Anti-crisis management of the call center. All call-centers: prices, services, reviews, addresses

If your call center is still at the design stage, then in the intervals between communication with vendors and the purchase of equipment, most likely you are thinking - how to steer all these? Those readers who are already managing their site are probably asking themselves the question - am I doing everything right and how effective is the organizational structure for managing the contact center ... It is interesting that there is a third type of leaders who have excess profits contracts with “fat” clients on the table and they don’t give a damn about how competently their organizational structure is created. The latter can be understood, let's leave them resting on their laurels, and consider a typical well-organized management system in a call center.

call center operator group

There are businesses about computers, about cars or construction, a call center is always a business about people. Operators - that's what everything rests on, they make up the main group of personnel and the main costs in accounting. Among them there should always be a senior operator, a kind of site foreman. In terms of operator seating, each row should have a senior operator. Row - at least 6 people. If there is no senior operator in each row, a situation is possible when walking begins in the operator's room.

In outsourcing call centers, this is especially true, since there are many projects and the operator, before turning to the supervisor for help, may find out his question from the senior operator. To reduce traffic to the maximum, you need to organize a system of corporate chats.

One supervisor of the contact center in the cell should contain no more than 12-15 agents.

Supervisors incall center

The direct superiors for operators are supervisors. These people experience no less burden of responsibility than operators and are divided into 2 types - those who are not working on the line and "callers". The former are engaged in the supervision of operators, quality control and line load regulation, the latter combine all this with calls.

If the call center is outsourced it is possible that working relationships with customers are added to the duties of the supervisor.

Business coaches

In the structure of the call center, business trainers and the training department are like the clergy in the state, a special caste, partly horizontally integrated into the work process. In in-house contact centers, business trainers train new employees, develop telephone service and sales skills with established agents, and monitor the quality of agents' speech. A trainer in a call center is like a shaman in a tribe, like a judge in a police state, like an old man in a village.

In outsourcing call centers, a business coach is involved at all stages of project preparation, during its implementation and quality control of work. Often, trainers are involved in the process of writing scripts and optimizing call center performance indicators.

IT department in a call center

Maybe these bearded and not very guys look like gray mice, scurrying between computers in the working room, they themselves understand, thanks to whom thousands of calls flow and flow out of the operators' headphones. IT-specialists in the call center are subordinate to all levels, while they have an immediate superior - the head of the call center.

Personnel management incall center (HR department)

The second most intense and stressful process in the call center after working with calls is staff turnover. Operators for personnel officers - like telephone traffic, there is incoming and outgoing. The first is passed through a questionnaire and a further interview, the second through vacation sheets and resignations. HR officers report to the head of the call center, as well as project managers, who periodically have a “sharp” need for people, especially in the outsourcing business.

Project managers in outsourcing call centers

For highly loaded outsourcing systems, the use of project managers is relevant. This approach allows you to free supervisors and significantly improve the quality of customer service. Do not forget that supervisors are former operators, and it is better to communicate with the customer to the manager, who is able not only to competently organize the interaction process, but also periodically increase the average check by offering additional. services.

Sales department in an outsourced call center

In practice, the sales department of outsourcers is, most often, experienced operators in the hall or the head of the call center. In large structures with an operator room of more than 100-200 seats, there is usually a development manager who reports directly to the head. The more CC, the more subordinates the development manager has.

The fact of the existence of accounting in the call center makes no sense even to describe. Sometimes instead of it there is an outsourcing structure, in any case it does not affect the processes in the organizational structure and is organized conservatively.

Today, among the organizational structures of management, there are both linearly functional and even matrix forms of management. There is no universal solution, especially in the field of outsourcing, since all customers are different and the tasks to be solved are very different. The in-house environment is more and more conservative, and here the character of linearity in the work of managers sometimes prevails.

Already organized your outsourcing project? Think about safety, found everywhere, we ask all market participants to be careful in business.

The program contains the following questions:

You will receive answers to practical questions:
- How to establish interaction between the call center and other departments of the company?
- What are the features of selection, training and motivation of call-center employees?
- How to start developing customer service standards?
- What is needed for effective monitoring/control of the work of the department?
- How to implement technical support for employees?
- How is the result of a call center measured?

1. Customer focus as the basis of the call center.
- Priority directions in the work of the call center: service, costs, client. Formation of a list of possible and necessary tasks of the call center.
- Methods for determining the optimal level of service. How to meet customer requirements and avoid redundancy.
- Possible service level indicators. How do you know what matters to your client? Development of corporate customer service standards.
- Development of a call-center model: procedures and processes that determine the work of the call-center. Development of regulations for the interaction of the call center with other divisions of the company. Examples of writing a call center mission.

2. Operational management of the call center.
- Operational planning: forecasting the load and volume of required resources, budgeting, staffing, scheduling, task setting.
- Ways to implement customer relationship marketing. Marketing events.
- Evaluation of employees: procedure and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of operators.
- Possible performance indicators of the department. Preparation of reports on the work of the call center.
- Every day is a shock: ways to achieve planned targets.

3. Control and management of service quality.
- Monitoring the execution of routine procedures and instructions by call-center operators.
- Monitoring customer requests. Feedback analysis methods.
- Control of the sufficiency of connecting lines, the number of jobs; maintenance of the hardware-software complex.
- Compelling work. Organization of events aimed at improving the quality of customer service.

4. Efficient call center personnel management.
- An employee as an internal client: the advantages of the approach and how to implement it.
- The image of the leader: the leader as an expert, coach and mentor.
- Recruitment: professional and personal competencies of the operator, strategy for creating an effective team.
- Staff turnover. Ways to reduce and an integrated approach to solving the problem of fluidity. Creative opportunities in the profession as a way to retain employees.
- Motivation that motivates. Material and non-material motivation: mutually beneficial balance. Operator self-motivation. Examples of effective motivation systems. New approaches to the practical application of motivation theories.
- Building a training system in the call-center. Features of training operators. Teaching with passion: causes of failures and demotivation in learning. Learning through the lens of needs and outcomes. Features of learning to work with voice, examples of exercises.
- Corporate culture: we use the values ​​and goals of the enterprise to increase employee loyalty, the benefits and ways to create a personality-oriented corporate culture.
- Stress management in the work of the head of the call center. The role of the leader in creating a favorable working atmosphere. Conflict management in the department.

5. Making the call center successful.
- Incoming calls. Great transformations: how to make a seller an operator on incoming calls? Ways to increase conversion.
- Outgoing and cold calls:
creating a positive attitude of call-center employees to cold calls;
features of staff selection, training and coaching;
sales conversion - norms, statistics, methods of analysis and improvement.

- Rules for creating text for an effective telephone conversation. Examples of successful scenarios/scripts.
- Outsourcing or own call center? Options for organizing and promoting a call center.

6. Modern technologies in the work of the call center.
- Technical support of employees. Interaction with the IT department.
- Organization and support of an internal reference and information resource. Formation of databases of subscribers.
- Novelties in the field of technical support and IT solutions for the call center.
- Schemes for receiving and routing calls. Writing a call handling script.
- Methods for managing the workload of employees and evaluating their work using hardware and software.

7. The role and place of the call-center in the company.
- The desire to be heard: the call center as a center for receiving and processing feedback.
- Internal client: managing the attitude towards the work of the call center within the company.

8. Round table. Discussion, analysis of complex practical situations, exchange of experience.

9. Visiting a modern call-center, equipped according to European standards.

During the seminar, active methods of work are used: group discussions, business games and case studies.

Seminar participants can send their questions by e-mail [email protected].website marked "Code 18956,"Effective Call/Contact Center Management".

For seminar participants:
training under the program with the issuance of a Certificate;
collection of information and reference materials;
excursion program;
daily lunches.

Search for clients. Cold calls

  • Search. How to collect a client base in a couple of days, the development of which will take at least a couple of months?
  • Handling incoming leads and calls.
  • Analysis of lead generation channels, optimization and launch of new ones.
  • Active search, formation and primary study of client bases.
  • Target activities.
  • Cold calls. How to get through the secretary in seven out of ten calls and make an appointment with the decision maker?
  • Preparing for cold calls - self-tuning. Client As business, Client as people.
  • Cold calling script concept. Business card tool.
  • Basic needs of decision makers.
  • Receptions and chips passing the secretary.
  • How to start a conversation with the decision maker so that they do not hang up.
  • Chips of working with excuses during cold calls (“There are suppliers”, “I don’t need anything”, “Send an offer”, etc.).
  • Methods for scheduling a meeting with the decision maker.

Call center management

  • Effective leadership models: tools for planning and analysis of work.
  • Fundamentals of the formation and organization of the work of groups of cameramen.
  • Fundamentals of building the structure of units in TM.
  • Forms of evaluation of the quality of work, analysis, planning of the work of employees.
  • Rules for effective communication.
  • Forms of material and non-material motivation of employees.
  • Forms of analysis and control of the work of employees.
  • Basic requirements for the selection of a TM employee.
  • Creation of a system and organization of employee training.
  • Forms of work with supervisors and operators.
  • Necessary documents regulating the work of employees.
  • Sales tools in TM: scripts, templates.
  • Normative and methodological base for the organization of work.

Telemarketing mentorship

  • Trainee effectiveness resources.
  • Workshop: Stages of maturity of the company.
  • Features of adult education in telemarketing: techniques for effective communication between a mentor and a trainee, qualities of a mentor.
  • Workshop: Contract for mentoring in telemarketing.
  • Practicum: Mentor skills: personal professionalism, effective leadership (planning, organization, motivation, control), leadership.
  • The mentoring model.
  • Explanation: organization of the trainee's work, setting goals and objectives.
  • Demonstration: personal example, demonstration of experience.
  • Practicum: observation of the work of the trainee.
  • Feedback with the trainee, reporting.

Business letters. Written communications. telephone etiquette

  • Business correspondence as a way of corporate communication.
  • Style and structure of a business letter.
  • Key principles for writing business letters.
  • Types of business letters
  • Code of Business Correspondence. Templates and design standards.
  • Features of the language of business corporate correspondence.
  • Methods for constructing a business letter. Technology and business letters concept.
  • Common mistakes in the language and style of business correspondence.
  • Building relationships through business correspondence.
  • Psychological methods of influence in business correspondence.
  • Psychology of perception of a written appeal, how to make the right impression, attract and retain the attention of the addressee.
  • Business correspondence as a tool for achieving business goals.
  • Intra-corporate correspondence.
  • Business correspondence as an element of the company's image.
  • Features of business correspondence with foreign partners.
  • Standards and clichés of international correspondence.
  • Business etiquette of written communications.
  • Basic standards of professional telephone communication. Features of a business telephone conversation. Basic requirements of etiquette for conducting. business telephone conversation. Telephone etiquette. Characteristics of "bad" and "good" voices. Preparation of a telephone conversation, composition. Method of "telephone smile".
  • The speed and rhythm of telephone communication, the manner of communication, emotions in communication. Pauses. Habitual expressions. Techniques for prompt response to incoming phone calls. Listening is an important part of telephone communication. Calls incoming and outgoing. Personal calls.
  • Troubled telephone conversations. Shortcomings in telephone communication, negatively affecting the image of the company. Mobile phone etiquette.
  • Practicum: Work with voice (intonation, timbre, rate of speech, articulation).
  • The culture of speech is the basis of business communication. Basic requirements for the culture of speech. Rules of oral speech. Forms of courtesy.
  • Types of appeals, final words. How to avoid negligence and formality. Accounting for the official status, the specifics of the addressee's business in telephone communication (VIP - status, permanent partner, good friend, etc.). Etiquette speech situations: congratulations, greetings, invitations, apologies, image. Techniques for effective presentation of information.
  • Psychological features of establishing contact with a partner. "I-approach" and "You-approach" are the basic rules for the implementation of the "You-approach" and the creation of "You-messages". Receptions of "attachment" to the addressee. How to create a positive tone of conversation. How to communicate negative information in a positive way. Speech standards for conducting a business conversation on the phone. The art of the compliment. Socialite talk. Forbidden topics for small talk.
  • digital etiquette. Communication using digital tools: Internet, intranet, instant messengers, social networks.

Lie recognition. Negotiating Power

  • What is a lie. Why do people cheat. Forms and types of lies. The indicative fade point is the point at which the deception begins.
  • The frequency and depth of breathing, swallowing, the intensity of sweating and other manifestations of the autonomic nervous system, which must be taken into account to determine the truth.
  • Mimic signs of deception. Microexpressions.
  • Signs of falsification of emotions. Using a simulator program to determine emotions.
  • Body language (poses, gestures, location in space) and its interpretation.
  • Verbal (verbal) signs of deception, speech patterns.
  • Individual differences to be taken into account when recognizing lies.
  • The basic line of human behavior and deviations from it.
  • Differences in lie detection methods depending on when the interlocutor knows / does not know that he is a suspect.
  • Designing targeted questions to test hypotheses.
  • Lie detection in a telephone conversation. Lie detection by written text. Mistakes and precautions in detecting lies.
  • Analysis of video and photographic materials of speeches of famous people (politicians and TV journalists, artists).
  • Rules for conducting a conversation, survey. Sequence of questions, points of interest and other methods of adjustment to the interlocutor.
  • Algorithm for improving the skill of diagnosing lies.

01/30/2015, Fri, 17:01, Msk

The hiring of each new contact center operator requires the company to spend additional costs on its training. The larger the business becomes and the further the tasks of the contact center expand, the more employees should be. In this case, the satisfaction of the operator himself and his commitment to the company become one of the important factors for a high level of customer service. Optimally scheduling contact center leaders employ a range of strategies to retain talent that help reduce operating costs and increase business profitability.

In order for contact center employees to work efficiently and increase their loyalty, there are several strategies that can be conditionally divided into groups. The first group includes strategies for organizing the work of employees that will help them to perform their work more productively without being annoyed by the imperfection of the organization of the process. One of these strategies is the use of subscriber data when processing a call.

Information to help

Timely identification of the client, the history of his calls and requests, the details of what products and services he used before, allow you to correctly route the call, speed up and optimize the process of processing the application. This information must be in front of the operator's eyes even before the client utters the first word. It provides an answer to the main question: how best to handle a given call, email, or any other type of request.

Modern special systems are able to identify a subscriber by phone number or e-mail address, so that the next time his call is automatically directed to the operator who has already worked with him. There are additional features that allow you to collect more detailed information about the client. For example, the integration of contact center information systems with CRM (customer relationship management) or ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems. Thanks to the use of the call history of the subscriber, as well as the data of the self-service system and voice menus, the operator receives the most correct communication scenario. In addition, the response time to a call is reduced and the productivity of each of the specialists is increased.

Another strategy of the first group calls for taking advantage of self-service services (IVR). Well-designed IVRs can help improve overall contact center productivity and reduce costs. IVR provides the most requested information to the client automatically, without the participation of operators. As a result, the number of lost calls is reduced and the turnover of employees who get tired of dull routine work is reduced. According to experts, IVR accounts for an average of up to 70% of all calls received by the contact center.

Self-service services help collect data for accurate call routing, segmentation, and call prioritization. The information collected by IVR, together with customer data held in CRM and ERP systems, helps the contact center direct the call to the right agent who specializes in the customer's problem. This fact is important not only for the client, who will not be passed along the chain from one employee to another, but also for the operator, who can immediately help without feeling hurt because of not knowing the answer.


The distribution of types of interaction by time and place is also strategically important. In any contact center there are periods of peak load and periods of decline. The hours of the minimum load can be planned, but the time of the greatest load is more difficult to predict.

Modern personnel management systems are designed to smooth out such unevenness. So, during the period of demand decline, they will allow redistributing customer calls between operators of varying degrees of preparedness and professional level. As a result, the operator, without spending time waiting, can perform the so-called temporary work, which is carried out on ordinary days by other groups of employees. For example, when the number of incoming voice calls drops, freelancers can switch to web chat and email, sales, product updates, and customer surveys. In this case, it is important to create a single queue for processing subscribers' requests, regardless of the channel and the list of priority tasks.

Despite the fact that each contact center has uniform service standards, there are situations when it is necessary to pay special attention to one or another subscriber. For example, calls from customers with late payments should be handled with a higher priority. This is where a human resource management system comes in handy.

During peak periods, such systems can keep track of the operator's busy time, and when he is released from the call, give him a lighter task than the previous request. In addition, such solutions can track seasonal and temporary fluctuations in the load of operators, predict the daily and long-term load on the lines of the contact center.

Following the principle of reducing financial costs, you can divide the operators into groups responsible for incoming and outgoing calls. It is the dynamic distribution of calls, adjusted depending on the current situation in the contact center, that allows you to optimize the workload of each specialist and thereby increase the level of customer service. At the same time, the personnel management system will also take into account the individual characteristics of each employee: the time of his adaptation, restructuring from servicing an incoming call to making an outgoing call.

Technical little things for a big deal

The group of technical solutions designed to optimize the work of a specialist includes the strategy of virtualization of the contact center. IP-telephony opens up great opportunities: the initial distribution of the call occurs in a clear dependence on the needs of the subscriber and the current load of the contact center. Also, the use of IP-telephony will allow using the resources of regional companies to process calls.

IP-technologies can help solve the problem of building a multi-level system of technical support for subscribers. The presence of uniform standards allows you to connect to the work of internal corporate tools from other developers of hardware and software.

Another strategy for working with contact center employees and increasing their loyalty allows you to choose a personal operator for each client. The possibilities of personalization services open up new prospects for the development of the contact center - calls are sent to those operators who are best able to handle them. Routing rules in this case are based on data on language skills, the results of completed trainings, the level of competence for each channel of interaction, etc. Also, personalization services can send a repeat call to the operator who has previously communicated with the subscriber via any communication channel.

Repetitive work reduces the motivation of employees, which, in turn, can lead to negative consequences such as failure to meet financial and operational forecasts, staff turnover, reduced customer satisfaction, etc. This is where the diversity strategy of the workload of specialists should be applied. With its help, such risks can be minimized by integrating call routing systems and personnel management systems. Thus, it will be possible to make the processing of requests as flexible as possible.

soulful approach

Working from home is perhaps the best possible scenario for increasing employee satisfaction and maintaining their loyalty to the company. This approach fits into the strategy of using the possibility of "home support".

Using the advantages of IP telephony, broadband Internet access, etc., several groups of tasks can be implemented at once. First, it reduces the cost of renting office space. Also, “home support” can lead to a decrease in the number of absenteeism and lateness, a decrease in overtime accrual for hourly wages, as well as an improvement in business continuity.

Secondly, it can become a kind of encouragement for contact center employees. Other benefits include the absence of travel time, reduced transport costs and increased time spent with family. In addition, if it is necessary to stay at home, an employee can perform work partially or to a lesser extent, receiving a salary adequate to the load for this.

The next strategy for organizing the work of agents is to optimize their performance indicators. Most contact center employees believe that their personal contribution to the quality of the service provided cannot affect the business of the company or partner. At the same time, not all managers attach importance to personalized statistics. Meanwhile, the principle of using only averages can do a disservice, leading to a sharp decrease in the quality of service.

The KPI measurement system will always rely primarily on performance metrics. This should take into account such business indicators as the impact on profitability and contribution to the achievement of corporate goals. These indicators can be displayed in the measurement system both for each individual employee and for a group of operators performing the same tasks.

Another strategy is to combine supportive processes across enterprises and contact centers. This is the only way to provide a fully controlled execution of complex client requests. Today it is difficult to imagine a company without automated workflow. But often some processes still use documents in paper form (primary processing, categorization of informal requests, the reverse process of generating documentation, etc.), and this leads to bloat in the staff in the operational departments of enterprises. Therefore, the ability to involve specialists in the period of their low workload in solving such problems can not only increase the coefficient of useful employment of contact center employees, but also improve the overall efficiency of business processes of companies.

The concept of a contact center focused more on efficiency and quality of service than on quantitative call handling should take into account that focusing on the personal achievements of each agent is one of the most important points in the work. And, ultimately, all the concepts cited as an example will allow both reducing the operating costs of the contact center itself and increasing customer loyalty, thereby bringing only benefits to the business.

Recent studies show that customer satisfaction continues to decline. Call centers in the mainstream are becoming associated with long periods of waiting for a phone call to be answered, and complaints are on the rise. Call processing is carried out by third-party organizations (outsourcing) on ​​the grounds that in this area of ​​business attention is no longer focused on competent communication with customers. One might get the idea that the new kind of competence with clients is to get at their money and run away with it. Service has become so far removed from the overall business model that the customer service system is considered in the budgets of companies as an expense item comparable in level to the cost of cleaning the premises and garbage collection. I don't exaggerate.

What happened to the good old business sense that allowed top-level managers to instinctively know that a satisfied and satisfied customer today is the source of tomorrow's income?

Do managerial bosses professing the Soviet style of work really stifle customer service?

During the Cold War, we Westerners had a lot of fun and mocked the Soviet principles of management - as one of my graduate work at the university, I described the Soviet shoe factory, which for 5 years in a row was in the lead in the report of the central office of the State Planning Committee in Moscow for the reason that that she constantly fulfilled or exceeded the plan in terms of the number of products produced. My contribution to science, reflected in this work, was to prove that the success of the director of a shoe factory lay in the idea that dawned on him at the dawn of his career to equip all produced shoes with five-centimeter-thick rubber soles. This simple trick made it possible to increase the weight of shoes and consistently exceed the production indicator - "the weight of shipped shoes, in tons" year after year. And no one has ever wondered whether it was possible to sell such shoes, and for what money.

It may seem that the West is now applying the same practice in the provision of services. The focus on Quantity and disregard for Quality has removed the Call Center from playing any significant role in the business model of its sponsoring organization; therefore, it can be understood that it is unreasonable to pay a lot for such services, and for reasons of economy, management prefers outsourcing services.

Idiot Quantities Used by Suppliers

The day that Call Center management believed in the idea that the statistical characteristics of the Center's activities, necessary for optimizing personnel management and call processing, are the Key Indicators on the basis of which it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness and contribution to the overall result of the Center's business, on the very one day we allowed ourselves to adopt the Soviet principles of management, and the Soviet Bell Factory was born. Solution providers of that time (1985-2000) were able to provide data solely on the quantitative characteristics of the calls themselves, and not on the return on calls. A "good" manager was able to squeeze as many handled calls out of agents as possible and keep each call to the optimum length by rewarding his agents for appropriate behavior. As a result, the Call Center lost sight of the interests of customers and lost its first, vital purpose - providing continuous customer support. More and more new technologies were being developed by vendors that increasingly turned agents from proud and driven team members who contributed to the company's revenue into headless talking puppets solely interested in making as many calls as possible in a day and reducing the duration of each call to a minimum. All of this was accompanied by claims from suppliers of efficiency gains and cost reductions.

In reality, "we, in the Soviet way, excluded the client from the formula for the provision of services."

Really Bad Call Centers

The most reliable way to gauge how successful call center management is in applying Soviet management practices is to look at employee drain data.

  • In the Slave Galley Call Center, staff turnover was between 15% and 35% per year.
  • In the Call-center "Poisoner" (Toxic), this figure ranged from 35% to 70% per year.
  • In the Gulag Call Center, which is now regularly rearing its ugly head in India, this figure reaches 70% per year.

Is it any wonder that even the most staunch supporters of the use of "Indian outsourcing" have difficulty achieving the promised cost reduction - Indians are proud of what they do and prefer to quit, but not to submit to the style of Call Center management in the form that is now practiced in many centers in India.

The Coming Resurgence of Call Centers - Focus on the Customer It's easy to find examples of poor customer service - let's take a look at companies that provide truly outstanding service.
  • Toyota Motor Company - Since 1988, Toyota has consistently proven to be number 1 in every market into which the corporation's products are imported. In a recent EU study, Toyota ranked first in every country except Sweden, where it finished second. Curiously, compared to other brands, the owner of Toyota is more likely to repurchase the product of this brand. The list was topped by Japanese and Korean car manufacturers. At the bottom of the list, slightly outperforming Fiat, were GM, Ford, and Chrysler Benz. The good news is that a high level of service means better earnings and higher profits.
  • Dell Computer - being the world's largest manufacturer of personal computers today, the company at the same time receives outstanding profits. Cost-cutting connoisseurs would argue that the reason for this success lies in Dell's inventory-rejecting business model. They are wrong. Ever since his first interview, Michael Dell has been determined to exceed customer expectations, and Dell Computers' achievements are based on his undying commitment to delivering superior service and a deep understanding of the importance of customer satisfaction to the company's future earnings.
I'm sure Tom Peters or a Harvard University professor will soon publish a study on the impact of customer service on profits in the spirit of the PIMS (Profit Impact Marketing Strategies) of the 1980s. Assessment of factors significant for the Call-center

So we know that management wants "satisfied customers who make more frequent purchases at a lower price." We also know what brings satisfaction to customers - "solving problems on the first call" and "talking with a really useful and interesting interlocutor."

Adopting key evaluation criteria that reflect such call outcomes does not require a high investment in IT - it only requires doing some preparatory work and understanding each process that contributes to the integration of the Call Center with the client, and how these processes actually work. A process map that shows how your customers interact with your organization is the key to first call resolution. Processes that interfere with problem solving on the first call should be reviewed and adjusted. This is not easy, but necessary, and gives the first key indicator - 90% of all calls deliver satisfaction to the client, regardless of who received the call.

Not only will your customers be happy, your employees will also thrive and your costs will drop dramatically: at least 25% of your overhead costs are directly related to the failure of the first call to solve a problem, and in addition, 20% of your total number of calls will disappear because customers do not have to call back.

Now you are ready to move on to the second evaluation criterion - 90% of all calls are answered by a live employee within 20 seconds.

This concept is incompatible with using IVR to artificially inflate service levels. However, IVR can and should be used to help those customers who are interested in self-service. Don't force this feature on customers to save money; instead offer it as a convenient option.

For starters, a score of 90-90 would be the best estimate of your call center performance.

Call Center Optimization

Use analytical methods to evaluate the results of calls. This will allow you to examine the data slices captured and stored by your systems and classify calls according to their impact. A quality management tool like this will help you document and quantify the extent to which a Call Center adds value to an organization's REAL business model and help you develop business model-specific benchmarks.

The process of getting rid of the Idiot Quantities Used by Suppliers can take quite a long time, but I hope you now realize that you, as a manager, do not need to adhere to Soviet-style manufacturing priorities in order to succeed. It is enough to follow the customers and the attitude towards them.

Nils Kjellerup
The original version of the article is on the site