Computer won't boot ntldr is missing. NTLDR is Missing - What to do with Windows? Boot record corruption

There are several different ways in which the "NTLDR is Missing" error can be presented to the user:

NTLDR is missing
Press any key to restart

NTLDR is missing
Press Ctrl Alt Del to restart

Boot: Couldn't find NTLDR
Please insert another disk

The "NTLDR is Missing" error in Windows operating systems is shown immediately after the computer starts to start, when it passes the POST test.

What are the causes of the NTLDR is Missing error?

There are several possible causes of the NTLDR is Missing error, but the most common cause is the inability to boot from your hard drive, optical drive, or flash drive, whichever you are going to boot your computer from. Other causes include broken or incorrect files, bad sectors on the hard drive, an outdated BIOS, or a damaged or badly connected IDE cable that connects the hard drive to the motherboard. This error applies to the Windows XP operating system because Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista use BOOTMGR and not NTLDR. Therefore, in the latest, earlier operating systems, a similar error sounds like .

How to fix NTLDR is Missing error?

  1. Restart your computer as the "NTLDR is Missing" error may be random.
  2. Disable unnecessary hard drives, optical drives and flash cards, since NTLDR is Missing often appears when the computer tries to boot from a non-Windows boot media (mostly your hard drive), for example, from some kind of floppy disk, disk or flash drive . If you find that this is the cause of the error, then you should change the boot order in the BIOS to set the Windows hard drive to boot first.
  3. Check the hard drive and drive settings in the BIOS to make sure they are correct. If you are at a loss with this, it is useful to know that there is an automatic configuration for the BIOS, which, as a rule, works correctly. Apply Auto setting or as they are usually called default settings if you don't know what to do.
  4. Restoring NTLDR and files from a Windows XP boot disk. Restoring these two important files from the original Windows XP disc may solve the problem.
  5. Correct or replace the boot.ini file. This will prevent an NTLDR error if this file is the cause of the problem.
  6. Write a new boot sector to the Windows XP system partition.
  7. Restoring Windows XP Master Boot Record. If the master boot record is corrupted, then this results in an error.
  8. Reinstall all drive cables in the system unit. The NTLDR error is often caused by a loose IDE cable. It is also recommended to try to replace the IDE cable if you suspect it is defective.
  9. Update your motherboard BIOS. Sometimes an outdated BIOS version can cause an NTLDR Is Missing error.
  10. Perform a Windows XP installation repair( repair installation of Windows XP). This will replace any damaged files.
  11. If everything does not help, then you will have to execute. Although this is a laborious process, it will almost certainly solve all NTLDR problems. In doing so, you may lose your data. Therefore, try to backup or at least pull out your data using a boot disk with a truncated OS on board.
  12. If the error remains after a clean install of Windows XP, then you have a problem with the boot sector of the hard drive and it needs to be replaced.

These are the steps you need to take to fix the NTLDR Is Missing error. Perhaps not all possible solutions are listed here, therefore I will be glad to see the methods you have tried in the comments.

Hello, friends! Working for a long time at the computer, users periodically have to deal with various system errors. Moreover, these errors are usually different, as are the reasons for their appearance, starting from which minor problems appear when working with files, and ending with, after which the system does not boot at all.

Of course, ordinary users cannot know how to fix absolutely, for this there are such as ours, where you can find a step-by-step guide to getting rid of any problem. So, join us by mail or RSS subscription, and also, you can use group in VK.

And in order to keep my word that you can really find absolutely any solution on the sites, I have prepared another article on how you can get rid of another problem called: "NTLDR is missing error". Most often this problem appears on the good old Windows XP, but since many people still use it, my advice will be very relevant today.

Causes of the NTLDR is missing error

Let's take a look at what causes the NTLDR is missing error to appear on system boot.

In general, the fact is that during turning on the computer, a file called NTLDR is required for a full download. But, at the moment when, at a certain stage, the OS tries to access this file, a message appears with the phrase, which, translated into Russian, means that this file is not on the hard disk. As a result, Windows XP (7) cannot boot to full operation.

I think everything is clear with the reason, let's move on, directly, to how you can deal with the NTLDR is missing error. As I said before, users who use Windows XP most often encounter this, so all examples and screenshots (pictures) will be given specifically for this operating system.

Eliminate NTLDR is missing by replacing the file

I’ll start with perhaps the most reliable method, which is one hundred percent working and a win-win option, which, by the way, has already been tested by me more than once when eliminating the “NTLDR is missing” error.

In general, we need to copy the NTLDR file from any similar system and put it on our C:\ drive. Based on my personal experience, I can say that after placing the “NTLDR” file in the system drive, Windows started loading, as always, and this worked in 99% of cases.

If you already have a finished disk, then we find any computer or laptop with a similar system and insert the CD there and boot from it, .

In the booted system, immediately go to " My computer» –> « Local drive C:", and here we copy the file " ntldr» to your flash drive and go to our computer.

With our PC, the procedure is the same, we inserted the disk, set the boot priority and boot from the LiveCD.

In the booted system, go to the local disk with our Windows and put the file that you saved on the USB flash drive there.

After restarting the PC, the system should boot in its usual state, and the error “NTLDR is missing” will disappear forever.

Fixing an error using the Windows XP installation disc

So, the second option is that we will copy the files we need directly from the Windows XP installation disk, using the recovery string for this. I consider this option to be more difficult because not all users like to get into any console settings, and some are generally afraid to do something wrong. But, anyway, I think that this method is one of the “must have” category, which will definitely come in handy as an alternative.

Okay, less words, let's get straight to the point. We insert the disk with Windows XP into the drive and boot from it. the same window will appear as in the standard installation of Windows XP. But, however, this time we will not choose the installation, but the second item by pressing the "R" key, which will launch the recovery line.

A black screen and several lines will appear on the screen. First, the console will determine how many OSes are installed on our computer and will offer to choose the one with which we will work. Usually, only one is displayed for everyone, as shown in the screenshot below.

All we need to do to select is to press the key on the keyboard with number one and confirm selection Enter ».

Further, we simply prescribe all the commands that I will indicate below. I think you noticed that at the beginning of each line is displayed " C:\Windows", which means that we are on drive C: in the system folder" Windows". We need to go one directory above, namely, directly to the disk " C:\". To do this, we write the command " cd ... ”, where cd means changing directory, and two dots mean moving one directory up. That is, we switched from C:\Windows" V " WITH:\". I hope you understand what the point is.

You may have noticed that the beginning of the line has changed from " WITH:\" on " D:\”, indicating that we are now in the right place for us. So, now we write three letters " dir ", which will allow us to see the contents of the disk from which we are interested in the folder " i386”, It is in it that the file lies, which will help us get rid of the error “NTLDR is missing”, so go to this folder with the command “ cd i386 ».

If you enter again " dir " you can find the "ntldr" file from a huge list, which we will copy. But, this procedure is not required, so you can go directly to the next step if you wish.

The final command that we will need to write looks like this:

copy ntldr c:

A message should appear that " 1 file copied", namely the one that we indicated above (ntldr). Now, close the recovery prompt and restart the PC. At the next boot, instead of the “NTLDR is missing” error, the desktop and its usual state should appear.

I think this is enough, although I assure you everything has always worked for me with the first option, with which I dealt with the “NTLDR is missing” error in a jiffy, while spending only a few minutes. Therefore, we try, if something does not work out, ask questions in the comments and, as always, I will answer you and try to help! Good luck!!!

NTLDR is missing, what should I do?

Hello everyone, dear friends! Today I tried to turn on my computer, but it didn’t work, some incomprehensible inscription appeared something like this: “NTLDR is missing”, I don’t even have a clue what it is and why my computer stopped booting. I have a lot of important information on my computer, have I really lost everything now?? Help me please!

It is these letters that I have recently begun to receive on my e-mail from many users, with a plea for help. Well, let's figure out what actually causes the appearance of such an inscription when the operating system tries to boot successfully.

An error - NTLDR is missing of this kind occurs extremely rarely, but not every user can cope with it. The first thing that comes to the mind of the user after several attempts to reboot is reinstalling the operating system (OS). This is long, and sometimes unprofitable, because there may be important files on the system disk. In today's article, I will tell you how to deal with the error without reinstalling the system. The methods are suitable for all current versions of Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10).

And there are several reasons for the appearance of "NTLDR is missing":

- corrupted boot files of the system;

- conflict due to the installation of another OS;

— installation of an additional hard drive;

NTLDR is missing What to do?

Hardware failure.

Reasons #1 and #2 - Boot File Corruption

So, instead of loading Windows, the error "NTLDR is missing" appeared. In the event that an error appears due to damage to boot files or a conflict between two systems, these methods will help you. Check if you have a Windows installation disc or flash drive currently on your computer.

If there is no disk, then check out the following article, from which you will learn how to create such a disk or flash drive:

If the cherished flash drive or CD / DVD is present, then the sequence of actions for Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1.10 is as follows:

1. We restart the computer and insert the disk or USB flash drive.

2. Now we need to set the boot priority from the media, and not from the hard drive. To do this, you need to go into the BIOS and set the "boot priority" on CD-ROM or USB. On almost all modern computers, you can get into the "Boot Menu" without going into the BIOS. Try pressing F8/F9/F10 during boot. Then if it didn’t work with “F8”, then reboot and press “F9”. You can read more details

3. If the priority is set, then the download will already be from the disk. We are waiting for the installer to perform automatic operations. The installer will offer you two options: install a new system or restore the current one. Select "Restore current" and wait for completion. Done, problem solved.

Note for Windows XP users.

We carry out the first two points of the instruction located above. As soon as the installer starts, we immediately start pressing the "R" button - do not be afraid to overdo it. You will be given a list of OSes that need to be restored. We select the desired system (for this, the installer may ask you to press the number and Enter) and confirm your actions with the "Y" and "Enter" keys. The last action is a set of commands FIXBOOT And FIXMBR- the procedure is shown in the screenshots below.

What if the above actions did not lead to a positive result?

If the commands did not return the files, then you need to go the other way - using the same recovery console. Our task is to copy two files from your Windows boot disk. Using the "copy" command, we transfer the files "NTDETECT.COM" and "NTLDR".

To do this, you need to register this in the recovery console: copy »

Where is the location of the file or folder to be copied;

is the path of the location where the copied files should be placed.

Actions on the command line will look like this:

copy f:\i386\ntldr e:\

copy f:\i386\ c:\

In commands, "f:\" means the letter of your Windows boot drive;

"c:\" is the address of the drive where the operating system is located.

Perhaps you have it on drive "d", and not on "C" - fix it. Also the name of the CD/DVD may be different. Check this data and write two simple commands - the problem will definitely be solved.

Reason #3 – Active Disk Change

After installing an additional hard drive, the error most often occurs due to incorrect user actions. The already familiar recovery console and the standard DiskPart utility, which is launched using the command diskpart on the command line.

When the utility starts, proceed as follows:

Enter the list disk command - you will see a list of hard drives that are connected to the computer.

If only one disk is present, the program will display disk0.

We need to enter the command "select disk 0" to select the disk with the operating system to boot.

After selecting the disk, we drive in the “list partition” command to display a list of partitions on the disk.

We select the partition with the operating system, it is most often signed "select partition 1".

To complete the procedure, enter the command "active". Done, the partition with the operating system is again the main one - reboot and use it.

Reason #4 - hardware failure

If the instructions described above did not help, then there was a failure in the hardware component of the personal computer. The hard drive or motherboard controller, which is responsible for the operation and recognition of hard drives, can fail. Most often this problem occurs on older hardware. But still, if a breakdown occurs, then there is usually only one way out - replacing the faulty equipment. In some cases, craftsmen repair or replace only the failed item.

Concluding the article, I would like to add that if the problem still turned out to be corrupted boot files, and the Windows disk was not found, then you will have to go for another one. The main thing is that the version of the operating system on the disk matches the Windows installed on your computer.

That's all for today, how do you like the article? If you have any questions wishes, then ask them in the comments!

In the event that you have not encountered an error in the NTLDR is missing system during Windows boot, I can sincerely envy you. According to its law of meanness, this mistake is at the most inconvenient and inopportune moment. As a result, Windows stops loading and can only sigh.

Most users in this case begin to reinstall the system. If you look at it from one side, this is a pretty reasonable and logical step - to format the partition with the system again, reinstall all programs, etc. But what if there is no time to reinstall the system, or is there important information on the disk?

A black screen and an inscription on the screen “NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl + Alt + Del” simply means that The OS loader on the computer has lost access to boot files, so it cannot load Windows. True, this is already a consequence of the failure. But what is the root cause? There may be several reasons for the appearance of the inscription NTLDR is missing. Here are the most common:

Computer hardware problems

Screen caption NTLDR is missing - malfunctions in the operation of the hardware elements of the computer- problems with the hard drive or with the motherboard, which is responsible for the operation and connection of the hard drive. A common cause on older machines, unfortunately. In this case, often the only solution is to replace the device - the motherboard or hard drive.

Connected a new hard drive?

In addition, the reason for the appearance of the inscription "NTLDR is missing" is the connection of a new hard drive. Having connected a new hard drive to the system, many people do not set the correct boot order for the system from hard drives. In this case, the bootloader will try to boot the system from a new disk, but if the program could not find the necessary files, the message “NTLDR is missing” will appear.

Solving this problem is simple - for this you should restart your computer. If standard inscriptions appear on the screen of your computer, press the Del button (In most cases), or F2, depending on the BIOS version. Next, the Hard Disk Boot Priority item will help you a lot. Usually, it is located in the Advanced BIOS Features section. In this place, you need to set your old hard drive to be the first to boot and then press F10.

Installation conflict

Also, a common cause of "NTLDR is missing" is the installation of a new operating system and the resulting conflict. In this case, the solution will be this: We are looking for a disk with Windows, put it in the drive and try to boot from it. If this boot disk is Windows XP, then after the inscription appears, press the R button. After that, the system recovery console will appear. In this console, press the number that corresponds to your boot partition.

  • Next, enter fixboot and fixmbr: If you have Windows 7 or 8 on your disk - after the window with the "Install" button appears, in the lower left corner of the system, look for a link to restore the entire system. After that, "System Recovery Options" will open. Here you need to select "Command Prompt". Next, a command prompt will open in recovery mode. Two commands must be written on the command line using the bootrec: command interpreter. With it, restore the boot record and the Windows boot sector.
  • Another option would be to copy the and Ntldr files from the computer, or copy them from the Windows disk in the i386 folder. To install them to the root of the computer partition, you will need to boot from some kind of bootable USB flash drive or LiveCD. Also, you can go to the system recovery console and then select from send commands: cd (CD_disk) cd i386 copy ntldr (boot_disk) copy (boot_disk) exit.

The fourth reason for the appearance of the inscription NTLDR is missing - are corrupted Ntldr and library files They can be corrupted both by malware and by the user's hands. In any case, there is only one way out - it is necessary to restore system data and files. For this, a method from those described above, in reason No. 3, is well suited. In addition, it is good advice to check your hard drive with an antivirus if possible.