How to make an internal page. How to create an internal page in a group or community VKontakte

Administering the community or group of VKontakte, the head executives most often enough of the usual recording format, which involves a solid text, video or photo in the form of a gallery with an attached reference leading on a third-party site, etc. But sometimes there comes a moment when it is required to create a more decorated material in the social. Networks using headlines, lists and other design features that are usually inherent in standard pages on information sites. It is also worth considering that many users of VK with pleasure will read the material in the social. Networks, but reluctantly will go to another site, and the wiki-pages can be indexed by search engines, which will attract visitors to the community that can be subscribed.

In order to create Vikkontakte's wiki page, you need to copy the following URL to the address bar:\u003d-xxx&p\u003dample_Zapolka

change the "XXX" on the ID of your public or group, change the "example_name" on the title of your future article and press ENTER. Now the page is created, and you can proceed to its filling by clicking on the "Fill content" button.

After the page is ready, you can publish it in the community records or group, specifying the address of the material without the end of "? ACT \u003d EDIT". When the page is fixed to the record, erase the URL, the link will still be active and will not disappear. If you simultaneously attach the wiki page and photo at the same time, then when you click on the photo your material will open.

Important moments:

1) access to the page

In the lower right corner of the page you created there is a "Access to page" button, where you can specify who will be available page for viewing and editing. By default, editing is available only to administrators, which is not advised to change, since your guests are likely to miss the case to make their own, sometimes not quite useful contribution.

2) Save the address of the wiki-page you created

After clearing the Wiki page, do not forget to copy the address of the material, this information in the community is not saved anywhere. If you create materials in the group, you can see them when editing the "Fresh News" section by selecting the title and clicking "Add a link".

3) After creating the page, the title of the material is already changing already

When creating a wiki-page, you specify the correct name of the material in the URL "Example_ading", it will be the heading of your page, which will not be able to change.

Step 1
To begin with, we go to my group and in the "Fresh News" block (in this case, I renamed it to "Menu") Press the "Edit" link, which appears when you hover. Important! First, you must have an open group, not the page. Since there is simply no on the page of this item. And the second, in the Community Management menu\u003e Information\u003e Materials The item "Open" must be selected.

Step 2.
In the Editing tab, we write the phrase [[web-design theory]] enclosed in double square brackets. Then click on the "Save Page" button.

Step 3.
After that, next to the button, the "Preview" reference will appear, and click on it. The preview of our menu will appear below, where we see the "Web Design Theory" appeared below.

Step 4.
We click on this link and go to the created page titled "Web Design Theory". After pressing the link "Fill the content". Next, edit the text as in the usual text editor - insert pictures, texts, video and other objects. At the same time, our created page will have an url of the type

Alternative way to create an internal page
There is an alternative way to create a page. It is mainly suitable for public pages (public pages), since it does not fit the method described above. To do this, we will use such a code.\u003d-xxx&p\u003d_naviting_strant
Where instead of XXX we will substitute the ID of our group, and instead of the text "page name" we will write the menu. Now you need to find out the group ID. How to do it? We go to the main page of the group and look at our wall entries - right under the "Add Record" block will be written "All Entries" - click on this link.

Go to the page and see the url of this type\u003d1where the numbers 78320145 in this example are the group ID. We substitute our data into the source code and get a record of this type:\u003d-78320145&p\u003dMay (With your numbers!). Insert this string to the browser address bar and press ENTER. So we created a new page of VKontakte.

From the article you will find out:

Hello a network traveler, you threw up to the blog, today I will share with my readers as I do an internal transfination in my online projects.

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About importance internal transfer of site pages A lot of information on the Internet, each SEO-blog contains one or a series of articles of this topic, but for beginners webmasters may not be clear how to do it correctly.

With importance, everything is clear, and how to properly carry out the inner translection may cause difficulty, and therefore I decided to write this post, and tell me how I do it!

Well, of course, at the beginning of the article, just in case, we will cut the general questions of the internal transfer of the pages of the site, suddenly someone else is not in the subject.

What is internal transfine? Perelinkovka inside the site is when one article refers to another, that is, the internal blog page contains links to other articles of this resource.

Why do you need transfinking pages inside the site? The first thing is the transfinking is created for the convenience of your visitors.

In order for the person who came to your site, having received the information you need could also receive an addition to it by going on internal thematic links.

The second is the importance of the inner transfer, this is an improvement in statistics, I think everything is clear here if a person came to you on the project from the search engine, I spent a lot of time on the page, and I also made an internal transition and did not return back to the search, it means you can do The conclusion that the information found it was arranged, the search engines see and take into account.

And if you have such visitors a lot, then your site will deserve the trust of search engines and will rise in extradition, so you need to seek your visitors to make many internal transitions, and for this you need to arrange many thematic internal links.

Internal transfer to you to use, this is an increase in the positions in the issuance of search engines for low-frequency and even by mid-frequency requests, that is, you need in the internal URLs (link text) in the arms of the link, it's more detail how I do I will tell slightly lower.

The fourth important feature of the transfine of the site is the distribution of PR (what is) and an increase in the internal weight of the pages.

I think it's clear to all that if a large number of other internal pages refer to the page, it is most important on this project, and this indicator affects ranking, and it is easier to bring such an article to the top.

In this way, the PR indicator can be applied to the main, even without the use of external references.

The fifth possibility of inner transfine is.

Suppose the search robot goes to the page, detects a new link on it, which goes and indexes a new page, and so on, walking throughout the URL of your site.

By the way, I will say to the Word, these search robots such a walking on your blog can create a serious load on the server, so you need to use the appropriate directive.

The sixth point is the importance of overgrinking, can be attributed from copying.

No, of course, the content will be stealing, but here there are such auto-filled web sites that carry out roscing on the machine straight from RSS ribbons.

And in this case, the stolen article will be posted with all the internal URLs if you put them.

Personally, I have already found 4 resources that are stealing my articles such.

Now tell you how to exercise right internal transfinement of the site, There are two ways, it is automatic and manual.

Of course, the manual passing gives the best results in terms of issuing search engines and I will tell about the end of the article about it at the end of the article, and now the story will go about automatic transfine.

Automatic inner transfine.

This type of inner transfer is the most simple for webmaster, it all set up everything and everything works on the machine, but it does not give such an effect to increase the position in search engines as a manual, of course, in terms of increasing the activity of users, you have such a transfinking the most !!! So let's go!

That is, if you have a lot of under-categories on your blog, then the user simply will simply get lost and not to have a view where it is he is, and here it will be all for him and his whole path will be shown.

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Manual overclocking, this is a very time-consuming process takes a lot of time, but with its correct implementation, the result will be wonderful.

Well, the first thing I want to say that when writing new articles, you need to refer to the old who fit into the topic of new, it is understandable and easy!

And how to make the right transfine to the new page? Personally, I use the search on my blog. Suppose I have a custom search from Google (someone has a search from Yandex, it will also be suitable), so I drive a request promoting me by me and I am issued the results of the most relevant pages according to the search engine.

Of course, the first materials in this internal extradition will be the most relevant.

Here's the word, see how to exercise if you do not want to use this software, then there is a service that will be completed for free to track the positions of your blog on requests in Yandex and Google and you will see all movements by day and months, I told about this system in the article .

But that's not all! It is easier to advance to the top if the search query is already in search of any places.

Even if your article is written under a specific MC query, it may be in the issuance of searches on a variety of duplications that we can easily promote and, as a result, get traffic exceeding even the number of visits from this SCA request, in which the inner transfine, statistics will help us. Liv Internet and

We go to your LiveInternet statistics, click on the "Positions in Yandex" tab and look at what positions you already occupy.

We are not interested in the first and second positions. We are already on top, but we will look at the twenty on the twenty.

Suppose you selected several requests that interest you in which you take 12-13 places, that is, on the second page in the issuance of Yandex (the first page is 1-10 place), now we go to and we appreciate them in the frequency, that is, How many times a month users are gaining this inquiry, if less than 50, then you should not get "the game is not worth the candle", but from 100 to 1000 I consider the very thing!

Now Personally, at this stage of the inner pallinkovka and promotion of queries that already occupy specific places in the extradition, create a file using a notebook, where I write a promotable request to its particularness, and occupied progress.

Now I'm going to search on my blog, I enter this request and in the first ten materials I put the reverse internal URL to the desired material with the icons you need.

All the same can be done with positions on LiveInternet in Google.

Now I'm waiting for about two weeks before the month, checking the positions and watching any movement happened, as a rule, it was necessary to rise well.

And depending on the place occupied, I put more internal links.

If I need a request at the top 3, then in addition to the inner transfinking from the old pages, I write new articles of this topic with a similar set of keywords, from which, respectively, I put links.

So with only one internal transfer, you can get into the top and collect traffic tones.

Hi friends. Today I want to talk to you about the competent inner passing of sites, and not just any sites, but specifically online stores. Once earlier, when I was engaged in only my information sites, I would talk about the constituents, but now we are engaged in the guys in the studio only commercial sites, and 80% of them are online shopping.

All stores in their own way are unique: different topics, engine, structure, different vision of a "convenient" site from the owner. And each site has to implement solutions, most often repetitive from the site to the site. Today we will look at the most common overgrowth options., among which you will definitely find something new and useful for your online store. In addition, I supplies examples of bad techniques, how not to do.

Each velinking version I described in detail why it is important and how to implement it correctly. In the meantime, a little common theory.

What is the right transfine and what it is needed

Formally, the link from one page to another is overgrowth. But today we are looking at the transfine in the next key: Perelinka - these are links or blocks of links that help site visitors faster and easier to find the right product or service, to get to the desired page. By search robots, the transfine site helps faster index and reinpex the pages correctly distribute static weight between them.

Interests of users when transferring in priority, Indeed, it is impossible to buyers in a block of similar goods to show unlike goods or in the accompanying goods block when buying a refrigerator to show other refrigerators, or, for example, automotive tires. Everything should be by mind: First of all, conversion and sale, and SEO is only one of the traffic involving channels. In practice, the benefit for SEO and for living people perfectly combined.

So, the transfine ideally should solve the following tasks:

  1. Navigation assistance for visitors;
  2. Acceleration and improving indexation;
  3. Transmission of static reference weight with the required pages;
  4. Surely something else, but does not come to mind.

General rules of overclocking sites

Try to stick to the following rules when transferring (regardless of the type of site):

  1. Internal links should not contain the attribute REL \u003d "NOFOLLOW". Otherwise, the weight from the donor page will be treated, but it will not be hung towards the acceptor page, that is, it will be simply evaporated.
  2. The REL \u003d "NOFOLLOW" attribute must be used in cases where the link leads to a non-indexed page, but this link is necessary. Accordingly, it is not necessary to force the robot to move on the link and spend time and the craving budget is wasted. An example of such a case can be seen on my blog: At the bottom of the post there is a block "What's new on the forum:", links from there go with a redirect on the URL, pointing to the last post in the topic of the forum, which is not indexed. Ideally, such links are to get rid of JS, about that I already wrote, the method still works.
  3. Links should always lead to indexed site pages, otherwise the story described in paragraph number 1 will be repeated.
  4. Even with the prostation of internal references during translection, unique anchorage should be used. Most likely, this rule is applicable in online stores only for the info-sufficdener if it exists, and for references to manually affixed. Other links from the menu, blocks, filters, tags, etc. Do not be dynamic change, and there is no need for this, because their goal is to just be a reference transmitting static weight.
  5. There are no restrictions and recommendations for the number of internal links on the site pages. I often ask, they say, I have heard somewhere that more than 150 internal links on the page is very bad what to do? Who told about it, from where this information went - I do not know. But I know for sure that it all depends on the specific site and the specific situation. The most important thing is from what you need to come - the convenience of the user, the links should be exactly as much as you need to visit your site. If you have some doubts, just see the sites of your main competitors, most likely, all of them are similar by structure, navigation and other basic elements, you can adopt their successful experience.
  6. Internal links should always be straight and go strictly to target pages. This means that the transition to the link must give the answer 200 OK. I'm not talking about the fact that broken links are unacceptable, it is obvious, and I say that links should go without (and if there is also not 301, but 302-redirect, then it's completely trouble). It is not rare when they change the structure, or by the fault of the vertexer (I forgot the laying at the end of the link, for example) internal links go through the redirect, to track the eye is very difficult. Each necessarily costs at least once to drive your site by the crawler, for example, or any other tool.

I would be grateful if you tell me in the comments anything else for this section from your practice. Well, I turn to the description of the schemes and transfine methods of online stores.

Pancake Page Schemes for online stores

Navigation menu

The first thing from which I will start - an element without which no online store does not do, and indeed a single site is the navigation menu. Navigation can be a horizontal, vertical, drop-down, anything, its goal is to access all key partitions of the site from any page where the user is not.

What to do from the menu, how to transfer from it, how to get rid of extra references, etc.? Personally, I believe that the end-to-end elements of the site, in particular the menu, the search engines are not taken into account, or are taken into account very poorly, because Present on each page and from their absence / presence little changes.

Nevertheless, there are various options. It is not necessary to go far, I will open 4 major online stores, which were the first to come to mind:,, and Consider each Read more:

On the website of the technician menu as a menu, they decided not to do anything with it.

On the site M.Video absolutely the entire navigation menu with categories and subcategories is closed in the Noindex tag. Similar picture on the Eldorado website. Close the menu in Noindex It makes sense only to not take into account its text component so that the menu does not fall into a snippet on search results so as not to prevent the determination of the relevant page (although it happens not often). In this regard, I fully support the use of the Noindex tag, but I don't like that this tag is taken into account only in Yandex, and Google ignores him, but in Google, the contents of description and problems with poor-quality snippets are rarely taken in Google as a snippet.

On the DNS website in Noindex, only the deepest categories in the menu are closed (we also pay attention to that in addition to Noindex, it is used and REL \u003d "NOFOLLOW" for links - why, I do not know), and global and parent categories are indexed. What is interesting, tags are used on the DNS website and. These tags are not related to the global search on the network, and are designed to manage indexing for corporate solutions, for example, intranet. Apparently insane SEO specialists engaged in this site incorrectly interpreted the value and application of these tags.

Menu in a footer. From the menu in the footer, you can do anything, it is not to close and not be afraid of weighing driving on technical pages. As for the content, I like how it is implemented on the examples above. The menu contains contact details, social networks, as well as references to important information pages: payment, delivery, about the company, etc. Duplicate in the footer navigation on the product partitions It makes sense only if these sections are no more than 5-7 (that is, it is not necessary to do on the website.)

The number of links in the menu. Many are experiencing at the expense of the number of internal references on each page of the site, and with the menu, as in Eldorado and M.Video are not surprising at all. What can I do with this and do you need? As an option: In the menu, output not a complete list of categories, subcategories, pre-codegor, etc. And restrict ourselves to the withdrawal of only parent partitions. To be clear, I'll show you on the example: take the Eldorado website, the menu item "Electronics", there are about 100 links in it, and it was possible to display only 6 (televisions, computers, phone numbers, software, photos and videos and vehicles), that is, exclude Daughter elements. But there is also a reverse side - the lack of detail confuses visitors, here you, for example, will be able to immediately determine where to look for faxes, memory cards or headphones? Me not. So this option of "losing weight" menu is not always applicable, first of all you have to try to watch the eyes of your visitor (and consider it stupid, no matter how strange it sounds :), and hypotheses it is desirable to check any A / B test.

Based on practice, I can say that manipulations with references do not give some tangible result on SEO. I tried to remove and add links, I tried to close the links to JS - in positions and traffic, it absolutely did not affect it.

Bread crumbs as a translection element

The next essential element of any site, and the online store especially, - bread crumbs. The usefulness of this element is difficult to overestimate, the crumbs are informational and navigation meaning: Looking at them, the visitor understands what section he can always go to the parent category if he was interested in a brand or product category.

Chips are difficult to consider an important element for translets, because In 95% of cases, the same categories and sections are involved in crumbs as in the navigation menu. In other cases, crumbs may contain links to SEO filters from a specific category that are generated by a bunch of product categories with some property or characteristic. In this case, the link from the crumbs allows you to index such filter pages.

With bread crumbs there are both unambiguous solutions and not very:

Indexing. I am quite sure that it is not necessary to hide from indexation using NOINDEX and / or REL \u003d "NOFOLLOW" of the crumbs. Opening a dozen famous stores of stores, I also did not see a single case of prohibiting indexation.

Marking Placing bread crumbs worth. This will affect the beauty of the snippet in Google, although it is functionally, unfortunately, nothing will give anything. (If you remember, before the navigation chain in Google contained clickable links, but once they became simply text.) On the formation and naming of the navigation chain in Yandex, the markup does not affect anyone, but the crumbs themselves affect themselves.

The presence of the current page in navigation. A frequent question, output or not to display the name / title of the current page, on which the user is located in the navigation chain. I believe that the name of the current page should be displayed in the form of a header with a large font below crumbs, and only parent categories without the name of the current page should be displayed in the bread crumbs.

My opinion is subjective, and you decide how you like it more. By the way, on the sites of technostal and MVIDEO crumbs without the name of the goods, and DNS and Eldorado, the name of the goods is present.

Drop-down menu in points. Another ambiguous solution is a drop-down list of categories on one logical level. In some sense, it is very similar to the navigation menu. Here you have an example that I took from

Or here is another example

I do not know how good it is and convenient, but such a decision is quite rare.

Another element that is used everywhere - similar goods and recommendations. This link block, no matter how it was called and what functionality did not have - sort of goods, recommended goods, related accessories, other goods of this brand, etc. - Designed first of all for the user. And has a marketing goal: the second joystick to the console, the bracket to the TV, the mouse pad - all this in order to sell an additional product, and not for SEO.

This is overclocking only formally. If we talk about SEO, then a more technical / algorithmic approach to the prostanovka of references is needed, one of these algorithms is ring overflow.

Ring Perelinka

I do not know who invented the logic of the work and the name of this algorithm. Although I thought I came up with when I used this algorithm for my sites, and then released two modules for DLE. But it turned out that everything was invented before us: on the Internet there are mentions earlier than my posts about overflow and modules. But it is absolutely no important now.

The main task of ring iridescent is a uniform distribution of weight between the pages of one level. The main marker in this case is the page ID in the database. That is, there is a consistent selection and substitution of references to goods, reaching or after the current goods. For example, each page refers to 10 previous pages, and at the end the chain closes, tying the very first and latest product in the chain. With such an algorithm, each page unmistakably receive the same number of incoming and outgoing references, as well as the same internal weight. Failure from the index of pages from the chain does not break the algorithm, because We refer immediately by 10 pages. I think the principle of work you understood.

Modules for the ring iridescence I did for my informational and entertainment sites and checked only there, but it should work theoretically for any site with a large number of pages. According to my experiments, this gave an amazing result: thanks to such a passing, I achieved 100% (and not approximately, and accurately, page to page) indexing absolutely all pages for sites where the module used.

It is logical that it cannot go and speech about at least some similar to the pages or goods if the sample is just the ID from the base. To do this, in the module, I came up with restrictions that somehow solved this problem - to make a sample by id, but within a certain category or subsection. Due to this, it was possible to achieve the withdrawal of the same type and similar links, without violating the technical requirements - was formed not one huge ring on the entire site, but a lot of rings within categories.

If you talk about online stores, then in my entire life I have seen only one single store where the annular passing is used - You can see an example by going to the page of any product and scrolling down to the block "Other Products".

To preserve the similarity of the goods there was a restriction on the withdrawal of goods from the general parent category. As you can see, it's not necessary to say anything about the similarity. In general, the site is quite interesting in terms of SEO-Shmeo, many different teams dealt with its promotion (and my team including), so I recommend to study.

Summarizing, I will say that this is a very dubious overclocking option for an online store and recommend that I can hardly become it.

Random Perelinka

An even more ridiculous transfine, which I called "Random Perelinka". Under this name, you can combine several types of reference types. The first option is clean water random overflow, when there is a certain unit in which links to N random pages are displayed. References can be as dynamic, that is, each time you visit the page, the link set is changing and static, that is, a random set of links is cached in the database when you first visit the page and in this form is displayed upon subsequent visits.

Another option is the transfixment of pages by search queries of transitions. If you remember, 6 years ago there was such a HTRACER script, which from the referrer pulled the address of the page and the search query, if the transition was done from the search engine and kept in the database, then a block was formed with references that contained a keyword in the attorney There was a transition from the search. There was still a module for DLE, it seems, it was called "transitions" and had similar functionality. Soon the search engines filtered sites using a similar overgrowth scheme, quite fairly regarding it as a search spam. I wanted to find a living example for you or to make a screenshot, but I did not find a single site with such a scheme even among the car sites, not to mention online stores.

Doubtful schemes can come up with a lot if desired: a block with reference to non-cried pages to speed up their indexation, a block with reference to pages that have a maximum / minimum visits in order to pump them with static weight.

Perelinka from categories / products descriptions

Another useless in my opinion the occupation is the prostation of links from SEO-texts in categories or descriptions of goods to other categories or goods.

Firstly, sEO descriptions in categories The online store is made not to read people, it is stupid to hide it, realizing that only the seo'shnik could go to the site on request "buy a 4K TV" and interested in the text, and not the goods :) Isn't it? Therefore, there is no use for visitors in references from the description, and SEO-use from the reference from the description on the scale of the big site I do not see. I say about SEO-benefits because I had to put such links in my work and I could say that the effect of them was never observed.

Have you ever seen perelinkovka from the description of goods In the online store? Not from the characteristics, namely from the text of the description. I do not remember such stores, but my colleagues helped me find an interesting copy - Labyrinth bookstore.

Example from pages and

Anchorage "Book", "Because", "time"! This is madness, they simply make the search for words from the description corresponding to the name of books and link. The main and key sections are also linked. You can stay on the site and look at it.

This is complete nonsense. It will be possible to move on such links only by chance, the effect of "Ala Wikipedia" does not work - references are not context and not clear where they lead. By the way, the same functionality was also in the HTRACER script, which I have already mentioned, he was looking for suitable words, taking into account morphology and linked articles with each other within the site. I tried it on my infosite, but to no avail, although I firmly confident that if it could once work, then just in those days (6 years ago), not today.

Enough to write about useless techniques, in the end, I have to write about what will bring a positive effect, and not the opposite.

Perelinkovka from the publications of the inforazda

In almost any commercial topics there are many information requests that cannot be covered by any categories or goods or other pages. It happens that in general requests are shown infoati instead of commodity pages. A vivid example of my practice is the topics of adult stores (sexhop, it happened that we work a lot with them), for interest, enter the "vibrator" in Yandex and see the issuance. Sometimes the only option is wedged into the top - create high-quality infostat on the site.

For one of the clients, we went this way. The whole catalog, categories and subcategories, filters and tags, pages of goods - everything was licked and brought to the ideal, even the unique texts were written on each page. A more worked site in my practice was simply not, I'm serious. But traffic stubbornly did not want to go to commercial pages. When I was collected, I did not delete the info regches, but clustered and folded them into a separate group, in the end I received about 50 theme for future publications. Since the section of articles has already been headed on the site, we immediately began to slowly fill it. At my surprise, the info-regches began to shoot in the top1 top3 Yandex and Google. As a result, traffic on the site brought to 700-900 visitors per day, and only 15-20% of traffic went to commercial pages. Of course, we have prolonged articles on the relevant product categories and filters (no more than 3-4 references in publication).

But it was a better solution that we accepted - to create contextual product information informers. That is, the blocks where the most popular products from the corresponding category of the catalog were displayed. With price, title, rating, the ability to put in the basket, etc. It turned out very organic and cool.

Despite the whole steepness, the client's business did not become successful. But this is already beyond the framework of this post, and certainly the failure is not connected with the transfination, which we say :)

There is in our practice another example, this time positive. For certain categories of goods next to the characteristics and description, references to the installation and care instructions are displayed. Judging by the behavior, these pages are useful to buyers, they read them, retain in PDF. For the most popular pages even recorded a video. The instructions are well ranked in the search and generate transitions, knowing this, we have placed product informers on them. As a result - several dozen ordered orders per month from such pages.

With this example, I wanted to remind you that the transfine is done not for the sake of transfine, but for the sake of a certain result - sales. So I advise you to jerk not on the anchorage and the number of internal links, but on something more pleasant :) Well, you understood ...

Another good example of an informational page with product informers and multiple transfine on Yandex.Market. I understand that to focus on Yandex in terms of SEO is very strange, but it is worth nimble in terms of conversion and sales.

Toging for online store / SEO filters

I am sure that each of you heard about tagging, burning or expansion of semantics, SEO filters, etc. All this is about the same thing - the creation of additional target pages for search queries (usually LF requests). Trend of the year 3-4, no more. On this wave rose and bloomed (the post about clustering workers was written for a long time, you can imagine how many more them have appeared since).

For online stores, large portals, catalogs, tagging the most efficient and understandable way to generate traffic from search engines. Even before it became a trend and they began to speak publicly and often, I have already practiced such an approach. As one of the brightest examples, I published and clearly showed how it affects traffic.

For several years, advanced agencies and studios practice SEO filters and many sites have already accumulated on the network with a deep study of semantics. In Moscow and other major cities in competitive themes, everything is licked, there the use of tagging is no longer innovation that sets you ahead of competitors, but on the contrary, an attempt is not lagging behind. In regions, it's easier, thoughtful SEO makes competitors, but also an end will come.

For half a year ago, rumors were held, the Yandex was going to punish the meaningless and unjustified generation of such SEO filters, as for poor-quality and useless pages (remember the times of AGS). But it was silent, but I did not observe a single case of punishment. The motives of Yandex are understandable - no one needs categories where only a few products, or if the goods will not match expectations. Wait and see.

As I said, SEO-filters are usually obtained from the bundle of the product category and some properties. The most common example of the filter is brands. It is easiest to submit to the example of household appliances, for example, televisions where binders with brands have frequency more than a general request without a brand. Next, the properties are inherent in a certain category of goods, in the case of the TV, this: type of matrix (LED, OLED, LCD, plasma), resolution (Full HD, 4K, 8K), technology (3D, Smart TV, Android), view (curved , with backlit), etc. Such filters are very easy to highlight the product specifications, or pull out "folk filters" from WordStat. The cross filters often work - for example, a bunch of properties with brands - 4K SAMSUNG TV, Philips TV with backlit Ambilight.

Such filters are made for SEO, respectively, for them should be prepared and optimized - headlines, metatelet, descriptions. Links to such pages go straight from the filter block, or are created as separate subcategories, it all depends on the complexity of the technical implementation:

Online Store Technopark In general, laid backwards on filters. All filters in the Sidebar are clicable and go to the appropriate strongly dressed pages. There is no other path, the competition is hard!

There are less elegant solutions, just a random set of filter links according to search queries. As in Wikimart. Very ugly:

Another ugly example. I found this page in the TOP10 in Moscow on request "buy TV". For some reason, it is not ranked not the total category of telecoms, but the tag "cheap", which is generally with a blank page:

So, we found out about the tagging, about links from the filter block in the categories told. Examples of implementation is not difficult to find - take any site from Top in Moscow on a general request.
Personally, I think that you need to go further and do what no one does. I stubbornly shed the top 50 of Moscow in electronics and did not find a single example of what I wanted to show you - links to SEO tags from the characteristics of the goods. If you do not count our customers, only one site surfaced to my memory, where I saw a worthy implementation, it's a Sotmarket, which rolled into full shit, turning into a dwarve. However, the remnants of the former glory are still in place:

Pay attention to the text with the underscore - these are links to the corresponding SEO filters. I dare to assume that sometimes it can be useful and live visitors.

It is obvious to promotion and search robots - a large number of internal links gives a large static pages and will keep them in the index. In short, a cool solution, but not an easy-to-implement, at least our clients fall out of considerable money for such introductions to their programmers or contractors. Believe me, it is worth it!

Verdict: Perelinkovka is good!

You have read a great post with advice and live examples, I wanted to finish this, but I decided that it would be wrong to take and leave you alone with your thoughts, questions and, perhaps, doubts. Therefore, let's make a certain resume + brief answers to questions that were not discussed:

Absolutely can be installed improving indexing due to transfine - Often, pages are not indexed or falling out of the index as not enough high-quality, in fact they simply lack weight, and this weight will give them internal links.

Number of references for transfinking It does not matter - there is no exact number of references from a page that would be considered normal. Links should be exactly as much as it is enough living site visitors to comfortably navigate the site. Go to the metric webmond and look at several dozen visitors' behavior records. Will be surprised by the results!

How does the internal transfine affect the positions? Directly in no way. But thanks to the transfer of the page confidently hold in the index, and due to the greater static weight, the page should be better ranked in all target queries, but not separately on some request. Please note that we are still talking about online stores and automatic transfine from the menu, filters, blocks and everything else, which we talked above.

How to choose a scheme perelinkovka from the cards of the goods in the category, with categories on the Card Cards or products on goods? Previously, many conversations were on this topic and, it seemed to come to a logical conclusion: if the pages of the goods are possessed the greatest traffic potential, then we need to try on them all weight if categories, then try to straight out the category as possible. I will cite an example: when buying a laptop or phone, most people ask a specific model of a laptop or phone, respectively, the greatest potential at the goods cards. If a person is looking for a wallpaper, for example, he is unfamiliar to the articles or names of specific wallpaper collections, it is looking for a "buy wallpaper", the maximum adding color or property to request (vinyl, phlizelin, under painting). In this example, categories, subcategories and SEO filters have the potential. What types of pages must be promoted absolutely clear, with this I deny the need to target somewhere more references, and deprive of these pages of these links. In my work, I adhere to the schemes described by me, without changing them depending on the type of progressable pages.

Manual Perelinka For online stores inappropriate. The only place where manual labor can be useful is an information partition, there will be necessary to put context references to the relevant sections and or product cards, introduce product information informers. In the rest of the places, this type of slave work is not necessary :)

Finally, everything, I finished. If in the comments I will find interesting questions, I will add answers to them to your list. In the meantime, thanks for your attention!

Internal overflow is an effective SEO optimization method. This is the stagnation of links within the site that connects its pages among themselves. In a broader sense, the transfincision increases the convenience of navigating the site.

What is necessary to make an internal transfine

Thanks to a competently organized irregular system, you can significantly increase the site attendance and its position in search engines. The internal transfer of the site not only connects the pages with references, but also redistributes reference weight on the target pages to convey the progressable pages greater weight.

How to increase site traffic

  • Convenient navigation.
  • Using block links "Similar products" or "Related articles".
  • The use of contextual references and thematic ankors.

Located within the framework of one text, they will help faster finding similar articles, get the most reliable information on a certain issue. Links make it easy to navigate on the site, contribute to an increase in the time of stay of the user on the site.

  • At the end of the text, you can add a link to a similar article and the comment "We advise you to read."

Types of key requests

Low-frequency (NC), mid-frequency (s) and high-frequency (HF) key requests are isolated.

  • Low-frequency

Low frequency queries are maximally specified. They consist of 5-8 words. Such queries Users are injected to search for a specific service or product. Usually, this is the main combination of words and its clarifying elements: address, price, reviews, name of certain brands. They are requested less frequently, but at the expense of the exact wording are able to attract a large number of targeted traffic, which can perform a target action on the page (buy goods, leave a request, fill out the feedback form).

  • Mid-frequency

Medium-frequency queries consist of several words. Requested by visitors in the intermediate phase of information collection. SC queries are the "golden middle" and use them in the promotion of the site stands necessarily. According to statistics, about 70% of users use mid-frequency queries.

  • High frequency

High-frequency queries usually possess an information orientation. Visitors are looking for overall information on a particular topic, a product or service. HF requests are the most competitive.

Internal transfine implies the following types of links:

  • Contextual

These are links placed in a fragment of the text in which they fit into meaning. Links are accommodated evenly on the page. Contextual links are an excellent source of traffic. They most often lead to the page of representatives of the target audience. The efficiency of the contextual links can be checked by the time of finding the user on the web resource. The best anchor for contextual links is the readable key phrase.

  • Through

"Bread crumbs" (from English. BreadCrumbs) is an element of the site navigation structure. The links from the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm and Gretel brothers, whose heroes were filmed on the road, found the way to the house, found their unusual name.
Navigation elements help the user do not get lost on the site and always see the current location on the site. They constitute a strip at the top of the page between the head and the articles of the site. Thanks to the "bread crumbs", the user can return to that URL from which he began to go to the next.

To promote the page, you need to concentrate on it as much weight as possible, that is, "the more links, the more important page"

  • Statistical weight

Statistical weight does not depend on search queries and text. It is calculated by counting the total weight transmitted by pages using references. The more links contain a donor page, the smaller the weight is transmitted by each reference pages.

  • Dynamic weight

Dynamic weight - the result of the activity of the site users, the number of clicks on the links. It is constantly changing, it is not possible to measure it.

Types (schemes) of inner transfine

The universal scheme of the inner transfine does not exist. Its selection depends on the subject of the site and promoted requests.

There are three basic overgrinking schemes.

  • "Ring"

The simplest and most popular transfine scheme. The weight is transmitted from the pages of sections and subsections to the final pages that are progressing on the NF requests, and the end pages are related. Such a translection scheme has a significant disadvantage: when one page is falling out, the connection is violated and all pages lose weight, and the transfine scheme becomes meaningless.

Improved schema option - when pages refer not only to adjacent and promoted, but also on each other. So even the loss of one link does not violate the chains.

  • "Star"

The classic transfine scheme, at which all pages are transfixed with each other. At the same time, each page receives many incoming references and the likelihood of communication is minimal. When you fall out of any page from the PS index, the weight of the remaining pages will not change significantly. All pages will be independent, and indexation will significantly accelerate. The lack of a scheme is the complexity of working with a large group of pages. The transfine scheme "Star" is relevant for online stores.

  • "Staircase" (hierarchical)

The weight is transferred to the pages where the s-requests are conducted. For example, from the main page leads links to partition pages, and the page of sections and cards of goods are transfixed with each other.

Proper inner transfine of the site is the most important mechanism for optimizing a web resource. It is equally effective for non-commercial and commercial topics. The competent use of internal transfine schemes and principles ensures effective promotion of search queries, regardless of their frequency.
Perelinka will allow evenly distributing the links within the site, which will make it more authoritative for search robots.

If you want to promote your site in the top search output, then sign up for SEO-optimization rate