How to turn on a computer with a password? Password bypass on Windows. How to bypass Windows administrator password to enable blocked features How to bypass Google after resetting fly

The fact that Windows operating systems are protected by users (most often computer administrators) from unauthorized use, for example, in their absence from the computer, comes as no surprise to anyone. However, often the administrator may not give the registered user sufficient rights to perform any actions or set personal settings, and therefore it may be necessary to log in to the system with administrator registration. Next, let's see how to bypass the password on a computer with Windows 7, using several simple methods. But first, let's figure out in what cases such actions may be extremely necessary.

The most common situations

So, what can happen if a user urgently needs to find out, bypass or reset the Windows password? In the simplest case, this situation may be due to the fact that the user simply forgot and simply lost his own combination, which is used to log into the system. This is understandable, because it is common for any person to forget some things. Ordinary users, clearly not understanding what is going on, begin to take the most drastic measures, trying to simply reinstall the system. This is not worth doing, since even a forgotten Microsoft registration password, which was created during the first installation of the system, can be restored quite simply by contacting the corporation's support service. To do this, you can log in to the official resource from another computer and specify the necessary data, after which a recovery code will be sent to your mobile number.

The problem looks much worse when the system administrator sets restrictions on the computer terminal for registered users, for example, so that users do not independently install any unnecessary software or make settings that could harm the system. But even in this case, you can bypass the password, and sometimes you don’t need to know the required combination at all. Finally, sometimes you may need to open files that are not shared with someone else on your computer. For example, an office worker is sick, he needs to get access to his documents, but for his personal reasons he does not want to give his Windows password to other people.

By and large, in all of the above situations, you can use some, as most experts believe, standard methods that will help you either find out the required password, or bypass it, or even get rid of the computer administrator’s registration record.

What to do if the password is set in the BIOS?

Let's start with the simplest options and first consider bypassing the Windows 7 administrator password, which is not set in the OS itself, in the settings of the primary BIOS input/output system, so that the user cannot not only enter the operating environment, but also change priorities of primary settings set by the administrator himself.

On desktop PCs, you can simply reset the password by removing the CMOS battery, which is responsible for powering the BIOS chip, for 10-15 minutes, and then inserting it back. On laptops, this operation looks a little more complicated, since the devices will have to be disassembled. However, if you wish, it can be done if you are careful not to damage important components on the motherboard itself when removing the cover.

Disabling the super administrator on a running system

Now, somewhat distracting from the main topic, let's briefly look at how to disable the built-in so-called super administrator account, which by default has the highest priority in all Windows operating systems starting from the seventh version. To do this, you need to launch the command line, but this time be sure to use it as an administrator through the RMB menu, and then execute the command “net user Administrator / active: no” (of course, without quotes). After this, all programs and files can be opened without obtaining permission from the super administrator. The exception in some cases is the command console. UAC will also remain active, but its level can be reduced.

How to Bypass Windows 7 Login Password: Safe Mode Settings

Now let’s move on directly to the consideration of techniques that are applicable in cases where it is impossible to log into the system under a certain “account”, including the administrator account. How to bypass the password on Windows 7 in such a situation? Simple too.

To do this, you need to start in safe mode, which is selected from the boot menu, activated immediately before starting the operating system by pressing the F8 key. In the login window, simply select the desired registration entry. In this case, the password will not be requested. If necessary, you can then grant yourself additional rights or use management of the “account” under which you are logged in, and then set the current password to be deleted.

Bypass the Windows administrator password when starting from the command console

The start boot menu is also convenient because instead of starting in Safe Mode, you can use start with command line support, which is necessary if secure login is impossible or compromised for some reason.

When the start stops, you will need to enter the combination net user NAME PASSWORD, where NAME is the user name for which you want to change the login combination, PASSWORD is the new password. As is already clear, you do not need to know the old combination, and when you reboot in normal mode, the newly installed combination will be required to log in.

Adding and removing accounts from the command line

Now a few more words about how to bypass the Windows 7 password on a laptop or desktop PC, which also involves using the command console. Only in this case, the method of adding a user is used, granting him administrative rights by including him in the appropriate group. Again, the console itself is called from the start menu, and then the following commands are sequentially entered and executed with the name and password parameters shown in the previous example (of course, without any punctuation at the end):

  • net user NAME PASSWORD /add;
  • net localgroup Administrators NAME /add;
  • net localgroup user NAME /delete.

Password bypass in Windows 7, if you look at the commands themselves, is done by adding a new user (if necessary), adding the selected user to the “Administrators” group (in Russian-language systems, if the command does not work, you need to specify the name of the group in Russian) and deleting an existing user along with all his personal data, including passwords. With the third command, when starting the computer, you can even remove the administrator, and the system will not issue any restrictions on this matter.

Disabling the password requirement at login

In principle, the methods described above are classified as drastic, and they should not always be used. By and large, if we talk about using the command line, to bypass the password in Windows 7, you can use simpler, so to speak, painless methods (it is clear that when deleting an administrator, if this is done on an office computer terminal, a company employee may quite serious problems arise, and this cannot be attributed to chance or ignorance). In such a situation, it is easier to use deactivation of the password requirement when logging into the system, which is installed for absolutely all users, including the administrator. On any system, including Windows 7, you can bypass the user password from the same command line as follows:

  • enter the command control userpasswords2 and press enter;
  • disable the password requirement for the selected user;
  • leave the fields for entering a new combination empty.

Upon subsequent reboot, you will be able to log into such an account without the need for confirmation.

The simplest actions in the registry

Another method of bypassing a password involves some actions in the system registry, however, to the average user this option may seem somewhat more complicated than the methods described above. Nevertheless, you can use such actions, but to do this you will need any bootable media at hand, from which you should boot before starting the main system. After confirming the installation of language options, you need to go to system recovery and use the command line item (or call the console directly with the combination Shift + F10).

Now you should call the registry editor (regedit), and then use the boot hive in the file menu while in the HKLM section. For the hive, you need to specify the location C:\windows\System32\config\SYSTEM and specify an arbitrary name (for example, three units). Then you need to go to the created partition (in our case it will be HKLM111SYSTEM) and change the values ​​of the CmdLine key to cmd.exe, and assign the SetupType parameter a value in the form of two instead of zero. Next, a reboot is performed, but when you log into any registration account, password bypass in Windows 7 (as well as in any other operating system of this family) can be performed in the automatically launched command console. This technique does not allow you to crack a password or bypass it directly, but it somewhat simplifies the steps to use the command line. If for some reason you no longer need autorun, simply delete the created partition and reboot the system.

You can also bypass the password in Windows 7 or other systems by loading the hive HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HIVE_NAME\SAM\Domains\Account\Users\000001F4, where HIVE_NAME is the name of the hive.

Just first, in the SAM section itself, you need to find the F key, and then change its value (11), set by default in line 0038, to ten. Upon completion of all actions, while in the hive, through the file menu you need to confirm its unloading and reboot the system.

Specialized utilities

Now a few words about programs for bypassing passwords in Windows 7. You can find a huge number of such utilities on the Internet, but next we will focus on the simplest and most interesting applications. The tools of the system itself should not be neglected either, so first we will focus on using the Windows software applet, which is represented in the system by the executable file sethc.exe. When booting from removable media, you will again need to call the command console and first determine the letter of the partition on which the operating system is installed, since in most cases drive C will be listed as the reserved space. Apparently, the system partition will be designated with the letter D, and to make sure of this, enter the command “dir d:\”. Now you need to write the following commands (without punctuation marks at the end of each of them):

  • copy d:\windows\system32\sethc.exe d:\;
  • copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\sethc.exe.

In this way, the toolkit changes to the command console. After restarting the system in normal mode, when loading begins, quickly and several times press the Shift key, after which in the command line you again set the user to change the password (NET USER NAME PASSWORD).

Sometimes computer security experts recommend using a small but quite interesting application called Asterisk Key.

The Windows 7 program first analyzes the password or combination of access to Internet services (mostly only those that are displayed in the system as asterisks, and not letters, numbers and symbols), and then presses the Recover button to give them a readable appearance. Next to each password there is a link to copy, so to simplify access to something, you can simply copy the combination in the program and then paste it into the required field to fill out.

You can bypass the Windows 7 password from a flash drive using the Kon-Boot utility. First you need to run its installer, and then, using the “Install to USB stick (with EFI support)” item, write it to removable media. Next, in the primary system (BIOS/UEFI), you should set the flash drive as the first boot device, enter the boot menu of the system Boot Menu (not to be confused with the start menu called by the F8 key) and use the item “Kon-Boot (CURRENT VERSION)”, and after the program window in a kind of DOS mode, the system will begin loading. At the login stage, you can leave the password field empty or enter random characters (Windows will still perceive this combination as correct). If a message like “Dummy BIOS detected” appears, you will need to disable Secure Boot on the primary system.

How to view passwords for websites in browsers?

Finally, you can also bypass the Windows 7 password saved in the browser you are using. Any such program has a special section responsible for storing the required combinations.

For example, in the Opera browser, you can use the button to show all passwords in the security section, and then in a new window, when you hover over the site address, click the “Show” button (initially, all passwords will be presented as asterisks). Thus, the combination can be copied or recorded, and later used to access Internet pages and services.

Brief summary

To sum it up, all that remains is to choose the most appropriate method for bypassing passwords. As most experts believe, extreme measures such as using a registry or other non-standard actions can only be used in cases where the simplest solutions do not help. But the most acceptable option is to start the system with support for the command console and then disable the mandatory password requirement at login, as was shown in the corresponding section above.

The use of specialized programs seems somewhat unreasonable only for the reason that they all belong either to the class of viewers or to recovery utilities that help when passwords are lost. However, when booting from removable media, to quickly bypass all sorts of restrictions, it is best to use the Kon-Boot application, even though creating a flash drive using its built-in installer may seem somewhat complicated to some users. However, as mentioned above, there are quite a lot of such programs on the Internet for free download, and some utilities of this type can even be classified as professional or semi-professional tools. How advisable is it to use them? It all depends on the complexity of the original task and the preferences of the users themselves.

Hello to all blog readers. In this article we will look at how to bypass the password Windows. The Windows 2000 and Windows XP operating systems have better security capabilities than earlier Windows systems.
They have a more effective password system to ensure that no one without the necessary authority can access the information on your computer. Many people set a password, but unfortunately after a while they forget it. Built-in account Administrator present in the welcome window Welcome only if no other accounts exist (except account Guest), or if the computer is booted in Safe Mode.
1. Most easy way to bypass password prompted during login.
Useful if someone finds out the admin password, or if If
You just forgot your password.
Standard protection Windows It’s not particularly reliable, so getting around it won’t be difficult. This method does not imply use third party BY and relevant for
Windows XP. Actually, to bypass the password you need to boot into Safe Mode under an administrator account.
This is a service account (built-in - All versions of Windows XP have a " administrator") and during standard system boot it is not visible,
so let's load into safe mode– while the computer is booting, press the key F8 until it appears menu, in which you will need to select the item "Safe mode".

Then, when the system prompts you to select an account, select "Administrator".
After we have successfully logged into the system, we head to the equipment
"User accounts".
Start" - « Control Panel" - "User accounts").

Here we select account where you need to remove the password.

Then select the item "Remove password" or " Change password", of necessity.
We reboot in normal mode and use the previously password-protected account.
True, this method can and not help in that case, if the account is administrator V safe mode was previously already password protected that do quite rarely- in the hope of user ignorance. If you have just such a case, you will need a utility Reset Windows Admin Password, which is necessary burn to disk and boot from it, after which you can easily log in to the system.

If built-in account Administrator computer already password protected, you can use emergency recovery boot disks like
Windows miniPE edition or ERD Commander.

2. Disk Microsoft Windows miniPE edition contains a truncated
version Windows XP .
For loading miniPE needed in BIOS install boot from CD-ROM,
insert into tray CD-ROM boot disk with miniPE And overload
- when it loads miniPE, press the button miniPE (Start button alternative)
Programs - System Tools - Password Renew
– a window will open
– click the button Select Windows Folder(bottom right)
- in the window Browse for Folder specify the folder location Windows
and press OK
– press the button Renew existing user password
– in the drop-down list Account select necessary account
– in the text field New Password Enter a new password
– confirm it in the field Confirm Password(don't forget the new password)
– click the button below Install
– a window will appear Information with a message Password Renew for NTs is
successfuly done!
– click OK
- close the window Password Renew for XP-based Systems
– press the button miniPE - Reboot
– after reboot, install in BIOS download from hard drive
– you can boot the system with a new Administrator password

3. ERD Commander is a bootable emergency recovery
disk, like Windows miniPE.
At PC boot from disk ERD Commander V menu download select item
– to skip local network initialization (and speed up booting)
click the button Skip Network Configuration
- in the window Welcome to ERD Commander select the one you need OS recovery,
click OK
– after loading ERD Commander, press Start - System Tools - Locksmith Wizard - Next
– in the next window in the drop-down list Account select necessary
- in field New Password enter new password, confirm it in the field
Confirm Password - Next - OK ;
– press the button Start - Log Off - Restart - OK;
– after reboot you can log in login with a new password.
However, don't rely on standard protection Windows and use, if necessary, more advanced programs that prohibit unauthorized access.
How to make Windows XP Professional Edition from Windows XP Home Edition,

In this article, we will look at one of the ways to bypass Google account verification after a factory reset or hard reset.

If you remember, we told you earlier that . Google has introduced this feature on devices running Android 5.1 Lollipop and higher. But what if you don’t need protection from a hard reset? How to bypass Google account verification? The system has one loophole that we will take advantage of.

How to bypass Google account verification?

So, you have done a hard reset or factory reset on your Android device. After the smartphone restarts, you are prompted to configure it, for example, connect to Wi-Fi, select a language, country, etc. When you do all this, you will need to verify your Google account. What to do if you don't remember your account?

That's all! Please note that this method works on devices that support Google Now. If you're unable to bypass Google account verification, it's likely that you don't have Google Now installed on your smartphone.

The 4PDA forum presents many other ways to bypass Google account verification after a hard reset for any smartphone model, but they are more complex than those described in this article.

After the release of the Android 7.0 update, quite a few new features appeared, including a radically changed settings menu. And our editors often began to write questions about how to quickly delete a Google account on Android 7.0. Although many this question seems pretty stupid, however, problems with its removal arise quite often.

Such a need may arise when selling a device, or transferring it to another person for long-term use.

Two options for how to delete a Google account on Android 7.0

« Rude"The option involves deleting your Google account along with unpleasant consequences. In this case, all personal data, contacts, photos, calendar notes, and so on will be deleted along with the account. Therefore, you should take care of backup first.

« Soft» the same option - This is the standard way to delete a Google account. Using this method, you will delete the account itself or simply unlink the smartphone from it, but this will not have any effect on the materials stored in the operating system. Unfortunately, This method is not suitable for all devices, that's the whole problem.

Deleting Google account in a rough way

This paragraph provides two possible ways to develop the further situation:

  • Reflashing the device

Using one of the above methods, you will definitely erase your old Google account from Android. But they are not very convenient, because along with the account, all data that may be useful and necessary for you will be deleted. If you want to save them, it is better to backup your device.

We recommend choosing this option only if when you don't have access to your smartphone at all, the password is lost and cannot be recovered. But surprisingly, a factory reset may be the best solution. Have you decided to sell your phone or give it to a friend? It is the reset that will return the device to its original factory appearance and “filling”.

Reflashing is more difficult. And if an experienced user can reflash Xiaomi phones without significant problems, then other brands, especially budget and unpopular models, do not always have an alternative in the form of other firmware.

Removing a Google account the soft way

Removal via standard settings

  1. Let's go to Settings;
  2. Next you need to find the sub-item Accounts;
  3. Then select accounts Google;
  4. If you have several accounts, then click on the one you need;
  5. Now at the very bottom (or at the top) we are looking for three dot icon, click on them and select the item Delete;
  6. If the account has disappeared from the list, then the deletion was completed successfully; if not, then try other methods.

Deleting an account through Google services

  1. Go to the menu again Settings;
  2. We are looking for an item Applications;
  3. Then you need to find the sub-item Application management;
  4. Next we enter the section GoogleServices;
  5. Click on the item Clear data.
  6. All is ready.

By deleting the accounts.db file

To use this method, you will need. You can get them in several ways, which ones are written in our other article. You can also read about the importance of obtaining Superuser rights to use all the capabilities of your smartphone using the link we published above.

  1. Download the application Root Explorer from Google Play;
  2. After installing the application you need to go to the following directory :/data/System/;
  3. Here you need to find the file accounts.db and highlight it;
  4. Next, you just need to reboot Android using the shutdown button;
  5. If your Google account disappears, then everything was done correctly

All data and applications remain intact, and now you can create a new account or use the old one.

Frequently asked questions/answers

I have two Google accounts, can I somehow switch between them, or do I only need one and will have to delete the other?

There are restrictions on the number of accounts, but you can freely have even more than 5 accounts. Switching between them occurs online, just click on the account icon in the upper right corner. Password and login are not always requested.

Google is actively improving the security of the Android OS and introducing anti-theft protection such as linking the device to a Google account. In this article we will figure out how to bypass your Google account after a reset.

Before you start re-reading the article! Read the comments first, and then carefully the entire article!

A little background

With each new release of Android, Google tries to raise the level of security of this mobile operating system and introduces new protection mechanisms.

So, with version Android 5.1 Lollipop, a new anti-theft mechanism was added, the essence of which is as follows: after purchase, the owner of a smartphone or tablet links the device to his Google account. If the device is suddenly stolen and the attacker erases all data, he will run into Google Device Protection called Factory Reset Protection or FRP.

But not everything went as smoothly as we wanted, if you bought the phone second-hand or forgot your account and reset it, then naturally you fall for FRP protection. You need to reset your Google account!

Google account after reset

If we consider it globally, there are two options for resetting the protection:

  • Official
  • Unofficial (bypass Factory Reset Protection)

Let's first look at the official option for resetting FRP or how to avoid this problem when resetting, and then look at all the ways to bypass Factory Reset Protection.

Official FRP Reset/Bypass

  1. Enter the login and password for the Google account that was before the reset; if the device was purchased second-hand, then ask for this information
  2. From your computer, go to your Google account settings and
  3. If you have receipts and warranty cards, contact the service center
  4. When replacing key modules or the motherboard of a smartphone or tablet

To completely disable Factory Reset Protection/FRP

If after resetting Android does not accept the password

If you try to enter your Google account after resetting your Android settings, but you can’t go any further, then most likely you reset your password not long ago; if this is the case, then wait 24-72 hours, then try again.

Bypass Factory Reset Protection/FRP or how to bypass Google Account? (Unofficial)

Below we will suggest many methods on how to unofficially bypass FRP protection, you just have to try each one to eventually get a working Android.

Option 1 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Insert the SIM card into the device on which you want to delete your Google account
  2. Call this Android device
  3. Accept the call and click the add new call button
  4. Write any numbers into the dialers and “Add a number to an existing account”
  5. Enter your Google account information
  6. Save contact to your account
  7. Restart Android

Option 2 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Insert SIM card into locked Android
  2. Call this device
  3. Accept a call and create/add a new call
  4. In the dialers we dial the following engineering code *#*#4636#*#*
  5. After typing, your Android should automatically redirect you to the advanced settings menu
  6. Press the back button and find yourself in the settings menu
  7. Go to the section " Recovery and reset" or " Archive and Restore«
  8. Disable “Data Backup” and everything related to data recovery
  9. We reset the settings
  10. When setting up the device for the first time, enter your account

Option 3 bypass Google account after reset

If your Android device supports Fastboot, then you can try performing an FRP reset through it.

To do this you will need:

  1. Computer
  2. Installed
  3. to device
  4. Transfer device to

Then you can enter the following commands:

fastboot oem clean_frp

or run this command

fastboot erase persistent
fastboot erase frp
fastboot erase config

Option 4 bypass Google account after reset

After the reset, you need to try to enter the settings menu, after which you will need:

  1. Computer
  2. Installed
  3. to device
  4. Connect Android to computer and run ADB RUN

Then enter the following commands:

adb shell content insert --uri content://settings/secure --bind name:s:user_setup_complete --bind value:s:1

adb shell am start -n

adb shell am start -n

For this method, you will need official firmware for installation using a computer. This firmware must contain a scatter.txt file.

Option 7 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Install the SIM card, turn on Android and get to entering your Google account
  2. From another phone we call the installed Sim in a locked Android, accept the call, hold the center key until Google Now appears, end the call from another device
  3. Click on the button Back, enter the word “settings” in the search bar and go to them
  4. Next, move to the “restore and reset” section and disable all the checkboxes and reset Android settings

Option 8 bypass Google account after reset

Option 9 bypass Google account after reset

For this method you need to have:

  • Ability to install an SD card
  • Download and transfer the file to the memory card

Then put Android into Recovery mode and flash the file.

Option 10 bypass Google account after reset

  1. Connecting to Wi-FI
  2. When the network check starts, go back
  3. We choose another Wi-FI network, no matter which one
  4. In the password entry field, type absolutely any characters, then select them, and click on the three dots (additional menu) and “Show hints”
  5. In Google we write “SETTINGS” and open the phone settings
  6. Next, select “Restore and reset” -> “Reset DRM licenses”
  7. We return to the Wi-Fi connection, connect and enter a new account

Option 11 reset FRP. For Xiaomi

  1. Choosing a language
  2. Select region (country of residence)
  3. Connect via Wi-Fi to the Internet
  4. Go back to the beginning using the back key
  5. Hold on the welcome page with 2 fingers until turned on. TalkBack
  6. Draw the letter L on the screen
  7. Select TalkBack settings
  8. Hold down the volume keys at the same time and turn off TalkBack
  9. Scroll to the bottom and select “Help Review”
  10. Start the video and go to YouTube (click the three dots when going)
  11. We find a video where there is a link in the description (almost all Android videos +1)
  12. Click on the link and then three dots, launch Chrome
  13. Login to Chrome, skip logging in
  14. We type in the search “ quickshortcutmaker «
  15. Download the found application
  16. Start installing the app > Allow apps to be installed
  17. Download the app again and install it
  18. Launch the application
  19. Turn on voice search and find Settings
  20. Select view
  21. Go to the settings menu "About phone"
  22. Press quickly seven times on the item “Miui Version” 7 times
  23. Go back
  24. Go to "Advanced Settings" > "For Developer"
  25. Select "factory unlock"
  26. Go back
  27. menu "Backup and reset" and perform a reset

Do you still have additional questions? Write them in the comments about what you did or vice versa!