Installing updates to LG TV TV. Software update on LG smartphones

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Sooner or later, the TV software ceases to be modern and relevant. Since the release of a certain model in wide production, the manufacturer continues to upgrade the software of the already operated brand, creating fixing failures and stabilizing the functioning of the TV version of the firmware. Therefore, for LG TV holders, the question is how to properly flash the LG TV, the procedure for this necessary for this, and where to take an updated version of the software, does not lose its relevance.

We warn you in advance that the independent update of the TV software, made with errors, leads to the loss of TV performance. All manipulations carried out with the operating system "Blue Screen" by you are handled. To the LG TV firmware has passed successfully, strictly follow the rules and recommendations below.

This article with detailed step-by-step instructions and illustrations will allow you to install software quickly, conveniently and securely.

Step One - Determination of the exact modification of the TV

First define the modification of your "blue screen". This is necessary to search and select the desired software product. The software of a different model can be incompatible with your TV. To find out what kind of modification is your LG TV, you need:

  • On the remote control press " Menu", Then -" Support customer"(Red button with white point in the middle). Dealer choose" Product / Service Information" In the line " Model / Type»Read the full name of the brand. In the line " Version of PO"We look at the version of the current software.
  • On the remote control HOME", Choose a graph" Settings", Section" Support", Line" Product / Service Information" In line " Model / Type»You will read the exact name of the brand of your TV.

Step second - search for a suitable software

Knowing the exact brand of the TV, proceed to search for suitable software for its firmware. There are several ways to make this task. On the Internet to date a huge number of sites providing software products for the firmware LG TV. But, most likely, the result of the use of such a dubious software product will be deplorable - partial or complete TV breakdown. It is better to look for software for your TV on the official LG page. For this:

Step Three - Update on LG TV

To update on the TV LG, prepare a USB flash drive. So, you need:

Remember, it is impossible:

Remove the flash drive from the TV until the update operation is completed

Turn off the TV until the update is completed

Disable power until the update operation is completed

Install software updates on a TV is not "increasing" in the presence of two or more updated files, update from the "younger" version to the "senior".


We express our hope that this LG TV firmware instruction will allow you to quickly and easily update on your TV. Remember that only the use of software from proven sources will guarantee your device from malfunctions.

Over time, the TV software is inevitably stitched. After the release into the production of a specific model, the manufacturer continues to improve the program component of the released TV and releases new firmware versions that correct old bugs and make the TV more stable. LG TV owners are often interested in how to properly flash LG TV, where it is better to take a new version of the firmware, which manipulations need to be held.

I want to warn you in advance that the wrong tv firmware can lead to its inoperability. All actions with the operating system of the TV you spend on your own risk. However, subject to all rules and warnings, the LG TV firmware will be held without problems. In this article, you will find a detailed illustrated manual that will make the LG TV firmware simple and understandable, and most importantly safe.

Determine the exact model of the TV

First you need to accurately determine the model of your TV. It is necessary in order to find the necessary software. If you establish from a TV with another modification, problems associated with incompatibility may arise. Check the exact LG TV model can be in several ways.

1. Find on the back of the TV sticker with the full name of the model.

2. Press the "MENU" button on the console. Next, click on the Customer Support button (red with a white point in the center) on the remote.

Select the item "inf. About Product / Ulsuge. " In the column "Model / Type" we find the exact name of the model of the TV. In the column "software version" you can see the version of the installed software. When you get to choosing an item on the choice of suitable software, choose software with a version higher than you already installed.

3. Click on the HOME button on the remote. Select "Settings". Select the section "Support" and then "inf. About Product / Ulsuge. " In the column "Model / Type" you can also detect the exact name of the TV model.

Search for a suitable software

After you accurately identified the model of your TV, you can search for LG TV firmware. You can do this in several ways. Online you can find many sites that provide LG TV firmware. However, when using such a firmware, you can run into trouble in the form of loss of television performance. It is much more expedient and safer to find software for your model on the official LG website.

1. Go to WWW website . LG. Com.. In the upper right side of the screen is the search box to which you want to enter the name of the model of your TV. For example, we enter LG 39LN540V.

2. Before you will appear search results. Go to the "Support" tab and choose the "Program" item.

3. You must appear accessible to download the update. You need files called Software File (VersionxX.xX.xx)The brackets contains the version downloadable. Recall that the LG TV firmware from the official site is safer. Click on the link and download the archive with software on your computer.

We update by on TV LG

For the LG TV firmware you will need a flash drive. With the help of it we will be updated on your TV.

1. Unpack the downloaded archive with software to the computer. After unpacking, you must get the * .epk format file. If there are two or more such files, then install them in turn, from the smaller version to the greater.

2. Insert the clean flash drive in the computer USB port. Create a folder with the name "LG _DTV" on the flash drive. This is a prerequisite, the folder must be called that way.

3. Copy the unpacked * .epk software file to the LG _DTV folder on the flash drive. It is from this folder that will be read to the LG TV firmware.

4. Insert the USB flash drive to the USB port of the TV. The TV firmware update must start independently. You will see a window in which the current version of "Current Ver" will be indicated. and updated version of "Update Ver.". Click "Start" and the LG TV firmware will begin. After the firmware is completed on the screen, the update is completed (Upgrading Completed).

5. If the installed version of the firmware is higher than that you want to install or they are the same, you will see the window shown below.


  • Do not remove the USB flash drive until you complete the software update.
  • Do not turn off the TV until you update the software.
  • Do not turn off the TV to the full software update.
  • Always update the TV to the younger version, and then to the senior (with multiple updates files).


We really hope that after this manual, the LG TV firmware will not cause any difficulties. Once again, we turn your attention to what is better to use the firmware from official sources. This will protect your TV from breakdown.

As in most modern TVs, two ways to update the firmware are possible on LG TVs:

1 Update LG TV software from the Internet;

2 Firmware update with USB flash drive.

I propose to consider every option step by step.

Update on the LG TV from the Internet.

This method, in my opinion, the most simple and convenient. For him, only TV LG is needed with Internet access, and it doesn't matter how the Internet is connected with network cable LAN or Wi-Fi . Next, you need to go to the TV settings, for this click the "Settings" button if you have a regular control panel.

Or "INPUT" button

and select the gear icon if you have a Remote Magic.

Click on the "Check Updates" button.

If updates are available, the TV will offer download and install them. If you want to automate the TV update process, you can check the "Allow automatic updates" checkbox.

If the last version of the software is installed on the TV, you will see the "Updates not found".

Thus, clicking several times on the control panel, you can easily update the LG firmware.

Updating LG TV with USB flash drives.

This method is suitable if your TV does not have access to the Internet. His whole essence is that you from the official LG site download the firmware on a USB flash drive, then connect this USB flash drive to the TV and install updates.

Before you start updating the LG TV, you must find out the exact model of your TV and the installed version of software. To find out the model TV, look at its rear panel, it will be a sticker with a model indicating. If you do not get back to the TV (hanging on the bracket), then you can go to the TV settings in the General menu - "TV information" and see the model of your TV, you can also see the version installed.

After you learned the TV model, go to official site LG. And enter it in the search string.

Open the "Update" tab and if there is a newer firmware version - download and unzip the downloaded archive.

To update, you need a USB flash drive volume of at least 1 GB. Transfer all the information from the carrier USB and format it . After that, create a folder on the media name LG_DTV. And transfer the firmware (file with EPK extension) to the created folder.

Turn off the TV and connect the USB flash drive to any USB port (if there is a "USB In Service only" port, then connect the USB flash drive). After turning on the TV, a proposal will appear to update it, select "Set".

As in most modern TVs, two ways to update the firmware are possible on LG TVs:

1 Update LG TV software from the Internet;

2 Firmware update with USB flash drive.

I propose to consider every option step by step.

Update on the LG TV from the Internet.

This method, in my opinion, the most simple and convenient. For him, only TV LG is needed with Internet access, and it doesn't matter how the Internet is connected with network cable LAN or Wi-Fi . Next, you need to go to the TV settings, for this click the "Settings" button if you have a regular control panel.

Or "INPUT" button

and select the gear icon if you have a Remote Magic.

Click on the "Check Updates" button.

If updates are available, the TV will offer download and install them. If you want to automate the TV update process, you can check the "Allow automatic updates" checkbox.

If the last version of the software is installed on the TV, you will see the "Updates not found".

Thus, clicking several times on the control panel, you can easily update the LG firmware.

Updating LG TV with USB flash drives.

This method is suitable if your TV does not have access to the Internet. His whole essence is that you from the official LG site download the firmware on a USB flash drive, then connect this USB flash drive to the TV and install updates.

Before you start updating the LG TV, you must find out the exact model of your TV and the installed version of software. To find out the model TV, look at its rear panel, it will be a sticker with a model indicating. If you do not get back to the TV (hanging on the bracket), then you can go to the TV settings in the General menu - "TV information" and see the model of your TV, you can also see the version installed.

After you learned the TV model, go to official site LG. And enter it in the search string.

Open the "Update" tab and if there is a newer firmware version - download and unzip the downloaded archive.

To update, you need a USB flash drive volume of at least 1 GB. Transfer all the information from the carrier USB and format it . After that, create a folder on the media name LG_DTV. And transfer the firmware (file with EPK extension) to the created folder.

Turn off the TV and connect the USB flash drive to any USB port (if there is a "USB In Service only" port, then connect the USB flash drive). After turning on the TV, a proposal will appear to update it, select "Set".

Update for TVs LG Smart TV allows you to:

  • Eliminate OS vulnerabilities.
  • Create identified errors and problems, for example, with an interface or connection of peripheral devices.
  • Add new features that implemented software developer during the development process.
  • Provide compatibility with applications (third-party developers often support only the latest version of the operating system, since backward compatibility with old versions requires an increase in programmers).

TIZEN OS is a free open source platform, however, regular programmers are engaged in its support. Therefore, this operating system can be called a full-fledged commercial product. TV manufacturers on which Tizen is installed, guarantee the necessary functions and user security.

The update mechanism works automatically. The firmware is downloaded over the protected channel, and before installing it is checked for the integrity of the file. This approach minimizes possible errors.

The firmware is not provided for all devices, but only for those models for which improvements were made.

In some cases, the installation can be made using a USB drive (it must be formatted in FAT32), which is pre-downloaded with the firmware. Files are swinging from the official website of the TV manufacturer. Before installing, you must make sure the version of software and device must be configured. If the extension file.exe (as in the case of Samsung), then it must be launched - then the automatic unpacking interface will open.

Before updating software, remember:

  1. Do not turn off the TV during the update.
  2. The software version should approach your LG TV model.
  3. Do not remove removable media during the update.
  4. In order to avoid possible problems, it is not recommended to click on any buttons.

You can check the TV model by pressing the Settings key on the remote control. In the menu that opens, select the Support tab, Product Information / Service. It is important to watch the serial number on the device.

After downloading the archive, you must prepare a carrier. Format the USB flash drive if there is a need. Create a folder with the name on the media LG_DTV.. Copy the downloaded file into this folder, after connecting the archive. If copying is completed, you can remove the carrier from the PC and insert into the TV. The display will show information about the connected drive with the software file, as well as the version of the current firmware. Before installing, it is desirable to learn installation instructions. Click on the "Run" button to start updating software.

During installation, it is not recommended to make additional actions. As soon as the update is completed, the TV will restart and the window will be the window where the "current version will match the update option. There is no need to update. " This means the process passed correctly.

Possible problems and their solution

Even changing the firmware, the TV can still give out failures or just buggy. To solve this problem you need to spend initializationyu. To do this, go to the menu and find "Support", further "Initializing the application" and select OK. TV will reboot and will continue to work without errors and freezes.

Using the Internet to update LG Smart TV

There is a simpler way than the previous option. It is important that the connected network is reliable. Calculate traffic, because By "weighs" about 500 megabytes. A global TV network is connected to one of three ways: using a 4G modem, Wi-Fi wireless network or a power cable.

On the remote control, press the "SETTINGS" button, then open "Support" and select "Update by". Click the button to check availability. With the existence of a new firmware model, the number of the new software will be displayed. If this exists, click "update".

After pressing this button, the TV will download new software from the Internet. Use TV only before installation. The process is automated, during the installation, turning on and off occurs automatically. After the installation is completed, you can enter the settings and make sure that the newest software is now.