Doesn't load photos. Why VKontakte photos do not open? Internet connection problems

class \u003d "eliadunit"\u003e

Sometimes, when uploading photos to VK, errors occur, as a result of which the user is deprived of the opportunity to share his pictures or photos with friends. Errors occur for various reasons. If you cannot upload the photo, you should try again after a while. The fact is that in VKontakte (VKontakte), technical work is periodically carried out, during which the user is deprived of some functionality.

If for a long time you cannot upload a photo on VKontakte, this indicates that something is wrong with the computer. It is important to understand that it does not really matter how and where you upload photos to an album, ava (avatar) and so on, since problems with uploading do not depend on the method of uploading a photo to VK.

class \u003d "eliadunit"\u003e

Why aren't photos uploaded to VKontakte?

Let's consider the main reasons why photos are not uploaded to VK:

  • Outdated Flash Player... To view photos and videos in the message, the browser's built-in Adobe Flash Player program is used. The software company releases updates from time to time. If you have an old version of this program, this may be the cause of problems with uploading photos to VK.

  • Browser conflict... Some browsers don't interact well with VK.
  • Very slow connection speed. If your internet connection speed is below 32 kbps, uploading photos to VK may be limited.
  • Using an insecure connection... When uploading photos to the site, hackers can connect to your computer and steal your personal data. If the administration of the VK site has suspicions that hackers are using your page, the ability to upload photos may be limited.
  • Photo upload limitation... Before uploading, please make sure that the photo is less than 25 megabytes in size and has a JPG, PNG or GIF extension.
  • Problems with VK itself... Periodically, the site is undergoing technical work, during which some of the functionality of the site may be limited. In this case, you just need to wait until the time when the work on the site stops and all the functionality becomes available again.

What to do if photos on VKontakte are not uploaded?

Let's consider the main methods for solving this problem:

  • Flash Player update "a... Go to the official Adobe Flash Player website and install the latest version of the program. After installation, you need to restart your browser.
  • ... Sometimes the computer starts to "glitch" during prolonged work. If photos do not load, you should restart your computer.
  • Use a secure connection with VK... To do this, click "Settings" on your page, then select the "Security" tab and check the "Use secure connection (HTTPS)" box, press the "Save" button.

  • Clearing the cache... The browser stores some files for quick access to those sites that you visit frequently. The collection of such files is called a cache. Sometimes the cache is used incorrectly, which leads to the problem with loading photos. To fix the problem, you will have to clear the cache. This is done differently in different browsers. For example, to clear the cache in the GoogleChrome browser, follow this path: "Settings" -\u003e "Show advanced settings" -\u003e "Clear history". Then you should put a checkbox in the "images and other files saved in the cache" item, after which you need to click the "Clear history" button and wait for the operation to end.
  • Using an alternative browser... You can solve the problem with uploading photos by installing and using another browser.
  • Converting and reducing photo size... If you are using large photos or photos with an exotic extension, you can use various online services to reduce and convert your photos.
  • Reducing the load on RAM... To reduce the load, close programs you do not need at the moment (for example, Skype). Also, the load on RAM is increased by a large number of tabs in the browser. Close tabs you don't need to reduce the load on your RAM.
  • Scanning your computer for viruses... Download an antivirus (for example, "Doctor Web CureIt") and scan your computer.

With the advent of social networks, it is no longer necessary to show vacation photos to all friends and acquaintances in turn: just upload them to your account on the social network, and everyone will be able to view them. But sometimes there are problems with uploading photos and pictures, and the Country of Soviets will tell you how to get rid of them.

1. Wrong picture format

First, check if the photos you want to upload meet the requirements of the social network. The fact is that the Vkontakte network supports a limited number of formats (JPG, PNG, GIF), in addition, the maximum size of an uploaded photo is 5 MB. If the photos you want to upload do not meet these requirements, you need to resave them in the required format and / or reduce the size.

Why the photo is not uploaded to the contact: reasons, solution

2. The browser does not load photos

If the image meets all the requirements, but your photo still does not load , the problem might be with your browser. Most often, this problem is observed in the Opera browser, especially if the mode is enabled. ... Try disabling it, if that still doesn't help (or if turbo was disabled initially), try uploading a photo using a different browser.

VK photos are not loading: solution to the problem

By the way, an error can occur if you have an outdated browser version or a beta version. Please update your browser to stable version and check if images are enabled in the settings and, if not, enable. If you are using an image caching plugin in your browser, you need to configure it correctly or disable it altogether. - just in case - it doesn't hurt either.

3. Internet connection does not allow image upload

It also happens that you cannot download pictures due to problems with the Internet connection. The reason may be, for example. In this case, you will have to deal with your provider. But before you quarrel with the provider's technical support, disable torrents and other programs for downloading from the Internet - perhaps they are to blame.

Photo in VK: looking for a reason why it does not load

Also, a problem with uploading photos may arise if you are connected to the Internet through a proxy server (including sitting on a social network through an anonymizer), a direct connection can help.

If you installed any third-party programs for Vkontakte (say, to save videos or music), you need to uninstall them, and then, for reliability, check your computer with an antivirus - perhaps these programs were blocking the download of photos.

4. The reason is in Vkontakte itself

Finally, you can just wait - perhaps your photo is not loading due to a temporary glitch Vkontakte or your browser, and after a while everything will go away.

Doesn't load VK photo: there may be problems on the site

If the problem does not go away by itself, you can try to contact the administration, for this:

  1. In the lower menu of the site, select "Help" and briefly describe the situation in the appropriate field.
  2. For the form to open completely, you need to click the button "None of these options is suitable" under the list of common problems.
  3. Enter the title of the question (for example, "Unable to upload photos"), briefly describe the problem, click "Submit". If you wish, you can attach an image before sending it (for example, if an error pops up when uploading a photo, it is advisable to take a screenshot of the error for greater clarity).

Also, on some sites, you can find advice to refer to the appropriate topic in the Vkontakte technical support. But at the moment this topic is closed for new complaints, because the main reason, as it turned out, was in the installed third-party applications and add-ons for the site, which we already wrote about above.

VKontakte does not open or upload photos

On the VKontakte social network, literally every user may encounter problems when uploading certain photos to the site. In the event of problems of this kind, it is extremely important to diagnose the source of the malfunction in time, guided by extremely effective methods that allow you to achieve a positive result.

To begin with, it is worth clarifying that on this resource, problems with uploading photos can be of two types at once:

  • photos are not uploaded to the site;
  • photos on the site are not loaded.

Depending on the type of problem that occurs, the troubleshooting methods can vary significantly. Thus, first of all, decide on the type of your problem and only then proceed to the main part of this article.

Please note that, as is the case with the vast majority of other problems on the site related to music or video, photo problems can be triggered by several factors. In this regard, the problem can be solved in several ways at once, independent of each other.

Method 1: site diagnostics

Earlier, in a special article on our website, we already mentioned a service that in real time fixes all existing problems that occur on the user side. It is to him that you should first of all contact if you have difficulties with uploading photos directly on the VK website.

If there are faults on the site for all factors, then the only optimal solution is to wait. Usually, VKontakte failures are eliminated by the administration in a matter of minutes.

Method 2: Contacting technical support

As soon as you notice a malfunction, it is recommended to immediately contact the technical support of the VK social network. This method of troubleshooting is the most important, as specialists are able to resolve almost any local problem with the site.

When writing an appeal, it is recommended to adhere to the most accurate description of the malfunction that has occurred. Also, be sure to provide additional files that indicate the problem and some technical information such as browser type and operating system version.

Method 3: Change Browser

Often, when uploading new photos to VK from a computer, the problem may not be on the site, but directly in the Internet browser itself. Under such circumstances, you will have to download and install one or more browsers and repeat all the previously performed steps to upload photos to the site.

The social network VKontakte is, first of all, communication. However, in order for this communication to be even more intense and interesting, you need to pay attention to some nuances. For example, ideally, there should be photographs on your page, because looking at the pictures of another person with whom you have friendship, and maybe love, is always interesting! I think the absolute majority of VK users will agree with me on this issue.

Since we are talking about photographs, it will also be useful to note the problem that many have encountered: when photos for some reason are not uploaded to VK. With what it can be connected? What to do in this case? This and much more will be discussed in this material.

Wrong format

If your VKontakte photos are not loading, most likely the reason lies in your inattention in a banal way. The fact is that the VK developers have established certain requirements for uploaded photos, which absolutely everyone must follow. So, the photo should be in jpg, png or gif format, and its size should not exceed 5 MB.If the picture you are trying to upload does not meet these requirements, then you need to either resave it in the required format or reduce it. There are also restrictions on.

Web browser problem

It often happens that the problem lies in the browser you are using. Usually this problem is common for Opera and Internet Explorer, so in case you are using the first browser, check if your answer is yes, disable it and try uploading the photo again. In case of repeated unsuccessful attempt, I suggest you still resort to the services of another browser, say, Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

By the way, this problem can also arise if you have an outdated version of the browser on your computer. Update, check just in case if JavaScript is enabled, if not, enable it.

Other reasons

There are a number of other reasons why it is not possible to upload VKontakte photos, namely:

Well, I told you about the most likely reasons for the inability to upload photos to VK. Eliminate them all - and the procedure will be crowned with success for you!

Video to help

Have you visited the ancients Tasting exotic Mexican food? Diving in the Red Sea? Surely you brought hundreds of vivid photos of people you met and places you visited with you. Just a few of these pictures uploaded to the album will give you a lot of pleasant attention. Photos of people you meet on your travels will make you at least familiar with them. If, of course, you do not forget to mark them on the pictures. In my opinion, quite a pleasant afterword to the vacation. However, annoying problems occasionally occur. Images are simply not loaded. And then this problem must be solved.

Why isn't the photo loading? Reason # 1

The fact is that there can be several reasons for such an annoying problem. Therefore, for convenience, we will split our text into subheadings with different recipes for solving the problem. First of all, pay attention to what format your pictures are in. Perhaps the problem is simply your inattention. If the images are more than 5 megabytes, they will be too bulky for the site. In such

in case it is easier for you to upload photos to specialized image hosting sites, and in VKontakte you simply leave a directing link for friends. Or you have to compress your image files. But keep in mind that then they will partially lose in their quality. Also, remember that you can only upload files with the JPEG, GIF, and PNG extensions to albums.

Why is the photo uploading? Reason # 2

Another probable cause could be a conflict between the site and the browser. The latter may have certain settings that do not allow such actions, or it may simply be outdated. Try a browser. This can help. To do this, open its settings and find the corresponding function. If that doesn't work, try uploading the photo using a different browser.

Why a photo? Reason # 3

The problem may even be the quality of your internet connection. If it is too slow, pictures will not be uploaded. Try to open other sites. If the download is really slow, then check all programs downloading something from the Internet. They slow down the speed. Disable them first. If this does not help, contact your provider.

Why isn't VKontakte uploading a photo? Reason # 4

Chances are, your trouble has already been fixed, thanks to one of the previous tips. If not, then the reason, obviously, lies in the site itself. Write to technical support, clearly explaining your wishes. And they will definitely help you.