How to call an ambulance from MTS: free phone number from a mobile phone. How to call an ambulance and the police from MTS? Emergency call from mobile

Every person, regardless of his age and status, should know short numbers that he can call in case of danger to his health and life. If a subscriber of the Motiv mobile office wants to call doctors, then he should become more familiar with how to do it correctly.

No one has a 100% guarantee that they will live healthy until the end of their days and will never end up in the hospital. This is the exception rather than the rule. It is because of this that absolutely every person who owns a modern cellular gadget should know how to call doctors for help.

It is possible to contact medical specialists using a short number, and the rules for dialing it within the network of each mobile office are different. If the consumer has joined the operator indicated above, then information on how to call an ambulance from Motive will be extremely useful.

Possible options for contacting doctors

When asked how to call an ambulance using Motive, many people will answer that you just need to dial combination 03. In fact, this is a very serious mistake and many people make it, and then they are also indignant that they were not able to turn to professionals at the right time. There is a chance to call an ambulance if the subscriber uses slightly different numerical combinations, and which ones should be discussed in more detail.

Standard voice command

How to call an ambulance from Motive and what to say to qualified personnel should be explained even to small children. A standard call to the presented service from a cell phone will be of this nature and will be performed according to the following algorithm:

  • click on the icon displaying the menu for dialing subscriber contacts;
  • command task 903 is typed;
  • a call is made to the number indicated above;
  • You should clearly and without panic state your address and indicate exactly what the problem is.

According to this simple principle, anyone can call doctors from their mobile phone to provide the first necessary aid.

The main thing is to accurately describe the patient’s condition so that the medical staff can correctly navigate when choosing the right car, equipped to meet the needs of a person with a certain type of problem.

A room for all occasions

You can easily call an ambulance from Motiv using a universal number that is valid for all emergency patrols. You can call a toll-free line of this type using the following method:

  • On the physical or touch keyboard of the gadget, enter the command 112;
  • press the standard voice connection button;
  • press key three, because it is under it in the voice menu that the ambulance is hidden;
  • wait for the connection with the dispatcher and correctly explain the situation.

An ambulance is dialed from your mobile phone almost instantly, and then everything depends only on the reaction of the team of doctors on duty.

It’s worth remembering carefully how to call an ambulance from Motiv, so that at the right moment no panic interferes with this action. You can make calls without money in your account, even if your smartphone is locked; the system allows you to enter emergency numbers and allows you to make calls.

The main number for calling emergency medical services in Moscow is number 103 (call from landline and mobile phones).

In addition, there is number 112 - calls from mobile phones; works when the SIM card is blocked, in the absence of a SIM card, and also in the absence of funds on the phone account. Operators respond in both Russian and English.

If you only have health problems, call 103 - we will help.

Calling the state emergency medical service is free.

What to tell the dispatcher

There is basic information that the dispatcher will need when receiving a call. As a rule, the connection with operator “103” occurs within a few seconds, however, by calling “103” during the hours of mass calls, you can hear the answering machine information: “Hello. You have called the Unified Dispatch Center for Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services of the city Moscow, please do not hang up, we will definitely answer you." If this happens, you must wait for the operator’s response.

After the operator has answered you, provide the following information:

- What's happened(answer as fully as possible to the questions that the ambulance dispatcher will ask you).

This will help determine which team (ambulance or emergency care) you need at the moment, or whether a doctor’s consultation over the phone is sufficient;

- phone number, from which you are calling;

-address where the patient is located(if the patient is on the street, it is necessary to indicate clear landmarks; in cases of a call to an apartment, indicate: the place of the closest entrance to the house, entrance number, floor, intercom code);

- last name, first name, patronymic(if known);

- date of birth or age of the patient(if known);

- caller's last name

Clear and complete answers to these questions will help the ambulance team quickly reach the sick or injured person. You should indicate the access routes to your home if they are difficult (road repairs, for example). If the incident did not occur in the apartment, then the exact landmarks and access routes should be indicated! If possible, organize a meeting for the arriving brigade and indicate where and who will meet the brigade.

After the dispatcher checks the address and phone number again (the dispatcher must specify the Moscow district to eliminate errors), then he will inform you which team has been sent to you (ambulance or emergency medical care) or will switch you to the doctor at the advisory console to clarify the situation.

How quickly will the ambulance arrive?

After receiving a call to Service 103 and instantly processing the request at the Unified City Dispatch Center (USDC), the call is transferred to the ambulance or emergency medical team closest to the patient.

After you call “103”, the dispatcher will decide which team to send. In Moscow today, more than 1 thousand teams are on duty around the clock, ready for urgent departure. At the Station, in addition to line teams, there are specialized teams (pediatric, psychiatric and others).

For an emergency call, the regulated time of arrival of an ambulance does not exceed 20 minutes, while ambulances are dispatched to an emergency call if there are no emergency calls in the service area.

For the arrival of emergency medical teams, the standard is 120 minutes, but it should be noted that this is the maximum waiting time for the team. Today in Moscow, the average arrival time of emergency medical teams is usually 30-40 minutes.

The problem of accessibility and access of the ambulance team to the patient is one of the most important in our work. Ambulances are equipped with blue flashing lights and a specialized sound signal, which allows them to have priority on city highways.

However, not all road users treat the lights and sirens on properly. It is not uncommon for them to engage in “racing competitions” with ambulances, endangering the lives of ambulance workers, the patient in the vehicle, and their own lives.

When entering narrow alleys, our teams are faced with the problem of getting to the required address due to closely parked private cars. Vehicle owners need to think about preserving the right of way for ambulances or any other emergency services. Please consider this issue carefully.

Which brigade will respond to the call?

The responsibility for choosing the team that will be sent to the patient is the medical staff of the operational department, which receives and sorts calls according to the validity, urgency and profile of the teams. The main task of the operational department specialists is to understand where to send the ambulance team first. Thanks to callers' answers to questions, dispatchers also draw conclusions about the need to send a specialized team. As a result, the call may be assigned the status of emergency or urgent. If urgent assistance from the team is not needed, the caller is connected with a senior doctor who gives recommendations for treatment.

And other emergency services do not pose any difficulties for cell phone owners. In order to promptly help your loved one who is in a critical situation, you need to know how to call an ambulance from your mobile phone.

Everyone knows perfectly well how to call the emergency room since Soviet times. Set of simple numbers 03 allows you to quickly connect with the dispatcher and transfer a call to a medical team. But today there are several telecommunications companies operating in Russia (Beeline, MTS, Megafon, Tele2, and these are just the largest representatives), and they all have their own numbers for emergency calls. And they must be firmly remembered, because human life depends on it.

The easiest way to call an ambulance is to try dialing the combination 03* (numbers zero, three and an asterisk).

You can find out about the current numbers intended for calling doctors for subscribers of different operators below.

In Russia

All Russian mobile operators have introduced 3-digit numbers by which you can call an ambulance by mobile phone:

On some older phone models that do not support speed dialing, you will need to add an asterisk at the end of the number. Like this: 103*. All companies do not charge their subscribers for such calls. Alternatively, you can use the number

Single to call any emergency service. Everyone knows the American 911 rescue service, so the number indicated above is a similar service.

Calls to a single number are possible even if the money in your personal account has run out, your cell phone does not have a SIM card or it is inactive. When you call 112, the signal is sent to a satellite, which finds the nearest ambulance station to the subscriber. Next, a connection occurs with the dispatcher of this point. This operating principle allows you to call the necessary specialists as quickly as possible.

How to call an ambulance from a cell phone abroad?

To call rescue services in the European Union, you should use a single number 112. It also operates in Ukraine and Belarus. In these countries, as well as Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Mongolia, the number 103 is used to call an ambulance. In other countries, the ambulance is called by the following numbers:

  • - Bulgaria;
  • - Georgia;
  • - Poland;
  • - Croatia;
  • - Hungary;
  • - Moldova;
  • - Romania;
  • - Czech Republic;
  • - USA, Canada (a single number is also used here);
  • - Iran;
  • - Japan, Korea;
  • - Israel;
  • - Afghanistan.

How to call an ambulance correctly?

Which allow you to call an ambulance from your mobile phone, you also need to know how to act correctly so that help arrives as quickly as possible. First of all, you need to report the gender and approximate age of the victim. If several people need help, you need to indicate their number. It should be remembered that each outfit is designed for only 1 victim.

If the incident happened at home, you must indicate the address, entrance and intercom number. If the exact address cannot be specified, landmarks should be provided. You also need to tell who the person who called the team is and provide your phone number. To later quickly find out about the fate of the victim, you can write down the brigade number.