Live journal top 50 posts. Top blogs

Why does a fish need an umbrella for a TOP blogger?

Is it really worth going out of your way to get on the main page of LiveJournal? What does this give a blogger other than a headache in the form of sarcastic comments that will inevitably appear, even if you are all white and fluffy?

We will find the answer on the website:

How much do advertising posts cost for the most popular LiveJournal bloggers? For example, the Voprosnik website believes that top bloggers earn from 30 thousand to 300 thousand per advertising post (source

LJ bets. The Questionnaire website has calculated how much top LiveJournal bloggers earn.

Don’t you agree that people strive to reach the TOP only for the sake of money? Then give your arguments, explain why such heated battles are unfolding around ratings?

My boobs. Is there a chance?

Do my blogs posted on the LiveJournall blogging platform have at least some chance of reaching the TOP and leading the LiveJournall ratings table?

My e-LJ diary

Definitely no! And why? How are blog ratings formed, and by what principle do posts get to the TOP?

Let's figure it out. Fortunately, LiveJournal has a support service that has already answered many questions, so we read the answers and get the hang of it.

LiveJournal ratings

All of them are displayed on the main page LiveJournal at Moreover, the rating can be found both for a day and for all time, however, this only applies to users and communities; the rating of records is shown according to a different principle.

TOP 50 blogs by Artemy Lebedev

By the way, Artemy Lebedev’s blog is always in the top three, headed by Ilya Varlamov’s LiveJournal. Recently, Ekaterina Bezymyannaya (PROSTITUTKA_KET) wedged herself between them. She is in eighth place in the overall ranking, but the release may have helped her become a leader, after which interest in the author’s posts increased.

How to set up your rating type?

I'll quote a little:

60 percent two-thirds(!) The top is formed by users who are in the top twenty rankings. That is, they can write virtually any garbage, and it will still be in the top. Which is what many people use. The first hundred users generate a fantastic 84 percent of our rating. This is almost nine out of ten of all topics. Pooh! Mere mortals, not even among the top thousand, account for only a measly 5 percent. (Source:

First we make settings on the main page:

LiveJournal. Once again about the settings

Is it really possible to get to the TOP, or do you have to immediately come to terms with the fact that your LiveJournal will forever gather dust somewhere on the outskirts of

An attempt is not torture, there is a reason to try. And first you need to check your diary settings.

Go to “Account Settings” ( – “Security” tab ( and check the box "I want to participate in the ranking" .

On the “View” tab, you need to check the box that your diary does not contain adult materials. Just in case, I also checked the “Exclude adult content” checkbox in the safe search filters.

Naturally, your journal should not be deleted or frozen. How to “unfreeze” the magazine, read from the Support Service. I had a situation where my “Northern Sakhalin” was frozen for reasons unknown to me. I wrote a letter, the problem was solved, so don’t be shy, write and you will be rewarded.

And the last condition. If you want to participate in the Cyrillic rating, then check the “View” tab (That’s it, now we’ll think about how to get into this rating.

How to get to the TOP of LiveJournal?

Since I don’t have my own experience yet, I will try to generalize the experience of other bloggers. So, what do you need to do to get to the top of the LiveJournal rankings?

  1. Make all LiveJournal settings correctly
  2. Find friends and like-minded people in LiveJournal;
  3. Join communities that interest you;
  4. Create your community;
  5. Do not limit yourself to regional news, write on “global” topics and write regularly on different topics;
  6. Promotion in social networks, in the settings ( connect your blog with social networks by checking the box next to “Publish my posts on Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte, TUMBLR by default.
  7. Displaying records in “promo” (promotion for money)

Well, work, work and work again. Perhaps then you will see your post in the TOP of LiveJournal.

According to Artemy Lebedev Studio. Rating of posts in Russian blogs. When compiling, data obtained from LiveJournal is used. The rating is generated automatically.
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Test No. 11. Psychoalchemy. Defrosting. Second stream
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From the life of creatures.
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1. Last year in Russia there were 13.9% of the poor, this year it is already 14.3%.
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- that is, not any specific beach, but in general.
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How Tal-Malakh was taken
Anna-News military correspondents' report on the offensive in Northern Hama.
Outwitted themselves
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In 1968, British pilots celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Royal Air Force (RAF).

The era of a new political reality - fair and open competition - implemented by Vyacheslav Volodin and taking shape following the results of the elections on September 8, posed many tasks for participants in the country's political life. Competition for citizens' preferences implies establishing an effective communication model, for which the use of the Internet and, first of all, social networks is simply necessary. An example of this is the campaign of Alexei Navalny, which, having started practically from scratch, allowed the candidate to quite effectively mobilize his niche electorate and get second place in the capital. There is a year left before the next elections, and representatives of political forces are already beginning to reconsider their strategy for working on the Internet: it is obvious that a lot of work needs to be done in the remaining time, which, if successful, will significantly affect the outcome of the next elections.

The other day, a material was published on the website of the Center for Political Analysis at TASS on the prospects of the Live Journal site. Experts interviewed by CPA are inclined to believe that its position, which was once unattainable for its competitors, has today been irretrievably lost. The reason for this is cited as the policy of the management of the SUP, as well as the rapid development of other platforms, primarily Facebook, Twitter, VKontakte. It is no secret that recently, as a result of constant and sometimes very dubious innovations from an increasing number of users, one can hear that LiveJournal is no longer what it used to be. Someone leaves LiveJournal, transferring their activity to Facebook or VKontakte and supplementing it with an account on Twitter, someone switches to the so-called. stand-alone. “Texts that replicate meanings” are replaced by short notes, and some unscrupulous technologists strive to reduce political work with social networks during campaigns only to bringing Twitter hashtags to the top and to mass retweets carried out from bot accounts.

Meanwhile, it must be recognized that, from the point of view of the technological capabilities of the LiveJournal platform, it is still the most optimal platform for blogs. Both Facebook and VKontakte (not to mention microblogs) were initially not designed to work with any voluminous texts. The format of text entries, the ability to break up text with pictures and videos, add hyperlinks - a set of tools that directly affect the “readability” of the material, its perception, and from this point of view, LiveJournal, although it has lost its former chic and luster, today there is still no equal.

The editors of Reedus present their ranking of the top 50 Russian-speaking LiveJournal bloggers who write about politics. It is supplemented by two top-10 samples for cities where the level of blogger activity is traditionally high: Moscow and St. Petersburg. During its preparation, both open source data (social capital, traffic, citations in the media) and expert assessments were used.

For greater clarity, the bloggers who made it to the top were divided into several groups according to conventional political platforms. Three of them were identified: “opposition-white-ribbon” (radical-opposition agenda), “moderate-opposition” (democratic, liberal, left-wing, nationalist and other views), “patriotic-protective.” In cases where blog materials were of a general nature about politics (with a minimum amount of personal judgments in favor of one side or another), they were classified into the fourth group - the group of blogs with a general political orientation.

Enlarge image. © Olya Manolova/website

Infographics: “Top LiveJournal blogs on politics on the Runet according to Reedus.” Enlarge image. © Olya Manolova/website

According to the results obtained, LiveJournal today is largely a platform on which bloggers of opposition views of a more or less radical orientation have gathered. On the one hand, no matter how paradoxical it may be, there is the so-called the “silent majority” phenomenon: a person who is satisfied with everything shows lower activity, be it elections (turnout figures on September 8) or blogs, and a person who encounters any irritants speaks out about them, which forms the overall picture LJ activities. On the other hand, there is a layer of people – citizens and voters – with whom political forces must learn to work, drawing them into their orbit. And the point here is not just in “working through the agenda,” but in building serious work with “meanings” that will attract, captivate and mobilize supporters, as well as clarify controversial issues for doubters.

Friends! Today I want to tell you about those who make our lives more interesting. Without sparing his health, time and resources, he travels through wild lands, runs away from bears, sea snakes, tramples lava flows, sits in ambush for hours - about photographers. Still, it’s a little easier for me to understand how complex and serious the work of a photographer who photographs nature and travel is. According to the law of meanness, the viewer cannot appreciate the scale of the work that was carried out in the process of creating the frame. Behind a beautiful photo there will be nights in a tent, a war with mosquitoes, weeks of waiting for light, a hellish climb and altitude sickness. Today I will tell you about photographers who blog on the Livejournal platform. I know many of them personally, and I have long wanted to meet some of them. A small note - this is my personal top, those whom I read regularly. Some famous photographers may not make it here, this only means that I am not interested in them (or we didn’t have time to find them)

So - Top 50 LJ photographers

1. dementievskiy - Vanya Dementievsky. Famous traveler, photographer and awesome dude)) I have admired Vanya’s photographs for a very long time; no one else can show Russian landscapes so incredibly. Vanya is a lover of all kinds of zazhopinsk villages, such as villages in Karelia. And now he wanders around the Kuril Islands, publishing amazing photos on LiveJournal. Vanya, respect and respect to you!
2. dima_chatrov - Dima Shatrov. We met him by chance in a restaurant in Kathmandu. You can admire his photographs for a long time. He is a master of travel photography. I still want to go to his MK for processing, but he’s a villain... I recommend him, his photos are simply role models!
3. alex_zavodskiy - Lesha Zavodsky. Master of mountain landscape. Honorary Nepalese) His mountain landscapes make many teeth gnash with envy))
4. n_khoroshkov - Khoroshkov Kolya. My comrade in arms. Travels a lot, creates gorgeous night photographs. Next summer we will fly with him to the Dolomites)
5. shpatak - Andrey Shpatak is one of the best photographers of the underwater world. His LiveJournal is just a different world, take a look, you’ll understand me)
6. umra - Kirill Umrikhin - automotosurfoto! We met Kirill last year in Marikia. He is the best extreme sports photographer I know. And now he's teasing photos of Mauritius on his blog
7. fotomm - Ilya Stepanov. Travel photographer. Master of travel photography. I love his travel photos
8. alexphotograph - Alexey Trofimov. There is probably no one left in RuNet who would not admire Alexey’s Baikal photos!
9. photografersha - Marina Lystseva. Perhaps there is no need to introduce her. Spoter, a man in love with the sky. Read and watch!
10. torchuck - Andrey Narchuk. Want to look underwater? And see a wonderful world? That way)
11. timon_timonich - Dima Pisanko. Dima hasn’t posted cool time-lapses for a long time, but he’s a master) So, everyone, run to re-educate him!
12. vladsv - Vladimir Serebryansky - Poet of the Far East. Poet with a capital P..
13. liseykina - Lena Petrova. Lena, I love your photos! Lena has already traveled to a bunch of beautiful corners of the world, and has just returned from a run in the States. Awesome photos, and even supported by shooting tips!
14. lovigin - Petya Lovygin. Petya is not a photographer. Petya the Artist! Only he can make a masterpiece out of an incomprehensible picture! And also, if someone makes pictures with an “antique” texture applied, then everyone will say, “Why are you repeating Lovygina??”)
15. smelov - Ivan Smelov. Magnificent views of St. Petersburg
16. mboyarskov - Misha Boyarskov - Specialist in photographing extreme sports!
17. aermolitsky - Alexander Ermolitsky - master of mountain landscape
18. satorifoto - Daniil Korzhonov. Danya doesn’t need to be introduced, everyone knows him) It’s a pity LiveJournal is not so active..
19. vadimbalakin - Vadim Balakin. One of the coolest landscape painters I know!
20. my_mriya - Dima and Tanya. Animalists and birdwatchers. It’s a pity that we’ve half-abandoned the LiveJournal, but if you wander around the blog, there’s something to see there!
21. petrosphotos - Alexander Petrosyan. You don’t need to introduce it either - unique genre sketches and uncanny angles of St. Petersburg!
22. sergey_ershov - Sergei Ershov. I also abandoned LiveJournal, but his photos will not leave anyone indifferent!
23. kharit_on_off - Lesha Kharitonov. He is a master of good timing. Like no one else can see and catch something unique. And now he teases with Armenian landscapes)
24. anton_franchuk - Anton Franchuk. Master of landscape. Next year we plan to make a joint tour to Kazakhstan
25. todofoto - Alexander Gutkin. Master of romantic photography. Why romantic? Look at his photo, you will understand) Ready-made illustrations for historical novels
26. vvtrofimov - Volodya Trofimov. The leader of a bunch of interesting photo tours and the creator of the “The World through the Eyes of a Blogger” project. Teases with autumn photos from Moravia)
27. oskinpavel - Pasha Oskin. Photographer and traveler. I’ve been following the geography of travel for a long time and I’m licking my lips)
28. jankovoy - Anton Yankova. One of the most famous Ukrainian landscape painters. Singer of Nepal and dancer of the Himalayas) No need to introduce, everyone knows him)
29. muph - Andrey Kirnov. Master of spherical panoramas. Well, panoramas in general. One of the most complete blogs on the entire list
30. ratbud - Denis Budkov. When someone says Kamchatka, I imagine Denis’s photographs)
31. marateaman - Marat Akhmetvaleev. God of the landscape. One of the best landscape painters I know. I'm serious, come and look at his photos!
32. sav_in - Stas Savin. I also abandoned LiveJournal, and his photos are incredibly cool!
33. 4gott - Geb Tarro. A famous landscape painter who delights the eye with cards from all over the world. The blog also posts various interesting things from the world of photography
34. ant_bravo - Anton Fedorchenko. Delicious landscape blog!
35. chistoprudov - Dima Chistoprudov. A blog with a lot of photo reports containing a lot of useful information!
36. frantsouzov - Denis Frantsuzov. For me, Denis is the god of time-lapses. His videos are simply incredibly beautiful, and even filmed in wild places. I highly recommend wandering through Denis's magazine!
37. azelman - Andrey Zelmanovich - I’m in awe of his landscapes of the Dead Sea!
38. shpilenok - Igor Shpilenok. Everyone knows the game. The most famous animal photographer in LiveJournal. His photo stories are wonderful!
39. altay_birder - Alexey Ebel. Birdwatcher, a man in love with Altai
40. karpukhins - Sergey Karpukhin. Traveler with a capital T!
41. volkov_serge - Sergey Volkov. Maniac birdwatcher) Jungle, mountains - in order to capture a rare view! Respect!
42. dewynter - Ilya Genkin. Australian landscapes!
43. lusika33 - Luda and Andrey - filmed the eruption of Tolbachik. I have never seen a better report and photo!
44. feanorus454 - Igor Gorshkov. I've been fascinated by his work for a long time!
45. elena_v_m - Lena Malysheva. Lena creates stunningly atmospheric photos. You can look at her photos for a very long time and still find something new every minute!