Messages in contact are not working now. Why messages on VKontakte do not open: reasons

Hello dear users. If you are reading this article, then my site is functioning normally and opens without problems. What can not be said about VK, because sometimes there is no way to go to it, photos and messages do not open. What to do in this case?

If the VKontakte website does not open, then you should use the following recommendations.

And we get an error message.

There can be two options - either the Internet does not work, or there is a technical problem on the contact side.

To determine the cause, simply try to open any other site. If it works, then we are waiting for VK technical support to fix the problem.

If not, then here you should check and reanimate your Internet connection.

Viruses and problems with the hosts file

Once again I remind you - do not visit questionable sites, download and run suspicious files. It is extremely likely that a virus will get onto your computer (see). And you will begin to observe interruptions in its work. This may also affect the fact that sites on the network will cease to open and function. Including the VKontakte website.

If the trouble has already happened, here's what to do. First, check your system hosts file. You can find it here:

% system-disk%: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ drivers \\ etc

Open with a notepad, and see that there are no extraneous entries. Below I will give you a standard version of the hosts file. You can just copy it.

# Copyright (c) 1993-2006 Microsoft Corp. # # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP / IP for Windows. # # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name. # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one # space. # # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual # lines or following the machine name denoted by a "#" symbol. # # For example: # # # source server # # x client host # localhost name resolution is handle within DNS itself. # localhost # :: 1 localhost

In the event that these manipulations did not help open the social networking site, you should conduct a full scan of your PC for threats.

You will find all the necessary information regarding scanning, editing the hosts file in the manual -.

Programs block access

You should check if there are any programs or applications installed that can block access to the VK site. It can be an anti-virus utility - in that case, just add the appropriate exception to its settings.

Or the application through which you enter the social network blocks its work through the browser. You can just delete it, or try playing with the settings.

VKontakte messages and photos do not open

The last thing I would like to talk about.

Such a nuisance happens when you try to open a correspondence.

It is the same when you try to open a photo (see. ). Quite unpleasant.

But there is good news too. You don't have to do anything. Maybe wait a couple of minutes. Such errors appear extremely rarely, and are very quickly corrected. In my memory, the longest wait was about 15 minutes.

And that's all. After that, all functions start working normally again.


Thus, all the problems with the availability of the Vkontakte site can be divided into two large groups - security problems, and technical problems. The first category is entirely your responsibility. Make sure that an anti-virus utility is installed on your computer. Do not visit suspicious resources, and even more so, do not download files from them.


In contact with

So, today we will talk with you about what to do if you do not see messages in "Contact". In addition, we will try to figure out how you can send a letter on this social network, and also find out what the causes of today's problem may be.

Engineering works

The first reason why users do not open is to carry out technical work or updates on the site. At this point, as a rule, you will have "buggy" not only dialogs, but also all other services.

In this situation, you should be patient and wait a while. After the prevention comes to an end, you can read and send letters on the social network normally. Nothing depends on you here. not the only reason why your VKontakte messages do not open. What else can cause this behavior? Let's figure it out.


If you tried to use unlicensed applications, as well as programs that supposedly extend the capabilities of social networks, then it is not surprising that you will not be able to write and read messages. Most likely, you "picked up" some kind of virus.

It is he who interferes with the normal functioning of the site in your browser. So in this situation you will have to clean up the system from various computer infections. After that, as a rule, all problems disappear. So if you do not see VKontakte messages, try scanning the operating system. In general, these are two main reasons why you might have problems. Now let's try to figure it out and also send them. In fact, there is nothing difficult or requiring special knowledge (for example, in programming) here.


We have already figured out with you what to do if VKontakte messages do not open. Now let's assume that we have everything working and functioning. How can you read the letters sent to you? Let's figure it out.

If you came from a mobile application, then just click on the "my messages" item, and then select the appropriate dialogue. New letters will be highlighted. That's all. In cases where you are at the computer, things are a little different.

From a computer? There are several ways to do this that will surely delight you. The first scenario is nothing more than reading a letter from a pop-up window. If at the moment of receiving you are in front of the computer, then at the bottom of the screen in the browser (in the site tab) you will see for a while a window in which the letter will be displayed. As a rule, such notifications disappear quite quickly.

In addition, if you do not know what else you can do, then you can click on the number with the number of messages sent. It is located opposite the column "My messages". As a result, you will have a list of all sent messages. Read them - and all the cases.

You can also click on "My messages", and then select the dialogue you need. Where there are new letters, you get a highlight in color. Click on the conversation with the mouse - and the conversation will be opened. Nothing complicated. True, now we will take up a more interesting and simple lesson - writing messages.

Writing a letter

How to send a message "Vkontakte"? First, we need to shape it. In fact, this process will not take you very long. Of course, if you are not going to print kilometer posts.

First you need to log in to the social network. After that, there are two ways. The first is the choice of your future interlocutor. Take a look at his profile and then select "send message". In the window that appears, write a letter, if necessary - (the item at the bottom of the window "attach"), and then click on the "send" button. You can also use the Enter key.

Another way is to use existing dialogs. You will need to visit the "My Messages" section, then select a conversation, and then write the post you need. Then proceed similarly to the first method - press "Enter" or the "Submit" button. That's all there is to it. As you can see, nothing difficult. Now you know what to do if VKontakte messages do not open, as well as how to write letters and read them on this social network.

So, today we will talk with you about what to do if you do not see messages in "Contact". In addition, we will try to figure out how you can send a letter on this social network, and also find out what the causes of today's problem may be.

Engineering works

The first reason why users do not open messages in "Contact" is technical work or updates on the site. At this point, as a rule, you will have "buggy" not only dialogs, but also all other services.

In this situation, you should be patient and wait a while. After the prevention comes to an end, you can read and send letters on the social network normally. Nothing depends on you here. True, this is not the only reason why your "VKontakte" messages do not open. What else can cause this behavior? Let's figure it out.


If you tried to use unlicensed applications, as well as programs that supposedly extend the capabilities of social networks, then it is not surprising that you will not be able to write and read messages. Most likely, you "picked up" some kind of virus.

It is he who interferes with the normal functioning of the site in your browser. So in this situation you will have to clean up the system from various computer infections. After that, as a rule, all problems disappear. So if you do not see VKontakte messages, try scanning the operating system. In general, these are two main reasons why you might have problems. Now let's try to figure it out and also send them. In fact, there is nothing difficult or requiring special knowledge (for example, in programming) here.


We have already figured out with you what to do if VKontakte messages do not open. Now let's assume that we have everything working and functioning. How can you read the letters sent to you? Let's figure it out.

If you came from a mobile application, then just click on the "my messages" item, and then select the appropriate dialogue. New letters will be highlighted. That's all. In cases where you are at the computer, things are a little different.

How to read VKontakte messages from a computer? There are several ways to do this that will surely delight you. The first scenario is nothing more than reading an email from a pop-up window. If at the moment of receiving you are in front of the computer, then at the bottom of the screen in the browser (in the site tab) you will see for a while a window in which the letter will be displayed. As a rule, such notifications disappear quite quickly.

In addition, if you do not know what else you can do, then you can click on the number with the number of messages sent. It is located opposite the column "My messages". As a result, you will have a list of all sent messages. Read them - and all the cases.

You can also click on "My messages", and then select the dialogue you need. Where there are new letters, you get a highlight in color. Click on the conversation with the mouse - and the conversation will be opened. Nothing complicated. True, now we will take up a more interesting and simple lesson - writing messages.

Writing a letter

How to send a message "Vkontakte"? First, we need to shape it. In fact, this process will not take you very long. Of course, if you are not going to print kilometer posts.

First you need to log in to the social network. After that, there are two ways. The first is the choice of your future interlocutor. Take a look at his profile and then select "send message". In the window that appears, write a letter, if necessary - attach the files (the item at the bottom of the "attach" window), and then click on the "send" button. You can also use the Enter key.

Another way is to use existing dialogs. You will need to visit the "My Messages" section, then select a conversation, and then write the post you need. Then proceed similarly to the first method - press "Enter" or the "Submit" button. That's all there is to it. As you can see, nothing difficult. Now you know what to do if VKontakte messages do not open, as well as how to write letters and read them on this social network.

When sending a message to Vkontakte, we sometimes wait for an answer to it. But it is not known whether the interlocutor has read it or has not yet read it. Unread messages are fairly easy to identify from both your phone and your computer.

Quick navigation:

How to find out if my message in VK has been read from a computer.

If you wrote a Vkontakte message to another person and sent it, then it is very easy to find out about the status of its reading. For this, color highlighting is used, the standard functionality from VK developers.

Go to your VK messages. You will see unread messages against the background of the rest, they are highlighted darker than the rest of the read messages.

In the example in the image, we see 2 unread messages from list of all dialogs.

Of course, the visibility of such a selection leaves much to be desired, perhaps it would be better to make such a designation of unread messages more contrasting. For example, depending on how the laptop screen is positioned, such a selection changes from clear, to completely indistinguishable, merging.

In the dialog itself, if we go in, we will also see a darker, blue highlight around the sent message, if the message has not yet been read. If the message has been read, then there will be no selection and the color will be light, like the rest of the background of the Vkontakte site.

It is not visible whether the message is read or not on Vkontakte.

Depending on the angle from which you look at the monitor screen, your computer or laptop. Highlighting unread messages can be confusing and difficult to distinguish. Just try looking at the dialogue from a different angle.

How to see unread messages in VK from the phone.

In the VK application for mobile and in the mobile version, it operates as a rule, messages that are unread are highlighted in a darker color than the rest of the background.

For example, 2 messages are circled in red that have not yet been read.

How to find out who read the message in a Vkontakte conversation.

Again, following the example of Whats App, where checkmarks appear in gray when the message is delivered and change color to green when the message is read. The checkmarks remain grayed out as long as they are unread messages.

In Vkontakte, there is no such function, but if you sent your message, be sure that it will reach when the interlocutor enters the social. net.

When messages in the VK application on the phone are not downloaded or updated, it may look as if they are missing, erased, or simply not loaded - there is no access. The dialogs are empty, or new messages are not received, the application shows only old ones. Messages are not opened, sent or received. "Update" and the download icon are constantly hanging, but the dialogs are not loaded. What to do?

A similar situation happens with comments - comments in the group do not open, comments on a photo are not visible, and the like. Below are the solutions to the problem.

Solution 1. Clear message cache

If your smartphone is on Android, you just need to clear the message cache in the VK application settings. Caches are temporary files. Conversations that have already been downloaded are saved in the cache so that dialogs are not loaded every time you open them. Sometimes these temporary files get messy, and then the application hangs when you open messages. By clearing the cache, that is, by erasing temporary files, you are, as it were, helping the application to re-create the cache.

- Will all messages be deleted then? - No, they won't. Clearing the cache will force the application to download them again from the VK server where they are stored.

How do I clear the message cache?

After that, try to open the messages again - they should load normally. If nothing has changed, try the following solutions. Further in our instruction there are three more of them.

Solution 2. Update the VK application or reinstall it

If your app hasn't been updated to the latest version, it's time to do it (on Android - in the Play Store, and on iPhone and iPad - in the App Store). But even if it's up to date, removing and reinstalling it completely can help. See also:

Solution 3. Check your internet connection

Make sure other sites open fine (in the browser). If you have mobile internet and the reception is poor in the room, try moving to another location. If there is a wi-fi, connect to it. It also happens vice versa - Wi-Fi is badly caught, and the phone is connected to it and because of this does not use the mobile Internet. In this case, it makes sense to temporarily disable Wi-Fi or that particular access point.

Solution 4. Restart your phone

Turn off your phone and turn it on again or use the restart function if your phone has one. After the phone restarts, open the VK application and see if anything has changed in the messages section.