Allsubmitter description. My detailed instructions for semi-automatic registration with Allsubmitter

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Grouped frequently asked questions by application

  1. General issues

    1.4. The program writes an error "no connection to the database"

  2. Project creation

    2.1. Why do you need additional fields? What to write in them?

  3. Working with the base

    3.1. How to install the TOP Database update

    3.3. How to find out how many catalogs with a car, how many with smart registration

    3.4. How to use database search

    3.5. How to filter and form a sample of the database according to your own, certain, necessary parameters

    3.6. How can you simultaneously change a parameter on all sites at once in a massive manner across the entire database or for the required part of the database?

    3.7. How to build your own base?

  4. Registration and reports

    4.1. At the time of registration, I try to select the necessary categories of the database, but it does not work - they are not selected. And the check mark is not removed from the previously selected

    4.2. Writes - "there are no more sites to register"

    4.3. How can I add or edit information in a project during semi-automatic registration?

    4.4. How can I save reports on the current registration in Allsubmitter? How do I turn off the program and the computer?

    4.5. During semi-automatic registration, no field is filled in the site form. What to do?

    4.6. During the semi-automatic registration, a website page with no forms at all was opened

    4.7. How do I know how many sites I still have to register?

    4.8. What if, during semi-automatic registration, some catalogs quickly register themselves, without my participation, I do not have time to check and press the button?

    4.9. Working with captcha

    4.10. Problems with WISIWYG editor (visual text editor) and javascript forms

  5. Explanation of some terms, functions, menu items of the Allsubmitter program
  6. P.S. where to write with questions that are not covered here

    1. General questions:

    1.1. What happens if my computer or Windows crashes? What will happen to Allsubmitter and the key?

    First try to install the program and activate it on a new computer. If, when installing on a new computer after what happened to the previous one, you do not activate Allsubmitter with the same key, then you need to write to the support service at

    First, it is imperative to register there again (despite the fact that when you purchased you were already registered on the site itself) and specifically and accurately state the problem and that you need to untie the key from the old computer.

    And be sure to indicate all your data - login, e-mail, which were used for the purchase, and the key itselfto be untied.

    Communicate only in the support system - do not respond to mail notifications about a response in the system.

    1.2. I want to reinstall Allsubmitter on another computer

    No more than once a month, it is possible to independently transfer the program, if desired, from one computer to another.

    After that, install the program on the second computer, activate it with the same key, and again import your databases and projects. If for some reason the program is still not activated, see paragraph 1.1.

    1.3. How to update Allsubmitter to a new version?

    When buying for exactly 1 year, you are provided with a free software update.When the developers release an update, the program itself will prompt you to download it at startup. Or, if you canceled the notifications or want to do it yourself, go to

    In order to update Allsubmitter, download it and run the installation, installing it in the same folder as the previous version. Activate with the same key.

    If a year has passed unnoticed by you and when installing a new version of Allsubmitter, it is not activated, but you have no desire or opportunity to extend the updates right now, write to me, I will help, I will give the previous version of the program!

    1.4. Writes an error "There is no connection with the database"

    If you have such an error, go to the "Settings" - "Program parameters" section of the menu and manually specify the path to the alsubmitter.fdb file there.

    I have a default path to the database:

    C: \\ Users \\ Public \\ Documents \\ AllSubmitter \\ db \\ allsubmitter.fdb

    1.5. Use the "keyboard shortcuts"!

    You can view them, as well as assign and reassign your own, in the "Settings" - "Shortcuts" menu. They greatly speed up the work.

    2. Project creation:

    2.1. Why do we need "additional fields" in the last tab when creating a project? What to write in them?

    This issue is discussed in sufficient detail in (see the file in the instructions and recommendations from the TOP Base).

    Additional fields are needed for any information that may be needed to be entered into the form fields during registration, but in Allsubmitter there is no standard fields.

    It can be:

    2.2. How to write keywords in the "keywords" field

    This field is required by your site directories, in order to then display your site when someone searches them in their search. Because catalogs are all different, then their principles, search algorithms are different and it is impossible to give any exact recommendation. It is impossible to say for sure about this field, it is better to write in the singular or plural, whether to use declensions, whether to repeat the main keyword in phrases, etc. - all directories have their own algorithms.

    Therefore, there are often different requirements for this field - somewhere they require a space, somewhere a comma, somewhere 3 words, somewhere up to 500 characters. Most often it is separated by commas, up to 250 characters.

    Therefore, this field is not so important, but still it should not be neglected.

    Here you need to write those words that people can drive into a directory search.

    These should be the enlarged words of your industry, their various synonymsthat are not necessarily found on your site (these are not META-keywords on your site, where only those words that are found on this page of yours are needed).

    Those. (for example) do not buy an asus laptop, asus laptop dealer in moscow
    and a computer, laptop, asus, asus, computer hardware, etc.

    2.3. What is the difference in the "Generator of values" "Generate" and "Generate 2"

    Generation mode 2 is almost completely similar to the generation mode, there is only one difference before generation a form will appear in which you can specify the percentage of similarity and the size of the shingle.

    3. Working with the base:

    3.1. How to install the TOP Database update

    There are 2 options for the Allsubmitter program, how to update the TOP Base (or any other base with categories)

    1. Delete the old database and put a new one from scratch, entirely, in one file with subcategories. (at the same time, for sure, you will not have the history of registering past projects, since I supply the base to you, with my own settings).

    2. Place only the necessary parts of the base pointwise from the archive "TOP Base divided into more than 800 subcategories." Only what you didn't have before

    Most often, it is more convenient to use option number 1- install a complete base from scratch in the form of one file (which itself is imported with an extended structure). To do this, first remove the old, previous version and install a new one.

    The second option for updating the database - in parts... You take the category or sub-subcategory of the base you need and put it either cleanly (but then the history of your registrations will probably not be saved either), to a place cleared of the old base, or to the same part of the base.

    In the second case, if you import from above onto the already existing part of the database, corrected by you in the course of work, then your settings will remain, but my new database can only add new resources to you, but will not exclude from your database those that I cleaned up in the new update.

    In order to add only new sites in this case (when updating only one part of the database) - i.e. those that were not in the previous given part of the database, and not my entire part of the database from the update, do not forget to leave the checkboxes "Exclude domain duplication", "exclude duplicate links".

    In general, unfortunately, the program does not provide other options (perhaps not yet), so decide for yourself what is best and more convenient for you from what you can do.


    1. Removing the old database
    If you try to simply delete the entire database with subcategories at once, the program will swear at inability to delete a category with data.

    Data is the sites contained in a category.

    In this way,

    to delete the previous base you need:

    A. Remove all sites from the database.

    To do this, you need to "stand" with the cursor on the main category containing all subcategories - TOP Base or whatever you call it. The checkbox "Show with subcategories" must be pressed (it is located immediately under the "Categories" block).

    Go to the area with sites and press Ctrl + A or right-click to bring up the menu - select "Select All", then in the same menu with the right mouse button - "Delete" (ie not the Del button, which offers to delete sites in black the list, but simply in the menu on the right click of the mouse - "Delete").

    Right-click on the TOP Base category and select "Delete with subcategories".

    2. Installing a new base

    Remove the first two ticks- "Eliminate duplicate links" and "Eliminate duplicate domains"

    Put the third checkmark from the bottom - "Import to database using categories".

    3.2. How to back up project and database data (to transfer, for example, to your home computer)

    The answer to the question "If I work with the same projects at home and in the office, what do I need to copy each time?"

    There are two options:

    1. You can make a backup copy of the allsubmitter.fdb database, - in the "Settings" menu - "Backup", and at work restore from a backup.

    When restoring, all the data of the old database is lost, so ALL information will be identical to the home one.

    2. You can in the "Project Manager" section in the left column in the "Export / Import" block, save the desired project to archive - "Save project to archive", and restore at work - "Create project from archive".

    3.3. How to find out how many catalogs with cars, how many with smart registration?

    This can be viewed in the "Directory Base" section in the list of sites. Among the speakers there is a column "Automatic. reg. "

    Black check marks - sites where you can register automatically
    Gray - smart registration (sites that have already been passed at least once on a semi-automatic machine and all or most of the forms are recognized)
    No tick - the site has not been passed in the Allsubmitter program, i.e. "Zero"

    In this column, you can sort the entire database by this column by clicking on the column name - Automatic. reg. And then, with a group of sites with the desired type of checkboxes, do some more actions - either export only the necessary sites (with auto, smart or without passed registration), or transfer them to the created subcategory, etc.

    You can also see the number of sites with the necessary checkboxes.

    The number at the bottom of the column “Automatic. reg. " always shows the number of sites with black check marks (which, in principle, can be registered automatically), i.e. it shows the number of sites for the machine always - regardless of whether these sites are highlighted or not.

    To quickly find a number with gray or without checkmarks, you can select them and right-click and select from the menu "Export * .txt"

    It is not necessary to export the file, you can then click the "No" button. But in brackets you will immediately be shown the number of sites. This applies to any sample from the database, for which you quickly need to find out the quantity.

    Option number 2 for calculating the number of required types of sites - the number of sites for cars, semi-automatic and without registration in the desired category.

    To do this, click on the small gray arrow to the right of the column name "Automatic reg" and see a drop-down menu where

    Blanks\u003d gray check marks (Smart registration possible)
    True \u003d black check marks (automatic registration possible)
    False\u003d unchecked (no registration has been made)

    Just select the parameter you need and look at the number written in the lower left corner of the base field.

    Once again about automatic registration

    I have written everywhere many times that I am against automatic registration. for a number of reasons, it is practically ineffective compared to semi-automatic and en masse only harms the site, usually irreparable harm.

    Therefore, if the site is your dear, if you have plans for the future related to this site, I recommend that you use a semiautomatic device for which absolutely all sites from the database are suitable.

    3.4. How to use database search?

    For this, there are so-called filters.

    To quickly search for any of the fields:

    1) if you know its exact meaning (for example, a value of 4 for Page Rank), enter it - i.e. the number 4 in the empty line under the column names.

    2) if you do not know the exact desired value, write part of it between characters%

    Those. like this, for example you can find the site you need in the database by domain... Because you do not know its full name in the database (after all, there is usually an add page), then you need to type the part you know (domain name or part of it) between% - in an empty line under the name of the Url column

    for example% catalog% - all sites containing "catalog"
    or% .ua% - all sites of the domains.
    or% - a specific site or sites containing in their name, for example, may fall out

    Or you can type something like this in the Title column:

    % error%
    % urgent%
    % ccount%

    Etc. and see all sites where words with these parts are found, for example, such as "Error 404", "hosting expired", "Account suspended", etc. - i.e. those that are to be removed to the blacklist.

    And if you have saved (not removed) a check mark, for example, on the Blanks value in the “Automatic. reg "by clicking on the gray triangle next to it) (catalogs for smart registration), then leaving this checkbox and by entering% catalog% under the URL field, you will get this result (see screenshot below).

    These will be all sites from this category of the database, including catalog in their address and allowing smart registration.

    To cancel the filter, click the cross in the lower left corner of the window.

    3.5. How to filter and form a sample of the base according to your own, certain, necessary parameters.

    Do you need promotion only on Yandex? Or just for Google?
    Do you need a super high-quality selection of sites according to the criteria you need?
    Little time or limited in quality material (few well-reproduced articles or descriptions) and want to start with the best sites?

    There are 2 options.

    Option 1. Make a permanent selection of your own from the desired part of the database - in a new subcategory.

    First you need to drive the desired piece of the base to the parameters you need.

    Then "play with the filter", choose the most suitable for you in terms of parameters and the number of sites in the sample.

    How it's done:

    In the "Bases" section, "get up" to the desired category (so that there is a checkmark with subcategories), select all sites, select "define parameters" in the left column, select there the parameters that you need to define for this group of sites from the database - Yandex ban, Google ban, tit and Page Rank domain, HTTP code (error code), domain age, Alexa Rank, Yandex Catalog, DMOZ directory, Yandex subject , Yandex region, etc.

    The choice of parameters for testing depends only on your final goals.

    I will not attach the decoding of the parameters here, see the link:

    Then sort the sites in the column of the required parameter, select the necessary ones. It's got a pretty intuitive filtering system. Situated above the list of sites in the "Directory Base" section.

    To add a condition, click the Button on the panel - Plus sign.

    To filter by new selected or deleted parameters - Button with a funnel next to the plus.

    Using a filter by parameters in the "Catalog Bases" section

    The only thing, only, I noticed that Allsubmitter does not very correctly determine some values, for example, TCI. And yet, it is better to run it 2 times - at least, the HTTP code for a small part of the sites run on the parameters, it also does not give out correctly the first time.

    And also keep in mind that the database mainly contains links to pages with an add form, and not the main pages of sites, so the Page Rank should be set in the parameters of the domain (main).

    Also, with a large number of parameters at once and checking a large database, Allsubmitter may freeze or “crash”. If you have this problem, try fewer parameters and smaller portions of the base.

    Option 2. Fast filtering during the semi-automatic registration process (according to sites previously checked for parameters).

    You can select the desired part of the database - for example, Site Directories - White, start semi-automatic registration and quickly select only sites with the necessary parameters for first-priority registration - for example, Titz is greater than or equal to 10 (without transferring them to the database in separate subcategories)

    This is done in the hidden menu bar on the left during semi-automatic registration:

    How to open a hidden panel with sites from the current database during semi-automatic registration

    Move the menu bar

    Indicate in the desired column (for example, TCI) a quick filter - for example,% 10%

    A more advanced filter setting appears at the bottom - you can click the "Customize" button and select different values \u200b\u200b- from and to, equal and greater, etc.

    3.6. How can you simultaneously change a parameter in all sites at once in bulk across the entire database or for the required part of the database?

    For example, if you need to put the same comment in several sites, your comment or your value in the field "Successful registration string" or "Link type", etc.

    Select the part of the database you need, right-click on the selected sites - select "Edit".

    Appears "Group editing" window.

    After that, all selected sites will have this very comment. It will overwrite everything that came before it. Therefore, treat this field carefully, it is impossible to roll back to the previous values.

    3.6. How to build your own base?

    I send you updates on a regular basis in 2 versions in asd4 format (except for txt format):

    1) As ONE file, which is imported to the place of the remote base system and is also lined up in all categories. In this case, you lose some of your settings - remote sites, settings on the sites passed. But you get a cleaned up and updated version of the database.

    2) More than 800 files - i.e. all categories and subcategories, shot separately. So, if it is more convenient for you, if, for example, you very carefully collect your own database for some types of sites or topics and you definitely need to save your own settings for your database, then you can import my database in parts.

    When importing a piece of my database, you can leave the checkboxes "Exclude duplicate links" and "Exclude duplicate domains" and then only that part of my database that was not in yours and mine is imported.

    You can compose your base, or by doing parsing using the SE Wizard in the "Bases" section.

    In the official instructions of Allsubmitter there is an item "Creating a base", it is briefly written about it.

    6.2. Write to me - Anna Yashchenko, the author of the TOP Base

    If you still have questions about the work of the program, you can first ask me a question, by contact:

    ICQ: 398180232

    I can also, for example, help you with the restoration of the key to your mail or renewing the key for the next year.

    But, if I don't know the answer to the question, if the question is technical, according to your individual case with the operation of the program, then please write to the Allsubmitter support. Upon purchase, you are entitled to 1 year of free support.

    6.3. To the Allsubmitter support

    To do this, you need to go to the "Support" section of the Allsubmitter website - here is the link to this section, register if you have not yet communicated with the support in this section. This is the second registration in a row after registering on the site itself upon purchase. Registration is very simple and instant, it does not require confirmation by e-mail.

    Then you need to log in, click Ask a Question and ask your question in Russian.

    Ask questions immediately in detail:

    Indicating your login and email, which were registered upon purchase
    with a description of your problem and your attempts to solve it
    with attached screenshots if needed.

    All this will significantly reduce the time of correspondence!

    You need to answer only in this support system. Do not respond to letters that come to the mail with notifications of the answer!

    Answers from support usually always come within 24 hours.

Downloading from the office. demo site and install.

And I immediately anticipate a bunch of questions ... let's just make a small digression from the topic. So to speak; if you still decide to look for a broken version in runet, download 4.7. And not higher. There are no soundly broken (if you can use this phrase in this context) versions above 4.7.

As for fresh bases ... look. On they are sometimes there, on various seo-forums spread from time to time. And, of course, on trackers.

When you find it, you have to convert it to a format acceptable for v.4.7. This is not easy to do, but very simple.

The points:

  • Download and install free Notepad ++:

  • We set the base in allsubmitter
  • Close allsubmitter
  • Open Notepad ++ and - open a file in it in the Allsubmitter ... / db / ALLSUBMITTER.FDB folder:

  • In the program, click "Search" -\u003e "Replace Text"
  • In the search box enter "urlsub\u003e" in the "url\u003e" replacement box!
  • Attention, there are 3 spaces between "url" and "\u003e"
  • Click "Replace All", we get:

  • We close Notepad ++, we agree to the proposal to overwrite the file.
  • Launch allsubmitter - everything is ready.
This is, so to speak, the unofficial part ... :) and now - actually about allsubmitter.

Program for website promotion. The highest quality, fast and controlled registration in any information resources of the Internet (search engines, catalogs, ratings, message boards, shareware sites, news resources, link exchange, etc.). Are you tired of working with a “regular” browser, but want a quality registration or want to get the most out of automatic registration? Then AllSubmitter will become your choice too.


There is not much left to tell - allsubmitter has a friendly and uncomplicated interface. Let's use the "Quick Start" window -

And add the base by clicking "Directory Base", and then - "Import from * asd4" and - by opening the plug-in base in the explorer window.

Now - we create our first project.
Here we enter the usual information - the address of our website, keywords, city and phone number ... everything that or any other catalog run system would require from us:

It's a good idea to add different description options. Not prevent.

That's all, the preparation is over. We start the registration - the "Register" button. And now we just have to help the system pass the captcha from time to time:

Receive and process a bunch of letters and admire the results ("Registration Result" tab).

Allsubmitter Is a program for promoting sites in search engines (Yandex, Google and others). The program allows you to add your site to a huge number of directories, forums and blogs. As a result, all sorts of indicators and site traffic increase. Since not every beginner will understand the program, I have prepared a short instruction on creating a project and registering in directories.

Project creation

Launch the Allsubmitter program and open the section " Project Manager". In the projects window, click on the " Create a new project"(In the block" Actions"). Next, fill in the following fields:

  • Name - any
  • Customer and Executor - click on the add button and enter: name, email and site URL. If desired, add the rest of the data (surname, icq, phone, fax and comment).

Go to the tab " Description"And fill in:

  • URL (registration) - your website address
  • Name - full site name
  • Description - write an accurate description of the site (from 250 to 700 characters)
  • Description is short - a couple of short sentences (from 60 to 150 characters)
  • Keywords (comma delimited) - words characterizing the site
  • Keywords (space separator) - words characterizing the site
  • Site language - "RUS" or "Russian"
  • Company - you can write the site address (without www and without /)

Go to the tab " Contact Information"And fill in:

  • Name - any
  • Surname - any (optional)
  • A country - for example, Russia
  • City - for example, St. Petersburg
  • State - (not necessary)
  • The address - (not necessary)
  • Postcode - any (optional)
  • Phone - any (optional)
  • fax machine - (not necessary)
  • Email- we indicate our mail (not the main one), which will receive letters with confirmation of registration
  • Login - unusual login (to be free)
  • Password - any English letters and numbers
  • UserName - you can enter the same as login
  • Backlinks page - it is better not to create such a page
  • List of categories, exact match (comma separated) - we indicate as many different categories as possible (suitable for the theme of the site)
  • List of categories in which you want to register your site (comma separated) - again, as much as possible
  • Words that should not be in the category name (separated by commas) - for example, sales categories or categories for sites with erotic content

Bases of catalogs

We return to the start window of the program and open the section " Directory base". Then, on the left in the block " Export Import»Choose to import the catalog database into the program. Several options are offered: from txt file, from asd4 file, from aidataxml file. What base do you have, we choose this option.

In the parameters for adding a base, set:

  • Eliminate duplicate links - uncheck
  • Eliminate Duplicate Domains - uncheck
  • Do not add from blacklist - tick
  • Import to database using categories - tick
  • If the duplicate is with a car, but in the database without, replace - tick
  • If the duplicate with auto is always replaced - uncheck

After a few minutes, the sites will be added to the general database. You can view the full list in the block “ Categories«.

Registration in catalogs

Everything is ready for registration in catalogs. In the start window of the program, select the section " Automatic registration". In the list of projects, select the previously created site.

The selected sites will be displayed on the left, click on the button " Not an exact match". This will help us select suitable sites and filter out unnecessary ones.

Set the number of registration streams (for example, 300) and click on the button " Register«.

Registration by catalogs will begin. Some directories require captcha (symbols from the image), the program will try to automatically recognize it. But this function does not always work correctly, in which case it is necessary to enter the captcha manually (on the “ Awaiting captcha input«).

Successful registrations can be viewed on the " Registration result«.

Website promotion program Allsubmitter 4.7

Have you created your own website or blog? Okay. It's time to attract visitors to your web resource. And so ... It started ... We fill up the entire Internet with messages with our links on blogs, forums, guestbooks, etc. And a long road began to raise the authority of the site, but interesting - you can read a lot of good useful posts :). It is especially helpful to raise tCI andPRby registering your site in white directories (these are directories (sites) that allow you to put direct links to your resource and does not require a backlink ).

Many people have used (including myself) the "handicraft" method of registering in directories: preparing a file that contains the name, description, link of your site, e-mail, keywords. And we begin to surf the Internet in search of treasures - white catalogs... When found, copy the information from the previously prepared file and fill in the directory fields.

Oh-oh-very long history….

Do you value your time? Then you will be interested! There is a program that can do all this routine work for you! Her nameAllsubmitter.

Before starting to talk about it, it is worth mentioning that this program is used by most of the SEOs who promote and promote your sites for money.

Allsubmitter- the most essential tool for promotion. What's so interesting about her?

This program has Auto and Semi-automatic modes of registration in catalogs.

Auto mode - the program will independently register your site with your description in the specified directories.

Semi-automatic mode - the program independently fills in all the necessary fields in the catalogs, and you just have to check them and confirm the registration.

The second option is necessary for complex registrations that require special control. Or for people who like to do everything themselves

To get started with the program, you need 2 things:

Description of your site;

White catalog database.

For further automatic registrations you need to submit your site for the program, namely: in " project manager»Create a new one - for your site, in which fill in all the specified fields: name,e - mail , description, keywords, category, etc.

After that, we import the database of white catalogs into the program, select your project, start automatic registration and go to the kitchen to drink tea whileAllsubmitter does everything for you.

Now go to "Directories - Directory Base"... There is already some list of categories. Let's create a new one: "Press p.c. mouse - add a category - enter the name - Ok "
In the toolbox Export Import push "Import from * .asd4» and select the base downloaded from me.
Next step - registration.

Semi-automatic registration

In order to get started, select in the main menu:
"Utilities - Registration - Semi-automatic registration"
In the window that appears, select one of your projects (sites) - double click on it.
A new window appears with 10 tabs. This is an Internet browser window, above the tabs there is drop-down menu... Push down arrow - put a tick next to the newly created base and double-click on it.
Everything is ready! Now press "Start registration".
If you entered everything correctly in the project, the fields on the page will be filled in! One thing that may not be detected automatically - categoryto which your site belongs and, accordingly, captcha(picture with insidious letters and numbers).

When everything is filled in, we register the site in the catalog. If this operation passed without errors, then press the button "Successfully" and proceed to registration in the next directory. On average, if everything fills up well, then it takes 1-5 seconds.

Automatic registration

"I'll be brief" (c) Putin
1. Utilities - Registration - Automatic registration;
2. Choosing the desired project;
3. Choosing a directory base for automatic registration;
4. We press "Exact match" or "Inaccurate match" depending on how precise you want the category to be.

For instance: if you have specified that the site should register in a category "Finance" and the mode is selected "Exact match", then when finding "Business and Finance" program not admits this option to the next step, while "Inaccurate match" will approve for further automatic registration.
5. All those directories that were not automatically detected can add manually:

Highlight the desired directory in left column;
-Choose a category with dropdown menu;
-Click the button with the green arrow to the right;
-And so we continue to the end of the list.

6. Click on Register... And go to the kitchen to drink tea (if you have added several thousand catalogs - eat at the same time);
7. Go to the tab "Awaiting captcha input" and rewrite the symbols from the pictures into the corresponding fields (if there are such images);
8. Go to the tab "Registration result" and in the semi-automatic registration mode we correct unsuccessful registrations on the tab "Later";
9. In the tab "Bad" basically rubbish (this statement is true if RIGHT filled ALLfields in a flow project). When you select and delete them, they automatically go to black list and next time they will automatically filtered out.