What protocol does radmin use? Remote access via router

This article is a kind of note on the topic port forwarding on a server running OS FreeBSD. So the initial data of the task: a server with FreeBSD and two network cards. The first - fxp0 ( - looks at the router with the address - Internet access; the second - ed0 ( - is connected to the second M$ Windows 2008 server. Task: forward ports on the first server to access the second via RDP and Radmin. There are several ways using IPNAT, NATd, PF and Rinetd, we will consider them in order.


Note that parameters can be added to configuration files using two methods, shown below.

Load IPNAT with the following parameters:

# cat /etc/rc.conf | grep ipnat ipnat_enable="YES" ipnat_program="/sbin/ipnat -CF -f" ipnat_rules="/etc/ipnat.rules"

or another way:

# ee /etc/rc.conf

add to the end of the file:

Ipnat_enable="YES" ipnat_program="/sbin/ipnat -CF -f" ipnat_rules="/etc/ipnat.rules"

RDP works on port 3389, A Radmin defaults to 4899(unless another port is specified in its settings). For security reasons, I recommend specifying a different port; I recommend specifying a port other than the standard ones, but for clarity, I will use standard ports in the article.

To forward ports in IPNAT, use the rdr instruction:

# cat /etc/ipnat.rules | grep rdr rdr fxp0 port 3389 -> port 3389 rdr fxp0 port 4899 -> port 4899

Let's look at the meaning of each part of the configuration line:

rdr- (from English - redirect) indicates that this is a redirection;

fxp0 — static IP of the server (the network interface that “watches” the Internet and to which packets arrive, this IP is indicated as the address of the remote computer in RDP or Radmin);

port 3389— the actual port from which traffic is redirected from the external network to the internal network; — the IP address of the machine on the internal network, to which we will route traffic;

port 3389— the port to which redirection occurs on the internal network.

Exactly the same for the second line. You can also read the redirect line like this: we redirect (rdr) packets from the interface (fxp0) with the address (, if they came to the port (port 3389), to the internal network (->) to the address ( on port (port 3389). (Shoto I drive this... :))

After all the redirect rules have been added to /etc/ipnat.rules, IPNAT needs to be restarted:

# /sbin/ipnat -CF -f /etc/ipnat.rules

Using NATd:

When using NATd, the DIVERT kernel option is used. Load NATd like this:

# cat /etc/rc.conf | grep nat natd_enable="YES" #enable natd support natd_interface="fxp0" #specify the interface on which natd runs natd_flags="-f /etc/natd.conf" #specify the configuration file for natd

Now let's move on to natd.conf, here the syntax differs from the previous one, but is also generally understandable:

redirect_port- same as rdr, redirection instruction;

tcp (udp)— the type of traffic that we will redirect; — a socket (a bunch of ip + port) to which traffic will be redirected;

3389 — the port number from which traffic will be routed.

Restart NATd:

# sh /etc/rc.d/natd restart Stopping natd. Waiting for PIDS: .......... Starting natd. Loading.........

Be careful!

The /etc/natd.conf file (like many other configuration files) must end with an empty line!

With PF

In this case, we implement forwarding by adding the following lines to /etc/pf.conf:

rdr- it’s already clear what it is :)

on fxp0— router interface that “looks” at the Internet;

proto (tcp, udp)— type of traffic to be forwarded;

from any— networks from which forwarding will work, in this case — any network;

to— traffic comes to this IP from outside;

port 3389— on this port we “listen” to packets that will be redirected; port 3389— IP and port to which traffic on the local network will be forwarded.

Now about the unpleasant stuff. The disadvantage of these methods is that there is a lot of fuss with them and it is not always possible to do it the way you want - quickly and so that it works right away. Moreover, for example, IPNAT requires an external static IP connection, and this is not always available. To solve all problems at once there is a wonderful tool - rinetd, which I now use all the time - and it works quickly and immediately.

Via Rinetd

Install rinetd:

# cd /usr/ports/net/rinetd # make install clean

Add rinetd to rc.conf:

# ee /etc/rc.conf rinetd_enable="YES"

Open the rinetd configuration file

# ee /usr/local/etc/rinetd.conf

and add the following rules to it:

Xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 4899 4899 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 3389 3389

Here's the first beauty: instead of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx you can specify if there is no static IP.

The redirect line is incredibly simple:

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx– external IP address to which traffic arrives;

4899 – the number of the port on which we “listen” for packets; – internal IP address to which we forward ports;

4899 — a port on the internal network to which we wrap packets. 40001 4899 40002 3389

Here, for greater security, the ports on which we “listen” are changed to 40001 and 40002. In this case, in the Radmin settings on the remote machine, you need to specify not the standard port in silence, but this one - 40001. In the case of RDP, you need to on the local machine, with to which we connect, indicate the port separated by a colon directly in the connection line xxx.xxx.xxx.xxxx:40002.

After this, it is necessary to add exceptions to the firewall so that it does not reject packets addressed to our ports. To do this, open the firewall configuration file and add the following lines to it:

$(fwcmd) add allow tcp from any to me 3389 $(fwcmd) add allow tcp from any to me 4899

Now reboot rinetd and firewall:

# /etc/rc.d ipfw restart # /usr/local/sbin/rinetd rinetd restart (or start if it was not running).

You may have to restart Freebsd if the commands do not work.

That's all. I don’t think it’s worth talking about such truisms as the fact that Radmin must be installed on a remote machine and RDP must be enabled.

— — — — — — — — — — — no longer relevant- — — — — — — — — — —

I also note that the rinetd method works great with the DDNS service from Ukrtelecom - in this case, we order a dynamic DNS of the form *.ddns.ukrtel.net on the website my.ukrtelecom.ua in our personal account, which will be available regardless of with which IP the session is currently opened. For example, you ordered a DDNS of this type cooldomain.ddns.ukrtel.net, then in Radmin in the “IP address or DNS name” field we indicate it, and in the port field we either leave “Default” 4899 or set our own port. In the case of RDP, in the “Remote Desktop Connection” window we indicate this: cooldomain.ddns.ukrtel.net - if rinetd is configured to listen on the standard port, or like this: cooldomain.ddns.ukrtel.net:40002 - if rinetd is configured to different port.

— — — — — — — — — — — /no longer relevant- — — — — — — — — — —

Let me clarify the details again:

— for Radmin: on a remote machine (to which we will connect), install Radmin Server, create a user and password for connection in the settings, and also give it rights; then configure rinetd as indicated above (for example, on a non-standard port 40001); on the local machine in Radmin we create a connection with the same parameters as in the screenshot below and you can try to connect.

Often you need to connect to a remote computer located either in the next room or on another continent. This may be caused by the need to log into your work computer from home, or from home to control what the working staff is doing on their work machines, or you simply need remote assistance in setting up your computer.

There are many programs aimed at setting up remote access, some built into the operating system, but the most commonly used is the Radmin program, and this article is aimed at introducing you to it and how to set up radmin through a router.

You can download the program from the offsite http://www.radmin.ru/. It is distributed with a 30-day trial period, after which you must purchase a license or remove the program.

Program modules

The program consists of two parts:

  • Client. This part is installed on the computer from which you will log into the remote machine;
  • Server. The server part is installed on a remote computer to which the client part will connect.

Both computers equipped with both program modules must have access to the network to establish a connection with each other.

Setting up the server part of the program

Download both parts of radmin and install each module on the corresponding computer. Let's start with the server.

Program installation

If previous versions of the program are already installed, they will be automatically replaced with new ones. After successful installation, an icon will appear in the system tray.

Let's start setting up the server part by setting up access rights. In the window that opens, select “Access Rights”.

Setting access rights

The first step is to select a security mode. In this matter, we can advise the following - if the connection will be made via the Internet, then select “Radmin”; if inside a local network, then select “Windows NT”.

Selecting a security mode

Next, click “Access Rights”. In the next window that opens, you must explicitly indicate who has the right to connect to this computer. If this list is left empty, then the radmin will not allow anyone into the computer under any circumstances, that is, it simply will not work.

Adding a user

Click the “Add” button, a window will open for entering the name to which we grant access rights and a password.

The name should preferably be in the Latin alphabet; the password should not be shorter than six characters.

Connection setup

If you decide to change the port, be sure to inform the user of the second computer from which the connection will be made; there, in the settings, it will also be necessary to specify this particular port.

Setting up the client side

Click the button in the control panel “Add a new entry”. The settings window will open.

In the “Record name” field we give the name of our connection; it is better that it is logical and understandable. In the “IP” field we write the network address of the remote computer (server). Click "OK".

Configuring the display of a remote computer

Of course, the higher the speed, the better quality parameters you can safely specify in the settings. Click “OK” and our new connection will appear in the main client window.

All you have to do is right-click on it and select “Manage”. A window will open to enter the server name and password that we created when setting up the server.

We enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, click “OK”, and that’s it, we see the screen of the remote computer. We also control the remote mouse and keyboard.

Setting up the router

If the remote server computer is located behind a router, and this is the most common situation, then you will not be able to connect without the appropriate configuration of the router.

To implement the connection, you need to configure the router for port forwarding, and then we will look at this issue in detail using the example of the D-Link DIR-320 nru router.

Setting up the router

Go to the router settings through any web browser at The router will require authorization - enter “admin” and “admin”.

In the menu that opens, go to the “Firewall” item, then the “Virtual Servers” sub-item.

Setting up port forwarding

The settings window will open, select the “Add” button.

Setting up a port forwarding rule

Another window will open in which we will create a rule. In the template field, we come up with a name, and select the interface that the computer is connected to (wired - eth, wireless - wan).

Setting up a forwarding rule

In all four port fields (external and internal) we enter the port specified in the radmin settings, and in the internal IP field we indicate the network name of the computer to which we are connecting remotely. Click “Change”.

New rule created

That's it, our new rule has appeared in the lists, now the router will not block all radmin signals, but will redirect them to the specified computer, which is what was required.

If something remains unclear, you can use the video lesson:

Write down the IP address of your computer. Select your connection type for further configuration:

A: You are connecting to a computer inside the local network or the remote computer has an external IP (see more details)

B: You connect to a computer on another local network and have access to the router settings (see more details)

To configure port forwarding on your router, please follow the instructions below:

Briefly about setting up port forwarding:

  1. Open a browser window and enter the IP address of your router in the address bar. The default address is
  2. In the window that appears, enter your username and password to access the settings of your router. Usually this is: login admin, no password.
  3. In your router's settings window, select Advanced (Configuration), and then Virtual Server (Port Redirection).
  4. In the Virtual Server settings, please select the following:
    use Virtual Server(Port Redirection) - yes (Enabled)
    Protocol type: Both
    Private port: 4899
    Public port: 4899
    Local IP Address: here enter the IP address of the machine on which Radmin Server is installed.
  5. To connect to Radmin, you will need to enter the external IP address of the server computer, you can view it.

C: You are connected to a computer on another local network, you do not have access to the router (see more details)

1. Please download Radmin VPN from here: Radmin VPN.

2. Install Radmin VPN on your local computer.

Launch Radmin VPN and create a network by clicking on the "Create network" button.

Specify the desired network name and set a password.

Click the "Create" button.

The new network will appear in the main Radmin VPN window.

3. Download and install Radmin VPN on the remote computer.

4. Launch the program and click the "Join network" button.

Enter the network name and password in the window that opens.

Click the "Join" button.

The previously created network and its participants will be displayed in the Radmin VPN working window.

The connection between the computers has been established.

Controlling a remote computer via the Internet.

1. Download and install Radmin Server on a remote computer.

2. In the Radmin Server settings, create a user and set access rights.

3.Download and install Radmin Viewer on your local computer.

4.Connect the local and remote computers using the Radmin VPN IP address.

5.Select: "Radmin-->Management" from the context menu of the remote computer.

6.Enter the username and password specified in the Radmin Server settings.

and join an existing Network, enter your name and password to connect to the created network. Then, if you hover your mouse over the Radmin Server icon, you will see two or more IP addresses. You have finished installing the virtual network.

Free conversations over the Internet Fruzorov Sergey

Installing Radmin Server

Installing Radmin Server

The idea is this:

1. First, you need to copy the program distribution to a place accessible to all other computers on which you want to install it, for example, to a shared file server.

2. Then run the script on each computer, which is a file with the bat extension, which contains special system commands.

Creating a control script

So let's start from the beginning. We will assume that we have successfully copied the program distribution to a location accessible to every computer on our local network. Now we need to create a text file with the bat extension and write a few lines in it (Listing 8.1).

Listing 8.1. Script for installing Radmin Server

net use z:\serverd

copy "z: install admin _server.exe" "c: winntsystem32 _server.exe"

copy "z: install admin addrv.dll" "c: winntsystem32 addrv.dll"

c: winntsystem32_server.exe /install /silence

regedit.exe /s z: installsettings.reg

net use z: /delete

These are the so-called Windows system commands, now we will look at them in more detail.

Net use z: \serverd - connect drive d of the computer named server as our network drive with the letter z.

To do this, you first need to share the server's D: drive with the network name D:. In this case, you can give read-only permissions. This is done like this:

In Windows Explorer, right-click on drive D: of the server and select Access;

Activate the item Share this folder and write the network name d. Here you can also set the maximum number of users who can simultaneously work with this network drive (Fig. 8.29).

Copy “z: install admin _server.exe” “c: winntsystem32 _server.exe” - from the z: Install admin server directory, copy the Radmin Server program (r_server.exe file) to the system folder c: winntsystem32 of the remote computer.

Copy “z: install admin addrv.dll” “c: winntsystem32 addrv.dll” - we do the same with the raddrv.dll library. Without it, Radmin Server will refuse to work, because its functions are contained in this library.


If you are installing the program under Windows NT 4.0, then you need to copy the raddrv.dll file to the System32 system directory, which is what we have now done. This library is a video capture driver. When installing the program on other versions of Windows (NT/XP), this is not required, because the video capture driver is simply not used there. You can verify this by viewing the connection information in full control or overview mode.

C: winntsystem32 _server.exe /install /silence - install Radmin Server as a system service. The silence parameter specifies that no messages are displayed to the user during the installation process. This is the so-called quiet type of installation.

Regedit.exe /s z: installsettings.reg - transfer Radmin Server settings from the settings file. reg into the system registry of the remote computer using the regedit.exe program. Since this program is launched with parameters, it will also run unnoticed by the remote user.

How the settings.reg file is created is described further in section “Creating a settings.reg file” in this chapter.

Net use z: /delete - disconnect network drive z. This is the last operation to return everything to its original state, because the remote computer did not have a network drive mapped before.

It is clear that you will need administrator rights to run this script, because the program is installed as a system service. You should also replace the common names and paths in the BAT file with the names you use.

Creating the settings.reg file

First you need to configure Radmin Server on your computer, because the entries for settings.reg will be taken from your registry. Then you need to run the regedit.exe program and export the following values ​​from your system registry to the settings.reg file:

Enable IP filter. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (enable) and “00 00 00 00” (disable).

List of IP addresses of the IP filtering table.

Show a prompt when connecting. The parameter type is binary, possible values: “01 00 00 00” (show) and “00 00 00 00” (do not show).

Request timeout when connecting. The parameter type is binary (the decimal value of seconds converted to hexadecimal format).

Allow or deny connection automatically when timeout. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (enable) and “00 00 00 00” (disable).

Disable the notification area icon. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Enable logging. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (enable) and “00 00 00 00” (disable).

Path to the log file. Parameter type - string, full path to the log file.

Radmin Server password (modified so that it is impossible to recover the original password using it).

Port number. The parameter type is binary (decimal port number converted to hexadecimal format).

Enable NT Security. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (enable) and “00 00 00 00” (disable).

List of users for NT Security.

License key (modified so that it is impossible to restore the original key using it).

Prohibit changing Radmin Server settings. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Disable the beep when connecting. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Block connections in Redirect mode to this Radmin Server. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Block connections in Full control mode to this Radmin Server. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Block connections in View Only mode to this Radmin Server. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Block connections in Telnet mode to this Radmin Server. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

Block connections in File Transfer mode to this Radmin Server. The parameter type is binary, possible values ​​are “01 00 00 00” (disable) and “00 00 00 00” (enable).

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of values, but they are all located in only two registry keys: and! I think exporting these two keys will not take you much time.

You can run the regedit.exe program using the menu command Start | Execute(Fig. 8.31).

In order to export the desired registry key to a text file, you need to do the following:

1. First, select it, i.e., stand on it with the mouse.

2. Then in the program menu regedit.exe select the item File | Export. A dialog box will open, at the bottom of which there is an area called Export range. In this area, you need to indicate that you want to export only the key (registry branch), and not the entire registry. If desired, entries in the settings.reg file can then be changed for each computer separately. To do this, you need to edit it in any text editor.

Copying a script to a remote computer

So, we wrote a script (BAT file). Now we are faced with another task - somehow copy it to a remote computer. To do this, the disk of the remote computer must be connected to our computer as a network one, or an FTP server must be running on the remote computer. Both options cannot completely suit us. In the first case, we will have to ask users of remote computers to share some folder, and in the second, we will have to install an FTP server on each remote computer.

However, you can use one trick that not everyone knows! The fact is that after installing Windows, all logical drives of the computer are shared on the network with their usual names with the addition of the $ symbol. So, for example, drive C: will have the network name C$, drive D: - D$, etc. You can verify this if you enter the computer control panel (right-click on the icon My computer on the desktop and select the item Control), and then go to the section Shared Folders | Resources.

Here we will see that all local drives are shared on the network with their usual names, appended with the $ symbol. To get rid of this add-on, you need to right-click on the disk name and select Stop sharing, however, this will only have an effect until the computer is rebooted for the first time, then everything will return to its place again. So any user registered on this computer with administrator rights will be able to connect the local drives of this computer as their own network drives. This is exactly what we need! We will now see how this is done.

1. On the desktop icon My computer right-click and select Connect a network drive.

2. And here the most interesting thing happens - we don’t just write the name of drive D, but after it we also put the $ symbol, for example \Vgp_panelD$ (where Vgp_panel is the name of the remote computer), as shown in Fig. 8.32. The result is that we connect drive D: of this computer with full access rights, and now we can copy our BAT file there.

A very useful thing!

Running a script on a remote computer

Now we need to make sure that this script can run there. It's not difficult either.

1. You need to use the icon My network environment on the desktop of your computer, click on it with the mouse and in the window that opens, find the computer named Vgp_panel.

2. Now you need to click on the name of this computer. All of its folders that are shared on the network will become visible, and it turns out that among them there is a directory named Scheduled Tasks. That's exactly what we need!

3. Copy the BAT file with the script into it. This file is converted on the fly into the file of the same name New task. However, the fact that we have a new task with such an interesting name does not mean that we no longer need the BAT file itself! We still need it, and the fact that we previously copied it to the D: drive of the remote computer is still very important.

4. Double-click on the new task, go into its properties and adjust a few things:

In field User(Fig. 8.33) change the computer name to Vgp_panel, because for now it is the name of our computer;

On the tab Schedule(Fig. 8.34) in the field Assign a task let's choose One time, and the time is exactly one minute from the current time on the remote computer;

That's all, quickly exit by pressing the button OK, and we will be asked to confirm the user password. There is no difficulty here - this is our password. Now we will have to wait a little less than a minute, and the task on the remote computer will be automatically completed.

If things don't work out for you, check whether the distribution of the server program was available for the remote computer, and whether the system time you specified has passed while you were setting up the properties of the new job. If it has passed, then you should reconfigure it with a reserve, i.e. not after one, but after two minutes.

However, even after everything we have done, we will not be able to connect to the Radmin server for one simple reason - it is installed, but not running! You just need to ask the remote user to reboot their computer, and the Radmin Server service will be activated automatically.

However, if you don’t want to bother a person over trifles or want to keep your secret a secret, you can go another way:

1. You need to run the program Computer management by right-clicking on the icon My computer, which is located on the desktop, and selecting the option Control.

2. Then connect to another computer through the menu Action | Connect to another computer(Fig. 8.35).

3. Since you are also an administrator there, the control window of another computer will be no different from yours. You will be able to find the Radmin Server program service in it and start it.

That's all, in this way you can cleverly install Radmin Server within a local network, and none of the users will even notice it!

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Remote Administrator (Radmin) Manufacturer: Famatech (http://www.radmin.com/ru/index.php). Status: commercial. Download link: http://www.radmin.com/ru/download/index. php.Size: 18.4 MB.The great popularity that the Radmin program has received is not difficult to explain. Firstly, it is not overloaded with unnecessary functions, but

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(6.7) How to organize remote control under W2k? Radmin v.1.1 does not work. 1. Use Radmin v.2.01 from http://www.famatech.com/russian/.2. Terminal Service. Comes standard with W2k Server.3. Remote Control – can be downloaded from the author’s website: http://www.dataset.fr/.4. Georgia SoftWorks Telnet Server –

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Chapter 8 Radmin program - remote control

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Why do you need Radmin Radmin is an abbreviation for Remote Administrator, which literally translates as remote administrator. Yes, there are programs that allow us, while at our computer, to see the desktop of another, and not only see, but also control his mouse and

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Where to get and how to install Radmin correctly The Radmin program was developed by the Russian company Famatech, so you can get it on their website http://www.famatech.com (Fig. 8.1). I’ll say right away that the program is distributed on a paid basis, but its price is relatively low, today

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Other buttons in the Radmin program configuration dialog box In addition to the two most important buttons: Setting a password and Options, which we have already discussed, there are two more in the Radmin program configuration dialog box (see Figure 8.21):? Install service? Remove

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Installing the Radmin program over the network In this section, I will introduce you to some additional information that may not be useful to you if you prefer not to go into details and want to limit yourself to only the basic capabilities of the program. However

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Installing Radmin Client If you need to install the Radmin Client program on a remote computer, then good news awaits you: this does not require installation, because the client is installed by normal copying. Just copy two files: radmin.exe (the program itself) and help.hlp

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What's new in the third version of Radmin As I already said, the third version of the Radmin program has a more beautiful interface (Fig. 8.36) and some additional features (for example, text and voice chats). However, let's start from the very beginning, i.e. with the installation files and

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Radmin server innovations The server program now uses a new optimized network protocol, which allows you to reduce the load on the computer processor and more often transfer images to clients. Many new and, of course, more beautiful interfaces have appeared

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Chapter 9 VNC program - a worthy alternative to Radmin

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Comparative characteristics of VNC and Radmin Let's, for clarity, compare the capabilities of these two programs to find out their advantages and disadvantages.? Managing a remote computer. Radmin provides a separate mode for this, called “Full”

Often you need to connect to a remote computer located either in the next room or on another continent. This may be caused by the need to log into your work computer from home, or from home to control what the working staff is doing on their work machines, or you simply need remote assistance in setting up your computer.

There are many programs aimed at setting up remote access, some built into the operating system, but the most commonly used is the Radmin program, and this article is aimed at introducing you to it and how to set up radmin through a router.

You can download the program from the offsite http://www.radmin.ru/. It is distributed with a 30-day trial period, after which you must purchase a license or remove the program.

Program modules

The program consists of two parts:

  • Client. This part is installed on the computer from which you will log into the remote machine;
  • Server. The server part is installed on a remote computer to which the client part will connect.

Both computers equipped with both program modules must have access to the network to establish a connection with each other.

Setting up the server part of the program

Download both parts of radmin and install each module on the corresponding computer. Let's start with the server.

Program installation

If previous versions of the program are already installed, they will be automatically replaced with new ones. After successful installation, an icon will appear in the system tray.

Let's start setting up the server part by setting up access rights. In the window that opens, select “Access Rights”.

Setting access rights

The first step is to select a security mode. In this matter, we can advise the following - if the connection will be made via the Internet, then select “Radmin”; if inside a local network, then select “Windows NT”.

Selecting a security mode

Next, click “Access Rights”. In the next window that opens, you must explicitly indicate who has the right to connect to this computer. If this list is left empty, then the radmin will not allow anyone into the computer under any circumstances, that is, it simply will not work.

Adding a user

Click the “Add” button, a window will open for entering the name to which we grant access rights and a password.

The name should preferably be in the Latin alphabet; the password should not be shorter than six characters.

Connection setup

If you decide to change the port, be sure to inform the user of the second computer from which the connection will be made; there, in the settings, it will also be necessary to specify this particular port.

Setting up the client side

Click the button in the control panel “Add a new entry”. The settings window will open.

In the “Record name” field we give the name of our connection; it is better that it is logical and understandable. In the “IP” field we write the network address of the remote computer (server). Click "OK".

Configuring the display of a remote computer

Of course, the higher the speed, the better quality parameters you can safely specify in the settings. Click “OK” and our new connection will appear in the main client window.

All you have to do is right-click on it and select “Manage”. A window will open to enter the server name and password that we created when setting up the server.

We enter the required values ​​in the appropriate fields, click “OK”, and that’s it, we see the screen of the remote computer. We also control the remote mouse and keyboard.

Setting up the router

If the remote server computer is located behind a router, and this is the most common situation, then you will not be able to connect without the appropriate configuration of the router.

To implement the connection, you need to configure the router for port forwarding, and then we will look at this issue in detail using the example of the D-Link DIR-320 nru router.

Setting up the router

Go to the router settings through any web browser at The router will require authorization - enter “admin” and “admin”.

In the menu that opens, go to the “Firewall” item, then the “Virtual Servers” sub-item.

Setting up port forwarding

The settings window will open, select the “Add” button.

Setting up a port forwarding rule

Another window will open in which we will create a rule. In the template field, we come up with a name, and select the interface that the computer is connected to (wired - eth, wireless - wan).

Setting up a forwarding rule

In all four port fields (external and internal) we enter the port specified in the radmin settings, and in the internal IP field we indicate the network name of the computer to which we are connecting remotely. Click “Change”.

New rule created

That's it, our new rule has appeared in the lists, now the router will not block all radmin signals, but will redirect them to the specified computer, which is what was required.

If something remains unclear, you can use the video lesson:

With its help, the administrator can control absolutely all user actions, and while abroad, can remotely perform certain operations. Control over subordinates is an integral part of the work process in every company. The responsibilities of a full-time system administrator are to monitor the correct operation of network equipment, servers and computer networks. But with the advent of the information technology age, this process has been greatly simplified.

Radmin management components

There are two application components - managed and server.

The first is installed on a personal computer to manage the server part, but the second is necessary for monitoring. Full work with the program will begin after its installation, the process of which goes quite quickly. Upon completion of the installation, the user will be asked to configure the utility specifically for themselves. First of all, you need to decide on the launch mode. If you plan to use Radmin Server constantly, then it is naturally better to choose the automatic loading mode.

There are not so many settings in the server part, especially since they are all intuitive. The main ones include: displaying an icon, requesting confirmation for an incoming connection, and a port that was set in automatic mode, but can be changed if desired. In addition, the user has the opportunity to disable unnecessary functions of the application, thereby indicating the range of tasks that will be available to the user connected to his PC. There are sections for fine-tuning voice and text chat, and there is also a built-in IP filter, with which you can select specific IP addresses with which you can connect to a personal computer. Additionally, you can specify specific IP addresses and ranges.

To ensure greater security, the developers decided to include authentication of incoming connections in the program. In the “access rights” section, rights to manage the PC are set and logins and passwords for them are created. Also, in addition to individual names, you can organize certain groups according to the same type as on the Windows platform. When connecting to the server, using authentication and an IP address filtering table, the utility will automatically check the correctness of the entered parameters, and access to a third-party user will be open if the password, login and IP address are entered correctly. Several computers can simultaneously connect to the server part, and all connections can be controlled using a special Radmin icon, which is located in the system tray.

The second component of the software product is Radmin Viewer. Elements of remote computers and folders can be easily distinguished by their appearance, and all addresses are stored in a special address book. To create a new connection, simply enter the computer's domain name or IP address. In addition, the application is equipped with an analogue of a proxy server, due to which each connection will go through an intermediate utility server, which is selected from the existing list. Using this component, you can exercise full control of a remote machine. The program window will display a picture of the work area of ​​the personal computer. Immediately after connection, control of the mouse cursor is transferred directly to the administrator. The function in question is indispensable in the case when an inexperienced employee cannot independently solve the problem that has arisen, and the system administrator himself is very far away at this time.

When working in full mode, first of all you need to configure the application so that the allocated speed for the Internet connection does not interfere with work. The most important parameter is to optimize the image quality, while the color depth should be in the parameters from 1 to 24 bits. There is only one way to achieve the most comfortable work - experimenting with the settings. At the moment of image transmission, the frame rate also plays an important role; accordingly, the higher the indicator, the less noticeable the cursor freezing.

As mentioned above, text or voice chat can be organized between two connected computers. In voice chat, you need to configure the maximum speed of your connection; this is done for only one purpose - optimizing voice transmission while maintaining sound quality. In text chat, the user needs to optimize the display of messages and indicate their nickname. Considering the fact that it is possible to connect several PCs at the same time, the program will display all connected users.

Control modes in Radmin

The developers also provided a command line mode, which is suitable for more advanced users. The entire process will be performed via telnet, and without knowledge of certain commands it will be quite difficult to understand the application. But, despite this, this solution also has its advantages - working with the command line will be most effective when using a low connection speed. In this case, due to its light weight, all data will be transferred very quickly.

System requirements

Radmin Server 3.5 supports: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2008R2/2008/2003/2000 (32-bit, 64-bit)

Radmin Viewer 3.5 supports: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2008/2003/2000/NT4.0/98/ME/95 (32-bit, 64-bit)

Radmin 3.5 Fully supports Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows Vista 32-bit and 64-bit, including user account management and fast user switching. Radmin Server 3.5 supports the operating systems Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/ 2012/2008/2003/2000 (32-bit) and Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/ 2012/2008/2003 (64-bit). Radmin Viewer 3.5 supports operating systems Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2012/2008/2003/2000/ME/98/95/NT4.0 (32-bit) and Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2012/2008 /2003 (64-bit).

Radmin structure

Program Radmin consists of two modules – server and client. The server part is installed on the computer to which you need to gain remote access, the client part - on the computer from which remote administration will be carried out.

Only Radmin Server is licensed. Radmin Viewer is a free program that can be installed on any computer from which remote access is required.

The number of connections to one copy of the Radmin Server program in any mode (Management, Viewing, Chat, Telnet and Connect via) is limited to 5 simultaneous connections. This number can be increased by purchasing a license for additional connections.

Radmin prices



price, rub.

Standard license

for 1 computer

1,250 rub. for a license

Pack of 50 licenses

for 50 computers

38,000 rub. per package

760 rub. for PC

Pack of 100 licenses

for 100 computers

63,500 rub. per package

635 rub. for PC

Pack of 150 licenses

for 150 computers

90,000 rub. per package

600 rub. for PC

Enterprise license

from 200 licenses

from 550 rub. and below

for a license

Famatech provides free Radmin licenses for people with disabilities.

Radmin features

  • Remote control of a computer on a local network and via the Internet;
  • Remote desktop viewing;
  • File transfer;
  • Text and voice chat with remote users, etc.

Basic functions of Radmin

  • Distant work;
  • Providing remote technical support to users and clients;
  • Implementation of remote system administration, etc.

Installing Radmin software

1. Install Radmin Server 3.5 to the first computer that will act as a server:

Run file rserv35ru.exe

In the installation wizard dialog box, click Further

Set a radio button in the item I accept the terms of the license agreement > Install

Once installation is complete, uncheck the checkbox Configure user access rights forRadmin Server and press Ready

During installation, the necessary files will be copied to the default system directory ( C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30).

2. Install Radmin Viewer 3.5 to a second computer that will act as a client

  • Run file rview35ru.exe
  • Follow the instructions on the screen.

Configuring and administering the Radmin remote administration tool

1. Open the settings window Radmin Server in one of the following ways:

Depending on the operating system Windows open Applications > Radmin Server 3 and choose Radmin Server Settings.

If icon Radmin Server displayed in the system tray: right-click the icon and select the menu item Radmin Server Settings.

Open a command prompt as administrator, go to the directory with the program ( C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30) and run the file rserver3.exe with command line switch /setup

2. Select Startup mode...

The application launch mode can be automatic or manual. In the second case, you can start the application by clicking on its icon, either through the command line, or in another way. Automatic launch allows you to launch the program automatically when Windows boots, and connect to a remote computer even if no user is logged in.

  • Press the button Launch mode;
  • Choose Automatically;
  • Press the button OK to save your selection.

Adding new Radmin users and assigning access rights to them

1. Press the button Access rights;

2. In the window Security mode choose Radmin and press the button Access rights;

3. In the window Radmin security system press the button Add;

4. In the window Adding a new user create several users with different passwords and rights.

Setting up IP filtering

  1. Open SettingsRadmin Server;
  2. Press the button Settings;
  3. Open section IP filter;
  4. Check the checkbox Enable IP filtering

If IP filtering is enabled and no IP addresses or ranges of IP addresses are specified, or the address from which the connection to Radmin Server is made is not included in the allowed ranges, then connection to the computer will become impossible.

  1. Press the button Add;
  2. In the window Adding an IP addresses enter the client's IP address;
  3. Press the button OK.

Changing the port

  1. Open Radmin Server Settings;
  2. Press the button Settings;
  3. Open section General settings;
  4. Uncheck the checkbox Default;

You can change the Radmin Server port from the default port (4899) to any other unused port in the range from 1 to 65535. At the same time, make sure that the same port number is specified in the Radmin Viewer settings on the local computer as in the Radmin Server settings on the remote computer computer.

  1. Specify the required port;
  2. Press the button OK.

Using a log in a file

Radmin supports two logging methods:

  1. Windows Event Log. Information is stored in the system event log and is accessible through a standard application Viewing Event Logs.
  2. Radmin event log. The information is recorded in HTML format. Events are saved in C:\WINDOWS\system32\rserver30\Radm_log.htm

  1. Open Radmin Server Settings;
  2. Press the button Settings;
  3. Open section General settings;
  4. Check box Use Radmin event log;
  5. In the input area under the checkbox, specify the path and file name (if not specified);
  6. Press the button OK.

Connecting to a remote computer

1. Launch Radmin Viewer on your local computer;

2. Click on the icon Connection to address on the toolbar (you can also select from the main menu Connection > Connect to);

3. Enter the IP address of the remote computer;

4. Change the port in accordance with the Radmin Server security settings used;

5. Specify the desired connection mode ;

6. Change color quality and screen appearance in settings Remote computer screen;

In modes Control And View The image from the screen of the remote computer may look like this:

  • Normal (the remote computer screen appears in a window at a 1:1 scale. The window size can be changed)
  • With scaling (the remote computer screen appears in the window, but the image scale will correspond to the window size. The window size can be changed).
  • Full screen (in this mode, the image from the screen of the remote computer will occupy the entire screen of the local computer. If the screen resolution of the remote computer is higher than the screen resolution of the local computer, moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen allows you to move in the appropriate direction).
  • Full screen with scaling (in this mode, the screen of the remote computer will be displayed completely on the entire screen of the local computer).

7. Press the button OK;

8. Enter the username and password, in accordance with the security settings used Radmin Server;

9. Press the button OK.

The remote computer's screen appears in a window on the local computer's screen.

Remote installation over a network

Utility Radmin Deployment Tool provides installation of Radmin Server remotely using an MSI file, pre-prepared in accordance with the required settings. Utility Radmin Deployment Tool consists of two modules:

  • Radmin Deployment Tool allows you to remotely install, uninstall and update Radmin Server.
  • Radmin MSI Configurator allows you to change Radmin Server settings at the stage of preparing the MSI file for installation on remote computers.

System requirements for the Radmin Deployment Tool program for the local computer:

  • 1000 MHz processor
  • 512 MB memory (1024 MB recommended)
  • 150 MB of free hard disk space
  • Domain administrator rights or local administrator rights

System requirements for the Radmin Deployment Tool for remote computers:

  • Operating system Microsoft Windows 8/Server 2012/7/Server 2008 R2/Vista/Server 2008/XP/Server 2003/2000
  • The Remote Registry service must be running (by default in OS MS Windows 8 this service is disabled, in OS MS Windows 7 it is started)
  • Ability to log in as Administrator

More detailed information about system requirements can be found in the program help. Radmin Deployment Tool In chapter Help.

1. Download the network installation package http://www.radmin.ru/download

2. Install the program Radmin Deployment Tool(rdpltool12.msi)

3. Launch Radmin Deployment tool

4. In the main menu, select Language > Russian

5. Check if remote computers are running

6. Make sure that in the computer tree of the program Radmin Deployment tool remote machines are available (Fig. 7)

7. If remote computers are not displayed, scan the network Entire Network >Network Scan

8. If there is a red lock icon next to the icon of the remote computer, check whether the Remote Registry service is running and whether the login and password of the Administrator of the remote computer are specified correctly.

9. Run the utility Radmin MSI Configurator

10. In the dialog box Specify a Radmin Server MSI….. specify the path to the file rserv35ru.msi

11. In the next dialog box, click the button Settings

12. Specify the necessary settings for the program Radmin Server, which will be installed on the remote computer >Next

13. In the next dialog box, click the button Security, in the window Radmin Server Security Mode(access mode) select Radmin security and press the button Premissions(access rights)

14. In the window Radmin Security(Radmin security system) press the button Add User(add user)

15. Create multiple users with different passwords and rights

17. Launch Radmin Deployment Tool

18. Right-click the remote computer and select Install the application, or use the key combination Ctrl + I

19. Specify the path to the previously configured file

20. For remote installation it is necessary in a pop-up window Alternative accounts enter Username And Password account belonging to the group Administrators remote computer.

21. Check whether the application is installed on the remote computer (directly on the remote computer or through the log Radmin Deployment tool local computer).

Found a typo? Press Ctrl + Enter

About ten or fifteen years ago, in one of the IT publications, I came across a very interesting figurative comparison of the activities of a system administrator running around the office from computer to computer with a box of CDs and floppy disks, with the work of a chemical weaver (remember the famous shots from the film “The Shining Path”?). However, even today IT specialists in some companies work in a similar way - after all, setting up workstations is often carried out directly at the workstations where they are installed. The main reason for this ineffective approach is that the remote computer management tools built into modern client and server operating systems cannot perform all the operations required to support users. The optimal scenario for supporting workstations and servers, of course, would be completely remote administration, allowing you not to run around the office, not travel to branches and not freeze in the server room.

Companies specializing in system integration and software development, in addition to the listed tasks, often provide technical support to their customers or deploy new versions of their applications. To do this, you usually have to go to the customer’s office, but it would be beneficial for both the customer and the contractor to avoid such visits. This is especially true for companies operating ATMs and payment terminals - after all, they are distributed over a large area, are associated with cash and are located in publicly accessible places, which means that their maintenance requires not only an IT specialist, but also security.

Recently, many companies, in addition to administration, are faced with the need to organize remote work for users who need access to their workstation or corporate network resources while on a business trip or from home. This mode of operation contributes to better data security - after all, if data of commercial value does not physically leave the company’s office, then it cannot be stolen along with the employee’s laptop (as you know, the theft of laptops is one of the most common channels for leaking confidential data).

Speaking about data security, we note that in some companies it makes sense to monitor the activities of employees on corporate computers, for example, in order to prevent the leakage of confidential data or misuse of corporate resources.

We also note the increasingly widespread use of online learning, which allows you to save considerable money due to the absence of travel expenses. Distance learners may be scattered throughout the world and should not be concentrated in one place. And holding online presentations and meetings is no longer exotic these days.

All of the above tasks require remote computer management tools. Of course, there are such tools in modern operating systems, but they are not always optimal in terms of speed and ease of use.

What should be the optimal means of remote computer control?

What should a remote computer control tool be like that solves the above problems? Ideally, it should not only connect to a remote computer (for this there are terminal access tools available in one form or another in all modern operating systems), but also be able to connect in cases where the computer is frozen, allow changes to be made in the BIOS remotely download or install an operating system, use multiple connections to one computer. At the same time, the tool for remote control of computers must provide image quality sufficient for comfortable administration and high speed of its transmission, support for various screen resolutions, and also be able to exchange text and voice data with the controlled computer (with users whose technical support is provided remotely, because you need to somehow communicate…). And, since we are talking about ATMs and payment terminals, the protection of transmitted data and means of delineating access rights must completely exclude the possibility of their leakage.

In this article we will talk about one of such tools - the Radmin system from the Russian company Famatech.

What can Radmin do?

Radmin is very familiar to many IT specialists and enjoys well-deserved popularity in companies of various sizes and from various industries. Its third version is now available.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of Radmin is quite simple. The product consists of two parts: the licensed Radmin Server application, which is installed on the computer to be administered remotely, and the free Radmin Viewer application, which is installed on the computer from which administration is performed, and these two applications exchange data with each other. You can use Radmin both on a local network and over the Internet.

How Radmin works

Radmin Server supports all modern 32- and 64-bit operating systems of the Windows family, namely Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008/2008 R2, Windows Server 2003, Windows 2000 Server. And Radmin Viewer can be run under not only the above systems, but also Windows emulators: Wine for Linux and Parallels for Mac OS. This allows remote access using Radmin from computers equipped with Linux or Mac OS.

Radmin functionality

What can Radmin do compared to Windows terminal access tools?

It allows you to connect to a remote computer in full access, view only, file sharing, reboot/shutdown, text and voice chat, command line, BIOS editing modes using Intel AMT technology, as well as sending instant text notifications.

Radmin has a simple and intuitive user interface that is quite familiar to users, including those who have not previously used terminal access tools or virtual machine management tools.

Radmin User Interface

Note that Radmin optimizes the transmitted traffic by sending only changes to the image on the screen, and not the entire image. In addition, this product supports any screen resolution and multiple monitors, as well as smooth color depth changes from black and white (for minimal traffic) to full color (for accurate color reproduction). In this case, when transmitting data, an intelligent compression algorithm is used, which allows you to automatically adjust the compression level to the channel bandwidth and processor load, providing an accurate correlation between processor load and the width of the data transmission channel. This sets Radmin apart from the built-in Windows Remote Desktop tools starting with Windows 7. The minimum color depth for image transmission when accessing a Remote Desktop is 16 bits, which significantly increases network traffic.

Radmin allows you to make several simultaneous connections to one remote computer and one computer to several and switch between user sessions, which again distinguishes it from Windows remote desktop access tools, since in client versions of Windows, when such a connection is made, the user session is blocked, and from the built-in Remote Assistant tools, which require the presence of the user of the managed computer and do not allow either transferring files or running applications under an account with administrator rights.

Other useful features include two-way work with the clipboard with Unicode support and a built-in computer scanner in the address book of the computer on which Radmin Viewer is installed. In addition, a free Radmin Deployment Package program is available for administrators, with which you can easily and quickly install Radmin remotely on thousands of computers, configure access rights, activate or update Radmin.


From a security point of view, Radmin is an extremely reliable product. Protection of absolutely all transmitted data (including screen images, cursor movement and keyboard signals) in all connection modes is carried out according to the modern AES data protection standard, which eliminates the possibility of leakage of confidential information. User authentication is performed using Windows security with Active Directory support and the Kerberos protocol. In addition, Radmin uses its own built-in authentication system, Radmin Security, using individual access rights that allow access only for certain computers and subnets.

Security system Radmin Security: IP address filtering

Note that Radmin includes protection against password guessing, such as activating time delays when a password is suspected of being brute-forced and blocking suspicious IP addresses.

Radmin supports the ability to set a connection request to a remote computer to protect against unauthorized access.

Radmin Server 3 runs exclusively as an operating system service, which eliminates the possibility of accessing it without the appropriate rights. In addition, Radmin includes self-testing procedures that protect the program code from changes, making it resistant to malicious code.

Security system Radmin Security:
differentiation of access rights

Finally, Radmin Server actively protects settings stored in the system registry. Only a user with administrator rights has access to this registry branch.

Who uses Radmin

As already mentioned, Radmin is used in many industries. However, it is most often used in the banking industry for remote servicing of ATMs and payment terminals, as well as for supporting and configuring computers in a distributed banking network, including in a number of the largest Russian banks, in retail networks for managing and monitoring POS terminals, as well as in government agencies (city administrations, city halls, federal government bodies) and many commercial structures in which monitoring the activities of employees and their remote training in working with modern software are relevant.

Many companies also use Radmin to allow employees to remotely access office resources using inexpensive netbooks. Such solutions, as already mentioned, reduce the risk of leakage of confidential information. In addition, a netbook that can work with the Radmin Viewer application, which is very undemanding of resources, costs much less than a regular laptop, and, which is also important, it weighs much less.

Currently, Radmin has been translated into 27 languages, and it is sold and implemented by more than 5 thousand Famatech partners around the world. All users are provided with free technical support. The Radmin license, importantly, is perpetual, and educational institutions can purchase this product at a discounted price.

So, we have become familiar with the remote administration tool Radmin. I can’t help but notice that thanks to the expanded capabilities of supporting data exchange between the control and managed computers and reliable security tools, the scope of application of this product today is very diverse and includes not only remote administration of computers, payment terminals and ATMs, but also technical support for users, monitoring of actions employees, online presentations and seminars, distance learning, remote work. Note that Radmin was originally designed to be multilingual, and the fact that its manufacturer is located in Russia means that no problems with incorrect localization, which, alas, are common in many foreign products, will not arise. I believe that Russian IT specialists should pay close attention to this decision.

Hello to all little information technology lovers. This training lesson will be devoted to the very sensitive issue of how to configure Radmin to work via the Internet. After all, as a rule, everyone uses this program only as a tool for management of stations in the local network. But how to administer a server if it is located thousands of kilometers away? Let's figure it out.

In order to implement remote access to computers over the Internet using Radmin, we will use the DDNS service. In short, this technology allows you to create a fixed domain name and attach the constantly changing IP address of your computer to it. In principle, you can just buy a static address from your ISP, but who wants to pay an extra few hundred every month?

Account registration

Step 1. First of all, we need to register on a website that provides the DDNS service. There are many such services, but no-ip stands out among the free ones. We go to the site www.noip.com and click “Sign Up”.

Step 2. In the window that opens, fill in the data required for registration. Enter your email address, unique login and password that will be used to access your account. After filling out all the fields, click “Create My Free Account”.

Step 3. We check our mailbox and select “Activate Account” in the letter from the no-ip service.

Step 4. If everything went well, you will see the corresponding inscription, and next to it there is a green check mark.

Step 5. Great. Now let’s log in to the created account by clicking on the “Sign In” button. We inform the system of the data specified during registration and proceed to the next window.

Create a domain name

Step 1. It's time to choose a third-level domain name. Go to the “Hosts/Redirects” tab by clicking on the corresponding button on the top panel.

Step 3. In the “Hostname” field, write down the third-level domain name. For convenience, let it match the login of our account. Next to it, you must specify a second-level domain in the drop-down list. Choose the one that is easier to remember. For example, noip.me. Leave the remaining settings as default and click “Add Host”.

Step 4. Now our domain has received a static address. We will use this data a little later to remotely control computers via the Internet.

Step 5. But first you need to make sure that everything works as it should. A simple ping of our host will help us with this. Open “Start” - “Accessories” - “Command Line” and enter the command ping kuretsru1.noip.me (indicate your host name here!) and press “Enter”. If everything went well, you will see that the domain name matches our IP address, and the packets are transmitted stably.

Installing the client program

Step 1. In order for our ever-changing IP addresses to be assigned to a registered domain name, we need to install a small client program. On the no-ip website, go to the “Download” tab and in the window that opens, click on the orange “Download Now” button.

Step 2. We wait for the program to download to our computer, launch it and in the first window click “I Agree”.

Step 3. Specify the location to install the program. I recommend leaving it as default. We begin the installation by clicking “Install”.


Step 4. After waiting for the installation to complete, do not uncheck the selected parameters. “Launch DUC” allows you to start the service right now and configure it, and the second parameter (“Run DUC as a System Service in the background”) is responsible for automatically launching the program in the background immediately after turning on the computer. Click “Finish”.

Step 5. In the window that opens, enter the username and password combination that we specified during registration. Click on the “Sign In” button and go directly to setting up the client.

Setting up the client program

Step 2. If everything is good, then you will be able to see three green checkmarks.

However, in some situations it is necessary to force a network card facing the Internet. This is done on the “File” tab in the “Preferences” section by selecting the adapter from the drop-down list.

Step 3. Great. The adapter has been selected and the checkboxes are there. What's next? It remains to check whether this system works in practice. First you need to make sure that Radmin Server is installed on the computer that acts as the host. If the server part is installed and configured, then run the Radmin Viewer program on another machine connected to the Internet. Then we create a new connection with the corresponding domain name. In my case it is kuretsru1.noip.me. We try to connect and...most likely nothing will work.

Opening ports

Step 1. Connection is not possible. This is due to the fact that the provider has closed the connection ports. Or perhaps they are closed on the router itself. Let's check this version by analyzing the port we need using the 2ip service. To do this, go to the address www.2ip.ru/check-port/ and indicate the port in the line 4899. Click “Check” and make sure that it is really closed.

Step 2. Now we need to go to the administrative panel of our router. To do this, type the IP address of the router in the address bar of the browser (usually it is written on the bottom panel of the router, but if there is no sticker with the address, then try the classic options and

I have a D-Link DIR-300NRU router at home. This model is a budget option and is widely used among home users. Therefore, the setup that we will now make can be easily repeated on any other similar router.

Step 3. Once on the router’s web interface, select “Advanced settings” - “Firewall” - “Virtual servers”.

Step 4. Click “Add” and create a new virtual server. Give it a name (Radmin), select the Internet interface, protocol (TCP) and assign an external and internal port (4899). If in the future you plan to manage several servers, then for each of them you will need to allocate a separate external port. And finally, you must register the internal IP address of the computer (which is on the local network).

Step 5. Click on the “Save” button at the bottom and top of the page. And we go to the already familiar 2ip service, check whether port 4899 is open. If you did everything correctly, you will definitely see an encouraging message saying that the port is now open.

Now you will definitely be able to connect. For the purity of the experiment, I’ll try to connect from my work computer, which is located on the other side of the city. Enter your username and password. Hooray! The connection attempt was successful. Now you can connect to our computer from anywhere in the world and the session time is not limited in any way. In addition, unlike the same Team Viewer, Radmin does not have advertising, which pops up in the team after each connection.

DDNS via router

However, installing the noip client program is more of a panacea. A kind of universal method that will definitely suit everyone. But there is a simpler and more convenient option. It consists of using the DDNS mode built into the router. Unfortunately, such a function is not present on all routers, but for general development you need to know the principle of its configuration.

Although...I’ll probably make a separate story about this. In it I will forward ports on a modern router and thus transfer video from the recorder directly to the Internet. Be sure to subscribe to updates so you don't miss out.

And with you was Denis Kurets and the next issue of the information technology blog site. Today we figured out how DDNS technology works and configured Radmin to work via the Internet. The material turned out to be voluminous, so if you have any questions, be sure to write them in the comments. Thank you for your attention. See you in the next issue.
