Icon on android exclamation mark in a triangle. What does lying android mean on a lenovo tablet

What to do if Android lies with exclamation mark? In this article, we will consider the main causes of device malfunction and ways to solve it.

The first version of the Android operating system appeared in 2008. Availability a large number functions, ease of use and low price in comparison with analogues made it affordable for a wide range of users. It is not surprising that the issues related to the long and uninterrupted operation of devices with this operating system are very relevant.

An on-screen android icon with an exclamation mark indicates a malfunction software devices. It can be associated either with the installation of an unlicensed program, or with a virus infection.

Photo: Android lies with an exclamation mark

Usually, the user may face such a problem when turning on (rebooting) a smartphone or tablet. If this happened to you, what can you do?

The first thing that is offered in such cases is this. To do this, you need to turn off the device, if necessary, recharge it to 100% and turn it on in the menu for developers. Since the key combination depends on the smartphone or tablet model, we recommend that you refer to the instructions. V standard case this can be done by simultaneously holding the power buttons, volume down and / or Home.

In some cases, the smartphone after this action can return to factory settings automatically, but sometimes it needs to be done manually. Remember that only buttons work in this state (you won't be able to use the sensor). You will have to use the volume keys to move up and down through the menu items. In the list, you need to select the position "Wipe data / Factory reset" with the power button or Home button, which means "delete data / reset settings" and in the next window that opens, confirm your choice.

Photo: Hard reset menu

The main disadvantage of this step is that it removes everything from your device that is not the factory default. And these are contacts, messages, photos, audio and video recordings and the programs you installed. Therefore, if you do not want the safety of your data to depend entirely on one electronic device, do backups in advance.

If you are not sure that you can cope with this task on your own, it is better to contact a specialist, because any mistake can lead to disastrous consequences.

If the "USB debugging" function is enabled in the android settings, you can reflash the device,.

Photo: USB Debugging Photo: USB Debugging

We unpack the already downloaded folder with the program on the C drive. Check for downloaded drivers for your smartphone and install if they are not there. Turn off the device, use the key combination to enter it into the firmware mode and connect it to the computer using a cord. Then follow the instructions of the program.

If you did not connect the ability to debug your smartphone via USB wire, consider another option to reinstall the software using the device itself and the flash card. To do this, you will have to return to the previously described menu by selecting the restore using SD option.

Photo: Flashing Android

In both cases, at the end you will have to reset the system to the original settings again.

To summarize: Android lies with an exclamation mark - this is not an easy problem, but it can be solved. If you do not want to face it often, be careful what you download to your device. Be sure to install.

You can fix the problem either yourself or with the help of a specialist by resetting the settings or reinstalling the software.

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Android users face an unpleasant problem: home screen shortcuts are duplicated. The problem occurs on any firmware, including latest versions... Removing a shortcut on some devices will remove the application.

Possible causes of the problem

Duplication of shortcuts occurs for various reasons:

  • Failure due to device reboot or factory reset;
  • The problem is caused by a third-party application (its incorrect configuration by the developers);
  • Applications are installed twice, on internal and external memory;
  • The application incorrectly duplicates information in the cache, which is why the launching icon is bifurcated;
  • Unsuccessful update or firmware of the device.

Other reasons are also possible. Most often, the problem spreads to third-party applications. The icons of the standard software, as a rule, are not duplicated.

How can this be fixed

There are several ways to stop duplicating app icons on Android smartphones or tablets.

Unchecking GooglePlay

The GooglePlay service has a function that adds application shortcuts to screens in automatic mode... By disabling this feature, the user will prevent shortcuts and duplicates from being created:

In the future, apps downloaded from GooglePlay will stop creating icons.

Cleaning Launchers

Launchers are lightweight applications. Through one of them, you can eliminate the problem of duplicated icons. In GooglePlay, you need to download any launcher. To do this, enter the query "Launcher" in the search bar. When the application is downloaded and installed, you need to:

The final button for deleting settings may have a slightly different name. After this procedure, the lost phone settings will be restored, the desktop will be cleared of unnecessary shortcuts.

Clearing the Dalvik cache

The cache stores temporary program files in the same-named section of the internal memory; it is used on all Android operating systems. To work with the Dalvik cache, you need Root rights... The files in this section are necessary to speed up the launch of the most frequently used applications on the device.

You can clear the cache of a smartphone or tablet using the following algorithm:

  1. Enter the device settings;
  2. Go to the "Storage" or "Memory" section;
  3. Click on the entry "Cache data";
  4. At the bottom, you will be prompted to clear the cache.

The procedure can take up to 2 minutes, depending on the number of files in the cache. Cleaning will help remove residual files, including those that provoked duplicate shortcuts. Also, you can clear the cache using special applications.

Working with firmware

Most of the problems arise for users who switched to custom Android firmware... Restore factory firmware with complete deletion of data on the current state of the device, you can through Recovery menu... This menu is called differently on devices of different brands.

After entering Recovery Mode you must select the line "install zip from sdcard", confirm the choice. Reinstalling the firmware takes up to 10 minutes. It is recommended to charge the device in advance and save important files, they will disappear.

Factory reset

A factory reset removes all user applications and files from the device. The smartphone or tablet returns to the first power-on state. Algorithm for resetting settings:

  1. Go to settings;
  2. Find in the list a link to the "Recovery and reset" section;
  3. In the lower part of the window that opens, click on the "Reset settings" button.

What is this article about? We look at the signal level indicator cellular network... It has an exclamation mark on it. What does it mean? Mobile operating room Android system for smartphones and tablet devices is designed to provide easy access to a variety of online content, including email, social networks, blogs and financial websites. To make the best use of the wide range of internet applications available on Android, connect your device to the internet via wireless internet networks. This will allow you to browse the web at much higher speeds while reducing your data usage. mobile network the Internet.

Why is this sign at the level of the smartphone network?

Exclamation point at the cellular network level

This article is not about the exclamation mark on the Wi-Fi icon. This article is not about the exclamation mark on the Wi-Fi icon in your computer. This is exactly about the exclamation mark of the signal strength of the cellular network.

On Android 5 and higher, this feature has appeared. It lies in the fact that there is no Internet on the smartphone. No mobile internet, no GPS, no Wi-Fi.

It's simple. If you connect any Mobile Internet either GPS or any Wi-Fi then that exclamation mark icon disappears.

Wi-Fi turned on exclamation mark disappeared

Turned off Wi-Fi exclamation mark appeared

There were questions, but there is no answer in Google. Well, now you already know what it is.

Internet on smartphone

Smartphones such as iPhone or Android phones Are mainly small pocket computers with mobile communication, GPS and camera. Like any other modern computer, they are a means of accessing the Internet. For many, this is their main function.

Most smartphones use two different technologies to access the internet: cellular and Wi-Fi. The advantage of the cellular network is that it works almost everywhere. You can access the internet from almost anywhere you have cellular services.

However, with most phones and in most places, you get third generation (3G) and sometimes second (2G) service, which is very slow. You can get 4G, but most of the phones that people already use do not support this signal. Moreover, 4G is widespread in a small number of cities.

Of course, Wi-Fi can be much faster, depending on the network. But it is not everywhere. Wi Fi at your home, cafe, library and office. Wai Fai severely restricts you on the terrain. You need to know the password from the Wi-Fi network. Another problem: Wi-Fi drains your phone's battery faster than 3G.

And now everyone at the exclamation point -

The green android robot no longer greets you when you turn it on, but lies accompanied by an exclamation mark.
So, if you see this picture - the android lies with an exclamation mark, then you can be congratulated, you made your first unsuccessful experiment to interfere with the software of your device. What is it, and most importantly, what to do with it and how to restore the viability of the device? The search for answers to these questions should be started, first of all, by finding out the reason that led to this state.
If you installed an incorrect program for the android, then after rebooting it will certainly delight you with an image with an exclamation mark. There is only one way out - to do hard reset by selecting Wipe data / factory reset in the engineering menu.

Entering the engineering menu, if your android "lies" is different on different smartphones on android, but the combination of home, power and volume down keys is recognized as standard. On devices with a touch home button, the combination of power and volume down keys usually goes through. The key combination suitable for your device must be pressed with your fingers and held until the service menu appears on the screen.

After the inscriptions appear, you must select the appropriate item by moving up and down using the volume rockers. After selecting this item, several lines will appear on the device screen, asking if you agree to delete all data from your device. After selecting the line yes, the device memory will be completely erased. The next step, if the device has not rebooted, automatically select the rebootsystemnow item, which indicates a system reboot. If after these operations your device has restored its working capacity, then we can congratulate you. The only drawback this method is the loss of all information - including contacts, sms, photos and downloaded applications.

However, if you regularly sync your phone with Google and remember the username and password from account then your losses will be negligible.
If the above method did not help, then you need to make a complete replacement of the software. There are two ways - the first firmware of the device using a usb cable and a computer, however, it will only help you if the “debugging by usb” function was enabled in the device settings. The second way is to update the software using a flash card through the engineering menu. Both methods are very risky and, at the slightest violation of the instructions, will lead to the complete death of the device. At this stage, you should think about whether to try to restore the device yourself or trust the professionals.

If you nevertheless decide to flash an android with an exclamation mark yourself, then you should carefully study all the information provided on the Internet on this issue. Certain types of android-devices have significant differences and features regarding the change of software. Briefly and generally describe this process, then it looks like this - you find the firmware file on the network, download it, along the way studying the reviews about this version and information on installation. After that, you decide on the method of carrying out the procedure for restoring an android with an exclamation mark.

If you chose the method using usb cable, then unpack the firmware files to the root directory of the C drive on the computer, if necessary, install the drivers for your smartphone, turn off the phone, use the key combination (usually the combination power + volume up) enter the phone into the firmware mode, connect the device via a usb cable and follow the further instructions of the program ... At the end of the process, be sure to follow hard reset device settings to standard using the recovery menu.

If you decide to resort to the second method and restore the software using the device itself and the flash card, then the steps are as follows - upload the firmware file to the root directory, insert the flash card into the phone and run it in recovery mode. After the appearance engineering menu select a recovery point using SD and wait. After the end, you also need to reset the parameters of the android device.

Icons on the smartphone screen on Android are displayed on the panel at the top. They help you figure out which notification has arrived, and get information about the signal strength, battery charge, and so on.

There are no well-defined standards for these icons - different developers put different icons in different Android shells, which are not always intuitive. In our material, we will look at what icons are and what they mean.

What does the "vo lte" icon mean?

The mysterious VoLTE icon appeared not so long ago - in 2014. His homeland is distant progressive Singapore, where a new service has been developed that allows you to transmit the sound of your own voice with great convenience and quality.

When VoLTE appears on the screen, it means that they support Voice over LTE technology, which is used during calls. It saves you time on switching from 4G to 3G and helps to improve the sound quality. All is well, except that VoLTE is greedy for battery power.

What does the letter "E" mean?

Another unobvious guest is the letter "E". It stands for EDGE, but not the guitarist of U2, but data transmission technology. It works in 2G networks at a speed not exceeding 474 Kbps.

What does the eye icon mean

Another obscure symbol is the sign of the eye. This does not mean that Big Brother is watching you, but that the smartphone has carefully activated the eye protection function. It can be activated both automatically and manually. It reduces harmful screen emissions and adds a warm hue.

What does the "H" mean?

This unobvious and unremarkable icon is the letter "H". It symbolizes HSPA technology, that is, High Speed ​​Packet Access. This is a high-speed data transmission technology. There is also H +, but the meaning remains the same.

What does 4G mean

What does the NFC icon mean

NFC, or Near field communication, is the ability to transmit data over a short distance - usually up to 10 centimeters. Most often it is used for contactless payments, or for reading information from transport cards.

What does the "R" sign mean?

An R above the network indicator means you are roaming. This usually happens overseas, or outside the home zone. In the settings of the mobile network, you can turn off roaming if you find the item "data in roaming". Then restart your phone.

What does "lte" mean

The LTE icon indicates that the phone supports Long-Term Evolution, or LTE. LTE supports high-speed network access, up to 326 Mbps. So far, LTE is not available everywhere, but it is gradually becoming more and more widespread.

Important: sometimes the same means a completely different icon. Huawei smartphones can display the HD icon, which means roughly the same thing - improving sound quality using LTE.

What does the "tube" icon mean?

The handset icon can mean very different things depending on the situation.

  1. A “neutral” handset means that a call is in progress.
  2. The red handset symbolizes a missed call.
  3. A green handset often indicates that the speakerphone is on.
  4. A handset with an arrow means forwarding.
  5. The red tube and the letter "A" with a "brick" symbol confirm the blocking of all numbers on the blacklist.

Other types of icons on different phones

Smartphone manufacturers often slightly modify their familiar icons, and therefore “moving” to a new device may be more painful than we would like. Especially if the phone has its own unique icons that you just can't make out.

On a Samsung phone

Samsung gadgets have their own character set. Most of them look unremarkable, but there are some unique icons that are worth mentioning separately.

This is the logo for Kies Air, an application that helps transfer data from your device to your PC. It's a convenient wireless sync. The program is specific only to telephones and tablet computers Samsung.

This icon, which looks like Skype, indicates that a Samsung account is being created.

Your phone is connected to the DLNA network.

Saving internet traffic is included. If you don't unlimited tariff, so the phone helps to save money.

On the Huawei phone

Have Huawei smartphones its own characteristics. For example:

LTE is usually displayed with these three letters, Huawei phones also support HD Voice, high-quality sound transmission using VoLTE.

With such an interesting picture, Huawei shows the traffic saving mode. There are similarities with Samsung, but not essential.

Energy saving mode. The phone does everything to extend the life of the battery charge.

On Honor's phone

Honor phones are popular due to their low price. But despite the different lines of models, there is little that distinguishes them from Huawei. These devices use EMUI skin and the icons are the same for both Huawei and Honor.

On the phone Asus

Asus phones do not differ in particularly incomprehensible symbols.

Comic Bubble stands for Unread Messages.

A leaf in a circle means that the energy saving mode is activated.

The crescent says that the Do Not Disturb mode is on.

On Phillips phone

Have Philips phones there are no incomprehensible symbols. If any of them are not clear, we advise you to refer to the text above. These phones use the Philips UI shell of the Android system.