The key for the Friends program. Program for cheating friends in VK

Today, most of the population of Russia has pages in social networks. And many are not even one. Why do you need it? It is necessary in order to communicate, in order to get acquainted, finally, in order to promote your services and goods. How did you think? VKontakte a lot of different merchants, businessmen, legal and not very (who are not very, those usually block one week later). All of them need your wallet and your attention, which is why over time any page, headed with the intention "only to communicate with friends and listen to music" becomes subscriptions. At first they are ten, then there are twenty, then they are fifty, and it is still considered to be.
Go to your subscription list. In your list of friends. See a group or people who do not know? Congratulations, you have become a victim of competent (just like this) promotion VKontakte. For some, you have become a new check mark in the list.

Ok, I myself want to try!

Well, download the cheating of friends VKontakte for free, any miracle program is a dream of anyone who wants from "Plankton" to turn into a shark of social business. After all, it is so good when the page is a whole bunch of friends who write who are lying your photos and so on. It seems that you need quite a bit - just download a wonder-app, which will turn off friends for you, and then you will become influential and can manage the audience, offering certain goods or services. Or just become an authority.
But no matter how good the offered cheating of friends VKontakte, download it is just half an end.

When a person in friends bots and fake pages are suspicious

Myths about promotion.

Remogressive programs - that's most likely, you most likely download instead of "breakdowns or bills of VK"

How to actually conquer authority, acquire friends, spread the goods in VKontakte and do it fast?!

This is done very simple. We just need to use the real promotion. Yes, of course, everyone would be comfortable artificial cheating of friends VKontakte for free, the program, which could be very simple, and use it without restrictions.

"Stupid" bottle-chests immediately block

But in fact, you still need real friends and subscribers. Yes, the number of available subscribers or friends affects the decision-making process, but only strengthens the already formed about the page. That is, if you are interested in the client, the number of subscribers will make it subscribe, and if you are not interested in the client, then he will decide that they are all belonging to his social group, and here and talk about nothing.
Therefore, you again and again have to return to the question of quality. The quality of the cheating of friends is determined mainly by the degree of their deduction, the fact that these are real people, their response activity.
In order to attract real friends and subscribers to qualitatively, special tools are needed. But your personal will is needed.
We will not repeat you by the Carnegie Book, but only we specify that you must lead your page if you are able to yourself if there is no time - use the timer. This significantly improves the possibilities of publishing news, which can now go at least around the clock. We also specify - you need to explore those with whom you want to drive a friendship VKontakte, or attract them to the page. Think about how they look on average, how old they are, what interests, what kind of education. This will help you determine the target audience. In the future, to attract you can use both your time and special programs.

In this instruction, I will show you program for cheating friends in VK. I will give a link to download it, and I will show a detailed algorithm of work.

Video lesson: program for cheating friends in VK

Download a program for cheating friends in VK


Download and run the program.

In the first step, you will be asked to specify the login and password from the VKontakte page (see). Make it and click Login.

Get a SMS code on the phone, and enter it into the form. Then click "Create".

The program will be launched.

As a bonus, look this video.

How to wind friends?

On the next page, make sure that the link to your page is indicated (see). Specify the number of friends you need. And click the "Enable" button.

The process will be launched. Here, the whole point is that all users who are added to the program are mutually exchanged likes, reposts and subscriptions. While the program is included, you will receive applications for friends. And from your page will be sent invitations.

Being popular is the task facing many users of the VKontakte social network. Today, popularity is often judged by the number of friends. After all, than them are more, the greater the number of people will see the content you publish, the more likes will stand in photos, etc. About large numbers of friends are conceived as people engaged in business in VC and simple users. And one of the most effective ways to achieve this are special programs. It is about them that will be speaking today.

How to use programs to add VC friends?

Programs for adding friends to VCs are used for a long time. The network you can find a very different software, for every taste. Some are online services that are able to automatically turn the desired number of subscriptions. Other - programs that need to download and install on your PC. But all of them unites one thing - they help to gain a large number of people much faster than if you manually sent applications and expected a response to them.

Such programs are designed to facilitate our work and help achieve goals. If you want to wind a sufficient number of friends, then you need to know the basic principles of such a software.

There are two types of services:

  • Having winding people from their base (in such cases you will get bots or offers). Here, the cheating will be carried out at the expense of incoming applications.
  • Holding live people. Here, the cheating will be carried out at the expense of outgoing applications.

In the first case, everything is extremely simple. You run the software and watch how new applications come to your account. Next you can only take friendship.

In the second case, everything is somewhat different. You will need to pass the target audience (if necessary), then send the resulting application list to friends. You can also send personal messages with the call of adding if you know how and what are the levers of exposure to use.

Another pretty popular tactic of adding people to friends through programs is masslaking. That is, the robot visits the pages of different users and puts them likes. People will come to visit you in response and see your profile, thereby "warming the soil" for further action. After time, you can send applications for friends with these people. In this case, your account will not be new for them, and they are more likely to take an invitation.

The use of such tools as LS mailing, mass trees are necessary, as VK has a limit on the number of outgoing applications as a day - up to 50 pcs. That is, at the expense of only inviting you can add no more than 50 people per day (and then some part on the reciprocity answer). If you want to have much more friends, you must use other tools that offer programs.

Best programs

In order not to get confused in a variety of different software, which the runet offers us, we have selected for you the most popular and efficient programs for adding friends to VC.

This is not one, but immediately a series of programs from one developer. Although quite recently, the same bot appeared from them, which has the functionality of all other prog. Services from Lizard are designed to facilitate the execution of routine and same tasks in VKontakte. Below is a list of Lizard VK Bot features (individual services are indicated in brackets):

Depending on the goals and tasks set before you, you can use one specific program or bot, which includes all the features of other programs. How to use:

At the output, we get a whole list of users with which you can carry out further actions. For example, we further launched another program and drove the ground through Masslaking for further sending requests to friends.

The algorithm of the work of other programs is similar: choose and configure the task, and then launch and observe the result.

The price of each program is individual. Lizard VK Bot costs 690 rubles / month. - 490 rubles / month. Or forever 2990 rubles. - Forever 990 rubles. - forever 790 rubles.


Another pretty popular among users of VK Bot, designed to automatically promote accounts and groups in VKontakte. The service specializes in performing the same tasks, as well as the previous program.

One of the main advantages of the bobot is that it is absolutely free if you use only 1 account. In this case, the entire functionality is available in full and is not limited to time. Functional:

  • parsing target audience;
  • sending messages;
  • checkker and Massing;
  • answering machine;
  • auto access and much more.

This service is a unique and indispensable assistant especially for those users who for one or another can not pay for the use of such software. For cheating of friends VK here, as in the previous service, it is necessary to use various scenarios: PARSING AND INVTING; PARSING AND DESCRIPTION OF MEMBERS (+ INVTING); Massing with further friendship sending, etc. How to use:

Ready. Broket will perform its task until we stop it. If you need to add VC friends on several accounts, then you can buy a version with 10 available questionnaires for 599 rubles / month. or with an unlimited questionnaire for 1799 rubles / month.


This is a software that works in the first principle described by us: adds friends from his base. That is, running it, incoming applications for friends will be received on your page. You can leave them in subscribers, you can take manually, but you can customize the bot so that it does it automatically. Functional:

  • cheating friends;
  • approval of all incoming applications;
  • mailing records by groups;
  • mailing comments;
  • anti-kip, proxy, multicoant and vpn;
  • an assistee from everyone who is signed;
  • translation of subscribers as a friend and vice versa;

The program to build friends on your accounts automatically bypassing the daily limits of VKontakte. The principle of its work is based on the distribution of multiple luring messages of the type "Add to Friends" in the VKontakte group, designed just for this kind of PR.

Purpose of this program - Increasing the number of friends in VKontakte on accounts completely in automatic mode. If you are a user demo version, you don't even need to do anything besides adding an account to the program, the program performs all the work on the buildup of friends on its own, just run it enough.

Complete automation of the process of cheating friends VKontakte is achieved due to the program of such tasks as:

2 modes of operation:
The program provides 2 modes of operation: Normal mode and Turbo mode. The latter is characterized by a high speed of work, but at the same time, and the higher probability of blocking your accounts. In the demo version, the use of Turbo-regime is limited by a period of 20 minutes.

How to work with the program:
The program is very easy to use. To work, it is enough to go to the settings and set up several important items:

  • Add accounts VKontakte to which friends will be cooked. Only 1 account is allowed in the demo version of the program.
  • Set the way of working with depic: through the Antgate service (works only in the Premium version), input manual or waiting (time-out) to disappear Capping and continuing to work without its input at all.

    In the event that AntiGate is selected, it is worth it to be relaxed, because when implementing 5 unsuccessful capping recognition attempts through the service, the program switches to manual input mode.

  • Enter the list of communities in contact, which will be sent to spam messages (only in Premium version). You can collect this kind of base with third-party parsers, for example, VkfastParser, GroupSearcher or some other parsers. The main thing is that it is worth considering when collecting such groups - the openness of comments (walls), so look for parsers who can collect community for such a criterion.
  • Specify a check mark, whether to accept applications for friends automatically (you can turn off in the premium version).
  • Specify with a check mark, send requests to friends to other users (you can turn off in the premium version).

    As for this item, the program works in this way: carrying out messages to the group, it also searches for users leaving similar messages, after which it sends an application to one of them once every 15 minutes. It is done until the account will be achieved for the daytime limit on the departure of applications.

    Starting from version 2.6.0, the demo version no longer sends together with the application message with the program name, which previously has previously led to blockages.

Differences DEMO and PREMIUM versions:
Increasingly and more often, the programs are available in DEMO and PRO (Premium) versions where Demo is a familiarization version of the program with a trimmed functionality. Not without this and the case with the VK10000Friends program. Unlike the demo version you can download free, paid premium version is characterized by:
  • Multi-Acquance. In the premium version of the program there are no restrictions on the number of accounts - you can add them as much as you like, thereby increasing the total number of added friends on all accounts.
  • Adding your list of groups for mailing.
  • The possibility does not accept applications for friends automatically, but do it yourself.
  • Lack of limit in 20 minutes for Turbo mode.
  • The ability to work through Antikapchi Antigate service.
Efficiency and figures:
The way of cheating friends here is not the fastest and efficient. Especially in the demo version. Even when working in turbo mode from one account, you failed to wind a large number of friends for several reasons:
  • The program slightly optimized the speed of work to reduce the risk of freezing of the VKontakte pages.
  • The result of the program's work practically does not depend on it from it or from you - a significant part of the users finds you yourself, the number of applications filed does not depend on the program.
  • A large number of unsubsions. It is characterized by the fact that people involved in monitoring PR community and sending applications to everyone doing this is not to accumulate friends, but to accumulate subscribers. Do not be surprised if a significant part of "new friends" will immediately disappear from you.
  • The latter, partly, too, an important point is the impossibility of running more than one copy of the program.
As for the numbers, approximately 1000 - 1500 new friends in the amount of all accounts are added under 21 hours in the amount of operations under all accounts, of which approximately 10-30% later (or immediately) are unsubscribed.

To reduce unsubscribe, promote the best "stylish" account with the completed information and a pretty avatar. Even on fake accounts, friends without avatars are not needed. For example, on an account with a dog on avatar for half an hour of work, about 60 friends wound up, of which 40 then unsubscribed. But on an account with a pretty guy on an avatar, more than 150 friends screwed up, from which only a quarter unsubscribed.

Despite the significant amount of the unsubsion, such a method of cheating of friends is quite promising, because it is fully automatic and does not require any currency (points), as on all services of the cheating. "Dogs" (or bots) in the end is practically no, because, again, comparing with windings with services, users are not engaged in joining suspicious communities, for which they are most, and adding you to friends either manually, or using programs like VK10000Friends, And the risk of blocking for it is minimal due to a large number of options sent spam messages.

In addition, it is worth noting one important detail that only adds the attractiveness to this program. Speech, in fact, about a beautiful animated cat in the program window, which smoothly moves at the time of the cheating of friends!

Purchase full (Premium) version of the program to get rid of all restrictions on its official website.

In Demo mode, search for friends is available only under one questionnaire (account) This is enough if you have one page, but if you are engaged in promotion in social networks, promotion of groups and other things like things, then premium mode will be interesting for you.
Under 21 account in normal high-speed mode for 9 hours of operation, it is added as a rule 1200 - 1600 new friends in the amount of all accounts and
About 100 unsubscribers are removed.
Price Premium Access - Funny, 30 rubles per week

I imagine the program " VK10000Friends."

This application is intended to promote accounts in social. network, increasing the number of friends and, accordingly, the unique viewing of the village.
The principle of operation is based on sending messages of the type "Add me to friends" in the group for self-sector.

Also in these groups, the application is looking for people who need friends and sends them an application once a 15-minute in order to avoid blocking the page. Intervals of sending messages and other actions in the program are configured in such a way as to avoid free-free page and do not cause suspicion of the VKontakte administration.

The speed of adding to friends depends on the day of the week (on the weekend a little worse) and the time of day. Live people are added as a rule, and they have a property to sleep at night (well, most).

In Demo mode, search for friends is available only under one questionnaire this is enough if you have one questionnaire, but if you are engaged in promotion in social networks, promotion of groups and other similar things, then premium mode will be interesting for you.
Under 21 account in normal high-speed mode for 9 hours of operation, it is added as a rule of 1200 - 1600 new friends in total by all accounts and about 100 unsubscribers are removed.

Video instruction:


Site program:

P.S. From myself I will add: the program is really gorgeous - I use the second week already. People themselves come and ask for friends. Yes, and the price of premium access for the week of 30 rubles. Available to almost all interested people - agree. The author is an adequate person, easy to contact and will always help on all issues.