The best administration services "VKontakte. What are the VKontakte clients for a laptop and a computer Should I download

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How to wind subscribers in instagram safe

Demand always gives rise to a proposal, and the number of services offering for money to turn live subscribers in Instagram, talks about the demand of this service. Interested in adding Russian follovers on a page not only ordinary users, but also the future stars of business show, famous bloggers, representatives of various brands.

Canva - VKontakte independent design service

The unique graphics of VKontakte is a way to not only attract the target audience, but also to preserve its location and interest for a long time. First of all, the attention of potential readers attracts the graphics. Graphic services allow you to create it even without designer education and special skills. Consider how to create an image to publish a group yourself using the Canva graphics editor.

ERE-MARKET - Bot for passive earnings on Vktarget and VPRKA

This is a service for earning at popular VKTarget and VPRKA. It is a software package consisting of a client program and a server of updates and statistics, which, together give you everything you need for a stable passive earnings on social networks. The client program here is a bot designed to automatically perform actions on the pages of services Vktarget and VPRKA, as well as related actions on social networking sites.

Likesrock - Top Platform for Earnings on Social Networks

We often communicate in social networks and share your impressions, photos, videos and having fun time. And we communicate not only with friends and loved ones, but also with like-minded people, subscribers of the same communities as we. For a day, people leave millions of husky, reposts and retwees. Imagine that you would suddenly be able to monetize your activity in social networks. Want to earn? Then the Likesrock service is what you need!

SMMOK - Task Exchange for customers and performers

Good passive earnings through VKontakte, once-graders, Instagram and other popular social networks. The site is successfully operating since 2011 and makes it possible not only to type subscribers in your community or wind the husky under the post on the wall, but also earn small money with an electronic wallet conclusion. Last - without any investments - pass the fast registration and you can immediately begin to perform tasks.

Vtope Bot 3.3.26 - Cheating on social networks without worries

A high-class bot, whose obligations include earnings of points on actions on social networks in an automated mode. It performs various actions among a wide range of users, organizing a kind of exchange, - users put on each other husky, make the reposites of other people's records, subscribe to accounts and all this without their personal participation. To join, you just need to register with the Vtope service, run the program, add social accounts. Networks and start earning.

VKSTORM - Cheat likes and subscribers VKontakte

Excellent service designed to promote communities and pages of users of the social network VKontakte. Appearing in 2014, the service immediately won the hearts of users of social networks and still did not lose their popularity. And all because with his help you can not only spin your page on the social network, but also to earn easy money, fulfilling simple tasks and selling the domestic currency of its administration.

BOSSLIKE - Popular Stock Exchange Task

One of the most popular stock exchanges of social networks, which only currently exist. It combines in itself and simple users who want to raise likes in photographs of their profile, and advanced users, seriously engaged in earnings and promotion in social networks. The scope of the service is extremely wide and covers 6 social networks at once: VKontakte, Instagram, Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

VPRKA - Earn service on social networks and not only

This is a time-tested service providing several opportunities for real earnings and promotion. There you have an exchange of tasks, auctions, and rates, and referral systems of several levels. As a platform for earnings, they act as the site of the VPRKA service itself and various social networks. In order to start receiving passive income, you will not need any earning skills on the Internet, since the whole process is understandable intuitive.

Hard work. The benefit today has developed a huge number of programs and services that are aimed at simplifying this work. But how not to get lost in this manifold?

The more the choice, the more difficult to do it. Services are available at cost, functionality and many other parameters. What will you choose to fulfill the same task: free single-handed web service or paid multifunctional software? There is something to reflect.

In the article, we will tell you how to choose the right tools to promote the VKontakte community. Let's discuss what criteria do it. Let's talk about the functionality, without which you can not do the administrator. Imagine a review of 10 programs, services and applications that will be useful to promote the group. We estimate their minuses and advantages.

Criteria for the choice of service

Let's start with the fact that the correct understanding of the promotion process of VKontakte groups is necessary. The strategy "the more subscribers, the better" does not work.

Here you need a whole range of events:

  • Search and collecting target audience. What is the fuss of the fact that several thousand bots sign up for you? Or, if most subscribers leave the community after 2-3 days (this is called "rollback" in SMM)? To avoid this, you need to look for "our public." Services and applications for collecting the target audience - parsers in VK, created for this.
  • Sending invitations In groups and meetings, she is "inviting." The algorithm of work: bots are added to friends, and then those who have added, invite to the community. Likes are used similarly, comments. Such tools probably most of all. This method of promotion is quite "dirty" way of organizing the growth of subscribers, but no one has canceled it.
  • Sending messages - Automatically sends messages to numerous users. Useful, because In the publication in the community, people can not see for various reasons, but the newsletter will accurately get. With the help of newsletters, you can attract new follovers.
  • Filling content. Oh neither twist, but also in force, and potential subscribers, you have to interest something. Posts should be interesting, unique, and most importantly - permanent. There are various posting services, which perform the tasks of finding the best posts from competitors of auto access.
  • Moderation. "Dead" or inactive subscribers pull statistics down. For promotion, it is important to keep your hand on the pulse. You can track it easier using applications.

From this we can conclude that one of the main criteria for choosing automated helpers in the promotion is functional.

Whether you select the tool specifically, let's say, for an invital, or you will use large-scale software services - the question of preferences. The main thing is that one or more programs you stopped will provide a full range of actions to promote.

The second criterion for choice is "price / quality".

Repeat, the tools for promotion are many - both paid and free. Sometimes they do, in fact, the same thing, but one developer asks for money for the service, and the other is not.

Here you need to appreciate the "platform" of your group of VKontakte and answer the question: "Do you fit paid solutions?" Many progress goals can be implemented for free, but you need to understand that it can leave a lot of time, and the result is not a fact that justifies expectations.

If paid programs you still affect the pocket, then decide on the budget and you can start choosing. But do not forget to evaluate each application to the price / quality ratio. Developers are not always objectively evaluate their product. Sometimes, if you search, you can find much more functional, but at the same time a budget decision.

We present an overview of the tools for the administrator of the VKontakte group, which we consider the most suitable for use. Programs and services differ in the specifics of the use, prices and number of functions.

Program, to promote groups and communities in VKontakte.One of the most ample functionality. The developers have provided almost everything for the SMM specialist: a parser and encirculation based on the data obtained, mailing tools, mass flow and moderation and a lot of others.

The license is paid. 1 PC - 990 rubles. There is a free trial version.

pros: The features of the requirements of the Moderators of the social network VKontakte are taken into account, ensuring work with the target audience.

Target Hunter.

Service for selection of the audience.The tool can find potential subscribers for you. It is looking for places of work similar to communities, music and many other parameters. In addition, it will provide an opportunity to find any content by keywords, and also has moderation functionality. Sends notifications to Telegram.

Service is partially paid. Free access is only 20 functions (all of them more than 90) subscription: 799 r. / Month.

pros: The ratio of "price / quality", popularity.

Minuses: Pretty complex interface.

Specialized Target and Parsing Tool.One of the many programs for collecting the target audience, butLparser. Allocated to the unique opportunity not to create several accounts to use it. Allows you to choose the "public" quickly and without consequences, because knows how to bypass the limitations of VKontakte. The functionality is not as wide as QuickSender, but it is for Target that is more than enough.

The license is paid. 1 PC - 790 rubles. Free possibilities are absent.

pros: Bypass VK limits, simple interface.

Minuses: Lack of trial version.

Compares subscribers of the two communities and finds common users.Useful for an SMM specialist to find the audience "manually". Visually displays the results and helps to formulate a marketing strategy.

The application is partially paid. Free 9 999 checks. Do you need more?

pros: Accessibility, simplicity.

Minuses: limited opportunities.

Massolong, mass trees and much more.Cheat likes, subscribers, comments for money. You post a task, for example, to "join the community." Someone performs it and gets for it, let's say, 1 ruble. You can pour money into service, and you can perform similar tasks themselves and earn them.

Registration on the service is free. The price of the subscriber is from 1 p.

Minuses: "Live" subscribers with minimal investments.

pros: Right "rollback" about 9% of subscribers.

Service for filling the community content.A simple and clear tool for maintaining a group of VKontakte 24/7. You can configure the postponed posting, the posts interval, the moderation of subscribers. Ideal for newcomers in administration.

Service is paid. The current price for 1 post is displayed in the Statistics and Price section. On average: 1.9 r. / Post.

pros: Popularity, technical support for developers.

Minuses: Any additional settings (for example, adding the effects of pictures) increase the cost of publishing.

Front of postponed posting.The most popular application for autowares of content in various social networks. Publish almost all types of content. The latitude of the functional has no analogues. Allows you to schedule not only accommodation, but also deleting posts.

Service is partially paid. Tariff for maintaining 5 accounts - 450 r. / Month. There is a trial period - 7 days with restrictions. Free: 50 posts per month.

pros: Wide capabilities, trial-period.

Minuses: A complex interface, lack of statistical functionality.

Program for reposting.Allows you to configure the borrowing of posts from other communities in your group VKontakte. You can specify keywords for which the bot will identify and automatically replies the suitable publications. Or, on the contrary, you can configure which publications to ignore.

The program is free, but the use constantly requires the passage of Capp. It is better to use together with AntiGate recognition. Price 5 USD for 5000 drops.

pros: Ability to debug a constant content of the content.

Minuses: Need to buy a pencil recognizer.

Multifunctional application for promotion community.Much knows how much: mass mailing, reposting, inviting and not only. And also has the possibility of searching for criteria. You can search for people, community, video. But to say truth, functions that distinguish it from other services has no.

There is a free limited version. Extended version PRO costs 99 rubles for the first 7 days of use. In the future, more expensive.

pros: Simple interface.

Minuses: lack of support and unique features.

Service automatic mass sending messages.Mailing messages is a great way to interest, warm up and sell. It has the capabilities of group and automated sending, settings for the local audience, personalization of letters and not only.

Service is partially paid. Free 150 posts per day. Next, prices vary depending on the scale of sending from two thousand messages for 150 p. And ending with two million per 100 thousand rubles.

pros: High disclosure and delivered messages, flexible prices.

Minuses: Lack of analytical functions.

Social networks have long been part of our life for us, without which it is simply impossible to imagine it. And if sooner social networks were usually used on computers, today the use of social networks is becoming increasingly popular on mobile devices. These usually include mobile phones, tablets and laptops. Each person, including the one who knows that the mobility of the device is often the defining factor and wants everything to be at hand on a trip or somewhere else.

What are the VKontakte clients for a laptop or computer

If we talk about existing customers for a laptop and a PC, then you can immediately say that there are two options for use:

  • browser version;
  • windows applications.

Let's try to consider them more detailed.

If we talk about the browser version, then it is available by all by reference Its advantages will be able to play video and audio files, the ability to play games, the possibility of gift gifts and so on. At the same time, this version from time to time demonstrates quite unstable work. Most often, its reasons are unstable operation of servers or their transfer. Users have repeatedly encountered a problem when, for example, some photos are displayed, while others are not, or do not play some tracks. Usually the reason for this.

If we talk about applications, as such, you can only be installed on a laptop or PC only if there is an appropriate operating system. Usually it is about Windows 8, 8.1 or 10. It is these operating systems that support applications. You can download them from the standard Windows Store. A fairly interesting option that "eats" is significantly less than the laptop's RAM than the tab open in the browser. Moreover, applications usually have nothing superfluous. They even have a few trimmed functionality, which, however, easily allows you to almost complete the use of all applications. That is, listen to music, watch the video and play games can also be as well as in the browser version. At the same time, such solutions are usually devoid of "sores" of a browser counterpart. That is, problems with the photo or in general, the forwarding of servers usually do not touch mobile applications, and they work perfectly at a time when the browser versions are "buggy". In addition, the weight of the applications is small and allows you not to accumulate a bunch of cache files on a laptop, which is also still able to clean in the browser.

In general, if you submit, it should be said that VKontakte applications to a certain extent for a laptop will be more interesting than entering there using the browser version. This will allow you to use all the capabilities of the social network, but at the same time, exclude the appearance of the mass of glitches and a large number of cache files in the browser.

Thanks to this platform, you can solve many business tasks and significantly help promotion of your own business.

Today I present you the most complete list of services that will help earn in this social network thanks to the successful promotion of your own business.

So, let's begin...

List of services for promotion and promotion in VK

  1. Tvigi. - Perhaps one of the most powerful robots programs for quick promotion in social networks. Safe for work, supports many accounts, all known tasks and guarantee a qualitatively new level of your business. If you were looking for a service with all set of advanced tools in VK, instagram or telegram (can be at all possible) - then this is the best solution.
  2. Postoplan. - Free postponed posting service helps plan and manage content in all popular social networks. Here you can automate work and flexibly adjust the system for yourself. For example, you can enable notifications about the status of each postponed post, set up a regular publication of the post at a certain time, distinguish between projects and access rights, quickly create posts using calendar of holidays and events, making posting from RSS feeds, and many other useful features. You can use the service without time limit, and if necessary, the expansion of the base functional has the opportunity to go to the Pro account.
  3. Bosslike - famous for many service cheats for those who want and quickly, and cheap. Today, bosslike is very popular thanks to the simple interface and convenience of work. All funds earned inside the platform go to promote sites in VK.
  4. Vktarget. - no less popular resource, where real money is paid by performers. Benefits - There are almost no bots here, traffic is alive, and therefore the quality of your audience will be higher.
  5. QComment - Exchange comments that allows you to promote brands, groups on social networks, video on YouTube, raise a reputation on the Internet with the help of comments and reviews.
  6. V-Like - If you want to overcome or promote your goods in VKontakte, then the service will help wind subscribers, huskies, reposts, and activate readers' activity in your group.
  7. Socialhammer - Service for promotion in several social networks, including VC. For convenience, the user offers a trial period (on the promotion - 14 days instead of 7) to fully test all the functions of the product.
  8. Soclike - Playground that allows you to turn a high-quality audience in the most popular social networks and make all the actions available for them.
  9. Likest - Suitable for those who just started to unwind, and for advanced users with experience. The interface is clear and convenient for use, with it, you can cheat friends subscribers, reposit, create polls or receive comments on your posts.
  10. Snebes. - Very nice, intuitive service with which you can prompt a group or account from scratch.
  11. Piarim - This platform is useful if you need to wind the reposites and subscribers of your group. This is even a separate social network with which you can spin your other accounts.
  12. Forum - It will be great to cope with advertising and promoting your business in various forums and in social networks.
  13. Blackcartel - Comfortable cloud software designed for SMM, as well as traffic arbitration. Attachment and parceng, filling VK accounts and other bonuses. The service is constantly updated.
  14. Vkserfing. - Convenient stock exchange and earnings on social networks, winds subscribers, huskies and reposites, there are advanced free-targeting performers.
  15. Topliders. - based on rotation. Allows you in a short time to wind up a large number of friends.
  16. Sociotex. - Personal automatic SMM manager, which has several tools - bot for VK, convenient multi-way, proxy manager and account manager.
  17. Olike. - Service for promoting the cheating of subscribers and likes. Pretty popular and they can be enjoyed free. But there is a risk of flying to the ban, so do not be zealous.
  18. Vkstorm - Platform for promoting an account or group specializing exclusively on VKontakte. The cheating occurs in the usual way - first you perform the tasks of other people, after which you can create your own tasks to the received points.
  19. Yoolike. - Quality promotion of a group or personal page. Simple, understandable and reliable service, which exists on the market for more than 5 years.
  20. VTOP - An excellent opportunity to become popular in social networks and promote your group without investments. The platform is based on the exchange "You - I, I - You", so it will be useful for all beginners.
  21. Addmefast. - Foreign program - Bot, which allows you to automate work with popular tools when promoting in VK ...
  22. Smoservice. - Very steep service, which is very popular. It works with almost all social networks, it is convenient, reliable. Allows you to promote account, group or channel, dial Follovers, etc. It provides for the performance of special tasks and further receiving points for them, which then you yourself can put your own tasks at the moment. You can order as the promotion of the public or page VC and the channel on YouTube. Here you will find a variety of referral systems that provide for bonuses.
  23. BestLiker. - One of the new sites designed to increase the number of friends and subscribers, with a simple and pleasant interface.
  24. Vkrutilka. - Another charge-free option for promotion - cheat friends, likes, repost, etc. It is very easy to use, understandable, works quickly, effective.
  25. Vkmix. - Good opportunity to promote your pages in all top social networks.
  26. AD-Social "A completely good option, which, as far as I know, uses a lot of people, and their number of day is becoming more and more. In addition, here you get the opportunity not only to unwind, but also to receive money by exchanging earned internal scores on rubles, and the additional removal function from the "Dead" users will make your group even more attractive.
  27. Laikator - Automated promotion program. After registration, you will need to specify how many reposts, likes and subscribers on the day you want to receive, well, and then the system will do everything for you.
  28. Cerebro Target - a multifunctional platform that allows you to find your target audience of VC, find people who like a certain post, collect the audience of the communities you need, etc. An excellent tool for retargeting, which I advise you to take advantage of the best understanding of your target audience and its needs.
  29. Segmento Target. - Almost that analogue of the previous platform, only the algorithm of work here is a bit different. With this tool, you will get people who often discuss some certain things, for example, cars or cameras, as well as people interested in any photos of goods with a commercial purpose.
  30. Target Hunter. - Very hard parser who can squeeze from the audience VKontakte almost everything. Pretty powerful, while possesses one free tariff and allows you to find your audience for advertising by downloading it directly to the retardant base. An excellent tool for automating work in the social network.
  31. Likemania. - Option with a pleasant interface and the ability to choose among performers of bots or living people. Free services are not provided.
  32. Prostinep.rf. - rapid increase in the number of likes, views of pages and video, reviews, comments, etc. You can choose the quality of new subscribers, in addition, you will make discounts for quantities. The only moment - tasks can be performed for quite a long time.
  33. - Ideal for buying or selling your advertising in VC communities. It may come in and for administrators who want to make money on someone else's advertising, and for SMM specialists who promote groups by advertising. According to reviews, the service is just great.
  34. Sobot. - Great option for those who appreciate their own time. It helps to promote groups and pages, supports encirculation and massacing. However, before working with the software, it will be necessary to figure out, because really sensible manuals I have not yet found. Among the benefits, I would like to note quite low prices in comparison with competitors.
  35. Exchange Exchange VK - Do not forget about the official advertising service of VKontakte. By the way, this is a pretty good tool for those who like to acquire advertising directly, as well as for those who advertise their own publics.
  36. Liderpiara. - Powerful platform for promotion in VC. Allows you to increase the number of living subscribers due to rotation, and on the paid tariff the promotion is carried out on the full automata.
  37. Kaleostra - a whole social business network with a mass of tools and opportunities: rotation, mutual, mass distribution, as well as advertising of reflectlery references, webinars, separate chat for partners, paid tasks and Internet surfing and selling info products.
  38. Deserter - Another useful VK-expansion, which allows you to recognize anyone who left this or that community. In this case, the data obtained is easily unloaded into a detailed report.
  39. Popsters. - With the help of the toolkit of this site, you can collect various data on popularity, views, visits and comments, and find the right and useful content for your own public. Among the features - content analytics, the ability to create a thematic sample, organize a source search, optimize data for mobile devices and unloading received information in Excel format.
  40. LIKE4U. - Free and paid "twist". All the same - liking, subscriptions, repost, polls, etc. In all popular social networks.
  41. Brobot. - Bot for VC, which you yourself can teach. An excellent automation tool is safe, convenient, with a clear interface and a competent community.
  42. PUBLER - Excellent opportunity to monitor teasers and advertising posts, as well as view the results of monitoring ads of certain communities in various social networks. Thanks to the service, you will be able to follow the latest advertising trends, track the actions of your competitors and filter the found ads on various keys.
  43. Smm Planner - Service that allows you to create various arbitrary charts to post posts in the most popular social networks. In addition, posting is allowed immediately into several accounts within one social network, which is quite convenient. By the way, the playground supports one free rate.
  44. Kairos. - Comfortable toolkit that allows you to monitor the budget distribution during your VKontakte advertising campaign. The platform is controlled by artificial intelligence, helping to analyze the size of the audience, the actions of competitors, automatically determine the order of rotation of advertisements, work with creatives, etc.
  45. - The possibility of postponed posting, as well as the search for the most popular posts or groups. Thanks to the posting planner, you can create optimal output schedules, view new postponed posts and affect their publication.
  46. - A pretty useful platform for sending all comments, receiving messages and posts from a public to your email. Now you will definitely know all the events taking place in your group.
  47. Likesrock. - An interesting platform with numerous inhabitants (at the moment about 500 thousand users). With it, you can attract subscribers absolutely free - in exchange for performing tasks of other users of the system. Then the resulting internal currency can be fully spent on the promotion of his public.
  48. Turboliker. - Tool for free VK spout. To attract new subscribers, perform the internal tasks of the service.
  49. Smmbox. - Convenient service for finding suitable content and postponed posting.
  50. Cleverpub. - Service to manage your groups with the ability to set up auto access, tracking advertising and detailed statistics.
  51. EpicStars. - The platform that combines advertisers and bloggers, allowing one to effectively promote their resources, attract traffic, to acquaint the target audience with its product, business or service, and the other side, thus monetizes its resources.
  52. SOCPUBLIC - The service allows you to wind likes and living subscribers for personal profile or group
  53. SEO-FAST. - Task Exchange for users on the one hand, and to promote resources in social networks and not only, on the other.
  54. Wmmail - Also a popular stock exchange that allows you to promote your resources or earn on performing various tasks.
  55. SocialTools. - Promotion of your resources due to the activity of users of the service.
  56. SEOSPRINT. - This is my favorite service in which you can order a different kind of viewing, clicks, husky, subscriptions. And these opportunities are not limited.
  57. Starcomment - Convenient service for tracking comments and reviews in social networks. Helps find "warm" customers.
  58. Socsend. - The service allows you to configure automatic messages to new subscribers, analyze the published participants, communicate from several accounts in one interface, etc.
  59. - is a convenient platform for managing projects in Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, Twitter. Allows you to manage projects in several social networks at the same time, planning posts time and even create a unique design in a special editor.
  60. - Special tool, with the entire set of necessary functions, sharpened to unwind and promote your accounts and groups in the social network VKontakte.

As a conclusion

The services and programs presented today are very useful tools that can make your life much easier by freeing the time for other important affairs, and at the same time bring your target audience without much effort.

Promotion in VKontakte is a matter of a fairly profitable in the future, and therefore it can paint yourself with time. Try, experiment, choose the most convenient tools for yourself. All will definitely work!

Today, everything is before the meeting!

P.S. Want to get instructions and tools for earning up to $ 200 for 1 evening - go

It's no secret that today Internet marketing simply does not exist without social media. Faced at one time with certain difficulties, we decided to collect a brief list of those useful additions, applications and sites that will make work with more convenient and productive. Some are created to collect statistical data, others allow you to learn more about people from your Friend List, others help to find anything in the news, etc. Opportunities have become much more than the social network itself gives the default.

Work with groups, publics and target audience

  • Community Stats is an extremely useful statistical tool for administrators of various communities. With it, you can find out, for example, some of the visitors left the most comments, likes, most often made posts. If you want to encourage active users, this supplement will be quite by the way.
  • Do you want to collect data on the activity of visitors for communities? Then it will help you VK Scan. . For any group, the number of users of which is more than five hundred people, you can collect data on husky, repost, etc. and compare them among themselves.
  • Do not want to read news, for example, about war in Syria? Or are the posts about the cats? Here you will help VK Spoilers widget. Enter a list of tags and words that should not come across the eyes, and your news tape will be cleaned as a conscience of a baby.
  • Community rating. This list includes all groups and publics. Even those that you personally deleted from the search. At the same time you have different sorting options. It depends on what data you are interested. You can study the audience coverage or number of subscriptions for a certain time.
  • Comparison of the community audience . When administering a group of VC, it is extremely important to know with what other communities it intersects on the target audience. Now this information is available - just compare the groups with each other.
  • "VKontakte" in itself makes it possible to search only among friends. Separate tool - search by subscribers . Criteria Any - city, age, name, etc.
  • Sometimes it is interesting to know who exactly brought the post "VKontakte" most of all likes / reposts. But it is impossible to do this with standard tools. Therefore, such a useful thing appeared as "Virusanalyzer".
  • And still - you can view source code wiki-pages . Anyone. Having understood in it, try to do the design by changing it to your taste.

Work with photos

  • How often did you swear by the developers of "VKontakte" when the site did not allow you to move a large number of photos between albums? Now this problem is eliminated by the application. "Photo transfer" . Moreover, it works even for saved photos, as well as for the community administrators.
  • Do you like some group? There are many great photos in it? Save everything manually for too long. Therefore, the easiest to use the application "Save photos" . Download all albums and view them on your computer - work and open albums in friends profiles.
  • Want to know what photos got the most likes? There is a convenient sorting in the application. "Rating photo".

VKontakte applications to work with content

  • "Liker" - Popular application with convenient functionality. Calculates the number of likes that collected your records, photos, etc. You can see what place among people in your Friend List you take on these indicators.
  • application