method or case methodis a method of active problem-based, heuristic learning. The name of the method comes from the English case - case, situation and from the concept of "case" - a suitcase for storing various papers, magazines, documents, etc.

A distinctive feature of this method is the creation of a problem situation based on facts from real life. At the same time, the problem itself should be relevant today and have several solutions. To work with such a situation, it is necessary to correctly set the learning task, and to solve it, prepare a "case" with various information materials (articles, literary stories, Internet sites, statistical reports, etc.)

Having set a task and prepared a “case”, it is necessary to organize the activities of students to solve the problem posed. Working in the case method mode involvesgroup activity- by joint efforts, each of the subgroups of students analyzes the situation and develops a practical solution. Further, activities are organized to evaluate the proposed solutions and choose the best one to solve the problem.

In the course of its solution, the system of values ​​of students, their attitudes towards life and the formation of practical skills are developing: students learn to argue, prove and substantiate their point of view, and make a collective decision. The case method allows students to see the ambiguity of solving problems in real life, to be ready to correlate the studied material with practice.

The classification of the types of "case" can be presented in the form of a table:

The purpose of creating a case

The main teaching, educational task of the case

Practical case

life situations

Knowledge, understanding of life

Behavior training

Teaching case

Training (conditional) situations

Understanding the typical characteristics of the situation

Analysis, comprehension

Research case

Research situations

Creating situation models

Research, design

Case studies can be presented in various forms: from a few sentences on one page to many pages. But it should be borne in mind that cases that are large in volume can cause some difficulties for students, especially when working for the first time.

Cases are submitted in printed form or on electronic media, the presence of photographs, diagrams, tables in the text makes it more visual.

The case must meet the following requirements:

  1. correspond to a clearly defined purpose of creation;
  2. have a level of difficulty in accordance with the capabilities of the students;
  3. be up to date;
  4. be oriented towards collective decision-making;
  5. have several solutions to organize the discussion.

The most common activity model in the case method mode contains the following steps:

1. The teacher selects and prepares a learning task that reflects the practical situation.

2. The teacher prepares a case from several pages to several dozen pages.

3. Students, as a rule, preliminarily (before the lesson) read and study the case, drawing on the materials of the textbook, lecture course and other various sources of information, and analyze the material.

4. After that, the lesson is followed by a detailed group discussion of the content of the case and the development of several solutions. Individual participants or subgroups present their solutions. The teacher acts as a leader, fixing the answers, supporting the discussion in the group, in subgroups, helping to correctly evaluate the presented solutions.

5. The teacher, together with the students, summarizes, draws conclusions, chooses the most optimal, effective solution (several solutions are possible).

When working on a case, co-creation of the teacher and the student is traced - they are equal in the process of discussing the problem. They have to constantly interact, choose certain forms of behavior. The main thing for the teacher in this situation is not to impose his point of view, to give students the opportunity to reasonably express their assumptions and find ways to solve the problem themselves. But for this, students must be ready for such work, otherwise there is a risk of a superficial discussion of the topic and a formal discussion.

The Harvard School for the Development and Teaching of Case Methods identifies 4 types of approaches to organizing educational activities in the mode of this method. They depend on the learning objectives, on the level of motivation and level of knowledge of students, on the ability of students and the teacher to work in the case method mode, on what means of activity must be used, on the level of teacher assistance to students.

Case Types (Harvard School)

Creating a problem situation



Choice creation of the final solution

Teaching case (Case-stated method).

Stated - established, fixed

The teacher is preparing a case

The case contains 2-3 ready-made solutions for the problem under consideration

Students are encouraged to express their opinions. And as a result, the teacher himself chooses and justifies the option, commenting on the points of view of the students.

Analytical case (Case-incident method).

Incident - inherent, characteristic, connected

The teacher sets, defines the problem

The teacher is preparing a case

The case contains several options (3-4) solutions and a number of inf. sources on the problem under consideration

Students must choose a solution and justify it based on the materials of the finished case.

Heuristic case (Case-problem method).

Problem- problem, problem situation

The teacher defines the problemin general terms, students specify the problem (for younger students, the teacher can also specify the problem)

The teacher prepares an initial case. Students supplement as needed.

The case contains a number of inf. sources on the problem under consideration, may contain some solutions, illustrating examples, etc.

Students must build their own informed decision based on the materials of the finished case.

Perhaps, to justify their point of view, students supplement the case with new information.

Research case (Case-study method).


The teacher determines the problem direction, the students independently ask the problem (younger students need help in formulating the problem)

The teacher prepares the initial case, the students complete it

The case contains a number of inf. texts on the problem under consideration

Students come up with their own solution. To substantiate their point, they either supplement the finished case with new information, or, depending on the decision, prepare a new case.

When moving from approach to approach, it is clear that the level of activity and responsibility of both students and the teacher increases, the volume of analytical, generalizing, evidence-based activities of students increases, the requirements for the professional skills of a teacher who regulates and organizes educational activities increase.

The main system-forming factor in this classification is not so much the component of obtaining knowledge as the component of acquiring ways of activity.The gradual development of activities in the mode from the training case to work in the research case mode enables students to demonstrate and improve analytical and evaluative skills, learn how to work in a team, apply theoretical material in practice, which will positively affect the formation of competencies.

But the more complex the activity of working with cases, the more study time is required for its implementation, there is a risk of a lack of study time in the mode of classroom activities. So, one training hour is enough to work in the training case mode. An analytical case will require at least two training hours. Heuristic case for at least three training hours. Research - at least 4 hours. It will take a lot of time to prepare the case, so its use will be limited to 4-6 lessons per month.

The resolution of this problem largely depends on the professionalism, pedagogical skill and erudition of the teacher. Combining the research, methodological and constructive activities of the teacher in the preparation of the case method contributes to the maximum realization of the development of his abilities, updating his creative potential.

The case method is an effective method for improving the quality of education and the successful implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Information sources

  1. A special site dedicated to the methodology of situational learning using case studies.http://www.casemethod.ru/
  2. An abstract review on the topic "The case-study method as a modern technology of professionally oriented education" was prepared by the team of the Department of methodological support of the educational process under the leadership of N.N. Komissarova using literary sources (textbooks, collections of articles, materials of periodicals) published press in Russian, as well as intellectual resources of the Internet.http://volkov.mmm-tasty.ru/entries/31269
  3. F.-J. Kaiser, H. Kaminsky, Methods of teaching economic disciplines (basics of the concept aimed at enhancing the learning process), Moscow, Vita press, 2007, p. 182
  4. http://planeta.tspu.ru/index.php?ur1=846- material for the implementation of the All-Russian network project, prepared by Prishchepa T.A., associate professor, Ph.D.